Kishor Bombe-005 RAWE Week-4

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From 19/07/2021 To 24/07/2021

1. Name of the student : Kishor Baban Bombe

2. Registration No : ABN.2018/005
3. Name of the college : CABM,Narayangaon
4. Name of the Village : Pimparkhed
5. Name and address of farmer : A/P Pimparkhed, Tal-Shirur, Dist-Pune

Week days Date Abstract of work done
Monday 19/07/2021 I had Collect information on crop wise input used.
Tuesday 20/07/2021 I had collect information on crop wise input used.
Wednesday 21/07/2021 I had collect information on crop wise input used.
Thursday 22/07/2021 I had collect information on crop wise input used.
Friday 23/07/2021 I had collect information on crop wise input used.
Saturday 24/07/2021 Submission

6. New experience gained during this week: I Knows how to calculate crop wise input.
7. Time absent during the week and reason for absence Day: - Hours
8. Comments of the advisory committee:

9. Date of receipt of the diary by the Chairman of the advisory committee:

10. Date of communication of comments, if any to the student:

Sign. of Student Sign. of ABS/SMS Sign. of Coordinate Sign. of Principal

1.Red Gram

Labour Record:

Name Of Crop: Red Gram Variety: Nirmal Season: Kharif Area: 0.56 Ha

Sr. Nature of Work Male Labour Female Bullock Pair Machines

No (Days) Labour (Hrs.) (Hrs.)
. (Days)
Hired Family Hired Famil Hired Own Hired Own
1 Ploughing 1 3
2 Use of Rotavator 1 2
3 Formation of check
4 Application of manures 4 2
5 Sowing/Transplanting 8 1
6 Fertilizer Application 3 3
7 Weeding 17 2
8 Irrigation 2 1
9 Plant Protection 2
10 Harvesting 2 1 16 1
11 Grading And Bagging 2 7

Total 17 2 53 3 5
Average Rate/Unit 250 250 150 150 560
Value 4,250 500 7,950 450 2,800

Fertilizer Record (Crop Wise):

Name of Crop: Red Gram Variety: Nirmal Season: Kharif Area: 0.56 Ha

Sr.No. Name of Fertilizer Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Straight
1 Urea Kg 50 6 300
Total 300
B Mixed
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
C Complex
1 10-26-26 Kg 200 23 4,600
2 - - - - -
Total 4,600
D Water Soluble
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
E Micronutrients
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -

Other Material Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Red Gram Varirty: Nirmal Season: Kharif Area: 0.56 Ha

Sr.No Name Of Material Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value (Rs)

1 Seed Kg 1 350 350
2 FYM tons 4 1500 6000

Insectisides Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Red Gram Variety: Nirmal Season: Kharif Area:0.56 Ha

Sr.No. Name Of Insectisides Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Pesticides
1 Curacron (Syngenta) Lit. 2.5 750 1875
Total 1875
B Fungicides
C Weedicides
D Harmonal Spray
Crop Wise Input Used By Host Farmer:

Crop: Red Gram Variety: Nirmal Season: Kharif Area: 0.56 Ha

Sr. Item Of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty Rate Value Qty Rate Value
. (Rs) . (Rs)
1 Hired Human Labour
a)Male Days 17 250 4250 30 250 7500
b)Female Days 53 150 7950 95 150 14250
2 i)Hired Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
ii)Owned Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
3 i)Hired Machinary Used Hour - - - - - -
ii)Owned Machinary Used Hour 5 560 2800 9 560 5040
4 i)Seed Purchased Kg. 1 350 350 2 350 700
ii)Value of Owned Seeds Rs. - - - - - -
5 Manure Tons. 4 1500 6000 7 1500 10500
6 Fertlizers
i Straight Kg. 50 6 300 89 6 534
ii Mixed Kg - - - - - -
iii Complex Kg 200 23 4600 357 23 8211
iv Water Soluble Kg - - - - - -
v Micronutrients Kg - - - - - -
7. Insecticides
i Pesticides Lit. 2.5 750 1875 4 750 3000
ii Fungicides Lit. - - - - - -
iii Weedicides Lit. - - - - - -
iv Hormonal Spray Lit. - - - - - -
v Other Lit. - - - - - -
8. Irrigation Charges Rs. 11539.44 20,606.14
9. Incidental Charges Rs. 422.41 754.30
2. Bajara

Labour Record:

Name of the crop: Bajara Variety: Mahyco-204 Season: Kharif Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr. Nature of Work Male Labour Female Bullock Pair Machines

No (Days) Labour (Hrs.) (Hrs.)
. (Days)
Hired Family Hired Family Hired Own Hired Own
1 Ploughing
2 Use of Rotavator 1 1
3 Formation of check
4 Application of manures
5 Sowing/Transplanting 2 2
6 Fertilizer Application 1 1 1
7 Weeding 1 4
8 Irrigation 1 1 1
9 Plant Protection 1
10 Harvesting 1 15 3 3
11 Grading And Bagging 1 3

Total 6 5 24 3 6
Average Rate/Unit 250 250 150 150 1125
Value 1500 1250 3600 450 6750

Fertilizer Record:

Name of the Crop: Bajara Variety: Mahyco-204 Season: Kharif Area:0.74 Ha

Sr.No. Name of Fertilizer Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Straight
1 Urea Kg 100 6 600
Total 600
B Mixed
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
C Complex
1 10-26-26 Kg 100 23 2300
2 - - - - -
Total 2300
D Water Soluble
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
E Micronutrients
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -

Other Material Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Bajara Varirty: Mahyco-204 Season: Kharif Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr.No Name Of Material Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value (Rs)

1 Seed Kg 9 103.33 929.97
2 FYM tons - - -

Insectisides Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Bajara Variety: Mahyco-204 Season: Kharif Area:0.74 Ha

Sr.No. Name Of Insectisides Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Pesticides
1 Tafgor (Rogor) Lit. 2 750 1500
Total 1500
B Fungicides
C Weedicides
D Harmonal Spray
Crop Wise Input Used By Host Farmer:

Crop: Bajara Variety: Mahyco-204 Season: Kharif Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr. Item Of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty Rate Value Qty Rate Value
. (Rs) . (Rs)
1 Hired Human Labour
a)Male Days 6 250 1500 8 250 2000
b)Female Days 24 150 3600 32 150 4800
2 i)Hired Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
ii)Owned Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
3 i)Hired Machinary Used Hour - - - - - -
ii)Owned Machinary Used Hour 6 1125 6750 8 1125 9000
4 i)Seed Purchased Kg. 9 103.33 929.97 12 103.33 1239.96
ii)Value of Owned Seeds Rs. - - - - - -
5 Manure Tons. - - - - - -
6 Fertlizers
i Straight Kg. 100 6 600 135 6 810
ii Mixed Kg - - - - - -
iii Complex Kg 100 23 2300 135 23 3105
iv Water Soluble Kg - - - - - -
v Micronutrients Kg - - - - - -
7. Insecticides
i Pesticides Lit. 2 750 1500 3 750 2250
ii Fungicides Lit. - - - - - -
iii Weedicides Lit. - - - - - -
iv Hormonal Spray Lit. - - - - - -
v Other Lit. - - - - - -
8. Irrigation Charges Rs. 16203.91 21,897.17
9. Incidental Charges Rs. 558.18 754.29
3. Jowar

Labour Record:

Name of the crop: Jowar Variety: Advanta537 Season: Rabi Area: 0.56 Ha

Sr. Nature of Work Male Labour Female Bullock Pair Machines (Hrs.)
No (Days) Labour (Hrs.)
. (Days)
Hired Family Hired Family Hired Own Hired Own
1 Ploughing 1 2
2 Use of Rotavator 1 2
3 Formation of check
4 Application of manures
5 Sowing/Transplanting 4 2
6 Fertilizer Application 4
7 Weeding 2 2
8 Irrigation 4
9 Plant Protection 2 1
10 Harvesting 11 2
11 Grading And Bagging 5

Total 32 1 4 2 6
Average Rate/Unit 250 250 150 120 1033.33
Value 8000 250 600 300 6200

Fertilizer Record:

Name of the Crop: Jowar Variety: Advanta-537 Season: Rabi Area:0.56 Ha

Sr.No. Name of Fertilizer Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Straight
1 Urea Kg 100 6 600
Total 600
B Mixed
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
C Complex
1 20:20:00 Kg 100 32 3200
2 - - - - -
Total 3200
D Water Soluble
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
E Micronutrients
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -

Other Material Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Jowar Varirty: Advanta-537 Season: Rabi Area: 0.56 Ha

Sr.No Name Of Material Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value (Rs)

1 Seed Kg 7.5 106.66 800
2 FYM tons - - -

Insectisides Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Jowar Variety: Advanta-537 Season: Rabi Area:0.56 Ha

Sr.No. Name Of Insectisides Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Pesticides
1 Cyper Methrin Lit. 1 300 300
Total 300
B Fungicides
C Weedicides
D Harmonal Spray
Crop Wise Input Used By Host Farmer:

Crop: Jowar Variety: Advanta-537 Season: Rabi Area: 0.56 Ha

Sr. Item Of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty Rate Value Qty Rate Value
. (Rs) . (Rs)
1 Hired Human Labour
a)Male Days 32 250 8000 57 250 14250
b)Female Days 4 150 600 7 150 1050
2 i)Hired Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
ii)Owned Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
3 i)Hired Machinary Used Hour - - - - - -
ii)Owned Machinary Used Hour 6 1033.33 6200 11 1033.33 11366.63
4 i)Seed Purchased Kg. 7.5 106.66 800 13 106.66 1387
ii)Value of Owned Seeds Rs. - - - - - -
5 Manure Tons. - - - - - -
6 Fertlizers
i Straight Kg. 100 6 600 179 6 1074
ii Mixed Kg - - - - - -
iii Complex Kg 100 32 3200 178 32 5696
iv Water Soluble Kg - - - - - -
v Micronutrients Kg - - - - - -
7. Insecticides
i Pesticides Lit. 1 300 300 2 300 600
ii Fungicides Lit. - - - - - -
iii Weedicides Lit. - - - - - -
iv Hormonal Spray Lit. - - - - - -
v Other Lit. - - - - - -
8. Irrigation Charges Rs. 12,457. 22,244.96
9. Incidental Charges Rs. 422.41 754.30
4. Coriander:

Labour Record:

Name of the crop: Coriander Variety: Indori Season: Rabi Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr. Nature of Work Male Labour Female Bullock Pair Machines (Hrs.)
No (Days) Labour (Hrs.)
. (Days)
Hired Family Hired Family Hired Own Hired Own
1 Ploughing
2 Use of Rotavator 1 1
3 Formation of check
4 Application of manures
5 Sowing/Transplanting 4 2
6 Fertilizer Application 1
7 Weeding 1 28 1
8 Irrigation 2
9 Plant Protection 2 1
10 Harvesting 1 27 1
11 Grading And Bagging

Total 9 4 55 2 3
Average Rate/Unit 250 250 150 150 733.33
Value 2250 1000 8250 300 2200

Fertilizer Record:

Name of the Crop: Coriander Variety: Indori Season: Rabi Area:0.74 Ha

Sr.No. Name of Fertilizer Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Straight
1 Urea Kg 50 6 300
Total 300
B Mixed
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
C Complex
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
D Water Soluble
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
E Micronutrients
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -

Other Material Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Coriander Varirty: Indori Season: Rabi Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr.No Name Of Material Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value (Rs)

1 Seed Kg 60 100 6000
2 FYM tons - - -

Insectisides Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Coriander Variety: Indori Season: Rabi Area:0.74 Ha

Sr.No. Name Of Insectisides Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Pesticides
1 Shimbus Lit. 1 500 500
Total 500
B Fungicides
C Weedicides
D Harmonal Spray
Crop Wise Input Used By Host Farmer:

Crop: Coriander Variety: Indori Season: Rabi Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr. Item Of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty Rate Value Qty. Rate Value
. (Rs) (Rs)
1 Hired Human Labour
a)Male Days 9 250 2250 12 250 3000
b)Female Days 55 150 8250 74 150 11100
2 i)Hired Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
ii)Owned Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
3 i)Hired Machinary Used Hour - - - - - -
ii)Owned Machinary Used Hour 3 733.33 2200 4 733.33 2933.32
4 i)Seed Purchased Kg. 60 100 6000 81 100 8100
ii)Value of Owned Seeds Rs. - - - - - -
5 Manure Tons. - - - - - -
6 Fertlizers
i Straight Kg. 50 6 300 68 6 408
ii Mixed Kg - - - - - -
iii Complex Kg - - - - - -
iv Water Soluble Kg - - - - - -
v Micronutrients Kg - - - - - -
7. Insecticides
i Pesticides Lit. 1 500 500 1.35 500 675
ii Fungicides Lit. - - - - - -
iii Weedicides Lit. - - - - - -
iv Hormonal Spray Lit. - - - - - -
v Other Lit. - - - - - -
8. Irrigation Charges Rs. 18,923. 25,571.77
9. Incidental Charges Rs. 558.18 754.30
5. Groundnut:

Labour Record:

Name of the crop: Groundnut Variety: Vikram Season: Summer Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr. Nature of Work Male Labour Female Labour Bullock Pair Machines (Hrs.)
No (Days) (Days) (Hrs.)
Hired Family Hired Family Hired Own Hired Own
1 Ploughing 1 3
2 Use of Rotavator 1 3
3 Formation of check
4 Application of manures
5 Sowing/Transplanting 23 1
6 Fertilizer Application 2
7 Weeding 20 2
8 Irrigation 1 2 2
9 Plant Protection 1
10 Harvesting 30 1
11 Grading And Bagging

Total 5 3 73 6 6
Average Rate/Unit 250 250 150 150 1100
Value 1250 750 10,950 900 6600

Fertilizer Record:

Name of the Crop: Groundnut Variety: Vikram Season: Summer Area:0.74 Ha

Sr.No. Name of Fertilizer Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Straight
1 Ammonium sulphate Kg 50 24 1200
Total 1200
B Mixed
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
C Complex
1 10:26:26 Kg 100 50 5000
Total 5000
D Water Soluble
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
E Micronutrients
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -

Other Material Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Groundnut Varirty: Vikram Season: Summer Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr.No Name Of Material Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value (Rs)

1 Seed Kg 60 90 5400
2 FYM tons - - -

Crop Wise Input Used By Host Farmer:

Crop: Groundnut Variety: Vikram Season: Summer Area: 0.74 Ha

Sr. Item Of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty Rate Value Qty. Rate Value
. (Rs) (Rs)
1 Hired Human Labour
a)Male Days 5 250 1200 7 250 1750
b)Female Days 73 150 10,950 99 150 14850
2 i)Hired Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
ii)Owned Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
3 i)Hired Machinary Used Hour - - - - - -
ii)Owned Machinary Used Hour 6 1100 6600 8 1100 8800
4 i)Seed Purchased Kg. 60 90 5400 81 90 7290
ii)Value of Owned Seeds Rs. - - - - - -
5 Manure Tons. - - - - - -
6 Fertlizers
i Straight Kg. 50 24 1200 68 24 1632
ii Mixed Kg - - - - - -
iii Complex Kg 100 50 5000 135 50 6750
iv Water Soluble Kg - - - - - -
v Micronutrients Kg - - - - - -
7. Insecticides
i Pesticides Lit. - - - - - -
ii Fungicides Lit. - - - - - -
iii Weedicides Lit. - - - - - -
iv Hormonal Spray Lit. - - - - - -
v Other Lit. - - - - - -
8. Irrigation Charges Rs. 16,475. 22,264.63
9. Incidental Charges Rs. 558.18 754.30

6. Banana:

Labour Record:

Name of the crop: Banana Variety: G-9 Season: Perennial Area: 0.65 Ha

Sr. Nature of Work Male Labour Female Labour Bullock Pair Machines (Hrs.)
No (Days) (Days) (Hrs.)
Hired Family Hired Family Hired Own Hired Own
1 Ploughing and 1 1.3
2 Use of Rotavator 1 1
3 Formation of check
4 Application of manures 3 1
5 Sowing/Transplanting 5 1 15 1
6 Fertilizer Application 3
7 Weeding 12 1
8 Irrigation 2
9 Plant Protection 2 3 2 1
10 Harvesting
11 Grading And Bagging

Total 15 4 29 3 3.3
Average Rate/Unit 250 250 150 150 900
Value 3750 1000 4350 450 2970
Fertilizer Record:

Name of the Crop: Banana Variety: G-9 Season: Perrenial Area:0.65 Ha

Sr.No. Name of Fertilizer Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Straight
1 SSP Kg 900 6.6 5940
Total 5940
B Mixed
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
C Complex
1 10:26:26 Kg 200 30 6000
Total 6000
D Water Soluble
1 Urea Kg 400 6 2400
2 DAP Kg 300 25 7500
Total 9900
E Micronutrients
1 Chelated Kg 1.5 1000 1500
Total - - - 1500

Other Material Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Banana Varirty: G-9 Season: Perennial Area: 0.65 Ha

Sr.No Name Of Material Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value (Rs)

1 Plant Sets 2800 5 14,000
2 FYM tons - - -

Insectisides Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Banana Variety: G-9 Season: Perennial Area:0.65 Ha

Sr.No. Name Of Insectisides Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Pesticides
1 Proclaim Lit. 2 500 1000
Total 1000
B Fungicides
1 Bavistin Kg 0.5 600 300
2 Redomil Lit. 3 600 1800
Total 2100
C Weedicides
D Harmonal Spray

Crop Wise Input Used By Host Farmer:

Crop: Banana Variety: G-9 Season: Perrenial Area: 0.65 Ha

Sr. Item Of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty. Rate Value Qty. Rate Value
(Rs) (Rs)
1 Hired Human Labour
a)Male Days 15 250 3750 23 250 5750
b)Female Days 29 150 4350 44 150 6600
2 i)Hired Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
ii)Owned Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
3 i)Hired Machinary Used Hour - - - - - -
ii)Owned Machinary Used Hour 3.3 900 2970 5 900 4500
4 i)Plant Purchased sets. 2800 5 14,000 4307 5 21,535
ii)Value of Owned Seeds Rs. - - - - - -
5 Manure Tons. - - - - - -
6 Fertlizers
i Straight Kg. 900 6.6 5940 1384 6.6 9134.4
ii Mixed Kg - - - - - -
iii Complex Kg 200 30 6000 307 30 9210
iv Water Soluble Kg - - - -
i)Urea Kg 400 6 2400 615 6 3690
ii)Dap Kg 300 25 7500 461 25 11,525
v Micronutrients Kg 1.5 1000 1500 2 1000 2000
7. Insecticides
i Pesticides Lit.
i)Proclaim Lit. 2 500 1000 3 500 1500
ii Fungicides
i)Bavistin Lit. 0.5 600 300 0.7 600 420
ii)Redomil Lit. 3 600 1800 4 600 2400
iii Weedicides Lit. - - - - - -
iv Hormonal Spray Lit. - - - - - -
v Other Lit. - - - - - -
8. Irrigation Charges Rs. 47,997 73,841
9. Incidental Charges Rs. 490.3 754.30

Labour Record:

Name of the crop: Sugarcane Variety: 265 Season: Perennial Area: 0.65 Ha

Sr. Nature of Work Male Labour Female Labour Bullock Pair Machines (Hrs.)
No (Days) (Days) (Hrs.)
Hired Family Hired Family Hired Own Hired Own
1 Ploughing and 1 2
2 Use of Rotavator 1 1
3 Formation of check
4 Application of manures 1
5 Sowing/Transplanting 3 2 6 1 2
6 Fertilizer Application 4 2
7 Weeding 14 2 3
8 Irrigation 1 2
9 Plant Protection 2 1 1
10 Harvesting
11 Grading And Bagging

Total 12 8 20 4 8
Average Rate/Unit 250 250 150 150 800
Value 3000 2000 3000 600 6400

Fertilizer Record:

Name of the Crop: Sugarcane Variety: 265 Season: Perennial Area:0.65 Ha

Sr.No. Name of Fertilizer Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Straight
1 Urea Kg 300 6 1800
2 Potash Kg 200 16 3200
Total 5000
B Mixed
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
C Complex
1 18:46:00 Kg 200 25 5000
2 10:26:26 Kg 200 25 5000
Total 10,000
D Water Soluble
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
E Micronutrients
1 Zinc Kg 10 40 400
2 Ferrous Kg 10 30 300
Total - - - 700

Other Material Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Sugarcane Varirty: 265 Season: Perennial Area: 0.65 Ha

Sr.No Name Of Material Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value (Rs)

1 Sugarcane Bundles 130 90 11,700
2 FYM tons - - -

Insectisides Record (Crop Wise):

Name Of Crop: Sugarcane Variety: 265 Season: Perrenial Area:0.65 Ha

Sr.No. Name Of Insectisides Unit Quantity Rate/Unit Value(Rs)

A Pesticides
1 - - - - -
Total - - - -
B Fungicides - - - -
1 Bavistin Kg. 2 300 600
Total - - - 600
C Weedicides - - - -
1 Sencor Kg 1.2 1250 1500
2 24D Lit 3 330 990
3 Altrazine Kg 2 300 600
Total - - - 3090
D Harmonal Spray - - - -
1 - - - -
Total - - - -
Crop Wise Input Used By Host Farmer:

Crop: Sugarcane Variety: 265 Season: Perrenial Area: 0.65 Ha

Sr. Item Of Cost Unit Per Plot Per Hectare

No. Qty. Rate Value Qty. Rate Value
(Rs) (Rs)
1 Hired Human Labour
a)Male Days 12 250 3000 18 250 4500
b)Female Days 20 150 3000 30 150 4500
2 i)Hired Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
ii)Owned Bullock Labour Days - - - - - -
3 i)Hired Machinary Used Hour - - - - - -
ii)Owned Machinary Used Hour 8 800 6400 12 800 9600
4 i)Seeds Purchased Bundles 130 90 11,700 200 90 18,000
ii)Value of Owned Seeds Rs. - - - - - -
5 Manure Tons. - - - - - -
6 Fertlizers
i Straight
i)Urea Kg. 300 6 1800 461 6 2766
ii)Potash Kg 200 16 3200 307 16 4912
ii Mixed Kg - - - - - -
iii Complex
i)18:46:46 Kg 200 25 5000 307 25 7675
ii)10:26:26 Kg 200 25 5000 307 25 7675
iv Water Soluble Kg - - - - - -
v Micronutrients
i)Zinc Kg 10 40 400 15 40 600
ii)Ferrous Kg 10 30 300 15 30 450
7. Insecticides
i Pesticides Lit. - - - - - -
ii Fungicides Lit.
i)Bavistin Kg 2 300 600 3 300 900
iii Weedicides Lit. - - - - - -
i)Sencor Kg 1.2 1250 1500 1.8 1250 2250
ii)2-4-D Lit. 3 330 990 4 330 1320
iii)Altrazine Kg 2 300 600 3 300 900
iv Hormonal Spray Lit. - - - - - -
v Other Lit. - - - - - -
8. Irrigation Charges Rs. 46,697. 71,841.53
9. Incidental Charges Rs. 490.30 754.30

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