3 Formula, Chemical Equation and Calculations QP

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Chapter no.4: Formula, Chemical Equation and Calculation
1) May 2010 [31] Q (7_e)
(e) The titanium ore contains 36.8% iron, 31.6% titanium and the remainder is
(i) Determine the percentage of oxygen in this titanium compound.
percentage of oxygen = ........................................................................... % [1]
(ii) Calculate the number of moles of atoms for each element.
The number of moles of Fe is shown as an example.
number of moles of Fe = 36.8 / 56 = 0.66
number of moles of Ti = .....................................................................................
number of moles of O = ................................................................................ [1]
(iii) What is the simplest ratio for the moles of atoms?

Fe : Ti : O

……… ……… ………

(iv) what is the formula of this titanium compound?
....................................................................................................................... [1]
2) May 2010 [32] Q (8_c)
(c) A 5.00 g sample of impure lead (II) nitrate was heated. The volume of
oxygen formed was 0.16 dm3 measured at r.t.p. The impurities did not
decompose. Calculate the percentage of lead (II) nitrate in the sample.
2 Pb(NO3 )2 
 2 PbO + 4 NO2 + O2
Number of moles of O2 formed = .......................................
Number of moles of Pb(NO3)2 in the sample = .......................................
Mass of one mole of Pb(NO3)2 = 331 g
Mass of lead(II) nitrate in the sample = ....................................... g
Percentage of lead(II) nitrate in sample = ..................................... [4]
3) Nov 2010 [31] Q (8_b)
(b) 6.0 g of cobalt (II) carbonate was added to 40 cm3 of hydrochloric acid,
concentration 2.0 mol/dm3.
Calculate the maximum yield of cobalt(II) chloride-6-water and show that the
cobalt(II) carbonate was in excess.

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

Maximum yield
Number of moles of HCl used = .........................
Number of moles of CoCl2 formed = .........................
Number of moles of CoCl 2.6H2O formed = .........................
Mass of one mole of CoCl2.6H2O = 238 g
Maximum yield of CoCl2.6H2O = ......................... g [4]
To show that cobalt(II) carbonate is in excess
Number of moles of HCl used = ......................... (use value from above)
Mass of one mole of CoCO3 = 119 g
Number of moles of CoCO3 in 6.0 g of cobalt(II) carbonate = ..................... [1]
Explain why cobalt(II) carbonate is in excess ...................................................
.................................................................................................................................. [1]
4) Nov 2010 [32] Q (7_d)
(d) 20.0 cm3 of sulfuric acid, concentration 0.30 mol / dm3, was added to 40
cm3 of sodium hydroxide, concentration 0.20 mol /dm3.
2NaOH + H2SO4 
→ Na2SO4 + 2H2O
(i) How many moles of H2SO4 were added? .............................. [1]
(ii) How many moles of NaOH were used? .............................. [1]
(iii) Which reagent is in excess? Give a reason for your choice.
reagent in excess .......................................................................................... [1]
reason ................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) Is the pH of the final mixture less than 7, equal to 7 or more than 7?
....................................................................................................................... [1]
5) Nov 2010 [33] Q (5_b, i, ii, iii)
(b) Maleic acid is an unsaturated acid. 5.8 g of this acid contained 2.4 g of
carbon, 0.2 g of hydrogen and 3.2 g of oxygen.
(i) How do you know that the acid contained only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?
....................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Calculate the empirical formula of maleic acid.
Number of moles of carbon atoms = ................................
Number of moles of hydrogen atoms = ................................
Number of moles of oxygen atoms = ................................
The empirical formula is ................................................................................ [3]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

(iii) The mass of one mole of maleic acid is 116 g. What is its molecular formula?
....................................................................................................................... [2]
6) May 2011 [31] Q (5_d, iii)
(d) 20.0 cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide, 2.00 mol/dm3, was placed in a
beaker. The temperature of the alkali was measured and 1.0 cm3 portions of
hydroiodic were added. After each addition the temperature of the mixture
was measured. Typical results as shown on the graph

NaOH(aq) + HI(aq) 
 NaI(aq) + H2O(l)

(iii) In another experiment, it was shown that 15.0 cm3 of the acid neutralized
20.0 cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide, 1.00 mol/dm3. Calculate the
concentration of the acid

7) June 2011 [31] Q (6_c ii)

(c) Butanol reacts with ethanoic acid to form a liquid, X which has the sweet
smell of bananas. Its empirical formula is C3H6O and its Mr is 116
(ii) Give the molecular formula of liquid X

8) May 2011 [32] Q (7_b i)

(b) Phosphorus trichloride reacts with water to form two acids.
(i) Balance the equation for this reaction.
PCl3 + ........ H2O 
→ ....... HCl + H3PO3 [1]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

9) May 2011 [32] Q (8_a iii, iv)

8 Hydrocarbons are compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen.
(a) 20 cm3 of a gaseous hydrocarbon was burned in 120 cm3 of oxygen, which
is in excess. After cooling, the volume of the gases remaining was 90 cm3.
Aqueous sodium hydroxide was added to remove carbon dioxide, 30 cm3 of
oxygen remained. All volumes were measured at r.t.p.
(iii) Complete the following.
volume of gaseous hydrocarbon = ......................cm3
volume of oxygen used = ....................................cm3
volume of carbon dioxide formed = .....................cm3 [2]
(iv) Use the above volume ratio to find the mole ratio in the equation below
and hence find the formula of the hydrocarbon.
....... CxHy(g) + ....... O2(g) 
→ ....... CO2(g) + ...... H2O(l)
hydrocarbon formula = ................................................ [2]
10) Nov 2011 [31] Q (7_c)
(c) There are three possible equations for the thermal decomposition of
sodium hydrogencarbonate.
2NaHCO3(s) → Na2O(s) + 2CO2(g) + H2O(g) equation 1
NaHCO3(s) → NaOH(s) + CO2(g) equation 2
2NaHCO3(s) → Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g) equation 3
The following experiment was carried out to determine which one of the above
is the correct equation.
A known mass of sodium hydrogencarbonate was heated for ten minutes. It
was then allowed to cool and weighed.
Mass of sodium hydrogencarbonate = 3.36 g
Mass of the residue = 2.12 g
Mr for NaHCO3 = 84 g; Mr for Na2O = 62 g; Mr for NaOH = 40 g
Mr for Na2CO3 = 106 g
(i) Number of moles of NaHCO3 used = ............... [1]
(ii) If residue is Na2O, number of moles of Na2O = ...............
If residue is NaOH, number of moles of NaOH = ...............
If residue is Na2CO3, number of moles of Na2CO3 = ............... [2]
(iii) Use the number of moles calculated in (i) and (ii) to decide which one of
the three equations is correct. Explain your choice.
....................................................................................................................... [2]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

11) Nov 2011 [32] Q (6_c)

(c) Insoluble salts are made by precipitation. An equation for the preparation
of barium sulfate is given below.
BaCl2(aq) + MgSO4(aq) 
→ BaSO4(s) + MgCl2(aq)
This reaction can be used to find x in the formula for hydrated magnesium
sulfate MgSO4.xH2O.
A known mass of hydrated magnesium sulfate, MgSO4.xH2O, was dissolved
in water.
Excess aqueous barium chloride was added. The precipitate of barium sulfate
was filtered, washed and dried. Finally it was weighed.
Mass of hydrated magnesium sulfate = 1.476 g
Mass of barium sulfate formed = 1.398 g
The mass of one mole of BaSO4 = 233 g
The number of moles of BaSO4 formed = ............... [1]
The number of moles of MgSO4.xH2O = ............... [1]
The mass of one mole of MgSO4.xH2O = ............... g [1]
The mass of one mole of MgSO4 = 120 g
The mass of xH2O in one mole of MgSO4.xH2O = ............... [1]
x = ............... [1]
12) Nov 2011 [32] Q (7_c)
(c) An analysis of the compound, Pb(C2H5)n , showed that 0.026 moles of Pb
was combined with 0.104 moles of C2H5 groups.
What is the value of n? Show how you arrived at your answer.
....................................................................................................................... [2]
13) Nov 2011 [33] Q (7_a)
7 The alkenes are a series of unsaturated hydrocarbons. They have the
general molecular formula CnH2n.
(a) Deduce the molecular formula of an alkene which has a relative molecular
mass of 126. Show your working.
.................................................................................................................................. [2]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

14) May 2012 [31] Q (8_b)

b) A sample of rust had the following composition
51.85 g of iron 22.22 g of oxygen 16.67 g of water
Calculate the following and then write the formula for this sample of rust
number of moles of iron atoms, Fe =…………………….…….. [1]
number of moles of oxygen atoms, O = …………………..…… [1]
number of moles of water molecules, H2O = …………...…….. [1]
simplest mole ratio Fe : O : H2O is ….... : ….... : …..…… [1]
formula for this sample of rust is ………………………..……… [1]
15) May 2012 [32] Q (7_e)
(e) 0.01 moles of an alkene needed 2.4 g of oxygen for complete combustion.
2.2 g of carbon dioxide were formed. Determine the following mole ratio.

moles of alkene : moles of O2 : moles of CO2

………………. …………….. ……………….

………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ……………….

From this ratio determine the formula of the alkene.

....................................................................................................................... [3]
Write an equation for the complete combustion of this alkene.
....................................................................................................................... [1]
16) Nov 2012 [31] Q (2_c)
(c) Fluorine, the most reactive halogen, forms compounds with the other
halogens. It forms two compounds with bromine.
Deduce their formulae from the following information.
compound 1
The mass of one mole of this compound is 137 g.
Its formula is ................................. [1]
compound 2
0.02 moles of this compound contain 0.02 moles of bromine atoms and 0.1
moles of fluorine atoms.
Its formula is ................................. [1]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

17) Nov 2012 [31] Q (7_c)

Strontium chloride-6-water can be made from the insoluble compound,
strontium carbonate, by the following reactions.
SrCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) 
→ SrCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
SrCl2(aq) + 6H2O(l) 
→ SrCl2.6H2O(s)
(c) In the above experiment, 50.0 cm3 of hydrochloric acid of concentration
2.0 mol / dm3 was used. 6.4 g of SrCl2.6H2O was made.
Calculate the percentage yield.
number of moles of HCl used = ............................
number of moles of SrCl2.6H2O which could be formed = ............................
mass of one mole of SrCl2.6H2O is 267 g
theoretical yield of SrCl2.6H2O = ............................g
percentage yield = ............................% [4]
18) Nov 2012 [32] Q (5_d)
5 The food additive E220 is sulfur dioxide. It is a preservative for a variety of
foods and drinks
(d) Sulfur dioxide can also be made by the reaction between a sulfite and an
Na2SO3 + 2HCl 
→ 2NaCl + SO2 + H2O
Excess hydrochloric acid was added to 3.15 g of sodium sulfite. Calculate the
maximum volume, measured at r.t.p., of sulfur dioxide which could be formed.
The mass of one mole of Na2SO3 is 126 g.
....................................................................................................................... [3]
19) Nov 2012 [32] Q (7_a, i, ii)
7 The alcohols form a homologous series. The first member of this series is
methanol, CH3OH.
(a) (i) Give the general formula of the alcohols.
....................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) The mass of one mole of an alcohol is 116 g. What is its formula?
Show your reasoning.
....................................................................................................................... [2]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

20) Nov 2012 [33] Q (5_c)

(c) An organic compound has a molecular formula C6H8O4. It is an
unsaturated carboxylic acid. One mole of the compound reacts with two moles
of sodium hydroxide.
(i) Explain the phrase molecular formula.
....................................................................................................................... [2]
21) Nov 2012 [33] Q (6_c)
(b) Another hydride of arsenic has the composition below.
arsenic 97.4 % hydrogen 2.6 %
(i) Calculate the empirical formula of this hydride from the above data.
Show your working.
(ii) The mass of one mole of this hydride is 154 g. What is its molecular
....................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Deduce the structural formula of this hydride.

22) May 2013 [31] Q (7_b, c)
7 The hydroxides of the Group I metals are soluble in water. Most other metal
hydroxides are insoluble in water.
(b) The concentration of the hydrochloric acid was 2.20 mol / dm3. The
volume of acid needed to neutralise the 25.0 cm3 of lithium hydroxide was
20.0 cm3. Calculate the concentration of the aqueous lithium hydroxide.
LiOH + HCl 
→ LiCl + H2O
....................................................................................................................... [2]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

(c) Lithium chloride forms three hydrates. They are LiCl.H2O, LiCl.2H2O and
Which one of these three hydrates contains 45.9 % of water?
Show how you arrived at your answer.
....................................................................................................................... [3]
23) May 2013 [32] Q (8_a, b, c)
8 (a) Define the following
(i) the mole
....................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) the Avogadro constant
....................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Which two of the following contain the same number of molecules?
Show how you arrived at your answer.
2.0 g of methane, CH4
8.0 g of oxygen, O2
2.0 g of ozone, O3
8.0 g of sulfur dioxide, SO2
....................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) 4.8 g of calcium is added to 3.6 g of water. The following reaction occurs.
Ca + 2H2O 
→ Ca(OH)2 + H2
(i) the number of moles of Ca = ....................
the number of moles of H2O = .................... [1]
(ii) Which reagent is in excess? Explain your choice.
....................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) Calculate the mass of the reagent named in (ii) which remained at the
end of the experiment.
....................................................................................................................... [1]

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 _ Topic 4

24) May 2013 [33] Q (8_d)

(d) 20 cm3 of a hydrocarbon was burnt in 175 cm3 of oxygen. After cooling,
the volume of the remaining gases was 125 cm3. The addition of aqueous
sodium hydroxide removed carbon dioxide leaving 25 cm3 of unreacted
(i) volume of oxygen used = ............ cm3 [1]
(ii) volume of carbon dioxide formed = ............ cm3 [1]
(iii) Deduce the formula of the hydrocarbon and the balanced equation for the
....................................................................................................................... [2]
25) Nov 2013 [31] Q (4_c)
4 20.0 g of small lumps of calcium carbonate and 40 cm3 of hydrochloric acid,
concentration 2.0 mol / dm3, were placed in a flask on a top pan balance. The
mass of the flask and contents was recorded every minute.

(d) Calculate the maximum mass of carbon dioxide given off when 20.0 g of
small lumps of calcium carbonate react with 40 cm3 of hydrochloric acid,
concentration 2.0 mol / dm3.
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) 
→ CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

number of moles of HCl used =

mass of carbon dioxide = ................. g [4]


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