Developingoral Communication Skill Through Collaborative Learning

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Oral communication skill is use to speaking and listening these skill have used to
communicate idea before the development of writing system ability to master and use the skill
effectively influence one level of success in different life endeavors particularly in the current
area of globalization in NIGERIA for instance English is used as the official language and it has
been a compulsory course in ‘’Nigerian developing oral communication skill through
collaborative learning ,implication for Nigerian teacher by Muhammad Mukthar Aliyu.
Oral communication skill comprise listening and speaking skill [Ogunsiji 2004] they are
describe as the most important language skill because they are the commonest channels from
the most people encounter language and how o learn and interpret feeling or message the
student experience a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety when having to speak in a second or
foreign language and it’s many student’s feel nervous to speak English to teacher and peers for
fear of being commit error of grammar and pronunciation to develop oral communication skill
student need to participate in the classroom oral task [Derakhshan, Tahery, Mirarab 2015].
According to Vygotsky ,a novice child cognitive development arises in social interaction
with a more able member of society collaborative learning is described as an instructional
methodology that uses a small group of student of pair in classroom activities [Storch ,2002] it
develop oral communication skill by [Yager ,Johnson ,and Johnson 1985] various research have
identified numerous benefits of collaborative learning which include developing social skill,
psychological skill critical thinking skill and academic achievement by [laal, Ghodsi 2012 ] there
are some of the challenges faced by Nigerian student in acquiring speaking and listening skill it
provides opportunities for students to develop skills that are needed in today’s world through
group interactions while working with others [Imel ,1989 ,Kerka 1990] it promote mutual
interaction negotiations and sharing of expertise among learners [Yong,2010] student always
compete with one another instead of cooperating with one another to achieve success.
This paper highlights the benefits of collaborative learning which include the developing
student in oral communication skills, academic skill, social skill and other skill. Also these article
need to adopt the collaborative learning method in our classroom in order to develop students
in oral communication skill therefore the student should be assigned to work in pairs or
smaller group to help me another in or outside their classroom alternatively teacher should
engage the student and give them enough opportunity to actively participate in the classroom.

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