Beyond Isolation Senior Housing Competition Brief

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3 INTRODUCTION Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders)

12 THE PROJECT PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Architecture Competition Organisers
4 THE CHALLENGES OF THE POPULATION have prepared this document for
the purpose of arranging the
BEYOND ISOLATION: 14 CERTIFICATES Beyond Isolation: Senior Housing Competition



The concept and planning for this competition
11 THE COMPETITION SITE 17 REGISTRATION FEES have been developed solely by
17 DISCOUNTS FOR ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders)
18 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Architecture Competition Organisers.


© Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders)
20 PRESENTATION DELIVERABLES SET Architecture Competition Organisers
Buildner is proud to announce the launch of the Beyond
Isolation: Senior Housing Competition, an architecture
ideas competition dedicated to addressing the growing
isolation experienced by our aging population. This
competition invites architects, designers, and innovative
thinkers to develop unique housing systems that not only
provide shelter for elderly residents but also actively
integrate them into the social fabric of their communities.

© Ground Picture
The challenges of the
elderly population
The elderly population faces significant challenges in In addition to these personal struggles, the isolation of
terms of social isolation, which can have serious elderly individuals can have broader social consequences.
implications for their physical and mental well-being. As When seniors are disconnected from their communities,
people age, they often experience a decline in mobility they may be unable to access essential services, such as
and health, making it increasingly difficult for them to healthcare, transportation, and social support networks.
participate in social activities and maintain connections This can result in increased dependence on external
with friends and family. This can lead to a sense of assistance, placing a strain on families and social services.
loneliness and detachment, exacerbating feelings of Furthermore, the isolation of seniors can lead to a loss of
depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. valuable knowledge, wisdom, and experience that could
otherwise be shared with younger generations,
contributing to the overall health and vitality of the

Senior is sitting alone on the bench looking at city at evening © eldar nurkovic
The problem of isolation among the elderly is exacerbated
by factors such as urban sprawl, which can place seniors at
a distance from necessary amenities and services, as well
as the breakdown of traditional family structures and
social networks. As the global population continues to
age, it is crucial to address the issue of isolation among
seniors to ensure their well-being and continued
engagement in society. One way to tackle this challenge is
through the design of innovative housing solutions and
community spaces that promote social interaction and
accessibility for the elderly. By creating environments that
encourage connectivity, we can help to foster a sense of
belonging and reduce the feelings of isolation often
experienced by seniors.

Human face expressions, emotions, feelings © pathdoc

Innovative architectural solutions should consider not
only the physical aspects of housing but also the
integration of social and community-oriented features.
These may include shared spaces for leisure and
recreation, communal gardens, and opportunities for
intergenerational interaction, all of which can help to
facilitate social connections and create a supportive
community for seniors.

Road in the beautiful garden © Scorpp
By addressing the issue of elderly isolation through
thoughtful design and community planning, we can work
towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate
society that values the contributions and experiences of its
aging population. The Beyond Isolation: Senior Housing
Competition presents an opportunity for architects,
designers, and creative thinkers to be at the forefront of
this important endeavor, exploring new ways to promote
connection and engagement for seniors in their twilight

Father and son cook tasty dish together in home kitchen © fizkes

The competition
The Beyond Isolation: Senior Housing Competition is a Designs should be flexible and adaptable, catering to the
forward-thinking architecture ideas competition that aims diverse needs and lifestyles of the elderly population.
to address the pressing issue of elderly isolation by The incorporation of shared spaces, such as communal
encouraging the development of innovative housing gardens, leisure areas, and intergenerational activity
systems and community spaces. Participants are invited to centers, is highly encouraged, as these features can
create designs that not only provide comfortable and facilitate social connections and foster a sense of
accessible living spaces for seniors but also incorporate belonging among residents. Additionally, proposals
features and amenities that actively promote social should prioritize sustainability and energy efficiency,
interaction and integration within the community. minimizing the environmental impact of the housing
units while also reducing long-term operational costs.
By incorporating sustainable materials and innovative
To participate in this competition, architects, designers, construction techniques, participants can demonstrate
and creative thinkers are asked to select a site or location how affordable, eco-friendly senior housing can be
that would benefit from the introduction of a senior achieved without compromising quality or comfort.
housing project. The chosen site should take into
consideration factors such as accessibility, proximity to
essential services, and potential for revitalizing
underprivileged areas. The objective is to create a housing
solution that seamlessly integrates seniors back into the
fabric of the community, providing them with
opportunities for social engagement and support.

In this competition, the jury will be looking for designs Submissions will be evaluated based on their ability to
that push the boundaries of conventional housing and address the issue of elderly isolation, the adaptability and
community planning. Participants are encouraged to flexibility of the design to cater to diverse needs, the
explore unconventional ideas and reimagine the way incorporation of sustainable and energy-efficient features,
senior living spaces can be designed to combat and the overall aesthetic and innovation of the proposal.
isolation and encourage social interaction. The The Beyond Isolation: Senior Housing Competition
submitted proposals should not only focus on the presents a unique opportunity for architects, designers,
housing aspect but also on the additional and creative thinkers to make a real impact on the lives of
functionalities that can be integrated, such as retail seniors and contribute to the creation of more connected
shops, interest centers, and experience exchange hubs, and supportive communities for our aging population. By
all aimed at creating an inclusive and vibrant participating in this competition, you can be a part of the
community for seniors. solution to this pressing social issue and help pave the
way for a more inclusive and compassionate future.

The building program for the Beyond Isolation: Senior When developing the building program, participants
Housing Competition focuses on the development of a should consider the diverse needs and preferences of the
housing solution that caters to approximately 50 elderly population, taking into account factors such as
individuals. This number serves as a suggestion and

accessibility, safety, and adaptability. The proposed living
participants are free to propose more or fewer inhabitants, spaces should be designed to accommodate various levels
depending on their design concept and vision. of mobility, social preferences, and lifestyle requirements.
The competition encourages participants to think outside
the box and explore various living arrangements that best In addition to the housing component, participants are
Housing solution
address the needs of the elderly population while fostering encouraged to explore the integration of shared spaces and for 50 individuals
social interaction and community engagement. amenities that promote social interaction and community-
building. These may include communal dining areas,
As an ideas competition, participants have the creative activity centers, workshops, and outdoor recreational
freedom to propose a wide range of living arrangements, spaces, among others.
from individual housing units to communal living spaces or
a combination of both. The goal is to create a housing
solution that is not only comfortable and functional but
also innovative in its approach to combating isolation
among seniors.

The competition
The competition site for the Beyond Isolation:
Senior Housing Competition is open-ended, giving
participants the flexibility to choose a real or imaginary
location that aligns with their design concept. When
selecting a site, participants should consider factors
such as accessibility, proximity to essential services,
and the potential for revitalizing underprivileged areas.
The chosen site should demonstrate the potential to
enhance the lives of seniors by seamlessly integrating
them back into the community, providing ample
opportunities for social engagement and support. This
unique aspect of the competition encourages
participants to think critically about the site selection
process and its impact on the overall success of their
proposed senior housing solution.

Senior woman with mobility walker standing on her balcony © pikselstock
Project proposal
Site Selection: Sustainability and Energy Efficiency:
Choose a real or imaginary site that takes into account Incorporate sustainable materials, energy-efficient
accessibility, proximity to essential services, and systems, and eco-friendly design strategies to minimize
potential for revitalizing underprivileged areas. environmental impact and long-term operational costs.

Design Flexibility: Aesthetics and Innovation:

Propose adaptable living spaces that cater to diverse Push the boundaries of conventional senior housing
needs and preferences of the elderly population, design, proposing aesthetically pleasing and innovative
considering factors such as mobility, safety, and lifestyle solutions that challenge traditional ideas and
requirements. contribute to reshaping the future of senior living
Community Integration:
Create a housing solution that promotes social
interaction and community-building by incorporating
shared spaces, amenities, and other features that foster
a sense of belonging.

Monetary awards

Total prize fund

3 winning proposals, 2 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Buildner will award a total of 7,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:

1st Prize
3,000 €
1,000 € Cash prize +
50 € gift card
2nd Prize
1,500 € + 6 honorable mentions


3rd Prize
500 € Cash prize
1,000 €

Buildner will acknowledge the outstanding performance of all
winners with Certificates of Achievement.

Publicity campaign
All competition winners will be part of Buildner’s extensive global publicity campaign:


Results published on, – one of the Publications on Buildner’s social networks (over
leading websites in the industry, which is visited by 600,000 followers) and newsletter campaign (over
over one million unique visitors each year. 200,000 subscribers).


Exclusive interview published with the results and Competition winners will be granted an opportunity Competition results will get
shared on Buildner’s social networks. to submit a movie about themselves. The video will international art and design media coverage and will
be published on Buildner’s website and social be featured in the world’s leading architecture media
networks. outlets.

Competition schedule
Preliminary registration deadlines
Early Bird Registration
MAY 3 – JUNE 8 Closing date for registration
NOVEMBER 2, 2023
Advance Registration
Closing date for submission
Last Minute Registration DECEMBER 7, 2023 (11:59 p.m. LONDON TIME)
It is still possible to participate in this competition after the preliminary Announcement of the winners
deadlines, however, a higher late registration fee will be charged. FEBRUARY 15, 2024

Closing date for questions & answers

NOVEMBER 7, 2023
In order to guarantee equal opportunities to all
competition participants, no new questions will
be answered after this deadline!

Discounts for
Registration fees
architecture students
Buildner Architecture Competition Organisers would like to hear from
representatives of universities, schools, and colleges offering
Please find registration fees architecture/design studies.
listed at the competition website Contact us to receive special student rates for group registration
(discount applies for 3+ registrations from one university/school), as
well as further information and support to get your students involved
in architecture competitions.

Send us a request from your university email address along with basic
information about you and your university/school. Please note that
only recognized university staff can apply for the reduced student rate.

Buildner Architecture University rankings

Explore the Buildner's list of the world's 1000+ most competitive
architecture universities –

requirements Participants can choose and upload one
project preview image from their
presentation that best describes their project.

• Participants are required to upload four (4) A2 • No video files are accepted.
landscape-orientated presentation boards • All information provided in writing must be in English. • The project preview image would need to be at
(board must not exceed 10MB per jpg) with • All submissions must be uploaded via the least 2000x1680 pixels large, orientated
sketches, renderings, plans, sections, elevations, upload panel. Access horizontally, no more than 10 MB in size, and in
diagrams, and/or other presentation tools to information and instructions on how to upload the jpg/jpeg format.
explain their proposal. presentation board will be issued to participants via • The project preview image will be used for
email immediately after successful registration. promotional materials to showcase the project
• Presentation boards must not indicate any in case the project is selected as the winner.
information related to individual's/team's identity. • Please note: the competition jury will not see
up to 4 panels the selected project preview image.
Participants who do not comply with the requirements
will be disqualified without a refund.

• A cityscape or neighborhood view illustrating how the • Proposed plans, sections, and multiple internal and
proposal integrates with the surrounding urban or external perspectives illustrating the spatial quality of
suburban context, emphasizing the potential impact on shared spaces, amenities, and other community-focused
the community and the elderly population. features.

• Concept designs showcasing the high quality and • Explanation of the project's construction, materials,
innovative aspects of the proposed senior housing functions, management, and maintenance approach,
solution, in line with the design brief and the chosen site. addressing environment, energy efficiency,
sustainability, indoor environment, and logistics.
• Key points of proposed plans and sections, multiple
internal and external perspectives demonstrating the • Visualizations and artist's impressions showcasing the
spatial quality of the housing units, as well as overall design and its integration within the chosen site,
operational needs, accessibility requirements, and highlighting the proposal's potential to reconnect
adaptability for various lifestyle needs. seniors with their community and enhance their quality
of life.
• Demonstration of project feasibility with regard to the
environment, climate conditions, life cycle, responsible
use of materials, and long-term sustainability.

deliverables set
• Urban plan • Diagrams
• Street elevations • Circulation
• Primary sections • Public versus private space

• Primary floor plans • Lighting

• Landscaping
• Details:
• Transportation
• Envelope
• Energy systems
• Key materials
• Cityscapes/urban relationships
• Site or landscape
• Axonometrics providing information on building
systems or illustrating key architectural concepts
• Perspectives Please note the PRESENTATION DELIVERABLES SET
• Primary interior spaces listed above is a suggestion only. Participants can
• Primary site locations choose to use the entire list, a selection from it, or
propose a completely different set that would explain
their design in the most efficient manner.

For more than ten years, Buildner has analyzed and Participants are welcome to submit their competition
rated thousands of architecture competition project presentation draft panel/s before submitting it/them
submissions. Trust us when we say — the quality of your as a final competition entry for a preliminary review.
presentation is vital to convince a jury team of your
design intent, and there are several graphic and Within 1–3 days, our team will analyze your
representational factors that can make it or break it. presentation panel/s and rate them on predefined
We can help you make it right! criteria points, as well as add valuable written feedback
on how you can improve your final competition

Buildner can review your Find out more here –

presentation and give you valuable


The jury panel members list and biographies are Jury members shall under no circumstances be Buildner is committed to selecting the most qualified
published on contacted by competition participants or their industry professionals to comprise its jury panels. Jury representatives. Participants who attempt to contact panels consist of architects, in addition to professionals
jury members shall be disqualified. from other professional backgrounds that are relevant
Participants are advised to research both the working All competition-related communications should be to the competition topic, to guarantee the most
site and previous similar case studies as part of the carried out solely with Buildner staff. objective competition results.
design process. For each competition, 6–9 jury panel For any questions, please contact us at
members are selected. Buildner reserves the right to [email protected] You may find the invited jury list from previous
add/remove the jury panel members at any moment. competitions here –
The Beyond Isolation: Senior Housing Competition is an
ideas competition, which encourages participants to test
or redefine the boundaries of architecture. The jury may
choose to reward projects that show a high degree of
creativity, even if they breach competition guidelines,
as long as this is justified.

Tell the world
your story!
Video and interview
Shortly prior to the results announcement, selected Please note – both the interview and video submission
competition winners and honorable mentions will is OPTIONAL. However, we do recommend that all
be contacted and asked to answer a series of participants submit as much material as possible in
interview questions (in writing) and submit a video order to maximise the publicity and media attention
about themselves. These will be published with the their work will receive.
competition results.

There is a tight deadline to announce the winners

on time, therefore interview questions will need to
be returned within 2 days, and videos submitted
within 2 weeks of being requested. Hence, we
advise participants to consider ideas for their video
and answers to their questions in advance so that
Read more about:
they are able to submit the relevant material on
time. The interview –

The video submission –

Explore the movies received from Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders)

architecture competition winners and honourable mentions here -

© Halfpoint
Eligibility Media partners
The competition is open to all. No professional A full list of media partners who have committed to
qualifications are required. Design proposals can be present the competition winners in their publications
developed individually or by teams (4 team members can be found on

People who have direct personal or professional For potential media partners who are also interested in
relationships with jury panel members or organisers covering the present competition and its winners, please
may not participate in this competition. contact us at [email protected]

Competition press kit (in English) and banners are

available on

Full Competition Terms & Conditions: © Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders) [email protected] Architecture Competition Organisers

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