Assignment 1

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ACEE227 – Assignment#1 Miguel Sanchez Hernandez

1. At a temperature of 100℃ and an absolute pressure of 500 kPa, what is the ratio of the
density of water to the density of air, 𝜌𝑤/𝜌𝑎?
In a table of the compressed-water properties
we can find the density of the water at 100ºC
and 500 kPa (equal to 5 bar).
In this case: 𝜌𝑤=958.58 kg/m3
Now, let’s find out the density of air in those
conditions. We will use the Ideal Gas Law:
PV=nRT, and the density Law: 𝜌=M/V.
We get that: 𝜌=PM’/RT, where M’ is the molar
mass (in the case of the air is 0,02896 kg/mol)
R is the gas constant: 0,0831 m3*bar/(K*mol)
So, 𝜌𝑎=0,004671 kg/m3
𝜌 𝑤 /𝜌 𝑎 =205219,439

Image 1 - Compressed-water properties 1

2. Find the primary dimensions of each of the following terms.

a. (𝜌𝑉 2)/2 (kinetic pressure), where 𝜌 is fluid density and 𝑉 is velocity
𝜌 [M/L3]
V2 [L2/T2]
Kinetic pressure = [M/(L*T 2)]
b. 𝑇 (torque)
Torque = Force*Distance
Force = Mass*Acceleration = [M]*[L/T2]
Torque = [M]*[L/T 2]*[L] = [M*L 2/T2]
c. 𝑃 (power)
Power = Work / Time
Work = Force*Distance = [M*L2/T2]
Time = [T]
Power = [M*L2/T3]
d. (𝜌𝑉 2𝐿)/𝜎 (Weber number), where 𝜌 is fluid density, 𝑉 is velocity, 𝐿 is length, and 𝜎 is
surface tension
Weber number = ρV2L / σ
Weber number = [M/L3] * [L2/T2] * [L] / [M/T2]
Weber number = dimensionless

ACEE227 – Assignment#1 Miguel Sanchez Hernandez

3. Find the primary dimensions of each of the following terms.

a. ∫𝐴 𝜌𝑉 2𝑑𝐴, where 𝜌 is fluid density, 𝑉 is velocity, and 𝐴 is area.
∫𝐴 𝜌𝑉 2𝑑𝐴 = 𝜌𝑉 2A = [M/L3] * [L2/T2] * [L2]
b. 𝑑/𝑑𝑡 ∫∀ 𝜌𝑉𝑑∀, where 𝑑/𝑑𝑡 is the derivative with respect to time, 𝜌 is density, and ∀ is
𝑑/𝑑𝑡 ∫∀ 𝜌𝑉𝑑∀ = 𝜌𝑉/t = [M/L3] * [L3/T]
𝑑/𝑑𝑡 ∫∀ 𝜌𝑉𝑑∀ = [M/T]

4. Kinematic viscosity (select all that apply)

a. is another name for absolute viscosity
b. is viscosity/density
c. is dimensionless because forces are canceled out
d. has dimensions of 𝐿 2/𝑇
e. is only used with compressible fluids

5. Suppose that glycerin is flowing (𝑇 = 20℃) and that the pressure gradient 𝑑𝑝/𝑑𝑥 is −1.6
kN/m3. What are the velocity and shear stress at a distance of 12 mm from the wall if the
space B between the walls is 5.0 cm? What are the shear stress and velocity at the wall? The
velocity distribution for viscous flow between stationary plates is

1) Velocity for y=0,012 m.

uy=0,012= (-0,3356)*(-1600)*(0,000456)=0,249 m/s2

2) Shear stress for y=0,012 m

for Newtonian fluid: τ = µ du/dy
du/dy = -dp/2µdx * (B-2y)
τ=-dp/2dx * (B-2y)
τy=0=(-0,5)*(-1600)*(0,026)= 20,8 N/m2

3) Velocity at the wall: y = 0. So uy=0=0

4) Shear stress for y=0 m

for Newtonian fluid: τ = µ du/dy
du/dy = -dp/2µdx * (B-2y)
τ=-dp/2dx * (B-2y)
τy=0=(-0,5)*(-1600)*(0,05)=40 N/m2

ACEE227 – Assignment#1 Miguel Sanchez Hernandez

6. This problem involves a cylinder falling inside a pipe that is filled with oil, as depicted in
the figure. The small space between the cylinder and the pipe is lubricated with an oil film
that has viscosity 𝜇. Derive a formula for the steady rate of descent of a cylinder with weight
𝑊, diameter 𝑑, and length 𝑙 sliding inside a vertical smooth pipe that has inside diameter 𝐷.
Assume that the cylinder is concentric with the pipe as it falls.
Use the general formula to find the rate of descent of a cylinder
100 mm in diameter that slides inside a 100.5 mm pipe. The
cylinder is 200 mm long and weighs 15 N. The lubricant is SAE
20W oil at 10℃.

As it is a steady movement: SF=0

Friction Force – W = 0
Friction Force : F f
Ff = τ * A = µ*du/dy * πdl
du = V – 0
dy = (D-d)/2
Ff = (2µπdlV)/(D-d)
(2µ πdlV)/(D-d) – W = 0
V = W(D-d) / (2µπdl)

Now, we substitute:
V = 15*(0,1005-0,1) / (2*µ*π*0,1*0,2) = 0,597 / µ [m/s] *
*I couldn’t find the dynamic viscosity of SAE 20W at 10ºC

7. A student in the laboratory plans to exert a vacuum in the head space above a surface of
water in a closed tank. She plans for the absolute pressure in the tank to be 10,400 Pa. The
temperature in the lab is 20℃. Will water bubble into the vapor phase under these
According with the book, the vapor pressure of water at 20ºC: 2340 N/m2 = 2340 Pa
As the tank pressure will be 10400 Pa: P>Pv it will be impossible to boil for the water under
these circumstances.

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