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An investigation was carried out to study the effect of light on the mammalian retina.

Part of the retina of a young rat was removed and kept in the dark for two hours. This
allowed the pigment in the rod cells to recover from bleaching caused by exposure
to light.

When the retina had recovered from bleaching, the resting potential of the
bipolar neurones in the retina was found to be -43 mV.

The retina was then exposed to a range of light intensities. Each light
intensity caused the bipolar neurones to depolarise. The peak voltage of the
depolarisation for each light intensity was recorded.

All other variables were kept constant.

The investigation used retinas from an additional 14 rats.

The mean results are shown in the table below.

(i)  Using the information in the table, describe the effect of light intensity on the
mean peak voltage of depolarisation.






(ii)  Suggest an explanation for the effect of light intensity on the mean peak
voltage of depolarisation in these neurones.














The effect of being shown a cheeseburger on saliva production in a child was studied.

When the child was shown the cheeseburger, information would have been sent
from the eye to the brain.

Describe the role of sodium ions in the functioning of a mammalian rod cell.











(Total for question = 3 marks)

The diagram shows part of the membrane of the outer segment of a rod cell.

(a)  Which of the following is the part labelled L?

   A    fatty acid tail

   B    phosphate head

   C    phospholipid

   D    phospholipid bilayer

(b)  (i)  Give the name of the visual pigment labelled M.

(ii)  Give the name of the light-absorbing part of the visual pigment labelled N.

(c)  Describe how the absorption of light by the part labelled N results in an action potential in the optic












(Total for question = 6 marks)

Rod cells in the eye are linked to the brain by neurones.

(a)  Place a cross in the box to identify the answer that correctly completes each statement.

(i)  The pigment in a rod cell is made of opsin and

   A    retina

   B    retinal

   C    retine
   D    retinol

(ii)  When light stimulates a rod cell the pigment changes.

This pigment is
   A    iodopsin

   B    phytochrome far red

   C    phytochrome red

   D    rhodopsin

(iii)  Once the pigment has changed, the concentration of sodium ions inside the rod cell
   A    decreases

   B    does not change

   C    increases

   D    reaches equilibrium with the outside of the cell

(iv)  After changing, the pigment takes time to become functional again. This is because
   A    it has to bleach

   B    the membrane has to be polarised

   C    the rod cell needs to reset

   D    two components have to be rejoined

(v)  The cell that links a rod cell to a sensory neurone is

   A    a bipolar neurone

   B    a multipolar neurone

   C    a unipolar neurone

   D    an optic nerve

(b)  Decreasing the intensity of light entering the eye causes pupil dilation. Describe the roles of the
circular and radial muscles in pupil dilation.




(Total for Question = 7 marks)

The retina of the eye is sensitive to light. It contains rod cells.

The diagram below shows a rod cell. Parts of this cell are labelled A, B, C and D.

(a)  The table below gives three descriptions of parts of the rod cell. Place a cross in the box to identify
the part of the rod cell described.

(b)  When light reaches a rod cell the voltage across the cell surface membrane can change. This can
lead to the formation of an action potential in an optic neurone.
(i)  Describe how light causes a change in the voltage across the cell surface membrane of a rod cell.










(ii)  Suggest why a change in voltage across the cell surface membrane of a rod cell may not lead to the
formation of an action potential in an optic neurone.








(Total for Question = 9 marks)

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