M7 Q1 W1

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ABUNDANCE 9:50-10:50AM
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST/W1
AMBITION 2:00-3:00PM

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4


1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.
2. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
3. Learning Competencies/ The learner describes well- The learner describes well- The learner illustrates the The learner illustrates the
defined sets, subsets, defined sets, subsets, union and intersection of union and intersection of
Objectives universal sets, and the null universal sets, and the null sets and the difference of sets and the difference of
set and cardinality of sets. set and cardinality of sets. two sets. two sets.
(M7NS-Ia-1) (M7NS-Ia-1) (M7NS-Ia-2) (M7NS-Ia-2)
a. Describe well-defined sets, a. Describe well-defined a. Describe and define a. Describe and define
and null set sets, and null set union and intersection of union and intersection
b. Identify the elements, b. Identify the elements, sets of sets
subsets and cardinality of subsets and cardinality of b. Find the union / b. Find the union /
a set. a set. intersection of sets intersection of sets
c. Appreciate the importance c. Appreciate the importance c.Use Venn diagrams to c. Use Venn diagrams to
of sets of sets represent the union and represent the union
. intersection of sets and intersection of
d. Value accumulated sets
knowledge as means of d. Value accumulated
new understanding knowledge as means
of new understanding
II. CONTENT Union and Intersection Union and Intersection
Sets: An Introduction Sets: An Introduction
of Sets of Sets

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 1 - 7 pp. 1 - 7 pp. 8 – 14 pp. 8 - 14

2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 1 - 3 pp. 1 - 3 pp. 5 – 8 pp. 5 - 8

3. Textbook pages Patterns and Practicalities on

-e-math Work text in -e-math Work text in
G7- Math pages: 5-10 Gladys
Mathematics 7, pages 6-8 by Mathematics 7, pages 6-8 by
Patterns and Practicalities on Orlando Oronce and Marilyn Orlando Oronce and Marilyn
-e-math Work text in
G7- Math pages: 5-10 Gladys Mendoza Mendoza
Mathematics 7, pages1-11 by
Nievera -Patterns and Practicalities on -Patterns and Practicalities on
Orlando Oronce and Marilyn
G7- Math pages: 10-12 G7- Math pages: 10-12
Gladys Nievera Gladys Nievera
4. Additional Materials from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ https://www.mathsisfun.com/ http:// http://
Learning Resource (LR) Set_(mathematics activity/subsets.html passyworldofmathematics.com/ passyworldofmathematics.com/
portal https://www.google.com.ph/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ venn-diagrams-introduction/ venn-diagrams-introduction/
search? Set_(mathematics https://www.google.com.ph/ https://www.google.com.ph/
q=favorite+cartoon+character&e https://www.google.com.ph/ search? search?
spv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&sour search? &biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch &biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch
ce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved= q=favorite+cartoon+character& &sa=1&q=PHILIPPINE+PRESI &sa=1&q=PHILIPPINE+PRESI
0ahUKEwjT5NiU4KHMAhWDpp espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&so DENTS&oq=PHILIPPINE+PRE DENTS&oq=PHILIPPINE+PRE
Q urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ve SIDENTS&gs_l=img.3...4601.1 SIDENTS&gs_l=img.3...4601.1
d=0ahUKEwjT5NiU4KHMAhW 5333.0.15961.50.27.0 5333.0.15961.50.27.0

B. Other Learning Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Cavite Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd
Resources / Materials Mathematics, 2016 Cavite Mathematics, 2016 Cavite Mathematics, 2016 Cavite Mathematics, 2016
Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint Presentation, Venn Powerpoint Presentation, Venn
pictures, activity sheets pictures, activity sheets diagrams, Pictures diagrams, Pictures


A. Reviewing previous Motivation Ask the students to find Answer the follow-up
lesson or presenting the each set: questions: Set A Set B
new lesson Below are some famous FAVORITE SUBJECTS
characters and places. 1. Odd numbers from 1 to Ana and Jay are talking Students who Students who
Which do you think does 10 about their favorite subjects likes likes MATH
NOT belong in each group? 2. Multiples of three from 1 ENGLISH subject
Why? to 10 subject
3. Even numbers from 1 to
20 Kim James

James Marianne

Angel Regine

Answer the following
1. Who among the students
preferred English? Give
the set.
2. Who among the students
preferred Math? Give the
3. Who among them
preferred both English
and Math?
4. What do you mean by
1. If we will combine all their
favorite subjects, what are
2. Is there a subject that they
both like? What is this?
3. Do you have your favorite
subjects too?

B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the students to look at the Which of the following sets Given the pictures below, Given:
the lesson objects below and answer the ff. are well-defined? answer the following Answer the following
questions: a. The set of all large questions: questions:
b. The set of all multiples of
c. The set of good writers
d. The set of nice people in
your class
a. Which objects belong
b. How many
numbers/elements are there
in each set?
Is there an object that belongs 1. Which of the following
to more than one group? shows the union of set A and
Which one? 1. Which of the following set B? How many elements
shows the combination of are in the union of A and B?
Based from the activity, set A and set B? How
answer the following many elements are there? 2. Which of the following
questions: shows the intersection of set A
a. Did you group the objects and set B? How many
correctly? elements are there in the
b. How many sets elements intersection of A and B?
are there in each set?
c. Can you give your own
examples of well-defined sets
and null set?
d. What is the importance of
sets in daily life?

2. What element/s contain/s in

both A and B How many
element/s is/are there?
C. Presenting examples/  A set is a collection of Recall: SETS Recall: Union and
instances of the lesson objects ,things or symbols which  A set is a collection of Intersection of Sets
are clearly defined .In the objects ,things or symbols
objects above the sets are; which are clearly defined .In
1. Set of school supplies 3. the objects above the sets are; The UNION of two or more
Set of things worn by girls 1. Set of school supplies 3. sets is the set that contains
2. Set of gadgets 4. Set of things worn by girls all elements of the sets. The
Set of things worn by boys 2. Set of gadgets 4. symbol for union is U. To find
The groups are called sets for Set of things worn by boys the union of two sets, list the
as long as the objects in the The groups are called sets for elements that are in either
group share a characteristics as long as the objects in the set, or in both sets. In the
and are thus, well defined. We group share a characteristics Venn diagram below,
have four well-defined sets in and are thus, well defined.
the objects above. We have four well-defined A U B is shaded.
 .The individual objects in a set sets in the objects above.
are called the members or  .The individual objects in a
elements of the set. Example: set are called the members or
three of the elements in set 1 elements of the set. Example: a.How will you describe the
belong to a set of school three of the elements in set 1 given diagram?
supplies (ruler, ballpen, and belong to a set of school b.How many sets are
notebook ).Can you name supplies (ruler, ballpen, and there? What are their
elements of other sets? The notebook ).Can you name elements?
symbol is used to indicate elements of other sets? The c. Is there a common
symbol is used to element/animal in both
that an The INTERSECTION of sets
object is an element or member indicate that an is the set of elements that
of the set. object is an element or are common to two or more
Union and Intersection of
 When we define a set,if we member of the set.
sets may be represented sets. The symbol for
take pieces of that set, we  When we define a set,if we
using Venn Diagrams. intersection is f. When you
can form what is called a take pieces of that set, we
These are diagrams that find the intersection of two
subset. For example, we can form what is called a
make use of geometric sets, list only the elements
have the set { 1,2,3,4,5}. subset. For example, we
shapes to show that are in both sets. The
A subset of this is have the set
relationships between shaded area below shows
{ 1,2,3,},another subsets are { 1,2,3,4,5}.
{ 3,4}, {2,3,5} or even { 1 }. A subset of this is
A ∩ B.
However, {1,6} is not a { 1,2,3,},another subsets
subset, since 6 is not in the are { 3,4}, {2,3,5} or even
parent set. { 1 }. However, {1,6} is not Intersection of Sets
A symbol for subset is ⊆ a subset, since 6 is not in .Universal set of Animals:
 The universal set U is the set the parent set.
E = Everything = { Fish,
that contains all objects A symbol for subset is ⊆
Eels, Platypus, Penguins,
under consideration .At the  The universal set U is the
Eagles, Bats }
start, “objects” is our set that contains all objects
universal set under consideration .At the We are going to use a Venn
. start, “objects” is our
 The null set is an empty set. universal set diagram to divide these
Example: If H is the set of . animals into the following
boys in an exclusive school  The null set is an empty
for girls, then H is called set. Example: If H is the set two sets:
empty set since there were of boys in an exclusive “Water Animals” and “Two Examples:
no boys in that school.The school for girls, then H is
null set is a subset of any called empty set since Legged Animals” . 1. A bouquet of flowers
there were no boys in that contains roses, gumamela,
set. The symbol or { } When we do this, we find and ilang-ilang. A second
school.The null set is a
will be used to refer to an subset of any set. The that Penguins belong in bouquet has roses, lilies,
empty set or null set. and daisies. Both bouquets
 The cardinality of a set is the symbol or { } will be both groups: are put in the same vase.
number of elements used to refer to an empty E = Everything = { Fish,
contained in that set. set or null set. Use union of sets to find the set
Example: In the objects The cardinality of a set is the Eels, Platypus, Penguins, of flowers in the vase.
given, the cardinality of set number of elements contained
Eagles, Bats }
of gadget is 3, set of things in that set. Example: In the first bouquet: B = {roses,
worn by boys is 2. The objects given, the cardinality of Water Animals={Fish, gumamela, ilang-ilang}
cardinality of a set A is set of gadget is 3, set of things second bouquet: S = {roses,
written as n(A). worn by boys is 2. The Eels,Platypus, Penguin} lilies, daisies}
Ask: cardinality of a set A is written Two Legged Animals = List the flowers that are in either
a. Did you group the as n(A). bouquet, or in both bouquets.
objects correctly? {Eagles, Bats, Penguins } B U W = {roses, gumamela,
b. How many sets This means that on our ilang-ilang, lilies, daisies}
elements are there in 2. Find the intersection of the
each set? Venn Diagram, we will need given pair of sets.
c. Can you give your own to have two overlapping
examples of well-defined E = {2,4,6,8,10} F=
sets and null set? circles, so that we can put {4,8,12,16}
d. What is the importance
Penguins inside both since 4 and 8
of sets in daily life?
circles. are in both sets.
Union of Sets
The union of two sets is
everything that is contained
within the two circles joined
It is the combined total of
the two sets, where each
item is only listed once.
For our Venn Diagram of
Two Legged Animals and
Water Animals, we have:
{ Two Legged Animals }
Union { Water Animals }
={ Fish, Eels, Platypus,
Penguins, Eagles, Bats }
Union is often written using
a big “U” symbol, or the
word “OR”
Guide Questions:

(Developmental Activity )
a. Who are the
personalities given in
Activity 1 in Set A? in
Set B?
b. Who is common in
both sets? Why?
c. How will you
differentiate union and
intersection of sets?
d. Can you give your own
real-life examples of
these sets?

D. Discussing new concepts Do what is asked: Identify the elements, subsets

and practicing new skills a.Is the given set well-defined? and cardinality of the given set Given: A = {a,e,i,o,u} 1. Given sets A and B:
#1 Justify your answer. below. B = {a,b,c,d,e}
1. {subjects in Grade 7 } Find:
Yes/No {mango, banana, guyabano, 1. A ∩ B
because avocado} 2. A U B
2. { popular actors } List No. of
Yes/No subsets
because Zero {}
__________________ element
b. Which of the following are One
empty sets and why? element
1. Triangles with four Two
sides. It is an empty element
set because _______ s
2. Pandas in the Three
Philippines .It is an element
empty set because s
_______ Four
3. Actors who are element
politicians. It is a set s
because ________ Total
c. Identify the elements, Determine which of the
subsets and cardinality of following shows (a) union of
the given set sets A and B; and (b)
C= { first five counting intersection of sets A and B.
Elements: 1,2,3,__,__ Set 1
Subsets: {1}, { 1,2},{ },{ } Ethan Molina
Cardinality: n( C)=__ Chris Clemente
Mayumi Torres
Joanna Cruz

Set 2
Mayumi Torres
Ethan Molina
Chris Clemente

Set 3
Mayumi Torres
Janis Reyes
Chris Clemente
Ethan Molina
Nathan Santos

Set 4
Ethan Molina
Chris Clemente
Mayumi Torres
Joanna Cruz
Janis Reyes
Nathan Santos

2. Given:
A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
B = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
C = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
Find the union and intersection
of each pair of sets. (A&B,
A&C, B&C)
Use the Venn Diagram.

E. Discussing new concepts Identify the elements, subsets Determine all the possible Let U= { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 }
and practicing new skills and cardinality of the given set. subsets of each set. A= { 2 ,4 ,6, 7, 8 }
#2 1. L = {letters of English alphabet a. {1,2} B= {1, 2, 3, 5, 7}
up to h} b. {1,2,3} a. Give A and
2. V = {all the vowels of English
alphabet} A
3. A = {all even numbers less
b. Place the elements of
than 10}
Using the diagram above, find: these sets in the
4. B = {all odd numbers less than
1. A U B proper locations in the
2. A ∩ B given Venn diagram on
3. A U C the right ( some
4. A ∩ C numbers are already

F. Developing mastery Complete the table by Answer each of the ff: Given: P= { 1,2,3,4,5,6,}, Answer the following:
(Leads to Formative determining whether the given 1. Is A a subset of B, where Q= {2,4,6,8 }, and R= {1,3,5} Let M= { f,a,i,t,h } ,
Assessment 3) set is well-defined, A = {1, 3, 4} and B = {1, 4, Find; a. P P= { i, s }, S= { g,r,e,a,t }
not well-defined or null set. If 3, 2}? Find;
well-defined, give the 2. Let A be all multiples of 4 b. P a. M
elements, three subsets and and B be all multiples of 2.
its cardinality. Is A a subset of B? And is c. P b. P
B a subset of A?
3. True or False. The empty d. Q
set is a subset of every e. Illustrate c. M
set, including the empty P using Venn diagram
set itself.
Set 4. Given the set {1, 2, 3, 4,
1.A={schooldays } 5}. A subset of this is {1, 2,
2.B={ baldmen with braided 3}. Another subset is {3, 4,
hair} 5, 6}.
3.C={wholenumbers less than 5. {1, 6} is not a subset,
five } since it has an element (6)
4.D={vowels in the which is not in the parent
alphabet } set.
5.E={ pretty girls}

G. Finding practical Do the following exercises. Write THINK-PAIR-SHARE: Determine A and A Given Venn diagram;
applications of concepts your answers on the spaces Do the following exercises: Find:
and skills in daily living provided: 1.Give 3 examples of well- 1. elements of U
1. Give 3 examples of well- defined sets and null sets 2. elements of A
defined sets in real life 2.Name 3 elements in each of 3. elements of B
situations. the given sets 4. A
a. { Municipalities in Cavite}
_____________________________ b. { Cellphone brands} 5. A
_____________________________ 3. Let B= { a,i,m }.List all the
_______________________ possible subsets of B.
2. Name two subsets of the set
of whole numbers. SET A
__________________________ Students who has Instagram
__________________________ Account
__________________________ Angel Valdez
_ Rachel Dy
Steph Torres
Cherry Cruz

Students who has Twitter
John Angon
Cherry Cruz
Angel Valdez
Phil Reyes

H. Making generalizations Terms to Notations Terms to Notations  The union of two sets  The union of two sets
and abstractions about are all the elements from are all the elements from
the lesson Remember and Symbols Remember and both sets. both sets.
Symbols Thus, the union of sets A Thus, the union of sets A
1. A set is a 1.Uppercase and B, written as A , is and B, written as A , is
well- letters will be 6. A set is a 1.Uppercase the set of the elements that the set of the elements that
defined used to name well- letters will are members of A,or are members of A,or
group of sets and defined be used to members of B ,or members members of B ,or members
objects, lowercase group of name sets of both A and B. of both A and B.
called letters will be objects, and  The intersections of two  The intersections of two
elements used to refer called lowercase sets are those elements sets are those elements
that share to any elements letters will that belong to both sets. that belong to both sets.
a common element of a that share be used to Thus, the intersection of Thus, the intersection of
characteris set. For a refer to any sets A and B , written as A sets A and B , written as A
tic. example, let common element of a
2. When a set M be the set characteri set. For is a set of elements is a set of elements
is of all objects stic. example, let
that are members of both A that are members of both A
contained on activity. 7. When a M be the set
and B. and B.
in another We write, set is of all objects
set B, M={ballpen,n contained on activity.
we say otebook,cray in We write,
that set A on and ruler}. another M={ballpen,
is a subset The symbol set B, notebook,cr
of set B we say ayon and
3. The is used that set A ruler}. The
universal to indicate is a symbol
set is the that an object subset of
set that is an element set B is
contains or member of 8. The used to
all objects the set universal indicate that
under set is the an object is
considerati 2 if .A is set that an element
on contains or member
a subset of
4. The null set all of the set
(or is
is an objects
empty set. included under
in) B, then 2 if .A is
The null considera
we write a subset of
set is a tion
(or is
subset of , 9. The null
any set. set is an included
5. The empty in) B, then
cardinality set. The we write
set is
of a set A denoted by null set is ,
is the U. a subset
number of of any 3.Universal
elements 4.The symbol set. set is
contained or { } will 10.The denoted by
in A. cardinality of U.
be used to a set A is the
refer to an number of 4.The
empty set or elements
null set. symbol or
contained in
A. { } will be
5.The used to refer
cardinality of to an empty
a set A is set or null
written as set.
cardinality of
a set A is
written as
I. Evaluating learning Answer each of the ff:. If K={ counting numbers from Given: F= { 0,1,2,3,4,}
1. Let B = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. 1-10}, L={consonants in word A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} G= { 2,4,6,8 }
List all the possible art }, and M= { whole B = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} H= {3,4,6,9 }
subsets of B. numbers between 9 and 10}; C = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} Find:
2. Answer this question: A. Which of the sets are well- Given the sets above, 1. F
How many subsets does defined? null set? determine the elements and
a set of n elements B. Find; cardinality of: 2. F H
have? 1. elements of K 1. A U B =
2. elements of M 2. A U C = 3. G
3. subsets of M
4. three subsets of L 3. A ∩ B = 4. F
5. cardinalities of all the 4. B ∩ C =
5. Illustrate F using
sets 5. A U B U C =
Venn diagram
J. Additional activities for Consider the sets: Given: Study: Operations of Sets
application or remediation A= {1, 3, 5,} A= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
B= {2,4,6, } Study: Union and Intersection B= { 2,4,6,8,10}
C= {0,1,2,3,4,……} of sets Find:
D= the odd numbers less than 1. A U B
7 2. A ∩ B
E= the whole numbers less
than 7
Answer the following;
_____a. Name the elements of
set A
_____b Name the elements of
set C
_____c. Is set D a subset of
set C? Why?
_____d. Is set C a subset of
set D? Why?
_____e. Which of the sets are
subsets of set C?



3. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment

4. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for remediation.

5. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.

6. No. of learners who

continue to require

7. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

8. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

9. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other



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