TEC 401 Microprocessor Systems Outline May 2023
TEC 401 Microprocessor Systems Outline May 2023
TEC 401 Microprocessor Systems Outline May 2023
Purpose: To develop an understanding of the Microprocessors and their application areas
At the end of this course a student should be able to:
1. Identify the role of microprocessors in microcomputer systems
2. Explain the different types of microprocessor operations
3. Explain the types of Input / Output and design basic I/O systems
4. Design simple programs for different applications
Course Content
1 Introduction Block diagram of a basic Components of a computer system
computer system (Processor, I/O, Memory)
Microprocessor overview
2 Number System Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal
Conversion, Arithmetic, Representation of Numbers
3 Basic Organization of the Main Units : Arithmetic & Logic Unit, Registers and Control Unit
Processor Instrumentation, Control, Communication,
Applications areas of
4 Evolution of processor Generations: First, second, Third, Fourth and Fifth
Classifications of Processors Data width, Number of cores, Types of cores, Architecture,
5 CAT 1
6 Instruction Cycle in Processor Fetch, Decode and Execute
Intel 8085/8086 Pin configuration Pin Names & Description, Grouping
Intel 8085/8086 Architecture Registers and their roles,
Intel 8085/8086 Bus structure Types of Buses : Address, Data and control
7 Assembly Language Development of Programming Languages
Programming Flow charting, Intel 8085 programming
(Programming using a simulator) Classification of Instruction set
Source line format, Coding operand Field Information
Basic programs, Use of Simulator
8 Assembly Language Branching operations: JUMP, CALL and RET
Addressing Modes Immediate, Register, Direct, Indirect
Instruction Type 1-byte, 2-byte and 3-byte
10 Memory and I/O interfacing Communication with memory, Interfacing with multiple chips;
Design of the Memory Chip, Memory Map and Addresses, Timing
11 CAT 2
12 I/O Interfacing Types of Interfacing: Memory mapped, Peripheral mapped, Signals
13 Interrupts Types and application areas
14 End of Semester Examinations
Learning and Teaching methods: Lectures, discussions, demonstration, exercises
Instructional Materials / Equipment: Handouts, 8085 Simulator
Course Assessment: CATs 30 % Examinations 70 %
Course Texts and References
1. Gaonkar, R. (2002). Microprocessor architecture, programming, and application with the 8085. Penram
2. Tocci, R., & Ambrosio, F. (2002). Microprocessors and Microcomputers: Hardware and Software, 6/E. March
3. Kumar, N. S., Saravanan, M., & Jeevananthan, S. (2010). Microprocessors and microcontrollers. Oxford University
4. Stokes, J. (2007). Inside the machine: an illustrated introduction to microprocessors and computer architecture. No
starch press.