Online Branding

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What Is Online Branding?

Online branding, also referred to as internet branding or e-branding (electronic branding), is defined
as the use of the internet and social media channels to create and promote brand identity. This can be
done through the use of a website, blog, or social media profile. It is also often done through the use of
search engine optimization (SEO) and online advertising. Online branding is important because it allows
businesses to create an online presence and reach a larger audience. Primary uses for online branding
include identifying a customer base, telling a brand's story, and driving traffic and sales to a company's
The term brand identity means the overall look and feel of a brand. This includes the colours, fonts,
logo, and other visuals that are associated with a brand. Brand identity also includes the tone and voice
that a brand uses when communicating with its audience as well as brand vocabulary. Brand
vocabulary is when the use of a specific word or phrase can bring a certain company or organization to a
person's mind. A well-developed brand identity can help a business to stand out from its competitors and
build trust with its customers. Within a single brand identity can be multiple brand personas. Brand
personas can be thought of as specific characters that a brand creates to connect with different types of
customers. The average company may have between five and six brand personas in its repertoire.
There are many different ways to create a brand identity online. The most important thing is for
companies to be consistent with the way they present their brand across all of their online channels. This
will help to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. There are many benefits of online
branding and when done correctly, it can be a powerful tool that helps businesses increase sales, reach
new markets, and improve a brand's image.

The Key Components of Online Branding

There are several key components to online branding. One important component is the customers. A
company should focus on creating a brand that appeals to its target customers. Another important
component of online branding is the brand identity and its physical components. This includes things
such as its name, colours, logo, fonts, and other visuals that are associated with a brand. It is important
for companies to be consistent with the way they present their brand across all of their online channels.
Another key component of online branding is location. A company's website should be optimized for
search engines so that it appears at the top of the results when potential customers search for keywords
related to their business. Additionally, a company's social media profiles should be updated regularly
and should include links to its website.
Online messaging is also a core component of online branding. A company's online messaging should
be clear and concise. It should be focused on the company's target customers and should be designed to
sell the company's products or services. Products are a final key component of online branding worth
discussing. A company's products should be high-quality and competitively priced. They should also be
designed to appeal to the company's target customers.

Online Branding in Digital Marketing

The process of advertising and promoting a product or service on the internet is known as digital
marketing. It can be done through various channels such as email, social media, search engines, and
websites. Branding is a key component of digital marketing. It can be used to increase awareness of a
product or service, reach new markets, build customer loyalty, improve reputation, and reduce
marketing costs.
There are many different ways to use branding in digital marketing. Some of these methods include:

 Using social media to create buzz about a product or service

 Developing a strong relationship with customers through email marketing
 Creating informative blog posts or articles that include links to a company's website
 Using search engine optimization to make a company's website more visible in search results
 Paying for advertising that includes a company's logo or name

Digital marketing is a vast and complex topic. However, it is important to understand that branding is a
key component of it.

Uses of Online Branding

There are several main uses for online branding. These uses include:

 Brand awareness: Creating a strong online presence can help to increase brand awareness. This can be
done through various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine
 Sales: Online branding can be used to increase sales. This can be done by creating informative blog
posts or articles that include links to a company's website. Additionally, search engine optimization
can be used to make a company's website more visible in search results.
 Customer loyalty: A strong online presence can help to build customer loyalty. This can be done
through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and providing high-quality products
or services.
 Reputation: A strong online presence can help to improve a company's reputation. This can be done
by creating informative blog posts or articles that include links to a company's website. Additionally,
social media can be used to build relationships with customers and create a positive image for the
 Reduced marketing costs: A strong online presence can help to reduce a company's marketing costs.
This can be done by using various digital marketing channels such as social media, email marketing,
and search engine optimization.

Online and Offline Brand Building:

1. Online marketing: Online marketing is the process of selling products or goods through online
channels like social media, ads, and e-mail.

 Sell their products within a few seconds of click at any time.
 We can easily offer content, audio, and video clips on the internet for a very low cost.

 Risk of click fraud.
 Difficulty products effective ads.
2. Offline marketing: Offline marketing is the process of selling products or goods through offline
channels like print ads, telemarketing, etc.

 Order exactly what you need.
 Valuable for promoting a loyalty scheme.

 It is time-consuming.
 Limitation in the audience reached and limited accessibility.

Difference between online marketing and offline marketing:

S.No. Online marketing Offline marketing

1. Online marketing is generally focus on Offline marketing is generally focus on product.


2. Online marketing includes third party Offline marketing includes mass media, phone
like media, web content, search e-mail, centre, and telephone.
social media.

3. Online marketing communicates Offline marketing communicates with customer

customers with e-mails, chat, and social with their mobile number and staff.

4. Target audience met at one place. Target audience is scattered.

5. It is cost effective. It is high marketing cost.

6. It helps in directly reaches out to the It does not directly reaches out to the
professionals of the industry and market. professionals due to some barriers.

7. Prospective buyer cannot visible. It directly visible to their prospective buyer.

8. Less people to manage. Large people to manage.

9. The tools such as Google webmaster Here, is the challenging task of measuring the
tools, AdWords information centre, and success of print, radio, and television advertising
other tools, can be used to check view because it is uncertain whether an audience will
rate, conversion rate, and overall make a purchase or not.
advertising success of internet marketing.

10. Using Content marketing tactics your This may not be possible with offline marketing.
content can reach to a worldwide
audience. Every day, content reaches
thousands of individuals, boosting your
influence and coverage.
11. In online marketing, you can sell a Offline promotions have their own limitations. It
product all across the world without even never ensures maximum exposure.
opening local stores.  No need to keep
large stocks. It ensures global exposure.

12. Internet marketing has no time Here, you can only expect sales or clients once
constraints. Customers can visit your your store is open.
website at any time and purchase your
items or services.

13. Online marketing helps you in growing It is quite a challenge to implement these types
your business by targeting a specific of strategies in offline scenarios. These tactics
group of customers with a specific offer. can only be used by small businesses to retain
You can also target a certain group of clients.
people for promotions.

14. Various ways of Online Marketing Various ways of Offline Marketing

 Affiliate marketing:  Billboard ads
 Social media marketing  Business cards
 Word of mouth marketing  Direct mail
 Content Marketing  Telemarketing
 Search engine optimization  Print ads
 Email Marketing
 Influencer marketing
 Brand marketing
 Cause marketing


Business environment is changing and marketing strategies are changing accordingly. Marketing has
become an important strategic function of any business organization. Success of any business, now
heavily depends on the effort and investment made on marketing by the company. For this, it is really
important for all the businesses to understand the market dynamics and environment and plan its
marketing strategies accordingly. For effective, efficient, reliable and systematic marketing strategies,
attention must be given to various elements and factors related to marketing. Some of such factors (7 Cs
of marketing) are:
 Customer
 Consistency
 Creativity
 Culture
 Communication
 Change
 Channel
Customers are the centre focus for any business organization. Customers are the end consumers of
products and services. A company should understand their customers before considering anything.
Every business tries to be customer-centric in operation. Hence, the marketing strategies of companies
keeps customers as their important factors.

Customers accept or reject the products/services offered. They have the supremacy to build a business or
to close it down. A company concepts a product keeping the needs/wants of customers in mind.

Also, companies focus on customers throughout the process of business operation as a customer is
a human-factor and it is difficult to predict the behaviour of the consumers. Due to this importance,
customers are always in priority when it comes to marketing and marketing strategies.

For example: Amazon is a customer centric company that has spent many years catering to the needs
and demands of the customers. The heavy investment of Amazon on customer’s satisfaction is the main
reason for its growth and success. The strategy and plans are based upon the customers and their needs


Marketing campaigns have a longer effect on consumers and it assists or affects the behaviour of
consumers. For a company, to take advantage of its marketing campaigns, it should align its objectives,
plans, campaigns and all other marketing tools. There should be an integrated marketing campaign for
effective results.

Consistency in marketing campaigns and tools used during the campaign are must. Difference in
message in different marketing platforms may lead to confusion among the customers regarding the
approach of the company and its product. When the customer gets confused, they lose confidence in the
company. It is a loss for a company if customers are doubtful regarding the products and services used.

The message that the company markets through its marketing channels and medium must be consistent
so that the customer can get the value proposition of the company and relate its products and services
with the message. 

For example: Sony is one of the oldest brands in the world. The company has communicated to its
customers the same tagline for years which is “Make. Believe”. To remain relevant in the ever changing
market it is important that the company provides a consistent message to the customers. 
Marketing costs a lot of money in any country. In this globalized economy, marketing a product is very
expensive. Despite this, companies are spending a large amount of money in advertising or marketing
related work.

Again, the quantity of budget spent on marketing doesn’t mean that it will create the same amount of
impact. To be relevant in the market, marketing should be relevant. For this, marketers need to be
creative and innovative. Two things are most important for a company i.e. customers and market, both
of these things are dynamic and difficult to predict. Hence, in such a situation, marketing approaches
need to be creative in a sense that it remains relevant in the present day.

Marketers need to find creative ways to gain the attention of the target customers. Companies marketing
strategy need to be creative and innovative to educate and persuade the target customers. 

For example: RedBull introduced innovative ad campaign called #putacanonit. The campaign

encouraged people to take pictures of red bull can with anything. This campaign gained the attention of
many customers and increased brand awareness. Customers these days are attracted by new and unique
ideas that attract their attention. Creativity in marketing can be the effective approach to increase brand
awareness, gain new customers and retain the existing ones. 

Marketing campaigns need to be relevant. Culture factor in marketing advocates this relevance. Every
individual is different and considers different parameters for making decisions. 

Any marketing campaign or approach needs to understand the market environment and individuals
associated with that environment. For instance, ‘a model in a bikini’ in an advertisement can be
perceived differently in different regions. In western part of the world, this may be normal and effective
but in middle-east part of the world, this may be disrespectful and inappropriate.

Therefore, different cultures may have different responses to the same message. Companies need to
deliver messages to different culture groups in such a way that it remains relevant and respectful to the
audience to which it is targeted. Failure to respond to different cultures can affect the companies

For example: McDonald’s entered the Indian market. As beef is not allowed in India and the majority
of Indians are vegetarian, they changed their menu and introduced food items that satisfy the Indian
market. If McDonald’s had not changed its marketing strategy in India as per their culture then the
company would have failed in the Indian market.

A marketing campaign stands good when people respond positively to it. Effective communication leads
to positive response Right message needs to be communicated to the customers. When the right message
is communicated, it helps the target customer to remain informed and persuaded. It helps to gain the
trust of the customer. With the proper communication, a company can increase the lifetime value of the
customer. Misinformation communicated in the right way and right information miscommunicated will
impact the image of the company.

For example: Apple focuses on websites and trade show presentations to communicate with the target
customer. It is important that the company frequently communicates with customers to gain their trust
and build brand image. Apple has been able to communicate with its customers and gain their trust. 

Companies constantly need to make changes to marketing strategy to satisfy the changing needs of the
customers and to remain relevant in the market. Similarly, changes in the business factor and market
need to be adapted in the marketing strategy. The dynamics in the market changes frequently.

Change is a critical component for any brand and its marketing strategy.  In this modern era, marketing
needs to incorporate creativity, innovation and technology to deal with the change.

For example: Ford Motors incorporated a change in marketing strategy by analyzing the rise of ride
sharing systems. The company focused its marketing and announced to sell SUVs and trucks only.



The rise of the internet has made it possible for companies to reach and cater the global arena.
Technology and globalization has made everything easily accessible. Now, the competition is global and
anyone from anywhere can compete with anyone. This has made doing business a challenge and on
other hand this has opened ample opportunities for marketers. 

Due to this easy accessibility, companies need to effectively and efficiently evaluate various marketing
channels for successful campaigns. Selection of channels can have an important role in effective
marketing and it can save a lot of resources for any business. A channel can be a marketing channel or a
distribution channel or a payment channel. A good channel will have a huge impact on a company.

For example: Uber gained many customers from social media networking. The marketing of Uber to
gain customers is dependent on social media sites. 

Intrinsic and Extrinsic

Brand characteristics can come in two varieties, these are intrinsic and extrinsic. The decision to
purchase a product or service will be based on one of these types of attributes, both attributes play a part
in what makes the customer buy.

Intrinsic attributes of a product refer to its basic functional characteristics such as performance and
shape. If an intrinsic characteristic of the product were to change then this would impact the product
directly and not necessarily the brand.

Extrinsic, which are not directly linked to the product itself. Extrinsic attributes derive from the brand
name, marketing communications and messages, packaging, and price to name a few. These are all
features that affect the perception of the product and often help customers to distinguish one brand from
the next.

Brand Building Models

Companies use brand models to predict the behaviour of your customers and prospects. More
specifically they help drill down into key brand messaging for achieving business growth. Outlined
below are the main benefits of using a brand model:

1. Consumer mindset – Using the right brand model you can identify the consumer’s mindset, as well
as attitudes and behaviours towards your brand.
2. Predict the future – Brand models will ask the ‘what if…’ questions to predict likely outcomes.
With the future outcomes in mind, you can then start to consider future actions you might take.
3. Providing information – Provides information that leads to insights that will help you achieve
business goals.
4. Quintessential framework – A brand model gives you the full overview of what your brand does,
and why they do it, that’s why we say it’s the quintessential framework for evaluating and decision

Here are 3 Core Branding Building Models:

 Brand Identity Prism

Kapferer’s Brand Prism (2004) is one method used in brand building, “Jean-Noel Kapferer’s Brand
Identity Prism, which holds that brand identity occurs in a nexus between corporate image and consumer
perception” (Anderson, 2010). Anderson points out an important part of the prism – that it incorporates
the connection of a brand’s outward/ external expression on the left and the internal expression of the
brand on the right. This model is used to determine the brand personality, and once it has been
identified, it can then be built and consistently communicated.

The diagram below provides an overview of what the brand prism model might look like for Napier.
Providing deeper insight into understanding our brand and how we can build upon it:.

Perceptual Map

The perceptual map model is used to visually analyse where competitors stand and benchmark according
to the set values. The core outcome from a perceptual map is to see where you benchmark against your
competitors. I’ve included a diagram below to demonstrate what this might look like for a selection of
competing cake brands:

This clever acronym stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. The ADIA model is used when
creating a brand’s messaging, and applies a simple structure that covers all the points to include when
writing content, for example, the text for an advertisement. This model will usually look like the below

Customer Value Proposition (CVP)

The customer value proposition is a marketing statement that is designed to persuade. The CVP
persuades prospects on the benefits of a specific product/ service. It’s more of an external message for
customers and prospects rather than an approach for internal use amongst employees.

In simple terms:

CVP =What the customer gets for what the customer pays.

The customer value proposition can be put into three categories, there is benefits, points of difference,
and resonating focus. The main challenge for marketers is how exactly we communicate the CVP to

Advantages of an Online Presence for Your Business

Larger audience
Going public with your company profile gives you the ability to reach a larger audience. Millions of
online users can now reach your website. This does not happen overnight, but the potential is higher
than spreading the word offline. This one factor alone is usually enough motivation for creating an
online presence for your company.

It is important for customers to know that they can reach you easily. Having this information online
helps potential customers reach your offices. Not many people use the phone book anymore, so it can be
frustrating for potential customers if you have no contact information online.  An online small business
profile easily solves this problem. Make sure to update this information if any changes take place. It’s
equally frustrating to your prospect when they find outdated contact details.

Creates trust
Having a commanding online presence makes consumers feel more comfortable about dealing with your
company. Many prospects will do a quick online search to see if your company is legitimate. When they
find nothing, they might assume that you aren't a professional business. The time spent writing a
company profile is never wasted.

Free Advertising
This is not to say that having a company profile online will cost you nothing, but it adds more value than
it takes away. You now have the ability to promote and advertise your company in an organic,
professional manner.

Brand Building
Your company brand is vital to its success and your company profile is one aspect of brand building.
Delivering on the promises contained in your company profile is where brand building comes into play.
Only promise what you can deliver, and you will be on your way to building a solid reputation and

Disadvantages of an Online Presence for Your Business

The internet is not perfect and relying on digital marketing alone is not the best idea. Even though
downtime is rare, there are moments when it crashes or slows down. Use a good hosting company with
reliable up-time. Make sure your website loads quickly to avoid a drop in your ranking.

What will the internet be without spam? Just as your customers can reach your company profile, so can
those annoying spam senders. Your inbox might eventually explode if you don’t have a spam folder.
There are inexpensive spam filters and plug-ins for nearly all websites that will prevent most spam

Bad Reviews
Going online gives consumers the opportunity to tarnish your company's reputation. This can be due to
one customer having a bad experience and writing a negative review built on this disappointment. It
does require a lot of good customer service in order to avoid it from happening, but no one is perfect. As
long as your company has more good reviews than bad, you won’t have to worry about bad publicity.
When you stay in your own little bubble away from the internet, you might not even realize the amount
of competition out there. As soon as you start developing your new online profile, this really starts to
sink in. Yes, you have lots of competition. But with that knowledge, you can use your online presence to
distinguish yourself.

A company profile can be positive or negative, but there are far more pros than cons when done
correctly. Everything is moving online and it is important for small businesses to keep up with, and be
aware of, digital marketing trends. If you’re only marketing your business offline, take the leap and you
might discover a whole new world waiting for your company to explore.

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