Colling Klein, Bonomi, Maciel Filho - 2018 - Integration of Microalgae Production With Industrial Biofuel Facilities A Critical Review

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

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Integration of microalgae production with industrial biofuel facilities: A MARK

critical review

Bruno Colling Klein , Antonio Bonomi, Rubens Maciel Filho
Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory (CTBE), Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), Zip Code 13083-970
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Laboratory of Optimization, Design and Advanced Control (LOPCA), School of Chemical Engineering, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Av. Albert
Einstein 500, Zip Code 13083-852 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Keywords: Microalgae are a promising aquatic culture for supplying biofuels and other bioproducts in the near- to
Microalgae medium-term. For this potential to develop into reality, an interesting alternative is to couple microalgae
Process integration production with large-scale facilities in order to benefit from process integration. This review aims at analyzing
Sugarcane the main inputs of microalgae cultivation and how they could be supplied by integrated biorefineries, namely
carbon source, nutrients, water use, plant location and geographic conditions. A special focus is given to
Brazilian sugarcane mills acting as hosting complexes for microalgal biomass production. Such industrial plants
are able to supply cheap carbon for microalgae growth in the form of CO2 from boiler emissions, ethanol
fermentation off-gas, or biogas from vinasse anaerobic digestion; water, organic molecules, and nutrients from
in natura or processed vinasse; and renewable electrical energy obtained from sugarcane bagasse and straw
burning. The effects of the location of possible sugarcane-microalgae biorefineries are also discussed,
particularly points related to land suitability and availability in Brazil.

1. Introduction Microalgae are eukaryotic microorganisms which perform photo-

synthesis as the primary route for assimilating carbon. They may
In the medium term, the reduction in the global dependence on develop as individual cells or in small colonies, being found in fresh-
fossil-based fuels passes by the production of large amounts of biomass water and marine environments [11]. There are, potentially, several
for the synthesis of biofuels. Biodiesel and ethanol are currently the reasons for microalgae to become largely employed by the industry
biofuels with the largest production volumes [1] and positive environ- with the aim of producing biofuels: (1) microalgae present high
mental impacts on the displacement of fossil fuels [2–4]. This theoretical lipid and carbohydrate productivities, by far exceeding
substitution, in fact, needs to occur in order to attend the increasing those of conventional energy crops like soybean and sugarcane,
requirements to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and other respectively; (2) these microorganisms can thrive in different aqueous
environmental impacts. The potential of employing conventional media, with saline, brackish, and other non-potable water sources, thus
energy crops, like sugarcane, corn, soybean, palm, and rapeseed, for reducing the pressure on water catchment for crop irrigation, process
the production of ethanol and biodiesel are somehow limited due to the use and human consumption; (3) associated production of high-value
difficulty in increasing the already low carbohydrate and lipid produc- compounds, such as proteins and pigments, which are recovered from
tivities of such species and to the large projected increase in global the extraction debris after lipid and/or carbohydrate separation; (4)
consumption of liquid fuels, usually obtained from fossil sources, in composition profile of the strain can be regulated according to the
future years [5]. Another fact drawing attention towards alternative compound of interest through the modulation of process variables and
sources of carbohydrates and lipids is the concern with land use change nutritional conditions [12,13].
combined with food production issues [6]. The possibility of using Historically, industrial microalgae production focused on small
microalgal biomass for the production of biofuels and other biopro- consumer markets, namely pigments and dried whole microalgae for
ducts is currently being considered an interesting option for the near human consumption or animal feed [14]. Typical designs of industrial
future [7] due to positive sustainability impacts resulting from the microalgae facilities are often based on stand-alone or minimally-
technology [8–10]. integrated configurations, in which raw materials, energy supply, and

Corresponding author at: Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory (CTBE), CP 6170, CEP 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Colling Klein).

Available online 07 June 2017

1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

product distribution are managed independently. Studies aiming to processing technologies in the early stages of their industrial deploy-
assess the potential of microalgae processes in large scale [15–19] ment. The main inputs for industrial production of microalgal biomass
usually consider isolated units acquiring all or most part of the main - carbon and nutrient sources, water, energy, and land availability, are
inputs (water, nutrients, carbon sources) at prices found in the open initially discussed. Special focus is given to Brazilian sugarcane mills
market, which greatly increase operational expenses. In the incipiency acting as backbone to larger and more complex biorefineries by
of microalgae utilization as raw material for biofuels production, cost exploring the current status of existing examples of integration
reduction in several possible sections of microalgae production should between mills and non-microalgae related industrial plants.
be carried out to make the process economically feasible, hence, Additional arguments are put forward to assert that Brazilian sugar-
competitive. Since biofuels production from microalgal biomass will cane mills stand out as one of the best options for hosting microalgae
require the expansion of microalgae units in both number and scale, biorefineries and supporting their development. The main goal is to lay
their integration to other established facilities emerges as a real solid foundations for the deployment of zero-carbon emission, inte-
opportunity to leverage the worldwide deployment of microalgae grated biorefineries for the production of microalgal biofuels by
projects and to outperform stand-alone microalgae units. showing different configuration possibilities.
Only recently the production of microalgae has been thought of as
an integrated concept, either by recovering various compounds from 2. Large-scale microalgal biomass production
the microalgal biomass or by employing raw materials supplied by
adjacent industrial units. The utilization of industrial effluents from In the current scenario, large-scale microalgal biomass production
different sources is an interesting option to tackle economic and for biofuel obtention generally involves higher costs and higher
environmental issues in a single step [20]. technical challenges than land crops [24], since strict cultivation
The generation of liquid and gaseous effluents by chemical plants is conditions must be provided to obtain favorable microalgae growth
an integral part of the processing of raw materials into finished rates and biomass processing is performed using sophisticated techni-
products. In such typical sites, waste streams undergo several treat- ques. In addition, industrial microalgae cultivation is known for the
ment techniques before being disposed in the environment. One consumption of copious amounts of carbon, water and nutrients,
alternative to conventional end-of-pipe effluent treatments, the em- notably nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P), which are supplied by
ployment of heat and mass integration strategies with other processes conventional plant fertilizers or specially-developed formulae designed
represents a real opportunity for a suitable, low-cost effluent manage- to suit the requirements of each microalgae species. Fig. 1 shows an
ment. Some types of effluents – CO2 in gaseous streams and liquid overview of a typical unit for the obtention of microalgal biomass-
effluents with organic and inorganic content, are appropriate for use in derived products. Main operations include microalgae cultivation,
microalgae cultivation as sources of carbon and other nutrients, as followed by biomass harvest, drying, extraction of compounds, and
further discussed in this paper. Different aspects can be pointed out as final processing into consumer goods. This broad outline, however,
direct advantages of process integration with industrial facilities: corresponds to microalgae production as thought of nowadays, employ-
minimization of water, process steam, and energy requirements, ing conventional systems. Many studies aim at the simplification of
reduction of effluent sent to treatment, and reduction of contaminating microalgae processing through combining multiple unit operations into
charges disposed in the environment. single steps or using novel, recently-developed techniques in order to
Microalgae processes may also benefit from thermal and electrical improve the economic feasibility of the process: direct transesterifica-
energy supplied by established plants when an integrated design tion (in situ) [25] or hydrothermal liquefaction [26] of undried
approach is considered. In this way, the integration opportunity offered biomass, thus avoiding the need for an energy-intensive drying step;
by sugarcane mills is unique due to the available material and energy biomass harvest using nonconventional techniques alternative to
vectors: carbon, inorganic nutrients, water, process steam, and elec- chemical flocculation, such as electrical-based systems [27] and
trical energy. The sugar-energy sector in Brazil, in constant develop- micro/ultrafiltration [28]; microalgal cell disruption in water suspen-
ment since the 70′s, combines these features with the availability of low sions with Pulsed Electric Field and Supersonic Flow Fluid Processing
land prices and high solar insolation, besides water availability, to techniques [29]; cultivation and biomass pre-harvest in a single
generate an ideal panorama for the deployment of microalgae plants in membrane bioreactor [30,31]; microalgae growth in biofilms to avoid
the country. Also, the establishment of a biorefinery concept between dewatering [32]; among others. The detailing of such alternatives is not
ethanol distilleries and microalgae production adds solidity and in the scope of this review.
environmental benefits to the economic viability of the joint project,
as ethanol production is highly affected by raw material prices [21].
Although the technology of microalgae production in industrial 2.1. Cultivation
scale is widely sought-after for meeting the rising biofuel demand, it is
still at an early stage [22,23] and more research in the field is needed. Microalgae are able to grow by using different metabolic regimes,
In the case of sole biofuel production (namely ethanol, biodiesel, and namely the autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotrophic metabolisms.
oil-derived fuels), the use of conventional microalgae production The autotrophic metabolism occurs through photosynthesis, a process
technologies involves high investments and results in high biofuel that allows carbon assimilation from CO2 using light energy. Eq. (1)
production costs, as shown in Table 1. Ultimately, production costs and displays the overall reaction for photosynthetic growth of micro-
minimum selling prices are highly dependent on the scale of reactor organisms.
deployment, since the biomass production step is cost-intensive. light
nCO2 +nH2 O ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (CH2 O )n +nO2 (1)
Besides, Table 1 shows that the techno-economic analysis of theoretical
microalgae cultivation and processing plants are often based on the Heterotrophic growth of microalgae occurs through the uptake of
sole utilization of concentrated and compressed CO2 from nearby flue low molar mass organic compounds dissolved in the culture medium,
gas sources and, still, the results are widely variable according to the mainly carbohydrates (pentoses and hexoses), acetic acid, acetate,
processing technology. This review expects to show the numerous glycerol and other organic acids. The third type, mixotrophic growth,
approaches of integrating microalgae facilities into other more con- incorporates characteristics of the previous metabolic regimes: the
solidated plants, from which the former may benefit in terms of microalgae absorb CO2 when in the presence of light, shifting to the
technical practicality, environmental, and economic performance. In uptake of organic compounds in the medium under dark conditions
view of such fact, the present paper examines the potential of process and vice versa. Microalgae may also be cultivated in consortia with
integration to assist the development of microalgae production and bacteria, which is beneficial for enhancing biomass productivities of

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

Table 1
Minimum selling price for microalgae-derived products.

Compound Obtention method Reactor type Integration level Minimum product selling Base year Reference
price (US$/gal)

Green diesel Hydrotreatment Open pond CO2 from power plant flue gas 9.84 2007 [15]
Green diesel Hydrotreatment Closed PBR CO2 from power plant flue gas 20.53 2007 [15]
Green diesel Hydrotreatment Open pond with CO2 from power plant flue gas 19.60 2007 [217]
plastic liner Heat integration between CHP unit
and solvent recovery
Green diesel Hydrotreatment Open pond and CO2 from flue gas 9.82–16.95a 2011 [19]
PBR Wastewater at disposal
Biodiesel Transesterification Open pond CO2 from flue gas 6.28–9.87a 2011 [19]
Wastewater at disposal
Biodiesel Simultaneous oil extraction and Open pond CO2 from flue gas 1.60–3.72b 2012 [218]
transesterification with methanol
Algal lipids Extraction with hexane Open pond with CO2 from flue gas 21.11 2013 [210]
plastic liner
Algal lipids Extraction Open pond – 12.33 2013 [219]
Biocrude Hydrotreatment + solvent extraction Open pond – 109.12b 2013 [220]
Biocrude Hydrotreatment + solvent extraction Closed PBR – 76.98a 2013 [220]

PBR: photobioreactor.
CHP: Cogeneration of Heat and Power.
€ to US$ conversion (2011): 0.748.
Production cost.

both classes of microorganisms due to the exchange of organic tubes and flat-plate reactors. In addition to the aforementioned points,
compounds between them [33]. The parameters and issues involved land occupation by each reactor alternative is an important issue to be
in the discussed metabolic regimes guide the development of the considered in the choice of the most suitable option. Closed reactors
present paper. show higher volume/area ratios than open reactors, i.e., they are able
In the industry, microalgae cultivation can be performed in open to enclose a higher volume of culture medium in a given space, thus
reactors, closed reactors, or in a combination thereof. The option for presenting higher areal microalgae productivity. While open systems
one or other alternative is strongly influenced by several factors, such are attractive in terms of low capital investment, the high area
as the microalgae species in question, desired metabolic regime, requirement might hamper its deployment in countries or regions with
temperature and final compound of interest [12]. There is still much little area availability or when competing with arable land of nearby
debate over the best system for large-scale microalgal biomass produc- crops. Consideration also has to be given to the design of closed
tion, since both present inherent advantages and downsides. The reactors in analogy with those used in chemical industries with special
construction of open reactors is often less expensive than that of closed emphasis on the air-lift type [34], one of the most prominent
systems. Raceways, the most widespread design of open reactors, are alternatives for proper microalgae growth. Hybrid systems, incorpor-
relatively simple to build and employ little material. Many of the ating elements of both open and closed systems, are employed in
intrinsic disadvantages presented by open systems are due to the direct specific cases. Raceways or ponds covered with transparent plastic
contact of the culture medium with the environment, e.g., contamina- films to allow light penetration [35,36] may prove to be a more
tion of the cultivation with other microalgae or microorganisms interesting and cheaper alternative than conventional closed reactors,
(possibly leading to culture crash), high water evaporation, and high despite having the downside of occupying the same land area as an
CO2 loss, which ultimately result in low microalgae concentration in open system. Another design option includes membrane photobior-
the suspension. Closed reactors, by definition, are able to isolate the eactors, which combine cultivation and harvest modules in a single
cultivation from the external environment. This characteristic highly piece of equipment and are able to reach microalgae concentrations up
reduces the possibility of contamination and loss of water from the to 3.5 times higher than in closed photobioreactors [30].
culture medium, which, in turn, contributes to easier process control
and to the obtention of suspensions with high microalgae concentra-
tion. Nevertheless, these reactors are of expensive construction and 2.2. Harvest
maintenance due to their intricate design and nature of the employed
materials, namely glass and steel, with few non-capital intensive Microalgal biomass separation from an aqueous suspension is often
materials available, such as transparent polyvinyl chloride (PVC). required for the isolation and extraction of compounds. This step, also
Common models of closed reactors include horizontal and vertical called harvest, employs different solid-liquid separation operation
units. The choice of the appropriate technique is affected by microalgae

Fig. 1. Steps commonly involved in microalgal biomass production and processing into biofuels and bioproducts.

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

characteristics (cell diameter and cell concentration in the suspension), 3. Critical aspects of large-scale microalgae production
by the added value of the main compound of interest of the biorefinery
[12], by the possibility of adjusting the final biomass water content Industrial microalgae units require large amounts of raw material
[37], and by the final processing technique [38]. Since microalgal for biomass production and processing: carbon for microalgae growth,
biomass harvest can represent up to 30% of the total cost of biomass energy for powering equipment, and land for the construction of the
production in industrial scale [12], the definition of the best operation facility. Such elements are fundamental for the establishment of a
units is fundamental for the economic feasibility of the biorefinery and microalgae biorefinery and, therefore, it is crucial that intelligent
in the design of the downstream process [39]. In general, microalgae logistic networks for their supply to the industrial unit are elaborated.
harvest is performed in two sequential steps: initial separation and In view of this, we strongly believe that a robust, economically-viable,
thickening. Initial separation of biomass operates with concentration sustainable microalgae plant should benefit from the integration with
factors of up to 800 to attain a suspension with solid content as high as other established industrial units, which would largely simplify the
7%, usually performed through flocculation of microalgae with salts of supply chain of the needed inputs.
aluminum and/or iron, flotation with microbubbles of air, or gravita-
tional sedimentation [27]. Other low-cost, biobased flocculants such as
3.1. Carbon source
chitosan [40], plant seeds [41], and filamentous fungi [42], can be
employed to improve economic and environmental impacts of the
3.1.1. CO2
process. The thickening of the biomass slurry from the pre-concentra-
Photosynthetic growth of microalgae employing CO2 and sunlight is
tion employs techniques with higher energy consumption, particularly
currently the approach of choice for microalgae production in large
conventional, micro, or ultrafiltration and centrifugation. Further
scale. Hence, the supply of CO2 as the main carbon source for
detailing of harvest options can be found in the literature [43].
microalgae cultivations is of utmost importance for process optimiza-
tion. Through photosynthesis, microalgae are capable of fixing carbon
2.3. Drying contained in many sources: atmospheric CO2, CO2 in flue gases, and
CO2 fixed in the form of water-soluble carbonates [11]. At current CO2
Due to its perishable nature, the microalgal biomass must be levels in the atmosphere (404 ppm as of November 2016 [70]), the
promptly processed through drying after harvest to avoid spoilage. aeration of microalgae cultivations solely with atmospheric air is not
Sun drying of microalgae is the method with the lowest cost, although sufficient for the development of high-density microalgae cultures.
with downsides such as long operation period for appropriate drying, Thus, it is imperative to supplement CO2 to the culture medium for
considerable loss of material, and high dependency on weather attractive growth rates to develop, especially when aiming at the
conditions. This type of technique is suitable when the final product production of biofuels from microalgae at industrial scale. Different
does not require any other processing, i.e., in natura microalgal authors [71–73] report that cultivations aerated with gas streams
biomass. Spray drying is particularly adopted in the recovery of high supplemented with intermediate CO2 concentrations (between 4% and
added-value compounds due to relatively high operational costs [16]. 7% v/v) tend to present higher biomass productivity, although the
Freeze-drying of microalgae, while largely employed in laboratory adaptation of Chlorella vulgaris cultivations to 100% CO2 feed is also
scale, is a dehydration method with limited application in large scale possible [74,75].
units as a result of elevated operational costs. Still, few pilot/research Flue gases from boilers are interesting carbon sources for micro-
units use the system [44]. algae growth due to certain reasons: besides presenting suitable CO2
Drying of microalgae prior to conversion into biofuels, such as concentrations (between 10% and 20% v/v) and being available at
biodiesel, is a controversial subject due to the amount of energy virtually no cost, such emissions are typically found in nearly every
consumed by this operation. Besides affecting the energy balance of industry producing utilities through the burning of biomass or fossil
the process [45], the sustainability of biodiesel production may be fuels. Large-scale facilities are likely to be serious candidates for
significantly altered [46]. In order to solve this issue, alternatives that supplying CO2 to microalgae cultivations. Examples of stationary CO2
bypass this operation are currently subject of study, mainly in situ sources include sugarcane and corn ethanol plants, fossil fuel-based or
transesterification of wet biomass [47]. biomass-based power plants, steel and cement industries, petroleum
refineries, and fertilizer producers.
2.4. Processing
3.1.2. Organic molecules
When bulk microalgal biomass is not the desired final product, it Microalgae growth through heterotrophic or mixotrophic routes is
must undergo further processing for the obtention of one or more currently the subject of extensive research [76,77]. Despite using
cellular fractions. The most straightforward option is to perform cell carbon sources that are often more expensive than the readily-available
lysis to release internal compounds: lipids and pigments, contained in CO2, the cultivation of microalgae with organic molecules can be
the cytoplasm [48], and carbohydrates, stored in the cell wall [49]. justified due to much higher growth rates found when in comparison
Common techniques include physical methods such as high pressure to photosynthesis [12].
homogenizers, ultrasonication, hydrothermal liquefaction, microwav- Microalgae can assimilate many compounds associated to industrial
ing, and autoclaving, and chemical methods, such as lysis with acids, activity. Glycerol, the main byproduct of biodiesel production from
enzymes, alkalis or salts [43,50–57]. As shown in Fig. 1, after cell vegetable oils, is an effluent particularly abundant in Brazil and of
disruption, the resulting biomass fractions may be subjected to a vast difficult final disposal. Recent studies [78,79] present the possibility of
number of operations for the isolation or synthesis of a given employing this effluent for microalgae cultivation. Also in the Brazilian
compound, as synthesized by Amin [58]. On first examination, lipids, scenario, streams within sugarcane processing contain interesting
carbohydrates, proteins, and pigments extracted from microalgal compounds for the development of microalgae cultivations: xylose
biomass are suitable to undergo the same modifications as their obtained from sugarcane bagasse pre-treatment [79], carbohydrates
counterparts obtained from energy crops: transesterification [59–64] produced during sugarcane bagasse hydrolysis [80], glucose and
or hydroprocessing (HEFA) [65] of lipids and fermentation of carbo- sucrose found in sugarcane juice [81], and nutrients found in vinasse,
hydrates [66,67]. Whole microalgal biomass can be subjected to direct a residue of ethanol production - further explored in Section 5.2. Other
conversion via pyrolysis or hydrothermal liquefaction [68] and anae- molecules, such as acetate, butyrate, and lactate ions from fermentative
robic digestion [69]. processes [82] and methanol [83], can also be employed to this end.

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

3.2. Macro and micronutrients recycling of 90% of this volume to the cultivation causes the reduction
of energy requirement to compensate water losses in the cultivation
Besides carbon, the growth of microalgae requires several types of from 96% to 13% of the energy produced as biodiesel from microalgal
nutrients, divided into macronutrients and micronutrients. Elements lipids when compared to a scenario without water recycling [102].
consumed in relatively high amounts - N, P, sulfur (S), and potassium The use of seawater as culture medium is also a tempting
(K), are named macronutrients. Their supply to the cultivation consists alternative since a great portion of microalgae species is found in
in a bulky raw material input and could represent an important share saline media and the abundance of this resource is obvious. Studies
of the operational costs of an industrial microalgae unit. Ultimately, have concluded, though, that employing seawater may not be a viable
providing controlled amounts of macronutrients to the culture medium alternative for microalgae cultivation due to the high operational
can directly interfere in the microalgae growth, cell dimensions and expenses involved in the treatment of spent medium before disposal
composition in terms of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, as well as in the environment and the increased freshwater requirement for the
fatty acid profile [84–86]. On the contrary, micronutrients are part of dilution of high-salinity recycled culture medium [106].
microalgal composition in smaller degree than macronutrients. The utilization of urban and industrial effluents as culture media for
Elements such as Fe, Mg, Zn, Mn, Co, Cu, and Cd are employed by microalgae growth is currently being vented as a possibility to reduce
microalgae to perform specific functions within the cell – Fe, for the dependence of microalgae production from freshwater sources, as
instance, is responsible for electron transport during photosynthesis, well as supplying carbon and nutrients to the culture medium. In
N2 fixation, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species [87]. addition, microalgae cultivation with effluents can be viewed as a
Synthetic culture media are often of high cost, thus with application treatment method for residual wastewaters [107]. This type of alter-
limited to laboratory scale. It is of general agreement that both urban native environmental treatment has the benefit of reducing the overall
and industrial wastewaters can play an important role in supplying pollutant load of the wastewater [108–110], including toxic com-
nutrients to microalgae growth in larger scales. Numerous effluents are pounds such as heavy metals [111,112], before its final disposal and
suitable to be used in this way, namely from the dairy industry [88,89], generating income through biomass production and commercializa-
wineries [90], breweries [91], municipal wastewater treatment plants tion. Ultimately, the combination of microalgae processes with waste-
[92,93], ethanol distilleries [94–96], and dark fermentation [97], water treatment turns an environmental passive into an economic
among others [98,99]. The possibility of scaling up microalgae cultiva- active [113].
tion with wastewaters has been discussed by Quiroz Arita et al. [100],
being a quite reasonable approach in terms of operational costs and 3.4. Land availability and local geographic conditions
environmental care.
One of the main advantages of microalgal biomass production in
3.3. Water use substitution to conventional energy crops is the use of lands with low
agricultural usability, such as deserts, eroded soils, and with relatively
Water availability for culture medium composition in industrial high slopes. The availability of these types of land is naturally much
cultivations becomes an important point to be considered, if not a full higher than arable land in any given country. This fact, along with the
restriction for plant design. Microalgae production is known to be a correct climatic conditions, are critical for the establishment of an
high water-demanding process [101], mainly because microalgae industrial microalgae unit. The main geography-related factors that
concentrations obtained in the cultivation step are relatively low. influence microalgae cultivation are air humidity, wind speed, average
Estimations point to the consumption of 1000 kg of water per kg of temperatures, annual thermal range, solar irradiance, and cloud
produced microalgal biomass [102], although this figure can highly shading [114]. These elements affect many vital parameters for the
vary according to the concentration of microalgae in the reactor and to dimensioning of microalgae production units: water evaporation from
the steps involved in the downstream process [103]. photobioreactors, local water precipitation, and microalgal growth rate.
Among all possible forms of water loss in microalgae cultivation Different studies address the establishment of microalgae units in
and processing, evaporation from the reactor should be taken into different countries, taking into account local geographic and climatic
account when designing a biorefinery. This water loss depends on the conditions [115–120]. When considering process integration between
reactor type, local air humidity, annual insolation, and wind speed, a microalgae unit and another industrial facility, an important point to
among other factors. In open photobioreactors, water evaporation may examine is whether to choose the microalgae species as function of the
account for significant losses of the culture medium, which requires place for the venture or the opposite: choosing a region with specific
large amounts of water for reposition. Closed reactors lose less than climatic conditions for the growth of a given microalgae species. This
half of the water normally evaporated in open systems [15]. appears to be a very case-dependent question that must be tackled
In order to reduce water make-up, culture medium recycle is individually. Among other points, the chosen site for such facilities is
essential for an economically interesting and environmentally con- directly influenced by the availability of nearby water supply sources
scious operation of industrial microalgae units. Among many process and disposal points.
design variables, the choice of the appropriate biomass harvest method
is fundamental to achieve good water quality for recycling. Metal-based 4. Brazilian sugarcane mills: potential for integration
flocculation (with Al or Fe) tend to increase the content of salts in the
spent culture medium, making it inappropriate for recycling without Brazil boasts one of the most successful large-scale biofuel produc-
performing a substantial purge of the stream. Alternative systems, such tion programs in the world. In 1975, as a response to the 1973 oil
as change in the medium pH [104] or use of bio-flocculants (chitosan crisis, massive government investments in the National Alcohol Fuel
[40], plant seeds [41], fungi [42]), are able to perform biomass harvest Program (ProÁlcool) promoted and boosted the use of sugarcane
without compromising water quality. The presence of residual organic ethanol as a vehicular fuel in substitution to fossil fuels, mainly
matter, extra-cellular compounds, excess nutrients, and particulate gasoline [121,122]. With the reduction of global oil prices and the
matter in the recycled spent medium is often harmful to the cultivation consequent increasing maturity of the Brazilian market over the
[105] and should therefore be avoided. Besides, studies show that following decade, the government’s financial support on the sector
water recycling is not only beneficial towards the reduction of pressure was slowly reduced and distilleries expanded their product portfolio
on freshwater reservoirs but also favors the overall energetic balance of with the production of sugar [123] and electrical energy.
the cultivation. It is estimated that, in the case of a 3000-m3 raceway Sugarcane processing in Brazil is currently performed via three
pond where 1500 m3 of culture medium are harvested per day, the different types of facilities: sugar mills, which produce only sugar;

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

autonomous ethanol distilleries, providing either hydrated or anhy- New frontiers of sugarcane cultivation now encompass states in the
drous ethanol; and sugar mills with annexed distilleries, capable of Central-West part of Brazil, namely Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul.
producing a customizable mix of both sugar and ethanol. Depending on These regions account for more than 87% of the total crushed
the design of the Cogeneration of Heat and Power (CHP) unit and sugarcane during 2014–2015 [124]. Another favorable area for sugar-
technological package of the mill, electricity may also appear as a cane growth stays in the coastal Northeastern region of the country,
valuable coproduct in all plant types. In the 2014–2015 harvest, more where high solar incidence and adequate land enable the establishment
than 400 of such facilities (from which the great majority is of annexed of the crops.
plants) crushed nearly 635 million tonnes of sugarcane, yielding 38 The integration between sugarcane mills and other industrial units
million tonnes of sugar and 28 million m3 of ethanol [124]. Recent is already performed in Brazil in specific cases. Depending on the type
movements towards second generation (2G) ethanol production point of the industrial process, integrated plants may benefit from the joint
to an increase in the production of the biofuel in the near future management of feedstock supply and other raw materials; the obten-
without resorting to an equivalent expansion of crushing capacity in the tion of intermediate product streams, finished products, or surplus
mills [125]. energy from the sugarcane mill; and the sharing of administrative
Crushing in sugarcane mills operates during the sugarcane harvest buildings, research facilities, agricultural resources, and process equip-
period in Brazil, which varies according to the region: from April to ment. These and other advantages of integrating industrial units to
November in the larger production zones of the Central-South and sugarcane facilities in Brazil are well-known and have garnered several
from September to March in the Northeast. Harvest season totals from studies in the scientific literature in the last years for the estimation of
4000 to 4800 h, with the remainder of the year being considered off- economic and environmental impacts.
season. Operation during the off-season is not a common practice in Olivério et al. [127] describe an integrated sugarcane-vegetable oil
the sector, although a few mills store sugarcane lignocellulosic material unit producing ethanol, sugar, electricity, and biodiesel in Mato Grosso
(LCM) during season or purchase different biomasses (eucalyptus, state (Central-West region of Brazil). The biodiesel plant operates since
pine, and others [126]) for year-round electrical energy production in late 2006 annexed to a sugarcane mill established in 1983, thus
the CHP unit. In addition, some alternatives are currently being showing that the retrofitting of existing distilleries is not only possible,
evaluated to extend plant operation period with other types of crops but already performed. The integration occurs in both agricultural and
besides sugarcane - further discussed in Section 5. industrial levels. The authors, through a preliminary evaluation,
Sugarcane crops and crushing facilities are concentrated in specific estimate that the cost of an independent, non-integrated biodiesel
geographic regions in Brazil, as depicted in Fig. 2. The main sugarcane plant in Brazil is 22% higher than that of an integrated unit, which
exploitation cluster in the country takes place in the Central and benefits mainly from reduced investment due to shared buildings,
Southeastern portions of Brazil, especially in the state of São Paulo. loading and unloading facilities, utilities sector, and wastewater treat-

Fig. 2. Location of sugarcane mills and annual average photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in Brazil. Created with data from [225] and [226], respectively.

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

ment. Operating costs of biodiesel production also tend to be lower in announced the establishment of its proprietary microalgae production
view of the utilization of ethanol produced in the sugarcane mill for the in Vitória de Santo Antão (PE, Brazil) in partnership with Brazilian
transesterification reaction during sugarcane harvest season. An un- group JB [148]. Unfortunately, the outcome of this agreement cur-
explored alternative that could further increase the profitability of such rently points to the dissolution of the partnership.
integrated plant type is to store ethanol during the harvest season for it Due to the maturity of the sector in Brazil and to the need of
to be used in the transesterification step during the off-season, making diversification in the product portfolio of mills, the current sugar-
biodiesel production a year-round process. Although this particular energy industry configuration in Brazil constitutes a unique juncture
analysis is not the object of the present review, the extension of the for the implementation of integrated microalgae processes. The several
operation period leads to a reduction in equipment size and investment grounds on which this assertion is based will be further addressed in
- the same reasoning could be further applied to integrated sugarcane- the present review, namely the availability of CO2 and vinasse for
microalgae biorefineries. Concerning integrated ethanol-biodiesel pro- microalgae growth, the possibility of using nearby land areas for the
duction, the environmental advantages of such biorefinery configura- establishment of the industrial unit, and the joint operation of facilities
tion were already demonstrated, mainly due to reduced GHG emissions in terms of electrical energy and steam utilization.
and more favorable energy balance of ethanol production [128]. Fig. 2 presents the annual average incidence of photosynthetically
One example of process integration occurs in the production of active radiation (PAR) in Brazil, which corresponds to wavelengths
sodium bicarbonate (NAHCO3) by RAUDI Indústria e Comércio Ltda between 400 and 700 nm. The availability of this specific radiation type
since 2003. Located in São Carlos do Ivaí(PR, Brazil), the annexed is vital to determine the possibility of establishing cultures of photo-
plant acquires process steam and high-purity CO2 originated in ethanol synthetic organisms (such as plants, cyanobacteria and microalgae)
fermentation from an adjacent sugarcane mill for NaHCO3 synthesis. and allows the estimation of associated theoretical biomass productiv-
The industry is capable of producing 80 tonnes of NaHCO3 per day and ities. The largest amounts of PAR incidence are found in the
is the first plant worldwide to use this operational strategy [129]. This Northeastern region of Brazil throughout spring and summer
is a clear case of combination between reduction of environmental (September to March), although significant irradiation levels also occur
impacts and procurement of low-cost feedstock and energy in an in the Central-West and South regions during spring and summer,
integrated biorefinery. respectively. In an overall analysis, most of the Brazilian territory
The American company Amyris produces farnesene (branded presents year-round high solar incidence, with a large portion of the
Biofene) in integration with a Brazilian sugarcane mill in Brotas (SP, country averaging values above 2.0 kWh/m2 day of PAR solar radiation
Brazil). The company’s proprietary sugars-to-hydrocarbons technology [149]. Assuming an average daily insolation period of around 8 h and
for the production of compounds in the range of green diesel and biojet that 1 J is delivered by 4.6 μmol photons in the range of PAR [150],
fuel, fragrances, and flavors employs sugarcane juice as the carbon most of the Brazilian territory is irradiated by over than 1150 μmol
source. The integration strategy provides sugarcane juice directly from photons/m2 s. This photon flux, however, is found perpendicular to the
the crushing section of the distillery, thus reducing logistics costs surface. In open reactors, the effective light intensity is lower due to
involved in feedstock obtention. The plant was set to undergo expan- attenuation of the radiation by microalgae cells in the suspension and
sion in 2016 in order to meet rising market demand through 2020 by water. A correction factor is also used for tilted reactors, in order to
[130]. compensate for the inclination angle of the equipment [151].
Sugarcane mills are also candidates of hosting annexed plants of Photoinhibition is a serious problem affecting microalgae development,
advanced biofuels and chemicals [131–135]. One example is butanol, with a considerable number of studies addressing this issue. The degree
which could be produced through sugarcane juice fermentation [136], to which microalgae are affected by extreme solar irradiances is highly
pentose liquor fermentation [137] or via condensation reactions of dependent on the considered species. For instance, Bhola et al. found
ethanol produced in first generation (1G) [138] or in integrated 1G2G an optimal range of performance located between 150 and 350 μmol
[139] sugarcane biorefineries. photons/m2 s for a Chlorella vulgaris strain, with photoinhibition
occurring at irradiances higher than 369 μmol photons/m2 s [72].
5. Sugarcane-microalgae biorefineries in Brazil When comparing the maps presented in Fig. 2, it can be seen that
sugarcane mills in Brazil are located in areas with high solar insolation.
The possibility of annexing microalgal biomass production to This is expected since mills are often installed close to sugarcane crops
existing sugarcane mills is being currently vented in the industrial aiming at the reduction of sugarcane production cost by shortening
environment and scientific community. A number of studies on the transport distances. Naturally, the establishment of sugarcane-micro-
matter have considered the prospect. Two papers analyzed this type of algae biorefineries passes by the construction of microalgae reactors
biorefinery in the USA context: production of microalgal biomass and all associated infrastructure adjacent to the existing mill. This
integrated to a corn-to-ethanol facility in Iowa [140] and to a sugar directly incurs in the displacement of sugarcane culture to free space
mill using sugarcane as feedstock in Louisiana [141]. Through process for the annexed unit, which may also result higher land costs and
simulation, a similar analysis was conducted in assessing the possibility induce slightly higher sugarcane production costs due to longer
of co-locating microalgae cultivation to a sugarcane mill producing transport distances.
sugar and ethanol in Colombia [142]. More recently, different studies Fig. 3 summarizes the main available resources in the sugar-energy
focused on the environmental benefits of integrating microalgae industry that could be directly used in the microalgae cultivation and
production and sugarcane processing in the Brazilian context [143– vice versa:
146]. Microalgal biodiesel produced in integrated sugarcane biorefi-
neries can be used to replace fossil diesel in the agricultural stage of (1) CO2 released by yeasts during ethanol fermentation or produced
sugarcane production. With this approach, overall GHG emissions through sugarcane LCM combustion in boilers for heat and energy
associated to ethanol production are reduced by around 30% when generation are adequate to compose the gaseous feed used in the
using microalgae to capture half of the CO2 produced in ethanol photoautotrophic growth of microalgae, which rely on the gas for
fermentation [143]. Concerning real sugarcane-microalgae biorefi- photosynthesis realization;
neries in Brazil, two main examples stand out. The SB joint venture (2) vinasse produced in ethanol distillation can be employed as culture
between Bunge and TerraVia (previously Solazyme) for the production medium for the growth of heterotrophic or mixotrophic micro-
of up to 100 thousand tonnes of microalgal oil per year initiated in algae;
2014 in Orindiúva (SP, Brazil), annexed to the local Bunge sugarcane (3) excess electricity generated in the sugarcane facility can be
mill [147]. In 2012, the Austrian company See Algae Technology (SAT) promptly used in the various steps of microalgae growth and

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

Fig. 3. Raw materials and energy vectors available from a typical Brazilian sugarcane mill for employing in a microalgae-producing facility (based on [141] and expanded).

processing; (130 days), the distillery produces ethanol from stored HTM and burns
(4) when integrated to a 2G ethanol plant, carbohydrates extracted stockpiled LCM. Such off-season configuration was determined in
from microalgal biomass may undergo fermentation along with order to provide a constant, year-round output of vinasse and surplus
sugarcane juice and molasses by yeasts capable of assimilating electricity, two components that may be used as inputs for microalgae
both pentoses and hexoses or in independent vessels. cultivations. It is worthwhile noting that this distillery employs a
considerable fraction of straw, i.e., 50% of sugarcane straw that would
Year-round operation of the integrated microalgae unit is thought be left in the field, to greatly improve its capacity of generation of
to be crucial for the economic viability of the process as a whole. The surplus electrical energy. When compared to the existing Brazilian
high capital expenditures (CAPEX) for the establishment of the plant sugarcane mills, the amount of produced electrical energy is signifi-
could be overcome by nearly-continuous operation, through maximiza- cantly higher. General parameters of optimized distilleries can be found
tion of product output and dilution of capital costs. Sugarcane mills, in publications using the VSB framework [153–156].
however, are normally designed for part-year operation and may
require specific modifications - of structure, equipment or operating 5.1. CO2 from sugarcane mills
mode, when hosting a microalgae unit. Operation extension beyond
sugarcane harvest is especially interesting for the supply of raw During the processing of sugarcane into ethanol, sugar, and
materials and electrical energy for the microalgae plant throughout electrical energy, sugarcane mills generate a considerable amount of
the year. In this way, certain options are possible: harvest extension gaseous effluents containing CO2. Such emissions, in spite of being
with sweet sorghum [152], off-season with fermentation of stored high- biogenic, occur in two main points of the process: complete combustion
test molasses (HTM), and crushing of energy cane (high-fiber variety of of sugarcane LCM in boilers and ethanol fermentation. Eq. (2) shows a
sugarcane) during the off-season [125]. simplified combustion reaction of biomass, while Eq. (3) displays the
The integration options are further detailed in the next sections. For fermentation of glucose into ethanol, both producing CO2 as an end
exercise purposes, it is considered that the inclusion of microalgae product.
units annexed to sugarcane mills in Brazil would be initially directed to
⎛ y z⎞ y
the production of biodiesel and ethanol, in view of the Brazilian Cx HY Oz +⎜x+ − ⎟ O2→xCO2 + H2 O
⎝ 4 2⎠ 2 (2)
expertise in both areas. Simulation outputs of an optimized autono-
mous 1G distillery crushing 4 million tonnes of sugarcane (MTC) per C6 H12 O6 → 2 C2 H5 OH + 2 CO2 (3)
year – retrieved from simulations carried out with the Virtual
Sugarcane Biorefinery (VSB) framework [153,154], are used as the The most abundant emission originates in the CHP unit of a
basis for microalgae potential estimation for the remainder of the sugarcane mill. The complete combustion of sugarcane LCM generates
review. Fig. 4 shows a simplified flowsheet of the year-round sugarcane a gaseous effluent with similar composition to other industrial flue
mill. During season (200 days), the conceptualized facility operates its gases, containing an average 14% v/v CO2. The stream leaves the boiler
crushing, ethanol fermentation, and CHP sections; during off-season at high temperatures (over 130 °C, depending on the thermal cycle
efficiency) and contains particulate matter, thus needing to be cooled

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

Fig. 4. Conceptualized sugarcane mill for year-round operation, encompassing sugarcane season and off-season.

Table 2
Possibilities and potential of different integrated sugarcane-microalgae biorefineries configurations.

CO2 source Bagasse and straw boiler Fermentation vessels Biogas (vinasse biodigestion)

CO2 fraction in the stream (%, v/v) 12% 95% 23%

Pure CO2 flow – Season (tonne/h) 175.2 33.6 1.1
Pure CO2 flow – Off-season (tonne/h) 138.8 33.6 1.1

Scenario 1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f
Configuration Maximum CO2 Daytime CO2 Maximum CO2 Daytime CO2 Target: diesel Maximum CO2

Employed CO2 flow (tonne/h) 277.5 138.8 67.3 33.6 26.2 2.2
Overnight CO2 storage (thousand m3, at 20 bar) 51.2 – 12.4 – – 1.7
Microalgae reactor area (ha) 5823 2912 1412 706 550 45
Equivalent reactor area radius (km) 4.31 3.04 2.12 1.50 1.32 0.38
Microalgal biomass production (ktonne/year) 480 240 116 58 45 3.7
Biodiesel production (million L/year) 161 80 39 19 15 1.2
Ethanol production (million L/year) 62 31 15 8 6 0.5
Electric power consumption (MW) 14.3 7.2 3.5 1.7 1.4 0.1
Sugarcane harvest diesel substitution (%) 1058% 529% 257% 128% 100% 8%
Total mill CO2 capture (%) 56.8% 28.4% 13.8% 6.9% 5.4% 0.4%

Microalgae cultivation during daytime with both daytime-produced and nighttime-stored CO2 from bagasse and straw burning in the CHP unit.
Microalgae cultivation during daytime with daytime-produced CO2 from bagasse and straw burning in the CHP unit.
Microalgae cultivation during daytime with both daytime-produced and nighttime-stored CO2 from ethanol fermentation.
Microalgae cultivation during daytime with daytime-produced CO2 from ethanol fermentation.
Microalgae cultivation during daytime with daytime-produced CO2 from ethanol fermentation in order to supply the mill’s sugarcane harvest diesel consumption.
Microalgae cultivation during daytime with both daytime-produced and nighttime-stored CO2 from vinasse biodigestion.

down and cleaned before injection in microalgae cultivations shown scenarios associate different CO2 sources available in the
[157,158]. Sugarcane LCM burning in boilers may generate carbon distillery and consider various limiting factors for each integration
monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) [159]. outline, which will be further detailed. Since biodiesel is the most
Although some microalgae species are tolerant to high concentrations straightforward product derived from microalgal biomass [162], the
of NOx and SOx [160], the growth of other species is inhibited by their obtention of this biofuel is the main focus of the analysis in Table 2.
presence [161]. Thus, the removal of such contaminants from boiler Assuming that microalgae growth is only limited by CO2 availability
flue gases is required depending on the microalgae species in question. and using the parameters summarized in Table 3, exploiting the full
Taking for basis the distillery described in Section 5, the CHP unit potential of the distillery (i.e., consuming all CO2 produced in the
alone could provide nearly 1.3 million tonnes of CO2 per year, roughly boiler, fermentation vessels and, anaerobic digester, in a combination
175 tonnes/h and 139 tonnes/h of CO2 during season and off-season, of scenarios 1, 3, and 6) would yield 600 thousand tonnes/year of dry
respectively. Another CO2-rich stream is obtained in ethanol fermenta- microalgal biomass in nearly 7300 ha of reactors - an equivalent
tion vessels, since CO2 is the main byproduct of glucose conversion to reactor radius around the distillery slightly higher than 4.8 km. For
ethanol. Here, CO2 content in the effluent is close to purity, averaging microalgae with 30% oil content, the estimated area for cultivations is
98% v/v, as fermentation gases are usually scrubbed with water before small when compared to the land required for conventional crops to
being released in the atmosphere to minimize ethanol losses through supply the same 180 thousand tonnes/year of oil: more than 437,000
dragging. The suitability of such concentrated CO2 stream to feed ha for soybean and 32,000 ha for palm [59]. Obvious limitations for the
microalgae cultivations has already been demonstrated by Concas et al. deployment of reactors in such large scale can be pointed out. In this
[75]. Considering the same 4-MTC autonomous distillery analyzed in case, the main constraint would be storing CO2 produced during
this section, ethanol fermentation could provide nearly 34 tonnes/h of nighttime to be used in microalgae photosynthetic growth during light
CO2 throughout the year, totaling over 266 thousand tonnes of CO2 per hours, since the enormous gas volumes would make this task im-
year. Table 2 presents several integration possibilities between micro- practical. Even when considering only fermentation-derived CO2,
algae units and the autonomous distillery described in this section. The overnight storage of CO2 would require 12 thousand m3 of tanks with

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

Table 3 reaching a concentration (94.4 °GL) close to the maximum defined by

Main parameters for potential estimation of microalgal biomass production. the water-ethanol azeotrope (96 °GL). As a result, a voluminous
effluent stream is generated in the process, containing byproducts of
Parameter Value Reference
the fermentation and non-volatile compounds found in sugarcane, such
Microalgae CO2 uptake 80% [221] as K, N, and P [166]. According to VSB estimates, both autonomous
Microalgae CO2 requirement 1.83 kg CO2/kg [59] ethanol distilleries and sugar mills with annexed distilleries generate
around 8.6 m3 of vinasse per m3 of ethanol. Considering the 2014/
Areal productivity 250 kg/ha day [222]
Photoperiod 12 h Assumption 2015 national ethanol production of 28 million m3 [124], total vinasse
Microalgae oil content 30% Assumption generation in the country can amount to 240 million m3 per harvest
season. In Brazil, vinasse produced in sugarcane mills is often
Electric energy consumption recirculated to sugarcane crops as a means to cycle nutrients in a
Microalgae cultivation 38 kWh/ha day [222]
process called fertirrigation. Application rates in the field are defined
Microalgae harvest and lipid 0.018 kWh/kg microalgae [222]
extraction by K concentration in the effluent, which yields spread volumes in the
Lipids transesterificationa 82.5 kWh/ton biodiesel [223] range of 60–300 m3 of the effluent per ha [167,168]. Since K delivered
Lipids transesterification yield 0.98 kg esters/kg lipids [224] via fertirrigation completely supplies the demand of the sugarcane crop
Carbohydrate fermentation yield 0.51 kg ethanol/kg Theoretical yield
for the nutrient, the purchased mineral fertilizer is mainly constituted
by N and P [167]. In the case of vinasses with high K amounts, allowed
Retrieved from palm oil transesterification with methanol application rates are lower in order to avoid excessive buildup of the
nutrient in the soil. In turn, this leads to the need of spreading vinasse
pressurization of the gas at 20 bar (scenario 3). Therefore, the most in increasingly higher distances from the mill, which is seldom
realistic solution consists in employing exclusively daytime-produced economically feasible beyond a given radius [169]. Consequently,
CO2, while venting in the atmosphere nighttime emissions, as con- sugarcane mills often tend to apply higher vinasse rates than would
sidered in scenarios 2 and 4. Still, a substantial quantity of CO2 is be normally needed to supply K requirement of the crop, in spite of the
available from both sources, reaching up to 637 thousand tonnes of previously cited environmental concerns.
CO2 per year for daytime boiler emissions and 133 thousand tonnes of Although a practice permitted by local laws in Brazil, fertirrigation
CO2 per year from daytime fermentation. It is interesting to note that with in natura vinasse is considered to be the simplest way to deal with
scenarios 1 and 2 are designed for the uptake of the amount of CO2 this abundant effluent [170]. The uncontrolled practice of fertirrigation
produced during off-season; in this way, there is no idle capacity of the is also subject of thorough criticism for contaminating of superficial
microalgae plant in year-round operation, since season emissions are and subterraneous waters and buildup of salts in the soil, with risk of
higher than those in off-season. salinization, and loss of soil fertility [168,171,172]. Furthermore, due
In order to rationalize energy use, the obvious choice is to use to the forecast increase in ethanol production in Brazil in the coming
higher-purity CO2 emissions for microalgae cultivation, so that less years [173] and assuming the generation of 6–14 m3 of vinasse per m3
energy is spent in concentrating CO2 and in compressing gas streams. of ethanol [174], the growth of the generated amount of vinasse in the
Given that the agricultural operations, i.e., harvest of 4 MTC of country calls for new technological solutions in order to deal with such
sugarcane and recovery of 50% of sugarcane straw from the field, plentiful wastewater. Microalgae cultivations can potentially benefit
consume roughly 3.8 L of diesel per TC (according to VSB estimates), from the availability of vinasse in several ways, as depicted in Fig. 5.
an interesting option is to design a biorefinery which substitutes 100% The most straightforward option for vinasse use in microalgae
of the fossil diesel by biodiesel. Scenario 5 shows this possibility, which cultivations is its direct employment as the totality or part of the
employs 544 ha of microalgae reactors for the production of 15.2 culture medium. The presence of nutrients and organic carbon in the
million L of diesel per year. effluent may enhance microalgae growth rates under proper cultivation
Moreover, additional electrical energy could be generated through conditions [175,176]. Considering both photoautotrophic and mixo-
anaerobic digestion or direct combustion of defatted microalgal trophic metabolic regimes, the dark brownish color of sugarcane
biomass, which are not envisaged in this study. However, taking the vinasse due to the presence of melanoidins is a possible obstacle to
aforementioned distillery as basis, a constant surplus power of 82 MW photosynthetic growth of microalgae when employed as full culture
would be available for microalgae production and processing, which medium. Therefore, color removal from the effluent prior to the
covers the preliminary consumption estimates of the main operations cultivation is imperative. Treatments with this purpose include coagu-
with microalgae in any scenario. In a theoretical brownfield sugarcane- lation with polymers [177], application of microorganisms [178–180]
microalgae biorefinery, the needed amount of electrical energy de- and oxides [181], and advanced oxidation processes [182], which may
manded by the microalgae process could be supplied by current result in increased costs for the production of the culture medium
Brazilian sugarcane mills, in which surplus electrical energy is sig- alone.
nificantly lower than in optimized, straw-recovering mills. Conversely, studies show the possibility of employing sugarcane
Microalgal debris after oil extraction can, alternatively, be further vinasse as a small fraction of the culture medium because growth
processed to yield other valued coproducts: ethanol through fermenta- inhibition may occur in the presence of high concentrations of toxic
tion of microalgal carbohydrates, [12,37] either separately or along compounds above certain levels [96]. As an example, when employing
with sugarcane juice, thus profiting from the existing distillery infra- mixed vinasses from ethanol and citric acid productions, concentra-
structure; high-protein microalgae meal [163,164]; pigments [165], tions of up to 10% can be employed without hindering microalgae
and others. growth: even with a more dark-colored medium, the emergence of the
mixotrophic metabolic regime increases biomass production in com-
parison to purely autotrophic cultivations [183]. It is interesting to
5.2. Vinasse from sugarcane mills note, however, that this type of mixed vinasse is not an industrial
reality in Brazil. The use of diluted vinasse as culture medium is not a
Vinasse, also called stillage, is a byproduct obtained in large desirable feature for industrial-scale microalgae cultivation setups and
volumes during ethanol distillation ensuing carbohydrate-rich feed- should, therefore, be avoided by researchers. Instead, the direct
stock fermentation. Following yeast removal from the fermentation utilization of raw vinasse as both culture medium and nutrient source
broth, wine with low ethanol concentration (8.5 °GL) is sent to a series should be the prioritized solution. Regarding heterotrophic growth of
of distillation columns in which its purity increases stepwise until microalgae, in natura vinasse displays high chemical oxygen demand

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

Fig. 5. Processing alternatives for harnessing the full potential of using vinasse as an input for microalgae cultivation.

(COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which are directly biogas program [188] and general funding [189].
linked to the amount of organic molecules in the effluent. Such Prior to utilization, raw biogas must undergo different levels of
compounds can be used as carbon source in microalgae cultivation to purification according to the desired application. H2S is usually
some extent. A rough estimate can be drawn from the results presented removed from biogas due to its high corrosion potential to storage
in [176], in which the green algae Desmodesmus sp. is heterotrophi- tanks and prime movers [190]. This operation can be carried out by
cally grown in culture medium containing 100% sugarcane vinasse. In existing large-scale solutions: chemical precipitation, adsorption, or
this study, around 4 g/L of microalgal biomass are obtained after 30 h biological techniques [191]. Afterwards, biogas with low H2S content is
of cultivation in vinasse with initial COD of 27.5 g/L. Assuming that the either burned for the generation of electrical and thermal energy or
average COD of sugarcane vinasse is of 30 g/L [166], more than 1.8 sent to an additional purification step for the removal of CO2 –called
million tonnes/year of dry microalgal biomass could be theoretically upgrading. This step, also performed with established industrial
produced from the total vinasse in Brazil by taking into account these solutions such as pressure swing adsorption (PSA), membrane separa-
parameters. This value easily overshadows those shown in Table 2, tion, or scrubbing with solvents [191] yields biogas with high CH4
which only considers CO2 for microalgae growth. The deployment of content (in excess of 95% v/v), often referred to as biomethane.
such alternative in the industry still depends on minimizing or solving Biomethane presents the advantage of being suitable for injection in
several issues, such as bioreactor design or culture medium steriliza- the natural gas grid or for the replacement of conventional fuels in
tion to ensure low microbial contamination [184]. Moreover, uptake of Diesel cycle engines [192]. Different studies [153,154] attest the
vinasse carbon in this way is limited (of around 36% in [176]), which economic feasibility and the environmental benefits of both alterna-
must still be optimized for large-scale applications. tives in comparison to the more straightforward option of electrical
Prior to use in microalgae cultivations, the full potential of vinasse energy generation. A large-scale, real-life example of application of
can be harnessed by carrying out anaerobic digestion, which consists in diesel replacement in Brazilian sugarcane mills started operation in
the degradation of organic matter with biochemical reactions per- mid-2016: Iracema mill (Iracemápolis, SP, Brazil) is currently per-
formed by different classes of microorganisms [166]. After the process, forming anaerobic digestion of vinasse and upgrading of biogas to
two main products are obtained: a gas mix, termed biogas, mainly biomethane with Paques (Balk, The Netherlands) technology for
composed of CH4, CO2, and H2S; and a liquid mixture/sludge contain- substitution of diesel in trucks employed in sugarcane agricultural
ing the remaining inorganic nutrients and unconverted organic matter. operations. The main goal of this configuration aims at lower sugarcane
Besides removing COD from sugarcane vinasse prior to its disposal in production costs and better associated environmental impacts due to a
the environment or its use in fertirrigation, application of anaerobic reduction in purchase and consumption of fossil diesel [153].
digestion in large scale offers the possibility of generating significant The possibility of biogas upgrading using photobioreactors with
amounts of electrical and thermal energy through biogas combustion microalgae suspensions is currently present in the scientific literature
[185,186]. In Brazil, despite the promising possibility of digesting [191,193]. Direct injection of biogas in microalgae cultivations for
vinasse for the diversification of the product portfolio of current upgrading would mean the release of O2 through photosynthetic
sugarcane mills, this wastewater remains a largely untapped energy consumption of CO2 in the CH4-rich stream leaving the reactors, thus
resource [166]. Starting with an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket requiring a two-step approach. Firstly, biogas is pumped through
(UASB) reactor constructed in a sugarcane mill in São Paulo state in water-filled bubble columns, in order to dissolve CO2 in the liquid
the 1990s [187], an extensive adoption of other vinasse digesters in while CH4 leaves the equipment practically untouched [194–196]. The
Brazil was hindered by several factors, such as the lack of a national recovered biogas presents much higher CH4 content and heating value

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

after CO2 removal [197,198]. Then, the CO2-rich liquid is supplied to sugarcane mills [159].
the cultivations, where microalgae consume CO2 [199,200]. This Around 21% of the energy used in the industry sector in Brazil
method of biogas upgrading can potentially compete with other comes from sugarcane LCM combustion [204]. Other primary biomass
industrial solutions for purification, such as the use of membranes sources, namely wood and charcoal, are mainly employed in the
for gas permeation. According to Moraes et al. [170], vinasse from ceramics sector and iron/steelmaking, respectively. The exportation
sugar mills with annexed distilleries produce vinasse with COD of of electrical energy from cogeneration in sugarcane mills is an
33.6 kg/m3, while autonomous distilleries yield vinasse with COD of important product helping to improve the profitability of such facilities
around 21.0 kg/m3. Assuming that the anaerobic digestion of vinasse [205].
removes 72% of the COD and yields 0.31 m3 of biogas/kg of removed The main energetic requirement of microalgae facilities is electrical
COD, the same facility described in Section 5 could produce 2600 m3/h energy, which is used in powering several types of equipment:
of biogas from 390 m3/h of vinasse. Scenario 6 of Table 2 presents a impellers in open photobioreactors, pumps for the displacement of
projection on integration potential arising from biogas purification culture medium, microalgae suspensions, and make-up water, centri-
with microalgae, employing storage of nighttime production of biogas fuges for biomass separation, blowers for flotation systems, lipid
to be treated during illuminated hours. Considering biogas with 70% v/ extraction equipment, and conversion processes, varying greatly ac-
v CH4 and 30% v/v CO2 and that microalgae are able to fix CO2 with the cording to the chosen technological route [206]. Process steam may
same efficacy considered in Table 3, an estimated 3.7 thousand tonnes play a role in supplying energy for certain microalgae conversion
of dry microalgal biomass/year could be produced. Biogas treated this technologies. Biodiesel production and ethanol distillation, for in-
way would present a significantly different composition: the purified stance, consume around 300 kg of steam/tonne of biodiesel [127]
2100 m3/h of biogas would be composed of an estimated 90% v/v CH4, and 100–550 kg of steam/m3 of anhydrous ethanol depending on the
which is close to the target CH4 level needed for injection in the natural dehydration technology (pervaporation or molecular sieves) [174],
gas grid [166]. In addition, using the digestate arising from the respectively. In order to maintain the supply of thermal energy for
anaerobic digestion of vinasse as culture medium for microalgae microalgae cultivations inside the biorefinery, other energy vectors may
growth is an interesting option for the reduction of its toxicity towards be employed, such as heat integration between different equipment and
microalgae [96]. Besides generating a higher-grade biogas through this microalgae cultivation. The influence of seasonal high and low tem-
type of integration, the production and commercialization of micro- peratures requires the heating or cooling of culture medium according
algae-derived products generates revenues to the biorefinery, while to each occasion, which could be carried out through integration with
employing conventional biogas purification methods (sulfur removal, specific streams in sugarcane mills. An interesting feature that favors
dehydration, membrane permeation) presents only operational costs to ethanol distilleries to host integrated biorefineries is the availability of
the plant. various high-temperature process streams which could be used in
Zhu et al. [201] recommend an integrated scaled-up system for supplying part of the energetic demand of an integrated process. For
seizing the full potential of anaerobic digestion of a generic effluent: the example, microalgae production could benefit from the energy con-
digestate is used as the culture medium for microalgae growth, while tained in the vinasse stream, which leaves the distillation column at
raw biogas is also supplied for upgrading through the removal of CO2 nearly 100 °C, to pre-heat fresh culture medium prior to sterilization in
by microalgae. Besides, the production of microalgal biodiesel and heterotrophic cultivations.
biogas can be directed towards the production of thermal and electrical More complex paths, include the integration between microalgal
energy, thus making the plant self-sufficient in terms of energy and biomass gasification and cycle-based power generation [207]: after
possibly capable of exporting surplus electricity to the grid. Other cultivation, microalgal water content is removed with a dryer inte-
authors propose equally integrated approaches to vinasse anaerobic grated to gas turbines, which operate with syngas and whose flue gas is
digestion and microalgae units. Doušková et al. [202] proposed a in turn used to enhance photosynthetic growth of microalgae.
closed system for the full exploitation of ethanol distillery vinasse via
anaerobic digestion: CO2 contained in raw biogas was directly supplied 5.4. Land availability
to microalgae cultivations and N in the form of ammonia obtained after
treatment of the fermenter digestate was fed to the photobioreactors. Brazil is renowned for the great availability of unused land area as
In both cases, the authors found that microalgal growth rate was not well as degraded pasture land, from which microalgae projects can
affected when compared to the base conditions - synthetic mixture of benefit. Sugarcane crops, for instance, occupy less than 4% of the
CO2:air as the carbon source and urea as the N source, respectively. arable land in the country [208]. Concerning the displacement of land
Another alternative that has emerged in order to solve the difficulty for microalgae units, the Northeastern region of Brazil tends to present
in spreading high volumes of vinasse in the sugarcane crops is its cheaper costs than the traditional South-Southeastern sugarcane
concentration through evaporation, already adopted in several region - although the latter is closer to the largest consumer markets
Brazilian sugarcane mills [203]. Prior to fertirrigation, the wastewater in the country. A 2013 study [209] deems all areas with average
passes through multiple effects or falling film evaporators for volume temperatures between 20 and 30 ºC as favorable for microalgae
reduction and solid content increase. While the resulting concentrated growth, which corresponds roughly to all land comprised at latitudes
vinasse is a liquid fertilizer with better transportability conditions, the between the 35th parallels. Through this perspective, all of the
evaporated water is suitable to compose part of the microalgae culture Brazilian territory is, in a first analysis, suitable for microalgae
medium after its condensation. As detailed in Section 3.3, water use in cultivation. However, as previously stated in Section 3.4, local atmo-
microalgae cultivations is of utmost importance and vinasse is an spheric conditions highly influence the feasibility of outdoor produc-
abundant water source in a simple analysis. tion of microalgae [114] and have direct impact on the final location
choice. Temperatures in Southern Brazil vary highly when comparing
5.3. Surplus energy from sugarcane mills summer and winter periods. Intensive microalgae cultivations in the
region would require additional investment for both heating and
Brazil is known worldwide for its diversified and sustainability- cooling of the culture medium during temperature extremes, in a
oriented energy matrix, in which biomass plays an essential role. similar fashion to Northern Italy [210]. In this way, other portions of
Besides conventional energy-producing facilities, such as hydroelectric, the country with more stable temperature patterns are preferable,
coal, and natural gas power plants, some industrial sectors are self- namely the Southeast, Center-West, and Northeast regions. Another
sufficient in terms of electrical energy generation and sell surplus analysis on microalgal biofuels [211] pointed out nations such as
electricity to the national grid, mainly pulp and paper mills and Australia, Cambodia, Brazil, Egypt, India, Kenya, and Saudi Arabia as

B. Colling Klein et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1376–1392

promising for microalgal lipid production due to land requirement and emissions as the carbon source.
availability, solar irradiance, and annual average temperatures - with- Regardless of the chosen approach, several aspects of microalgae
out taking into account, however, the availability of freshwater sources. cultivation must still be proven in laboratory scale and through the
Among these countries, Brazil presents the clear advantage of dispos- deployment of new pilot plants worldwide. Scientific data concerning
ing large water resources, which are scarce and sought-after in desert growth of different microalgae species, both wild and genetically
and semi-arid regions. Water stress in such countries could spark modified ones, with in natura and digested vinasse are especially
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