Sustainable Circular Biorefinery Approach For Novel Building Blocks and Bioenergy Production From Algae Using Microbial Fuel Cell

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Sustainable circular biorefinery approach for novel

building blocks and bioenergy production from
algae using microbial fuel cell

Kevin Tian Xiang Tong, Inn Shi Tan, Henry Chee Yew Foo, Pau Loke Show,
Man Kee Lam & Mee Kee Wong

To cite this article: Kevin Tian Xiang Tong, Inn Shi Tan, Henry Chee Yew Foo, Pau Loke Show,
Man Kee Lam & Mee Kee Wong (2023) Sustainable circular biorefinery approach for novel
building blocks and bioenergy production from algae using microbial fuel cell, Bioengineered,
14:1, 246-289, DOI: 10.1080/21655979.2023.2236842

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Published online: 23 Jul 2023.

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2023, VOL. 14, NO. 1, 246–289

Sustainable circular biorefinery approach for novel building blocks and

bioenergy production from algae using microbial fuel cell
a a a b,c,d,e f,g
Kevin Tian Xiang Tong , Inn Shi Tan , Henry Chee Yew Foo , Pau Loke Show , Man Kee Lam ,
and Mee Kee Wong h
Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia;
Department of Chemical Engineering, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; cZhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory for
Subtropical Water Environment and Marine Biological Resources Protection, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, China; dDepartment of Chemical
and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Semenyih, Malaysia; eDepartment of
Sustainable Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, India; fChemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi
PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia; gHICoE-Centre for Biofuel and Biochemical Research, Institute of Self-Sustainable Building,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia; hPETRONAS Research Sdn Bhd, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia


The imminent need for transition to a circular biorefinery using microbial fuel cells (MFC), based Received 24 April 2023
on the valorization of renewable resources, will ameliorate the carbon footprint induced by Revised 23 June 2023
industrialization. MFC catalyzed by bioelectrochemical process drew significant attention initially Accepted 11 July 2023
for its exceptional potential for integrated production of biochemicals and bioenergy. KEYWORDS
Nonetheless, the associated costly bioproduct production and slow microbial kinetics have con­ L-lactic acid; microfluidic;
strained its commercialization. This review encompasses the potential and development of electrofermentation;
macroalgal biomass as a substrate in the MFC system for L-lactic acid (L-LA) and bioelectricity bioelectricity; 3D printing
generation. Besides, an insight into the state-of-the-art technological advancement in the MFC
system is also deliberated in detail. Investigations in recent years have shown that MFC developed
with different anolyte enhances power density from several µW/m2 up to 8160 mW/m2. Further,
this review provides a plausible picture of macroalgal-based L-LA and bioelectricity circular
biorefinery in the MFC system for future research directions.

CONTACT Inn Shi Tan [email protected] Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University
Malaysia, Miri, Sarawak CDT 250, 98009, Malaysia; Pau Loke Show [email protected] Department of Chemical Engineering, Khalifa University,
Shakhbout Bin Sultan St - Zone 1, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
© 2023 Curtin University, Malaysia Is owned and managed by Curtin (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 199801008086 (464213-M). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the
Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

1. Introduction one operation becomes the feedstock for another

[5]. Notably, the circular bioeconomy model has
Industrialization, the engine of urbanization and drawn significant attention to address the environ­
economic expansion, has accelerated the develop­ mental burden and resource depletion caused by
ment of petrolic energy and polymer sectors in the linear economy model. In the circular bioec­
association with the growth of the global popula­ onomy model, the maximum energy potential and
tion and affluence [1]. Meanwhile, due to the value of the biomass can be aroused, extracted,
outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a nearly and retained to their maximum extent via the
130-fold increment of plastic waste has been per­ circular biorefinery approach. The circular biore­
ceived over the past 10 years (2011–2020) and finery approach is a regenerative closed-loop
reached approximately 8.51 billion tons as an method that conserves the longevous biomass
unprecedented increase in single-use plastics resources to maximize economic productivity and
(SUPs), including protective medical suits and minimize waste generation at the end of each
face masks [2]. It is assessed that mismanaged service life, which helps mitigate the pressure on
plastic wastes are omnipresent and outweigh fish the environment [6]. Recently, the concept of hol­
in the marine environment, with at least 7 million istic zero-waste circular biorefinery has been suc­
tons of plastic debris dumped into the ocean cessfully applied to the co-production of
annually, which has caused catastrophic damage bioethanol and biogas (biomethane) from red
and deaths of marine animals [3]. Such vivacious macroalgae Eucheuma denticulatum residues by
SUPs production results in well-established con­ Loh et al. [7]. They concluded that the developed
cerns that are deleterious to the environment, macroalgae-based circular biorefinery system
such as land pollution, air pollution, and marine demonstrated an exergy efficiency of 73.74% with
pollution that causes anthropogenic CO2 emis­ a functional exergy efficiency of 15.30% and the
sions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) cascading approach allowing an almost complete
website shows that the rise in carbon footprint conversion of the macroalgal biomass [7].
from 2005 to 2021 has reached an 18% increment A macroalgae-based circular biorefinery system
[1]. This linear economy has been heavily reliant for bioethanol and L-lactic acid (L-LA) was also
on the overexploitation of fossil fuels and natural established by Wong et al. [8] using red macro­
resources, which drastically impairs the life of algae Eucheuma cottonii residues, manifesting the
future generations [3]. Suppose the carbon foot­ electricity generated from the combined heat and
print continuously rises at its current rate into the power plant of the system proficient at supplying
atmosphere. In that case, the dynamic equili­ up to 70% of the plant’s total electricity require­
brium of the carbon cycle will diverge, resulting ment. Further, Grasa et al. [9] investigated the
in irreversible changes in the climate system. economic evaluation using brown macroalgae
Hence, sustainable practices and concerted efforts Laminaria sp. as biomass for large-scale L-LA
to minimize carbon footprint whilst simulta­ production. They revealed that the minimum
neously maintaining global economic growth viable selling price is reduced by 34% compared
have to be initiated through various technological with the current selling price (USD 3.83/kg),
interventions to meliorate the current linear demonstrating an economic feasibility and sustain­
economy toward a biobased bioeconomy. ability biorefinery approach [9]. To this extent, the
In pursuing the United Nations’ 7th Sustainable macroalgae biomasses tally with the circular bior­
Development Goal (SDG), the bioeconomy has to efinery concept compared to lignocellulosic bio­
be designed to generate affordable, clean, and sus­ mass (LCB), a cornerstone of the biorefinery to
tainable energy [4]. From the point of view of date due to non-competitiveness with food supply
sustainability, this concept covers three major and fast growth rate [10,11].
points: (1) maximum utilization of organic To achieve carbon neutrality and a sustainable
resources; (2) minimum energy suffices the pro­ circular biorefinery, durable biobased products
duction processes; (3) the waste produced from need to be developed without sacrificing
248 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

performance. Various strategic paths to produce attributional life cycle assessment (LCA) assay, the
carbon-neutral macroalgal bioenergy and bioplas­ authors revealed that the best scenario was the
tics have been mapped out with expanding integration of the production chain compared to
research outputs [12,13]. At the upshot of these standalone production, resulting in a 112.18%
efforts, one of the latterly proposed alternative diminution to the net system emission by attaining
bioenergy sources is microbial fuel cells (MFC) −2.2 global warming ratio compared to standalone
which generate renewable electricity using active processing [18]. Thus, a cascading macroalgal
microorganisms or bacteria as a biocatalyst in an biorefinery system in the MFC model is recom­
anaerobic anode chamber [13]. Gebreslassie et al. mended for a zero-waste conversion technology to
[13] revealed that brown macroalgae Saccharina address the dilemma of bioelectricity and L-LA.
japonica was successfully metabolized by metha­ Once fully optimized, the cascading macroalgal
nogenesis in a H-shape dual-chamber MFC for biorefinery system has the potential to transform
bioelectricity production with a maximum power the energy and polymer sector into a climate-
density of 1820 mW/m2. Further, Okoroafor et al. neutral hub whilst helping the circular
[14] detailly calculated the substitution potential of bioeconomy.
petrolic electricity with bioelectricity produced via This paper is systematically designed to criti­
MFC and evaluated global warming potential cally review the successful development of bioelec­
(GWP) impacts. Initially, the GWP was evaluated tricity and L-LA from macroalgal biomass for
based on the United Kingdom’s electricity bioenergy and bioplastic applications. The pro­
demand; further, GWP for bioelectricity MFC spects and state-of-the-art technological develop­
was evaluated for petrol-based electricity. It has ment of MFC for integrated bioprocesses as
been deduced from the calculations that 15.7– a strategy for carbon neutrality and sustainability
19.5 ktons of CO2 equivalents can be diminished were enclosed. In addition, the advantages of key
by bioelectricity production of 10,030 GJ each year bioprocesses that are employed for macroalgae
[14]. Furthermore, using renewable carbon in valorization for L-LA and bioelectricity production
bioelectricity helps curtail the dependency on fos­ were also discussed extensively. Based on the dif­
sil fuels, which can further control or reduce the ferent technological employment, some recom­
carbon footprint throughout this life cycle [15]. mendations were made for future research
In addition to tremendous efforts to reverse directions on the seamless integration of macro­
global climate change, a valuable novel building algal-based L-LA and bioelectricity production.
block for poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) bioplastic, Hence, this review provides essential technical
notable L-LA, can also produce from macroalgal enlightenment on the contemporary status and
biomass via the biotechnological approach by future trends of MFC applications in pursuit of
using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to valorize carbo­ a sustainable circular biorefinery.
hydrate contents [11]. PLLA is a biodegradable
thermoplastic with properties similar to petrolic
plastics (polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, 2. Marine macroalgae: the future of
and polyamide) and offers added advantages due sustainable bioenergy and bioplastic
to generating a lesser carbon footprint on the The research interest in utilizing marine and cul­
environment with a feasible end-of-life strategy tivated macroalgal biomass began to arise once
[16]. By the biorefinery principle Task 42, the co- hindrances associated with LCB emerged, mainly
production of bioenergy and value-added bio­ the harsh thermochemical pretreatment involved
chemicals from biomass in an integrated system in removing the lignin complexes [19]. Among
are advocated to advance the material wealth of 29,800 identified macroalgae strains, merely 230
human society in terms of materials and energy strains have been studied for biorefinery, and
supply for a new sustainable industrial develop­ their potential for miscellaneous applications is
ment [17]. In an evaluation of the carbon footprint irrefutable [20]. The cradle-to-gate delineation of
of biorefinery producing biochemicals and bioe­ the development of macroalgal bioelectricity and
nergy from wastewater in an MFC model using an bioplastics is illustrated in Figure 1. Macroalgae

Figure 1. Schematic representation of macroalgal bioelectricity and bioplastics from cradle-to-gate perspectives for durable

are aquatic photosynthesis and carbohydrate-rich fermentation performance of the endowing lactic
multicellular eukaryotic organisms ubiquitously acid bacteria on the derived rare sugars. Figure 2
present in marine habitats, hence the acronym depicts the major macroalgae-derived rare sugars
‘marine plants’ or ‘seaweeds.’ Macroalgae are of via hydrolysis, revealing that rare sugars in the
three types based on the natural pigmentation form of D-glucose can be found in all macroalgae
type: red (Rhodophyta) taxonomical group colored taxonomical groups representing the appearance
by phycoerythrin, brown (Phaeophyta) taxonomi­ of cellulose compounds in the macroalgal cell
cal group colored by fucoxanthin, and finally wall [11]. Red macroalgae, with Gracilaria sp.
green (Chlorophyta) taxonomical group colored and Eucheuma sp. as the representative species,
by chlorophylls. All taxonomical groups contain possess agarose and carrageenan as the heteroge­
specific cell wall polysaccharides such as cellulose neous phycocolloids composed of agarobiose,
and phycocolloids in varying compositions, which D-galactose, and 3,6-anhydro-D-galactose, of
contribute to the diversity of macroalgal species. which 3,6-anhydro-D-galactose is non-metabolize
Floridean starch, laminarin and amylopectin are [12,22]. Brown macroalgae are copiously culti­
usually the storage polysaccharides for red, brown, vated for the extraction of alginate, laminarin,
and green macroalgae, respectively. Their lack of mannitol, and fucoidan, which is widespread in
recalcitrant lignin complexes indicates that less food processing applications. L-fucose,
energy-intensive bioprocesses can be employed to D-mannose, D-galactose, mannuronic acid, and
recover value-added bioproducts of commercial glucuronic acid are the major monosaccharides
interest, favoring techno-economic and LCA ana­ in brown macroalgae hydrolyzates [23,24]. In
lyses of any potential biorefinery processes that addition, green macroalgae mainly embrace ulvan
utilize macroalgae as feedstock [8,10]. Moreover, as the sole heterogenous polysaccharide composed
high and specialty easy-degradable polysaccharides of L-iduronic acids and rare sugars, including
(65–95 wt%) in each taxonomical group of macro­ L-rhamnose and D-tagatose [25]. Thus, macroal­
algae species offer extensive features for either gae are considered sustainable sources of rare
platform compounds or direct use in the biorefin­ sugars for biorefinery purposes. It also addresses
ery [21]. the sustainability concerns related to food security
From the perspective of bioelectricity genera­ and arable land suffered by the edible crops and
tion and L-LA fermentation, the significant dis­ LCBs, as macroalgae are abundant in supply and
parity between the three macroalgae species relies generally grow in marine habitats [11].
upon their inherent sugar composition, and the Furthermore, macroalgae are considered a year-
conversion yield will be evaluated by the round available feedstock for biorefinery purposes
250 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

Figure 2. Major monosaccharides present in the hydrolysates of red, brown, and green macroalgae.

due to their bioavailability properties with a short [28]. Alongside macroalgae propagation from
average growth period of 10–15 days [26]. The aquaculture or wild stocks as the feedstock for
global industry exploits 35.08 million tons of 230 biorefinery purposes, carbon offsetting can occur
macroalgae species cultivated worldwide in 2020, simultaneously by photosynthetic CO2 sequestra­
dominated by red macroalgae species, which tion. This is mainly due to macroalgal habitats
seizes 18.84 million tons and corresponds to being the most extensive and productive of all
53.70% of the total productivity [27]. Besides, the coastal vegetated ecosystems. Raven [29] revealed
global annual production of wild stock macroalgae that strongly autotrophic macroalgae communities
in seashore without any farming techniques globally sequester approximately 1.6 gigatons of
bestows a net primary production (NPP) of 1.32 carbon/year through their net production.
Pg carbon per year, where this productivity is Regarding climate change, Seghetta et al. [30]
aligned with the Amazon rainforests. NPP is concluded that the net removal of CO2 from the
defined as the balance between photosynthetic atmosphere by macroalgae aquaculture and bior­
CO2 sequestration and CO2 released by auto­ efinery is about 190 kg of CO2 equivalents per
trophic respiration, in which the positive NPP hectare of cultivation area. From the perspective
value describes the environment possessing high of CO2 sequestration, the intense photosynthetic
initial biomass and higher biomass productivity activity by macroalgal forests obviates ocean

acidification, resulting in a balanced pH for mar­ Renowned for its reliable and developed technol­
ine ecosystems. In fact, ocean acidification repre­ ogy, B2E is an eco-friendly approach that can
sents a threat that negatively impacts the growth generate green energy from biomass or post-
and survival of calcifying organisms, including consumer waste [33,34]. Among the available
coral reefs, oysters, shrimps, and clams by wrest­ B2E technologies, MFC has demonstrated promis­
ing the minerals used by these organisms to build ing prospects in directly converting biomass to
their shells and skeletons [31]. bioelectricity over exoelectrogens (anodophilic)
In addition, bioenergy and bioplastics produced microorganisms [15]. In general, the bioconver­
from macroalgal biorefinery will be zero net addi­ sion of organic matter for bioelectricity production
tion of CO2 to the atmosphere; any CO2 emitted in from MFC could be depicted in Figure 3. The
combustion originated from that sequestered dur­ MFC consists of two chambers, an anode chamber
ing recent photosynthesis and can potentially be and a cathode chamber, separated by a proton
recaptured in the same way [1]. Moreover, Plastics exchange membrane (PEM). Further, the exoelec­
Europe Association (PEA) conducted the LCA of trogens are typically immobilized on the surface of
macroalgal-based bioplastic and concluded that the anode, resulting in a biofilm over the anode
macroalgae biomass has substantial potential to surface to debase the biomass, releasing electrons
produce value-added biochemicals such as L-LA and protons, which later be used for bioelectricity
for bioplastic production [32]. In short, the round- production [35]. The bioelectricity potential and
of-the-year availability of macroalgal biomass, the vitality transformation of MFCs rely significantly
ability for CO2 sequestration, and high carbohy­ on the efficiency level attained by both the biode­
drate content increase their potential for bioenergy gradation process and electron transfer [36].
and bioplastics production. Compared to conventional anaerobic degradation,
MFC manifests greater potential with its higher
energy recovery efficiency from biomass [13].
2.1. Bioenergy
Typically, conventional anaerobic degradation
Interest in biomass-to-energy (B2E) strategies has produces biogas from biomass, which is suscepti­
peaked in the quest for establishing a carbon neu­ ble to 20% entropy lost during its combustive
tral cycle by drawdown CO2 released, solving both conversion into useable bioelectricity [8].
energy and environmental crises simultaneously. Contrarily, such combustive conversion is

Figure 3. Microbial fuel cells (MFC) for bioelectricity production from a variety of biomass and waste sources.
252 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

negligible for MFC as its mechanism involves cou­ Eq. (1), R-COOH compounds are broken down,
pling exoelectrogen metabolism and electrochemi­ releasing biogenic CO2 as an inherent metabolic
cal reaction to convert the chemical energy present by-product, considered a natural carbon cycle
in the biomass into usable electrical energy. [13]. Interestingly, the released biogenic CO2 can
Moreover, MFC can also operate under ambient indirectly help mediate the pH shift between the
temperature, thus offering a higher safety index two chambers by participating in the carbonate
and exergy efficiency for bioelectricity genera­ buffering reactions, shown in Eq. (3) [35].
tion [37]. Okoroafor et al. [14] concluded that adding buffer
Gebreslassie et al. [13] proved the feasibility of salts such as phosphates and carbonates to the
macroalgae for the co-production of bioelectricity anolyte and catholyte is not economically feasible
and hydrogen by applying red macroalgae for large-scale production and will contribute to
Saccharina japonica as substrate in MFC. The an 80% increment of GWP compared to CO2 as
authors revealed that energy recovery of 17.3% a buffering agent. Furthermore, an integrated
was attained with an optimum power density and MFC system for bioelectricity and carbon capture
hydrogen production of 1.82 W/m2 and 110 mL/g, was developed by Zhang et al. [39] using an algal
respectively [13]. As a further illustration, biocathode with a layer of biofilm consisting of
S. japonica substrate in the anode chamber is oxi­ photosynthetic algae Chlorella vulgaris. With this
dized by fermentative bacteria under dark fermen­ technique, the released biogenic CO2 will be sup­
tation operation to produce hydrogen; however, plied to promote better growth and photosynthesis
carboxylic acids, including acetic acid, butyric of the algae biomass [composition: (CH2O)n],
acid, propionic acid, and lactic acid (LA) were improving carbon fixation [39]. Eq. (4) depicts
produced simultaneously as the by-products. The that oxygen is generated as an electron acceptor
produced carboxylic acids are strongly hydrophi­ by photosynthesis, which later is used in the catho­
lic; thereby, the recovery of carboxylic acids from dic reaction, creating a sustainable cycle loop.
fermentation broths requires a complicated Thus, MFC aligns with green chemistry and pro­
separation process, which hinders their practical vides a framework for contributing to achieve the
application [13]. Hence, the produced carboxylic carbon neutrality goal as they operate under mild
acid molecules [composition: R-COOH] partici­ conditions to convert the chemical energy of bio­
pated in the anodic reaction and oxidized by exoe­ mass to electrical energy through microbial meta­
lectrogens into a reduced form for electrons and
protons production, which can be depicted in Eq. ���������!
Anodic reaction: R-COOH + H2O Exoelectrogens 2CO2 + 8H+ + 8e− (1)
(1). The released electrons from the anodic reac­
tion are then transferred to the anode through the + −
Cathodic reaction: 8H + 8e + 2O2 ! 4H2O (2)
exoelectrogen cell membrane, where anode acts as Carbonate buffering reaction: CO2 + H2O $ H2CO3 $ H+ + HCO3− (3)
a terminal for the electron transfer process to the
Photosynthesis: nCO2 + nH2O ! (CH2O)n + nO2 (in the presence of algae) (4)
cathode chamber. At the cathode chamber, the
electrons transported from the anode combine
with the protons, which traverse the PEM, result­
ing in the creation of water molecules in the pre­ bolism. The detailed reaction for carbon capture
sence of oxygen [38]. This reaction completes the and fixation is further discussed in Section 3.2.
electron flow in the circuit, balancing the charges
caused by the anodic reaction and generating elec­
tric current. 2.2. Bioplastic
Notably, CO2 is released as a biogenic by- Over the years, petrolic plastic consumption and
product of microbial respiration and decomposi­ production have grown significantly, owing to its
tion of biomass during the anodic reaction, in adaptability and affordability, making it ideal for
which the exoelectrogens and fermentative bac­ widespread applications [3]. Global plastics produc­
teria in the anode chamber of the MFC oxidize tion has reached over 360 million tons annually,
S. japonica substrate as their energy source. From dominated by petrolic plastics with seizes

Figure 4. World production of synthetic plastics and bioplastics from 2011 to 2020. Adjusted from [40].

276 million tons and up to 50% of that is for single- environmental concern as petrolic plastics take
use purposes (Figure 4) [40]. Jem and Tan [41] around a century or more to degrade. During ther­
reported that 82% of plastic waste from total plastic mal-oxidation degradation of petrolic plastics,
production was excluded from recycling, in which methane and ethylene will be produced and contri­
the majority of plastic waste was either heaped in bute to CO2 emission when exposed to sunlight and
landfills or cremated, with the remainder spewed heat, impacting human health and climate [3].
into the ocean as litter. As for the plastic waste The awareness of the pressing environmental
dumped into the oceans, the carbonyl group of pet­ issue regarding plastic pollution has diverted
rolic plastic absorbs UV radiation below 280 nm, attention toward the utilization of alternatives,
making the polymer susceptible to photo-oxidative such as biodegradable plastic (bioplastic) derived
degradation, breaking down into petrolic microplas­ from a biopolymer. Unlike petrolic plastics for
tics [40]. Petrolic microplastic contamination has remaining unchanged for centuries, bioplastics
reached an alarming level as they are ubiquitous can be degraded relatively quickly by the action
and available for ingestion by aquatic organisms. of microorganisms, namely biodegradation, with
These aquatic organisms will suffer from entangle­ a specific surface degradation rate of 21 µm/year
ment and starvation as their stomachs become filled under specific conditions [44]. Bioplastics can be
with plastic, leading to death. Moreover, petrolic broken down into nutrient-rich biomass, CO2,
microplastics can cause genotoxicity and immuno­ and inorganic compounds, leaving no toxins and
toxicity to marine life as they contain polycyclic residue behind. The nutrient-rich biomass can be
aromatic hydrocarbons [42]. Recent research has converted into fertilizer or utilized as feedstock for
shown overwhelming evidence that microplastics biorefinery purposes, while the CO2 released can
are in tandem with other toxic chemicals (heavy be sequestrated for photosynthetic activity by
metals and organic metals), serving as a vector for Plantae [45]. Thus, CO2 emissions are avoided as
their transport in the environment, which then be no carbon is involved in the manufacturing pro­
enriched in the food chain to endanger not only cess of bioplastics. One of the most extensively
marine life but also human beings [43]. Besides, the researched biopolymers for bioplastics is polylactic
accumulation of plastic waste in landfills is a growing acid (PLA). PLA is a biodegradable aliphatic
254 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

thermoplastic polyester and has excellent market MPa) and processing ability of PLLA yield various
prospects, with a range of applications from indus­ plastic products, such as bioplastics, filament for
trial to civilian use [46]. Briefly, PLA can be fused deposition modeling, and fabrics for indus­
defined as a chain-formed oligomer of LA that trial and civilian use [46,51]. With its biocompat­
polymerizes by either a Ring-Opening reaction of ibility properties and approval by the United State
lactide or by a Direct Poly-Condensation of high- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for biome­
purity LA that can be derived from macroalgal dical applications, high molecular weight PLLA
biorefinery [41,47,48]. has been used to produce non-dismantling surgical
Its monomer, LA, can be found in either D(-) or sutures and bone screws, while low molecular
L(+) enantiomeric forms due to an asymmetric weight PLLA as a slow-release drug-packaging
carbon atom, but L-LA is the dominant isomer agent [45]. Casalini et al. [52] manifested that the
for commercialized PLA. Compared to L-LA, degradation of PLLA material by the enzymes
D-LA usage in biomedical applications is skeptical produced by the human body can be used for
due to its harmful to human health, especially will drug release. By controlling the metabolism rate
cause neurotoxicity in the human body [49]. This and composition of PLLA material in the capsules,
is because L-LA is the primary endogenous agonist the therapeutic drugs can quickly target the lesion
of hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1 (HCA1), site, improve its bioavailability, and reduce its
which naturally occurs in living organisms and toxic side effects and toxicity to other tissue
the human body has enzymes and metabolic path­ types, leading to a benefit for drug delivery and
ways specifically designed to metabolize L-LA. as a material for implants structure [52].
Contrarily, D-LA is not naturally produced by To comprehensively compare PLLA with petro­
the human body and the enzymes do not effi­ lic plastics from the point of view of carbon foot­
ciently metabolize D-LA, leading to the accumula­ print, a cradle-to-grave LCA along with
tion of D-LA in the body, which can disrupt the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
normal physiological processes of human beings method was performed by Morão and de Bie
[50]. Excessive accumulation of D-LA can result in [53]. The authors revealed that the production
acidosis, an abnormal decrease in blood pH, affect­ cycle of PLA-based plastic demonstrated lower
ing detrimental effects on various bodily functions. environmental burdens than petrolic plastic by
Prolonged exposure to acidic conditions can be uptaking 1.8 tons of CO2 equivalents per ton of
detrimental to cells and tissues. Further, heaping plastic produced [53]. In addition, Abdul-Latif
D-LA can induce inflammation and impede tissue et al. [54] revealed that the annual production of
healing and generation, making D-LA not suitable macroalgal-based PLLA should be more than
for biomedical applications [49]. Hence, good bio­ 600 million tons to replace the petrolic plastics
compatibility is an important reason for the wide for achieving carbon neutrality, which is calculated
use of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) in the field of by using carbon emission pinch analysis with total
biomedicine. CO2 emission levels and plastic production in the
Globally, a nearly 14-fold increment of PLLA view of the year 2016 as base study. Based on the
has been produced compared to 2011, reaching current PLLA production data, there is an urgent
circa 22.72 million tons in 2020 [40]. The drastic need to accelerate our efforts to increase macro­
growth in annual PLLA capacity (25% of bioplastic algae-based L-LA production to meet the high
production, Figure 4) stems from its high mechan­ demand for PLLA. Besides diminishing carbon
ical strength and durability properties similar to footprint, Coppola et al. [55] also reported that
petrolic plastics [46]. The mechanical performance the production of PLLA saves circa two-thirds of
of PLLA is characteristic of glassy polymers with the energy required for petrolic plastics produc­
low deformation and high melting temperature tion, which offers an energy-effective process.
(160–180°C), which is suitable for different pro­ Thus, macroalgal-based PLLA is a promising solu­
cessing means, including melt-extrusion molding, tion to defossilize the economy.
vacuum molding, foam molding, and injection In order to meet the global market demand,
molding. The good flexural strength (up to 140 large amounts of macroalgal-based L-LA are

essential for the industrial-scale production of protein A (CcpA) acts as the trans-acting repressor
PLLA. L-LA can be derived by chemo-catalytic or [60]. PTS is a complex transport system responsi­
microbial fermentation processes. The chemo- ble for the uptake and phosphorylation of various
catalytic process uses petrolic chemicals such as rare sugars in the macroalgal hydrolyzate to
propionaldehyde and acetaldehyde as feedstock acquire energy and regulate carbohydrate metabo­
which may be subject to the potential supply pro­ lism. The PTS transporters are sugar specific and
blem of crude oil and its dramatic price variation. phosphorylate the incoming sugar at the expense
The drawback of the chemo-catalytic process is of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), mirroring the
that it involves environmentally unfavorable che­ most suitable carbon sources available in the
micals (hydrogen cyanide, sulfuric acid, and hydrolyzate. Notably, the energy for sugar trans­
sodium hydroxide) and produces only the racemic port is derived from PEP by donating the phos­
(50:50) mixture of L-LA and D-LA, which is not phoryl group as an energy carrier through the
desirable for food and biomedical applications due phosphotransferase reaction. This reaction con­
to the metabolic issues that D-LA may cause. verts PEP to pyruvate and transfers the phosphoryl
Further, the racemic mixture is not feasible for group to a histidine residue on EI. EI, in turn,
PLA production, typically requiring LA with high transfers the phosphoryl group to HPr. From the
optical purity (e.g. ~99% L-LA or ~ 99% D-LA) HPr, the phosphoryl group is transferred to the
[56]. Then, the microbial fermentation process permease complex of the LAB cell. Then, the
outcompetes the chemo-catalytic process for high phosphoryl group is further transferred from the
optical purity L-LA production as particular permease complex to the incoming sugar mole­
microbes have a specificity of ldhL gene that cules, resulting in sugar phosphorylation. This
secretes L-lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH) phosphorylation step enhances the diffusion of
enzymes, which can only convert pyruvate to sugar into the LAB cell and contributes to its
L-LA. Typical microbes employed for L-LA pro­ subsequent metabolism [61]. Further, CcpA is
duction are low guanine and cytosine-content a regulatory protein that acts as a transcriptional
Gram-positive bacteria, namely, lactic acid bacteria regulator facilitated in mediating CCR by control­
(LAB) [57]. LAB is a group of microorganisms ling the expression of genes involved in metaboliz­
that belong to the family Lactobacillaceae and is ing non-favorable carbon sources when the
characterized by their ability to produce L-LA via favorable carbon source is available. The CcpA
carbohydrate metabolism. Being considered the will bind to specific DNA sequences called catabo­
macroalgal hydrolyzate composed of mixed rare lite-responsive elements (cre), which are generally
sugars, which need to be completely metabolized found in the promotor regions of target genes. The
for better L-LA conversion yield, the LAB offers an binding of CcpA to cre sequences modulates gene
excellent regulatory mechanism known as carbon expression, leading to activation or repression of
catabolite repression (CCR) for efficient carbohy­ target genes involved in the utilization of non-
drate metabolism [58]. favorable carbon sources, which further enhances
CCR is the central governing mechanism in carbohydrate metabolism [60]. Along with this
LAB for the regulation of rare sugar uptake, functionality, Ahorsu et al. [62] revealed that the
which ensures cellular resource efficiency by selec­ probiotic-based LAB Bacillus coagulans can simul­
tively regulating the uptake and metabolism of taneously metabolize xylose in the presence of
favorable carbon sources in the presence of non- glucose for L-LA production. Besides, mesophilic
favorable carbon sources, leading to both the LAB Lactobacillus plantarum also showed clear
favorable and non-favorable carbon sources can diauxic growth in a glucose-mannose-galactose
be metabolized albeit in a different rate [59]. In mixture by attaining a L-LA conversion efficiency
brief, CCR in LAB is regulated by different ele­ of approximately 65% [47].
ments participating in rare sugar transport and Depending on the particular LAB strain and
metabolism, including sugar phosphotransferase the specificity of aldolase, the L-LA fermentation
system (PTS), enzyme I (EI), phosphocarrier his­ pathway can be divided into homolactic fermen­
tidine protein (HPr), and catabolite control tation and heterolactic fermentation process. LAB
256 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

Figure 5. Simplified illustration of the cellular mechanisms involved in lactic acid production under homolactic fermentation and
self-inhibition in the cytoplasm of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus in anaerobic wort fermentation.

possesses the aldolase enzyme is considered the inside the cell is 2. Then, the G6P will convert
homofermentative LAB, which can convert the to pyruvate by glycolysis yielding two molecules
carbohydrate-rich hydrolyzate exclusively into of ATP and one molecule of reduced nicotina­
L-LA. Homofermentative LAB includes the strain mide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) per pyruvate
from Lactococcus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus, [63]. The overview of the main steps and reac­
Lactobacillus, and Enterococcus sp [57,63]. Due tions involved in the glycolysis pathway is
to the high energy yield characteristic that is depicted in Figure 6. During the homolactic fer­
beneficial for cell anabolism and cellular growth, mentation process, the G6P is phosphorylated by
the glucose molecule is the favorable carbon the enzyme phosphofructokinase-1, consuming
source for most of the LAB strains. In this per­ one ATP molecule, forming fructose-1,6-dipho­
spective, glucose molecules will be metabolized sphate (FDP). The FDP is then cleaved into three-
via the Embden-Meyerhof glycolytic pathway by carbon molecules: dihydroxyacetone phosphate
the homofermentative bacteria. For an insightful (DHAP) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P).
understanding of the Embden-Meyerhof glycoly­ DHAP is an isomer for G3P, but only G3P can
tic pathway, the glucose metabolism by homofer­ directly continue through the next steps of glyco­
mentative LAB, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lysis. Although both three-carbon molecules exist
Bulgaricus is illustrated in Figure 5. Glucose in equilibrium, but the equilibrium is ‘pulled’
molecules are phosphorylated to glucose-6-phos­ strongly downward as G3P is depleted. Thereby,
phate (G6P) and transported into the cell by DHAP will convert into G3P by the enzyme triose
facilitated diffusion through PTS at the expense phosphate isomerase, ensuring full utilization of
of one adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule. both molecules. The G3P molecules undergo oxi­
The ATP yield per glucose molecule diffused dation by the enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

Figure 6. Mechanism of glucose glycolysis for lactic acid formation by lactic acid bacteria.

dehydrogenase, resulting in the production of of NAD+ to maintain glycolysis and the produc­
NADH and the formation of 1,3-diphosphoglyce­ tion of ATP through the L-LA fermentation,
rate (1,3-DPG). NADH carries high-energy elec­ allowing the continuous breakdown of glucose
trons that will later be used in ATP synthesis. and energy production under anaerobic condi­
Subsequently, 1,3-DPG donates one phosphate tions. The recycling pathway for NADH can be
group to the adenosine diphosphate (ADP) mole­ described as follows: (1) During glycolysis, the
cule for producing an ATP molecule, forming NAD+ is reduced to NADH when G3P is con­
3-phosphoglycerate (3-PG). For further reaction, verted to 1,3-DPG; (2) During L-LA fermenta­
the 3-PG is converted into its isomer, 2-phospho­ tion, a hydride ion (H−) from NADH is
glycerate (2-PG). Then, 2-PG loses a molecule of transferred to pyruvate for the formation of
water via a dehydration reaction catalyzed by L-LA, resulting the regeneration of NAD+. By
enolase, becoming PEP. PEP is an unstable mole­ regenerating NAD+ from NADH, L-LDH ensures
cule, poised to transfer its phosphate group to the availability of NAD+ for the continuation of
ADP molecules for ATP generation. As it loses glycolysis [65]. However, the produced L-LA has
its phosphate, PEP is converted to pyruvate, the to be actively transported out of the cell at the
end product of glycolysis. This reaction is cata­ expense of an ATP molecule. This is because of
lyzed by the enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase the fact that at high intracellular pH, L-LA dis­
[64]. Consequently, L-LA is produced by the sociates into lactate and a proton. By maintaining
action of L-LDH on the pyruvate. On the intracellular pH and proton motive force, this
a molecular level, the metabolization of pyruvate proton has to be exported via the plasma mem­
by L-LDH is an additional means of NADH recy­ brane proton ATPase at the expense of one ATP
cling. NADH plays a crucial role in the recycling per proton. Once exported, at a low extracellular
258 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

pH, the L-LA is again present in its protonated pathway. Whereas G3P will enter the down­
form. In theory, one molecule of glucose can stream steps of glycolysis, leading to the produc­
produce two molecules of L-LA through homo­ tion of ATP and L-LA. While the other product
lactic fermentation [66]. of the phosphoketolase reaction, AcP is decar­
In contrast to homofermentative LAB, hetero­ boxylated by the enzyme pyruvate decarboxy­
fermentative LAB can decompose carbon lase, resulting in the release of CO2 and the
sources into a variety of biochemicals, including formation of acetaldehyde. Lastly, acetaldehyde
L-LA, acetic acid, bioethanol, and CO2. Whereas is reduced by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogen­
CO2 gas detection is a diagnostic test for hetero­ ase, utilizing NADH as a cofactor. This step
fermentative from homofermentative fermenta­ converts acetaldehyde into bioethanol [64]. In
tion. Heterofermentative LAB includes the strain theory, one molecule of glucose can produce
from Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, and Weissella sp one molecule of L-LA and one molecule of
[57,63]. The typical reaction pathways of hetero­ bioethanol through heterolactic fermentation
fermentative fermentation include the phospho­ process [66]. However, the CO2 release and co-
gluconate pathway, pentose phosphate pathway, production of L-LA and other organic acids,
and phosphoketolase pathway (Figure 6). During which required additional separation and purifi­
the phosphogluconate pathway, the glucose cation processes also hindered the employment
molecules are initially phosphorylated into G6P of heterofermentative LAB for microbial fermen­
through the process of PTS and participate in tation [57]. Therefore, the utilization of homo­
the glycolysis process, which occurs in the cyto­ fermentative LAB is preferred over
plasm of the LAB cell. The G6P is further oxi­ heterofermentative LAB for L-LA and PLLA
dized by the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate commercial production due to it offering the
dehydrogenase, resulting in the production of high yield, productivity, and optical purity
one molecule of NADH and 6-phosphogluconic of L-LA.
acid. Through the pentose phosphate pathway,
two half-reactions occur simultaneously: (1)
3. Microbial fuel cell (MFC)
6-phosphogluconic acid is oxidatively decar­
boxylated by the enzyme 6-phosphogluconate Contingent upon several cathodic reactions, MFC
dehydrogenase; (2) NAD+ is reduced to diversification has been developed to explore the
NADH. The overall reaction is exergonic, releas­ particularity in the mechanism of distinct pro­
ing energy that is then used to decarboxylate the cesses while enhancing the product output. Multi-
6-phosphogluconic acid, generating CO2 and faced applications based on the eventual antici­
ribulose 5-phosphate (Ru5P). The Ru5P mole­ pated product reorientated the nomenclature of
cule is then converted into other pentose phos­ MFC as microbial electrosynthesis system (MES),
phate sugar, ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) or microbial desalination cell (MDC), electro-
xylulose-5-phosphate (X5P), which is catalyzed fermentation (EF), and microbial electrolysis cell
by the enzyme phosphopentose isomerase. The (MEC). However, EF is explicitly applied for the
interconversion of Ru5P and R5P allows the production of a broad range of bioenergy and
synthesis of essential cellular components, biochemicals, potentially achieving higher conver­
including nucleotides and coenzymes for cell sion efficiency (88%) than other MFC systems
propagation. Subsequently, the X5P molecule is (44%) and conventional anaerobic fermentation
subjected to the phosphoketolase reaction and (28%) [67]. Thereby, the mechanisms of EF will
cleaved by the enzyme phosphoketolase, result­ be further discussed in the section below.
ing in the production of two molecules includ­
ing G3P and acetyl phosphate (AcP). Then, the
G3P generated from the phosphoketolase reac­ 3.1. Electro-fermentation (EF) – Enhanced
tion is further metabolized through the usual L-lactic acid and bioelectricity production
glycolytic pathway, similar to the steps in the EF is an electrochemically induced technique that
conventional Embden-Meyerhof glycolysis regulates electron flux in both working electrodes

(anode/cathode) and microbial augmentation, further elongated the oxidative and reductive con­
directing redox reactions toward specific products ditions in the EF system and promoted the forma­
at a higher rate [67,68]. In this context, the bioe­ tion of ATP molecules for cell division and
lectricity generated by polarized working electro­ anabolism, which results in a higher yield of pro­
des is not the main energy source but is instead ducts. Choi and Sang [71] revealed increased bio­
a product of interest and triggers the fermentation chemical production yield in response to the
process driving toward an imbalanced intracellular additional NADH through cellular regulation.
oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) condition Literature related to the virtues for the co-
[69]. The intracellular ORP is particularly impor­ production of biochemicals and bioelectricity
tant as it controls enzyme synthesis and gene using EF system showed an increasing trend with
expression in the electroactive bacteria, thus expanding research outputs, leading EF technology
impacting the whole metabolic process and path­ a potential methodology for biorefinery [72,73]. An
way. It can be estimated from the reduced/oxi­ overview of the basic components comprising an
dized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide EF system is mandatory to understand the signifi­
(NADH/NAD+) ratio due to intracellular redox cant role played by biofilm-producing microbes in
homeostasis [70]. Variations in the NADH/NAD+ the EF system. The typical EF system is assembled
ratio of the system influence the direction of elec­ in a dual-chamber design consisting of an anodic
tron flux, which will be bidirectional and thereby and cathodic chamber divided by a PEM (Figure 3).
help resolve the shortcomings of conventional fer­ Other designs, including single-chamber and
mentation for desirable product yields. Electron stacked EFs, are also retrievable from the literature
dispersion at the anode tends to reduce the [74,75]. Figure 7 depicts the tenable materials that
NADH/NAD+ ratio, resulting in compensatory can be employed in the fabrication of the EF sys­
cellular regulation favoring pathways for NADH tem. The anodic chamber is made up of one of the
replenishment. Subsequently, this mechanism two primary components of EFs, which is referred

Figure 7. Basic components of microbial fuel cells and the materials used for structure [36].
260 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

to as an anaerobic chamber, signifying the critical can be affected by the diffusion of ferricyanide
role of exoelectrogens and electron mediators in it. ions across the PEM into the anodic chamber,
When subjected to an appropriate anaerobic con­ resulting in aeration anodic chamber, which retard
dition, exoelectrogens in the anode function as bio­ the metabolic activity of exoelectrogens [80]. Then,
catalysts, oxidatively decompose organic substrate oxygen is employed as an electron acceptor owing
or hydrolyzate into simple molecules or biochem­ to its availability. Such a process only yields water
icals. This results in the generation of electron- as the final product, signifying its positive envir­
proton pairs, which are later transferred to the onmental benefit, but oxygen possesses limitations
cathodic chamber through the external circuit and of limited diffusivity (~2 × 10−5 cm2/s) and low
PEM, respectively. As the electrons travel along the solubility (2–4 mM) in water [81]. Considering
external circuit, inducing the current flow in the the trend of miniaturization and integration for
connecting wire, thereby producing bioelectricity future EF systems, potassium permanganate
[76]. Generally, aerating the anodic chamber is (KMnO4) is one possible candidate oxidant due
prohibitive, as it could retard the anaerobic perfor­ to its characteristics, including high oxidation abil­
mance of exoelectrogens in the EF system. This is ity, large redox potential, and high regenerability.
because the presence of oxygen can result in the KMnO4 is a potent oxidizing agent with a high
stripping of dissolved CO2 from the anode cham­ standard reduction potential that can readily
ber, elevating the pH and inducing alkaline condi­ accept electrons from the anode, which enhances
tions. The pH shift may detrimentally affect the the electron transfer efficiency in the EF systems
microbial community and electrochemical reac­ and promotes higher power generation [82].
tions, hurdling EF performance. Moreover, exces­ KMnO4 has been applied successfully to yield an
sive aeration can lead to mechanical agitation and output voltage of 3003 mV, which conveniently
disruption of biofilm formation on the anode sur­ powers low-voltage appliances [83]. In addition
face, reducing microbial activity and hindering elec­ to the type of electron acceptor, catalyst activity
tron transfer processes [77]. is also a crucial factor in the performance of the EF
Contrarily, the cathodic chamber is referred to cathode [84]. Giordano et al. [85] further boosted
as an abiotic chamber, comprising electron accep­ the power output of the EF system from 70 mW/
tors for the electron reduction process [36]. cm2 to 115 mW/cm2 by applying 0.1 M sulfuric
Potassium ferricyanide (K3[Fe(CN)6]) is widely acid (H2SO4) as a supporting catholyte. This result
accepted as the electron acceptor, which attracts underlined the positive effect of adding H2SO4 as
and dissipates the electron generated in an anode a supporting catholyte in the EF cathodic chamber
by reducing its Fe (III) ion to Fe (II) ion before on the catalyst activity and electrochemical output
reacting with the proton migrated from PEM. In [85]. The addition of H2SO4 as a supporting elec­
terms of power generation, K3[Fe(CN)6] is an trolyte improves the overall ionic conductivity of
excellent electron shuttle, facilitating the transfer the system for electron transfer between cathode
of electrons from the anode to the cathode, which and anode as H2SO4 dissociates in water to release
enhances the electrochemical activity and perfor­ hydrogen ions (protons) and sulfate ions. The
mance of the EF system. This electron transfer presence of hydrogen ions in the catholyte facil­
stimulates the metabolic activity of exoelectrogens itates proton conduction from the cathode to the
by balancing the redox reactions in the system anode through the electrolyte, enhancing the elec­
[78]. Farah et al. [79] revealed that the power trical conductivity and open-circuit voltage. In
output attained are 8.33 W/m3 and 0.06 W/m3 for fact, proton transfer is essential to the overall
K3[Fe(CN)6] and phosphate buffer as catholyte, electrochemical reaction occurring in the EF sys­
respectively, highlighting potassium ferricyanide tem [82]. Besides, the sulfate ions generated from
possess superb catalytic activity. However, the uti­ the dissociation of H2SO4 can act as the ion
lization of K3[Fe(CN)6] is limited to large-scale exchange sites of PEM due to sulfate ions
applications due to poor reoxidation, which approaching the behavior of sulfonic groups in
demands the catholyte to be frequently replaced. Nafion®, increasing the mobility of protons
Further, the long-standing function of the system through the membrane [85].

Regarding electrode material selection, chemical Waals interactions, hydrophobic interactions, and
stability, biocompatibility, and conductivity are electrostatic forces; (3) Upon exoelectrogens
desired properties for optimizing EF performance adhere to the anode, they will secrete EPS that
[86]. Although benchmarked with its conductivity holds the microbial cells together and provides
and arc erosion resistance, copper is not an ideal structural stability to the biofilm; (4) When bio­
electrode material due to its antibacterial features. film developed, exoelectrogen cells within the bio­
During anodic reactions, copper ions released film proliferate and undergo cell division, resulting
from the anode will participate in redox reactions in an increment in the population within the bio­
with the protons and generate reactive oxygen film; (5) Within the biofilm, synergistic relation­
species (ROS), such as superoxide ions and hydro­ ship develop between exoelectrogens, allowing for
xyl radicals. The generated ROS can cause oxida­ the electron transfer, exchange of metabolites, and
tive stress within exoelectrogen cells, damaging enhanced biofilm functionality; (6) Over time,
cellular components and disrupting the microbe channels and void spaces may form within the
cell membrane, leading to leakage of cell contents biofilm as additional EPS and exoelectrogen cells
and ultimately cell death. Consequently, high cop­ are produced, stimulating the movement of meta­
per concentrations can result in oxidative damage bolic by-products, nutrients, and electron transfer
and impede microbial growth [87]. Thereby, non- [90]. In this respect, the preferred characteristics of
corrosive and less harmful stainless steel and anode materials for efficient biofilm formation and
molybdenum steel mesh provide an excellent alter­ development include good surface charge, rougher
native to copper for electrode purposes in the EF surface, hydrophilicity, and affinity for EPS com­
system. Similarly, carbon-based materials, includ­ ponents [89]. Among electrode materials, carbon
ing graphite, carbon cloth, carbon felt, and carbon felt and carbon nanotubes are the preferred mate­
nanotubes, are among the most widely used elec­ rial owing to the presence of microscopic irregula­
trode materials with high adaptability and excel­ rities, such as cervices and pores, aggrandizing
lent electrical conductivity [88]. Other than structural integrity and biofilm stability.
conductivity, the choice of electrode materials sig­ Furthermore, complementary charge characteris­
nificantly influences the biofilm formation process tics of carbon nanotubes offer an excellent electro­
and direct electron transfer performance of exoe­ static interaction between the charged surface of
lectrogens to the anode. In EF, the exoelectrogens the anode and exoelectrogens, facilitating micro­
or bacterial attachment to and biofilm formation bial adhesion and subsequent biofilm development
on the anode surface is crucial for the efficient [88]. Nonetheless, the influences of electrode
biological transfer of electrons between the exoe­ materials and arrangement on the power output
lectrogens and anode [89]. Biofilm is an extracel­ will be discussed in Section 4.2.
lular polymeric substance (EPS) encased, surface- Employing a dual- or single-chamber EF system
adhering microbial community. EPS is a self- relies heavily on the proportion and compatibility
produced matrix of exoelectrogens comprised of the final products formed at the counter elec­
polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids, and other trode. Precisely, owing to good scalability and
biomolecules that surround the biofilm to provide irreplaceable simplistic design, single-chamber sys­
structural support and protection to the biofilm tems depict greater up-scaling convenience [91].
community, which is an advantage for exoelectro­ In most wastewater remediation cases, only an
gens’ survival. In theory, the formation of biofilm anodic chamber is mandatory, with the cathode
on the anode involves several steps: (1) exoelectro­ exposed directly to the air. Hence, the inclusion of
gens present in the anodic chamber initially come PEM can be excluded from this design, lowering
into contact with the anode surface as anode pos­ the manufacturing cost [92]. As shown in Figure 8
sess conductive properties and availability of elec­ (A), the anode and cathode are positioned at each
tron donors, which is suitable for microbial end of the tube, with only the former covered by
attachment; (2) exoelectrogens begin to adhere to a flat plate, indicating the simplest design for
the anode surface via weak and reversible interac­ a single-chamber system. Operationally, the anodic
tions which facilitated by factors such as van der chamber houses the organic substrate and
262 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

Figure 8. (a) Single-chamber air-cathode microbial fuel cell reactor [93], (b) single-chamber membraneless microbial fuel cells
operating on the open-air cathode [92], and (c) single-chamber microbial fuel cells operating on stainless steel mesh painted by
acrylic-based graphite [94].

exoelectrogens, while oxygen from the air is con­ Figure 8(C) [94]. This study indicated the impor­
stantly supplied to the cathode through diffusion, tance of surface modification on stainless steel
which yielded a maximum power density of 1320 mesh to increase the overall power output of the
± 50 mW/m2 by using sodium acetate as the sub­ system by 50.22%, yielding a maximum power and
strate [93]. Lee et al. [92] came up with an air- current density of 463.88 mW/m3 and 1991 mA/
cathode MFC design having the carbon felt anode m3, respectively [94]. Nevertheless, besides the
inside a cylindrical chamber, while the wet-proof aforementioned merits of the air-cathode single-
platinum-coated carbon cloth air-cathode is posi­ chamber system, the application of this system is
tioned on the exterior of the device for wastewater still hindered by some setbacks. Complexity for
remediation (Figure 8(B)). The authors revealed air-cathode manufacturing is considered
that 82.79% of methylene blue dye in the waste­ a significant setback as diffusion layer or noble
water was successfully degraded while simulta­ metal catalysts, including platinum and argentum,
neously generating bioelectricity with a current are required to enhance the reduction perfor­
density of 4571.43 mA/m2 over 3.5 h of operation mance. The increased complexity and associated
under simulated solar light illumination [92]. In costs can pose challenges for large-scale applica­
another study, a cubic structure single-chamber tions. Additionally, air-cathode can be degraded
air-cathode MFC was developed by applying six due to several factors, such as biofouling, chemical
acrylic-based graphite-coated stainless-steel mesh reactions, or mechanical stress. Regularly exposed
as anode and six activated carbon-coated stainless- to oxygen-rich environments, chemical reactions
steel mesh as cathode, which is illustrated in will take place at the cathode surface to produce

ROS, leading to the degradation of the cathode of organic substrate or deposition of non-
surface and reducing the cathode’s lifespan [82]. conductive materials on the electrode surfaces
Recently, multi-chamber, also known as stacked can increase internal resistance of the EF system,
EF systems, have been explored as a potential leading to electrode fouling and voltage reversal.
design configuration for enhanced efficiency in This further results in biofilm decay and reduced
biochemical production and electrical power capa­ the electron transfer efficiency [96]. In view of this,
city. Notably, the power capacity can be increased the conventional configuration, the dual-chamber
by connecting multiple individual unit chambers EF system is preferred for co-production of bio­
in either parallel or series configurations. Halim chemicals and bioelectricity. Dual-chambered sys­
et al. [86] reported an 87% chemical oxygen tems with membranes are applied when the optical
demand removal efficiency with an optimal purity of the bioproducts, such as L-LA and suc­
power density of 115.94 mW/m2 was attained in cinic acid is emphasized [97]. Similar to the pre­
a parallel-wired stacked EF system. In a different vious genre, dual-chamber EF systems also come
study, a serially stacked EF system comprising in diverse designs after years of development.
graphite felt as the primary material for working From Figure 9 (D), the anodic and cathodic cham­
electrodes was proposed by Kim et al. [95], which bers of the dual-compartment EF system are
yielded 3.3 V as the maximum voltage, realizing assembled in a flat-plate design, in which the elec­
higher efficiency up to 16.5 times (boosted voltage trodes are stacked into a single layer divided by
from 0.2 V to 3.3 V) compared to single EF system. a PEM. Such design impelled an enhanced proton
Coincidentally, a declination in power output was transfer with the closely packed electrodes, yield­
discerned over time in both configurations. This ing a maximum open circuit voltage and power
was mainly attributed to ionic short-circuiting and density of 637 mV and 232 mW/m3, respectively
voltage reversal. With only a single anolyte and [99]. In addition, Gebreslassie et al. [13] proposed
catholyte input, organic overloading could occur a H-shape dual-chamber EF system with Nafion®
due to inefficient flow distribution. Accumulation 117 PEM salt bridge completing the circuit and

Figure 9. Diverse configurations for membrane-based microbial fuel cells. (a) Cuboid double-chamber MFC, (b) cylindrical double-
chamber MFC. (c) spherical double-chamber MFC, (d) flat-plate double-chamber MFC, and (E) H-shape double-chamber MFC. In all
designs, the “A” and “C” indicate anode and cathode, respectively [98].
264 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

sustaining the electrical neutrality of the device filament for EET [103]. In addition, Shewanella sp.
(Figure 9(E)). The authors revealed that the dual- possesses both EET mechanisms, which use nano­
chamber EF system can be a promising integrated wires as conductive filaments and excrete ribofla­
reactor process for the co-production of hydrogen vin as endogenous mediators to catalyze
and bioelectricity by achieving a hydrogen yield of bioelectricity production [106]. Mechanistically,
110 mL/g and a power density of 182 mW/m2 [13]. the metabolism of the organic substrate by exoe­
Aside from the physical design parameters, the lectrogen drives the production of NADH within
biocatalyst inoculated to the anode surface also the cell. For the cell to retain reducing power,
imparts a significant impact on the bioelectricity NADH will re-oxidize to NAD+ by abstracting
generation potential and biochemical conversion electrons and biochemicals, such as L-LA, by
efficiency of the EF systems. The endowment of using dehydrogenase enzyme and the cytochrome
pure or mixed microbial communities for bioelec­ system comprising menaquinone/quinone pool,
tricity production depends on the system’s archi­ periplasmic proteins, MacA, outer membrane
tectural and physiochemical environment, OmcE protein, and outer membrane OmcS pro­
including electrode size, electrode materials, inter­ tein. These cytochrome proteins facilitate the elec­
nal resistance, and acidity of the system [100]. tron transports by a series of redox reactions
Thus, the bioelectricity generation potential of spanning the inner cytoplasmic membrane across
a microbial culture cannot be compared with the periplasmic space until the electrons are con­
each other unless all physical and chemical para­ ducted across the outer membrane to the anode
meters are similar. In the EF system, the capacity through outer membrane cytochromes OmcE and
of microbes to decompose the organic substrates is OmcS. Further, the direct electron transfer also
primarily governed by the composition of the occurs within multilayers of cells through a dense
microbial community and its adaption [101]. The network of appendages with metal-like conductiv­
use of exoelectrogens as biocatalysts is favorable ity known as bacterial pili/nanowires. The transfer
for generating electricity by organic substrate is manipulated cell by cell until electrons are
degradation [68]. Among exoelectrogen genera donated to the electrodes [107].
and species, the strain isolated from The details of pure microbial cultures used in the
Clostridiaceae, Shewanellaceaae, Geobacteraceae, EF systems are provided in Table 1. Through pure
and Pseudomonadaceae genus, is of great interest microbial cultures, an insightful alteration in the
phylum because of their capacity for extracellular process taking place during electron transfer and
electron transfer (EET) by direct electron transfer the complex behavior of individual species in
to the working electrode [102–104]. These exoelec­ mixed microbial cultures can be explored and stu­
trogens are usually negatively charged and gener­ died. To date, exoelectrogenic Geobacter sulfurredu­
ally known as Gram-negative microbes due to the cens have been gaining attention in the scientific
presence of uronic acids and ketal-linked pyru­ community for their capacity to generate high
vates in the cell plasma membrane, thereby sup­ power density [104]. Applying Geobacter strains in
plying the anode with positive potential and EF systems manifests a significant advantage,
divalent cations, including calcium and magne­ whereby the generated electrons are directly trans­
sium, which maximizes the scope of biofilm for­ ferred to the electrode through pili while vying for
mation on the anode surface by involving the limited surface area on the anode, which yielded
electrostatic interactions [105]. Then, a negative a power density of 325 mW/m2. Theoretically, elec­
potential is generated at the cathode to expedite trons were transferred to the anode via the mem­
the reductive reaction with the oxidizing agent by brane-bound redox proteins, with the direct EET
increased electronegativity in the system [68]. In controlling the overall shuttling rate [120].
terms of direct electron transfer, Clostridium sp. Furthermore, pure culture with exoelectrogenic
can catalyze EET to the working electrode by G. sulfurreducens was also applied successfully to
excreting ferredoxin as endogenous mediators, metabolize carboxymethyl cellulose for the genera­
while gram-negative proteobacterium belonging tion of acetic acid with a concentration of 77 mg/L
to the Geobacteraceae genus uses pili as conductive and bioelectricity with a maximum power density of

Table 1. A comparison study of pure culture and co-culture for electrofermentation system on L-lactic acid and bioelectricity
Intended product
Working Redox L-lactic acid
Electroactive bacteria strain Biomass/Anolyte potentiala (V) mediator (g/L) Bioelectricity References
Pure culture approach
Shewanella oneidensis Glucose −0.30 Riboflavin - 138,181b [102]
Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Kale hydrolysate 0.20 - 1.13 752.14b [97]
Lactococcus lactis Glucose 0.35 - - 212.00c [73]
Bacillus subtilis Pharmaceutical residual water 0.20 - - 105.00c [108]
Lactobacillus pentosus Diary whey 0.55 Yeast extract - 5.04c [109]
Clostridium cochlearium Glucose 0.19 Thiamine - 5,300.00b [103]
Bacillus megaterium Activated sludge from wastewater 0.40 Exogenetic - 170.00c [110]
with acetate flavins
Shewanella oneidensis Sodium lactate 0.20 - - 89.40c [111]
Shewanella oneidensis Bamboo fermentation effluent 0.30 - - 578.00c [112]
Lactobacillus bulgaricus Diary whey 0.20 - 19.50 288.12c [113]
Bacillus tequilensis Glucose 0.17 - - 407.96c [114]
Geobacter sulfurreducens Cellulose 0.30 - - 1146.00c [115]
Co-culture approach
Bacillus subtilis eSaccharomyces Glucose 0.50 - - 602.00b [116]
Lactococcus latis eLactobacillus Glucose 0.20 - - 415.00c [117]
Bacillus tequilensis Glucose 0.17 - - 8,159.27c [114]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Shewanella oneidensis Glucose 0.20 - 7.50 123.41c [118]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Shewanella oneidensis eKlebsiella Glycerol 0.15 - - 10.00b [119]
Working potential: working electrode potential versus standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) potential.
Electric output in terms of current density with SI unit mA/m2.
Electric output in terms of power density with SI unit mW/m2.
Main electroactive bacteria strain.
Supplementary electroactive bacteria strain.

1146 ± 28 mW/m2 in a dual-chamber EF system by riboflavin in the concentration of 100–500 nM

Jiang et al. [115]. In contrast, Shewanella strains are after 1 week of operation [98]. The excreted flavins
relatively weaker in the aspect of generating electri­ will then act as redox mediators to promote electron
city from the organic substrate. Evidently, only par­ transfer from microbial cells to the electrode surface.
tial oxidation of sodium lactate into acetate can be The FAD and FMN are mainly involved in inter­
provoked by Shewanella oneidensis, resulting in cellular metabolism by mediating the oxidation of
a lower overall amount of generated bioelectricity NADH and reduction of NAD+ to maintain the
with a power density of 89.40 mW/m2 after 6 opera­
imbalanced intracellular ORP. At the same time,
tion days. This can be attributed to the anaerobic
riboflavin is proposed to interact directly with
nature of organic substrate metabolism and the non-
outer membrane c-type cytochromes as a bridge
central extracellular feature of the intermediates
[111]. However, Dai et al. [112] revealed that between the working electrode and the cell for EET
a higher power density of 578 mW/m2 was attained [121]. The redox mediators can be reduced or oxi­
using exoelectrogenic S. oneidensis in a dual- dized by the exoelectrogens and then be recycled
chamber EF system with bamboo fermentation electrochemically at the working electrode [122].
effluent as the substrate for 8 operation days. The Indeed, García-Mayagoitia et al. [108] concluded
increment of the power capacity is significantly that the flavins excreted by the Bacillus subtilis strain
affected by the operation period as S. oneidensis and work as redox mediators were shown to
will secrete flavins, including flavin mononucleotide enhance the bioelectricity production in the MFC
(FMN), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and system up to 105 mW/m2.
266 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

In addition to the self-secreted (endogenous) gut after 5.2 h of operation duration with the addi­
mediators by the exoelectrogens, Shirkosh et al. tion of exogenic thiamine and riboflavin.
[102] explored bioelectricity production through To date, most species studied for bioelectricity
EF from a glucose medium by using S. oneidensis generation in EF systems are Gram-negative
with exogenetic riboflavin. Such endowment microbes. Interestingly, few Gram-positive LAB
prompted an enhanced bioelectricity capacity and strains from Lactobacillus, Lactococcus,
lifespan of the system, which yielded a maximum Lactiplantibacillus, and Bacillus genus are recognized
current density of 138,181 mA/m2 with to be both electroactive and able to metabolize a broad
a prolonged operating duration of 50 days. These range of carbohydrates to valuable L-LA
results are nearly 445% better than the values [73,97,108,109]. The LAB strains isolated from the
obtained without exogenetic riboflavin, indicating abovementioned genus are considered excellent pro­
that the exogenetic riboflavin is essential for the ducers of high-purity L-LA as they contain only the
survival of S. oneidensis in anaerobic conditions by ldhL gene that secretes L-LDH enzymes, which
offering the ability to access insoluble electron induces the formation of pure L-LA [124]. In this
acceptors [102]. This is attributed to the relatively regard, Tejedor-Sanz et al. [97] demonstrated that
slow production rate of endogenous mediators by both rare sugar (xylose and glucose) in the kale hydro­
S. oneidensis and will only produce limited con­ lyzates can be fermented simultaneously to obtain
centrations in the stationary phase when the a L-LA yield of 1.13 g/L and bioelectricity with
microbial cells are lysing [98]. Thus, the endow­ a maximum current density of 752.14 mA/m2 by
ment of exogenic riboflavin in the culture medium using Lactiplantibacillus plantarum at optical density
can boost the electron transfer process by under­ (OD600) of 1.0 in a H-shape dual-chamber EF system.
going reversible redox reactions, shuttling between Under the same OD600 of Lactobacillus bulgaricus
its reduced (riboflavin semiquinone) and oxidized cells, the EF process for the diary whey was optimized
(riboflavin) forms. The riboflavin present in the to achieve the intended product in terms of L-LA yield
extracellular environment will interact and bind of 19.5 g/L and bioelectricity with an optimum power
with the outer membrane c-type cytochromes of density of 288.12 mW/m2 [113]. Similarly, an EF sys­
exoelectrogens, forming a complex called ribofla­ tem with Lactobacillus lactis DLP27 strain as anodic-
vin semiquinone with an electron attached to it. respiring bacteria has been explored with
Then the riboflavin semiquinone diffuses from the a bioconversion yield of up to 212 mW/m2 from
exoelectrogen cells to the electrode surface. Once glucose medium for bioelectricity production [73].
at the electrode surface, the riboflavin semiqui­ This is mainly due to the fact that L. lactis can excrete
none transfers the electron to the electrode, com­ liposoluble quinones (2-amino-3-carboxyl-
pleting the electron transfer pathway and shifting 1,4-naphthoquinone) to facilitate the EET by connect­
back to its oxidized form. This transfer is consid­ ing the intracellular metabolism of the cell to extra­
ered a direct electron transfer through the interac­ cellular redox reactions [125]. Mechanistically, LAB
tions of the mediator with the electrode, present in the electron-rich substrate, such as hydro­
facilitating electron exchange [123]. Another lyzate comprising glucose molecules, will manipulate
study reported bioelectricity production from acti­ PTS to transport the glucose molecules to its cyto­
vated sludge via EF using Bacillus megaterium with plasm for metabolism reaction. Once the glucose
exogenic flavins. The optimum power density of molecules are at the cytoplasm, LAB will proceed
bioelectricity was enhanced by 4.6-fold and with either homolactic or heterolactic fermentation
reached approximately 170 mW/m2 compared to to produce L-LA as the end product. Glycolysis of
that without flavins addition under similar operat­ glucose molecules drives the production of electrons
ing conditions [110]. Similar results were also within the cell, resulting in an imbalance of ORP level.
found in the study of Schwab et al. [103] that the For 100% coulombic efficiency, 24 electrons will be
bioelectricity with a maximum current density of produced per glucose molecule. In order for the cell to
5300 mA/m2 could be generated from glucose by maintain a balance ORP level, it will excrete liposolu­
Clostridium cochlearium isolated from the mouse ble quinones as an endogenous mediator to shuttle

Figure 10. Schematic principle of a microbial fuel cell with lactic acid bacteria as biocatalyst for co-production of L-lactic acid and
bioelectricity [126].

the electron away from the cell to the electrode surface flavins as mediators via respiration to induce the
(Figure 10). In brief, LAB will metabolize the glucose EET in the anode and reduce the internal resis­
molecules, abstracting L-LA and electrons. The elec­ tance of the EF system. Subsequently, S. cerevisiae
trons are then transferred from the LAB cell to the transmits electrons through the flavins produced
electron mediator and subsequently to the electrode, to reduce the resistance of electron transfer as well
generating an electrical current in the external circuit as a direct contact mechanism. Finally, the biopro­
of the EF system [97]. ducts produced by the decomposition of glucose
Although research is emerging in the pure by S. cerevisiae via metabolism served as an elec­
microbial culture EF system, all these methods tron donor and carbon source for B. subtilis. The
are extendable to fermenters and electroactive bac­ bioproduct consumption by B. subtilis in the bio­
teria co-culture for supplementary benefits film through IET mechanisms facilitates the EF
[118,119]. A comparative study has been reported process and increases the purity of the intended
on pure culture and co-culture for bioelectricity products [116]. Further, Abdel-Gelel et al. [117]
production from glucose medium as an anolyte in developed a co-culture EF system by utilizing
the EF process (Table 1). The yield of bioelectricity a combined LAB strain of L. lactis and
in terms of current density was enhanced by Lactobacillus acidophilus for bioelectricity produc­
141.92% with co-culture using B. subtilis as an tion from a glucose medium. A pure culture EF
electroactive bacteria and Saccharomyces cerevisiae system was conducted as a standard reference,
as a fermenter [116]. This is mainly contributed by where pure L. lactis and co-culture produced
the syntrophic interaction among the bacteria a power density of 152 mW/m2 and 405 mW/m2,
strains, which offers an interspecies electron trans­ respectively [117]. The presence of cyclic diguany­
fer (IET) between the bacteria, either directly via late monophosphate in the intracellular of L. acid­
conductive pili or indirectly via diffusion of redox ophilus stimulates biofilm formation and promotes
mediator [127]. In this case, B. subtilis excreted L. lactis to produce more liposoluble quinones
268 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

for EET to minimize the internal resistance maintaining the balance between anolyte and cath­
and increase the output voltage of the EF sys­ olyte pH that manifest in the CO2 reduction and H2
tem [117]. formation via the reduction of H+ ions, thereby
promoting bioethanol production in the presence of
H2 as an electron donor by reducing the acetic acid
3.2. CO2 capture and conversion
with cathode poised potential between −0.7 and
Associated with the EF reaction in the MFC sys­ −0.9 V [97]. Biogas such as biomethane (CH4) synth­
tem is the generation of hydrogen (H+) and hydro­ esis was also perceived upon CO2 reduction in sev­
xyl (OH−) ions in the anolyte and catholyte, eral research using EF [132,133]. CO2 reduction
respectively, which creates a pH imbalance in the within the EF system toward biogas upgradation
system as the H+ ions mass transfer is sluggish that enhances product yield and lowers the process ener­
will be accumulated in the anode causes anolyte getics. In general, volatile fatty acids and H2 are
acidification [93]. Experiments have shown that electron donors in converting CO2 to CH4. With
acidic or basic pH significantly decreases the cur­ the ability of H2 to implement as a carbon-free
rent density, voltage efficiency, and resultant biofuel for the transportation sector, direct IET
power output by detrimentally affecting the elec­ mediated by nanowires or pili of electroactive bac­
troactive bacteria metabolism via Le Chatlier’s teria was proposed as an alternative to interspecies
principle [128,129]. From an electrochemical per­ H2 transfer [134]. CO2 is reduced by direct electron
spective, pH imbalance also increases concentra­ transfer at the catholic chamber at a potential lower
tion overpotential for substrate oxidation and than −0.24 V vs SHE, with 94.14% of the applied
potential loss for the whole EF system [129]. potential converted into CH4 [133]. Methanogens
Chen et al. [130] revealed that inorganic carbons assist in exploiting in situ produced H+ ions and
(carbonic acid, H2CO3; carbonate ions, CO32-; electrons as a redox mediator for direct IET coupled
bicarbonate ions, HCO3−) produced through the to CO2 reduction toward increased CH4 synthesis
reduction of nearly 100% CO2 generated during involving less activation energy as a part of the
microbial respiration are indispensable in EF to electrocatalytic activity, which is an added bene­
offer ionic conductivity and retain stable pH con­ fit [135].
ditions of the electrolyte. The CO2 generated in the Alongside the production of bioelectricity, the
system reacted with OH− ions to form inorganic production of medium carboxylic acids including
carbons, which became the highest concentration butyric acid and caproic acid was also observed
of anions in the catholyte. With an anion exchange during the EF system operation using Clostridium
membrane, the inorganic carbons were trans­ kluyveri as catholic respiration bacteria at −0.6 V
ported from the cathode to the anode to retain for CO2 fixation [136]. The simultaneous presence
electroneutrality and catalyzed the diffusion flux of of CO2 and acetic acid in the EF system presenting
anion ions [93]. Clostridium spp. can lead to longer chain carbox­
Aside from being applied successfully for CO2 ylates via the reverse β-oxidation chain elongation
capture, EF is adapted more toward CO2 fixation pathway (Wood-Ljungdahl pathway) by excreting
using various mechanisms. In the context of CO2 the acetyl-CoA to promote elongation from acetic
fixation using EF, the potential differences of the acid (C2) to butyric acid (C4), and then from
working electrodes act as a steering force to con­ butyric acid to caproic acid (C6) [137]. Notably,
vert/reduce CO2 to value-added bioproducts due to butyric acid and caproic acid possess high com­
CO2 being thermodynamically stable [131]. One mercial values and are broadly employed as anti­
such mechanism is electrochemical CO2 reduction microbial agents, feed additives, and flavor
to bioethanol through biological interventions that enhancers in the pharmaceutical and food indus­
capture and convert CO2 [97]. Besides L-LA, short- tries [138]. Each final product has designated
chain carboxylic acid such as acetic acid formation poised potential regulated by the applied potential
also occurs due to the degradation of L-LA by the for driving the bioelectrochemical synthesis of
heterofermentative L. plantarum. The accumulation bioethanol/biogas/carboxylic acids via CO2 reduc­
of acetic acid and L-LA creates a surge in tion. EF-MFC integration has depicted

a significantly increased CO2 capture and conver­ a quick response time to reactants, high surface area
sion toward carbon neutrality in the total biopro­ to volume ratio, robustness, and can be well staked
ducts production by slashing the GWP of the or scaled up [144]. Nevertheless, most quintessential
process [139,140]. µMFCs are downsized MFCs, with poor energy effi­
ciency being one of the major setbacks (Table 2).
High internal resistance is acknowledged as the pri­
4. Microfluidic microbial fuel cells
mary factor of inadequate power output, which is
Advances in microtechnology and growing societal ascribed to the involvement of the membrane [149].
demand for portable devices that can operate for To realize the real-time feasibility of µMFC, co-
extended periods without recharging have paved laminar fluid flow arrays are being exploited, where
a new route for the development of miniaturized immiscible anolyte and catholyte flow in the micro­
electronic devices and materials for diverse indus­ channel to make µMFC membrane-less which elim­
tries, including environmental, biological, defense, inates the external influence of inertial forces on the
and clinical applications [141,142]. From that per­ separation membrane while still consolidating the
spective, a microfluidic microbial fuel cell (µMFC) is advantages of microfluidic flow for power generation
a promising alternative L-LA production platform [147]. The common channel configuration of mem­
and carbon-neutral energy source for bioplastic brane-less µMFC is depicted in Figure 11, whereas
applications and portable microelectronic devices both electrolytes are separated by the diffusional
[143]. The idea of µMFC emerged from the conven­ layer created by laminar flow.
tional MFC with a total cell volume of 1–250 µL. An I-shape microchannel membrane-less µMFC
Operating such devices in a microenvironment offers with a total volume of 50 µL produced a maximum

Table 2. An overview of some common challenges encountered in conventional microbial fuel cell technology.
Main obstacles Description Reference
High internal resistance The involvement of PEMs or separators between the anodic and cathodic chambers introduced additional [145,146]
resistance to proton transport.
Limited scalability Scaling up dual-chamber MFCs is challenging due to the increased complexity and potential issues [111]
associated with maintaining the PEMs.
Low coulombic efficiency The separation of anodic and cathodic chambers by PEM can lead to side reactions or electron losses, [144,147]
reducing the overall efficiency of electron transfer.
Low power density MFCs currently have lower energy conversion efficiency due to electron losses by high internal resistance. [141]
Maintenance and system MFCs require regular maintenance to prevent membrane fouling, electrode degradation and system [141]
complexity failures.
Membrane fouling PEMs in dual-chamber MFCs are susceptible to scaling or fouling attributed to the accumulation of [144,147]
biofilms, salts, or other contaminants, lowering the membrane permeability and hindering proton
Slow startup and lag MFCs often require a startup period for exoelectrogens or microbial colonization and biofilm formation, [148]
phase leading to a delay in power generation as low cell density is inefficient for electron transfer.

Figure 11. Schematic design of microchannel for membrane-less microfluidic microbial fuel cell: (a) top view and (b) cross-sectional
view [98].
270 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

power density of 35,294 mW/m2 by S. oneidensis electronics applications have been effectively
MR-1, which is circa 200% increment compared to adapted to µMFC fabrication. Photolithography,
membraned µMFC. The two streams are mixed by soft lithography, xurography, and paper-based
transverse diffusion alone [102]. In fact, the fluidic µMFC are a few types of fabrication techniques
Reynolds (Re) number of the two streams in the among them. In general, photolithography is
microfluidic chamber, which contrasts the inertial applied to non-polymeric materials in which
force to the viscous force, is comparatively small a thin film of photoresist (typically SU-8) is spin-
that ranges between 10 and 100 and is typically coated on glass or silicon wafer and covered with
considered as laminar flow [144]. Due to the nat­ an image mask, then exposed to ultraviolet (UV)
ure of the laminar flow, the mixing of both streams light for soft baking. Chemical vapor deposition is
is mainly restricted to a narrow interface and used to remove the exposed layer of photoresist,
defined as diffusion across the mutual liquid– resulting in mold [145]. But this technique has
liquid interface between the two streams trans­ limitations like non-suitability for pattern creation
verse to the direction flow. The liquid–liquid inter­ on non-planar surfaces and the requirement of
face between the two streams in the laminar flow- expensive equipment. Thus, for polymeric-based
based µMFC offers certain advantages over static µMFC, soft lithography was established as an
membrane µMFC, including (1) promotes convec­ extension of the photolithography technique as it
tive transport over diffusive transport so anolyte is flexible and economical [150]. In addition, soft
crossover can be eliminated as the amount of lithography utilizes a patterned elastomeric poly­
diffusion transverse to the direction of flow can mer as mold, allowing polymers, organic mono­
be regulated with high precision by alteration of layers, and gels to be used for microchannel
the anolyte and catholyte flow rate; (2) eliminating fabrication [151]. Briefly, a layer of image mask
the water management issue caused by the separa­ and the photoresist is coated on the elastomeric
tion membrane as it has to be hydrated all times to polymer. The masked polymer is then subjected to
facilitate the transport of subatomic atoms; (3) can UV light, and the unexposed part is removed by
operate at elevated temperatures which enhances immersing it in the SU-8 developer solvent. The
the bioelectrochemical reaction due to promote remaining part is employed as mold, and poly­
the microbial kinetics [148]. meric materials such as PMMA and PDMS are
Owing to their modest size, µMFCs are compa­ poured into the mold and rectified to obtain the
tible with several simple microfabrication techni­ intended microstructure [152]. Luo et al. [147] soft
ques. Initially, non-polymeric materials including lithographically fabricated a 10 µL Y-shaped mem­
glass and silicon were utilized as starting materials brane-less dual-chamber µMFC using PMMA and
for microfluidic device fabrication. Glass materials SU-8 photoresist. Using 50 mM potassium ferro­
have remarkable biocompatibility and possess cyanide as the catholyte and 10 mM lactate as an
superior endurance to harsh conditions (high anolyte, the authors observed a maximum power
acid concentration and temperature) and are density of 360 mW/m2, with 65% electrochemical
thereby preferred. However, non-polymeric-based efficiency [147]. The PMMA micromachining
µMFCs are commercially limited due to their combined with the soft lithography technique
micromachining complexity, high fabrication was used to fabricate a 350 µm depth microchan­
cost, and non-optical transparency of silicon nel for dual-chamber µMFC, which yielded
[150]. Hence, polymeric materials such as poly­ a maximum power density of 343 W/m2 [153].
methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and polydimethyl­ Paper-based µMFCs have also been developed
siloxane (PDMS) have gained considerable to fabricate the microchannel by a paper matrix,
popularity in replacing non-polymeric materials which provides significant advantages. To this
for µMFC device fabrication due to their design extent, the natural wicking action of paper-based
flexibility, transparency, biocompatibility, durabil­ microchannel offers rapid adsorption of exoelec­
ity, and low cost [150]. trogen fluid that urges adhesion of exoelectrogen
Latterly, some well-developed fabrication tech­ cells to the working electrode and thereby signif­
niques demonstrated for lab-on-chip and icantly reduces the retention time of the

bioelectrochemical reaction [154]. In addition, et al. [159] have harnessed the 3D printing technol­
paper possesses the capability to flow fluids ogy for making bacterial graphene-polycarbonate
through capillary action mechanisms, offering (PC) electrodes for direct electron transfer using
passive liquid transport, and eliminating the electroactive bacteria S. oneidensis ATCC70050 for
requirement of external ancillary devices for feed­ lysogeny broth valorization. To confirm and facil­
ing the electrolyte to the µMFC environment itate heterogeneous electron transfer, tryptic soy
[155]. Several researches have been conducted to broth as a growth medium was included in the
use the paper-based µMFC approach to develop printing material for 3D-printed graphene-PC elec­
membrane-less µMFC. Nath et al. [148] discov­ trode fabrication to enhance the electroactive bac­
ered a disposable and inexpensive membrane-less terial growth. The experimental data reported that
µMFC fabricated on a Whatman filter paper with the 3D printed graphene-PC electrode possesses
a T-shaped microchannel. With this system, the lower charge transfer resistance (70.65 Ω) com­
devices were shown to hold exoelectrogenic pared to the same material solid electrode (177.1
Escherichia coli for 180 min, producing Ω) and produces a volumetric power density of 8.5
a maximum current density of 450 mA/m2, and W/m3 attributed to better diffusion and higher sur­
a maximum power density of 27 mW/m2. face area of the 3D printed graphene-PC elec­
Rewatkar and Goel [154] proposed a 250 mm2 trode [159].
Y-shaped paper-based microchannel that pro­ Moreover, Bian et al. [160] revealed that 3D
duced a maximum power density of 145 mW/ printing could offer the precise design of 3D
m2. Further, an optimal power density of 240 ± microporous lattice structured electrodes with
50 mW/m2 was attained using Whatman, grade UV-curable resin as printing material. Further sur­
Fusion 5 paper fabricated µMFC. This study face modification of 3D printed polymeric electro­
revealed that the paper-based µMFC can produce des with copper plating could enhance the power
similar power output as the µMFC operated with density by 12.3-fold compared to copper mesh
an external syringe pump using similar working electrodes. Notably, the 3D microporous lattice
electrodes and electroactive bacteria strain [156]. structure offers excellent biocompatibility and
a large surface area to S. oneidensis MR-1 for
bioproduct conversion and biofilm development,
4.1. Integrated with EF (Advancements in while the metal coating facilitates direct electron
microfluidic MFC operations-LLA production and transfer [160]. Similarly, a rectangular mesh 3D
electricity) − 3D printing technology printed PLA electrode has been developed to pro­
Recently, additive manufacturing technology based duce a stable power output (43 ± 1 µW) for almost
on 3D printing has imparted significant advances in 840 h [161]. A further example of material extru­
the fabrication and design of complex structures sion applied to µMFC device fabrication was
through the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) reported by Rewatkar et al. [141]. In this work,
technique [146]. This technology offers new poten­ the authors employed FDM 3D printing to manu­
tial for designing the highly personalized structure facture a Y-shaped microchannel. The 3D-printed
and the fabrication of final products through the microchannel represented the working chamber
sequential deposition of thin layers using the extru­ for anolyte valorization and catholyte reduction.
sion of thermoplastic polymeric fiber [157]. The The 3D printed microchannel comprised an
rising concurrence of adopting the 3D printing enduring and flexible rectangular holder made of
system over the conventional device fabrication conductive acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
techniques has resulted in numerous benefits based filament. Interestingly, conductive ABS fila­
including fabrication of complex geometry with ment showed better sensitivity and transferability
exceptional resolution in a short period, customiza­ in electrons; with this advantage, it was selected as
tion, outstanding design flexibility, and material the material for 3D printing of the microchan­
economy [158]. With these unique and immense nel [141].
versatility properties, FDM can expand the range of Regarding the employment of FDM technology
novel µMFC and electrode architectures. Freyman for the manufacture of ion exchange membrane
272 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

Figure 12. 3D printable components of a microbial fuel cell [161].

(IEM), You et al. [161] constructed a 3D printed transfer of the system. Inevitably, attaining
membrane using Gel-Lay filament, a filament a higher power performance µMFC requires
composed of rubber elastomeric polymers and a suitable electrode material with a large surface
polyamide (Figure 12). The power output from area, good biocompatibility, good electron con­
µMFC with a 3D printed membrane was compar­ ductivity, low electrical resistance, good surface
able to a commercial proton exchange membrane hydrophilicity, and chemical stability properties
(240 ± 11 µW vs 177 ± 29 µW). Intriguingly, poly­ for microbial adherence [164]. Recently, carbonac­
amide possesses strengths of low coefficient of eous-based material has been extensively used for
friction which reduces the internal energy loss the construction of electrodes for µMFC systems
caused by the proton transfer to the cathode [165]. Nonetheless, the commercial carbonaceous
chamber via IEM. Additionally, the polymeric 3D- electrode showed a smooth surface with limited
printed membrane also resists biofouling due to biocompatibility and electrochemical activity.
good fatigue and impact strength properties [161]. Notably, a variety of strategies for carbonaceous
Theodosiou et al. [162] compared 3D printed electrode surface modification have been pro­
membrane electrode assembly with a commercial posed. Chen et al. [166] developed a candle-soot-
IEM. The 3D printed membrane from air-dry clay coated carbon cloth electrode by inoculating
materials exhibited twofold higher power outputs Aeromonas hydrophila in the MFC system. The
(130 µW vs 66 µW) for 11,760 h. This is attributed candle soot coating altered the hydrophobic sur­
to the groove and emboss structure of the 3D face of the carbon cloth electrode to hydrophilic
printed membrane, resulting in a larger surface and offers a natural 3D mesoporous ordered struc­
area than commercial IEM. Patterned 3D-printed ture for biofilm growth. The modified electrode
membranes can exhibit reduced concentration exhibited the lowest internal resistance of 619 Ω
polarization and improved ion exchange transport with the optimal power density of 19.8 ± 0.2 mW/
performance while alleviating fouling [163]. m2, which was 48.48% higher than the bare elec­
trode under the same operation conditions [166].
The formation of biofilm on the electrode of
4.2. Electrode material and arrangement
µMFCs presents some significant advantages,
The achievable current and power output of µMFC whereby the generated electrons are directly trans­
systems are reliant on the electrode material and ferred from the microbial cell to the electrode.
architecture, which directly influences the biofilm This is attributed to the biofilm matrix providing
formation, catholyte reduction, and electron a structured environment where the microbial cells

can establish physical contact with the electrode electron acceptors attached to G. sulfurreducens
surface, improving electron transfer efficiency and are capable of extracting electrons from acetate
power generation. Additionally, biofilm improved and storing the electrons in the granules. Briefly,
the resistance of microbial cells to toxicity by the granular activated carbon behaves like
functioning as a physical barrier to reduce the a capacitor where the protons produced from ano­
direct contact between toxic substances and micro­ lyte oxidation will store in the bacterial biofilm on
bial cells, exhibiting increased tolerance to toxic the granules along with charge and granules are
substances compared to planktonic suspension discharged when in contact with the current col­
cells [98]. In another study, Liu et al. [167] chemi­ lector. Consequently, during the discharge of gran­
cally modified carbon paper electrodes with 0.5 M ular activated carbon, protons are also released
sulfuric acid for the µMFC system. The authors along with electrons, leading to localized high con­
revealed that the modified carbon paper displayed ductivity and negligible ohmic losses due to low
a rougher surface with deep ditches as the sulfuric electron transfer resistance [171].
acid etched the carbon fibers to increase the sur­ Notably, the use of metal electrodes is on the
face area of the electrode for the biofilm forma­ rise due to possessing good mechanical strength
tion. The modification reduced the anodic charge and higher electrical conductivity compared to
transfer resistance with a maximum volumetric carbonaceous-based electrodes. Evidently, an
power density of 235.6 mW/cm3, which was interesting outcome was perceived during the use
a 1.58-fold increment than the unmodified carbon of the molybdenum electrode. This study found
paper [167]. that the molybdenum electrode produced
Further, carbonaceous-based nanomaterials a comparable power density of 1296 mW/m2 with
such as carbon nanotubes (CNT) and multi- an internal resistance of 62.3 ± 3 Ω, which is a 50-
walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were modi­ fold increment compared to the carbon paper
fied to enhance anodic biofilm formation. The electrode. This is mainly attributed to the appear­
CNT composites can improve cellular adhesion ance of the cleft-like alligatoring surface of the
electrostatically and increase electrode surface molybdenum electrode upon electrochemical oxi­
roughness [168]. Bandapati et al. [169] realized dation, which increases the surface areas for bio­
the MWCNT-coated HB pencil graphite film adhesion and enhances the mass transfer of
(MWCNT/PG) electrode using the dip coating electrons [72]. Meanwhile, molybdenum exhibits
method. The performance of MWCNT/PG biocompatible properties that enhance biofilm for­
showed a higher current density (4,605 µA/cm2) mation and support active microbial propagation,
than the bare PG electrode. Besides, the increasing microbial activity and generating elec­
MWCNT/PG displayed a more extensive biofilm trons. Indeed, molybdenum is chemically stable
of microbial attachment and cyclic volumetry, and resistant to corrosion in many physiological
which indicated that MWCNT offers good electric conditions, which does not interfere with the cel­
contact between the active site of the microbial lular function of microbial cells, promoting cell
and the PG surface [169]. A reduced graphene viability and electrical stimulation when applied
oxide nanosheet-coated carbon cloth anode has as electrode material [172]. Similarly, Shirkosh
been applied successfully for bioelectricity produc­ et al. [102] used a zinc electrode in a µMFC system
tion in the MFC system with a maximum power cultured with S. oneidensis and reported a current
density of 10.8 ± 0.19 mW/m2. Reduced graphene density of 138,181 mA/m2 at a cell voltage of −0.3
oxide nanosheets with superior electrical proper­ V using a glucose medium. Zinc electrodes exhibit
ties and rich hydrophilic functional groups had a higher OCP and current density than most car­
established a strong electrochemical performance bonaceous-based electrodes in µMFCs inoculated
in the MFC system [170]. Moreover, the usage of with S. oneidensis, which could be ascribed to zinc
granular electrodes for MFCs is considered a cost- material possessing a faster ion transfer rate in the
effective assay for providing high surface areas, electrolyte than the carbonaceous-based electrode
which is advantageous for achieving high power and a higher reduction standard potential. Further,
output [171]. Activated carbon granules as soluble zinc-based µMFC could enhance the overall power
274 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

performance by performing two series of redox nickel nanostructures on the anode side could
reactions, including (1) redox reaction associated increase the density of attached electroactive bac­
with zinc oxidation, which releases zinc ions into teria to the anode surface by enhancement of
the anolyte as a new electrolyte; (2) redox oxida­ carbon source accumulation, thereby elevating
tion associated with anolyte oxidation by electro­ the anolyte valorization and improving the mass
active bacteria [102]. transfer [153].
However, the life span of metal-based µMFCs is Aside from the electrode material selection, the
constrained by the corrosive nature of the metal diffusion layer existing over the electrodes also
materials. In contrast, stainless-steel and surface- substantially influences the fuel cell output.
modified metal materials have gained increasing Increasing the electrode surface area while assum­
attention for use as an electrode material for ing a homogenous diffusion layer could increase
µMFCs [173]. Stainless-steel exhibits passivation the overall power performance. Nevertheless,
behavior, which will form a thin oxide layer on the increasing the surface area of a single electrode
surface when exposed to oxygen to resist corro­ pair µMFC system simultaneously increases the
sion and protect the underlying metal from thickness of the diffusion layer, attributing to
further degradation. Moreover, stainless-steel electron mass transfer limitation and a decrease
possesses good electrical conductivity, allowing in power density [175]. Kim and Chang [176]
for efficient electron transfer between the elec­ resolved this concern by investigating the effect
trode surface and the electrolyte. This conductiv­ of the electrode diffusion layer on MFC power
ity facilitates electrochemical reactions at the generation. Using an immobilized inoculum
electrode–electrolyte interface [94]. Liang et al. source collected from a sludge tank in the
[174] proposed a carbon-coated stainless-steel Gwangju sewage treatment plant on the anode
electrode by inoculating Geobacter spp. in MFC. as bioanode, they revealed that splitting a single
The electrochemical measurement of the modified platinum-coated carbon cloth bioanode into nine
electrode exhibited the highest current density of simple bioanode while retaining the electroactive
13 A/m2, which is higher than the MFC conducted area and distributing them by some fixed distance
with an unmodified stainless-steel electrode (3 A/ fostered an increase in power output by a factor
m2) through enhancing bioadhesive and electron of 30%. In conclusion, the use of multiple smaller
transport rate. It has also been shown that flame- bioanodes and increased distance between the
oxidized wolfram is a more effective anode mate­ bioanodes could enhance the bioadhesive rate of
rial, and a facile wolfram modification yielded electroactive bacteria while preventing an increase
a power density of up to 1036 mW/m2 at ambient in the thickness of the diffusion layers [176].
temperature [72]. A carbon nanofibers-PDMS A similar report was also put forward by Li
coated stainless steel (CNF-PDMS/SS) electrode et al. [177] wherein a multi-layer porous electrode
has been applied successfully in MFC to generate consisting of five single-layer porous carbon
a maximum power density of 19 mW/m2 after 16 paper electrodes was implemented in the vana­
days of operation. Besides achieving higher power dium µMFC system for bioelectricity production
density output than unmodified electrodes, CNF- through continuous electrolyte replenishment.
PDMS coating can enhance the corrosion resis­ The system displayed a 1294% increment in
tance of stainless steel by reducing its corrosion power output with 120% lower internal resistance
rate from 367 µm/yr to 31 µm/yr [173]. Moreover, under a multi-layer flow-through porous elec­
nickel nanostructure modification was performed trode configuration. This could be attributed to
to enhance anodic biofilm formation on the nickel the use of a multi-layer electrode which offers an
foil electrode. Designing the µMFC using nickel uniform reaction rate and diffusion layers distri­
nanostructure led to a higher volumetric power bution in the porous electrode to cope with oper­
density of 343 W/m3 with an additional enhance­ ating conditions resulting in a superior cell
ment of 67% in the surface power density com­ performance [177].
pared to the unmodified nickel electrode. The In another study, Jiang et al. [111] integrated
increased surface area due to the employment of six flow-through µMFCs in an array into

Figure 13. Schematic illustration and fabrication process for the origami array-type µMFC. (a) Schematic representation with dimension (mm),
(b), (c) folded structure in 3D view, and (d) overview of origami array-type µMFC realization on 3D printed platform [178].

a sandwich of two acrylic sheets. Operating the biocompatibility, and direct electron transfer
µMFCs, potassium ferricyanide and S. oneidensis rate of the system.
MR-1 culture medium driven independently
into catholyte/anolyte, the authors revealed 56
µA of total current with a 16.4-fold increase in 5. Circular biorefinery approach- Microfluidic
volumetric density at 765 µA/cm3 and 4.3-fold MFC/bioplastic closing the loop
decrease in current generation response time to The circular biorefinery model has been employed
achieve 80% of the peak output current than to enhance the reuse and recycling of current
a single µMFC system [111]. A novel origami biomass-derived wastes to produce new bioenergy
array-type µMFC for bioelectricity generation and biochemicals using environmentally friendly
was developed by Rewatkar et al. [178] with techniques. Such the ‘take-make-recycle’ circular
a horizontally arrayed 1 cm2 manganese oxide model offered a beneficial way to maintain con­
nanoparticles coated carbon anode and 1 cm2 tinuous growth of the quality of life and economy
carbon cathode (Figure 13). The µMFC yielded by controlling the valorization of finite resources
a maximum power density of 15.9 µW/cm2 and [179]. µMFCs can be promising circular biorefin­
OCP of 0.53 V. Further electrochemical analysis ery models as they can operate for biochemical
revealed that this integrated flow-through µMFC production and energy recovery by valorizing var­
configuration improved interfacial nutrient ious biogenic materials and wastes [154]. In this
assimilation to the bacterial colonization, context, abundance macroalgae are a promising
276 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

Figure 14. Schematic diagram of circular biorefinery and bioeconomy of microfluidic microbial fuel cell for bioelectricity and
bioplastics production.

feedstock for developing the circular biorefinery deciphered via the dynamic chemical diversity that
model. The microbial reactions involved in the presences between Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta, and
macroalgae hydrolyzate acting as a substrate in Chlorophyta. Generally, macroalgal cell walls typi­
µMFC generate electrons and protons which can cally consist of a fibrillar skeleton material, known
later be used for the co-production of bioelectricity as cellulose and an amorphous enmeshed phyco­
and L-LA along with CO2 sequestration from colloids (carrageenan, agar, ulvan, glucuronan, or
organic matters present (Figure 14). Although alginate) unique to each taxa to form a double
fibrillar layer, which ultimately requires an effec­
CO2 is released into the anodic chamber during
tive hydrolysis assay to gain access to the internal
microbial reactions, that can be reused in the loop­
cell membrane. This involves either conventional
ing system for macroalgae re-growth and as
(chemo-catalytic and bio-catalytic) or innovative
a buffer medium for the system, making the
hydrolysis assay which disrupts the macroalgal
µMFC a carbon-neutral technology. Compared to
cell wall constituents, followed by hydrolysis of
the conventional biorefinery model, µMFC con­
polysaccharides into rare sugars [11]. The use of
sumes significantly lower energy rather than gen­
chemo-catalytic hydrolysis involving sulfuric acid
erating bioelectricity with EF reactions [70].
(H2SO4) was explored by Hessami et al. [180] to
It is crucial to recognize that the macroalgal
enhance the extricated rare sugar (glucose and
biomass upstream bioprocessing may significantly
govern the range of downstream intended biopro­ galactose) yield to 39.42% from red macroalgae
ducts. Moreover, depending on the targeted bio­ Gelidium elegans.
product of interest, selecting the most flawless From the economic standpoint of the macro­
approach or combination of approaches is para­ algal biorefinery, phycocolloids have frequently
mount [10]. The interconnected structures of been the primary target for recovery due to
macroalgal cell walls are structurally and chemi­ being commercially valued [181]. Park et al.
cally more heterogenous than lignocellulosic mate­ [182] and Alfonsín et al. [33] investigated the
rials as they are a polyphyletic group, which can be extraction of alginate and carrageenan,

respectively, and assessed the appropriateness endoglucanase [185]. In fact, the cellulase from
of the remaining residues as feedstock for rare V. parapaemolyticus contains the lysine decarbox­
sugar extraction using chemo-catalytic hydroly­ ylase (cadA) genes that will degrade the lysine
sis assay. Park et al. [182] identified that 40% of content in the macroalgal biomass to maintain
alginate can be extracted from Laminaria japo­ the optimum pH conditions (pH 3–8) of the sys­
nica, and 107.5 g/L of glucose was successfully tem, thereby extricated rare sugars yield can be
extricated post hydrochloric acid hydrolysis. enhanced simultaneously by aggrandizing the
Similarly, Alfonsín et al. [33] suggested that enzyme activity [186]. Further, Rocher et al. [24]
a biorefinery approach using Eucheuma denti­ performed the enzymatic hydrolysis of brown
culatum for the production of carrageenan and macroalgae Ecklonia maxima using yeast
rare sugars could be commercially viable and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and justified that the
yielded 19.7% of extricated rare sugars corre­ yield of extricated glucose could be significantly
sponding to 0.30 g/L of glucose from the carra­ improved from 29% to 66% by genetically modi­
geenan-free residue through acid hydrolysis. fied yeast with laminarinase-encoding genes from
Notably, unfavorable chemo-catalytic hydrolysis Trichoderma viride and Rasamsonia emersonii.
conditions could result in undesirable by- This is attributed to the S. cerevisiae cannot pro­
products including 5-hydroxymethylfurfural duce sufficient of its native laminarinase-like
(HMF) and formic acid via degradation of enzyme for effective hydrolysis of laminarin [24].
extricated rare sugars, which is a side reaction Although high rare sugar yields can be observed,
of chemo-catalytic hydrolysis that is unable to this assay is constrained by the extended retention
surpass completely. These by-products will times of hydrolysis ranging between 1 and 5 days
diminish the fermentation efficiency to produce and high production costs [24,185]. Thus, the use
the carbon-based end-point products, such as of enzymatic hydrolysis usually implies with pre­
L-LA by hindering the protein synthesis and treatment approach to reduce the retention times
damaging the DNA of the fermentative bacteria of the process which is indicated as a two-step
[183]. hydrolysis assay and considered not viable from
As an alternative to chemo-catalytic hydrolysis, the economic perspective [184].
bio-catalytic, known as enzymatic hydrolysis with To improve the setbacks of conventional hydro­
the utilization of enzymes to expedite the cleavage lysis assays, eco-friendly and innovative hydrolysis
of macroalgal cell wall constituents and polysac­ assays are increasingly developed, including
charides is preferred as this assay is environmen­ microwave-assisted hydrolysis and ozonolysis
tally benign [184]. The use of cellulase isolated [12,187]. Microwave-assisted acid hydrolysis has
from the halophilic bacterium Vibrio parapaemo­ been employed successfully to extract galactose
lyticus was explored by Hebbale et al. [185] to from E. denticulatum carrageenan under 120°C
with an operation duration of 25 min [12]. The
enhance rare sugars (glucose and rhamnose) extri­
authors concluded that 50.7% of the galactose
cation from green macroalgae Enteromorpha
recovery rate, corresponding to 27.9 ± 1.69 g/L of
intestinalis. The authors revealed that enzymatic
galactose can be achieved along with a low 5-HMF
hydrolysis using cellulase from of 0.74 ± 0.18 g/L from the E. denticulatum carra­
V. parapaemolyticus alone was sufficient to com­ geenan with the involvement of 230 W microwave
plete the saccharification of E. intestinalis with power [12]. Cao et al. [188] further applied higher
rare sugar yields of 90.59% and no 5-HMF forma­ microwave power (1900 W) to enhance the acid
tion. This is mainly due to cellulose isolated from hydrolysis of Gracilaria lemaneiformis under the
V. parapaemolyticus is composed of thermostable optimized temperature of 180°C with 0.2 M H2
and acidic endoglucanase, which shows higher SO4, and the extricated rare sugars (galactose and
catalytic efficiency on acid-sensitive intermolecu­ glucose) yield reached up to 73.3% with
lar glycosidic bonds cleavages compared to basic a retention time of 20 min, which is sixfold lesser
278 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

compared conventional acid hydrolysis assay. random cleavage of hydrogen bonds to extricate
They revealed that the superficial heat transfer carbohydrate contents. In addition, soluble low
environment offered by microwave irradiation to molecular weight compounds, mainly organic
the macroalgae biomass can improve the extri­ acids including acetic acid and formic acid, will
cated rare sugars yield and retention time of the be released during ozonation, resulting in
process whilst simultaneously limiting the forma­ a decrease in the acidification of the solution that
tion of 5-HMF [188]. The use of microwave irra­ can expedite the cleavage of acid-sensitive glycosi­
diation reduced the retention time and by- dic bonds [187]. Further, Sulfahri et al. [192] sig­
products formation, which paths a new route for nificantly improved total rare sugar extricate yield
the hydrolysis of macroalgal biomass for the cir­ in red macroalgae Kappaphycus alvarezii from
cular biorefinery; however, bottlenecks associated 0.16 g/g to 0.52 g/g with ozone-assisted enzymatic
with the high-power consumption for microwave hydrolysis. Hence, ozone-assisted hydrolysis assay
heating at the targeted temperature on is preferred for rare sugar extrication in terms of
a commercial scale were raised. high hydrolytic efficacy and low energy consump­
In contrast, the ozonolysis assay has been widely tion, which allies with the criteria embedded
applied as a lignocellulosic pretreatment process within the circular biorefinery concept.
for delignification. However, it has not been exten­ Anaerobic fermentation (AF) is the indispensa­
sively explored as a hydrolysis assay for macroalgal ble sequential stage in the circular biorefinery loop
biomass as they are less recalcitrant due to a lack for the valorization of extricated rare sugars or
of lignin complexes [189]. The ozonolysis assay glycolytic intermediates toward L-LA production
utilizes ozone (O3) to treat the biomass cell walls using acid-tolerant LAB. Among thousands of
and selective carbohydrate degradation at ambient strains of identified LAB, Bacillus spp. and
temperature and pressure with minimal effects on Lactobacillus spp. are the prominent microbial
rare sugars, leading to lower yield in 5-HMF gen­ that have been perceived as the most crucial con­
eration in the extricated rare sugars tenable for tributing to beneficial effects in L-LA fermentation
fermentation. As an electrophilic and triatomic using carbon-rich rare sugars as substrate.
molecule, O3 is highly reactive toward the elec­ A typical superiority of these LAB strains for
tron-rich cell wall matrix and carbohydrates due L-LA production is offering strength to growth
to an electron deficiency in terminal oxygen dur­ under high temperatures up to 50°C, utmost resis­
ing resonance [190]. The reactions of O3 with tance to contamination, and less stringent nutri­
carbohydrate molecules involve an initial electro­ tional requirements [193]. Wu et al. [194]
philic attack, resulting in the formation of carboxyl concluded that 7.02 g/L (48.48%) of L-LA can be
and carbonyl groups followed by hydroxylation of attained during the fermentation of acid-modified
the carbonyl groups, which increases electrophilic Ulva lactuca hydrolyzates using 10% (v/v)
substitution reactivity of the compounds for gly­ Lactobacillus plantarum under batch mode at
cosidic bond cleavage [191]. Although O3 is an 37°C for 24 h. Under the same inoculum density,
efficient oxidizing agent (E0 = 2.07 V, 25°C), O3 the fermentation process for acid-modified
alone is relatively ineffective in oxidizing cellulose E. denticulatum cellulosic residues was optimized
surfaces [189]. Thus, Tamilarasan et al. [187] to achieve a L-LA yield of 98.6%, corresponding to
explored hydrothermal ozonolysis to improve 14.02 g/L of L-LA (Chai et al., 2021). Lin et al. [47]
rare sugar recoveries from green macroalgae also explored the mixed microbial culture of com­
Chaetomorpha antennina. Compared with the bined L. acidophilus and L. plantarum strains for
control case (ozonolysis alone), total rare sugar L-LA fermentation from red macroalgae Gracilaria
recovery rates and energy ratio increased 2.1 and sp. hydrolyzates, finding remarkable L-LA titer
2.4 times with water as a hydrolysis solvent. This enhancements by merely 30% with L-LA yield of
attributed to treatment with O3 in an aqueous 64.72% compared to monoculture. This may be
medium that generates a reactive radical known due to the probiotic bacterium L. acidophilus will
as hydroxyl through the formation of superoxide, excrete proteinaceous bacteriocins including lacto­
which reacts with the cell wall matrix resulting in cin B, acidocin A, and acidocin B during the L-LA

fermentation as nitrogen sources to stimulate end point bioproduct generation from a single
L. plantarum strain growth [195]. Tong et al. substrate, indicating a significant opportunity
[12] further enhanced the L-LA titer by employing for developing a circular biorefinery model.
various inoculum densities of Bacillus coagulans at In the circular biorefinery model, the L-LA pro­
37°C for 14 h and revealed that the L-LA conver­ duced will be further processed into biodegradable
sion yield was improved from 19.93 to 22.49 g/L PLLA polymer for bioplastic application via
with an increment of 88.62% when 4% (v/v) a Ring-Opening lactide reaction or a Direct Poly-
B. coagulans was applied compared to only 2% Condensation of L-LA [41]. The end-of-life for
(v/v). In conclusion, a higher volumetric produc­ such bioplastics can be recycled or biodegraded
tivity of L-LA and a shorter metabolization rate of using microorganisms. PLLA-based products can
LAB can be achieved by employing a high inocu­ be subjected to chemical recycling. In detail, che­
lum density culture as it offers a rapid fermenta­ mical recycling is a depolymerization process
tion process between LAB and rare sugars [12]. using mild acids or solvents. Then, the depolymer­
Apart from the generation of intended biopro­ ized components can be repolymerized to form
ducts, the successful reduction of waste within valuable products [196]. In addition, Adhikari
a biorefinery process is a covetable goal that et al. [197] studied the biodegradation of PLLA-
ought to be achieved by adopting green technol­ based products. The authors reported that the
ogies to incorporate within the cascading biorefi­ fragments components of the PLLA polymers via
neries. Lin et al. [118] accomplished this during biodegradation can be utilized as substrates for
their research which showed the viability of gen­ either anaerobic fermentation or EF to exploit
erating bioelectricity from residues of glucose and the untapped potential [197]. The energy recovery
glycolytic intermediates that remained post L-LA from the biodegradation process can be used
further for the production of power or heat
production. The study demonstrated this inte­
[198]. Thus, a close-loop circular biorefinery
grated biorefinery assay of L-LA and bioelectri­
model is demonstrated.
city production in a MFC system using
a combined bacterium strain of S. oneidensis
and engineered S. cerevisiae for the EF process. 6. SWOT analysis of microfluidic microbial
L-LA yield of 7.50 g/L was attained from the fuel cell toward bioelectricity and bioplastic
production for circular biorefinery
glucose medium, after which the residues were
utilized as substrates in MFC to generate bioelec­ Technology Transfer is essential to move technol­
tricity. The output voltage and power density ogy from research labs toward commercialization.
obtained from this MFC system were 355 mV Thus, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and 123.41 mW/m2, respectively [118]. Tejedor- and threats (SWOT) analysis of a raised technol­
Sanz et al. [97] concluded that MFC is ogy product must be conducted to identify its
a sustainable CO2 sequestration platform, where future prospects. An appropriate SWOT analysis
the electroactive bacterium Lactiplantibacillus would be beneficial to transfer the obtained scien­
tific findings to industrial- or pilot-scale applied
plantarum can convert CO2 released during
technology. In the following sections, the possibi­
L-LA fermentation into a variety of value-added
lity for the transfer of µMFC technology to fruition
bioproducts (acetic acid, ethanol, and bioelectri­
will be analyzed regarding the strengths of this
city). Further, Shirkosh et al. [102] enhanced the technology, technological limitations, challenges,
bioelectricity generation by downscaling the MFC and future prospects.
into microfluidic environments, finding
a markedly technological advantage by generating
higher power density output 35,294 mW/m2 com­ 6.1. Main strengths and weaknesses of
pared to MFC. These findings revealed that microfluidic microbial fuel cell
µMFC is an emerging waste-to-chemical/energy The most vital strength point of µMFC is the
platform for CO2 fixation and multiple carbon- possible use of organic substrate or wastewater as
280 K. T. X. TONG ET AL.

a fuel source to initiate biocatalytic environmental space, and potential for biofilm degradation are
remediation and co-production of biochemicals the several factors that made biofilm control
and bioelectricity. Hence, this unique property a difficult process [148]. Lastly, scaling up
provides a sustainable approach for the processing µMFCs from lab-scale to practical applications
of multiphase waste treatment and biomass utili­ while retaining performance and cost-
zation while reducing CO2 emissions, which is effectiveness is limited due to mass production
accorded with the UN Sustainable Development and system integration [167].
Goals [175,199]. On account of its modest size,
µMFC can be easily scaled up or down, offering
6.2. Challenges and future prospects
versatile applications, including bioenergy produc­
tion, wastewater remediation, biosensors, and As conventional MFCs are a well-established tech­
remote power generation, and enabling integration nology and have been extensively studied with
into lab-on-chips devices [147]. Further, the com­ a mature research base and developed protocols,
pact nature of microchannels in µMFC minimizes this could limit the public perception and accep­
diffusion limitations by increasing the surface-to- tance of µMFCs. Furthermore, the involvement of
volume ratio of the system, which promotes mass intricate designs, specialized fabrication techni­
transfer capabilities regarding electron and nutri­ ques, and complex fluidic dynamics in the study
ent transfer between the microbes and electrodes. of µMFCs raises challenges regarding operation
This allows for improved accessibility of microbes and maintenance, which may also hinder their
to the substrates, enhancing the reaction kinetics widespread adoption [200]. Besides, recent studies
and power generation [153]. The elimination of on µMFC have been made without fully employing
PEM in the µMFCs is an economically sustainable biofilm engineering and fabrication techniques
strategy that simultaneously reduces the internal that are specifically designed to enhance µMFC
resistance attributed to proton transport, improv­ performance significantly. Consequently, the
ing the efficiency of the µMFCs. Moreover, µMFCs development of 3D printing technology for anodes
possess the ability for multiplexing and paralleliza­ with biofilm engineering has enormous potential
tion, allowing simultaneous operation of multiple for supporting the development of high-
microchannels or units, which enables higher performance µMFCs in the future, as they possess
throughput and increased power output [152]. the ability to enhance EET to stimulate power
Because of the precise microscale features, the generation by several orders of magnitude [160].
fabrication of µMFCs can be technically challen­ Immobilization of exoelectrogens in the mesh-like
ging and require specialized equipment and mate­ electrodes can also be considered a potential
rials. Achieving reliable and reproducible advancement to control and maintain biofilm
fabrication processes for µMFCs can be time- growth. Regarding microscale features, µMFC
consuming and costly. However, despite having offers opportunities to develop miniaturized bioe­
high mass transfer capabilities, µMFCs are still nergy devices suitable for portable and on-site
hurdled by mass transfer limitations. The limited power generation in resource-limited or remote
volume microchannels in µMFC can overload the settings. Then, the study of µMFC can be inte­
substrate [147]. Besides, µMFC may require inte­ grated with lab-on-chips systems, allowing for
gration with external components, including simultaneous energy generation and biosensing,
pumps, monitoring systems, and sensor, which enabling multifunctional devices. To expand the
contribute to the complexity and challenges in market opportunities and adoptions, researchers
terms of system reliability, compatibility, and over­ should tailor µMFC design for specific applications
all performance. Additionally, establishing long- such as biomedical devices or environmental mon­
term operational stability and performance consis­ itoring systems, exposing the usage of µMFCs.
tency of µMFs can be challenging. This is attrib­ Moreover, µMFC competitiveness can be further
uted to the performance of µMFCs relying on increased by understanding the thermodynamics
forming and maintaining biofilms on the electrode of EET at the microscale and maximizing the gen­
surface. The intricate fluidic conditions, limited eration of all available high-value components

from the single substrate through cascading bior­ Funding

efinery. The abovementioned prospects guide
This study was funded by the Fundamental Research Grant
future work toward a full understanding of the
Scheme (FRGS/1/2019/TK02/CURTIN/03/2) from the
high performance of µMFC system development Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia, Curtin
as a viable technology. Malaysia Higher Degree Research (CMHDR) Grant and
Curtin Malaysia Postgraduate Research Scholarship
(CMPRS) from Curtin University Malaysia.
7. Conclusions
This review delineated the in-built potential of Data availability statement
macroalgae in terms of bioproducts recovery and
The data that support the findings of this study are available
simultaneously diminishing the carbon footprint from [email protected].
with a sustainable perspective. There are several
pathways for the current sustainable energy
transition. MFC technologies provide Credit authorship contribution statement
a potential approach for cascading biorefinery Kevin Tian Xiang Tong: Writing-original draft, Project
to exploit the co-production of bioelectricity administration, Data curation. Inn Shi Tan: Supervision,
Conceptualization, Writing-Reviewing, and Editing. Pau
and biochemicals from the organic substrate Loke Show: Investigation and Validation. Henry Foo Chee
that could replace conventional sources of pet­ Yew: Supervision, Validation. Man Kee Lam: Investigation.
rochemicals. Bioelectricity and L-LA generated Mee Kee Wong: Investigation and Validation.
from the metabolism of exoelectrogens or LAB
can be maintained to provide a reliable contin­ ORCID
uous source of renewable energy and bioplastic
Kevin Tian Xiang Tong
production. Nevertheless, the commercialization
of MFC is a hurdle associated with insufficient Inn Shi Tan
power generation. Currently, investments in cir­ Henry Chee Yew Foo
cular biorefinery are focused on using µMFC 9105
Pau Loke Show
system to enhance the power output and achieve
Man Kee Lam
a better conversion yield of L-LA. It promises to Mee Kee Wong
be the most potential biorefinery model to
address the futuristic circular biorefinery with
more innovation in the near future. References
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