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Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

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A review on recent technological breakthroughs in anaerobic digestion of

organic biowaste for biogas generation: Challenges towards sustainable
development goals
K. Archana a, A.S. Visckram a, P. Senthil Kumar c, *, S. Manikandan a, A. Saravanan a,
L. Natrayan b
Department of Biotechnology, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai 602105, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai 602105, India
Centre for Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry 605014, India


Keywords: Biogas production by anaerobic digestion is a potential technique for waste management and reduce carbon
Biogas footprint. Heat capacity and fuel efficiency of biogas make it as an interesting alternative to the depleting
Anaerobic digestion nonrenewable fuels. The full potential of anaerobic digestion is not realized yet due to operational difficulties,
Pretreatment methods
government policies and people acceptance. This review focuses on the bottle necks in the biogas production
technology and highlights some of the recent technology that can be adopted to achieve circular economy in
Facilitated transport
biogas sector. In a waste to energy perspective, the presence of recalcitrant lignocelluloses in the available
biowaste is discussed. Various pretreatment techniques used to convert these recalcitrant materials to suit
anaerobic digestion are compared. Microalgal culture techniques for waste treatment and biogas upgradation are
seen as a promising strategy towards clean energy. In many cases the impurities present in the biogas limit its
usage. Hence, more emphasis for biogas upgradation by adopting advanced methods like facilitated transport in
a nanocellulose membrane is needed. Implementation of biogas as an alternative to fossil fuels has both tech­
nological and policy related barriers. Biogas helps to attain sustainability development goals proposed by the
United Nations. This review discusses the technological aspects of biogas production alongside the application of
biogas to attain sustainability in the fuel sector. In various sections, we highlight the technical difficulties in
biogas production, solutions for those problems, and potential of biogas technology in achieving sustainable

1. Introduction fossil fuels in both heat and power generation. Further it can also be used
as transportation fuel. Biogas production is a zero waste technology, as
Development of sustainable energy resources is essential in an methane produced is used as fuel and the digested material or digestate
environmental protection perspective to reduce the greenhouse gas is used as crop manure [45].
emission and to effectively utilize the organic waste accumulated Organic matter rich agricultural waste, municipal waste and indus­
globally [75,80]. The demand for energy is growing globally due to trial waste are widely used for biogas production. Apart from this, en­
growing population. Fossil fuels are exhaustive and can potentially ergy crops like hemp can be added to increase methane yield [16].
damage the environment in plethora of ways. Biogas is one of the clean Agricultural waste is the widely available organic substrate for biogas
and economically viable solutions to the fuel problems currently faced production. Globally 5.5 billion tons of agricultural waste is generated
by us [53]. Organic waste can be an-aerobically digested to produce annually [27], India and China are the highest contributors with 500
biogas. Biogas consists of 50–75 % methane, 25–50 % carbon dioxide million tons [18], and 860 million tons [10] respectively. Municipal
(CO2) and other gases like hydrogen sulphide (H2S), ammonia, oxygen. waste is constituted by food residues and household wastes. Globally,
The major constituent of biogas is methane and it can effectively replace 1.3 billion tons of municipal waste is generated every year [12]. These

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (P. Senthil Kumar).

Received 24 February 2023; Received in revised form 21 September 2023; Accepted 2 November 2023
Available online 6 November 2023
0016-2361/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

are highly rich in organic content and possess greater methanogenic remove CO2 using various techniques like absorption and adsorption
value. Industrial by-products, residues and waste are the components of which are discussed later in this review.
industrial waste. Though industrial waste is rich in organic content, they The biodegradability of the biowaste determines its potential to be
have chemically unpredictable components. Chemical composition of used as feed for AD. The World energy council has predicted that more
the substrate is crucial in determining the quality and quantity of than 6 million tons of waste will be produced per day by 2025. This
methane produced during anaerobic digestion. Salt tolerant halophyte waste, when left untreated in a landfill, can contribute to greenhouse
plants are recently used for biogas production. Plants like Salicornia gases. Hence generation of energy from biowaste is needed to reduce the
europaea, Tripolium pannonicum etc are cultivalted in saline areas as a carbon footprint. Production of energy and value-added products from
salt water treatment effort and also yield biomass that can be used in AD this waste can tackle waste related problems faced at present. Fig. 1
process [5,25]. [93] identified cassava peels along with fruit and vege­ shows the global share of various biomass used for biogas production. Of
table waste as an alternate biowaste to be used in places of South Africa these, using animal manure for biogas production results in socio- eco­
with less cattle manure availability. nomic and environmental advantages by removal of pathogens,
AD is a microbiological process and hence the microorganism in the improved usage of animal manure as fertilizer, and more importantly
inoculum is a variable parameter in biogas production process. Geneti­ production of green renewable fuel. The European renewable energy
cally modified microorganism consortia are lining up to be used in AD council has advised replacing 27–30 % of energy consumption with
process. In vitro synthetic enzymatic pathway is one of the recent de­ renewable sources by 2030. Biogas has the potential to help us achieve
velopments in strain development using molecular methods for this target globally. This review paper is aimed to provide an insight into
enhanced biogas production [85]. Acclimatizing inoculums to the pre­ biogas production process, upgradation techniques and usage for
vailing climatic condition of the region is another technique for efficient microalgae for biogas upgradation. Further, application of facilitated
performance of AD process [56]. Biogas production process involves transport of carbon dioxide for improving biogas quality and the role of
three stages viz pre-production stage (biomass selection, pretreatment biogas production towards attainment of sustainability development
and plant design), production stage (process parameters) and post­ goals are discussed.
production stage (upgradation techniques and marketing). Advance­ This article is structured to address the major limitations in complete
ments in these areas will be discussed in upcoming sections of this conversion of available biomass for biogas production. The advanced
review. line of techniques involving nanocarbons for the degradation of ligno­
Biogas composition greatly depends on the choice of feedstock, cellulosic material are discussed in the later sections. Further, a
operational conditions and the type of plant used. Of these, feedstock comprehensive analysis on the impact of biogas usage in achieving
availability is the main deciding parameter as the other two can be sustainable goals is done. Conclusively, positive effects of biogas pro­
manipulated to a greater extent to get favorable results. Biogas contains duction and its usage as a replacement for conventional fuel systems on
impurities like nitrogen (upto 15 %), carbon monoxide (<0.6 %), oxy­ resource recuperation and the circular economy are discussed.
gen (upto 3 %), ammonia, H2S, siloxanes, hydrocarbons and water
[108]. The presence of these impurities limits its application and de­ 2. Biogas generation from lignocellulosic biowaste
creases the heat content of biogas. Further, they also lead to pulmonary
diseases in humans if left untreated before usage. H2S is a potential Agricultural wastes contain a substantial amount of lignocellulosic
nerve poison, and it can damage the environment by causing acid rain. material which are a potential source for biogas production. Plant cells
Being a corrosive agent, H2S can damage the pipelines and absorbents contain cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin components as their struc­
used [78]. Siloxanes are volatile silicon containing compounds which tural components. The ratio of these three chemical constituents may
are deleterious to the equipment used in AD process. Ammonia is toxic vary according to their type, age and other growing conditions. But a
to the anaerobic bacteria in the digester and when released it causes considerate quantity of plant biomass is of lignocellulosic type. This
health problems to humans. Water scrubbing is a widely used technol­ lignin can inhibit the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose, which
ogy for removing H2S. The main purpose of biogas upgradation is to are the prime source of energy for biogas producing microorganisms.

Fig. 1. Percentage contribution of different biowaste sources used for biogas production globally [39].

K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

2.1. Sources and properties Single stage digesters are easy to set up and operate. But higher methane
yield is obtainable from two or three stage digesters [82]. In two stage
There is a disproportion between the available organic waste and digesters, hydrolysis, acetogenesis and acidogenesis take place in the
biogas produced from it. The major reason for this scenario is the first digester. The contents from first digester are fed to second digester
presence of recalcitrant and complex biomolecules like lignocellulose in where methanogenesis occur. This accounts for the complexity associ­
organic waste. Energy crops are added to the waste as an approach to ated with multi stage digesters. Irrespective of the number of digesters
increase the number of biopolymers that can be easily digested by mi­ used, recirculating a part of effluent to the initial digester resulted in
crobes during anaerobic digestion. However, the usage of agricultural more process efficiency by retaining microbial content and increasing
land, water and other resources for the production of energy crops is liquid retention time [21].
debatable as it competes with food crop production. Hence effective Right choice of inoculum, proper substrate inoculum ratio and
utilization of lignocelluloses in the available bio-waste is needed to in­ appropriate temperature conditions are needed for a successful AD
crease the methanogenic capacity of the AD process. process. The type of inoculum used depends on the substrate composi­
Lignocellulose consists of lignin- a complex heterogenous phenolic tion. Very low substrate inoculum ratio potentially results in incomplete
polymer [96] and cellulose cross linked by hemicellulose which is made digestion, whereas a high substrate inoculum ratio leads to poor sub­
of pentoses and hexoses. This structural complexity makes the cellulose strate utilization [124]. Based on the temperature employed, AD process
and hemicelluloses inaccessible to microbes for hydrolysis during AD. is termed as psychrophilic, mesophilic, thermophilic or extremophiles.
Hydrolysis is the initial step in AD [29]. Microbial enzymes hydrolyse Under psychrophilic conditions, substrate degradation is slowed down
complex bio polymers like proteins, carbohydrates and fats are con­ owing to the fact that hydrolytic enzyme activity increases with
verted to simple monomers like amino acids, sugars and long chain fatty increasing temperature to a certain extent. Methane production in
acids respectively. Generally, methanogenesis is the rate limiting step in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions are comparable. However,
the AD process [68]. This is due to the slow growth rates of metha­ mesophilic condition is highly preferred over thermophilic as the later is
nogens. Further, acute changes in pH, temperatures and presence of unstable and energy intensive.
inhibitors can affect the growth of methanogens. Under circumstances Anaerobic digestion is favored in a pH range of 5.5 to 8.5. Meth­
where the initial substrate is rich in lignocelluloses, the initial hydrolysis anogenic bacteria are highly sensitive to pH conditions under 6.3 and
step turns out to be rate limiting. This can lead to the failure of the AD above 7.8. Improper metabolization of volatile fatty acids produced
process. Table 1 presents lignin content in various feedstocks used for from acidogenesis step decrease the pH below 3. Similarly, accumula­
biogas production and the effect of pretreatment on methane yield. In tion of ammonium ions and cations like K+, Cd2+ can lead to increased
this section, various sources of lignocellulosic material and their prop­ pH. Both these conditions will lead to AD process failure. pH fluctuations
erties are discussed. in the digester can be controlled manually by modifying operation pa­
rameters or by using automated pH controller.
Hydraulic retention time (HRT) is the average time that the liquid
2.2. Process mechanics, biogas generation parameters, lignocellulosic bio-
phase of anaerobic digestion is retained in the digester. HRT is crucial to
waste recalcitrance
obtain stable and optimal performance of AD. HRT depends on the type
of reactor, substrate used, and other operational parameters. HRT is a
Operational parameters of biogas production include but not limited
vital checkpoint to the growth of microbes. Retention time should be
to feed stock, co digestion, pretreatment of feed stock, reactor parame­
appropriate so that the number of dead microorganism at any given time
ters, pH, temperature and retention time [23]. Optimization of these
is less than the amount of microorganism reproduced. HRT varying for
parameters can result in increased methane production. A wide range of
different substrate is reported by many researchers. [86] studied the
reactor designs are available to perform anaerobic digestion. The choice
effect of HRT on methane production in a mixture of olive mill waste­
of reactor depends on the application and feed stock used. Anaerobic
water, cheese whey and liquid cow manure as substrate in a two-stage
contact process, anaerobic membrane reactor, anaerobic sequencing
continuous stirred tank reactor. Of the 5 HRTs used in the experiment
batch reactor, batch system anaerobic reactor, continuous stirred tank
(5, 3, 2, 1 and 0.75 days) 0.75 days for acidogenic reactor and 25 days
reactor, granular sludge bed reactor, fixed bed reactors, plug flow
for methanogenic reactor was reported to yield maximum methane.
reactor, tubular reactor are mostly used for the production of biogas and
Further, they reported that a higher HRT for acidogenic reactor resulted
methane [92].
in more volatile fatty acid production. This is due to the presence of
AD reactors can operate in batch or continuous mode. Continuous
more lipids in the substrate mixture they used. [43] reported a stable
mode is highly preferred for its constant biogas supply potential. Fig. 2
biogas production rate after 44 days in a semi continuous aerobic
shows that four steps of AD i.e., hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis
digester with cow dung as substrate. In a study by [51], retention time
and methanogenesis occur at same point of time in single stage digesters.

Table 1
Lignin content in various biomass used for biogas production and the effect of pretreatment on methane yield.
Item Lignin Methane production without Methane production after Pretreatment adopted Reference
content pretreatment pretreatment

Sugarcane bagasse 27 % 105.6 mL/g 299.3 mL/g Ethanolic ammonia pretreatment [90]
Hardwood sawdust 88.5 mL/g 248.2 mL/g Hydrothermal pretreatment [6]
Switchgrass 21.1 102.44 mL/g 178.31 mL/g Microbial pretreatment by ensiling [122]
Wheat straw 15 % 108.72 % 214 mL/g Calcium hydroxide/cellulase [61]
Wheat straw 26 % 27.12 mL/g 43.15 mL/g Acid Pretreatment with HCl [98]
Yard trimmings 24 % 80 mL/g 210 mL/g Peroxone pretreatment process [67]
Grass 8.0 % 164.06 mL/g 179.38 mL/g Alkali pretreatment with NaOH [35]
Barley straw 20.7 % 0.18 mL/g 15.2 mL/g TS Bacterial pretreatment [83]
Oat straw 25 % 202 mL/g 264 mL/g Novel extrusion pretreatment [52]
Rice straw 15 % 72 mL/g 125.77 mL/g Co-digestion with cow dung [48]
Municipal solid 17 % 301.9 mL/g 407.1 mL/g Alkali pretreatment with NaOH [30]
Cow dung 11 % 136 mL/g 225 mL/g Ca(OH)2 pretreatment [77]

K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

Fig. 2. Four steps in anaerobic digestion of waste products with the list of microorganisms involved in each step.

Fig. 3. Chemical composition of lignocelluloses along with the factors contributing for its recalcitrant nature.

K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

for methanogenic phase as low as 8 days was found to decrease the 3.1. Microalgae for treating anaerobic digestion sludge and improving
digestion stability of food waste. biogas
Organic loading rate (OLR) refers to the amount of substrate added to
the digester per day per unit volume. OLR is inversely related to HRT Anaerobic digestion of sludge from wastewater treatment plant is
and ideally a high operating OLR is preferred for greater AD efficiency. necessary to reduce the organic content of the sludge because the
However, overloading the digester is reported to create process distur­ effluent from the treatment plant is released to the environment. Con­
bances and leads to non-proportional growth of microorganisms in AD ventional sludge digestion process is energy intensive. However, it can
[84]. As mentioned in the previous section, various biomasses can be be modified as a self-sustainable method by producing energy from the
used for AD process. However, the physical and chemical properties of organic matter in the sludge. As discussed earlier, the components of
the biomass influence the microbial action in both positive and negative sludge are not anaerobic digestion friendly. Microalgae based sludge
scales. Lipids and proteins have relatively higher methane production treatment is a breakthrough in wastewater management efforts.
potential than cellulose and lignin [58]. Lipids get converted to Long [11] studied microalgal production using secondary wastewater
Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA) quickly and are accumulated. This accumu­ effluent and the subsequent production of methane by co digestion of
lated LCFA acts as process inhibitor in plethora of ways. LCFA poten­ microalgae with the sludge. Microalgae genus Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus
tially damages bacterial cell walls and renders nutrients unavailable for sp. and Stigeoclonium sp. were used in their study. The microalgae sp
microbes to act upon. Further lipids at higher concentrations lead to were cultured in a closed photobioreactor with an alternating dark light
foaming, sludge formation, clogging of pipes and pose many operational period of 12 h. The photobioreactor was operated in semi continuous
difficulties to the AD plant. Lignin on the other hand is recalcitrant to mode with a HRT of 8 days. From the study, they found that nitrogen as
anaerobic digestion. Table 1 helps us to understand the ubiquitous na­ ammonium ion was sequestered by microalgae and nitrate consumption
ture of lignin in the wide range of substrate used in AD. Lignin is re­ happened after complete exhaustion of ammonium in wastewater. Sce­
ported as the second most abundant source of carbon in plants next to nedesmus sp was profusely grown and resulted in 90 % and 87 % removal
cellulose [95]. Lignin is a non-carbohydrate hetero polymer formed as a of ammonium ions and phosphate ions respectively. Methane produc­
result of oxidative polymerization of p-coumaryl alcohol, coniferyl tion was 64 % higher in pretreated microalgae: sludge co digestion tank.
alcohol, and sinapyl alcohol [32] and hence it cannot be used as a carbon However, methane yield was 50 % lesser in anaerobic digestion of un­
source in anaerobic digester. Clostridium, Acitovibrio celluliticus, Staphy­ treated micro algae.
lococcus, Bacteriodes are the major microbial communities acting on [87] chose Chlorella sp microalgae to utilize sludge nutrients and
complex carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions. These microbes reported a total nitrogen removal of 80–90 g Nitrogen/Kg of microalgae.
lack the enzymes required for lignin degradation. In lignocellulosic Harvested Chlorella was co digested with wastewater sludge in AD and
fraction of biomass, lignin is present in the outer layer while cellulose is resulted in 65–90 % specific methane production (mL methane/g/feed).
present with in lignin shell. Hemicellulose is present within cellulose Methane production was reported to increase with microalgae pre­
and between lignin-cellulose layers. Fig. 3 correspond that chemical treatment before introducing into the AD system. The reject water from
composition of lignocelluloses along with the factors contributing for its the process measured a very low transmittance of light and found suit­
recalcitrant nature. Ether bond is formed between lignin carbon and able to be released into the environment. [97] ran a pilot scale micro­
cellulose or hemicelluloses carbon. Glycosidic linkage is formed be­ algae and primary sludge co-digestion unit for one year. They reported a
tween lignin and cellulose molecules [47]. This structural and chemical high degree of sludge nutrient utilization and microalgal growth. The
complexity accounts for the recalcitrant nature of lignocelluloses. plant operated at 35 ◦ C and HRT of 30 days resulted in a methane yield
of 370 mL/g per feed.
2.3. Physical, biological, chemical, and oxidative lignocellulosic pre-
treatments 3.2. Biogas upgrading techniques, microalgae culture, and sludge
Pre-treatment is essential to release cellulose and hemicellulose from
lignocelluloses by disrupting its structure. A careful choice of pre- With the increased environmental awareness, biogas is a widely
treatment method is necessary to avoid any deleterious effect on the accepted alternate and environmental friendly source of fuels. However,
microbe in the digester. Current technologies available for treating biogas produced using currently available technologies has impurities
lignocellulosic material for biogas production are classified into four like CO2, H2S, N2 and O2. Also biogas is saturated with water vapor.
types as physical [105], chemical [100], physiochemical [14] and bio­ Collectively, these limit the application of the biogas produced. By
logical [110]. Further, combination of one or more technologies can be adopting proper upgradation techniques, biogas remains a promising
used to get better degradation of lignocelluloses materials. Table 2 alternative to fossil fuels. Biogas upgradation refers to the separation of
presents data on different pretreatment technologies and their principle, methane from other impurities mentioned above. The 100 % concen­
effects and application for biogas production. trated methane is termed biomethane and it can be used in gas distri­
bution network. Adsorption and membrane separation are employed as
3. Enhanced biogas production by microalgal culture mechanisms in the biogas upgrading process [38].
In absorption techniques, a gaseous phase is used as scrubber to
Microalgae treatment offers a viable solution to treat anaerobic absorb the impurities like CO2 and H2S. Methane should not be absorbed
sludge before using it for biogas production. Sludge consists of humic by the scrubber. Hence, the scrubber should be carefully chosen to
substances, ammonia, sulphide and heavy metals in considerable obtain higher solubility of the impurities. When raw biogas comes in
amounts. These can act as inhibitors of AD process particularly by contact with the scrubber phase, CO2 with higher solubility than
negatively influencing methanogenesis [13,60]. Sludge contains a methane is absorbed by the scrubber and removed in the liquid phase.
higher nitrogen content ranging from 5 to 9 % of dry weight [57]. Methane rich gas is collected at the end of the process. Based on the type
Disposal of effluent from this sludge can pose a serious threat to the and nature of scrubber used, absorption process can be classified into
environment by causing eutrophication. Microalgae, when cultivated on physical and chemical scrubbing. In physical absorption process, a
nitrogen and humus rich sludge, grow profusely and accumulate more chemically non-reactive scrubber is used. Water is the widely used
protein in its biomass. Further the collected microalgae can be co scrubber in physical absorption process because of higher solubility of
digested with the sludge. CO2 and H2S than methane [49]. Raw biogas is introduced from the
bottom of a column and water enters the column from top in a counter
current fashion. Raw biogas is pressurized to around 9–12 bars at the

K. Archana et al.
Table 2
Different pretreatment technologies and their principle, effects and applications for biogas production.
Methods Type of Principle Effect of the technique Disadvantage References Recent studies

Physical Mechanical size Reduce the crystallinity of cellulose fibers. 10–30 mm after chipping Energy requirement for size [8] Mechanical pre-treatment of Sargassum fulvellum microalgae
reduction Eliminate mass and heat transfer limitation. 0.2 – 2 mm after milling reduction is more resulted in increased methane production by 52.34 % than
or grinding without treatment [9].
Ultrasonication Cavitation cleaves the complex lignocelluloses Reduce the hydrolysis High energy requirement [55] [22] used ultrasound pre-treatment to increase methane
using shear forces time by 80 % yield (107.28 mL methane/g VS) by 4 folds (26.72 mL
methane/g VS) in brewer’s spent grains.
[34] studied dual frequency ultrasound combined with alkali
treatment on corn stalk resulted in 56.6 % increase in
methane production than the control without pretreatment.
Chemical Alkali Increase cellulose swelling, decrease the Perform partial hydrolysis Method is ineffective for higher [109] [63] reported 65.48 % increase in methane content from AD
pretreatment degree of polymerization and crystallinity. of lignocelluloses lignin content biomass. of food waste pretreated with Calcium hydroxide. This
Increases lignin breakdown by destructing High chemical load treatment has found to increase the solubility of organic
links between lignin and other polymers Toxicity to microbes materials.
Sunflower stalk and head with higher lignin content of 10.48
% and 20.36 % respectively showed a decreased lignin
content of 7.19 % and 18.74 % respectively after treatment
with Sodium hydroxide [125]
Acid Hydrolysis of hemicelluloses by disruption of Enzymatic hydrolysis of Lignin is not affected by acid [59] 13.2 to 28.9 % increase in biogas production was reported by
pretreatment Vander Waal forces, hydrogen and covalent lignocelluloses is pretreatment. [31] after pretreatment of municipal waste with
bonds increased Microbial load is affected hydrochloric acid and acetic acid. 15.2 % lignin removal and

15.5 % higher methane production was obtained from AD of

sulphuric acid pretreated wheat plant
Hydrogen H2O2 under alkaline conditions dissociates to Enables complete Result in carbohydrate loss due to [120] 83.4 % increased biogas production from cladodes of cactus.
peroxide yield hydroperoxyl anion which further reacts availability of cellulose in higher removal rates of Alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatment was done for
to form hydroxyl radicals. These radicals lignocelluloses. hemicelluloses and cellulose cladodes of cactus which are rich in lignin. Alkaline
reacts with lignin to produce oxidation depolymerization hydrogen peroxide treatment resulted in lignin
products disintegration by 28.89 % [17]
Physio-Chemical Steam explosion High pressured(5–50 atm) saturated steam at a Physical disruption Incomplete destruction of lignin [3] [64] identified Instant Catapult steam explosion as a viable
temperature of 160–280 ◦ C is used to expand Hydrolysis and carbohydrate complex resulting technique for processing corn stock. The pretreatment
lignocelluose material. This causes fibres to hemicelluloses in precipitation of soluble lignin resulted in modification of microstructure and increased
separate and disintegrate solubilisation is achieved enzyme digestibility.
Microwave Collision between ions and polar molecules Lignocellulose dielectric Work well in lab scale. Scaling up [113] [19] studied the mode of action of microwave grass biomass
radiation happen as a result of electric and magnetic properties are exploited to to industrial projects is currently meant for industrial purposes. Successfully optimized the
field. achieve desired results limited by technology and cost. conditions for industrial applications
Dissolute cellulose in ionic fluids.
Biological Microbiological White rot fungi Phanerochaete chrysosporium is XDC 2 is a lignocelluloses Rate of treatment is very slow to [44] [66] used 6 environmental samples to enrich microbial
a lignin degrading enzyme producer. degrading microbial suit industrial applications. consortia for degrading lignocelluloses in mesophilic and
consortium developed thermophilic conditions. They identified Pseudoxanthomonas
as the primary lignocellulose degrading bacteria.
Micro aerobic A limited amount of O2 is supplied during Increases methane yield Excessive oxygen will become [115] Microaerobic pretreatment using Bacillus subtilis with an
pretreatment pretreatment increases Firmicutes by hydrolysis of detrimental to the growth and oxygen load of 5 mL/g of VS resulted in 17.35 % higher
concentrations. These secrete extracellular hemicelluloses and lignin activity of methane producing methane yield (W. [116].

Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

enzymes capable of degrading lignocelluloses bacteria
K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

entry point and the scrubber water can be reused. Compression of raw Recent development in biogas upgradation explores algae-based
biogas and continuous circulation of water are energy consuming. methods. [54,91] Biogas upgradation using microalgae/algal – bacte­
Organic solvents like methanol or dimethyl ether of polyethylene glycol rial/algal –fungal system has emerged as cost effective and environment
can be used instead of water as scrubber. Regeneration of spent scrub­ friendly alternatives. Algal- bacterial based methods resulted in simul­
bers requires high temperature in case of organic scrubbing. Chemical taneous removal of CO2 and H2S in a single step. Algae is engaged in
absorption uses reactive compounds as scrubber. Generally amine based fixing CO2 in the presence of sunlight and the sulphur oxidizing bacteria
substances like monoehanolamine, diethanolamine, diglycolamine are converts H2S to SO4 ions using the oxygen produced by algal photo­
used. CO2 molecules are captured efficiently because the amines have synthesis [72,101]. Using algal-bacteria consortia in a photobioreactor
higher CO2 loading capacity. However, regeneration of absorbents is for upgrading biogas is mostly done outdoors [69–70,79]. Co-culture of
energy intensive as it involves breaking chemical bonds. [40] con­ microalgae and fungi is a most promising approach for wastewater
structed a pilot scale biogas upgradation plant using amine absorption treatment and biogas upgradation [112,123]. In a microalga-fungal
unit combined with a gas steam boiler. Energy required for the boiler system strigolactone or its analogue is used. Strigolactones are phyto­
was produced from a small amount of biogas generated. Further they hormones which help fungi to germinate and assimilate the available
report amine absorption technique as highly effective with >99.5 % CO2 nutrients. [114] developed pellets from fungus Pleurotus geesteranus and
removal and 89 % methane recovery. microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. Strigolactone analogue GR24 was used at a
Adsorption uses micro porous solid matrix on which the biogas im­ concentration of 10-9M with a shaking speed of 160 rpm resulted in the
purities adhere or bind. It is a surface phenomenon demanding large formation of these pellets. 72.4 % of CO2 removal was obtained using
surface area per unit mass of adsorbent used. Based on the nature of them. (W. [121] utilized Chlorella vulgaris and Ganoderma lucidum at
force involved, the process can be physisorption involving weak Vander different concentrations of GR24 in different combinations of re-blue
Waal’s interaction or chemisorption involving strong chemical bonds. light. They reported a GR24 concentration of 10-9 to 10-7 to be appro­
Adsorbent can be easily regenerated in physisorption by increasing or priate for better algal-fungal symbiont growth and ultimately resulted in
decreasing pressure. H2S is removed by adsorption on inner surface of higher removal of nutrient and CO2. [24] investigated simultaneous
activated carbon. Another conventional method used Sodium Hydroxide upgradation and purification of biogas slurry using three combinations
washing. Iron oxide is also used as desulpherizing agent. H2S is mostly viz., Pleurotus geesteranus, Ganoderma lucidum, and Pleurotus ostreatus
precipitated in an aqueous metal solution. pelletized with Chlorella vulgaris. Of these combinations, chlorella vul­
Pressure swing adsorption is the widely used adsorption technology garis/Ganoderma lucidum pellets resulted in maximal removal of CO2
that captures impurities based on molecular characteristics and its af­ (75.61 %), total nitrogen (86.24 %) and total phosphorus (86.74 %).
finity for adsorbent used. PSA works on the basis that gas under high Under a photoperiod of 14 h light/10 h dark conditions.
pressures is adsorbed on solid surfaces. When the pressure is decreased, Autotrophic microalgae increase oxygen concentration in upgraded
adsorbed gas will be released. The choice of adsorbent is designed such biogas which limits its application. Higher O2 concentration also gives
that it has affinity for CO2, H2S, H2O and other impurities in biogas. an explosion risk. [36] developed an open trickling column which des­
Methane continues to move up in the column filled with adsorbent and is orbed 54 % of O2 produced photo synthetically. Other challenges in
collected at the top by reducing pressures. using microalgae for biogas upgrading includes poor CO2 mass transfer,
[103] simulated a novel vaccum pressure swing adsorption technique operational difficulties in controlling flow rates and pH and photo
for simultaneous removal of CO2 and N2 with zeolite as selective sorbent. autotrophy affected by seasonal temperature and light. Despite various
They emphasize the selection of adsorbent and process configuration as research on the usage of algae based system for biogas upgradation and
crucial factors in biogas upgradation. Researchers are looking for better sludge management, there are various factors that influence the growth
and effective options of adsorbents and the process conditions are and pollutant removal efficiencies. Factors such as intensity and wave­
determined by simulations in most cases [2,1,81]. Binders like aluminium length of light source, CO2 concentration, initial COD, photoperiods and
oxide, silicon dioxide or clay are used to set the matrix into mold and to weather conditions are crucial for effective performance of these
increase pores in adsorbents. [20] synthesized binderless zeolite beads upgrading units.
using Amberlite IRA-900 anion-exchange resin beads as a hard template.
They showed a higher carbon dioxide to methane selectivity in a PSA 3.3. Factors impacting system efficiency
column. [102] investigated the absorbent potential of activated carbons
from CO2 activation of maize cob waste. Activated carbon obtained from Microalgae cultivation in wastewater helps in wastewater remediation
3 h of CO2 activation possessed better textures favoring more selectivity and also cut off the cost involved in the media requirements for its pro­
towards CO2. [42] synthesized tetra ethylene pentamine impregnated duction. Nutritional requirement of microalgae is similar to that of higher
polymer resin for CO2 absorption. They also studied the effect of tem­ plants but their growth rate is higher. Microalgae constituting less than
perature and flow rate on adsorption behaviors experimentally. one percentage of total plant biomass are capable of producing more than
In-situ conversion of CO2 to methane in the digester itself is a 75 % of total O2 required by living organisms. The biochemical compo­
promising approach in biogas upgradation. This method decreases the sition of microalgae differs between species. In general, microalgae syn­
need to remove CO2 in raw biogas and also increase the amount of thesize proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. C and N in the form of CO2,
methane produced. External supply of hydrogen to the anaerobic HCO−3 , NH4, NO3 or NO2 or as organic C/N are utilized. Phosphorus is
bioreactor supports hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. [41] used used in the synthesis of lipids. Main factors affecting the production of
anaerobic membrane bioreactor in a semi batch mode. H2 was intro­ microalgae are strain used, light intensity, concentration of CO2, salinity,
duced as different equivalent concentrations to CO2. When 11 equiva­ pH, temperature and the availability of other nutrients.
lents of H2 gas were introduced, methane content was raised to 92 % and Widely used species of microalgae in industrial process are Nanno­
CO2 was effectively depleted. [37] reported a novel AD coupled with chloropsis sp., Tetraselmis suecica, Anabaena cylindrical, Aphanizomenon
bioelectrochemical system as a low energy requiring biogas upgradation flosaquae, Chlamydomonas rheinhardii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Chlorella
technique. It is based on a concept of in-situ utilization of CO2 by mi­ vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, Euglena gracilis, Porphyridium cruentum, Sce­
crobial community in AD. A stainless steel/carbon bicathode was used to nedesmus obliquus, Spirogyra sp., Arthrospira maxima, Spirulina platensis,
create an alkaline condition in the digester by continuous proton con­ Synechococcus sp. Scenedesmus obliquus, Chlorella vulgaris, Blue-green
sumption. CO2 is converted to bicarbonate under the alkaline condi­ algae, Coelastrum microporum, Chlamydomonas reinhardti and Chlorella
tions. The bicarbonate is reduced to methane by Methanobacterium and sp are used in municipal wastewater treatment. Chlorella vulgaris,
Methanosarcina in the cathode biofilm. This technique resulted in an Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Spirulina platensis are widely used in agricul­
82.3 % conversion of CO2 to methane. tural waste treatment. Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp. are used to treat

K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

industrial waste. However, many research are focusing on isolating Cellulose nano fibrils or cellulose nanocrystals are isolated from
different microalgae from various sources. [119] isolated five Scene­ cellulose using mechanical methods like grinding, ultrasonication or
desmus spp. and three Desmodesmus spp. which showed high growth rate homogenization at higher pressures [106]. Alternatively, 2,2,6,6-tetra­
in synthetic wastewater. [62] and [26] advocated for the use of locally methylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical is used to isolate carbon nanofibrils by
isolated microalgae strain to obtain higher biomass productivity and oxidation of cellulose [15]. FT requires an aqueous medium and various
waste removal. [26] used Desmodesmus sp. isolated from piggery operational parameters affect CO2 separation. Increasing temperature
wastewater to treat piggery waste. increases CO2 permeability through the membrane. CO2 reaction with
Despite the isolation and utilization of microalgae from source, the carrier is more favoured by increasing the relative humidity. Also
careful strain selection and monitoring is essential as wastewater also membrane swells with increasing humidity thereby increasing the sur­
contains pathogens that are harmful to microalgae growth. [72] face area available for CO2 transportation [118].
designed four operational parameters for a pilot digester to upgrade
biogas using algal- bacterial consortia. The parameters were operation 4.1. Upgrading biogas technology with nanocellulose
with and without greenhouse, NaHCO3 or Na2CO3 supplementation.
NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 supplementation resulted in 90.4 ± 1.5 % and Cellulose based fibres (CNF) are used as low cost environment
91.2 ± 0.7 % of methane production respectively. Further CO2 removal friendly adsorbents with the advantage of easily changing its property
was recorded to be 95.7 % and 97.6 % respectively. Tubular, flat or by chemical treatments. Such chemical changes lead to higher adsorp­
vertical column type photobioreactors are used for microalgae cultiva­ tion capacities. At nanoscale, these cellulose materials possess high
tion. Photobioreactors are made of glass or acrylic materials to enable specific surface area exposing more number of adsorption sites which
the entry of sunlight and photosynthesis. With photobioreactors usage, were added during chemical treatments. Cellulose nanofibers: CNF
evaporation losses are controlled and biomass can be used during night possess both crystalline and amorphous structures. CNF has a diameter
conditions also. Microalgae are photosynthetically active in the wave­ of 5 to 30 nm and several microns long. CNFs are produced mostly by
length range of 400 nm–700 nm. But optimal light intensity is essential mechanical disruption by homogenization, ultrafine grinding etc.
for higher productivity of microalgae [71]. Chemical methods have also been reported to produce CNF [76]. [46]
Algal based sewage treatment can be integrated with algal bacterial developed a novel phosphorylated CNC-PolyVinylAlcohol (PVA) nano­
anaerobic digestion [94]. This was followed by biogas upgradation in a composite for biogas upgradation. They found the membrane thickness
photobioreactor. HRT was maintained as 4 days initially and then to increase with higher concentration of phosphorylated CNF in the
reduced to 2.5 days. Regardless of the HRT, 98.9 ± 1.1 % total organic nanocomposite. CO2 separation is highly favored in nanocomposite with
carbon was removed. Further, 74.7 ± 3.0 % of CO2 and 99.0 ± 2.8 % 1 % CNF in 2 % PVA.
H2S removal was obtained during biogas upgradation in an absorption Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are crystalline needle shaped or
column. [7] used a 132 L tubular photobioreactor to cultivate microalgal whisker shaped with a 3–5 nm width and 50–500 nm length. CNC are
bacterial consortium from a domestic wastewater treatment plant. They produced by acid hydrolysis of cellulose. Amorphous region in cellulose
used modified Brunner medium to study the influence of alkalinity and are destroyed during acid hydrolysis. Acid hydrolysis of cellulose is
deprivation of nitrogen on biogas upgradation potential of the micro­ performed using sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid
algal bacteria consortium. 12:12 h dark light period was followed. and phosphoric acid [74]. [88] incorporated different concentrations of
Cultivation medium was circulated at a liner velocity with which biogas CNC in polyvinylamine to synthesize a nanocomposite for biogas
was supplied con-currently. They reported an alkalinity of 1700 mg/L upgradation. They found the crystallinity of membrane to increase with
ensured more than 96 % pure methane. Nitrogen defiant cycles resulted CNC concentration. However, the thickness of selective membrane
in complete removal of H2S and increased the carbohydrate content of increased from 1.5 µm to 2.16 µm with increasing concentration of CNC.
biomass. Low microalgae diversity was observed as the cumulative ef­ Bacterial nano cellulose (BNC) is isolated from Komagataeibacter,
fect of the experimental conditions. Control of pH under high biogas to cultured in artificial media. Properties of BNC depend on the culture
digestate ratio (25:1 v/v) was crucial for biogas upgradation. Such conditions [104]. Electrospun cellulose nanofibers (ECN) are formed by
higher ratios are needed for removal of ammonia nitrogen and phos­ blending cellulose with other polymers. These are highly porous and
phorous assimilation in microalgae [111]. Liquid recirculation rate to adsorption sites can be easily added. ECN has a diameter of 5–100 nm
biogas rate (L/G) was reported as a deciding parameter in decreasing O2 and length greater than a micron [73].
content in upgraded biogas. Higher L/G rates were associated with
complete oxidation of H2S [36]. 4.2. Improved transfer efficiency utilizing nanocellulose membrane
4. Facilitated transport membranes
Facilitated Transport Membrane (FTM) possesses the advantages of
Carbondioxide constitutes around 25–50 % of biogas depending on high selectivity and permeability in CO2 absorption. CO2 binds with the
the operation conditions. CO2 is accountable for more than 77 % of carriers selectively, whereas the non-reactive methane and N2 gas passes
greenhouse gas. Separation of CO2 from biogas is essential to increase through the membrane by diffusion. CO2 is selectively transported as
the utilization of biogas. CO2 reduces the heating value of biogas and bicarbonate anion. But, carrier agent will be lost or deactivated as a
also increases carbon footprint. Raw biogas has a calorific value of 5000 result of degradation events. This limitation is overcome by fixing the
K.Cal/m3 whereas upgraded biogas has calorific value around 8400 K. carrier on a polymer backbone.
Cal/m3. CO2 pass through a membrane following different mechanisms Cellulose has linear structure with both crystalline and amorphous
like Knudsen diffusion, molecular sieving, capillary condensation and geometry. CNF formed from cellulose are hydrophilic with high swelling
facilitated transportation. Facilitated transport (FT) mechanisms have rates. Large numbers of hydroxyl groups are available on CNC surface.
evolved as a promising approach for CO2 removal from biogas. FT across This helps in the modification of CNC structures chemically. Transfer
nanocellulose membranes is based on reversible chemical reactions efficiency is influenced by thickness of the selective layer, operation
between CO2 and carriers on reactive sites in the membrane. Methane pressure and humidity. CO2 permeance increases linearly with increase
being a non-reactive gas will pass through the membrane. CO2 is in humidity and CO2 selectivity also follows the same trend. [33] re­
transported as carbamate or bicarbonate. Nanocellulose membranes ported a higher selectivity of 174 for CO2/N2 at a highest humidity
have the advantage of high surface area for CO2 transportation and operated. This is due to the fact that a higher degree of membrane
higher mechanical feasibility. These membranes are bio-degradable, low swelling is achieved with high relative humidity. Good membrane
cost and readily available. swelling favors the movement of both CO2 and N2, when the relative

K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

humidity is increased from 50 % to 92 %, CO2 permeance increased from conservation of forest. It improves health and sanitation by providing
0.05 m3(STP)/(m2h bar) to 0.58 m3(STP)/(m2h bar). When membranes clean energy and waste management. Primary residues from the agri­
with thickness more than 2.5 µm are used, CO2/N2 selectivity decline at cultural waste can be converted to sustainable products like energy from
high relative humidity around 90 %. This phenomenon is due to the loss biogas, fertilizer and so on. This utilization of primary residues reduces
of polymer structure due to over swelling. the dependence of human growth and economy on land and resources
CO2 selectivity decreases with increasing feed pressure. [33] re­ [50]. Biogas sector impacts SDG 2- zero hunger by the biogas digestate
ported that when the feed pressure is increased from 2 bar to 15 bar, CO2 application to agricultural fields. This increases the productivity and
selectivity decreases till 5 bar and the trend is relaxed with further in­ nutritional value of cultivated crops and helping to address food security
crease in feed pressure resulting in a constant values. They also reported and malnutrition. Further, using slurry as biofertilizer cut the cost
that the permeance of both CO2 and N2 decrease with increasing feed invested on chemical inputs for farming. Biogas contributes directly to
pressure. But both gases followed different trends leading to the clue the affordable and clean energy goal SDG 7 [65]. Biogas impacts envi­
that CO2 and N2 followed different transport mechanisms. At higher ronment by replacing fossil fuel dependent energy production. AD
pressures, membranes are less swelled and hence resistance to diffusion process generates considerable energy savings in rural sectors. Biogas
is built. sector has a tremendous impact on SDG 13- climate action. AD process
converts CO2 to methane which is a potent greenhouse gas. Both CO2
4.3. Internal and external factors influencing the efficiency of carbon and methane when released directly into the atmosphere, increases the
dioxide transfer greenhouse effects tremendously. Biogas reduces the dependency on
wood fuels which ultimately reduces deforestation.
Membrane selection is the key to obtaining high CO2 permeability
and high selectivity for CO2. [28] developed a blend of hydrophilic
Pebax 1657 with carbon nanocellulose to access CO2 permeability and 5.2. Challenges to achieving the SDGs via biogas production
selectivity under humid and dry conditions. A minimal 5 % carbon
nanocellulose blend with Pebax 1657 resulted in 42 % increase in CO2 Biogas production through AD process is advantageous for sustain­
permeability and 18 % increase in selectivity. However, any further able energy and environment. High installation and maintenance cost
increase in Nanocellulose content resulted in self-assembly of the carbon has made the technology unadaptable for rural areas in developing
nanocellulose in the Pebax matrix. Relative humidity and feed pressure countries. The cost involved in using fossil fuel is comparably lesser than
are the highly influencing external variables affecting the facilitated with the biofuels [107]. Another constraint in the extension of biogas
transport of CO2. [4] prepared a polyvinyl matrix with cellulose nano­ technology toward sustainability is the lack of expertise in construction
crystal as filler for high performance CO2 capture. The hydroxyl group and maintenance. Lack of proper management and knowledge dissem­
on the CNC reducing end was replaced by amino group. They investi­ ination has resulted in failure of biogas projects despite the subsidies
gated the effect of feed pressure and concentration of amine CNC. When provided by the government. Apart from this, operational constraints
the feed pressure was increased from 5 bar to 15 bar, CO2 permeability are still prevailing in the biogas production process. Another major
was found to decrease by two folds. barrier is the low cost of coal and other conventional fuels available in
the market. Lack of social acceptance is also seen with greater regard in
5. Evaluation, obstacles, and principles for maximizing biogas’s the choice of fuel. Leaving the technological barrier behind, one of the
contribution to meet sustainable development goals (SDGs) noteworthy barriers is the lack of appropriate business models to take
the technology to people.
Sustainable development aims to fulfill the needs of the present
generation without affecting the resources for future generations. To
achieve this, two essential concepts need to be addressed. The first one is 5.3. Indicators of biogas’s progress toward the SDGs, including resource
to meet the needs of non-affordable communities and the second is to recuperation and the circular economy
focus on the limitations of nature to meet present and future needs. Main
obstacles in the path of sustainable development are political instability A more sustainable future relies mostly on a circular and bio-based
between nations, climate change and socio economic conditions of economy. The circular economy targets closing flows throughout ma­
people. 17 goals and 169 targets were proposed as global Sustainable terial life cycles by more recycle and reuse efforts. This ultimately results
Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations general assembly. 1: in increased sustainability. On the contrary, a linear system works by
No Poverty, 2: Zero Hunger, 3: Good Health and Well-being, 4: Quality producing products, using them and ultimately creating waste after a
Education, 5: Gender Equality, 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, 7: period of time. In a circular economy, pollution and waste are not
Affordable and Clean Energy, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: created and natural resources are maintained as such. Despite the ad­
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 10: Reduced Inequality, 11: vantages that circular economy possesses, transition from linear to cir­
Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12: Responsible Consumption and cular economy requires a lot of effort from policy makers and public. The
Production, 13: Climate Action, 14: Life Below Water, 15: Life on Land, biogas sector combines products and services like biogas production,
16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 17: Partnerships to achieve the biogas for energy generation, waste and wastewater management
Goal. Of these, goal number 7 is directly linked to biogas production and through anaerobic digestion and usage of AD digestate as biofertilizer.
expanding its usage in various sectors. Biogas production impacts 12 out Indirectly waste and wastewater management helps in hygiene man­
of 17 SDGs. By focusing on biogas production, the renewable energy agement, rural area development and nutrient recycling. [117] analyzed
sector is encouraged which further reduces climate changes by the biogas sector in Ethiopia where more than 90 % of population uses
improving waste management processes. Further more jobs and op­ solid biomass for cooking. Hence, the biogas sector had a great scope of
portunities can be created. Biogas utilization in rural households is to be growth in Ethiopia with 14 million US dollars being invested every year
encouraged as an attempt for addressing energy poverty issues in in constructing biogas units. They further suggest that micro and mac­
developing nations [91,99]. roeconomic contribution of biogas also relies on utilization of the slurry
as fertilizer. Though biogas is a promising fuel production technology,
5.1. Biogas contributes to SDGs developing countries are staged at the level of increased micro digesters
usage in rural areas rather using them for industrial purposes and power
Biogas contributes towards environmental health by reducing generation. A total of 50 million micro digesters are running globally,
greenhouse gas emission from landfills and indirectly helps in whereas only 700,000 biogas plants are operating worldwide.

K. Archana et al. Fuel 358 (2024) 130298

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