Tlre Ectrictg Di - Rtribuinn (Ornpcrg: Bengd

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tlre^ Bengd -/tque €ectrictg Di.rtribuinn (ornpcrg Ltd.

(A West Bengal Government Enterprise)

Office of the Chief Engineer (Project-Il)

Vidvul Bhawan. 2nd Floor. 'B' Block Tele-phone No:2359 t905.

Block - DJ. Sedor - II Tele-fax No: 2359'7956
Bidhannagar. Kolkata 700 091 e-mait: ceprojeiitui)wbsedcl. in

Memo No. CElProject-IURDSS/T-7ll 0 Dated: O6/04/2023

M/S Rodic Consultants Pvt. Ltd.,

First Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre cum Library Building,
I, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001,India.
Tel: + 9l I I 4943 4500, Fax: + 91 1l 4943 4501
bd lat rotl icco n s u ltan

Kind Attention: i) Mr. Anshuman Krishanu, COO, Mob: 88268551I l.

ii) Mr. Rajnikant, Senior Vice President (BD), Mob: 9426302121

Notific:rtion of Award

Srrb: Notification of Award for "Consultancy Services for assisting and supporting in
DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED under Loss Reduction Part (Excluding
IT/OT Works) of RDSS Scheme"

Ref: NIT No. WBStrDCL/PROJECT-lI/RDSS/22-23/02e.Dated: 03.02.2023.

Dear Sir/ Madam.

| 0 REFERENCE: This has relerence to the tbllowing

I I RfP documents for the subject package downloaded by you from the portal, comprising the following :

a) Secticn.l Request for Proposals (RFP) Notice

b) Section.2 Eligibility Requirements
c) Section.3 Instructions to Consultants and Data Sheet
d) Section 4 Technical Proposal * Forms
e) Section 5 Financial Proposal - Forms
0 Section 6 Terms of Reference (TOR)
c) Section 7 Standard Forms of Contract

I I l. Pre-Bid Clarification to the RfP Documents, which was issued to you through portal
www,r' & it's clarifications are u ploaded on 13.02.2023
Your Proposal for the consulting services under the subject contract package comprising
of Technical Proposal (First Envelope) and Price Proposal (Second Envelope),
E,b \
submitted/uploaded by you on the portal through the Technical

Rcgislcrcd O[Iice: Vid]ut Bluwa( Bidhanna6ar. Block-DJ. Secll. Kolkata-700 091

CIN: U40l09WB2007SGCl 13473: wcbsi(c: \\\'\\.\\
Telephones :033 2359 1930 to'1940, Fax : 033 2359 1954
.r .I., ,,
Poqe 2
(.ontinuutid, Shad

Proposal reference no. RODIC/HO/BD/RDSS-PMA/WBSEDCL-2nd Calll02-23, dated.

23'd February 2023, opened on27.02.2023.
1.3 Intimation for
Opening of Price Proposal sent to
you through portal
www.wbtenders.sov,in on 1O.O3.202).

I .4 Your Price Proposal reference no. RODIC/HO/BD/RDSS-PMA/ WBSEDCL-2nd Call/OZ-

23, dated 23rd February 2023 opened on 13.03.2023 & subsequent negotiated price
proposal vide reference no- RODICiHO/BD/WBSEDCL-PMA/4543, dated 20'r' March


We confirm having accepted your Proposal (referred to at para 1.2 & 1.4 above) read in
conjunction with the RF Documents (ref'erred to at para . I above) and award on you the

Contract for Consultancy Services for assisting and supporting in Project Management to WEST
Reduction Part (Excluding IT/OT Works) Of "Revamped Reforms-Linked Results-Based
Distribution Sector Scheme in all districts of West Bengal under RDSS".


3.1 The estimated cost of Services to be rendered / provided by the Consultant under and as
per the Contract is Rs. 69,86,78,096.00 (Rupees Sixty Nine Crores Eighty Six Lacs
Seventy Eight Thousand and Ninety Six Only) (excluding GST) GST Payable/
Reimbursable by WBSEDCL at prevailing rates. Income Tax will be deducted as per the


4.1 The Contract shall come into force and eflect on the date (the "Effective Date") of signing
of Contract or of WBSEDCL's notice to the Consultant instructing the Consultant to begin
carrying out the Services, whichever is earlier.

4.2 Contract shall remain in force for 48 months after the Effective Date unless terminated
earlier or extended further as per the provisions thereoi

4.3 Through this Notification of Award we confirm acceptance ofyour proposal and award of
the Contract on you.

4.4 We now request to sign and enter into the Contract Agreement with us within seven (7)
Business Days from the date of issue olthis NOA.

4.5 Please note that you are also required to furnish a Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG)
as per Clause GCC 10.2 ofthe RFP document for an amount ofRs 2,47,33,205.00 (Rupees
Two Crore Forty Seven Lakhs Thirty Three Thousand Two Hundred & Five Only) within
28 days from the date of issue olthis NOA.

.r*., Poqe 3

i ':.' i
Continuution Sheel
5.1 Back Ground:

Government of India has launched Revamped Reforms Based and Results Linked
Distribution Sector Scheme to improve the operational efficiencies and financial
sustainability ol the WBSEDCLs by providing financial assistance for strengthening of
supply infrastructure based on meeting pre-qualifying criteria and achieving basic
minimum benchmarks in reforms. The objective of the scheme is to provide 24x7
uninterrupted, quality, reliable and atlordable power supply. WEST BENGAL STATE
Distribution companies curently functioning h the state of WEST BENGAL.

5.2 Duration of the engagement under the Contract

Contract shall remain in force for 48 months after effective date unless terminated earlier.
The engagement of the Consultant under the Contract shall be for a period of 4 (Four)
years from the date of signing of Contract with a provision for annual extension till
completion ofthe project or for a period of2 years whichever is earlier. The Key Experts
and Non-Key Experts shall accordingly be deployed by the Consultant as per the
requirement of WBSEDCL from time to time during the currency olthe Contract including its
extensions, for attaining the objectives ofthe assignment. The deployment would be offsite
and/ or onsite at WBSEDCL's and Address depending on the requirement

5.3 Scope of Services

The scope of services of the Consultant is to provide the services of the following Key
Experts and Non-Key Experts for the specified time period for the duration ofthe Contract
for supporting and assisting WBSEDCL to carry out the functions of PMA:

tt Total
Rate per
Total Man
| *, l#;,
sl. Man
Position Man Amount
tl Months
(in Rs.)
Without Taxes
(in Rs.)
I Team Leader I -18 48 529166.67 2,54,00,000.00

z I oistribution e*p".t I zz I
48 1056 160000.00 16,89,60,000.00

J MIS/rr Expert I ,, I ot 1056 160000.00 I6,89,60,000.00

Material Quality
4 2 48 96 350000.00 s,36,00,000.00
5 Finance Expert I .18 48 350000.00 l,68,00,000.00
6 I 48 48 305t 27.00 I,46,46,096.00
Management Expert

7 Field Engineer 28 48 1344 45500.00 I


8 Field Supervisors 105 48 5040 4l s00.00 20,91,60,000.00

t I t
Utt 'I'otal 69,86,78,,096.00
?oqe 4

Continuotion Sheet

It is clarified that the requirement ofthe Experts over the total number ofperson-months is
indicative. The deployment shall be as per requirement. All the Experts may not be
deployed at the same time and number may change over the duration ofthe contract based
on the requirements.

The experts shall be entitled to 15 days of leave per year other than holidays as per GCC
38. For any unauthorized absence of an Expert, a deduction at the rate of 125% (1o0oh
remuneration, as Expert was not available, and 25Yo as penalty/damages) ofthe man-month
rate of the Expert divided by 22 shall be made for each day of absence from the man-
month remuneration charges payable for that month.

Consultant's remuneration will be determined on the basis ofthe time actually spent by the
Key Experts and Non-Key Experts in carrying out the functions of PMA, based on agreed
upon unit rates for the Consultant's Key Experts and Non-Key Experts as per the Contract
multiplied by the actual time spent by the experts in executing the assignment, and (ii)
reimbursable expenses as agreed and specified in the Contract.

5.4 The functions of the PMA include the following:

5.4.1 Provide assistance and support flor.

a. Bid(s) Process Management
b. Project Management
c. Works mentioned in the Guidelines of the scheme.
d. All works as specified in the scope of work of the SBD, Ref NIT No.
WBSEDCL/PROJECT-IYRDSS/22-23 I 02e. Dated: 03.O2.2023 .

e. Any other works related to the project as assigned from time to time.

5 4.2
a. The Experts shall, however, be required to use their own laptops/ computers/
Data,/ mobile phone etc. for their work.
b. The Non-Key Experts posted in the field are expected to travel within the
division/district etc. for monitoring and should be equipped with suitable
conveyance for short journeys to be made at the expense ofthe Consultant.
c. If there are any enhancement / modification of Scope of work arises within the
contract period that has to be taken care by the respective PMA within the
same contract price and tenure ofthe contract.
d. Redistribution of manpower deployment can be done by the DISCOM as per
the requirement ofthe site.

5.5 Project Management:

Consultant will
provide assistance and support for the various activities of project
management and monitoring like

a) Finalization of GTP, Technical specifications, drawings, of equipment to beinstalled,

civil & electrical design layouts (Ifrequired).
b) Quality Assurahce (FQP and MQP). The required equipment for the same should be
. provided by the PMA for the compliance of the same.
Co-ordination withimplementing agency/turnkey contractor and WBSEDCL to
\ r"V monitor the supply chain of materials.

(, t\ 1\ d) Maintenance of MIS related to the project, progress reports and details requiredfor Results
J'* ","
Paqe 5

Continuation Sheet
Evaluation Framework along with all the REC reports and updation of Portal as required
time to time lor the project.
e) ldentification of anticipated bottlenecks in project implementation & preparation of
remedial action.plan.
1) Coordination and reporting to various stakeholders including MoP and Nodal Agencies.
g) Fund flow management and recommend the claim of WBSEDCL for fund release.
h) Joint measurement to be carried out along with WBSEDCL offrcials for authentication of
the bills.
i) Active assistance in clearing ROW issues & proper documentation.
j) Post-dispatch Inspection (MQP) of materials.
Quality & quantity of the delivered materials to be checked jointly along with WBSEDCL
officials & Turnkey Contractor's representatives along with certifications in the inspection
k) Any other works related to the project as assigned from time to time.

5.6 Deliverables:

The lollowing are the deliverables ofthe Consultant:

a) Draft RFP, Bid evaluation report etc. as per the work given to the experts;
b) Monthly MIS reports including physical and financial progress reports and issues etc;
c) Quarterly/monthly/fortnightly reports ofthe activities undertaken and evaluation of matrix
as per the requirement of WBSEDCL.
d) Preparation/revision of BOQ as per requirement of WBSEDCL time to time.
e) Any other works related to the project as assigned from time to time.

6,0 PAYMENT TERMS: As per Part-F of section-7 (Condition of Contract and Contract
Forms) and Annexure-Ill (Special Conditions ofContract) of Bid refereed under Sl. No.1.0

7,0 NODAL OFFICER: The Chief Engineer, Project-Il, WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, Block-
B, 2'd Floor, Saltlake, Kolkata - 700091 is the Nodal Officer of the work

8.0 CONTROLLING OFFICER:The Project Manager, WBSEDCL of the respective Project

'Offices will be the controlling officer this work, who will nominate the site officers in due
course during project implementation period.

90 PAYING AUTHORITY: The Addl General Manager (F&A), Project-Il, WBSEDCL will be
the Paying Officer of this work.

Non-Judicial stamp paper as per prescribed format with WBSEDCL within 7 (seven) business
days lrom the date of placement ofNotification of Award (NOA).


SlNo 10

12.0 SUB-CONTRACTING OF CONTRACT: As per reference under Sl No. 1.0

q ?->

t L\cq
v l,' -/'
Poqe 6
.n 'f;' 'e
: i;i 3

Conlinuation Sheet

I.-}.0 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The Consultant shall hold WBSEDCL's interests paramounl.
without any consideration for future work'. and strictly avoid conflict with other assignments or
their own corporate interests.

I,I O TERMINA'I'ION OF CONTRACT: As per reference under Sl No. 1.0

I5 O FORCE MAJET]RI: As per reference under Sl No. 1.0

16.0 CORRESPONDENCE: All correspondences are to be made at the following address.

For Kolkata, Medinipur & Siliguri Zone For Burdwan & Berhampore Zone
The ChiefEngineer. The ChiefEngineer,
Vidyut Bhawan, 2nd Floor, 'B' Block Vidyut Bhawan, 2nd Floor, 'D' Block

Block - DJ, Sector - II Block DJ, Sector II

Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700 091 Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700 091


17.l The information/ documents received from the WBSEDCL for this purpose should not be
used/ shared to any other persons or any other reason except for implementation of the
17.2 You have to attend the meetings, discussions organized by WBSEDCL/ Govt. dept. along
with updated reports/ presentations or to arrange meetings, as and when required, during
implemenlation of the projects.
17.3 You have to submit quarterly/monthly/fortnightly report progress report to the Nodal/
Controlling Officer.
17.7 All other terms and conditions will be guided by the SBD of Ref: NIT No.
WBSEDCL/PROJECT-II/RDSS/22-23/02e. Dated: 03.O2.2O23 and
correspondences referred under Sl No. 1.0

18.0 This Notification of Award is being issued to you in duplicate. We request you to return its
duplicate copy duly signed and stamped on each page as a token ofyour acknowledgement.

Please take further necessary action to sign the Contract Agreement, furnish the CPG and commence
the Services

Yours Faithfu llv.

c, E iqPott
(M C. Pal
Chief Engineer (Project-lI)
Poqe 6
(bntinuution Shacl

I.] O CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The Consultant shall hold WBSEDCL's interests paramount,
without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflict with other assignments or
their own corporate interests.

I4,O TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: As per reference under Sl No. I .0

I5 O F-ORCE MAJtrURE: As per reference under Sl No. 1.0

I6,O CORRESPONDENCE: All correspondences are to be made at the following address

For Kolkata, Medinipur & Siliguri Zone For Burdwan & Berhampore Zone
The ChiefEngineer, The ChiefEngineer,
Vidyut Bhawan, 2nd Floor, 'B' Block Vidyut Bhawan, 2nd Floor, 'D' Block
Block DJ, Sector II Block - DJ, Sector II
Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700 091 Bidhannagar, Kotkata - 700 091


17.1 The information/ documents received lrom the WBSEDCL for this purpose should not be
used/ shared to any other persons or any other reason except for implementation of the
17.2 You have to attend the meetings, discussions organized by WBSEDCL/ Govt. dept. along
with updated reports/ presentations or to arrange meetings, as and when required, during
implementation of the projects.
17.3 You have to submit quarterly/monthly/fortnightly report progress report to the Nodat/
Controlling Officer.
17.7 All other terms and conditions will be guided by the SBD of Ref. NIT No.
WBSEDCL/PROJECT-ILRDSS/22-23102e, Dated: 03.O2.2023 and
correspondences referred under Sl No. 1.0

I 8.0 This Notification of Award is being issued to you in duplicate. We request you to return its
duplicate copy duly signed and stamped on each page as a token of your acknowledgement.

Please take further necessary action to sign the Contract Agreement, furnish the CPG and commence
the Services

Yours Faithfully,
(M. C Pal)
Chief Engineer (Project-ll)

Paqe 7
'; ':. ;
Continuation Sheet

Memo No: CE/Project-IVRDSS/T-7l10 Dated: 06/04/2023

Copy for information & necessarv action Please:

1 The Director(Distribution/ Director (HR)/ Director (Projects)/ Director (Finance), WBSEDCL.

2 The ChiefEngineer (Distribution)/ ChiefEngineer (RE)/ ChiefEngineer (Project-I)/ Chief
Engineer (Project-IlI), WB SEDCL
J. The General Manager (F&A): Corporate/ Internal Audit, WBSEDCL
4. The Addl. General Manager (F&A) / (HR&A), Project-Il, WBSEDCL
5. The Addl. Chief Engineer-I/II: Project-II, WBSEDCL.
6. The Zonal Manager: Kolkata"/ Medinipur/ BurdwarV Beharampur/ Siliguri Zone, WBSEDCL.
7. The Regional Manager: South 24 Parganas/ North 24 Parganas/ Howrah,{Bidhannagar/ Paschim
Medinipur/ Purba Medinipur/ Bankura/ Purulia,/ Raiganj/Dakshin Dinajpur/ Jalpaiguri/
Coochbehar/ Alipurduar/ Darjeeling/ Hooghly/ Purba Bardhaman/ Paschim Bardhamar/ Birbhum/
Murshidabad/ Matda./ Nadia Region, WBSEDCL.
8. The Project Manager: Baruipur/ Diamond Harbour/ Barasat/ Howrah/ Pashim Midnapur/ Purba
Midnapur/ Bankural Purulia/ SiligurT Jalpaiguri/ Coochbehar/ Raiganj/ Dakshin Dinajpuri Suri/
Burdwan/ Hooghly/ Malda/ Murshidabad/ Nadia
9. The P.S to ACS (Power), Golt ofWBi CMD, WBSEDCL.

i e
ChiefEngineer ( rojebt-II;


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