Ihp w22 Model Answer Paper 22655

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer

Subject Name: Industrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics Subject Code: 22655

Important Instructions to examiners: XXXXX
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual
(English + Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year
2021-2022. Hence if the students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or
bilingual language (English +Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer
based on matching of concepts with model answer.

Q. Sub Answer Marking

No. Q. N. Scheme

1 Attempt any FIVE 0f the Following 10

a) Draw IS symbol for 01 marks

i) 4/3 Directional control Valve

i) Sequence Valve

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Q. Sub Q. Answer Marking

No. N. Scheme

b) I)Viscosity: - The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to shear or angular 01 marks
deformation. each

Or Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow.

ii)Specific Weight :- Specific weight is defined as weight per unit volume

Linear Actuator Material Handling. Robotics. ...

Food and Beverage Manufacturing. ...
01 marks
Window Automation. ... each (
Agricultural Machinery. ... Minimu
Cutting Equipment. ... m2
Valve Operation applicati
on of
Rotary Actuator Clamps or pick-and-place handlers farm applications for each.
rotating arms, booms in industries for positioning,
transferring & clamping parts.

Factors to be considered while selecting pump

1. Liquid Properties-
2. Pump Capacity (Flow Rate and Pressure of oil)
3. Efficiency of the pump
m 4 , half
4. Speed of pump
5. Ease of Use
6. Environmental Considerations
7. Control Systems

e) Different functions of valves

1 Industrial system, and in any piping system, valves are used to restrict stop or
control the flow of fluid.
2 Regulating flow and pressure within a piping system. Minimu
3 Controlling the direction of flow within a piping system m2,1
4 Throttling flow rates within a piping system. each.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

f) Hydraulic Filter Pneumatic Filter

Suction Filters and Strainers Air Filter Types
Fiberglass, polyester, washable, pleated and Minimu
electrostatic filters m 4 , half
Spin-On Filters Water separators.
Reservoir Breather Filters Particulate filters.
Adsorbing filters.

g) Common faults that can be observed in Pneumatic System

i) Low pressure m 4 , half
ii) High Temperatures each
iii) Particulate Contamination
iv) Compressor Stalling, Failure, And Faults
v) Audible And Visible Leaks.
Attempt Any THREE of the following: 12
2 a)

Advantages and limitations of hydraulic and pneumatic systems (reference points)

Parameters hydraulic systems pneumatic systems
2 marks
Complexity Moderately complex system Simple system each
Peak Power Very high high
Speed Moderate Very high
Load Ratings Very high high
Environmental Low High noise levels
Purchase Cost High low
Operating Cost High Moderate
Maintenance Cost High low

b) Tandem Cylinder:-


A tandem cylinder, shown in Figure , is used in applications where a large amount of

force is required from a small-diameter cylinder. Pressure is applied to both pistons,
resulting in increased force because of the larger area. Hence at the piston rod, we can
get double force during movement of pistons.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
c) Check valve
The simplest DCV is a check valve. A check valve allows flow in one direction, but blocks
the flow in the opposite direction. It is a two-way valve because it contains two ports.

In Figure light spring holds the ball against the valve seat. Flow coming into the inlet 02+02
pushes the ball off the seat against the light force of the spring and continues to the outlet.
A very low pressure is required to hold the valve open in this direction. If the flow tries to
enter from the opposite direction, the pressure pushes the ball against the seat and the flow
cannot pass through.

d) Any one rotary compressor with sketch

Rotary compressor units are classified into three general groups, ( Any one)
1. Slide vane-type,
2. Lobe-type, and 02+02
3. Screw-type.  This is a positive-displacement pump that
Slide vane-type, consists of vanes mounted to a rotor that
rotates inside a cavity.
 The vane-type compressor consists of a
cylindrical rotor with longitudinal slots in
which radial sliding vanes are fitted.
 The rotor is positioned eccentrically within a
cylindrical housing.
 The spaces between adjacent vanes form
pockets of decreasing volume from a fixed
inlet port to a fixed discharge port.

Lobe type air compressor: it is a rotary type of compressor

consisting of two rotors which are driven externally.
One rotor is connected to drive and second is connected to gear.
These two rotors have two or three lobes having epicycloids,
hypocycloid or involutes profiles.
In the figure two lobes compressor is shown with a inlet
arrangement and receiver. A very small clearance is maintained
between surfaces so that wear is prevented.
Air leakage through this clearance decreases efficiency of this
compressor. During rotation a volume of air V at atmospheric
pressure is trapped between left hand rotor and casing . this air is
positively displaced with change in volume until space is opened
to high pressure region.
At this instant some high pressure air rushes back from the
receiver and mixed with the blower air until both pressure are
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Screw type
In a screw compressor one of the shafts is driving shaft and the other is driven shaft. The
driving shaft is connected to the driven shaft via timing gears which help to match speeds
of both the shafts. The driving shaft is powered by an electric motor generally. The two
shafts are enclosed in an airtight casing.
The working cycle of the screw compressor has three distinct phases as following:
i) Suction process
ii) Compression process
iii) Discharge process.
i) Suction process - As the rotors rotate, air is drawn through the inlet opening to fill the
space between the male lobe and the female flute.
As the rotor continues to rotate, the air is moved past the suction port and sealed in
the interlobe space.
ii) Compression process -As the main rotor turns, the air trapped in the ineterlobe space
is moved both axially and radially.
The air is compressed by direct volume reduction as the enmeshing of the lobes
progressively reduced the flute volume and compression occurs.
iii) Discharge process: At a fixed point where the leading edge of the flute and the edge
of the discharge port co-inside, compression ceases and the air is discharged into the
delivery line, until the flute volume has been reduced to zero.

3 Attempt Any THREE of the following: 12

a) Compare gear pump and vane pump on the basic of:-

Parameters Gear pump Vane pump

Construction Construction Simple in Complex in construction.

construction than vane
01 mark
Speed 1200 to 2500 RPM 1200 to 1800 RPM

Application Pumping high viscosity High-pressure hydraulic pumps

fluids such as oil, paints, and in automobiles, including
resins or foodstuffs supercharging, power-steering,
air conditioning, and automatic-

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transmission pumps.

Pressure 35 to 200 Bar 70 to 140 Bar

b) Explain the working of sequence valve with neat sketch.

02 +02

c) Compare meter in and meter out Circuit.

Sr No Meter-IN Meter-OUT
When a pressurized oil flow through When oil flow from pump to the actuator
the circuit it passes through D. C. through D.C. valve it will push the piston in
valve and enters in the flow control the forward direction. The oil from the
1 valve. The opening of the flow control piston rod side is pushed through the outlet Any 04
valve is reduced to decrease the oil of B of D.A. Cylinder through the return points
flow rate. Control of piston is achieved line
only in advance stroke.
(01 mark
Flow control valve ‘F’ is placed in Flow control valve ‘F’ is placed in return
pressure line line

Give best result when used in higher The actuator movement is very stable
pressure systems.

Relatively small friction to face by Heat generated due to throttling at flow

piston which increases life of piston control valve is given to the oil tank.

Suitable for very low piton rod speeds Provides positive speed control of the

Throttling of fluid takes place which Since both sides of piston there is pressure,
6 heats the oil and hot oil into admitted there is possibility of higher friction.
into cylinder

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
The circuit is used where finer speed This circuit is used where very stable
control is required. movements of actuators are needed.

Used in - Surface grinders, Welders, Used in - Drilling, boring, reaming and

Milling Machines tapping operations

d) A machine holds the steel sheet and then punches a hole. The sheet is released when
the punch goes back. Suggest and draw the suitable circuit for this situation.

Suggested circuit : - Sequencing Circuit

01 mark

03 marks

4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Explain with neat sketch working 3/2 DCV. 02 + 02

Normal Position

Actuated Position

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Push button operated spring return type 3/2 sliding spool valve. It has spring loaded spool
inside the valve body.
In actuated position there is connection from port 1 to port 2,oil flows from pump to SA
cylinder & hence SAC extends.
In normal position there is connection from Port 2 to Port 3 ,Oil flows from SA cylinder to
tank & SAC Retracts. Here inlet port 1 is closed.

b) Give Classification of control Valve. Any 04

1) According to function. types
a) Pressure control Valve.
i) Pressure relief valve. (1 mark
ii) Pressure reducing valve. each)
iii) Unloading Valve.
b) Direction control valve
i) 2 x 2 DCV
ii) 3 x 2 DCV
iii) 4 x 2 DCV
iv) 4 x 3 DCV
c) Flow Control valve.
i) Fixed displacement FCV
ii) Variable displacement FCV
iii) Pressure compensated FCV
2) According to method of actuation
a) Manual operated
i) Push button operated.
ii) Hand lever operated.
iii) Pedal operated.
b) Pilot operated
i) Single Pilot operated.
ii) Double Pilot operated.
3) According to Construction.
a) Poppet type.
i) Ball type.
ii) Conical Poppet type.
b) Spool type
i) Sliding spool type.
ii) Rotary spool type.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
c) Explain flexible hose. State its material and application

01 mark

01 mark

Explanation:-Flexible hose pipes are extensively employed in hydraulic systems and

pneumatic systems. As they are easy to accommodate and to connect with in the 01 mark
available space. These pipes are made of elastic material and can be bent easily. Flexible
pipe is made of several layers with metal wire braiding between them. Those metal wire 01 mark
reinforcement increases the strength of the pipe
Material:- Nylon braided hoses, Steel wire reinforced rubber hoses, poly-urethene tubes,
poly-ethylene tubes.
Application:-Convey the hydraulic oil. It is used to transfer liquids under high pressure in
the oil industry.

Pneumatic circuit using Sequence valve


02 + 02

Explanation :- Pressure dependent sequencing circuit :

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The circuit is used for drilling a hole in work piece.
The sequence operation is
a) Clamping of work piece
b) Drilling
c) Decamping and drill taken out from hole.
The DC valve takes centre position (no 3.) no compressed air supplied to either of cylinder
C1 or C2. Now undrilled work piece is kept on fixture seat. The compressed air from
compressor is going to vent via DC valve so no movement of cylinder C1 or C2.
Now compressed air start supplying directly to C2 and through sequence valve to C1
When compressed oil enters through port A2 of cylinder C2 piston will advance and
immediately clamps the work piece.
At the same time compressed air flow towards port A1 of cylinder C1 but through the
sequence valve.
Some higher pressure is set at pressure relief valve of sequence valve when the pressure of
flowing air reaches this set value the sequence valve opens and air enters through port A1
into cylinder C1 due to this piston advances comes down so that drilling starts.
When operator again operate foot lever of DC valve it takes position 2 and both piston
retracts and work piece de-clamps and drill comes out of drilled hole.

Hydraulic circuit of milling machine & explain its working.


02 + 02

Explanation: - Hydraulic circuit for milling machine is comparatively different from other circuits.
Table movement of milling machine is required to be adjustable for different feeds for different
type of work. Therefore for both strokes of the cylinder, on both ends of cylinder flow control

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valves are used. Another feature of this circuit is that there are two pumps
1. Main pump – low pressure high discharge
2. Booster pump - high pressure low discharge
The function of booster pump is to boost the hydraulic pressure to a higher level than given by
main pump. Reason behind using this type is to save power as well as use of high pressure high
discharge pump is avoided. 4/3 DCV used manually operated stroke length of cylinder is
adjustable through limit switch. In centre position of 4/3 DCV all the ports are close therefore,
total hydraulic system is lock. In position (I) pump flow is given to cylinder blank end and
extension starts and oil from rod end is discharge to tank In (II) position, pump flow diverted to
rod end for retraction and blank end side flow pass to tank.
Attempt any TWO of the following:
5 12

a) Draw and Explain two pump unloading circuit

02 +04

Importance of circuit:

 High-low system of pump consists of two pumps in which one pump has high flow
rate and other has low flow rate. They are used to save the system power. Both
pumps can be used simultaneously depending upon system requirement or high
flow rate is diverted through unloading valve if needed in the system.
 It is useful when combination of rapid and slow movement required in the circuit.
Explanation of Circuit :
 The circuits has low pressure (LP) and high pressure (HP) pumps are provided as
shown in Fig.
 When rapid movement of the punch is required, both LP and HP supply the oil so
that the piston retraction will be faster compared to advanced cutting stroke.
 Initially slow movement is required when punch starts movement towards the
workpiece, the flow of HP is diverted through unloading valve and only LP will
supply the oil to the actuator.
 When punch reaches near the workpiece, high force is needed for press
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operations, HP supply will be started to combine with LP and high pressure is
generated for performing press operation.
Applications :
Hydraulic press machines.

Two faults detected in Pneumatic circuit and its causes and remedies
b) 1)Fault: No pressure in the pressure side. 1 mark
each for
Causes: Air leakage, pressure gauge faulty
Remedies: Check pressure gauge working properly and repair it. causes
2)Fault: Service unit (FRL) failed to work properly
Causes: Filter stopped, Pressure regulator reads differently, Absence of oil drops in
Any two
Remedies: Clean filter to remove clogging, Set regulator properly, Fill up oil container of
3) Fault: Operating trouble of compressor
Causes: Dirt in suction filter, Worn out piston rings
Remedies: clean the filter, replace Worn out piston rings

Situations in which following Centre positions of DC valves are used

1) All ports open (Open centre position) :
 In this position, all ports are connected internally. Here oil flows through all Each
ports P, A, B and R. position
3 marks
 The open centre condition is used to unloads the pump and allows the
actuator to stop or float. explanati
 It causes little shock during changeover to other conditions of valve. Fixed on
volume pumps are used for this centre condition.

2) Tandem Centre position :

 This center is very common in applications like the simple press circuit, to
allow the pump's flow to go straight to the tank, rather than forcing it over the
relief valve.
 In this position, Port P of pump is connected to port R to divert flow of pump
to the tank. Port A and B of actuator are closed.
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 It will unload the pump to the reservoir while blocking the cylinder ports A
and B. Fixed volume pumps are used for this centre condition.

6 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

Valve selection for delay the controlling action :

Time Delay valve is used for delay the controlling action by sometime after the
a) actuation od Dc valve.

: 2 marks

Figure 2

2 marks

 Initially when compressed air is supplied to the port P of the valve, it is prevented
from flowing to port A from port P, as the spool blocks this port A.
 When air is allowed to enter through pilot port Z, it flows through needle
operated flow control valve where its flow can be regulated.
 The air then enters in the air chamber where pressure starts building here. when
sufficient amount of pressure is generated, it pushes the spool of 3/2 D.C. valve.
 Now the opening port P is get connected port A and port R is closed. Air can flow
easily from port P to port A to actuate the actuator.
 The time required to build up the pressure in the reservoir is the amount of time
delay of the time delay valve.
The time delay can be set by using needle adjustment screw to control flow rate of air.

b) Selection of an actuator for longer stroke length:

 Telescopic cylinder is used for longer stroke length and can be accommodated in
less space after retraction.
 The cylinders are arranged in a short envelope hence space required is less. Selection
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: 2 marks

Figure 2

2 marks

Working :
 When pressurized oil enters in the main cylinder 1 it will push the cylinder 2 in the
upward direction when sufficient oil pressure is generated.
 Now the cylinder 2 is completely lifted and oil will enter into the inlet of cylinder 2.
 The oil will flow in the cylinder 2 and push the piston in upward direction. It will
raise the piston for stroke length of cylinder 2.
 In this manner, the total length of stroke through which the load is lifted is (L 1 +
 It is suitable where less space is available for mounting of actuator.
 Used in equipment like tilting of truck dump bodies, fork lift trucks, hydraulic

Difference Between Hydraulic and Pneumatic system

Sr. No. Point Hydraulic Pneumatic
c) 1. Medium used Hydraulic system uses Oil Pneumatic system uses Air

2. Storage of Reservoir is required to Air is free from atmosphere

medium store oil hence storage of input medium
not required

3. Storage device Reservoir of suitable Air receiver to store Any 06

capacity in liters compressed air under pressure points
(01 mark
4. Reuse Re circulated again to Freely available hence not
save cost necessary to recirculate.

5. Cost of medium Hydraulic oil is Costly Freely available from nature.

But cost of compression

6. Power device Pump is used to increase Compressor is used to increase

pressure of an oil pressure of an air

7. Return lines Required for recirculation Not required direct exhausted to


8. Lubrication Self lubricated as oil is Separate lubricator needed for

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having lubrication smooth working of system

9 Operating 300 to 700 bar Limited to 10 bar


10 Application Heavy equipments cranes, Hand tools, press machines,

lifts, farm equipments, foundry machines, small cranes,
JCB bulldozer, etc etc


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