Advertising Personal Selling and Salesmanship

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ARSD College, University of Delhi

Model Course Handout/Lesson Plan

Course Name : B.Com

Course Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit
Semester Course Title
Code (L) (T) (P) (C)
Teacher/Instructor(s) Prof. Anjali Gupta
Session 2022-23

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to provide knowledge concerning advertising and personal selling
and to equip them with the skill to use these promotion tools.

Course Learning Outcomes:

After completing the course, the student shall be able to:

1: Understand the communication objectives behind advertising and promotions.
2: Understand the various message and media elements in the advertising decisions.
3:Analyse the effectiveness of advertising.
4:Comprehend the importance and role of personal selling.
5: Understand the process of personal selling

Lesson Plan:

Unit Lecture
Learning Objective Topics to be covered
No. No.
1-2 Advertising: Importance, types and objectives
3 Communication Process
4 AIDA Model
Introduction to
1. 5 DAGMAR Approach
6-7 Audience Selection
8-9 Methods of setting Advertising Budget

2. Message and Media 10-11 Advertising Appeals

Decisions 12 Advertising Copy
13-14 Elements of print and broadcast advertising copy
15-16 Types of Media: Merits and Demerits
17-18 Media Scheduling

19 Advertising Agency: Role

20-21 Advertising Agency: types
22 Evaluating Communication
Advertising 23 Evaluating Sales Effect
Effectiveness. 24-25 Pre -testing Techniques the Sale
26-27 Post-testing Techniques the Sale.
28 Follow-Up.

29 Concept of Personal Selling and Salesmanship.

30-31 Personal Selling Situations.
32-33 Qualities of a Good Salesperson
Introduction to 34-35 Types of Salespersons
4. Personal Selling and
36 Role of Personal Selling in CRM
37 Career Opportunities in Selling
38 Measures for making selling as an attractive career
39-40 Buying Motives

41 Prospecting
42 Pre Approach
43-44 Approach
Personal Selling 45 Presentation and Demonstration
Process 46-47 Handling of Objections
48-49 Closing the sale
50 Follow-up

Evaluation Scheme:
No. Component Duration Marks
Internal Assessment
 Quiz
 Class Test 25
 Attendance
 Assignment
2. End Semester Examination 3 hr 75

Details of the Course

Unit Contents

1 Introduction to Advertising 09

2 Message and Media Decisions 09

3 Advertising Effectiveness. 10
4 Introduction to Personal Selling and Salesmanship 12

5 Personal Selling Process 10

Total 50

Suggested Books:

Year of
Sl. No. Name of Authors/Books/Publishers

1 Sharma, Kavita (2018), Advertising: Planning and Decision 2018

Making, Taxmann Publication Pvt. Ltd.

2 Futrell, Charles , Fundamentals of Selling, McGraw Hill 2013

Castleberry, S.B. and Tanner, J. F. , Selling: Building
3 2013
Relationships, McGraw Hill Education

Belch and Purani K. , Advertising and Promotion: An

4 2009
Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective,
McGraw Hill Education.
5 Kapoor, Neeru , Advertising and Personal Selling, Pinnacle 2008

Shah, Kruti and A. D’Souza Advertising and Promotions: An

6 2008
IMC Perspective, McGraw Hill Education

Mode of Evaluation: Internal Assessment / End Semester Exam

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