Chapter 1

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A. Bakground of the problem

In learning language, speaking is has an important role in delivering in our daily

communication. In order to make a good communication, students should try to

pradice the language and understandthe aspects of speaking. Speaking is also an

important part of language, and it is important to be mastered. Speaking cannot be

learned without practice it. It means that to master speaking, student have to practise

speaking in the class or outside of the class.

Because speaking is one of the language skills that should be mastered by the

students of senior high school, a teacher should app[y some techniques in teaching

such as debate, free discussion, role play, information gap, etc. Through those

technique, it is hoped students can master speaking in communication. So the students

will be interested and enjoy the lesson during teaching and learning process.

In reality, based on the researcher`s experince during teaching practec in MAN

3 Sungai Penuh and the result of interview with English teacher, the researcher found

that the students could not use the English language well in communication, and they

needed much time to construct their speaking. It was because their speaking ability
was low. As a result, it was really hard for them to start speaking whenever they were

asked to speak. Besides, students had low motivation to learn English, and their

speaking marks were relatively low. From 16 students, only 5 students could speak

and respond the teachers, while 14 students could respond and speak English orally.

From the explanation above, the problem could be listed here. First, the

students` speaking skill was low. The students could not use the language in

communication and even they made error structure in speaking. Second, the students

were shy and afraid to speak in the class, the students mostly kept silent when the

teacher asked them in English. Third, they also had a limited vocabulary so they did

not understand the instruction given by the teacher in English language, some of them

tried to answer the theacher`s questions in Indonesian language. Fourt, learning

techniques were not so interesting. Teachers rarely asked students to speak because

they considered hard to use English in the classroom. The last problem, teahing

materials were not contextual and meaningful for students. It made students feel bored

and interested in learning process. To solve these problems, it needed a suitable

teaching technique to improve students` speaking ability. There are many teaching

technique that can be used in teaching and learning.

One of them is debate technique debate technique. Debate technique involves

choosing a controvensial topic; one speaker presents one point of view on the topic

and a second speaker presents a differing opinion.

Debates are good speaking technique in high islamic school levels. It`s a good

ideas to give some input on the topic matter first. Give students time to prepare what

they will say; teacher might even prompt them by giving theam ideas on the topic and

outlining common opinions.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the problem above, there were two problems. The

problems came from students and the teacher. From students, the students failed in

speaking ability, their speaking skill was low, students were shy to aspeak in the class,

students had alimited vocabulary, and they and no interested in learning english. From

the teacher, the teaching technique was not effective students` speaking ablity.

Significances of the research

1. For students : though debate technique, it helps the students in improving their

speaking skill, and can use and practice English language in the classroom.

2. For teacher : this teacher can use debate technique in teaching speaking two

improve students` speaking ability

3. For other research : this research can help the other researcher who will conduct

the similar research. This research also help them in finding reference or


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