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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 11

A. Content Standards The learner…
demonstrates understanding of sports in optimizing one’s health as a
habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a
career opportunity.
B. Performance Standards The learner…
leads sports events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the lesson, the learner…
LC Code / Objectives 1. describe the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s
stress (PEH11FH-IIf-5)
2. know how to manage one’s stress through participating in individual
dual and team sports,
3. design activities for individual, dual, and team sports that reduce
individual stress.
II. LEARNING CONTENT Managing One’s Stress through Individual, Dual, and Team Sports
A. References: Learner’s Material
Health Optimizing Physical Education H.O.P.E 2 Quarters 3 and 4 – Module
1: The Role of Physical Activity in Managing One’s Stress (pages 8-21)
B. Materials PowerPoint presentation and Visual Aids
C. Integration HEALTH
D. Teaching Strategy 4 As Approach
E. Value Importance of managing one's stress through physical activities.
A. Reviewing previous Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
lesson or presenting the
new lesson *Preliminary activity

*Checking of Attendance

Face to Face Classroom Reminders:

1. Turn off or put into silent
mode your cellphone.
2. Respect your teachers and
classmates. Listen to your
teacher attentively when she is
discussing or saying something
for the class.
3. Wear your mask and always
sanitize your hands.
4. Participate actively.
5.If you want to answer, or if
you have any question, please
raise your hands and do not
answer in chorus so that you
will be acknowledged.

Is everything clear?
Yes, Ma’am
Review past lesson.

Class before we proceed to our

new lesson for today, let us
have a review of the last topic  Aerobic exercise is any
we discussed last meeting. physical activity that
makes you sweat, causes
you to breathe harder, and
What is Aerobic Exercise? gets your heart beating
faster than at rest.

Very good!

Can you give at least (3)  Improves cardiovascular

benefits of aerobics? conditioning.
 Decreases risk of heart
Correct! Excellent!  Lowers blood pressure.

And now, for us to be guided,

let’s see our learning

Managing One’s Stress through

Individual, Dual, and Team

At the end of the lesson, the

1. describe the role of physical
activity assessments in managing
one's stress (PEH11FH-IIf-5)

2. know how to manage one’s

stress through participating in
individual dual and team sports,

3. design activities for individual,

dual, and team sports that reduce
individual stress.

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson Motivation:

Video Presentation- Play video lesson “Managing Stress:

Good for your health”

(3:10 minutes)
What was the video presentation all about? may vary)

What are the causes of stress?

How do they manage their stress? (Answers

may vary)
How about you class? Do you experience Stress?

What are the things or situation that stresses you the most?

C. Presenting examples/ (ANALYSIS- Acquiring new knowledge)

instances of the new Activity: Read, Analyze and React
Let the students read a story,
Analyze and react by answering
the different questions in their
notebook. (page 308)
1. Are the rashes caused by
some disturbed spirit?
2. Can playing at the backyard
harm some spirits?
(Answers may vary)
3. Can scattering some rice
grains around help heal the
4. Can rubbing the soil in the
arms, face, and feet heal the
Evaluate your Answer
No. of Yes Description of
Answers your Score
4 You know very
well the truth
3 You are not
sure which one
to believe
2 You need to
focus, listen,
and learn
1 You agree with
the belief and
practice them

D. Discussing new concepts (ABSTRACTION)

and practicing new skills (Applying interactive discussion strategy)
Diseases that are transmissible
from one host, (Person, Animal, or
other objects) to another.
Communicable diseases result
from the interaction of an
infectious agent called

Pathogens are disease causing .
organisms which can be viruses,
bacteria, fungi, among others.

1. INCUBATION - It is the
period starting from the
entry of the pathogen until
the appearance of the first
Starts from the onset of
non-specific signs and
symptoms such as fever,
headache, and fatigue.
when more specific signs
and symptoms appear.
An interval when acute
symptoms of infection

E. Discussing new (ABSTRACTION)

concepts and practicing The student will analyze and evaluate
new skills #2
1. People say that hands are the dirtiest part of the body. Do you
agree? Why and why not?
2. People say that washing the hands is the most neglected practice
that a person does. Do you agree? Why and why not?
F. Developing mastery (APPLICATION- Apply new knowledge by collaborating/sharing
(leads to Formative ideas)
Assessment 3) Group Task: (differentiated activity) Each row will discuss their outputs to
the class after five (5) minutes.
 Row 1 will do the activity “What’s the word? (pp. 332-333)
 Row 2 will do the activity “ Pick and Put Your Choice (333-334)
Directions: Copy the table below. Then classify the entries under choices.
Be guided by the stages of infection provided.



Length of Chickenpox, 2-3 Malaise, low Common cold
recovery weeks Common grade fever, manifested by
depends on the cold, 1-2 days fatigue sore throat,
severity of the Influenza, 1-3 sinus
infection and days Mumps, congestion,
the patient’s 12-25 days rhinitis, mumps
general state of manifested by
health; take earache.
several days to
(Critical Thinking)
What will your group do? Now that you have classified the symptoms for
each stage, choose the best stage to STOP the flow of infection and explain
your answer.

 Row 3 will describe & explain the Graph


1. Where does the arc start and end? What does it mean?
2. Explain the flow of the arc. If you notice, its slow, then up, then
(Critical Thinking)
Can you something about it? Now that you have read and understood the
stages of infection, choose the best stage to CUT from the flow of infection
and explain your choice.
Each row will discuss their outputs to the class after five (5) minutes.
G. Finding practical Processing and Critiquing
applications of concepts Activity: I HAVE TO DECIDE!
and skills in daily living Read the column “What this happens…’ Analyze if you will do or not the
statement in the column “What will I do?” Put a check mark ( ) on the
column that corresponds your answer. (page 335)

What this What will I do? Yes No

When I I will intervene
understood the to prevent
chain of infections from
infection and developing
stages of
When I acquire I will observe
infection signs and
symptoms of
When there are I will take
symptoms and appropriate
signs actions to
prevent its
When the I will see the
symptoms and appropriate
signs persist doctor/medical
1st – if you checked four (4) yes, then you are really a disciplined and health
conscious student. You are ready to be a model for the others to follow.
2nd – if you checked two (2) yes, then you have to go back to where you
started and internalize what a sick person should do when he/she
infected. So that when you are infected, you know what to do.
3rd – if you checked one (1) yes, then you have to read the lesson again and
research on other health information to understand what to do during the
course of infections.
H.Making generalizations Communicable diseases result from the interaction of an infectious agent
and abstractions about the called pathogens, host, and environment. Pathogens are disease causing
lesson organisms which can be viruses, bacteria, fungi, among others.
Transmission occurs when the pathogen leaves its reservoir or host
through a portal of exit, which is delivered by some mode of transmission,
and enters through an appropriate portal of entry to infect a susceptible
host. Reservoirs can be a place such as bodies of water, animals, and
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write only the
letter of the correct answer.
1.What should the sick person do if he/she gets infected?
A. maintain personal hygiene
B. staying away from other people
C. taking the advice of the doctors
D. all of these
2. What is the other term for convalescence stage?
A. Illness Period B. Incubation Stage C. Prodromal Stage
D. Recovery Stage
3. What can you do to prevent transmission of infectious diseases?
A. Maintaining good hygiene B. Wearing face mask and face shield
C. Avoiding direct contact with infected people D. all of the above
4. What are the diseases caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses,
fungi, or parasites? A. allergy B. cancer C. infectious diseases D. non-
infectious diseases
5. How long is the incubation period for chickenpox?
A. 1 to 2 days B. 1 to 3 days C. 12 to 25 days D. 2 to 3 weeks

A. Additional activities for Activity : Remember Me

application or remediation
Directions: Recall your experience of getting an infectious disease. Narrate
what happened according to the four stages of infection. Write your
answer in your activity notebook.

No. of No. of Item Placement
Competencies / Skills
Days Items R U Ap An E C
Discusses the stages of infection
1 5 4 2 3 1 5

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by: Noted by:

MAPEH Department. Head Secondary School Principal II

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