THC 6 Reviewer

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Social Aspects of Personality

Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – WEEK 3:

Credits : 3 units lecture (3 hours/week),

Pre-Requisite : 1st year standing

Lesson Title:
Body Language
Body Movements and Gestures
Facial Expressions and Eye Contact
Social Health
Social Grace and Etiquette
Lesson Objective:
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to:

1. Distinguish the social aspects of personality,

2. Explain the importance of body language,
3. Distinguish the different non-verbal ways of communication,
4. Evaluate one’s social health, and
5. Practice social graces and etiquettes at all times.

Lectures and Annotations:

. Body language is part of the social aspects of our personality which plays an important role in
the tourism and hospitality industry. The way we behave and interact with various people creates
an impact to our personality.

Body Language
Body language helps convey message to other people. In the tourism and hospitality industry,
body language should be managed carefully so as not to offend guests and avoid complaints.

It is said that human interaction or communication consists of a variation between 70% non-
verbal and 30% verbal communication.

Body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements are under body language, which
are forms of non-verbal communications that humans send and interpret subconsciously. These
provide clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. Such signals may indicate
aggression, attentiveness, boredom, relaxed state, pleasure, amusement, and intoxication,
among many other clues.

Body language is extremely important in an interviewing situation. Some believe that body
language is as important as what is being said and what is written on the resume as things can
be learned about people through their non-verbal actions. In fact, this is one of the factors that a
job interviewer tries to size up on a person being interviewed.

The following are tips and guidelines that will help a person give the right body language in
order to develop the social aspect of one’s personality:

On Greeting

o Handshake is the most common form of greeting in the world. However, this may be
different to some countries. For instance, in Italy, two men kiss cheek- to-cheek as a
greeting. In Japan, they bow while others may don’t touch at all. These examples
simply proves that in socializing with other people, it is very important that we get to
know the person we are to be with to ensure that we are sending the right signal, thus,
not offending them. This is same with knowing the guests in hotels and restaurants.
Observe the following etiquette when shaking hands:

✓ Make sure your hands are clean, maintained, and free from perspiration. It should
be warm, otherwise, it will signal that you are nervous or intimidated.

Wipe your hands with a handkerchief if it is sweating. Talcum powder can also help remedy
this problem.

✓ Execute it professionally, politely, with a firm grip (not bone crushing), a warm
smile and eye contact.

✓ Be aware of the situation. Remember a person may be left or right-handed but you
have to use only one hand.
o Eye contact is important. However, direct eyecontact for some may be
considered rude,disrespectful, intimidating, and the worst is to some,it may
indicate sexual overtones. Make sure not to offend some. Maintain eye
contact but not to the extent that it signals something different to what
your intention is.

o Smile is equally important, not only with the lips but with the eyes as well.
This paves the way for positiveinteraction in the tourism and hospitality

The different examples of body language.

Body Language Examples

Positive Forms of Body Language

• When sitting or standing, one must be erect with good posture that
is not too stiff neither too relaxed.

• Shoulders leveled, arms uncrossed, and hands opened. An open

palm indicates openness or submissiveness.

• Eye contact concentrated in a triangle composing the eyes and the

mouth, casually moving the gaze from one point to another so as
not to appear like staring.

• Complimentary yet subtle movements such as slight nodding which

indicates that one is following the conversation with keen interest
and understanding.

• Learn to smile on cue Negative Forms of

Body Language

• Being too tense to a point of stiffness

• Abrupt movements that call attention, such as fidgeting or jerking

body movements like chewing on one’s fingernails which shows a
form or insecurity.

• Shoulders slouched and arms crossed which exudes an invisible

barrier or may be misread asdisagreement.

• Narrowing of eyes shows hostility, flicking stare in erratic

directions, leaning and yawning shows disinterest or boredom
• Negative facial expressions such as shaking your head, or frowning
shows disinterest which may be received as a form of disrespect

Inappropriate Forms of Body Language

• Scratching in public

• Tugging, pulling or twirling of hair

• Removing snot

• Scratching inner ear

• Picking of teeth

• Staring down at the other person

Body Movements and Gestures

The different body movements and gestures.
Other means of conveying specific messages that have linguistic translations are gestures or
movements of the head, hands, arms and legs. Common gestures that can be seen every day are
‘waving of hand’ as a greeting, and ‘nodding of head’ as a sign of agreement.

Aside from gestures with specific meaning, people use gestures and body movements that do
not have direct meaning but may imply something about a person’s personality. These are the

• Illustrators – are gestures that add meaning to a verbal message. Example of

these are using of hand gestures while emphasizing a point or using of gestures
while speaking to others to accompany one’s words. These body movements
may not have an explicit meaning but they serve to embellish a person’s words.
There are also other illustrators which may be interpreted negatively, like
biting one’s nails or fidgeting and toying with an object.

• Affect displays – are person’s body movements that convey feelings and
emotions through facial expressions and body positions. These body
movements may show how a person feels, and is commonly interpreted.
Examples are frowning, smiling, raising of eyebrows, and such.

• Adaptors – are typically unconscious behaviors that are used when a person is
tensed or anxious.
Negative body movements and gestures to avoid:

• Sitting or leaning back – may convey disinterest or disagreement in

a speaker’s words.

• Resting your chin on your hand – may convey boredom.

• Crossed arms – often connote a defensive posture and can indicate

that a person is unhappy, threatened or does not want to listen to
the speakerat all.

• Adaptors – such as fidgeting or playing with objects, which may

indicate that a person is nervous or disinterested in the speaker’s

Facial Expressions and Eye Contact

Facial expressions and eye contact are types of nonverbal communications

that can have effect on business relations. Research shows that people can
accurately identify seven separate human emotions by just seeing facial
and eye expressions. These emotions are sadness, happiness, anger, fear,
surprise, contempt and interest. This proves that facial expression and eye
contact can transfer information to others and can indicate a person’s
attitude and emotions.
Four different facial management techniques in controlling facial

• In order to show strong emotion, people intensify orexaggerate

their facial expressions.

• When people try to control or subdue their emotion,they may de-

intensify their facial expressions.

• When people want to avoid showing any facialexpression, they will

neutralize their expressions.

• People’s facial expression can be masked. When a personhides his or her

true emotions, they try to show a different emotion instead.

Importance of Eye Contact:

• It may indicate being receptive to what others have to say

• It conveys that one wants to communicate with anotherperson

• It may express respect by maintaining longer eye contact

• It is interpreted as a reaction to a particular person or situation

• Lack of eye contact may indicate discomfort anddisinterest in the other

person’s words or may show dislike of a person

Communication exists everywhere. In the Tourism and Hospitality Industry,
communication is very vital in order to attain guest service satisfaction. An
effective communication in the industry requires not only writing and
speaking well, but rather, the need for the proper choice of words. Also, one
must know the right time to talk and the right time to keep silent. Since the
industry will deal with guests in various scenarios, proper communication
and patience is needed.

Communication is a very important skill that is required for tourism and

hospitality professionals to be able to provide excellent guest service. It is
also a social skill that each individual needs to develop to improve

Ways to improve communication skills:

• Be a good listener.

• Don’t get ideas across in a hurry. Talking too fast may create
communication barrier and may result to an ineffective
• Recognize different points of view in a conversation. People have
different opinions that could make a conversation more interesting,
learn to acknowledge each of them.

• Avoid hurting criticisms and arguments in a conversation. Always

remember to be considerate and choose the proper words in order to
avoid arguments.

• Be wary of giving out ideas or expressing a feeling. Look for appropriate

words before speaking in order for the message to be understood

• Try out new words in conversing with friends, it will widen your
vocabulary. Just make sure that these wordscan be used in professional
manner as good communicators must show professionalism.

• Elicit ideas within the conversation to ensure that you understand each
other. Repeat what was said when necessary to check understanding
between two parties or more.

Good communication skills also include the following:

• Correct pronunciation of words

• Proper use of language/sentence construction

• Good diction

• Proper stress on words

Social Health

what social health is?

Social health refers to a person’s ability to get along well with other people
around him, making and keeping friends, offering and getting help when

The following are some characteristics of a socially healthy individual:

• Willing and able to accept differences of other people

• Gets along well with family members

• Has close friends

• Make friends with people of both genders

• Meets and interacts with people easily

• Accepts other people’s ideas and suggestions
The mentioned characteristics are important for those who are in the tourism and hospitality
industry. These are helpful in smooth sailing operations of hotels, restaurants, resorts, travel
agencies and many other organizations. As these characteristics are needed for a person to
properly interact with different types of people.

A proactive person.

An important objective of any tourism and hospitality establishment is to provide excellent

service to guests by achieving customer satisfaction. In order for this objective to be achieved,
people working in the industry must be proactive.

Qualities of a Proactive Person

• Open to dynamism
• Open to change and to better options
• Ability to look for other possible things to be done in the absence of the other
• Ability to face challenges in a positive way
A person who does not possess these characteristics may be a reactive person, which is the
opposite of the proactive person. For the students to further understand the difference between a
proactive and a reactive person.

I. Proactive vs. Reactive


No problem, let’s see the possibilities. I can’t do that.
I can definitely do that. Why should I do that?
Sure, there are alternatives to it. I am busy.
Not a problem, there are other ways to solve
Do not bother me.
the issue.
That’s a very nice suggestion, so tell me more It’s not useful.
about it.
Thank you for bringing the concerns to us, we’ll I am afraid I can’t assist you.
surely look into that.
We don’t have any available room of your
preference, however, there is a room We don’t have an available room that
that’s more than that and the cost is not you wanted.
too much for you.
The manager is not around but I can definitely
Why me?
assist you.
I am not an expert but I can help. I think I will fail to do that.
I am willing to be trained. Why do we have to repeat this again?
Here is what we can do. I believe we can’t do that.
Let’s do it this way, instead. I disagree!
I can be of service to you. I hate doing this.
I would be very glad to assist you. I am too tired.

II. How to become a proactive person?

• Listen to your language and to the language of people around you for about a whole day.
Check and record reactive phrases.

• Switch your recorded reactive phrases to proactive ones. Example, when someone says ‘I
can never do that’, switch it to ‘I will do that’. Switching reactive responses to proactive
ones will be the start of being proactive. Then reflect, can you really do that?

• Now, try to identify an experience you might encounter in the near future where based
on your past experience, you would have behaved reactively. How would you respond
proactively? Take several minutes to think about this and then create the experience
vividly in your mind, picturing yourself responding in a proactive manner.

• The next step is to determine a problem from your work or personal life that is
frustrating you. Try to know if it is a direct, indirect or a no control problem. Try out this
proactivity test for about 30 days and check improvement.

“It is a good thing if as early as now, you can see yourself as a proactive person. You just have
to maintain that proactive personality in you for it will surely be an advantage for your future
employment. Now, for those who sees themselves as a reactive person, I want you to read and
try the tips on how to become proactive provided on the latter part of the first page of the
handout. Motivate yourself to practice or apply the tips so that at the end of this term, you’ll see
a different personality in you, now with confidence that a proactive person has.”
Social Grace and Etiquette

Social grace is more popularly known as good manners and etiquette. This is not just an add-on
to a personality but it should be part of the person’s character. It is important for people in
tourism and hospitality industry to have this, as social graces show one’s ability to project
himself in any given occasion especially in meeting various professional people. One’s
personality is judged according to the norms set by a civilized society. So for people in tourism
and hospitality industry, it is important to be aware of the basic social graces and etiquettes.

On the other hand, etiquette refers to a pattern of behavior that one should have in order to have
good taste, appropriateness, good conduct and consideration for others.

III. Etiquettes
During Conversations
1. When attending a party, 5 to 10 minutes is enough time to talk with strangers for you to
be able to mingle with other guests.
2. If you approach a stranger, politely introduce yourself by saying “Hello, I am Johndell
from BAC Corporation”. Be sure to say “I am pleased to meet you” if the other party
introduced himself/herself.
3. Do not be too close with another person. Three feet will be fine, do show respect for
other person’s personal space.
4. Do not just talk to one person during the party, interact with other people. The more
people you get to know the better.
5. Body language is very important. Make sure that the body language that you use at all
times is professional in nature.
6. When conversing with other people, listen to them attentively. Focus on them and
maintain proper eye contact. Nodding to acknowledge something is also advisable or you
may say “I see” or “I got your point”.
7. Make sure to smile to show your interest. During the conversation, let the other party
finish what he/she has to say and avoid interrupting while they are talking.
8. When a message seems unclear, you may validate it to the speaker by saying “so tell me
more about it, I find it interesting” or “it appears to me that”…
9. Do not be a storyteller of the event unless you are asked to do so. Be more of a listener
than a talker and show interest on what others have to say.
10. Avoid questions that are too sensitive.
11. Talk about issues and events of common interest, do not focus on topics about yourself
unless the conversation leads to it.
12. Never utter green jokes. Having these kind of humor in your vocabulary is inappropriate.
13. You may greet and introduce yourself to highly placed officials but make sure to not take
too much of their time.
During Introduction of People
1. In introducing to the same sex, the younger one should be introduced to the older
2. The woman is the one to be introduced to a man, because a man is expected to rise at all
times when introduced. A woman on the other hand, only rises when introduced to an
older woman or to a distinguished personality.
3. In introducing your friends from your school to another school, do it in this manner,
“Charlie, I’d like you to meet Justine, our Student Body Organization President”.
4. Introduce a non‐officer to an officer this way, “Sgt. Santos, this is Philip, my friend”.
5. When introducing a co‐worker to a customer, do it in this manner, “Mr Smith, this is
John, one of our front desk staffs who will be assisting you in all your concerns.”
6. In introducing two persons of different ranks, the person of the lower rank is the one
introduced to the person of a higher rank, example, “Ma’am Trisha, this is Ms. Landicho,
our new Front Desk Manager”.
During Invitation to a Party or Social Event
1. Unless otherwise stated, never bring someone with you if the invitation is addressed to
you alone.
2. For an invitation with RSVP, you have to confirm your attendance for you to be reserved
a seat at the party. Otherwise, you will not be counted as part of the event.
3. Never be late, make sure to arrive on time.
4. Wear the dress code required by the party.
5. Do not sit in any of the available seats upon arrival at the party, unless you were able to
meet the host and greeted him/her ahead of time.
On Dining
1. Hold the knife and fork correctly. For American style, fork is held on the right hand. For
Continental style, fork will be at the left hand.
2. In cutting meat, hold the fork with the left hand, with tines down and the handle
touching the palm of your hand. The same grip should be used on the knife on the other
3. Slip the fork under the food and lift the morsel up to carry it to the mouth.
4. When carrying the food to the mouth, do not stop halfway to talk.
5. Do not intake food slices that are too big, conservative bite sizes are acceptable.
6. Chew the food thoroughly with your mouth closed.
7. Never talk when your mouth is full.
8. Do not lean your elbows on the table. Sit erect with your head down slightly with one
hand on the lap, except when cutting food.
9. Foods to be eaten with the use of the fork should be eaten with the fork, not with the
knife nor with the hands.
10. Do not use a fork to spear the food.
11. Foods to be eaten with the fingers should be eaten with the fingers like sandwich, bread,
roll, candy, nuts and hors d’oeuvres.
12. Bread should not be used to clear the mop of your plate.
13. Do not dunk your bread in any hot drinks like coffee, milk, or cocoa.
14. Soup should be taken with soup spoon away from you. Remember not to blow on it to
make it cool.
15. Apologize when silverware is dropped. Do not pick it up, just leave it there.
On Dining
1. Follow the sequence of using table wares as follows:
• Tumblers should be held with its base while stemmed glass should be held with
its stem.
• Cups should be held with its handle and drink on the side that’s nearest you.
• Napkin, table cloth and even a handkerchief must not be used to clean a plate.
Ask a waitstaff for another plate if your plate is dirty and needs to be changed.
• Prior to eating, use a napkin to be placed at your lap after everyone has been
seated. Do not open the napkin in mid‐air, begin to open it below the table level
and then place it on your lap. Place the napkin in the chair or on the left side of
the plate when you have to leave a meal between courses. When you are done
with the meal, place the napkin on the right side of the plate, not on the plate.
• Use a serving spoon or fork when getting food from platters.
Business Etiquette
• Be on time – Punctuality shows professionalism of the person. Especially when meeting
with clients in order to avoid negative impressions from them. For unavoidable
circumstances where you can’t help but be delayed, make sure to contact the person you
are supposed to meet.
• Greet the people around you – Greet the people around you upon entering the office.
Greetings always bring good vibes as it colors the business environment.
• Have telephone manners – Time is very precious in a business environment. If you will be
calling, make sure that you have a definite purpose in order to avoid wasting their time.
Greet the receiver of your call and be polite as you identify yourself.
• Be conscious of behaviour during office occasions – Be conscious of how you behave
during office parties, do not drink too much as it may cause you to act inappropriately
and it may cause negative impression to people whom you work with each day. Avoid
discussing about your job or any business as this is not a proper venue for that. The party
is a chance for you to improve morale, build goodwill, and learn more about your co‐
• Respect and appreciate other people – In a business setting, you will encounter dealing
with foreign clients, especially in tourism and hospitality industry. Respect their cultures
and learn to appreciate them.
• Be conscious with company policies – The mission and vision of the company are their
policies. As an employee or part of the company, you should follow the company’s
policies as it shows professionalism.
• Respect and appreciate each employee – Respect should always be part of the business
setting. Do not neglect saying “thank you” when necessary and “please” when asking for
a favor. When the work is done, make sure to appreciate it by saying “well done” or
“good job”. These key words will motivate people to work hard and be productive.

Etiquette in Public Places

• In the street
Do not act as if you own the whole street. Do not walk too slowly as if you are
memorizing the whole street, or do not walk too fast as if you are running for a meeting.
If in groups, never walk more than two abreast. Others are also using the street so let
them pass. Be cautious while walking in the street. Look where you are going to avoid
bumping to other people, as this may cause unpleasant incidents.
• At the bus
Nowadays, women are already up for standing in crowded buses especially when rushing
to their works, school or other appointments. Men should be courteous and give way to
women for they still deserve the right to be treated as a women most especially when
the woman is pregnant, elderly or disabled. Be extra conscious as to who needs to be
• In the train
Riding a train is the most convenient way to avoid being stuck in heavy traffic. However,
this offers inconvenience when the passengers are pushing each other just to get inside
causing someone to get hurt. This should not be the case. Everyone should know how to
give way. If you are not the first to get into the train, don’t push your way. Be considerate
of the elderly, women, people with disability, and to those who are carrying a child with
them. When in a group, be considerate with other passengers and avoid talking too loud.
• In a restaurant
Future tourism and hospitality industry professionals must be able to practice good
conduct in a restaurant. Man should always be a gentleman. Upon entering the
restaurant, man should precede the woman and lead her to her seat. He should pull the
chair for the woman unless there is a waiter to do it. When there is something to be seen
at the area, like a seaside view or anything special, woman should be by the window or at
the convenient place to see the scenes. When ordering, the woman should give her order
directly to the waiter. The man can suggest the specialties of the restaurant if he knows
them well, if not, he should initiate to ask the waiter what their specialties are unless the
woman knows the restaurant well. For the ladies, unless you know that your escort is
well of, do not order anything too expensive. When calling the waiter, do not clap your
hands, shout, whistle or even say ‘psst’. Better to raise your hand to catch the waiter’s
• At the cinema
Watching a movie is a form of relaxation for others, it is not for people who wish to talk
too loud. Be considerate of others who are watching, and avoid talking too loud.
• At the church
Respect the people who are there to attend the mass. Make sure to wear appropriate
attire. Avoid wearing sleeveless shirts and short dresses. As much as possible,
conservative attire must be worn.
Target Attribute: Effective Communicator
Facet: Listening (Ability to comprehend aural information and evaluate the message)
Strategy: Enhance students’ understanding of aural messages
Learning Outcome: Students should be able to:
• Show acceptable results in following dictated instructions.
Method: true or false


Rodolfa, Bernardo Jr. B., Aquino, Ma. Christina G., Dellova, Rovena I., and Tiongco,
Nicholas Carmelo P. (2011). Leadership and personality development for tourism and
hospitality professionals. Manila: Mindshapers, Co., Inc







Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – WEEK 2:

Credits : 3 units lecture (3 hours/week),

Pre-Requisite : 1st year standing

Lesson Title: What is an Image?

Impact of an Image
Aspects that Made Us What We Are
Understanding the Image Types

Lesson Objective:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to:

1. Discuss what an image is,

2. Discuss the impact of an image,
3. Explain how to address poor image,
4. Discuss the aspects that made a person what he is today,
5. Enumerate and explain image types,
6. Accomplish the image test,
7. Develop a plan on how to enhance personal image, and
8. Project a positive image.

Lectures and Annotations:


Double click to play or see attachment in google classroom,/stream.

“As you’ve seen in the video, we were able to tell that each of the characters has different images
being portrayed, through the way they act and their body language. You were able to identify the
message of that commercial which eventually leads to some others to purchase or patronize the
company the commercial models are representing. This class, if not all, may have been
influenced by that commercial. Given this, it is very important for all of us to identify and
evaluate the gestures being shown by other people. It will help us understand how to use this
when communicating with other people as body language is common during conversation. As it
is part of a total package of a professional image, it is therefore significant that we are
knowledgeable on image, which is the focus of our topic for this session.”
What is an Image?
In its simplest meaning, image is the physical likeness or representation of a person. It pertains to
the personality that one is trying to convey, or the personality unknowingly being shown to other
people. It is also the reproduction of yourself as seen by other people, or a mental picture as what
others perceived you. In other words, image shown sends a message to others pertaining to what
a person is. This is somewhat like saying, that is you, and this is me.

Our questions are:

• Does your image tell something about you being aprofessional?

• Does it show that you are happy and contented?
• Does it tell that you are what you are?
• Is your physical packaging represent the real you inside?
• Does it show that you have what it takes to be someone (a leader, a manager, a
supervisor, etc.)?

Let’s think of a gift wrapped in a very elegant way. With that gift when given to
you will surprise you since you don’t know what’s inside. Given this, how will you
feel if that gift contains a not so elegant gift as expected?

On the other hand, let’s think of a gift wrapped in a simple gift wrapper without
even a ribbon. In this case, surprisingly, the gift was really good. How will you
react to something that is unexpected?

These analogies are two things that we have to consider as a person.

• The first represent someone who looks very elegant. However, that person
has the characteristics of a person who is not elegant. In other words, the
image shown is not really a reflection of who he or she is. It shows otherwise.
• The second example can represent someone who is timid, or simple, but has
a very acceptable personality from within.

These examples show something that we have to think about. We have to be

careful if the saying “first impression lasts” is true. An elegant at first look will be
the basis of a person to create an impression, which in the example becomes a
good one. On the other hand, a timid or shy type will be the basis also in forming a
reaction of the person who will look at him/her, which in the example can be
something unacceptable, especially if we are talking about hotel or restaurant

Now, do you have a good and acceptable image?

Impact of an Image

The impact of a person’s image.

For the future tourism and hospitality professionals, our image will be one of
the bases to be hired when we apply for a job. Whatever position we are
applying for, our image will be assessed.

The way we present ourselves in this world will greatly affect how people will
treat us. Below are some of the impacts of our image:

• If you present yourself as a good person, then you will be treated well.

• If you present it in an uneducated way, chances are, you will be treated

the same way and may not be respected too.

• If you look like undeserving, chances are, you will be treated that way.

• If you look like you are defensive, then you are likely to invite attacks.

• If you look like you are intelligent, strong, confident, you will be
responded with respect and deference.

These are just some of the impacts of our image. Can we imagine that without
knowing it, we are inviting something that we don’t expect just because of the
image we show?

That’s something we should be careful about as future tourism and hospitality


How to address poor image

Below will help one in addressing the negative impact of an image:

• Check the image you show to others and do the necessary actions to
change the negative ones.

• Do not be stuck on something that is negative, develop it to make it


• Listen to what other people say about you. If more than two people
comment the same thing, check it out.
• Ask help from your friends especially your closest one to do these. They
know better about what image you portray.

• Evaluate the actions done and see if positive changesare visible.

Though the process of change is complicated, the important thing is we know what to
be changed, and what to be improved. Personality enhancement will then come along
the way.

Aspects that Made Us What We Are

Most says that our personality, image, or our self is are presentation of the environment
where we came from. Our past experiences greatly affect what we are now, which is
something that we should be able to recognize in order to assess them as we present
ourselves in the hospitality world.

Let’s have the following to better understand this:

People raised by a family who is God fearing, responsible, respectful, kind, and closely-tied,
expect that they will have a good personality. They will be God fearing too, responsible,
respectful, and you will not hear them say profane words or hear them ask for a fight with
someone. They are patient and understanding.

On the other hand, people who lived and grew in an environment full of vices, surrounded
by people who are always shouting and using words of profanity, the same way will be seen
to them. They will act in the same manner as to what they were exposed to. So expect that
these people will show this type of personality in anywhere they may go. That is what they
were used to, so we cannot blame them.

There are some people who are treated important in their family. These are the centre of
attraction, or the famous among the members of the family. When get used to it, they will
feel the same and assume to be treated that way even outside their home. Let us
remember that not all people can get along with this kind of attitude. Not all will
understand it so expect that you will lose some of your friends.

People who are not obliged to do house chores or if assigned only for just
some easy tasks will assume to have fewer tasks in the office. We can see
this when we get to work with them. You will hear them complaining on
some tasks assigned to them.

Our nicknames at home sometimes affect our personal being. Being called
“totoy”, “nene”, “pogi”, or “baby” will no longer be applicable when you are
part of the tourism and hospitality industry workforce. Have a name that will
suit to your personality, or the person you wanted to be in the future. Better
yet, stay with your real name. If you are a professional, be used of being
called “Ms. Santos” or “Mr. Lopez”, it sounds good, and this is one way used
to please guests in the hospitality industry.

These representations just prove us that what we had experienced or the

environment we were exposed to affected the way we are today in some ways.
These experiences had helped in the development of our personality today.

Let’s note that despite of these experiences, personality enhancement is always

an open issue to everyone. You wanted to be the “boss”, then why not? Just make
sure that you act like one. You need to have the benefits of being the boss, such as
prestige, respect, and the status. Change requires trade-off. All you need to do is
to be ready and willing to embrace the consequences of these changes. You are
assured in this way to reap a totally new set of rewards.
Understanding the Image Types

We can say that for one to be understood and respected, he or she should act in accordance with
the occasion or situation. We, as students need to understand that our gestures or actions are
important to be considered when portraying an image or when communicating with various
people. Our image is seen through the way we act, talk, dress, through our gestures, facial
expressions and so on. To ensure that we are aware of our actions

The following are some image types (Rodolfa, et al, 2011):

• Authoritative – Someone who could be respected as one, someone with leadership

capacity, someone who could command his members, or someone who has the
personality of being strong and confident.

• Masculine – A guy who is manly in any ways as seen in the manner he acts, talks,
walks, and behave.

• Feminine – It is a characteristic relating to a woman. She should look and be

respected as a woman having the attributes of being a lady.

• Business-like – Image of having the characteristic of a businessman. They are

normally serious type, in suit, and are confident.

Other image that you may want is also being casual, sexy, macho, chic, understated, friendly,
and flashy. Whatever image you want to portray, make sure that it fits to your aspirations, to
what you wish to be recognized. You cannot be a casual type of a person if you wanted to be a
bossy type, remember that. You cannot be friendly and approachable if you are so serious, that is
normal. Everything has to be in relation with each other so that the image you are portraying will
reflect the message you want to send to other people.

Body language is another very important thing to consider with the image you are portraying. If
you want to show as an authoritative person but you act like not one, chances are, you will not be
recognized as one. If you want to be masculine type, then act like one, be a man, be gentleman,
and be responsible as a man. Your facial expression should manifest the characteristics of a man.
This is the same for a lady. If you want to be treated and recognized as one, then act in a manner
that it shows your femininity. You need not to be rude and boyish. Act the way woman should
act as acceptable.

A. Image Test
Below are some questions that will help you assess more your personality. Answer them accordingly
and with honesty. Note that this is personality enhancement course. The moment you lie, the worst
will be the effect. Again, there is no right or wrong answers. This is our way to reflect and react to
something in relation to our personality.


Just put a check on the Yes/No section for every item listed in the table.

Rodolfa, Bernardo Jr. B., Aquino, Ma. Christina G., Dellova, Rovena I., and Tiongco,
Nicholas Carmelo P. (2011). Leadership and Personality Development for Tourism and
Hospitality Professionals. Manila: Mindshapers, Co., Inc.






Physiological and Physical Aspects of Personality

Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – WEEK 1:

Credits : 3 units lecture (3 hours/week),

Pre-Requisite : 2nd year standing

Lesson Title:
❖ Good Grooming and Proper Hygiene
❖ Grooming Standards for Tourism and Hospitality Professionals
❖ Exercise and Its Benefits
❖ Grooming for Future Tourism and Hospitality Professionals

Lesson Objective:
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to:
1. Define grooming and hygiene,
2. Discuss grooming standards for tourism and hospitality professionals,
3. Explain the benefits of exercise to the physiological aspect of personality,
4. Apply makeup with confidence,
5. Tie a necktie appropriate to the occasion,
6. Model an acceptable corporate image, and
7. Determine what physical and physiological aspects of their personality needs

Lectures and Annotations:


“What we have just done are parts of our discussion this session. It is very important that we know
how to apply a makeup and do a tie when we are to be interviewed as well as in any occasion.
Reason for this is that we are going to represent ourselves to other people. What they will see in us
physically will create an impression that we don’t know unless some concerned people will let us
know, especially if the impression is negative.”

Good Grooming and Proper Hygiene

Good grooming and proper hygiene is very important to everyone. Grooming

pertains to how one looks and presents himself. Note that how one looks account
for 55% impact on impression. An untidy and unclean appearance might be
acceptable for eccentrics and geniuses, but not for executives or those in the
tourism and hospitality industry.

Because of this, it is significant that future tourism and hospitality industry

professionals are aware about good grooming and proper hygiene as early as now.
Below are some daily habits that contribute to one’s overall grooming (Rodolfa, et
al, 2011):

• Daily bath or shower

• Use of deodorant and antiperspirant

• Regular hair and nail grooming

• Daily change into fresh, clean and well-pressedclothes

• Brushing of teeth two or three times daily andthe regular use of

mouthwash and dental floss

• Periodic dental check-ups

Some people may have additional daily habits when it comes to personal grooming. That will be
fine as long as it will help enhance one’s physical aspect.

Grooming Standards for Tourism and Hospitality Professionals


Tourism and hospitality professionals must take good care of their face. Proper make up should be
applied and proper hair style should be tailored with face shape. Why is this significant? This is
because if the wrong hairstyle is created for the wrong face shape, the result will be a disaster. A
well-executed, well cut hairstyle performed on the wrong face shape will still result to a disaster,
as seen to some people. Hairstyles are predominantly about shape and geometry and about putting
the perfect frame around a person's face to balance and bring perspective to the overall shape,
which is very important.

Always remember that the shape must minimize non-pleasing attributes and promote and
compliment the positive ones.

Note see attachment Handout 1 and 2.

“As future professionals of the tourism and hospitality industry, it is imperative that we are
knowledgeable on the use of ties and makeups. These are things that we need to have as we enter
the world of opportunities in the industry that we will be part of in the future. Similarly, other
aspects needs to be improved for one to have a professional image. Let us now proceed to the
grooming of the hair

This is every person’s crowning glory. It adds significantly to an individual’s physical image.
Being the case, it needs careful attention and care. No matter what the hair type is, the
followingshould be practiced (source: Rodolfa, et al, 2011, pages 109-110):

• Hair should be brushed or combed at least twice a day. This is to maintain its
body as well as its shine which are necessary to have a great looking hair.

• Hair should be shampooed and conditioned well at least twice a week. Being
part of the tourism and hospitality industry, it is important to get a good
flattering corporate hairstyle. Untidy and flyaway hair does not inspire any
confidence or indicate a sense of orderliness.

• Corporate hair styles for men usually are proper when they are at least an inch
above the collar and above each ear. Sideburns should be kept in level to the
middle of the ears, anything longer will make one looks like a rock star. For
women, the hairstyle should camouflage the individual’s personality. It hasto be
tied if it’s long to make it presentable. For shorter hair, make sure that it is well
managed and presentable.

• Avoid playing with your hair as it sends wrong signals. If you have a thinning
bald patch, don’t brush your hair forward to cover it. It looks false and draws
more attention to the fact that you are balding.

• A hair trim is needed every two (2) months for straggly ends. If you color your
hair, make sure it flatters your complexion as well, keep it clear ofdandruff and
do not use huge amounts of oil as there are many solutions available in the
market for flyaway hair, like gel and mousse.

The skin should also be considered. Note that it is not enough to just take a bath with soap
and water because of the heat and tropical conditions. We also need to use deodorants.
The following should be taken seriously by tourism and hospitality professionals (Rodolfa,
et al, 2011, pages 110-111):

• It is important to take a bath or shower every day. Not showering or taking a bath
everyday might cause body odor.
Body Odor - This is a constant source of turning away potential customers. This can be
caused by improper hygiene or an acidic predisposition. Certain foods may also cause
this; good examples are garlic and onions! If you value your friends who have this
problem, do not hesitate to inform them. They are usually the last ones to be aware of
the smell emanating from them. Most especially for hospitality and tourism
professionals, it is an embarrassing moment when a guest could smell something foul
from them. If you are one of them with body odour, do not wait for someone to
embarrass you. Use deodorant. It is always safe to use one to acquire a fresh feeling
while serving guests.

• Apply deodorant every day to avoid body odor. Use a brand that adds scent to
your body. It should be applied every day, every after bath or shower. Just always
remember that our aim is not only for personal hygiene, but to interact with guests

• Foods that are oily should be avoided.

• Make sure to prevent onset of acne. Imagine yourself in corporate attire attending
to guests concerns with your face with acne or pimples. It will diminish your
presentability as a highly organized individual. Use some facial care or acne fighting
agents. Follow the directions in applying it. Just make sure to be extra careful
about using these products because there might be some that do not suit your skin
type and may cause the spread of pimples/acne.

• Take a good rest. It will help you become alert the next day or next activity and will
help your skin glow.
• One good way to help your skin glow is by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a
day, especially when having a work out or exercise.

• It is normal to go out, just make sure that you avoid too much exposure to sunlight
as it can damage your skin. Avoid it from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

• Take vitamins that could help enhance your skin. Vitamin E will be helpful to make
the skin glow. Vitamin C will alsobe a good help. Eat fruits every day.

• Use facial cream and body lotion to maintain overall body moisture.

• Work out to maintain skin and body physique. Just make sure to follow what your
trainer will advise you to attainthe physique you would like to achieve.


Because tourism and hospitality professionals need to smile every time while interacting
with guests, extra care should not be overlooked on the teeth as it will contribute to the
total appearance of a person. Note that no matter how good communicator we are if we
are not taking care of our teeth, it will still cover up our good traits.

Bad breath is another turn off! You need to brush your teethwell. Gargle after drinking
tea or coffee and do not forget to use a breath freshener. A good branded toothpaste is
better. Also, see a dentist once every 6 months. See a doctor if your breath smells bad
persistently as there could be a hidden problem internally. Smokers need to pay more
attention to their breath. Using mint flavoured gum or sugar free candy may help
dissipate this problem. Try not to smoke as much as possible if you want to have a
good career in hotels and restaurants.

Hands, Feet and Nails

Hands, feet and nails play an important role in projecting a professional image in the tourism and
hospitality industry. Always remember that dirty hands, feet, and nails create an impression that one is
not aware of his personal hygiene.


Below are some guidelines that can help a person manage his hands, feet, and nails (Rodolfa, et al, 2011, page 112):

• These should be cleaned and well cared of. Make sure that nails are not chipped and no dirt is found under.
Make sure to file broken nails.

• Nail polish is not advisable for men, as this may send wrong signals in a corporate setting. Just show your
natural hands and nails in a simple way, clean and presentable. Always check this before interacting with
guests. Or even your friends may find it foul for your personality as it creates an impact that you are not
aware of your proper hygiene.

• Women may wear nail polish, however, it should complement their personality and should be appropriate
to the organization they are in. Since you will be working in the hospitality and tourism industry, be careful
with your choice of nail polish. It should harmonize with your skin tones and clothing colors. Most of the
time, the right choice is buffed, clear, or pale pastel polish. But for food servers, it is advisable not to wear
nail polish to ensure cleanliness of the food being served.

• Always keep the feet dry, especially when wearing shoes as it may cause athlete’s foot or itchiness.

• For smelly and sweaty feet, use cotton socks and charcoal linings for your shoes.

Exercise and Its Benefits

People go on exercising because they want to have good body posture, great muscles, great abs, or
great body build. This is very important to maintain a good physique as well as to feel good and
better about one’s self. More than this, exercise can help a person build a higher self-esteem. For
tourism and hospitality professionals, exercise can help reduce stress level as they continue to
interact with the challenging needs of the guests. It can also improve one’s mood as it becomes an
outlet for tension, anger, and other unnecessary emotions that may affect one’s job.

Grooming for Future Tourism and Hospitality Professionals

Most jobs in the tourism and hospitality industry require dealing with various guests, so one
needs to be professional in all aspects. From grooming to presentation of oneself, it is very
important that one is aware of how to develop himself/herself inorder to face the challenges
of the industry confidently. Because this is also a course on developing professional and
leadership skills, some items need to be discussed according to gender so that each will be


1. Hair is clean and shiny

2. Hair is neatly and attractively arranged
3. Make-up is skilfully applied
4. Make-up coordinates well with clothes
5. Make-up is appropriate for day's activities
6. Fingernails are neatly manicured
7. Hands are smooth and soft
8. Underarms are free of hair
9. Guarded against menstrual odours
10. Legs free of noticeable hair fuzz
11. Backs of heels are smooth or calloused
12. Feet and toenails are neatly pedicured
13. Foundation garments are adequate for your figure
14. Clothes are never too sporty for the occasion
15. Clothes coordinate attractively (suit or dress, shoes, bags, jewelry, etc.)



1. Cocktail dress worn to work

2. Extremes in fashion worn to the office
3. Evening shoes worn to the office
4. Clothes worn that are too tight
5. Sheer blouse worn with too little inner shirt under it
6. Undone and uneven hem line
7. Dangling, jingling jewelry in the office
8. Too much jewelry
9. Bra straps that can be seen
10. Rundown heels
11. Excessive make-up
12. Excessive perfume
13. Blemishes and blackheads on face
14. Bitten fingernails
15. Poorly groomed hair
16. Dandruff on hair or shoulders
17. Curlers worn during lunch break
18. Body odour
19. Bad breath
20. Putting on makeup, combing at desk or in public
21. Chewing gum at work
22. Adjusting hose in public
23. Smoking
24. Not dressed and ready to go at the agreed time
25. Poor table manners
26. Boisterous talking and laughing
27. Ordering expensive food in a restaurant and not eating it
28. Developing expensive tastes and taking advantage of (your) date


A. 06 Quiz 1 (Essay)
B. Homework (PHOTOSHOT)



Magalona, E. & Sadsad, E. (2008). Personality Development and Human Relation: A Practical
Approach. Manila: Mindhsapers, Co., Inc.

Rodolfa, Bernardo Jr. B., Aquino, Ma. Christina G., Dellova, Rovena I., and Tiongco, Nicholas
Carmelo P. (2011). Leadership and Personality Development for Tourism and Hospitality
Professionals. Manila: Mindshapers, Co., Inc.

Suwarnaadi. (2008). Retrieved at

for-your- face.html, 04-27-13

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