ENT SA1 Unit10 Lesson1 Final

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  Task Objective  
In  this  activity,  you  should be able to create a hiring campaign and job hiring questions for 
your business. 

  Task Instructions   


General instructions: 
1. The group must be composed of the same members in the business plan. 
2. The  group  will  create  a  hiring  information  and  interview  sheet  for  one  particular 
position for the business they have in mind. 
3. Write  five  questions  that  you  will  need  to  ask to select the qualified applicants. Make 
sure  that  the  questions  are  not  generic and should answer the qualifications you are 
looking for in the job position. 
4. Present your output in the table provided. 

Activity Output 

Name of business: 
Nature of business: 

Name of position: 

Hiring questions to ask: 


Unit 10.1: ​The 4Ms of Operations  1 




  Rubric for Grading 


1  2  3  4  Weights  Points 

The content is  The content is 

Accuracy  The content is  The content is  50%   
poorly-  somewhat  researched, with a  well- 
researched, with  considerable 
researched,  minimal  amount of  researched, 
without any  supporting  evidence.  supported by 
supporting  evidence.  evidence, no 
evidence.  errors. 

Less than 25% of  All the required 

Completeness  Less than 50% of  Less than 75% of  25%   
the components  the components  the components  components are 
are present.  are present.  are present.  present. 

Professional-  The output is not  The output is not  The output is  The output is 
ism  submitted on  submitted on time,  submitted on time,  submitted on 
time, and lacks  with a good degree  with a good degree  time, well-written, 
comprehen-  of  of  and has a high 
sibility.  comprehensibility.  comprehensibility.  degree of 

        Total  100%   


Unit 10.1: ​The 4Ms of Operations  2 

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