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9-Fernandez Et Al. 2017 Azorella-Laretia-Mulinum Phylogeny-MPE

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

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Chloroplast and ITS phylogenies to understand the evolutionary history

of southern South American Azorella, Laretia and Mulinum (Azorelloideae,
Martina Fernández ⇑, Cecilia Ezcurra, Carolina I. Calviño ⇑
Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente, CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Quintral 1250, 8400 Bariloche, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Azorella, Laretia and Mulinum are taxonomically complex, and good candidates to study evolutionary radi-
Received 8 October 2016 ations in the Andes and the importance of hybridizations. Previous phylogenetic studies of subfamily
Revised 27 January 2017 Azorelloideae agree that Azorella and Mulinum as currently conceived are not monophyletic, and hence
Accepted 29 January 2017
a revision of their circumscription is necessary. However, these phylogenies were based only on chloro-
Available online 4 February 2017
plast DNA sequence data. Here, phylogenetic relationships within Azorelloideae were inferred using
sequence data from five chloroplast DNA (rps16 intron, trnQ-rps16, rps16-trnKUUU 50 -exon, trnGGCC-
trnSGCU and rpL32-trnLUAG), and from nuclear rDNA ITS regions to assess the monophyly of Azorella and
Mulinum and discuss generic re-circumscriptions, determine hybridization and radiation events, identify
Morphology and characterize important lineages, and propose hypotheses on evolution of key morphological charac-
Rapid radiations ters. In total, 121 accessions of Azorelloideae were analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses of the different gen-
South America omes were conducted separately and combined, with and without indels, using maximum parsimony,
Systematics maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. To analyze the incongruence between plastid and
nuclear-derived trees a consensus network from strongly supported nodes from cpDNA and ITS trees
was constructed. Internode certainty values were calculated to evaluate the reliability of the relationships
estimated from the individual cpDNA and ITS data sets and to examine the degree of conflict within the
total evidence data set. Azorella and Mulinum were confirmed as not monophyletic. Except three Azorella
species, the remaining azorellas, all species of Mulinum, and Laretia form a monophyletic group, desig-
nated here as Andean-Patagonian. The three species of Azorella that are not part of the Andean-
Patagonian lineage are grouped together with Huanaca and Schizeilema in another lineage, designated
here as Austral. Within the Andean-Patagonian clade, three major lineages can be recognized:
Diversifolia, Trifurcata, and Spinosum. Each of these lineages have different leaf morpho-anatomies,
Diversifolia species being more mesomorphic compared to species of Trifurcata, and species of
Spinosum being the most xeromorphic. Hybridizations have been important in the evolution of the
group, especially within Diversifolia, with at least six reticulation events resulting in putative homoploid
and allopolyploid hybrid species. Evidence from branch lengths and low sequence divergences suggest a
rapid radiation in the Spinosum group, probably associated with the acquisition of wings in the fruits.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Apiaceae genera are currently distributed in the Northern Hemi-

sphere, however, its origin and early diversification was most likely
Apiaceae, the carrot-family, comprises c. 430 genera and 3780 in the Southern Hemisphere (Calviño et al., 2016a). In particular,
species in four monophyletic subfamilies: Apioideae, Sanicu- crown Azorelloideae has been estimated to have originated in
loideae, Azorelloideae and Mackinlayoideae (Stevens, 2001 South America during the Paleocene to early Eocene, where this
onwards; Plunkett et al., 2004; Calviño and Downie, 2007; subfamily still finds its greatest diversity (Nicolas and Plunkett,
Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009; Downie et al., 2010). About 70% of 2014; Calviño et al., 2016a). Members of this subfamily are mor-
phologically diverse and ecologically important in open, arid or
semi-arid plant communities of temperate South America. Specifi-
⇑ Corresponding authors.
cally, the genera Azorella Lam. and Mulinum Pers. are the most
E-mail addresses: mfernandez@comahue-conicet.gob.ar (M. Fernández), ccalvino
important genera of Azorelloideae regarding species richness and
@comahue-conicet.gob.ar (C.I. Calviño).

1055-7903/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

dominance in plant communities of the high Andes and Patagonian Echegaray, 1881; Reiche, 1899; Constance, 1988; Martínez, 1989;
steppe (Martínez, 1989; Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández et al., in Fig. 1). However, these taxa have been maintained as distinct gen-
press-a). Also, some of their species have been reported as nurse- era and even in different tribes based on fruit morphology, the
plants, and as such, key elements in the maintenance of Andean most important structure for traditional classification of Apiaceae,
and Patagonian biodiversity (Nuñez et al., 1999; Molina- especially since Drude (1898). Molecular phylogenetic studies esti-
Montenegro et al., 2000; Arroyo et al., 2003). mated that Azorella filamentosa Lam. (type species of Azorella), A.
The species-rich genera Azorella and Mulinum are good candi- fuegiana Speg., and A. ameghinoi Speg. are most closely related to
dates to study evolutionary radiations in the Andes and the impor- Huanaca Cav., Schizeilema (Hook.f.) Domin, and Stilbocarpa (Hook.
tance of hybridization as a cause or consequence of such f.) Decne. & Planch., while Mulinum, the remaining species of Azor-
radiations. The Andes, as several other high altitude regions of ella and Laretia are more closely related to each other than to the
the world, harbor great biological diversity. For example, the trop- rest of the genera of the subfamily, being Stilbocarpa the only puta-
ical Andes have been described as one of the most diverse regions tive monophyletic genus of the group (Mitchell et al., 1999;
of the planet for both plants and animals (Barthlott et al., 2005; Andersson et al., 2006; Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009, 2012). These
Hoorn et al., 2010). This high biotic diversity has been attributed results highlighted the complexity of re-circumscribing these gen-
to current ecological factors, such as the environmental hetero- era based on their monophyly (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012). This
geneity of these regions (e.g. Ruggiero and Hawkins, 2008), and complexity results from the huge number of nomenclatural
to historical factors such as those producing evolutionary radia- changes in any of the alternative circumscriptions envisioned,
tions (e.g. Luebert and Weigend, 2014; Lagomarsino et al., 2016). and from the repercussions of these changes for usage by non-
Examples of rapid radiations in the tropical Andes are abundant specialists, for conservation purposes, and for highlighting impor-
in different plant genera, such as in Valeriana L. (Caprifoliaceae; tant evolutionary processes in the history of these plants. Chloro-
Bell and Donoghue, 2005), Lupinus L. (Fabaceae; Hughes and plast phylogenies (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012) and revisionary
Eastwood, 2006), Hedyosmum Sw. (Chloranthaceae; Antonelli and morphological studies (Mathias and Constance, 1971; Martínez,
Sanmartín, 2011), and Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae; Nürk et al., 1989, 1995; Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández et al., 2016, in
2013), among many others (Madriñán et al., 2013; Luebert and press-a) have been key to advance in such a difficult task. However,
Weigend, 2014). Although in a lesser extent, radiations have also nuclear-based phylogenies are still lacking to corroborate the phy-
been described for several genera in the temperate Andes, such logenetic estimations based on chloroplast data, and to evaluate
as Ourisia Juss. (Plantaginaceae; Meudt and Simpson, 2006), Calceo- the importance of evolutionary processes such as radiations and
laria L. (Calceolariaceae; Cosacov et al., 2009), Puya Molina hybridizations. Moreover, until now, the evolution of key morpho-
(Bromeliaceae; Jabaily and Sytsma, 2013), Chuquiraga Juss. (Aster- logical characters in the diversification of these lineages has not
aceae; Padin et al., 2015), and others (Luebert and Weigend, 2014). been reconstructed over a phylogeny, because of the lack of com-
Rapid plant diversification in montane regions is frequently a pro- parative morphological studies for all species. All these are neces-
duct of ecological opportunity following mountain uplift, further sary steps to move forward for a circumscription of Schizeilema,
stimulated by evolutionary innovation (e.g., Lagomarsino et al., Stilbocarpa, Huanaca, Azorella, Laretia, and Mulinum based on
2016). In addition, it has been argued that a potential consequence monophyletic groups. Hereafter, we refer to the entire group as
of rapid radiations is that there may be too little time for effective SHALM.
intrinsic prezygotic and postzygotic isolating mechanisms to Within the SHALM, we particularly focus on the lineage that
evolve, leaving species subject to hybridization (Wiens et al., includes most species of Azorella, Laretia, and Mulinum. This lin-
2006). But also, it has been postulated that hybridization may be eage is largely Andean-Patagonian and all of its 34 species have
an important factor driving these rapid radiations (Seehausen, been comparatively studied in their fruit and leaf morphology
2004). Therefore, a reticulated history is expected, or at least needs and anatomy (Martínez, 1989, 1995; Calviño et al., 2016b;
to be particularly considered, in groups that show rapid radiations. Fernández et al., 2016, in press-a). Its sister lineage includes the
Previous phylogenetic studies within Azorelloideae based their Patagonian genus Huanaca, three species of Azorella, and the
analyses only on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions (Andersson New Zealand and/or Australian Schizeilema and Stilbocarpa. We
et al., 2006; Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009, 2012). However, consider- use nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer
ation of both nuclear and chloroplast markers is important because (ITS) sequence data and five cpDNA markers rps16, trnQ-rps16,
any significant discordance of relationships between data sets may rps16-trnK, trnG-trnS, and rpL32-trnL, selected for having adequate
serve to identify past hybridization or introgression events (Doyle, levels of variation to resolve intergeneric and interspecific phylo-
1992; Rieseberg and Brunsfeld, 1992; Soltis and Kuzoff, 1995; genetic relationships. Our main objectives are to: (1) use nuclear
Linder and Rieseberg, 2004; Fehrer et al., 2007; Pirie et al., 2009), and chloroplast sequence data to corroborate the monophyly of
phenomena which likely played important roles in the evolution Azorella and Mulinum, (2) evaluate the importance of radiations
of Azorella and Mulinum. Moreover, because the focus of previous and hybridization in the evolutionary history of the Andean-
phylogenetic studies (Andersson et al., 2006; Nicolas and Patagonian lineage comprised by Azorella, Laretia, and Mulinum,
Plunkett, 2009, 2012) was principally in estimating the relation- and (3) assess patterns of evolution of key morphological charac-
ships between families and major lineages of the order Apiales, ters within this group.
the molecular markers used (e.g., matK and rbcL genes, rps16 and
rpl16 introns and trnD-trnL spacer) are not, in general, the most
appropriate to resolve interspecific relationships within Apiaceae 2. Materials and methods
or elsewhere (Downie et al., 2000a; Shaw et al., 2005, 2007;
Calviño et al., 2010). This is important when evaluating the pres- 2.1. Taxon sampling and selection of molecular markers
ence of radiations, as the lack of enough informative characters
can result in short branch lengths or polytomies that can be con- In total, 121 accessions of Azorelloideae were examined for
sidered artifacts of the data used and not the result of radiations cpDNA rps16 intron, trnQ-rps16, rps16-trnKUUU50 -exon, trnGGCC-
(Whitfield and Lockhart, 2007; Calviño et al., 2008a). trnSGCU, rpL32-trnLUAG intergenic spacers and/or nrDNA ITS
The morphological resemblance between Azorella, Laretia Gillies sequence variation. These accessions included all 10 species of
& Hook., and Mulinum has been recognized for long (Gillies, 1830; Mulinum, 20 of the 26 species of Azorella, the monospecific genus
Clos, 1848–1849; Weddell, 1857; Bentham, 1867; Baillon, 1880; Laretia, plus 15 of the remaining 22 genera of Azorelloideae (online
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 3

Fig. 1. Habitat and morphology of Azorella, Laretia and Mulinum. (A) Azorella crassipes in Copahue, Neuquén, Argentina. (B) Mulinum spinosum in Parque Nacional Nahuel
Huapi, Neuquén, Argentina. (C) A. compacta in Susques, Jujuy, Argentina. (D) A. spinosa. (E) A. madreporica. (F) A. crassipes. (G) Laretia acaulis. (H) Mulinum crassifolium. (I), M.
leptacanthum. (J), M. spinosum. (K) M. ulicinum. Photographs taken by: C.I. Calviño (A, C, E-G), M. Tammone (B), L. Abello (D), and M. Fernández (H, I-K).

Supplementary Appendix A), and were all newly and specifically other subfamilies of Apiaceae (Downie et al., 2001, 2010; Calviño
obtained for this study. and Downie, 2007; Calviño et al., 2008a, 2010) and/or resulted
The selected cpDNA and nuclear ITS molecular markers possess the best cost/benefit option based on pilot studies performed for
adequate levels of variation to resolve interspecific relationships in seven cpDNA markers (rps16 intron, trnQ-rps16, rps16-trnK,
4 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

trnG-trnS, rpL32-trnL, trnT-trnL and ndhC-trnV) and five accesions of Genomic DNA Kit (Promega, Madison, United States). For some
Mulinum (M. albovaginatum Gillies & Hook., M. echegarayi Hieron., accessions, extraction with this kit was not efficient, so we used
M spinosum (Cav.) Pers. -two accessions-, and M. ulicinum Gillies instead a Purelink Plant Total DNA Purification Kit (Invitrogen, Cal-
& Hook.), Laretia acaulis (Cav.) Gillies & Hook., Huanaca andina Phil., ifornia, United States). The regions were PCR-amplified using
and Diposis patagonica Skottsb. (Table 1). This taxon sample was specific primers and reactions according to Calviño et al., 2006,
representative of the morphological and geographical variation 2008a; Calviño and Downie, 2007; Shaw et al., 2007. The rps16
within Mulinum, but also included representatives from other gen- intron and the trnQ-rps16 intergenic spacer required the use of
era that belong to the three main lineages of the subfamily (Nicolas internal primers to facilitate their amplification and/or sequencing.
and Plunkett, 2009). The seven cpDNA regions were examined to Therefore, we designed the following specific trnQ-rps16 internal
assess their relative utility in providing more resolved and better primer pairs: Azo-trnQ-1F (50 -AGGAGCAAGGGCTTAATCTGGACT-30 )
supported phylogenies following the strategies in Calviño et al. and Azo-trnQ-R (50 -CTGGGAATGCTGAATCAGAAC-30 ), and Azo-
(2010). Of these, five were selected for subsequent phylogenetic trnQ-2F (50 -CAGAGACTGTTGTTCAGTC-30 ) and Azo-trnQ-1R (50 -AK
studies of the SHALM lineage (Schizeilema, Stilbocarpa, Huanaca, AGGGGAAGATTTGGGTAC-30 ). For the rps16 intron, internal primer
Azorella, Laretia, and Mulinum) to maximize the number of parsi- Azo-rps16in-R (50 -GAAGAGCGTTTCCTTGTTC-30 ) was also specifi-
mony informative characters (PICs) while also taking into account cally designed for Azorelloideae. Amplification thermal cycles were
the difficulty to amplify and/or sequence each region. Moreover, according to Downie and Katz-Downie (1996), but the annealing
analyses of the seven cpDNA regions did not change topology nor temperature was set to 50 °C for the primer pair rps16-50 C-F/
increased bootstrap support of the phylogenies estimated in our Azo-rps16in-R of the rps16 intron internal region. For amplification
pilot studies, as compared with analyses of the five selected of the trnG-trnS region we followed the protocol 1 described in
regions. The ndhC-trnV region has a few more PICs than the Shaw et al. (2005). All sequencing was done using an ABI (Applied
rps16-trnK and rps16 intron regions (Table 1) but was not selected Biosystems, Foster City, California, United States) 3730XL high-
because it is much more difficult to amplify than the other regions. throughput DNA capillary sequencer at Macrogen Inc. (Seoul,
The trnT-trnL region was discarded because it shows the fewest Korea). Simultaneous consideration of both DNA strands across
number of PICs. In addition, the trnQ-rps16, rps16 intron, and the entire cpDNA regions for most taxa allowed unambiguous base
rps16-trnK regions had been already used in molecular studies of determination. None of the DNA accessions displayed evidence of
the other subfamilies of Apiaceae (Calviño and Downie, 2007; ITS sequence additivity, as inferred by overlapping peaks on elec-
Magee et al., 2010) and thus contribute to an overall analysis of tropherograms from both forward and reverse sequencing runs.
the family. Regarding ITS loci, they are generally assumed to be All cpDNA and ITS sequences obtained have been submitted to
homogenized by concerted evolution, but factors such as GenBank (online Supplementary Appendix A).
hybridization, polyploidization, and pseudogene formation fol-
lowed by incomplete intra- or interarray homogenization may
result in different ITS sequences persisting in a genome (Álvarez 2.3. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses
and Wendel, 2003; Calviño et al., 2006). Although these properties
of the ITS region may complicate phylogenetic reconstructions, Three DNA sequence matrices were constructed: 1- ITS with
when critically analyzed the ITS region could also be useful to 121 accessions, 2- cpDNA with 102 accessions (100 rps16 intron,
detect reticulation events (Baldwin et al., 1995). Moreover, within 80 trnQ-rps16, 96 rps16-trnK, 77 trnG-trnS, and 87 rpL32-trnL
Apiaceae, the few intra-individual or intra-species polymorphisms sequences), and 3- total evidence (ITS plus cpDNA) with 109 acces-
revealed to date do not interfere with the phylogeny estimation sions (102 common to both genomes plus 7 accessions only
(Calviño et al., 2006; Spalik and Downie, 2007; Downie et al., obtained for ITS that were included to assure representation of at
2010). least two accessions per species of the Andean-Patagonian lineage
of Azorella, Laretia, and Mulinum). A matrix of binary-coded indels
was constructed for each data partition (i.e., ITS and the five
2.2. DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing selected cpDNA regions) to incorporate length-mutational infor-
mation into the phylogenetic analysis. DNA sequences were edited,
Leaf material for DNA extraction was obtained from collections assembled and aligned manually using BioEdit version 6.0.7 (Hall,
in the field or from herbarium specimens. Total genomic DNA was 1999). Gaps were positioned to minimize nucleotide mismatches.
obtained from about 20 mg of dried leaf tissue using a Wizard SV Gap coding was according to Calviño and Downie (2007).

Table 1
Sequence characteristics of the seven cpDNA regions, separated and combined, analyzed in a pilot study for five accessions of Mulinum, and one each of Laretia, Huacana and
Diposis. An asterisk (*) indicates the five regions selected for phylogenetic studies of the SHALM group.

Sequence characteristic ndhC-trnV trnQ-rps16* rps16 intron* rps16-trnK* trnG-trnS* rpL32-trnL* trnT-trnL All regions
Length variation (range in bp) 752–1166 1363–1851 894–906 846–1041 1479–1575 938–1027 741–815 7527–8103
No. aligned positions 1257 1902 962 1209 1669 1120 903 9022
No. positions eliminated 156 576 72 342 143 228 177 1694
No. positions not variable 952 1092 821 741 1335 759 662 6362
No. positions autapomorphic 135 202 60 117 172 115 59 860
No. positions parsimony informative 14 32 9 9 19 18 5 106
No. unambiguous alignment gaps 31 62 23 46 43 37 30 272
No. unambiguous alignment gaps 2 7 2 4 6 3 3 27
parsimony informative
Sequence divergence (%)
All taxa included 10.8 12.7 6.2 13.3 11.1 10.5 7.5 10.6
Within Mulinum 0.1 3.42 1 1.3 0.3 2.1 0.4 0.97
Total No. parsimony informative 16 39 11 13 24 21 8 133
Number of parsimony informative nucleotide substitutions plus number of parsimony informative gaps.
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 5

Ambiguous regions of the alignment (caused by homopolymers or 2.4. Incongruence between plastid and nuclear-derived trees
indirect duplications of adjacent elements in two or more taxa)
were excluded from subsequent analysis. Some regions of the Incongruence between plastid and nuclear-derived trees was
alignments were scored as missing. Overall, missing data represent examined graphically using consensus networks as implemented
1.1%, 22%, and 25.3% of the ITS, cpDNA, and total evidence matrices, in the program SplitsTree4 (Huson and Bryant, 2006). The infer-
respectively. ence of a reticulate evolutionary history depends on the reliability
The determination of boundary sequences for coding regions of the individual gene trees (McBreen and Lockhart, 2006), there-
was based on corresponding boundaries inferred previously for fore only strongly supported incongruent relationships from differ-
other members of Apiaceae (Calviño and Downie, 2007; Calviño ent source gene trees should be taken into consideration to discard
et al., 2006, 2010), which, in turn, were based on those of tobacco artifactual conflict from real conflict (Calviño et al., 2008a). Thus, to
(Shinozaki et al., 1986) and of Daucus carota L. (Yokota et al., 1989). construct the consensus network, we used a consensus tree from
Characterization of the five cpDNA and nrDNA ITS regions was each data set (i.e., cpDNA and ITS) that only recovered those rela-
facilitated using BioEdit version 6.0.7 (Hall, 1999) and PAUP⁄ ver- tionships estimated with P75% MLBS and 98% PP in the ML and BI
sion 4.0b10 (Swofford, 2002). Uncorrected pairwise nucleotide dis- phylogenetic analyses, respectively. Because substantial conflict
tances of unambiguously aligned positions were determined using may exist in the data despite potentially high bootstrap support
the distance matrix option of PAUP⁄. values (Salichos and Rokas, 2013; Dentinger et al., 2015), we calcu-
The cpDNA, ITS and total evidence data matrices (with and lated the internode certainty (IC) and internode certainty all (ICA)
without their corresponding scored indels) were each analyzed values (Salichos and Rokas, 2013; Salichos et al., 2014) for 1000 ML
using maximum parsimony (MP), Bayesian inference (BI) and bootstrap replicate trees from each data set to further evaluate the
maximum likelihood (ML) methods. All phylogenetic trees were reliability of the relationships estimated from the individual
rooted with Diposis DC., which is the most likely sister genus cpDNA and ITS data sets. We especially focused on those nodes
to the other members of Azorelloideae (Nicolas and Plunkett, with high bootstrap support on the individual cpDNA and/or ITS
2009). phylogenies, but that showed conflict in the consensus network,
MP was run in PAUP⁄ (Swofford, 2002), following the heuristic to discard artifactual vs. real conflict between the cpDNA and ITS
search strategies employed by Calviño et al. (2006). Maximum par- phylogenies. In addition, the degree of conflict within the total evi-
simony bootstrap values (MPBS, Felsenstein, 1985) were calculated dence data set (i.e., cpDNA plus ITS) was also examined by calculat-
from 10,000 replicate analyses using ‘‘fast” stepwise-addition of ing the IC and ICA values (Salichos and Rokas, 2013; Salichos et al.,
taxa, and recording only those values compatible with the 50% 2014) for 1000 ML bootstrap replicate trees, and by examining
majority-rule consensus tree. BI and ML analyses were run in competing topologies for conflicting splits.
MrBayes version 3.2.2 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist, 2001) and
RAxML version 8.0.9 (Stamatakis, 2014), respectively. These pro-
2.5. Evolution of morphological characters
grams were run using the CIPRES (Cyberinfrastructure for Phyloge-
netic Research) Science Gateway version 3.3 (Miller et al., 2012)
To assess patterns of evolution of the cushion habit, woodiness
because of the high computational demands of these analyses for
and fruit wing, we optimized each character onto a total evidence
our datasets. Prior to analysis, MrModeltest version 2.3
(i.e., cpDNA plus ITS) ML tree using the program Mesquite version
(Nylander, 2004) was used to select an evolutionary model of
2.72 (Maddison and Maddison, 2006) under parsimony and maxi-
nucleotide substitution that best fits the data, as selected by the
mum likelihood criteria (under the MK one-parameter model of
Akaike information criterion estimator (Posada and Buckley,
evolution). These three morphological characters were selected
2004), for each of the partitions (i.e. ITS and each of the five non-
because they were putatively synapomorphic for lineages of the
coding cpDNA regions). The best-fit models selected were GTR+G
SHALM group based on our knowledge and on analyses of revision-
for the trnQ-rps16, rps16 intron, rps16-trnK, and rpL32-trnL regions,
ary work within the azorelloids examined here (Allan, 1961;
and GTR+I+G for the trnG-trnS and ITS regions. In the RAxML ML
Mathias and Constance, 1962, 1965, 1971; Martínez, 1989, 1995;
analyses, the GTR+G model was used for all partitions, following
Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández et al., 2016, in press-a).
the author’s recommendation (Stamatakis, 2014) who criticizes
the use of the model GTR+I+G in RAxML. For the indels partition,
we used a binary evolutionary model assuming a gamma shape 3. Results
distribution of rates across sites. To calculate the probability of
the data correctly, we specified that the indel-characters are all 3.1. Chloroplast DNA sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses
variable, so this coding bias was taken into account (Ronquist
et al., 2011; Stamatakis, 2014). For all partitioned datasets, the Sequence characteristics of the five selected non-coding cpDNA
overall mutation rate was allowed to vary across partitions. In regions are presented in Table 2. Among the five regions compared,
the Bayesian analysis, for each data matrix and from different ran- the trnQ-rps16 intergenic spacer is the largest region (1892 bp in
dom starting trees, four independent analyses (nruns = 4) were run Azorella pedunculata (Spreng.) Mathias & Constance 442), but also
for 10 million generations and the trees saved to a file every 100 the shortest one as a result of a few big deletions (498 bp in Bowle-
generations. In some instances the analyses were stopped earlier sia tropaeolifolia Gillies & Hook.). The remaining regions range in
when the average standard deviation of the split frequencies size from 632 bp (rps16-trnK) to 1836 bp (trnG-trnS). Alignment
between the runs dropped to less than 0.01 using a relative of these sequences resulted in a matrix of 7379 positions. Of these,
burn-in of 25% (indicating convergence in topology between the 1598 were excluded from subsequent analysis because of align-
runs). For each run, four simultaneous Markov chain Monte Carlo ment ambiguities. The remaining 5781 aligned positions yielded
(MCMC) chains were used, the temperature was adjusted to 0.2, 1260 parsimony-informative characters. In addition, 183 unam-
and the branch lengths of the trees were saved. Stationarity and biguous parsimony-informative indels were inferred, of which
additional convergence search strategies were the same as used 116 were parsimony-informative. Of the latter, 30 occurred within
in Calviño and Downie (2007). For ML analyses, the best scoring the trnQ-rps16, although all regions showed similarly high num-
ML tree and bootstrap values (MLBS) were calculated from 1000 bers of informative indels (20–24). These, ranged in size from
replicate analyses using the rapid BS algorithm in a single run 1 bp to 1312 bp. Large deletions occurred in the trnQ-rps16 region,
(Stamatakis, 2014). a 1312 bp deletion in Azorella monantha Clos, a 526 bp deletion in
6 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

Table 2
Sequence characteristics of the cpDNA and nrDNA ITS regions for 102 and 121 accessions of Azorelloideae, respectively.

Sequence characteristic trnQ-rps16b rps16 intron rps16-trnK trnG-trnSc rpL32-trnL ITS

Length variation (range in bp) 498–1892 859–979 632–1074 1422–1836 872–1024 624–836
No. aligned positions 1971 1052 1185 1846 1325 966
No. positions eliminated 323 171 350 338 416 334
No. positions not variable 1136 618 512 1075 566 304
No. positions autapomorphic 159 82 124 121 128 41
No. positions parsimony informative 353 181 199 312 215 287
No. unambiguous alignment gaps 44 35 34 35 35 58
No. unambiguous alignment gaps parsimony informative 30 24 21 20 21 46
Sequence divergence (range in %)
All taxa included 12.2 13.3 18.8 14.6 19.5 14
Within SHALM group 7.2 4.0 6.6 7.2 6.6 11.4
Within Andean-Patagonian group 5.0 2.6 4.4 5.1 4.9 8.8
Within Spinosum 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.8 3.0
Within Trifurcata 2.2 1.0 2.2 3.1 1.9 4.3
Within Diversifolia 4.6 1.5 3 2 4.2 6.8
Total No. parsimony informative charactersa 383 205 220 332 236 333
Number of parsimony informative nucleotide substitutions plus number of parsimony informative gaps.
Partial sequences, missing 43 pb of the extreme 50 .
Partial sequences, missing 4 pb of the extreme 50 .

all Asteriscium Cham. & Schltdl., two deletions 401 bp and 526 bp differs in the phylogenetic position of the clade of M. microphyllum
each in all Gymnophyton Clos, and two deletions 487 bp and to A. biloba, being in the analysis without indels sister group to M.
884 bp each in all Bowlesia Ruiz & Pav. accessions. The region with triacanthum to A. spinosa (53% PP), and A. lycopodioides being sister
the highest number of parsimony-informative characters (substi- to M. triacanthum to A. biloba (50% PP). In the analysis with indels,
tutions plus indels) was the trnQ-rps16 intergenic spacer (Table 2). PP values were slightly higher for some nodes especially in M. tri-
Maximum pairwise sequence divergence estimates between all acanthum to A. cryptantha (Clos) Reiche (67% vs. 55% with and
taxa varied between 12.2–19.5% and within the SHALM group without indels, respectively) and slightly lower for others, e.g., in
between 4.0–7.2%. The rpL32-trnL intergenic spacer had the highest M. triacanthum to Bowlesia tropaelifolia Gillies & Hook (94% vs.
levels of sequence divergence among all accessions, with a maxi- 98%).
mum divergence value of 19.5% (between Azorella madreporica Clos The topology of the ML trees was identical with and without
and Bowlesia tropaeolifolia), whereas the trnQ-rps16 and the trnG- indels. Bootstrap values increased with the incorporation of indels,
trnS spacers displayed the highest levels of sequence divergence especially in M. triacanthum to A. cryptantha (78% vs. 70%), in A. tri-
within the SHALM group, with a maximum divergence value of furcata to A. monteroi S. Martínez & Constance (74% vs. 69%), in M.
7.2% between A. monantha and Schizeilema fragoseum (F. Muell.) microphyllum (94% vs. 82%), and in A. madreporica to Laretia acaulis
Domin, and A. fuegiana 276 and A. lycopodioides Gaud., respectively (99% vs. 74%). For other lineages bootstrap values decreased when
(Table 2). incorporating information from indels, for example in M. triacan-
MP analysis of 5897 unambiguously aligned cpDNA nucleotide thum to Bowlesia tropaeolifolia (81% vs. 84%), in A. trifurcata to A.
positions plus 116 indels resulted in the preset maximum tree selago (87% vs. 89%), and in A. madreporica to A. biloba (75% vs.
limit of 20,000 trees, each of 2980 steps (consistency indices, 81%).
CIs = 0.78 and 0.72, with and without uninformative characters, The phylogenies estimated using MP, BI, and ML analyses are
respectively; retention index, RI = 0.93). The relationships shown congruent with each other. The BI majority-rule consensus tree
in the strict consensus of these trees are in general consistent with with MPBS, MLBS, and PP support values is presented in Fig. 2B,
those resolved using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood with topological differences with MP and/or ML trees denoted by
(Fig. 2). Repeating the MP analysis without indels also resulted in asterisks. In all cpDNA-derived trees, neither Azorella nor Mulinum
the preset limit of 20,000 trees, each of 2838 steps (CIs = 0.78 are monophyletic, and Laretia is nested in a clade with species of
and 0.71, with and without uninformative characters, respectively; the other two genera. Save three Azorella species, the remaining
RI = 0.93). The topology of the strict consensus tree (not shown) azorellas, all species of Mulinum, and Laretia form a monophyletic
was similar to that when indels were included, and bootstrap sup- group, designated here as Andean-Patagonian (92% MPBS, 100%
port values were slightly lower for some nodes (e.g., 98% vs. 88% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 2). The three species of Azorella that are not
with and without indels, respectively, for M. triacanthum Griseb. part of the Andean-Patagonian lineage, are grouped together with
to A. spinosa (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. clade; 92% vs. 88% for M. triacan- Huanaca and Schizeilema in a lineage designated here as Austral
thum to A. biloba (Schldl.) Wedd.; and 94% vs. 86% for M. microphyl- (99% MPBS, 100% MLBS, 100% PP). These names consider the distri-
lum (Cav.) Pers. to M. hallei Skottsb.) and slightly higher for others butions of these groups and correspond to their biogeographic
(e.g., 57% vs. 63% for A. trifurcata (Gaertn.) Pers. to A. selago Hook.f.; regions (as delimited in e.g., Cabrera, 1976; Aizen and Ezcurra,
53% vs. 61% for A. filamentosa Lam. to Huanaca andina). 1998). The Andean-Patagonian and Austral lineages are sister
Bayesian analyses were stopped at 1.08 million generations groups and together they comprise the SHALM group (97% MPBS,
because at that point the average standard deviation of the split 100% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 2). The three azorellas within the Austral
frequencies between the four runs dropped to less than 0.01, indi- lineage (Azorella filamentosa, A. ameghinoi, and A. fuegiana), form a
cating convergence in topologies. After discarding the ‘‘burn in”, a clade designated as Azorella sensu stricto (s.s., 98% MPBS, 100%
majority-rule consensus tree was calculated based upon the MLBS, 100% PP). Within the Andean-Patagonian lineage three main
remaining 32,400 trees (Fig. 2). Repeating the analysis without sublineages are estimated in all analyses, designated here as Spino-
indels the convergence was reached after 3.66 million generations, sum, Trifurcata, and Diversifolia (Fig. 2). The Spinosum group
therefore the majority-rule consensus tree was calculated based on includes eight of the ten species of Mulinum, Azorella cryptantha,
10,980 trees. The topology of the BI majority-rule consensus tree and A. spinosa (M. triacanthum to A. spinosa, Fig. 2). This group
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 7

Fig. 2. Majority-rule consensus from Bayesian analysis of 102 non-coding cpDNA rps16, trnQ-rps16, rps16-trnK, trnG-trnS, and rpL32-trnL sequences plus indels. (A) Backbone
showing branch lengths, scale on lower left. (B) Backbone with maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap support values indicated above branches (left and
right, respectively). Posterior probability values are indicated below branches. Topological differences between the BI, MP, and ML phylogenies are denoted by asterisks. The
names of the major lineages (i.e. excluding ‘‘Other azorelloids”) designate informal groups recognized from this study and discussed in the text.

has high support in the three analyses (98% MPBS, 100% MLBS, relationships within the Spinosum group are extremely short com-
100% PP), but the relationships between its species are in general, pared to the branches that support the relationships between spe-
unresolved. Moreover, the branches that support inter-species cies within other lineages (Fig. 2A), and maximum divergence
8 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

estimates are much lower within Spinosum than within Trifurcata million generations, and the majority-rule consensus tree was cal-
or Diversifolia (Table 2). The Trifurcata group includes A. trifurcata, culated based upon 107,400 trees. The sister relationship of A.
A. crassipes Phil., A. monteroi, A. pedunculata, A. selago, and A. lycopo- selago to the rest of the Diversifolia group is collapsed when indels
dioides. The phylogenetic position of A. lycopodioides within Trifur- are excluded, but the relationship is supported by two insertions
cata, is supported by the BI analysis with indels (<50% MPBS, 99% (159 bp and 6 bp long, each) and at least one nucleotide substitu-
PP), whereas in the ML, and BI analyses without indels, A. lycopodi- tion when indels are considered.
oides is sister to the three main lineages of the Andean-Patagonian The topology of the ML trees with and without indels differs in
group, albeit with no support (<50% MLBS, 50% PP). The Diversifolia the phylogenetic position of A. selago. When indels are incorpo-
group is a highly supported lineage in all analyses (100% MPBS, rated, A. selago is supported as sister to Diversifolia (80% MLBS),
100% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 2) and includes two species of Mulinum but when indels are not included in the analyses this relationship
(M. microphyllum and M. hallei), Azorella monantha, A. trifoliolata collapses. Bootstrap support values increased in most splits with
Clos, A. madreporica, A. compacta Phil., Laretia acaulis, A. diversifolia the addition of indels, noteworthy are the interspecies relation-
Clos, and A. biloba. Interspecific relationships within the Diversifo- ships within Diversifolia, where some nodes changed from weakly
lia and Trifurcata clades are well supported (Fig. 2). These two lin- supported to well supported (i.e., >75%).
eages are estimated as sister groups, however, this relationship is The phylogenies estimated using MP, BI, and ML analyses are
supported only marginally by the BI analysis with indels (96% congruent with each other. The BI majority-rule consensus tree
PP). In ML and BI analyses without indels, Diversifolia is sister with PP, MPBS and MLBS values is presented in Fig. 3B, with topo-
group to Spinosum with low support (51% MLBS, 53% PP). There- logical differences with MP and/or ML trees denoted by asterisks.
fore, based on the cpDNA data set, the relationships between the In all ITS derived trees, Azorella and Mulinum are not monophyletic,
Spinosum, Trifurcata, and Diversifolia lineages, as well as the phy- and Laretia is nested in a clade with species of the other two gen-
logenetic position of A. lycopodioides are unresolved. Regarding the era. Azorella s.s. is recovered as monophyletic (97% MPBS, 100%
remaining genera of Azorelloideae studied here with more than MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 3), and sister to Huanaca and Schizeilema (Aus-
one species, neither Huanaca, nor Schizeilema, nor Gymnophyton, tral lineage, 92% MPBS, 99% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 3). However, the
nor Asteriscium are monophyletic (Fig. 2). monophyly of the Andean-Patagonian group is unresolved. Regard-
ing its three main lineages, Spinosum is reconstructed as mono-
3.2. Nuclear rDNA ITS sequence comparisons and phylogenetic phyletic (93% MPBS, 100% MLBS, 100% PP, Fig. 3), but the
analyses relationships between its species are in general, not resolved. In
addition, the branches that support interspecific relationships
Sequence characteristics of the nrDNA ITS region are presented within Spinosum are extremely short compared to the branches
in Table 2. Among the 121 sequences compared, the ITS region var- that support the relationships between species within other lin-
ied in size from 624 (in Bowlesia incana Ruiz & Pav.) to 836 pb (in eages (Fig. 3A), and maximum divergence estimates are lower
all sequences of Huanaca). Informative indels ranged in size from within Spinosum than within Trifurcata or Diversifolia (Table 2).
1 bp to 179 bp. Large insertions occurred in the Diversifolia group Trifurcata is reconstructed as five successive sister lineages at the
(except in M. microphyllum and M. hallei; 159 bp), in Azorella s.s. base of the Spinosum group, but support values for the nodes that
plus Huanaca acaulis Cav. and H. andina (147 bp), and in H. boelckei support this gradation are in general low (Fig. 3). Diversifolia is
Mathias & Constance and H. burkartii Mathias & Constance resolved as a monophyletic group that also includes A. selago
(171 bp). Pairwise sequence divergence estimates ranged from 0 (<50% MPBS, 80% MLBS, 99% PP; Fig. 3). In the ML and BI analyses,
to 11.4% of nucleotides within the SHALM group, with the maxi- Diversifolia is sister to the Austral group, whereas the MP analysis
mum divergence value between Mulinum spinosum 71 and Schizei- recovers a monophyletic Andean-Patagonian group, within Diver-
lema ranunculus (d’Urv.) Domin, while across all taxa, maximum sifolia sister to the clade of Trifurcata plus Spinosum. Nevertheless,
sequence divergence was 14% (between H. acaulis and Diplaspis all analyses show low support for the phylogenetic position of
nivis Van den Borre & Henwood; Table 2). Diversifolia (59% MLBS, 81% PP, Fig. 3; 62% MPBS), and therefore
MP analysis of the 966 unambiguously aligned ITS nucleotide these relationships are not considered contradictory, but simply
positions plus 44 indels resulted in the preset maximum tree limit unresolved based on the ITS data set. Despite the lack of resolution
of 20,000 trees, each of 1019 steps (consistency indices, CIs = 0.57 of the ITS data for several nodes, it did resolve other important
and 0.55, with and without uninformative characters, respectively; relationships unresolved by the cpDNA data, such as the closest
retention index, RI = 0.90). The relationships shown in the strict phylogenetic affinity between Trifurcata and Spinosum and the
consensus of these trees are largely consistent with those resolved placement of Azorella lycopodioides as part of the Trifurcata grada-
using BI and ML (Fig. 3). Repeating the MP analysis without the tion (81% MPBS, 92% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 3). Regarding the remain-
scored gaps resulted in 4950 trees, each of 971 steps (CIs = 0.55 ing genera of Azorelloideae studied here with more than one
and 0.53, with and without uninformative characters, respectively; species, the ITS data corroborate the cpDNA results for the non-
RI = 0.89). The topology of the strict consensus tree (not shown) monophyly of Huanaca, however, the monophyly of Schizeilema,
was similar to that when indels were included, but slightly less Gymnophyton, and Asteriscium cannot be discarded (Fig. 3).
resolved especially in the Diversifolia group. Bootstrap support val-
ues were slightly higher for most nodes when indels were included 3.3. Incongruence between plastid and nuclear-derived trees and
in the analysis, e.g., in M. triacanthum to A. lycopodioides (81% vs. hybridization
71% with and without indels, respectively), in A. diversifolia to A.
biloba (92% vs. 78%) and in A. filamentosa to Schizeilema fragoseum A consensus network constructed from strongly supported
(92% vs. 83%). nodes from cpDNA and ITS trees shows several contradictory taxon
Bayesian analyses were stopped at 2.6 million generations relationships from the two different genomes (Fig. 4). These con-
because at that point the average standard deviation of the split flicting phylogenetic relationships involve the following taxa: (1)
frequencies between the four runs dropped to less than 0.01, indi- Azorella filamentosa is sister to A. ameghinoi in the cpDNA trees,
cating convergence in topologies. After discarding the ‘‘burn in”, a whereas it is sister to A. fuegiana in the ITS trees; (2) Mulinum tri-
majority-rule consensus tree was calculated based upon the acanthum var. famatinense (H. Wolff) Mar. Fernández & C.I. Calviño
remaining 78,000 trees (Fig. 3). When repeating the analysis is sister to two accessions of M. triacanthum var. triacanthum in the
without indels, convergence between runs was reached after 3.58 cpDNA trees, whereas it is sister to M. echegarayi in the ITS trees;
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 9

Fig. 3. Majority-rule consensus from Bayesian analysis of 121 nrDNA ITS sequences plus indels. (A) Backbone showing branch lengths, scale on lower left. (B) Backbone with
maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap support values indicated above branches (left and right, respectively). Posterior probability values are indicated
below branches. Topological differences between the BI, MP, and ML phylogenies are denoted by asterisks. The names of the major lineages (i.e. excluding ‘‘Other azorelloids”)
designate informal groups recognized from this study and discussed in the text.
10 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

Fig. 4. Consensus network constructed from strongly supported nodes from cpDNA and ITS ML trees (P75% MLBS and 98% PP in the ML and BI, respectively). Taxa that show
incongruent positions in the cpDNA and ITS trees are in bold. Major lineages of the Andean-Patagonian group are shaded in gray. The numbers indicate conflicting topologies
referred to in Table 3 and discussed in the text.

(3) Azorella selago falls within Trifurcata in the cpDNA trees, M. triacanthum var. famatinense, A. selago, and M. microphyllum plus
whereas it falls in Diversifolia in the ITS trees; (4) the clade of Muli- M. hallei. However, under critical inspection of the competing
num microphyllum and M. hallei falls sister to A. monantha and A. topologies resampled in the ML bootstrap analyses, it is observed
trifoliolata in the cpDNA trees, but is sister to all species of Diversi- that only in the split of A. selago with ITS, the alternative topology
folia, save A. monantha and A. selago in the ITS phylogenies; (5) A. estimated is in conflict with the topology highly supported in the
trifoliolata is sister to A. monantha in the cpDNA trees, whereas it phylogenetic analyses. The former, however, is compatible with
is sister to A. diversifolia in the ITS trees; and (6) A. diversifolia is sis- the cpDNA topology (Table 3). For all other conflicting splits, the
ter to Laretia acaulis, A. compacta and A. madreporica in the cpDNA alternative topologies are uninformative with respect to the phylo-
trees, while it is sister to A. trifoliolata in the ITS trees. These six genetic position of the taxon involved. Despite some noise, the six
conflicting relationships show high to moderate IC/ICA values for conflicting relationships are reliable and well supported in each
the cpDNA and/or the ITS trees (Table 3). These moderate IC/ICA individual genome.
values might be indicative of internal conflict in the phylogenetic Incomplete lineage sorting is often difficult to distinguish from
reconstructions from individual genomes for the splits that involve hybridizations in phylogenetic analyses, however the influence of

Table 3
Internode certainty (IC) values for the six contradictory taxon relationships recovered by the consensus network constructed from strongly supported nodes from cpDNA and ITS
ML trees. IC values are shown for cpDNA, ITS, and cpDNA plus ITS trees. Internode certainty all (ICA) values were equal to IC values in all cases.

Conflicting taxon IC Alternative cpDNA topologies; IC ITS Alternative ITS topologies; IC cpDNA Alternative cpDNA + ITS topologies;
cpDNA number of trees trees number of trees + ITS trees number of trees
1. Azorella filamentosa 0.99 (A. filam. + A. ameghinoi); 1007 0.99 (A. filam. + A. fuegiana); 999 0.28 = cpDNA trees; 800
= ITS trees; 199
2. Mulinum triacanthum 0.95 (M. triac. var. fam. + M. triac. var. 0.49 (M. triac. var. fam. + M. 0.79 = cpDNA trees; 907
var. famatinense triac.); 993 echegarayi); 791 (M. triac. var. fam. + an extra access.
Uninformative; 101 of M. triac. var. triac.); 32
3. Azorella selago 0.66 (A. selago + Trifurcata); 873 0.56 (A. selago + Diversifolia); 0.32 = 784 ITS trees; 706
Uninformative; 60 784 Uninformative, 156
(A. selago + Trifurcata = 78 ITS trees; 96
+ Spinosum); 78
4. Mulinum 1 (M. micr., M. hallei + A. trifoliolata 0.45 (M. micr., M. hallei + part of 0.63 = cpDNA trees; 929
microphyllum & M. + A. monantha); 1008 Diversifolia); 808 = ITS trees; 70
hallei Uninformative, 119
5. Azorella trifoliolata 0.92 (A. trifoliolata + A. monantha); 0.95 (A. trifoliolata + A. 0.55 = cpDNA trees; 895
995 diversifolia); 987 Uninformative; 94
6. Azorella diversifolia 0.98 (A. diversifolia + part of 0.95 (A. diversifolia + A. 0.98 = cpDNA trees; 997
Diversifolia); 1005 trifoliolata); 987 = ITS trees; 2
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 11

lineage sorting is often considered to decrease with increasing time Results of the ML analyses with and without indels were iden-
due to gradual loss of polymorphisms and fixation of lineage- tical in topology. However, bootstrap values increased in most
specific alleles (Maddison, 1997; Wendel and Doyle, 1998; Jakob nodes with the inclusion of indels, especially in Spinosum to Trifur-
and Blattner, 2006). Most of the conflicting relationships of this cata (78% vs. 59%), in Trifurcata (including A. lycopodioides; 71% vs.
study fall deep in the phylogeny, suggesting that they are not rel- 57%), and in Diversifolia (including A. selago; 64% vs. <50%).
atively recent (no dating within the group is available but the ori- The phylogenies estimated using MP, BI, and ML analyses are
gins of the crown subfamily and of the SHALM group are estimated congruent with each other, with only slight differences found in
during the late Paleocene and the late Eocene, respectively; Nicolas weakly supported nodes, indicating lack of resolution rather than
and Plunkett, 2014; Calviño et al., 2016a). Based on all analyses conflict. The BI consensus tree with PP, MPBS, and MLBS support
presented, we consider that the six conflicting relationships more values is presented in Fig. 6, with topological differences between
likely reflect evolutionary processes that are not congruent with the analyses denoted by asterisks. In all trees obtained from the
a bifurcating pattern of species diversification, and not artifacts total evidence analyses, Azorella and Mulinum are not mono-
of the methods or data used. Thus, a hybridization network was phyletic, and are more related to each other and to Laretia, than
constructed to explain these differences between source trees as with the rest of the azorelloids. Spinosum forms a well-
reticulation events (Fig. 5). Of these six events, one falls within supported monophyletic group (80% MPBS, 99% MLBS, 100% PP),
Azorella s.s., one within Spinosum, three within Diversifolia, and but relationships among its species, in general, are unresolved. Tri-
another one involves a hybrid origin between the ancestors of furcata is reconstructed as a monophyletic group, although with
Diversifolia and Trifurcata. low support (<50% MPBS, 71% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 6), and sister
to Spinosum (58% MPBS, 78% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 6). Diversifolia
3.4. Total evidence analysis is also reconstructed as monophyletic (83% MPBS, 100% MLBS,
100% PP, excl. A. selago; <50% MPBS, 64% MLBS, 99% PP, incl. A.
Despite the conflict between the cpDNA and ITS trees estimated selago; Fig. 6) and sister to Trifurcata plus Spinosum, resulting in
for six nodes, all other nodes of the phylogenies were consistent a monophyletic and strongly supported Andean-Patagonian group
with each other, irrespective of the marker or phylogenetic method (88% MPBS, 100% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 6). The Austral lineage is also
used. Still, some nodes received lower support values in the cpDNA reconstructed as monophyletic (99% MPBS, 100% MLBS, 100% PP;
phylogenies than in the ITS phylogenies and vice versa. For exam- Fig. 6), and together with the Andean-Patagonian lineage comprise
ple, in the cpDNA trees Trifurcata is sister to Diversifolia with low the SHALM group (97% MPBS, 100% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 6). Azorella
support (<50% MPBS, unresolved ML, 96% PP, Fig. 2), whereas in the s.s. is monophyletic (100% MPBS, 100% MLBS, 100% PP; Fig. 6).
ITS trees Trifurcata (although polyphyletic) forms a strongly sup- Within Azorella s.s., A. filamentosa is sister to A. ameghinoi, as esti-
ported group with Spinosum (81% MPBS, 92% MLBS, 100% PP, mated from the cpDNA analyses. Bootstrap support values
Fig. 3). In contrast, the Diversifolia group is monophyletic and is decreased for the latter relationship in the total evidence analyses
highly supported in the cpDNA trees (100% MPBS, 100% MLBS, as compared to the cpDNA analyses, but PP values remained max-
100% PP, Fig. 2), whereas in the ITS trees (excluding A. selago), it imum (Fig. 6). Of the remaining genera of Azorelloideae studied
has low support (<50% MPBS, 73% MLBS, 97% PP, Fig. 3). Given here with more than one species, Asteriscium, Huanaca and Schizei-
the strengths and weaknesses that resulted from each data set, it lema are not monophyletic (Fig. 6).
was desirable to combine chloroplast and nuclear data for a ‘‘total Support values for the six relationships that showed conflict
evidence” analysis. between the cpDNA and ITS phylogenies were always lower in
Alignment of the five cpDNA and nrDNA ITS regions from 109 the total evidence analyses than in the individual source analyses
common accessions resulted in a matrix of 8345 positions. Of (Figs. 2, 3, 6). Still, these relationships showed moderate to high
these, 1932 were excluded from subsequent analysis because of support in the total evidence ML and Bayesian analyses (64–93%
alignment ambiguities. The remaining 6413 aligned positions MLBS, 91–100% PP; Fig. 6). IC/ICA values for these nodes were
yielded 1531 parsimony-informative characters. In addition, 160 low to high, showing conflict in most but not all nodes from the
unambiguous alignment indels were inferred. total evidence analyses (Table 3). Analyses of the competing
MP analysis of the cpDNA and ITS partitions plus 160 indels topologies estimated for each of these six nodes, showed that the
resulted in the preset maximum tree limit of 20,000 trees, each competing topologies corresponded to those estimated by both
of 4131 steps (CIs = 0.70 and 0.64, with and without uninformative individual source phylogenies (i.e., cpDNA and ITS trees) on three
characters, respectively; RI = 0.91). The relationships inferred in cases, but only to the topology estimated by cpDNA or ITS, on
the strict consensus of these trees are largely similar to those the other three cases (Table 3).
resolved using BI and ML (Fig. 6). Repeating the MP analysis with-
out the scored gaps resulted in the preset maximum tree limit of 3.5. Short branch lengths and rapid radiations
20,000 tree, each of 3852 steps (CIs = 0.71 and 0.65, with and with-
out uninformative characters, respectively; RI = 0.91). The topology All phylogenies, irrespective of the method or data source used,
of this strict consensus tree (not shown) was similar to that when show that the branches that support interspecies relationships
gaps were included, but less resolved, or with lower bootstrap sup- within Spinosum are extremely short compared to the branches
port values. that support the relationships between species within other lin-
Bayesian analyses were stopped at 8.44 million generations eages (Figs. 2A, 3A, and 6A). Moreover, maximum divergence esti-
because at that point convergence in topologies between runs was mates within Spinosum are much lower than those estimated
achieved. After discarding the ‘‘burn in”, a majority-rule consensus within Trifurcata or Diversifolia for both cpDNA and ITS makers
tree was calculated based upon the remaining 253,200 trees (Table 2). These patterns are congruent with a scenario of a rapid
(Fig. 6). When repeating the analysis without indels, convergence radiation of a speciose lineage.
was reached after 3.14 million generations, and the 50% majority-
rule consensus tree was calculated based upon 94,200 trees, after 3.6. Evolution of morphological characters
discarding the burn in. The topology of this majority-rule consensus
(not shown) was identical to that obtained when indels were Maximum parsimony optimization of the character cushion
included. However, PP values were higher when indels were habit (Fig. 7) onto the ML tree shows that this type of habit evolved
included, especially in Diversifolia (including A. selago; 99% vs. 82%). at least five times independently in Azorelloideae: in the ancestors
12 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

Fig. 5. Hybridization network constructed from strongly supported nodes from cpDNA and ITS ML trees (P75% MLBS and 98% PP in the ML and BI, respectively). Reticulation
events are in red and taxa with a reticulate origin in bold, with their ploidy level indicated when available based on Table 4.

of the Andean-Patagonian lineage (with reversals in the antecestor Phil. The fruit wings (Fig. 7) evolved at least five times indepen-
of Mulinum triacanthum to M. ulicinum, in M. echegarayi, and in M. dently in Azorelloideae from wingless ancestors in Spinosum (with
microphyllum), and in M. triacanthum var. famatinense, Azorella s.s., two likely reversals in Azorella cryptantha and A. spinosa), and in M.
and Bolax gummifera (Lam.) Spreng. Woodiness (Fig. 7) occurred microphyllum to M. hallei, Laretia acaulis, Gymnophyton (99% PP),
independently a minimum of four times within the subfamily from and Diposis patagonica (100% PP). Likelihood optimizations are con-
herbaceous ancestors in the Andean-Patagonian linage (with a cordant with MP results, but the former are equivocal on the
reversal to herbaceous habit in the ancestor of Azorella trifoliolata), reconstruction of the cushion habit and woodiness for the ancestor
and in Bolax gummifera, Gymnophyton, and Eremocharis fruticosa of the SHALM group (proportional likelihoods 59% absence of
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 13

Fig. 6. Majority-rule consensus from Bayesian analysis of 109 non-coding cpDNA rps16, trnQ-rps16, rps16-trnK, trnG-trnS, rpL32-trnL and nrDNA ITS sequences plus indels. (A)
Backbone showing branch lengths, scale on lower left. (B) Backbone with maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap support values indicated above branches
(left and right, respectively). Posterior probability values are indicated below branches. Topological differences between the BI, MP, and ML analyses are denoted by asterisks.
The names of the major lineages (i.e. excluding ‘‘Other azorelloids”) designate informal groups recognized from this study and discussed in the text.
14 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

Fig. 7. Evolution of the cushion habit, woodiness and fruit wings in the SHALM group. Leaf morpho-anatomical characteristics in relation to the sublineages of the Andean-
Patagonian lineage are drawn and discussed in the text. Backbone corresponds to the majority-rule consensus tree from Bayesian analysis from five cpDNA and nrDNA ITS
regions plus indels, showing branch lengths. The names of the major lineages (i.e. excluding ‘‘Other azorelloids”) designate informal groups recognized from this study and
discussed in the text.
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 15

cushion habit vs. 41% presence; proportional likelihoods 61% Azorelloideae, our results show, for instance, that the fruit wings
herbaceous vs. 38% woody). have evolved independently at least five times in Gymnophyton,
The three morphological characters (i.e., cushion habit, woodi- Diposis and within the Andean-Patagonian lineage twice in Diver-
ness, and fruit wings) are homoplastic in Azorelloideae, but still sifolia (in Laretia and in Mulinum microphyllum/M. hallei) and in
synapomorphic for major lineages or sublineages within the the ancestor of Spinosum, with reversals to wingless fruits. Many
SHAML group. A woody cushion is reconstructed as a novelty in of these independent acquisitions are also evidenced by their dif-
the ancestor of the Andean-Patagonian linage, and the presence ferent ontogenetic origin (i.e. if the wings are originated from mar-
of wings in the fruits is a synapomorphy of Spinosum. Therefore, ginal or lateral ribs; Tseng, 1967; Liu et al., 2006, 2009; Calviño
these traits are valuable to support the monophyly of these lin- et al., 2008b; Fernández et al., 2016, in press-a).
eages based on morphology, in addition to molecular characters. Azorella, Mulinum, Laretia, Huanaca and Schizeilema form a
strongly supported group in all analyses (i.e., cpDNA, ITS and total
evidence). The group (SHALM) also includes Stilbocarpa based on
4. Discussion ITS (Mitchell et al., 1999) and cpDNA data (Andersson et al.,
2006; Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009, 2012; not sampled in our study
4.1. Phylogenetic studies and taxonomic implications because of lack of material). Within this group, two main lineages
are evident: the Andean-Patagonian lineage (=Mulinum clade sensu
Phylogenetic analyses performed in this study corroborate pre- Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012) and the Austral lineage (=Schizeilema
vious hypotheses based on cpDNA sequence data that Azorella fila- clade sensu Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012) that find strong support
mentosa (type species of Azorella), A. fuegiana and A. ameghinoi are in the cpDNA and total evidence analyses. The Austral lineage
most closely related to Huanaca and Schizeilema, while Mulinum, includes three species of Azorella (A. filamentosa, A. fuegiana and
the remaining species of Azorella and Laretia are more closely A. ameghinoi) that have unique morphological features (dendritic
related to each other than to the rest of the genera of the subfamily or scaly indument, involute leaf blades, and laciniate base leaf mar-
(Andersson et al., 2006; Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009, 2012). These gins; Martínez, 1989, 1993a, 1993b, 1995), and the paraphyletic
previous studies evidenced the non-monophyly of Azorella, Hua- Huanaca and Schizeilema. The genus Stilbocarpa also belongs to this
naca, Mulinum and Schizeilema (op.cit.), and warned about the tax- lineage (Mitchell et al., 1999; Andersson et al., 2006; Nicolas and
onomic problems implied in the re-circumscription of all these Plunkett, 2009, 2012), however, its phylogenetic position within
genera based on their monophyly (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009, it is still uncertain and its monophyly has not been corroborated
2012). The present study is important, because it supports the based on chloroplast data because of lack of adequate sampling
same findings based on nuclear DNA sequence data and non- in the present study and in all other published phylogenies (op.
coding cpDNA regions selected for possessing optimal levels to cit.). The same is true for Schizeilema: our results corroborate pre-
resolve interspecific to intergeneric relationships within Azorel- vious findings (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012) that the southern South
loideae; one of the necessary steps before any taxonomic rear- American Schizeilema ranunculus is more closely related to some
rangements are to be made. In addition, by incorporating nuclear Huanaca than to its congeners from Oceania; however, up to date
genome data for the first time, our work adds new evidence to only 5 of the ca. 13 species of Schizeilema have been sampled and
the complexity and challenges implied in the re-circumscription therefore the monophylly of the Schizeilema from New Zealand
of this group of azorelloids, especially important because their evo- and Australia still needs to be corroborated.
lution involves a reticulated history reflected in the incongruence The Andean-Patagonian lineage includes Mulinum, Laretia and
between plastid and nuclear-derived trees. the remaining species of Azorella. This lineage is supported by
The circumscription of Azorella, Huanaca, Laretia, Mulinum and molecular data with strong support (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009,
Schizeilema, has been stable for long (reviewed in Mathias and 2012 and this study) and also by an ecologically important mor-
Constance, 1971; Martínez, 1989; Fernández et al., 2016, in phological synapomorphy, i.e., a woody cushion habit. Our recon-
press-a), however, their great morphological affinity and the diffi- structions of woodiness and of presence of a cushion habit show
culties of separating genera based on vegetative characters have that these two characters originated together as independent evo-
also been recognized for long (Gillies, 1830; Clos, 1848–1849; lutionary novelties in Bolax Comm. ex Juss. and in the ancestor of
Weddell, 1857; Bentham, 1867; Baillon, 1880; Echegaray, 1881; the Andean-Patagonian lineage. Woodiness is also important in
Reiche, 1899; Constance, 1988; Martínez, 1989). In fact, some spe- practice, because it allows to distinguish the Andean-Patagonian
cies of Azorella have been described as Mulinum and vice versa (see lineage from the Austral lineage based on morphology. The former
synonyms in Martínez, 1989; Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández comprises plants that form woody cushions or small shrubs (mats),
et al., in press-a), and the great morphological affinity between while the Austral lineage includes herbs (more likely a plesiomor-
Huanaca and Schizeilema has been discussed by Mathias and phic state) that also form cushions in the three austral azorellas,
Constance (1971), who indicated the difficulty in finding charac- but these are herbaceous, not woody.
ters to separate them, and even suggested their affinity with some Within the Andean-Patagonian lineage, we recognize three
species of Azorella. Nevertheless, these authors (Mathias and main sublineages: Spinosum, Trifurcata and Diversifolia. These lin-
Constance, 1971; Constance, 1988) kept these genera as such, as eages are also evident in the study of Nicolas and Plunkett (2012)
they recognized not having enough knowledge about the morphol- based on other cpDNA markers, however, they recognized for dis-
ogy, biology or cytology of these plants. cussion six subclades (being only equivalent Spinosum). Our recog-
The reason for these long-standing circumscriptions, no doubt nition of these three sublineages is based on molecular support and
relies on the taxonomic importance given to the fruit in the classi- on the morphological coherence that we diagnosed after we added
fications of Apiaceae, rather than on the inability in recognizing the to the information on Argentine Azorella species (Martínez, 1989,
affinities between these taxa based on morphology. Therefore, 1995), equivalent revisionary and morpho-anatomical studies on
molecular results do not come as a great surprise, but rather con- Laretia, Mulinum, and the extra-Argentina species of Azorella
tinue to corroborate that fruit characters are homoplastic within (Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández et al., 2016, in press-a; Fernández,
the family and that they are not useful on their own to reflect phy- Ezcurra, and Calviño, unpublished results).
logeny, as shown in many groups within Apiaceae (Plunkett et al., The Diversifolia group includes Laretia acaulis, Mulinum hallei,
1996; Katz-Downie et al., 1999; Downie et al., 2000b; Spalik et al., M. microphyllum, Azorella biloba, A. compacta, A. diversifolia, A.
2001; Calviño et al., 2008b; Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012). Within madreporica, A. monantha, A. patagonica Speg., and A. trifoliolata.
16 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

Based on morphology, foliar anatomy (Martínez, 1989, 1995; tion of A. selago is due to conflicting topologies. This might indi-
Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández et al., 2016, in press-a; Fernández, cate noise within the ITS marker and therefore, decrease the
Ezcurra, and Calviño, unpublished results), and on cpDNA phyloge- reliability of the most likely ITS reconstruction for this node.
nies (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012), Azorella aretioides DC., A. crenata However, ITS sequences of the ribosomal DNA tandem repeats
(Ruiz & Pav.) Pers., A. cuatrecasasii Mathias & Constance, A. diapen- are homogenized by concerted evolution, a mechanism invoked
sioides A. Gray, and A. julianii Mathias & Constance, not sampled in to act, for example, after hybridization events (Baldwin et al.,
the present work, would be part of this group, as well. All Diversi- 1995; Fuertes Aguilar et al., 1999). If such homogenization is par-
folia species are more mesomorphic than the species of the other tial, concerted evolution generates recombinant sequences (Soltis
two sublineages of the Andean-Patagonian group. Diversifolia et al., 1998; Álvarez and Wendel, 2003). The fact that the alterna-
includes plants with chartaceous to coriaceous flat leaves, with tive ITS reconstruction corresponds to a topology consistent with
lamina or lobes with an obtuse to rounded apex that is not sharp, the cpDNA topology for the phylogenetic position of A. selago,
and blades without sclerenchyma (only poorly developed and might be indicative of partial homogenization (i.e., incomplete
accompanying vascular bundles in M. microphyllum and M. hallei; concerted evolution) after hybridization, instead of simple noise.
Fig. 7). Hauman (1919) included A. selago together with A. madreporica in
The Trifurcata group includes Azorella crassipes, A. lycopodioides, his section Cirrhosae Hauman because of the shared presence of
A. monteroi, A. multifida (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers., A. pedunculata, A. pulv- leaf blades with rigid hairs and sheaths without cilia. Martínez
inata, and A. trifurcata. Azorella corymbosa (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers., which (1989, 1995), instead, focusing on exomorphological and anatom-
was not sampled in this study, also forms part of the Trifurcata ical leaf characteristics, highlighted the affinity of A. selago with
group based on its morpho-anatomical leaf characteristics A. lycopodioides. It is interesting to note that A. madreporica
(Martínez, 1989, 1995; Calviño et al., 2016b) and on cpDNA phylo- belongs to Diversifolia, while A. lycodioides belongs to Trifurcata.
genies (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012). Although the group is only The morphological affinities of A. selago with species from these
well-supported in the cpDNA BI trees and in the total evidence two different sublineages gives extra support to the hypothesis
ML and BI trees, it can be recognized as a unit considering the leaf presented here of an ancient hybrid origin of A. selago.
traits that its species share. The species of Trifurcata have more Based on the discussion presented above, we consider that the
xeromorphic characteristics than Diversifolia. The Trifurcata group Andean-Patagonian lineage deserves a formal taxonomic recogni-
includes plants with rigid to semirigid leaves that have flat seg- tion. It has strong molecular phylogenetic support, and a morpho-
ments with an acute and pungent apex, and blades with scle- logical synapomorphy (the woody cushion) probably important in
renchyma associated with the vascular bundles (Fig. 7). Azorella the diversification of these plants along the open, windy, arid envi-
lycopodioides differs from the other members of Trifurcata by hav- ronments of the high Andes and Patagonia. Even though we also
ing blades with peripheral sclerenchyma (forming a central adaxial characterized morphologically its three sublineages Diversifolia,
cap and a continuous abaxial plate; Martínez, 1995). However, it Trifurcata and Spinosum, we do not see the necessity of naming
shares the other leaf morphological characters with the Trifurcata them formally, especially when hybridization has probably taken
group. In our analyses, A. lycopodioides finds greatest affinity with place, even between ancestors of these sublineages. During the
Trifurcata, with high to moderate support, and with indels being past years, we have improved considerably the knowledge of Azor-
synapomorphic of Trifurcata (incl. A. lycopodioides) plus Spinosum. ella, Laretia, and Mulinum with taxonomic revisions based on large
In the studies of Nicolas and Plunkett (2009, 2012), A. lycopodioides number of herbarium specimens, field studies, and analyses of exo-
is sister to all other species of the Andean-Patagonian lineage. morphology and anatomy of fruits and leaves (Martínez, 1989,
Therefore, the position of this species is still dubious, although 1993a, 1993b, 1995; Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández et al., 2016,
based on most leaf morphological characters it fits well within this in press-a; Fernández, Ezcurra, and Calviño, unpublished results).
lineage. Such studies, besides providing all the basic information to under-
The Spinosum group includes eight of the ten species of Muli- stand the evolution of morphology, resolved typifications, nomen-
num (M. albovaginatum, M. crassifolium Phil., M. echegarayi, M. lep- clature, and the circumscription of species, especially in Mulinum,
tacanthum Phil., M. spinosum, M. triacanthum, M. ulicinum, and M. where many problems remained even after Zech’s (1992) unpub-
valentini Speg.), plus Azorella cryptantha and A. spinosa, i.e., the lished thesis. Regarding the Austral lineage, equivalent information
two species that Martínez (1995) included within Azorella section is missing, especially for Huanaca, Schizeilema, and Stilbocarpa. As
Spinosae S. Martínez. The latter species are vegetatively very simi- discussed above, the affinity between these genera has been recog-
lar to the Mulinum species of this group. In fact, both have been nized for long, but even Mathias and Constance (1971; Constance,
treated within Mulinum (A. cryptantha was originally described as 1988) decided to keep them as such, as they recognized not having
M. cryptanthum Clos. on the basis of sterile material, and A. spinosa enough information about the morphology, biology or cytology of
has as heterotypic synonyms M. cuneatum Hook. & Arn. and M. these plants. We still agree with this view for the Austral lineage,
clandestinum Phil.; Martínez, 1989; Calviño et al., 2016b). The Spi- because there is no revisionary work for Schizeilema and less than
nosum group is, in comparison to the Diversifolia and Trifurcata of half of its species have been sampled in any molecular phyloge-
the Andean-Patagonian lineage, the one with the most xeromor- netic study (e.g., Andersson et al., 2006; Nicolas and Plunkett,
phic characteristics. It has rigid leaves, with cylindrical to flat seg- 2009, 2012; this study).
ments that present acute, spinose and pungent apices, and blades No doubt, the task of circumscribing Azorella, Laretia, Mulinum,
with highly developed sclerenchyma associated with the vascular Huanaca, Schizeilema, and Stilbocarpa based on monophyletic
bundles (Martínez, 1995; Calviño et al., 2016b; Fernández et al., groups remains a complex task. It will ideally benefit from collab-
in press-a; Fernández, Ezcurra, and Calviño, unpublished results; orative work with other experts around the world to evaluate
Fig. 7). which and how many lineages best reflect a sound classification
Azorella selago finds contradictory phylogenetic positions at the genus level. This evaluation not only has to be based on phy-
based on cpDNA or ITS markers. Indeed, the hybridization net- logenetic and morphological information to highlight evolutionary
work reconstructed after critical analyses of the IC/ICA values processes, but also should consider its repercussions in nomenclat-
of the different genome source splits and based only on highly ural usage and conservation purposes. In our opinion, the conse-
supported nodes, indicates that A. selago has a hybrid origin quences of taking taxonomic decisions with the current state of
between ancestors of the Diversifolia and Trifurcata lineages. It knowledge can be detrimental for these repercussions and also
is interesting to note that the low ITS IC/ICA values for the posi- for nomenclatural stability.
M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21 17

Table 4
Chromosome counts reported for species of the Austral and Andean-Patagonian lineages of the SHALM group.

Andean-Patagonian n 2n References
Azorella ameghinoi Speg. 16 Constance et al. (1971)
Azorella biloba (Schldl.) 8 Moore (1981)
Wedd. (=A. lehmannii Hieron.)
Azorella compacta Phil. 16 Constance et al. (1971)
Azorella filamentosa Lam. 8 Moore (1967);
Constance et al. (1971)
Azorella fuegiana Speg. 8 Bell and Constance (1966)
Azorella lycopodioides Gaud. 8 16 Moore (1967), Constance et al.
(1971), Moore (1981)
Azorella patagónica Speg. 16 Constance et al. (1976)
Azorella selago Hook.f. 16 Moore (1981)
Azorella spinosa (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. 8 Constance et al. (1976)
Azorella trifoliolata Clos 16 32 Constance et al. (1971)
Azorella trifurcata (Gaertn.) Pers. 8 Constance et al. (1971)
Laretia acaulis (Cav.) Gillies & Hook. 18 Rahn (1960)
Mulinum hallei Skottsb. 8 Constance et al. (1971),
Constance (1988)
Mulinum leptacanthum Phil. 8 Constance et al. (1976),
Constance (1988)
Mulinum microphyllum (Cav.) Pers. 16 Constance et al. (1971),
Constance (1988)
Mulinum spinosum (Cav.) Pers. 8, 16, 24? Constance et al. (1971),
Constance (1988)
Mulinum valentini Speg. 8 Constance et al. (1971),
Constance (1988)
Austral lineage n 2n References
Huanaca acaulis Cav. 8, 9 18 Moore (1981),
Constance (1988)
Schizeilema allanii Cheesem. 32 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema cockaynei (Diels) Cheesem. 48 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema collensoi Domin 80 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema exiguum (Hook.f.) Domin 32 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema haastii (Hook.f.) Domin 32 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema hydrocotyloides (Hook.f.) Domin 16 32 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema nitens (Petrie) Domin 48 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema pallidum (Kirk) Domin 48 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema ranunculus 8 16 Moore (1967), Constance (1988)
Schizeilema reniforme (Hook.f.) Domin 32 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema roughii (Hook.f.) Domin 32 Hair (1980)
Schizeilema trifoliolatum (Hook.f.) Domin 48 Hair (1980)
Stilbocarpa polaris 48 Beuzenberg and Hair (1983)
(Hombr. & Jacq.) A. Gray

4.2. Hybridization and rapid radiations Hybridization can result in homoploid or polyploid speciation.
Homoploid hybrid speciation refers to the origin of a new hybrid
Hybridization is considered less important in Apiaceae than in lineage without a change in chromosome number, whereas poly-
other angiosperm families such as Rosaceae and Poaceae ploid hybrid speciation involves the full duplication of a hybrid
(Ellstrand et al., 1996; Whitney et al., 2010). However, in recent genome, i.e. allopolyploidy (Linder and Rieseberg, 2004;
years, molecular phylogenetic studies that critically examined con- Rieseberg and Willis, 2007). Although homoploid hybrid speciation
flict between nuclear and chloroplast genomes have shown that is considered rarer than polyploid speciation, more examples of
hybridization has influenced the evolution of several lineages within homoploid speciation have become evident based on molecular
the family (e.g. Lee and Downie, 2006; Calviño et al., 2008a). The evo- data (Rieseberg, 1997; Linder and Rieseberg, 2004; Rieseberg and
lutionary history of Azorella, Laretia, and Mulinum involved at least Willis, 2007). Chromosome counts are available for four of the
six reticulation events. These were interpreted as hybridizations six lineages estimated herein to have a hybrid origin (Fig. 5,
mainly because conflicting splits were strongly supported in the dif- Table 4). Of these, the ploidy level of the ancestor of Mulinum
ferent source trees (i.e., cpDNA and ITS) and there was no evidence of microphyllum plus M. hallei is equivocal (M. microphyllum is poly-
alternative conflicting topologies within each genome analysis. Of ploid and M. hallei is diploid; Fig. 5, Table 4). But interestingly, of
these six events, one falls within the Austral lineage (within Azorella the remaining lineages, two are diploid and therefore possible
s.s.), and the other five within the Andean-Patagonian lineage. The examples of homoploid speciation (Azorella filamentosa and A.
number of hybridization events within the Austral lineage is proba- selago), and one is allopolyploid (A. trifoliolata; Fig. 5, Table 4).
bly underestimated because of the lack of sampling within Schizei- Models of homoploid speciation suggest that reproductive isola-
lema, a genus with most species being polyploid (11 of the 12 tion may arise through rapid chromosomal repatterning, ecological
species with chromosome counts are tetraploids, hexaploids or dec- divergence, and /or spatial separation (Grant, 1981; Rieseberg
aploids; Hair, 1980; Table 4). Within the Andean-Patagonian lin- et al., 2003). In particular, ecological and spatial isolation are con-
eage, hybridization is apparently not equally distributed among its sidered key to the successful origin and establishment of a homo-
major sublineages, and is estimated as an important evolutionary ploid hybrid species, even in the absence of chromosomal or
force in the diversification of Diversifolia, where four of its nine sam- genetic sterility barriers (Buerkle et al., 2000; Gross and
pled species are likely to have a hybrid origin. Rieseberg, 2005; Abbott et al., 2010; Kadereit, 2015). This ecogeo-
18 M. Fernández et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108 (2017) 1–21

graphical differentiation between hybrid and parent species results tion events might even be underestimated within Diversifolia, as
from intermediate trait expression, a distinctive mix of parental- six of the 15 species that putatively belong to Diversifolia could
like traits, or expression of transgressive traits that enable the not be sampled in our studies, but some also show great morpho-
hybrid to occupy a novel and perhaps more extreme habitat rela- logical intraspecific variability (e.g., A. aretioides and A. crenata;
tive to that of its parents (Gross and Rieseberg, 2005; Abbott Calviño et al., 2016b). Therefore, hybridization may have been an
et al., 2010). Indeed, this occupation of novel and more extreme important force in shaping the morphological and genetic diversity
habitats facilitated by hybridization is likely for both A. selago of the Diversifolia lineage.
and A. filamentosa, the two putative homoploid hybrid species esti- Hybridization has also been hypothesized as the cause of rapid
mated herein. Azorella selago was proposed to have originated from radiations (Seehausen, 2004). Our results show a polytomy (of very
an ancient hybridization from the ancestors of Diversifolia and Tri- short branches) at the base of Spinosum in both cpDNA and ITS
furcata (Fig. 5). While the distribution of these ancestors was phylogenies. Observing the length of the branches on the BI or
reconstructed in Patagonia (Nicolas and Plunkett, 2012), A. selago ML trees, it is clear that the branches that support the relationships
is the only species of the Andean-Patagonian lineage whose distri- between species in Spinosum are extremely short in comparison to
bution extends to the Subantartic islands, occupying more extreme the branches that support interspecies relationships within the
and harsher habitats than its putative parents. In addition, Azorella other lineages of the Andean-Patagonian group, and consequently
selago displays unique leaf-characteristics associated with maximum sequence divergence is lowest in Spinosum. Branches
increased mechanical support, absortion and retention of water may be short because of insufficient data (i.e., by using molecular
(Martínez, 1995). These characters are similar to those found in or morphological data that are not variable enough at the appropri-
Sphagnum L. (peat moss, Sphagnaceae) and Salicornia L. (glasswort, ate taxonomic level considered, or not having enough data to solve
Amaranthaceae) and also associated with extreme periodically the problem), or because of a simultaneous or rapid splitting of
xeric environments (Martínez, 1995). Therefore, the incongruence several lineages (Whitfield and Lockhart, 2007). In this work, the
between chloroplast and nuclear phylogenies, the unique morpho- markers have been selected to have optimal rates of divergence
logical traits that are likely adaptative in the extreme habitats that to solve interspecific relationships in Azorelloideae. Moreover,
the species occupy, together with the ecogeographical divergence chloroplast phylogenies using other regions (Nicolas and
from its parents support the hypothesis of a homoploid hybrid ori- Plunkett, 2012) show the same polytomy. Therefore, we consider
gin of A. selago. Similarly, the origin of A. filamentosa is estimated that the polytomy at the base of Spinosum likely corresponds to
here as a result of hybridization between ancestors of A. ameghinoi a rapid radiation. If the radiation was driven by hybridization, then
and A. fuegiana (Azorella s.s. lineage). The distribution of the two introgression is predicted at the base of the radiation (Seehausen,
latter species ranges through Patagonia, however their preferences 2004), as previously estimated for other Apiaceae (Calviño et al.,
in habitat differ: Azorella ameghinoi lives in rocky ground and arid 2008a, 2010). Our results, however, did not estimate any reticula-
steppes, while A. fuegiana lives in humid places (Martínez, 1989). tion involving the ancestors of Spinosum and therefore, hybridiza-
Interestingly, A. filamentosa extends also to islands outside Patago- tion is not hypothesized as the driver for this radiation within the
nia and occupies more extreme coastal insular habitats. Moreover, Andean-Patagonian lineage of Azorella, Laretia, and Mulinum.
the leaves of A. filamentosa show a distinctive mix of parental-like Rapid plant diversification is frequently a product of ecological
traits (e.g. entire leaves with involute margins as in A. ameghinoi, opportunity further stimulated by evolutionary innovation (e.g.,
and pubescence like A. fuegiana) and also distinct anatomical leaf Lagomarsino et al., 2016). In particular, new dispersal mechanisms
traits that altogether suggests adaptation to more xeric extreme may contribute to plant diversification as they are an essential factor
conditions. The two homoploid hybrid species proposed herein, in the distribution of species and the mobilization and exchange of
i.e. A. selago and A. filamentosa, allowed establishment of new spe- genetic material (Abraham de Noir et al., 2002). Even though disper-
cies in drier or windier habitats of these colder, high-latitude insu- sal can increase gene flow among populations and thus prevent spe-
lar locations, expanding the range of distribution of the Andean- ciation, effective long-distance dispersal can also result in
Patagonian and Azorella s.s. lineages to even harsher habitats. This colonization of new and/or remote areas and can therefore con-
illustrates the importance of hybridization to facilitate range tribute to speciation through founder events (De Meester et al.,
expansion (Pfennig et al., 2016). Moreover, as homoploids are dif- 2002; Jakob et al., 2010). Optimization of the presence of fruit wings
ficult to detect (Rieseberg and Willis, 2007), the presence of homo- over the present phylogenies show that fruit wing is a synapomor-
ploids as first proposed herein for the family, might indicate that phy of Spinosum that coincides with its radiation. It is possible that
the importance of hybrizization in Apiaceae may be under- the acquisition of wings in the ancestor of this group has favored
estimated. long-distance dispersal by air through flight in open environments
Besides the origin of new species, some of the evolutionary con- of the Andes and Patagonia, or by water by improving floating capa-
sequences of hybridization include increased intraspecific genetic bilities during thaw periods, giving the group an adaptive advantage
and phenotypic diversity, and the origin of novel phenotypic char- that allowed it to diversify rapidly. Both types of mechanisms have
acteristics (Lewontin and Birch, 1966; Grant and Grant, 1994; been postulated as important drivers for dispersal within Apiaceae
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Diversifolia is, of the Andean-Patagonian lineage, the most diverse Calviño et al., 2008b, 2016a; Fernández et al., in press-b). Therefore,
morphologically, and also shows the greatest sequence divergence it is likely that Spinosum could have radiated rapidly as a conse-
among its members. For example, leaves within this lineage vary quence of the acquisition of wings in the fruit that would facilitate
from entire to toothed and to deeply and variously dissected, wind or water dispersal and colonization of new environments.
whereas in Spinosum and Trifurcata leaves are mostly trisected.
Moreover, A. trifoliolata and A. diversifolia, two of the species esti-
mated to have a hybrid origin, show great morphological 5. Conclusions
intraspecific variability (Martínez, 1989), and Mulinum microphyl-
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the lineage such as winged fruits (here reconstructed as a synapo- ings previously estimated based on chloroplast DNA about the
morphy independent of the winged fruits of Laretia and the other non-monophyly of Azorella, Huanaca, Mulinum, and Schizeilema
Mulinum species), a particular pubescence in leaves and inflores- (Andersson et al., 2006; Nicolas and Plunkett, 2009, 2012; this
cences, and unique petals (Fernández et al., in press-a). Reticula- study). Moreover, our analyses of different source genome data,
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