Queue 4 Pocket Size v1.7

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Queue 4

Playing a Card in an Existing Queue: All Queues Game End: The game can end in one of 3 ways:
must be arranged from lowest (bottom) to 1. The player discards the fourth card of any
highest (top) at all times. Before the player rank (ex., The player discards the last 5).
Objective: Play as many cards as possible from a reveals the drawn card, she must choose the target 2. The player chooses to end the game instead of
standard 52-card deck into four ordered Queues destination for this card. The card may be played playing a card.
before you discard the fourth card of any rank. above the highest card, below the lowest card, or 3. The player has gone through the entire deck of
Setup: Shuffle a standard deck of cards and place in between any two adjacent cards in any Queue. cards without discarding the fourth card of a rank!
it facedown. That's it! After the player has chosen the destination, she Scoring: To calculate your score, count how
Gameplay: Each turn, the player draws the top reveals the card: many cards you have in each Queue and subtract
card of the deck, keeping it face down. The player -If the card is within the proper range and the amount of cards left in the deck. This is your
has three options: maintains the card order from lowest to highest, it score.
1. Reveal the card and play it in a new Queue. joins the Queue. (Note: matches are always If you managed to go through the entire deck
The player may have a total of four Queues. If the allowed; 8 is between 6 and 8.) Aces are low. without discarding four of a kind, count your
player has no empty Queues, she may not choose -If the card does NOT fall within the proper longest Queue twice.
this option. range, the entire Queue must be discarded,
2. Play the card in an existing Queue- see next including the played card. Sort discarded cards by Scoring Guidelines
page. rank to easily determine how many cards of each <0 Loss
3. If the player does not wish to risk playing the rank have been discarded. 0-4 Fair
card, she returns it to the deck without revealing it Once per game, If there are at least 10 other 5-9 Good
and ends the game. Proceed to Game End. cards remaining in the deck, after revealing the 10-14 Great
The player repeats this process until the end of the played card, the player may shuffle that card back 15-19 Excellent
game. into the deck with no effect. 20-29 Spectacular
Note: At any point before drawing, the player 30+ Legendary
may look through the remaining cards in the deck.
Afterwards, shuffle the deck.

Note: This also applies to variants where cards are
moved between Queues (ex., Bouquets).
Have Fun!
Rules. Fold between panels.

The Royal Ball Bouquets Campaign Rules

Queuedonia is inviting the four surrounding Roses are red, Up the stakes by linking several games of Queue 4
kingdoms to attend a Royal Ball. The commoners Violets are blue. together!
get along fine, but the royalty are another story. Flower arranging
Jacks are kind, offering a helping hand to others. Is hard to do. Objective: Play five games of Queue 4,
Queens tend to be picky, their favorite words strategically collecting and using Tokens to get
being "Do it again." And of course, Kings just Objective: Create the biggest and most beautiful the highest total score possible.
want to see some peasants die. Bouquet by alternating colors. Setup: Place six Tokens (cubes, coins, etc.) in a
Gameplay: Add the following rule: small pile and take one of them as your starting
Setup: Create four starting Queues of two cards You may discard any three cards from one Queue supply.
each, discarding any face cards and replacing to move a card from one Queue to another. Gameplay: Modify the existing rule as
them as necessary. Arrange each Queue into Game End: The game ends as normal. If you go follows: Once per game, If there are at least 10
ascending order, and shuffle the discarded face through the entire deck, you may still continue to other cards remaining in the deck, after revealing
cards back into the deck. You are ready to begin. move cards as described above. the played card, the player may shuffle that card
Gameplay: Play as normal, but when you play a Scoring: Choose one Queue to be your Bouquet. back into the deck with no effect by discarding a
face card, apply the following effect (AFTER Score = (# of cards in Bouquet) + (# of Groups* Token from her supply.
discarding the Queue if necessary, but BEFORE in Bouquet)** - (# of cards remaining in deck) Game End: Each game ends as normal. If you
scoring if drawing a face card ends the game): *A Group is a set of adjacent cards of the same did not use any Tokens in that game, take another
Jack- Reveal the top card of the deck and place it color (ex., A22556889 is broken up into A2 255 Token from the pile to your supply.
into any Queue. 68 8 9 and has 5 Groups). Scoring: At the end of five games, add up your
Queen- Shuffle any Queue* back into the deck. **If you discard four of a rank, you drop the score for each game; also add three points for
King- Discard any Queue.* Bouquet and hastily put it back together. You do every Token left at the end of the campaign.
*The Queue must have at least 1 card. not add the number of Groups to your score. Multiply the original Scoring Guidelines by 5.
The game ends and scores as normal. Use the original Scoring Guidelines. These rules can also be used for Queue 4 variants.
Variants. Cut between panels OR
attach to the back of the Rules.
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score Use these tables to track your discards and save space.
Fold on the dark black lines.
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score

A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score

A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score

A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score

A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score

A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K Score

Queue 4 2. The player chooses to end the game instead of playing a
3. The player has gone through the entire deck of cards
Game End: The game ends as normal. If you go through
the entire deck, you may still continue to move cards as
described above.
Objective: Play as many cards as possible from a standard without discarding the fourth card of a rank!
52-card deck into four ordered Queues before you discard Scoring: Choose one Queue to be your Bouquet. Score =
the fourth card of any rank. Scoring: To calculate your score, count how many cards (# of cards in Bouquet) + (# of Groups* in Bouquet)** - (#
you have in each Queue and subtract the amount of cards of cards remaining in deck)
Setup: Shuffle a standard deck of cards and place it left in the deck. This is your score. *A Group is a set of adjacent cards of the same color (ex.,
facedown. That's it! A22556889 is broken up into A2 255 68 8 9 and has 5
If you managed to go through the entire deck without Groups).
Gameplay: Each turn, the player draws the top card of the discarding four of a rank, count your longest Queue **If you discard four of a rank, you drop the Bouquet and
deck, keeping it face down. The player has three options: twice. hastily put it back together. You do not add the number
1. Reveal the card and play it in a new Queue. The player of Groups to your score.
may have a total of four Queues. If the player has no empty Scoring Guidelines
Queues, she may not choose this option. <0 Loss 10-14 Great Use the original Scoring Guidelines.
2. Play the card in an existing Queue- see below. 0-4 Fair 15-19 Excellent
3. If the player does not wish to risk playing the card, she 5-9 Good 20-29 Spectacular
returns it to the deck without revealing it and ends the
game. Proceed to Game End.
30+ Legendary Campaign Rules
The player repeats this process until the end of the game. Have Fun! Objective: Play five games of Queue 4, strategically
Note: At any point before drawing, the player may look For more variety, try one of these variants. collecting and using Tokens to get the highest total score
through the remaining cards in the deck. Afterwards, possible.
shuffle the deck.
The Royal Ball Setup: Place six Tokens (cubes, coins, etc.) in a small pile
Playing a Card in an Existing Queue: All Queues must be Setup: Create four starting Queues of two cards each, and take one of them as your starting supply.
arranged from lowest (bottom) to highest (top) at all discarding any face cards and replacing them as necessary.
times. Before the player reveals the drawn card, she must Arrange each Queue into ascending order, and shuffle the Gameplay: Modify the existing rule as follows: Once per
choose the target destination for this card. The card may be discarded face cards back into the deck. You are ready to game, If there are at least 10 other cards remaining in the
played above the highest card, below the lowest card, or in begin. deck, after revealing the played card, the player may
between any two adjacent cards in any Queue. After the shuffle that card back into the deck with no effect by
player has chosen the destination, she reveals the card: Gameplay: Play as normal, but when you play a face card, discarding a Token from her supply.
-If the card is within the proper range and maintains the apply the following effect (AFTER discarding the Queue if
card order from lowest to highest, it joins the Queue. (Note: necessary, but BEFORE scoring if drawing a face card ends Game End: Each game ends as normal. If you did not use
matches are always allowed; 8 is between 6 and 8.) Aces the game): any Tokens in that game, take another Token from the pile
are low. Jack- Reveal the top card of the deck and place it into any to your supply.
-If the card does NOT fall within the proper range, the Queue.
entire Queue must be discarded, including the played card. Queen- Shuffle any Queue* back into the deck. Scoring: At the end of five games, add up your score for
Sort discarded cards by rank to easily determine how many King- Discard any Queue.* each game; also add three points for every Token left at the
cards of each rank have been discarded. *The Queue must have at least 1 card. end of the campaign. Multiply the original Scoring
Guidelines by 5.
Once per game, If there are at least 10 other cards The game ends and scores as normal.
remaining in the deck, after revealing the played card, the These rules can also be used for Queue 4 variants.
player may shuffle that card back into the deck with no
effect. Bouquets
Objective: Create the biggest and most beautiful Bouquet
by alternating colors.
Game End: The game can end in one of three ways: Gameplay: Add the following rule:
1. The player discards the last card of any rank (ex., The You may discard any three cards from one Queue to move 
Note: This also applies to variants where cards are moved
player discards the last 5). a card from one Queue to another. between Queues (ex., Bouquets).

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