SotDL - Spell Cards - Celestial

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This passage describes several offensive and utility spells of varying ranks, including ones that cause blindness, sunlight, and area of effect damage.

Flash (page 6) blinds the target for 1 minute on a critical hit.

Dawn (page 12) creates sunlight in a 10-yard radius for 1 hour to end shadows of rank 2 or lower.

Burning Beam

Target One creature or object within medium

A fiery beam leaps from your hand. Make a Will
attack roll against the target’s Agility. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Attack Roll 20+ The target also becomes blinded
for 1 round.

Shadow 119 Attack 0

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Target One object you can reach
Duration 1 hour
You touch the target, and light shines from it in a
5-yard radius for the duration.

Shadow 119 Utility 0

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Target One sighted creature within short range
A flash of brilliant light appears before the
target. Make a Will attack roll against the target’s
Perception. On a success, the target becomes
blinded for 1 round.
Attack Roll 20+ The target instead becomes
blinded for 1 minute.

Shadow 119 Attack 1

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Persistant Light
Target One object you can reach
Duration 8 hours
You touch the target, and light shines from it in a
10-yard radius for the duration.

Shadow 119 Utility 1

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Rainbow Burst
Target A point in space within medium range
A glowing speck flies in a straight line from your
fingertip toward the target. When it reaches
that point, or if it encounters a solid creature or
object before then, it explodes in colorful lights.
The lights spread through a 1-yard-radius sphere
centered on the target or on a point in the creature’s
or object’s space. Each sighted creature in the area
must succeed on a Perception challenge roll or
become dazed for 1 round.

Shadow 119 Attack 1

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Area A sphere with a 10-yard radius centered on a
point within long range
Duration 1 hour
Sunlight spreads through the area for the duration,
ending magical shadows or darkness in the area
created by spells of rank 2 or lower.

Shadow 119 Utility 2

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Target Up to three creatures or objects within
medium range
Three blazing beams fly from your hand, divided
as you choose among the targets. For each beam,
make a Will attack roll against the target’s Agility.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. If it can
see, it also becomes impaired for 1 round.
Attack Roll 20+ The target takes 1d3 extra

Shadow 120 Attack 2

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Area A sphere with a 3-yard radius centered on a
point within long range
Duration 1 minute
A dim green glow spreads through the area,
turning darkness to shadows for the duration.
Everything in the area takes 1d6 damage when
you cast the spell and at the end of each round
thereafter for the duration. Each creature that
takes damage in this way must make a Strength
challenge roll. On a failure, it becomes fatigued for
1 round and is slowed while fatigued in this way.
On a success, the creature takes half the damage.

Shadow 120 Attack 3

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Target A point in space within medium range
A mote of white light appears anywhere within
range and streaks toward the target. When it
reaches that point, or if it encounters a solid
creature or object before then, it explodes. Flames
spread through a 3-yard-radius sphere centered
on the target or on a point in the creature’s
or object’s space, dealing 2d6 + 2 damage to
everything in the area. Each creature in the area
must make a Strength challenge roll. It becomes
impaired for 1 round on a failure, or just takes half
the damage on a success.

Shadow 120 Attack 3

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Area A sphere with an 8-yard radius centered on a
point you can reach
Brilliant light explodes to spread through the area.
Each creature in the area other than you takes 2d6
+ 2 damage and must make a Strength challenge
roll. It becomes blinded for 1 round on a failure, or
just takes half the damage on a success.

Shadow 120 Attack 4

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
Area A line, 25 yards long and 1 yard wide,
originating from a point you can reach
You loose a beam of brilliant, blazing light from
your hand, dealing 3d6 + 3 damage to everything
in the area. Each creature that takes damage in
this way must make a Strength challenge roll. It
becomes blinded for 1 minute on a failure, or just
takes half the damage on a success.

Shadow 120 Attack 5

Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC

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