Fighter - Psionics - Psychic Warrior - GM Binder

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A Psionic Warrior is a fighter subclass that gains psionic powers allowing them to warp and bend reality with their mind. They can expend psi points to use psionic powers with specified actions and learn additional powers as they level up.

A Psionic Warrior learns three powers of their choice at 3rd level from options such as Kinetic Grip, Remote Strikes, and Mind Slam. They can use one power per turn.

A Psionic Warrior learns two additional powers at 7th, 10th, and 15th level. They also gain additional psi points at 7th and 15th level, allowing them to use their powers more frequently.

Psionic Warrior v1.

1 Gather Mind
Starting at 10th level, when you use your Second Wind
A Psionic Warrior is a Fighter who is deadly in both mind feature you regain an expended psi point.
and body, lethal in both thought and action. Gifted, blessed,
cursed, burdened, or born with Psionic powers, when these
powers manifest upon taking this archetype, the Fighter Growing Power
transitions into a terrifying foe, unbounded by any natural While it may seem that a Psionic Warrior is missing
laws. a 15th level ability they gain both an additional
The express their powers with less discipline but more power and an additional psi point per short rest,
grim purpose, specialized as tools of war, they use their which provides quite a lot of new power at this
powers to control the battlefield... or lay waste to it. level.

Psionic Powers
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your psionic Duality of Power
powers manifest, allowing you warp and bend reality with Starting at 18th level, once per turn you can use a Psionic
your mind. You can expend 1 psi point to use a psionic power Power in place of a weapon attack as part of the Attack
with its specified action. action.
Powers You learn three powers of your choice, which are
detailed under "Powers" below. You can only use one power Psionic Powers
per turn. Kinetic Grip
You learn two additional powers of your choice at 7th, 10th, Psionic Power
and 15th level. Each time you learn powers, you can also
replace one power you know with a different one. Casting Time: 1 action.
Psi Points You have three psi points. A psi point is Range: 60 feet.
expanded when you use it. You regain all your expended psi Components: S
points when you finish a short or long rest. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
You gain another psi point at 7th level, and one more at You reach out and mentally grab a target. The target must
15th level. make a Strength saving throw. On failure, they speed
Psionic Power save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
becomes zero and they start to become crushed, taking 1d6
bludgeoning damage at the start of their turns. A target can
your Intelligence modifier repeat their save at the end each of their turns.
While concentrating on this ability, you are also
immobilized and cannot but move, but for the duration of the
Psion Integration spell, you can use your action to pull the target up 30 feet
The Psionic Warrior has a grab-bag Psionic toward you.
Features appropriate to a Fighter that dabbles in
Psionics. Some of its features resemble counter Remote Strikes
parts in the Psion, and its Psi Points are compatible Psionic Power
with the Psionic Powers of the Psion, sharing a
pool should a character have both.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action.
For the purposes of the Psionic Mind Feat, the Range: Self.
Psionic Warrior is considered to have a Psionic Components: S
discipline, though does not meet the prerequisite Duration: 1 round.
of any talent that requires one. Until the end of your turn, your melee weapons have a reach
of 30 feet, flying out to strike your foes as you manipulate
them with your mind. At the end of your turn the return your
Telekinetic Manifestation hands.
At 3rd level, you can manipulate small objects within 30 feet
with your mind as if using your hand to interact with it. You Mind Slam
can use this power to manipulate an object, open an unlocked Psionic Power
door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open Casting Time: 1 bonus action.
container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You cannot Range: Self.
Attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds Components: S
in this manner. You can move an item you are controlling in Duration: Instantaneous
this way up to 30 feet during your turn.
You reach out with your mind to slam a Large or smaller
Mental Awareness creature. The target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and must
Starting at 7th level, you can feel the presence of other minds, make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you can push
giving you edge on detecting them. You can add your the target up to 10 feet away from you or knock it prone.
Intelligence modifier to your Wisdom (Perception) check
when looking for a creature.
KibblesTasty's Compendium (Psionics)
Telekinetic Leap Choose one object weighing 1 to 20 pounds within 5 feet of
Psionic Power you (or in your possession). The object is hurled in a straight
line up to 60 feet, stopping early if it impacts a solid surface.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action. If the object would strike a creature, that creature must make
Range: Self. a Dexterity saving throw. On failed save the object strikes the
Components: S target and stops moving. When the object strikes something,
Duration: Instantaneous the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning
You leap into the air up, landing at a point you can see within damage.
30 feet. You take no fall damage from this movement, and
creatures within 5 feet of where you land take 1d4 Mind Trick
bludgeoning damage. Psionic Power
Casting Time: 1 action.
Enhancing Surge Range: 60 feet.
Psionic Power Components: S
Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
Range: Self. You attempt to use your powers to cloud another creature's
Components: S mind. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On
Duration: Instantaneous failure, they have disadvantage on all Wisdom ability checks
You empower yourself gaining 1d4 + your Intelligence for the duration, and if they attempt to strike you, they must
modifier temporary hit points, and cause your next weapon roll a d20. On a 10 or less, the attack fails and is wasted. The
damage roll before the end of your turn to deal 1d4 additional target creature can repeat their saving throw at the end of
damage. each of their turns.
Mind Blank
Enhancing Discipline Psionic Power
This is interchangable with the power of the Casting Time: 1 reaction (to making an Intelligence,
Enhancement Discipline, but you can only ever add Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw)
your Intelligence modifier to the temporary hit Range: Self.
points gained once if you gain it from multiple Components: S
sources. Duration: Instantaneous
You gain advantage on the saving throw that triggered this
power, and can add 1d6 to the result.
Kinetic Barrier
Psionic Power Border Walk
Casting Time: 1 bonus action. Psionic Power
Range: Self. Casting Time: 1 bonus action.
Components: S Range: Self.
Duration: 1 round. Components: S
You erect a shield of kinetic energy around yourself. Until the Duration: 1 round.
start of your next turn, you have three-quarters cover. You partially phase from reality. For the duration, you can
pass through creatures and difficult terrain without
Adapt expending additional movement, and attacks of opportunity
Psionic Power made against you with non magical weapons have
Casting Time: 1 bonus action. disadvantage.
Range: Self.
Components: S Mind Blank
Duration: 1 round. Psionic Power
You gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, psychic, Casting Time: 1 bonus action.
or thunder damage until the start of your next turn. Range: Self.
Components: S
Hurl Object Duration: Instantaneous
Psionic Power You attempt to erase yourself from the minds of nearby
Casting Time: 1 action creatures. Creatures of your choice within 30 feet must make
Range: 60 ft. an Intelligence saving throw. On failure, you are hidden from
Components: S that creature for the duration. You are revealed to them if you
Duration: Instantaneous make an attack against them or interact with them in any
way, or they make a Search check against your psionic power
DC to find you.

KibblesTasty's Compendium (Psionics)

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