Think For Bulgaria B1 P1 Test 10 B

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1 Circle the correct words. 4 His friends helped him with the presentation.
I bought a pair of shoes from the new shop in town six _______________________________________
months ago. They were on 0 offer / refund. The original 5 Sailing across the Pacific alone is what made my
price was £60, but they were selling for cousin famous.
£45 – that’s 25% 1worth / off – and you know I love a _______________________________________
bargain / tip. But it turned out they weren’t good 10
reward / value for money. There’s already a hole – in 4 Complete the sentences with the future
them, so I don’t think they were 4owed / worth £45. Do continuous form of the verb.
you think I should take them back and ask for a
5 0 This time tomorrow, I ’ll be working (work).
refund / tip, or am I too late?
1 You can come and see Alan at the weekend – he
__________________ (not work) then.
2 Complete the conversation with the words in 2 Where __________________ (team/ train) for the
the list. World Championship?
finance | healthcare | education | employer salary | 3 My mother __________________ (practise) yoga this
qualifications time next week.
TOM Do you know what kind of job you'll want when 4 What __________________ (you/do) during the
you finish your 0 education? summer holidays?
JILL I’m thinking about going into 1_____________ . 5 Jim’s classmates __________________ (travel)
I might become a nurse? What about you? around Europe next month.
TOM Oh, I’m looking for something that pays a bigger 10
_____________ than nursing! I want to get into 5 Write the questions.
_____________ and work for a bank. That’s
0 Q What will you be doing at 7 a.m. tomorrow?
where the money is!
A I’ll be taking a shower at 7 a.m. tomorrow.
JILL Do you need to get lots of 4_____________ for
1 Q ____________________________________?
A Maria will be making dinner for you when you get
TOM Not really. You just have to impress your
5 there.
_____________ . If you get results, you’ll be
2 Q ____________________________________?
A They’ll be having lunch k at 1 o’clock.
3 Q ____________________________________?
3 Rewrite the sentences with a phrase with by. A No, I won’t be doing the gardening at the weekend.
0 You have until 2.30 to finish the test. 4 Q ____________________________________?
Finish the test by 2.30. A Matt will be looking after his little sister at 8 o’clock
1 He robbed a bank – that’s how he became very rich. tonight.
_______________________________________ 5 Q ____________________________________?
2 Tomorrow is when Jessica will have prepared the A I’ll be staying at my aunt’s house this summer.
report. 10
3 I came across our PE teacher near the gym..

Think for Bulgaria B1 P1 Unit tests

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

KIM Sorry, I can’t. I 3 __________________ (camp)
6 Put the words in order to make sentences. with my family.
0 finished / by / 9 o’clock / have / I’ll / my homework KATE The thing is, I’m a bit worried that I
I’ ll have finished my homework by 9 o’clock. 4
__________________ (not save) up enough
1 the / have / She’ll / by / spent / June / money / all money for our trip in time.
_________________________________________ KIM Don’t worry. I’ll lend you what you need. We
2 this mess / We’ll / sorted / before / have /arrive / __________________ (climb) in the Alps a
our parents / out month from now, no matter what!
_________________________________________ 10
_________________________________________ 9 Circle the correct letter.
3 for / My parents / have / Nepal / will / lived / in July 0 A I’ll be ride to school at that time.
/ 10 years B I’ll be riding to school at that time.
_________________________________________ 1 A Our car will have done 50,000 km soon.
_________________________________________ B Our car will be doing 50,000 km soon.
4 made / tomorrow / the jury / Will / decision / by / 2 A How long will you have been learning English
have / the by the end of this year?
_________________________________________ B How long will you be learning English by the
_________________________________________ end of this year?
5 achieved / you / What / have / you’re 30 / by the 3 A We’ll have enjoyed the sunshine at this time
time / will ? next week.
_________________________________________ B We’ll be enjoying the sunshine at this time
_________________________________________ next week.
10 4 A In May, Dad will have been working at this
7 Cicle the correct form of the verb. school for 12 years.
0 You ’ll be spending / ’ll have spent all your money B In May, Dad will have been worked at this
soon if you don’t slow down! school for 12 years.
1 Don’t interrupt your brother now – he ’ll have played 5 A Will you have to had dinner by 8 o’clock?
/ ‘ll be playing the piano in the hall. B Will you have had dinner by 8 o’clock?
2 Julia won’t have received / won’t be receiving the 10
parcel yet. 10 Complete the mini dialogues with the words in
3 Will Gregory be finising / have finished his the list.
assignment in two days’ time? mind | How | awful | What | That's | sorry
4 Anne will be working / will have worked in the 0 A We lost nearly £100!
library for 15 years next month.
B How awful .
5 When you come, I ’ll probably be painting / ‘ll have
1 A Danny didn’t get the job he wanted.
painted in the studio.
B _____________ a real shame.
2 A My favourite football team lost again.
8 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the B Never _____________ .
verb in brackets. 3 A My mum lost her job at the hospital.
KIM Do you want to meet up and talk about our B I’m really _____________ to hear that.
climbing holiday at 8 o’clock tonight? 4 A We’ve already spent nearly all our holiday
KATE I can’t. I 0 ’ll be working (work) on my project money!
at that time. B _____________ a pity.
KIM When 1 __________________ (you / finish) 5 A I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford to buy
with this project? my own flat.
KATE I don’t know. I hope I 2 __________________ B _____________ sad.
(do) all the research by the end of the week. 5
Can we meet next Saturday?

Think for Bulgaria B1 P1 Unit tests

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016


Think for Bulgaria B1 P1 Unit tests

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

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