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Mechanical Properties Of Solids

Elastic Behaviour of Solids and The Concept of Stress and Strain


It is the property of a body by virtue of which it tends to regain its original size and
shape after the applied force is removed.

Examples of elastic materials − quartz fibre, phosphor bronze, etc.


It is the inability of a body in regaining its original status on the removal of the deforming

Examples of plastic materials − bakelite, plastic


The restoring force or deforming force experienced by a unit area is called stress.

S.I unit = Nm−2

Types of Stress

• Normal Stress

When the elastic restoring force or deforming force acts perpendicular to the area, the
stress is called normal stress. Normal stress can be sub-divided into the following

(a) Tensile Stress

When there is an increase in the length or the extension of the body in the direction of
the force applied, the stress set up is called tensile stress

l = Original length

Δl = Increase in length

(b) Compressive Stress

When there is a decrease in the length or the compression of the body due to the force
applied, the stress set up is called compressive stress.


l = Original length

Δl = Decrease in length

(c) Tangential or Shearing Stress

When the elastic restoring force or deforming force acts parallel to the surface area, the
stress is called tangential stress.

Ratio of change in configuration to the original configuration

Strain =

It is a dimensionless quantity.

Types of Strain

• Longitudinal Strain

Longitudinal Strain =

• Volumetric Strain

Volumetric Strain =
• Shearing Strain

An angle (in radian) through which a plane perpendicular to the fixed surface of the
cubical body gets turned under the effect of a tangential force.

Shearing Strain

Hooke's Law

• For small deformations, stress and strain are proportional to each other

Stress α strain

Stress = k × strain

Where, k is the proportionality constant, and is known as the modulus of elasticity

• Stress-strain curve for brittle materials:


When the material does not regain its original dimension, it is said to have a permanent
set, and the deformation is said to be plastic deformation.

• Stress-strain curve for elastomers:

They do not obey Hooke’s law, and always return to their original shape.

Elastic Moduli

Modulus of Elasticity:

According to Hooke’s law, within the elastic limit, we have:

Stress ∝ Strain

⇒ Stress = k × Strain
⇒ = k = constant

Here, k is known as the modulus of elasticity.

Types of Modulus of Elasticity

• Young’s modulus of elasticity (Y)





F = force applied

r = radius of the wire

l = original length

Δl = change in length

Its unit is Nm−2 or Pascal (denoted by Pa).

• Bulk modulus of elasticity (B)



If P is the increase in pressure applied on the spherical body, then

P = F/a


F = force applied

a = area of the object

V = original volume

ΔV = change in volume

Its unit is Nm−2 or Pascal.

Compressibility (k): It is the reciprocal of bulk modulus of elasticity (B).

i.e., k = 1/B

• Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus of elasticity (G)

Here, ∠HAH′ = θ = ∠GBG′ and HH′ = ΔL

Shearing strain =θ =

Tangential stress = F/a



F = force applied

a = area

L = original length

ΔL = change in length

Its unit is Nm−2 or Pascal.

Determination of Young's Modulus of Material of Wire

The experimental apparatus for determining Young’s modulus of the material of wire
comprises two long straight wires of the same material, with the same length and equal
radius suspended side by side from a fixed rigid support F.
Suppose that

r = initial radius of wire Q

L = initial length of wire Q
ΔL = elongation produced in the wire Q
M = mass producing elongation
πr2= area of cross-section of wire Q

The use of the reference wire is to compensate for any change in the length that may
occur when there is change in the room temperature. An initial small load is applied to
both the wires (the reference wire and the experimental wire) to keep them straight and
the corresponding vernier reading is recorded.

The experimental wire is loaded gradually with more weights to bring it under a tensile
stress. The vernier reading is noted again. The difference between the two vernier
readings gives the elongation produced in the wire.

If M is the mass that produced an elongation ΔL in the wire, then the applied force is
equal to Mg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

By definition, Young’s modulus of a material is the ratio of the longitudinal stress to the
longitudinal strain. Young's modulus of the experimental wire is given by
Poisson's ratio(σ):

On applying a force to a body along any direction, it is observed that there are changes

• the size along the direction of the force and

• the size in the perpendicular direction.

It is concluded that a deforming force when applied in one direction can produce strains
in the other directions. If a wire is under a longitudinal strain, the lateral dimensions
(radius of cross section) will undergo a small change.

Within the elastic limits,

Lateral strain∝∝Longitudinal strain

⇒ Lateral strain =σ××Longitudinal strain
The constant of proportionality σ is called the Poisson's ratio.

Poisson's ratio(σ) = lateral strain/ longitudinal strain

• Poisson's ratio (σ) is a unitless and dimensionless quantity.

• The value of Poisson's ratio for isotropic materials lies in the range [−1,0.5].
• For practical purposes, the value of Poisson's ratio is always positive and lies in range

Relation Between Young's Modulus, Coefficient of Linear Expansion and Thermal


Suppose that
L0 = initial length of a metallic rod at to C
Δto C = increase in temperature
L = L0(1+αΔt) = final length of the rod
Here, α is the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the rod.

∴ Force exerted by the rod due to heating = thermal stress ×× Area = YαΔt××A
Applications of Elastic Behaviour of Materials
• The metallic parts in machinery are never subjected to a stress beyond the elastic limit;
else, they may get permanently deformed.

• The thickness of the metallic rope used in a crane, for lifting a given load, depends on
the elastic limit of the material of the rope and the factor of safety.

• Bridges are designed in such a way that they do not bend much or break under the load
of heavy traffic, force of strong wind or their own weights.

From the given figure, the depression δ produced at the middle point of the bar is given


Y = Young’s modulus

W = load attached at its middle point

l = length of the bar

b = breadth of the bar

d = depth supported horizontally

In order to have a smaller depression (δ), for a given load, l should be small,
while Y, b and d should be large.

Elastic energy

When a wire is stretched by a certain force, the work done by the force is stored as
potential energy.
Consider a wire of length l and area of cross section A that is suspended from a rigid
support. By applying a force F at the free end, it is stretched by a length x.

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