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May 31, 1966 J. K. PANNILL, JR.

, ETAL 3,253,969
Filed April 30. 1963



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(Smaller Angle of Retained Crimp )

a a/aARETrE

‘A m I ——

- FIG‘. 2.
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FIG‘. 4.

United States Patent 0 1
ce 3,253,969
Patented May 31, 1966
1 Z
In the broader aspects of our invention we have found
3 253 969 that if the synthetically spun ?laments which are to be
PROCESS FOR MAKING CIGARETTE FILTER made into tobacco smoke ?lter rods are subjected to a
FILAMENTS treatment which we refer to as cylindrical blooming, the
James Knox Pannill, In, Richard F. Dyer, and James F. resultant ?lter rods may be made with a definite weight
Caines, Kingsport, Tenn., assignors to Eastman Kodak advantage. This weight advantage is at least 3 percent
Company, Rochester, N.Y., a corporation of New and in many instances the weight advantage may be up
Jersey to 15 percent or 20 percent. Such lighter weight ?lter
Filed Apr. 30, 1963, Ser. No. 276,965 rods of the present invention exhibit tar removal ef
3 Claims. (Cl. 156—-166) 10 ?ciency, pressure drop characteristics and the like as good
This invention relates to tobacco smoke ?lter cigarettes. or better than currently produced ?lter rods. In addi
More particularly this invention relates to processes for tion, the new rods of the present invention are ?rmer
making ?lter cigarettes containing a ?lter tip or element than prior art rods and, therefore, are more adaptable
which is of lighter weight than currently used rods or 15 to assembly in automatic machinery as well as supply
tips but yet is as ef?cient or more e?icient than presently ing a ?rmer tip which many smokers prefer.
used products of the class indicated. In a ?lter rod, the contraction of the base-?ber due
This application is a continuation-in-part of our earlier to retained crimp may be equated and is generally re
applications Serial No. 27,091, ?led .May 5, 1960, now ferred to as the average angle of retained crimp (a).
If no crimp were retained, the ?bers would lie essen
US. Patent No. 3,099,594, and Serial No. 81,593, ?led 20 tially
January 9, 1961, now abandoned. parallel to the smoke ?ow path through the ?lter
As is well known in the industry, a large number of and (a) would approach 180°. Since little ?ber sur
small ?lter rods or elements are used in connection with face would then be oriented normal to the smoke ?ow
tobacco products. For example, a large portion of the path, ?ltration ef?ciency, which depends upon impinge
cigarettes produced domestically and abroad have ?lter 25 ment, would be low.
tips which are usually at least one centimeter or more Our new ?lter has an average angle of retained crimp
in length and of the diameter of the tobacco portion of substantially smaller, and consequently a greater area of
the cigarette to which the tip is associated. While some ?ber surface presented to the smoke, than has been
of these ?lter tips or plugs are made from paper, cotton possible in prior art rods made from ?laments. Such re
wadding or the like, a large number are made from 30 duction in the crimp angle is at least as great as 25°
crimped synthetic ?laments. In any event, when it is and usually is within the range of 25—60°. We have
considered published reports indicate that an excess of found that this reduction in the angle of retained crimp
60,000,000 pounds of ?lter material is consumed in ?lter permits the weight saving aforesaid. Also other un
manufacture domestically, it is readily apparent that re expected advantages may be obtained therefrom such as
ducing the weight of such ?lter tips is a highly desirable 35 increased ?rmness and the like. This may be accom
result, particularly if this may be done without impair plished by subjecting the crimped synthetically spun ?la
ing the ?ltering e?iciency of the tip. Such reduction in ments to a treatment of cylindrical blooming which will
weight is not only useful in savingmaterial cost, but be described in detail hereinafter.
gives other bene?ts such as lowering shipping costs For assistance in a further understanding of our in
which, in View of the highly competitive nature of the vention, reference is made to the attached drawing form
?lter market, is of value. In other words, because of the ing a part of the present application.
rather small cost margins involved due to ?lter rods be FIG. 1 is a side elevation view on a slightly enlarged
ing a low priced item, it is apparent that such savings scale and partly in section for showing aprior art ?lter.
which may be accomplished by the present invention FIG. 2 is likewise a side elevation view partly in sec
represent a highly desirable result. tion for illustrating the ?lter of the present invention
After extended investigation we have discovered wherein the contraction due to retained crimp is ap
preciably greater. .
a process for manufacturing ?lter cigarettes having ?lter
rods or tips which are substantially lighter in weight than FIG. 3 is a diagrammatic side elevation view on a con
currently used ?lter rods but which rods are as e?icient siderably enlarged scale of a crimped ?lament for illus- Y
or more e?‘icient as respects tar removal and in other 50 trating the matter of angles as referred to above and as
respects are equal to or better than currently used ?lter will be described in more detail hereinafter.
rods. FIGS. 4 and 5 are also similar side elevation views
One object of this invention is to provide a novel on an exaggerated scale of a plurality of ?laments for
process for making a cigarette ?lter rod or tip from further illustrating the matter of crimp retention.
mechanically crimped synthetically spun ?laments where 55 Referring to FIGURE 1 which concerns the prior art
in the longitudinal contraction due to the crimps is re glter, 2 indicates the over-all cigarette to which the
tained to a substantially greater extent than is possible ?lter tip 3 is attached. This ?lter tip or plug is wrapped
with prior art ?lter rod production methods. A further with a usual ?lter wrap material such as paper as in
object is to provide a combination process of preparing dicated at 4-. The ?lter is made up of several thousand
the tip of lighter weight and associating it with the to 60 crimped continuous ?laments generally indicated as at
bacco portion of the cigarette to form a ?lter cigarette. 5. However, it will be noted as at 6 that although the
Another object is to provide a ?lter element for cigarette contraction due to crimp may be discernible, such is not
?lter purposes which is lighter in weight than comparable ‘to the comparable extent as is the ease in the present in
?lters in commercial use but which ?lter is equal to or vention as will be discussed in connection with FIG
URE 2.
better in et?ciency than currently used ?lters. Still a Referrinng to FIGURE 2, in a comparable manner
further object is to provide a new ?lter tip cigarette com a cigarette is indicated at ‘8. The ?lter wrap 9 may be
prised of the novel rod of the present invention in associa the same as in FIGURE 1. However, ‘the ?lter 10 of
tion with smoking tobacco. Another object is to provide the present invention, although it may be made of the
a ?lter cigarette which has a ?lter which is substantially same size and composition of crimped continuous ?la
harder than currently used ?lters. Other objects will ments, the structure and arrangement of the ?laments
appear hereinafter. is different from that of FIGURE 1. For example, re
‘ 3,253,969

3 4
ferring to a group of ?laments at 11 it Will be observed ‘pressure to utilize and the like information is generally in
that the contraction due to retained crimp angle is very accordance with the following: _ v
great. That is, in the‘ present-invention it is preferred The tow is withdrawn from the package vertically
that the average angle of retained crimp be at most 100°. through a banding device such as shown in Stevens Pat
Referring now to FIG. 3 the following formula may ent 2,908,045 and thence over a guide to the nip be
be derived: tween a pair of feed rolls. The banded tow is passed
then over a suitable plasticizer applicator, if a plasticizer
is desired, and thence to the cylindrical blooming jet. In
the jet the tow passes through a cylindrical entrance noz_
azangle of retained crimp _ 10 zle %—5/16 inch in diameter whence it emerges in the
Y=length of equivalent to Wt. of crimp-free tow path of a peripheral stream of high velocity air. The
2X=length equivalent to wt. of ?ber contracted due to ' preferred air pressure used is 20-25 pounds per square
retained crimp inch, gage. The ?laments of the tow are thoroughly de
bundlized in the throat of the cylindrical jet and in the
For a rod L mm. long ' 15 subsequent divergent passage of the jet with a minimum
of longitudinal extension. At the exit of the jet the de
bundlized tow is compacted in a chamber consisting of
spring steel strips or other restricting means wherein a
L=length of rod, mm. - certain amount of crimp compaction is restored and ‘a
T: total denier of the uncrimped tow 20 controlled withdrawal rate is assured.
9 X l06=mm./gm./denier By the procedure just described, the contraction due
2X =W to retained crimp is maintained at a much higher level
than is possible with tension (mechanical blooming).
W=dry wt. rod, gms. Furthermore, even with tow having a high degree of
25 crimp such cylindrical blooming does not cause breakage
or other damage to the tow whereas prior art mechanical
treatments are limited to some extent by the possibility
From this formula it will be observed that from a com of potential damage to the crimp or because of undue
parison of the weight of ?lter, a relationship respecting. breaking.
the amount of retained crimp may be ascertained. 30 After the tow has been cylindrically bloomed in a suit
From the foregoing and referring to FIGS. 4 and 5 it able manner, it is then withdrawn by means of a suitable
can be seen that where the angle is much above 100*’, as roll and passes thence to a ?lter rod forming machineof
'the 140° indicated in FIG. 4, the resultant ?lter will the type generally used in the commercial production of
not be as good as that of FIG. 5 where the angle is in ?lters and cigarettes. The tow is here wrapped in a suit
able wrapper at a speci?ed diameter and, after sealing, is
dicated as ~90°. cut into lengths suitable for use for assembly onto ciga
Further information concerning the method of manu
facture and the new structure of the ?lter rod of the rettes.
present invention will be had from the following descrip A further understanding of our invention will be had
tion. A tow of a suitable nature for making ?lters would from the consideration of the following examples which
be obtained. This tow may be a tow such as currently are set forth for illustrating certain improved embodi
used in ?lter manufacture, but will have a total denier ments.
30 to 50 percent lower than would be selected to pro Example I
duce an equivalent ?lter by prior art processes. Or,
the tow may be of certain types to be described below Rods were produced by the tension blooming process
such as debundlized tow. 45 as disclosed in U.S. Patent 2,794,480 (Crawford et al.)
Quite useful tows are described in Crawford and from 3 D/F, 84,600 T.D. cellulose acetate tow. Using
Stevents U.S. Patents 2,794,239, 2,953,837 and 2,953,838. the cylindrical blooming process of the present invention, ,
Such tows althouugh of a compacted nature have useful ' it was found that a 3 D/F, 53,000 T.D. resulted in rods
yarn treating agents thereon and are preferably uniformly of approximately the same pressure drop. Analyses of
crimped 'to start with. While for a number of reasons the rods is tabulated below.
we prefer a tow essentially comprised of crimped con
tinuous cellulose acetate ?laments, it is possible in the
present invention to utilize ?laments of other composi
tions such as regenerated cellulose, polyesters, poly Tension Cylindrical
amides, polyacrylics, and polyole?ns and the like, as will 55 Process Process
be apparent from the description which follows and cer
tain of the speci?c examples. Tow ____________________________________ __ 3-84, 600 3-53, 000
Another form of tow which may be used in the pres Crimp per inch____-_ _________ __ 11 13
‘ent invention is debundlized tow as described in com Rod pressure drop, in. of Wat 12. 9 13. 7
Hardness value ___________ _ _ 6. 8 3. 5
panion Caines, Dyer and Pannill application Serial No. Wt.‘of acetate tow in rod, gm . 853 . 739
Reduction of tow wt., Percent. ._ ____________ _. 14. 4
81,222, now U.S. Patent No. 3,126,095. In the event Angle of retained crimp, degrees _________ __ 158 92
debundlized tow is employed, such tow may be sub
stantially directly fed into- the vgarniture of the ?lter rod.
forming mechanism as shown in Crawford and Stevens
Patent 2,794,480 or as disclosed in Wexler companion 65
Patent 3,016,945. Although there was considerable reduction in weight,
On the other hand, if the tows of the aforementioned
Crawford and Stevens patents are used or other com the new ?lter of the present invention functioned as well
mercial tows of somewhat the same general type, such as the older ?lter in all respects and in certain respects
tow is subjected to cylindrical blooming generally in ac 70 had better properties.
cordance with the disclosure of Caines, Dyer‘ and Pan Example II
nill parent application Serial No. 27,091 (now U.S. Pat
ent No. 3.099594); In further detail, the suitable cy As above, ?lter rods were made by the two processes,
lindrical blooming for processing the tow to_make the 7 using 5 D/F cellulose acetate tows. The data are tabu
new ?lter rods of the present invention, the preferred gas lated below.
' 6
lindrical blooming jet described in parent Caines et al.
Tension Cylindrical application referred to above. ,
Process Process
It can be seen from the above examples that by the
present invention it is possible to produce a ?lter rod
Tow ____________________________________ -_ 5-100, 000 5-50, 000
Crimp per inch _________________________ __ 12 which is considerably lighter in weight than prior art rods
Rod pressure drop, in. of water_ _ 11.0 11. 4 but which is e?icient and in ‘some respects more advan
Hardness value _______________ __ . 5. 2 3. 2
Wt. of acetate tow in red, grns.-. 1.015 .787 tageous than the prior art rods. It can also be seen that
Reduction in tow weight, Perce
Angle of retained crimp, degrees _________ ..
?lters may be produced from materials which cannot be
_____________ __
22. 5
plasticized, in the accepted sense of the term, but which
10 have suf?cient ?rmness for further processing.
Example III The invention has been described in detail with partic
ular reference to preferred embodiments thereof, but it
As in Example I,.?lter rods were made by the two will be understood that variations and modi?cations can
processes, using 8 D/ F cellulose acetate tows. The data be eifected within the spirit and scope of the invention as
are tabulated below.
described hereinabove and as de?ned in the appended
Tension Cylindrical We claim:
Process Process
1. A process for converting a bundle of crimped con
Tow ____________________________________ __ 8»80, 000 8—32, 000 tinuous ?laments of a total denier of less than 80,000 into
Crimp per inch . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7. 5 12 a ?lter rod product of lighter weight than heretofore con
Rod pressure drop, in. of water. 5. 9 6. 2
Hardness value ____________ __ 7. 9 3.0 ventionally manufactured rods, which product is attached
Wt. of acetate tow in rod, gins . 845 .713 to a cylinder of shredded tobacco enclosed in a wrapper.
Reduction in tow weight, percent. ____________ __ 15. 6
Angle of retained crimp, degrees _________ .. 152 whereby a ?lter tipped cigarette is formed which com
prises the following steps of obtaining said bundle of ,
25 crimped ?laments with a crimp of at least 7 crimps per
In the above examples, all rods were 24.8 mm. circum
ference by 90 mm. long. The hardness value is the rod inch and an angle of crimp below 100°, passing said
compression under a speci?ed load, measured in tenths crimped ?laments into and through a jet supplied with
of a millimeter. A low value is indicative of a ?rm rod. high velocity gas, which gas acts upon the ?laments,
The tars removal was determined for a 15 mm. ?lter tip, 30 retarding the exit of the ?laments from the jet immedi
using standard cigarettes and an automatic smoking ma ately adjacent the exit from the jet, whereby the crimped
chine. ?laments are separated one from another so as to enlarge
Example IV the cross-sectional area occupied by the ?lament bundle
and the bundle is debundlized without permanently elon
Rods were produced by the cylindrical blooming proc gating the ?laments therein, reducing the cross-sectional
ess without plasticizer using 3 ~D/F 80,000 T.D. viscose 35 area occupied by the debundlized ?laments while main
tow. Rod ?rmness was su?icient for assembly although taining said angle of crimp in the ?laments below 100",
no ?lament bonding agent was used. The pressure drop enclosing the compressed reduced cross-sectional area
and weight were comparable to those obtained with bundle of ?laments in a wrapper, and severing the
equivalent cellulose acetate tow. wrapped bundle into lengths suitable for use in machines
Example V which attach said lengths as ?lter tips to said tobacco.
2. The process as de?ned in claim 1 which includes the
Filter rods produced from a 3.4 D/F, 50,000 T.D. step of applying a liquid treating agent to the ?laments
polypropylene tow by the cylindrical blooming process of the bundle prior to supplying the bundle to the jet.
had an average angle of retained crimp of 68°. Tow 3. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein the
debundlizing was satisfactory and the rod characteristics 45 crimped ?laments are principally of cellulose acetate of
were somewhat comparable of those of conventional cel a denier of less than 8 and of an initial crimp greater
lulose acetate rods although no plasticizer was used. than 9 crimps per inch and a resultant rod product is of
Example VI a weight of the order of not substantially more than .7
Filter rods were produced with the cylindrical bloom 50
ing process using a highly randomized tow produced by References Cited by the ‘Examiner .
the free-fall spinning method at very low spinning draft,
in the order of 0.2, with a 4 D/F tow of 33,000 T .D. UNITED STATES PATENTS
which had an apparent total denier of 50,000 due to the 2,805,671 9/1957 Hackney et al. I ____ __ 131—208
random orientation of the ?laments, ?lter rods of com 55 2,900,988 8/1959 Crawford et a1 _____ __ 131-208
mercial ?rmness were produced by applying the plas
3,099,594 7/1963 Caines et al. ______ __ 156-180
ticizer with a wick applicator to the outer surfaces of the
tow and redistributing the plasticizer throughout the tow
uniformly enough to provide the necessary bonding at EARL M. BERGERT, Primary Examiner.
?lament intersections by passing the tow through the cy 60 MELVIN D. REIN, Examiner.

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