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PSI Inspection Sheet

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Department: Division: PSI Inspection Sheet

BI Number / JO: Project Title:
Contract Number and Name: Inspection Date:
Type of Inspection (Focused or Major): Manpower:
Team Members: Site Construction Percentage:
Saudi Aramco Project Engineer: Contractor Site Representative:
Saudi Aramco Safety Advisor: Contractor Safety Advisor:

1. PPE Usage (Behavioral) NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
1.01 Are all personnel on site wearing the required head protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?
1.02 Are all personnel on site wearing the required hearing protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?
1.03 Are all personnel on site wearing the required eye protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?
1.04 Are all personnel on site wearing the required face protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?
Are all personnel on site wearing the required Respiratory Protective Equipment? Are they trained to use the equipment? Is the Equipment maintained and
used properly?
1.06 Are all personnel on site wearing the required, correct hand protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?
1.07 Are all personnel on site wearing the required body protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?
1.08 Are all personnel on site wearing the required foot protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?

1.09 Are all workers (exposed to Falls from height) using the required PFAS? Are they trained? Is the equipment maintained and used properly?

2. Positions of People (Behavioral) NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
Are all personnel working in an elevated position higher than 1.8 meters wearing full-body harnesses with appropriate lanyards, anchored to substantial
anchor points?
2.02 Are all personnel climbing up or down ladders, facing the ladder, while maintaining 3 points of contact, with hands free of materials?

2.03 Are all ladders secured properly at the top and supported on stable footing (or secured at the bottom)?
2.04 Are all ladders set at a 4:1 slope extending at least 1 m (3 feet) above the top landing point?
2.05 Are personnel given rest periods?
2.06 Are personnel provided with rest shelters, with sufficient supply of drinking water?
2.07 Are personnel working on a buddy system?

2.08 Do personnel maintain a safe distance from work activities where there is a potential for them to be struck by objects or equipment?

2.09 Do personnel observe and respect the barricades and safety signs?
2.1 Do personnel avoid improper positioning between objects that have a potential for pinching or crushing?
2.11 Are personnel wearing appropriate PPE for the activity to prevent ingestion/contact with hazardous substances?
2.12 Are eye wash stations provided at work locations where chemical substances are frequently handled?
2.13 Are all personnel using the appropriate PPE while performing work close to hot/cold surfaces?
2.14 Is a lockout/tag out procedure followed when working on electrical equipment?
3. Safety Rules & Procedures Compliance (Behavioral) NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
3.01 Has the contractor developed a corporate safety program, as required?
3.02 Are procedures known and understood by all contractor staff?
3.03 Does the contractor personnel visibly demonstrate the ability to follow procedures?
3.04 Is the site supervisor at the work activity and demonstrating his ability to lead safety as required?
3.05 Is there a written job skills/craft competency training document?
3.06 Is the safety officer on site approved by the relevant Saudi Aramco Proponent Organization (SAPO)?
4. Tools and Equipment (Includes Behavioral) NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
4.01 Has the contractor provided his employees with the correct tools or equipment required for the work activity?
4.02 Are the contractor employees using the provided tools correctly?
4.03 Are the provided tools in good, working condition, with no visible defects (no home-made tools allowed)?
4.04 Are all operators of cartridge tools certified competent and do they have valid certificates with them on the job site?
Are cartridge tools stored in a suitable secure, fireproof storage area, which is under constant supervision, with a wall separating the tools and their

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

4.06 Are all pneumatic (air) hoses in good condition, free from any visible defects, of the right material and with the correct fittings?
4.07 Are pneumatic hoses secured by safety wires or whip-checks?

4.08 Are all portable electrical power tools double insulated or properly grounded with a three-prong UL listed or FM approved (or equivalent) electrical plug?

4.09 Are Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) used for all portable electrical power tools?

4.1 Are all power tools equipped with guards (where appropriate) and are guards properly secured and in the correct position during use?

4.11 Have all contractor employees received documented training to use the equipment and/or tools?
4.12 Are all trigger locking mechanisms disabled and all dead-man controls in good working order?
5. Housekeeping (Includes Behavioral) NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
5.01 Do workers collect their trash and is trash disposed of in the correct, designated containers?
5.02 Is construction debris collected and protected from scattering?
5.03 Are there enough dumpsters provided and contents disposed of regularly to prevent overfilling?
5.04 Are trash bins provided with secure covers and emptied before overfilling?
5.05 Are materials stored, segregated, and stacked properly to prevent collapse?
5.06 Are all designated aisles and walkways clear from any obstructions?

5.07 Are timbers with nails collected to be de-nailed in a designated timber de-nailing area, barricaded and secured from unauthorized entry?

5.08 Are effective dust control methods (e.g., water spray/mist, dust barriers/traps, etc.) implemented to reduce work-generated airborne dust?

5.09 Is housekeeping done at the end of each day's activity?

6. Confined Space Entry NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
6.01 Does the Confined Space Entry (CSE) team have an approved CSE Permit?
6.02 Are the relevant supporting documents (JSA, Method Statement, Confined Space Rescue Plan, Training Records) available on site?
6.03 Have the required gas tests been conducted, as stipulated on the CSE Permit?
6.04 Are all relevant employees listed on the Confined Space Entry sign-in/sign-out sheet?
6.05 Is the Confined Space Entry stand-by man present?
6.06 Is the Confined Space equipped with safe means of Access/Egress?
Are all of the CSE personnel trained for their various roles (Stand-by man, CSE Supervisor, personnel performing the work), including the emergency
response plan?
6.08 Is all of the safety/rescue equipment listed on the permit, in the JSA and in the CS rescue plan available on site and inspected prior to use?

6.09 Have the CSE team been trained on the use of all emergency equipment, including all PPE such as lifelines, personal gas monitors, SCBA's, etc.?

6.1 Is the area around the confined space properly barricaded and signposted to keep the area free of non-essential personnel?

6.11 Are all potential entrances to the confined space barricaded and signposted to prevent unauthorized entry into the confined space?

7. Fall Protection/Personal Fall Arrest System Use NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
7.01 Is there a documented, SAPMT reviewed Fall Protection Plan (FPP) written for specific work at heights, specific to this activity?
Does the FPP include high elevation rescue procedures with assigned responsibilities, including bridging document if a proponent or govt. agency is to be
7.03 Does the contractor have a designated fall protection competent person (CP), approved by SAPMT, for the inspection of fall arrest equipment (FAE)?

7.04 Do all workers who are exposed to fall hazards and their supervisors have documented fall protection training?
7.05 Did the contractor conduct written tests for workers and supervisors to demonstrate competency?
Are all contractor workers exposed to fall hazards provided with fall arrest equipment (FAE), including harness and double lanyards with self locking snap
7.07 Are all full body harnesses equiped with suspension trauma straps ?
Is the contractor's competent person conducting monthly inspections of fall arrest equipment and providing either color coding or documented inventory
7.09 Can the contractor provide approved drawings for all horizontal lifelines?
7.1 Are all contractor employees exposed to fall of 1.8M (6 ft.) or greater adequately protected (wearing FAE, guardrails, etc.)?
8. Crane and Lifting Devices NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
8.01 Do crane operators have valid certificates that indicate the crane they are operating?
8.02 Has the Crane operator properly completed the Daily Crane Inspection Checklist for his assigned crane?
8.03 Are the Riggers certified as per GI 7.028 and their certificates authorized for the load they are rigging?

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

8.04 Are all loads rigged by an authorized rigger?

8.05 Are Critical Lift Plans, approved by a certified Rigger I, available for all critical lifts?
8.06 Are crane lift areas barricaded and secured with proper warning signs?

8.07 Do all cranes have (3-months validity) BLUE Inspection stickers from a Saudi Aramco approved 3rd-party crane inspection company?

8.08 Do all spreader beams have 6-months-validity Inspection stickers from a Saudi Aramco certified 3rd-party inspection company?
8.09 Are proper warning signs and barricades installed for all crane lifts?
8.1 Are outrigger mats in use, 150% larger than the outrigger pads and not permanently fixed to the outrigger pads?
8.11 Are all outriggers fully extended when in use?
8.12 Are cranes positioned near excavations at a distance not less than 2 meters or the depth of the excavation whichever is greater?
8.13 Are crane operators in the cab when a load is attached and suspended?
8.14 Are crane cab windows ALL clear and unobstructed while crane is in operation?
8.15 Are Legible load charts available in the crane cab?

8.16 Is all rigging equipment inspected monthly (color coded) and are documented inspections by a certified rigger conducted every 6 months?

8.17 Are proper taglines used during all lifts?

8.18 Are all man baskets inspected and certified by a Saudi Aramco certified 3rd party inspection Company, with 6 months validity?

8.19 Are documented inspections conducted on all man baskets and associated equipment, by a certified rigger I/II? Are the inspections available on site?

8.2 Are Man basket activities supervised by a Certified Rigger I or Rigger II and covered by Man basket Activity Permits?
9. Scaffolds/Ladders NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
9.01 Does the contractor have Saudi Aramco certified scaffold supervisor(s) and if required, inspector(s)?
Is the contractor's Saudi Aramco certified scaffold supervisor physically present at the area where scaffold work is being performed (same guidelines as
9.03 Do all contractor scaffold supervisor(s) and scaffold inspector/(s) have the original certification issued by Saudi Aramco in their possession?
Has the authenticity of all certificates issued by T&D been verified by SAPMT and updated on a register of approved personnel, with date of verification
9.05 Have all scaffold craftsmen been trained (documented proof) and observed demonstrating required competency?
9.06 Are only Saudi Aramco approved scaffold tags being utilized and documented as required?
Are all special scaffolds and scaffolds over 12.2M (40 ft.) designed, erected, altered, inspected and dismantled by Saudi Aramco approved specialized
scaffolding contractor (SSC) and their direct personnel?
9.08 Is the SSC performing scaffold work at site according to a scaffold plan (SA form 9613) approved by CSD, LPD, & SAPMT?

9.09 Are scaffold tags signed by SA certified scaffold supervisor(s) and (if required) inspector(s), for scaffolds over 6M (20 ft.) & special scaffolds?

10. Heavy Equipment NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
10.01 Do all operators have in valid certifications and licenses (e.g. Operator cert, SAG license) in their possession?
10.02 Are daily pre-use inspection sheets available for each piece of heavy equipment on site?
10.03 Are all machine guards in place and in good condition?
10.04 Are there repeated equipment deficiencies recorded on the inspection sheets that have not been corrected?
10.05 Is the equipment fitted with a fire extinguisher? Is the fire extinguisher's inspection up to date?
10.06 Does the spotter have the appropriate safety gear for his job (e.g. Fluorescent Vest, Flags/lights, etc.)?
10.07 Have all the spotters received job specific training?
10.08 Are all heavy vehicles fitted with audible backup alarms?
10.09 Do the audible alarms meet the required noise level?
10.1 Are all heavy vehicles fitted with the required Proximity Warning Alarm System (PWAS)?
10.11 Have the operators been trained on the proper use of the PWAS?
11. Heat Stress NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date

11.01 Are there weather monitoring systems throughout the work location to determine heat stress categories and notify workforce of levels (flags, SMS, etc.)?
Does the contractor have a heat stress management program in place that includes: work/rest cycles, cooling stations, shaded rest areas with hydration
stations, etc.?
11.03 Does the contractor have an emergency response team trained in heat stress related injuries and appropriate equipment to treat?

11.04 Is there a "No water, No work" policy in place and enforced?

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

11.05 Do workers have personal water bottles?

11.06 Is there documented evidence of both employees and supervisors having Heat Stress Training?
12. Cutting/Welding/Brazing NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
12.01 Do welders and brazers have Saudi Aramco certifications in their possession?
Are trained and certified fire watch personnel present during HOT work activities and do they remain on site for at least 30 minutes after hot work activities
have been completed?
12.03 Are appropriate fire extinguishers available on site? Have the extinguishers been recently inspected?
12.04 Does contractor use noncombustible and flameproof welding screens?
12.05 Are all flammable/combustible materials protected or removed from all HOT work areas?
12.06 Are all gauges, valves, hoses, fittings and flash back arrestors inspected/color-coded and are they in good working condition?
12.07 Are all cylinders equipped with valves or readily available on/off wrenches?
12.08 Are all welding machines properly bonded, with properly installed grounding?
12.09 Are all welding cables free of splices and any damage?
12.1 Are all electrode holders and grounding clamp insulation free of damage with tight connections?
13. Camp Administrative Compliance NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for administration procedures of contractor camps / parks and
constructions camps as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for compliance with Saudi Aramco requirements for administered and managed to comply with
the provisions of GI 151.006 “Implementing the Saudi Aramco Environmental Health Code” and that environmental and safety standards
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Listed/Approved Electrical Equipment as per CSSP or
offically stated elsewhere
13.04 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for contractor complinace with to requirements for Listed/Approved Electrical Equipment
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Managed Residential Parks (MRPs) as per CSSP or offically
stated elsewhere
13.06 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program regarding requirements for Managed Residential Parks (MRPs)
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Project Management (PM) Construction Camp (PMCC)
where applicable by contract as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program regarding requirements for Project Management (PM) Construction Camp (PMCC) where
applicable by contract
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Scattered Contractor Camp (SCC) as per CSSP or offically
stated elsewhere
13.1 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program regarding requirements for Scattered Contractor Camp (SCC)

Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for contractors to provide all personnel residing in CRPs, MRCs,
13.11 SCCs and PMCCs with medical facilities/care in accordance with John Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) Minimum Medical Requirements Manual (MMSR),
MOH regulation and Saudi Arab Labor Law as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program regarding requirements for contractors to provide all personnel residing in CRPs, MRCs, SCCs
13.12 and PMCCs with medical facilities/care in accordance with John Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) Minimum Medical Requirements Manual (MMSR), MOH
regulation and Saudi Arab Labor Law.
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for contractors to have an agreed Healthcare Plan authorized
13.13 by JHAH representative and that the Healthcare Plan shall be in accordance with JHAH’s Strategic Contractor Company Healthcare Program regarding the
provider and facilities to be used as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program regarding requirements for contractor company to have an agreed Healthcare Plan authorized
13.14 by JHAH representative and that the Healthcare Plan shall be in accordance with JHAH’s Strategic Contractor Company Healthcare Program regarding the
provider and facilities to be used.
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for all new contractor camps (SCC, CRP, MRP & PMCC), before
13.15 construction, applicant shall submit design drawings, site plan, and specifications of all facilities to local supervisors LPD, EPD, FrPD and where applicable,
JHAH and Inspection Dept, for review to ensure compliance with applicable Saudi Aramco requirements as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere

Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program regarding requirements for all new contractor camps (SCC, CRP, MRP & PMCC), before
13.16 construction, applicant shall submit design drawings, site plan, and specifications of all facilities to local supervisors LPD, EPD, FrPD and where applicable,
JHAH and Inspection Dept, for review to ensure compliance with applicable Saudi Aramco requirements.

14. CSAR Administrative Compliance NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Personal Protective Equipmentt as per CSSP or offically
stated elsewhere

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Does Contractor Fully comply with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Tools and Equipment as per CSSP or offically stated
14.04 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program of for Tools and Equipment
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for administrative safety rules and work procedures as per
CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
14.06 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program of administrative safety rules and work procedures?
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for good housekeeping at work and storage sites as per CSSP or
offically stated elsewhere?
14.08 Does Contractor have an approved SA program that fully complies with requirements of good housekeeping at work and storage sites?
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for cranes and other heavy equipment as per CSSP or offically
stated elsewhere
14.1 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for cranes and other heavy equipment
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements regarding Incident Investigations as per CSSP or offically stated
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements regarding Corrective Action findings as per CSSP or offically
stated elsewhere
Does contractor fully comply with Saudi Aramco requirements regarding to corrective actions being emplemented and verified within the specified period of
time established by Saudi Aramco
14.14 Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for safety meetings as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere

14.15 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for safety meetings

14.16 Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Safety Inspections as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere

14.17 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for documented safety inspections of job sites
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Emergency Response and Drills as per CSSP or offically
stated elsewhere
14.19 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for contractor emergency response plan,
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements with Job Skills Competency Training and Certification as per
CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
14.21 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for contractor to provide job skills competency training for their employees

Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements with Job Skills qualificaitons of managers, supervisors and staff,
to include safety managers, safety supervisors and safety staff as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for contractor Job Skills qualificaitons of of managers, supervisors and staff, to include safety
managers, safety supervisors and safety staff.
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements with qualifed Site Supervision and Oversight of
Subcontractors as per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for contractor company to provide adequate numbers of qualified supervision on-site, who
effectively oversee their employees and monitor their subcontractors?
Does Contractor have a Propronent approved program that fully complies with requirements with Incident/Injury/Near-Miss Reporting and Investigation as
per CSSP or offically stated elsewhere
14.27 Does Contractor fully implement their SA approved program for contractor’s employees reporting of incidents and injuries, including near-misses,

14.28 Does Contractor have an approved SA program that fully complies with requirements for
15. Health and Welfare NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
15.01 Does the contractor have a medical facility appropriate to the level of staffing and/or nature of the activities?
15.02 Does the contractor have a service agreement with a Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) approved service provider?
15.03 Is the medical facility appropriately staffed (required number of staff with the relevant certifications)?
15.04 Are medical supplies stored in a designated, dust proof storage cabinet?
15.05 Are minimum stock levels of medical supplies maintained?
15.06 Are medicines disposed of correctly when they pass their expiration dates?
15.07 Is the clinic log maintained?
15.08 Is the ambulance in good working order and available on site?
15.09 Is the ambulance equipped with the minimum supplies described in the MMSR?

15.1 Is the ambulance driver familiar with the site's emergency response procedure, familiar with the worksites and the route(s) to the nearest hospital(s).

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

15.11 Are sufficient toilet facilities available, properly maintained and kept clean?
15.12 Are eating facilities provided, maintained and kept clean, as per Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirements?
15.13 Are sun shades/rest shelters provided at all worksites, no more than 100 meters from the work areas, for use during breaks?
15.14 Is sufficient cold drinking water available on site, which meet the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirements for water quality?
15.15 Are drinking water containers clean and do personnel have individual cups or disposable cups?
16. Work Permits NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
Are certified work permit receivers (WPR) available at work activity for each specific work permit? Do work permit receivers remain on site until the work
activities have been completed?
16.02 Does the contractor provide internal training for work permit receivers?
16.03 Are all activities covered by and approved work permit system?
16.04 Are gas tests conducted before and during the work activity?
16.05 Does the contractor have Gas testers certified by Saudi Aramco or contractor, depending on the type of testing equipment used?
16.06 Does the contractor have a policy of no work permit, no activity?
17. Traffic Control NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
17.01 Are the traffic flow plans approved by the relevant Saudi Aramco departments?
17.02 Are the road detours approved by the concerned Saudi Aramco organizations or government agencies?
17.03 Are emergency response and medical personnel notified of detours?
17.04 Are detours properly marked and lighted as needed?
Are highway signs, road signs, speed limit signs, detours etc. in place and do they meet the Saudi Arabian government regulations and Saudi Aramco
17.06 Are the signs printed in Arabic and English, with Arabic text located above or to the right of the English text.
17.07 Are the access roads maintained?
17.08 Is the fencing material steel as required?

17.09 Is there documented training for the flagmen? Are flagmen equipped with the proper PPE (florescent vest, traffic control devices as flags, signs radios, etc.)?

17.1 Are all barricades equiped with the required lighting to ensure visibility at night? Are the lights in good working condition?
17.11 Are cones and other warning signs with striped fluorescent reflective material in place?
18. Fire Prevention NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
18.01 Has the contractor provided sufficient fire extinguishers? Have they been inspected?
18.02 Is there documented evidence of fire extinguisher training and drills?
18.03 Are the water barrels/buckets identified and do they have current inspections throughout the worksite/man camp.
18.04 Is there documented evidence of Saudi Aramco approval for the fire fighting/suppression equipment?
18.05 Is there documented evidence of inspections of fire fighting/suppression equipment?
18.06 Is the emergency telephone number posted throughout the worksite and associated buildings?
18.07 Have the Fire Watchmen received documented training and testing?
18.08 Are the Fire Watchmen equipped for the task (PPE, fire extinguisher, etc.)?
18.09 Is all flammable/combustible material a sufficient distance (12 m) away from any open flame work?
18.1 Are Flammable/Combustible storage and containers properly labeled?
18.11 Are the designated smoking areas marked and clean?
19. Abrasive Blasting And Coating NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
19.01 Are Abrasive blasting operators certified in accordance with SAEP-316?
19.02 Are the nozzle, hose, blasting equipment (e.g., blast pot), and the material/equipment being cleaned electrically bonded?
19.03 Are adequate barricades and informative warning signs provided?

19.04 Is the breathing air equipment used during abrasive blasting activities inspected, tested, used, and maintained as per CSM III.2.5?

19.05 Is a "Deadman switch" type of nozzle valve/control provided to automatically shut-off supply to the nozzle?
19.06 Do abrasive blasting workers have 2-year valid medical clearance certificates (chest X-ray and pulmonary function)?
19.07 Is proper PPE worn during abrasive blasting activities?

19.08 Are hoses and nozzle fittings securely fixed with twist-lock fittings (“Chicago” fittings), with safety pins and whip arrestors (whip checks).

19.09 Are Air compressors supplying breathing air tested Quarterly by an independent SA approved third-party testing facility? Is documentation available?

19.1 Does the contractor prohibit the use of Silica and combustible abrasives for blasting?

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Do all abrasive blasting operators have documented training in the correct use and hazards associated with abrasive blasting equipment and abrasive
20. Trenching/Excavation/Shoring NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
20.01 Does the contractor have a documented excavation plan, approved by SAPMT (as required)?
20.02 Does the contractor inspect all excavations using a daily excavation checklist? Are excavations inspected by a competent person?
20.03 Does the contractor have an SAPMT approved excavation competent person?

20.04 For excavations deeper than 6 meters (20ft), does the contractor have engineering design approved by CSD for sloping, benching, or shoring?

20.05 Does the contractor excavation personnel receive documented excavation training?
20.06 Is a spoil clearance of 60 cm (2 ft.) minimum maintained from the edges of all excavations/trenches?
20.07 Are all scaffold bases located at least 1.5 times the depth of the excavation away from the edge of the excavation?
20.08 Are cranes operated at least the depth of excavation or trench away from the edge of excavation?
20.09 Are pedestrian barricades erected a minimum of 1 meter (3 ft.) (soft) from edge or hard barricaded to protect people?
20.1 Are concrete or plastic Jersey Barriers installed where excavations are exposed to heavy equipment or vehicles?
20.11 Where applicable, are barricades equipped with blinking warning lights?
Is approved Access/Egress provided every 7.5 m (25 ft.) in all occupied excavations, with ladders extending a minimum of 1 m (3 ft.) above the top of
excavation wall?
20.13 Are Combustion Engines Positioned Downwind to prevent exhaust gases filling excavations/ trenches?
21. Concrete Work NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
21.01 Is all formwork and bracing designed, erected, supported and maintained in accordance to applicable standards?
21.02 Are personnel involved in concrete work at heights above 1.8 meters (>6ft) properly protected from fall hazards?
Are concrete pumps (pumpcrete systems) inspected? Are they in good condition (including hoses), with positive locking joint connectors and safety
Are concrete pumps provided with 3X larger outrigger mats, pads fully extended, with truck wheels blocked and brakes set when on a sloping terrain? Are
they at a safe distance from excavations or overhead power lines?
21.05 Is a trained flagman provided for the safe backing and placement of concrete trucks?
21.06 Is eye-flushing equipment provided and readily available during concrete mixing, pouring, and finishing activities?
21.07 Are activities with pre-stressed concrete organized in accordance to ANSI 10.9 and other applicable standards?

21.08 Are all reinforcing steel construction activities safely implemented, supervised and monitored, to eliminate hazards of impalement and/or struck by hazards?
Is placement of construction loads on concrete or masonry structure prohibited unless structural capabilities are verified by a degreed structural engineer
and documented?
22. Compressed Gases NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
22.01 Are all cylinders stored upright, secured and with caps on?
22.02 Are empty and full cylinders stored separately in a shaded area?
22.03 Are oxygen or other oxidizers stored a minimum of 6.1m from flammable gas cylinders ?
22.04 Are warning signs at storage areas posted in English and Arabic including "No smoking" signage?
22.05 Do the cylinders have the suppliers identification tag visible to verify contents of the cylinder?
23. Air Compressors NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
23.01 Are the cylinders equipped with pressure relief valves on air receivers? Check to see if it works properly.
23.02 Are all air pressure gauges in good condition and operating properly? Are they inspected daily?
23.03 Is the air compressor drained? Is it included in a daily log?
23.04 Are hoses and nozzle fittings securely fixed to prevent unplanned disengagement, are safety wires and whip checks in place?
23.05 Is the air compressor equipped with an easily accessible and visible emergency shutdown switch or button?
23.06 Are all moving parts protected by machine guards? Are guards in good condition?
Are the machines electrically bonded by a grounding system, has a continuity test been conducted by a qualified electrician to ensure proper grounding,
were all connections inspected?
23.08 Is there a fire extinguisher available on the air compressor, is at least one wheel chocked if portable, are side panels down during operation?

24. Vehicle Safety NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
24.01 Does contractor have an authorized drivers list with valid SAG licenses?
24.02 Does the contractor provide training related to authorized drivers list (PMT verification of training log required)?
Does the contractor have documented monthly vehicle safety inspections and Contractor Preventive Maintenance (PM) inspection sticker posted (separate
from SA Transportation Inspection sticker)?
24.04 Are all drivers documenting daily inspections including tire pressure checks for Heavy/Dump Trucks?

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

24.05 Does Contractor have a SAPMT approved refueling procedure implemented at all construction sites?
24.06 Does the contractor have a risk assessment (i.e. J.S.A.) on refueling approved by SAPMT available to drivers and helpers?
24.07 Are the drivers and/or helpers performing proper bonding and grounding when transferring fuel?
24.08 Does the contractor maintain vehicle preventive maintenance logs to monitor vehicles due for PM?
24.09 Are all buses and passenger vehicles equipped with seat belts? Are they in proper working condition?
25. Electrical NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
25.01 Is the required Lock out/Tag out (LOTO) procedure available on site and being used?
25.02 Have all employees received documented training on the LOTO procedure?
25.03 Are portable generators inspected, in good condition, with no visible defects?
25.04 Are portable generators provided with drip trays?
25.05 Are all electrical panels labelled, all spaces filled with blanks and properly sealed?
Are Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs, see Figures 3.1 and 3.2) or ground-fault isolation systems used for all portable electrical tools, temporary wiring,
confined space entry activities and in potentially wet or damp areas?
25.07 Are minimum safe distances being maintained when operating near overhead powerlines?
25.08 Are all electrical extension cords in good condition, with no visible damage?
25.09 Are all purchased electrical extension cords CE, UL or FM labeled?
25.1 Is energized electrical equipment fenced or barricaded, with appropriate warning signs and adequately lighted?
26. Chemical Handling NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
26.01 Are Chemical Hazard Bulletins (CHB) or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for each chemical stored or used on site?
26.02 Are incompatible chemicals (such as acids and bases) separated to prevent adverse chemical reactions?
26.03 Are toxic chemicals stored in an approved secondary containment area?
26.04 Are exhaust vents and temperature control equipment functioning properly?

26.05 Are all employees involved in the storage and handling of chemicals trained on the MSDS/CHB's and the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?

26.06 Is the PPE specified on the CHB/MSDS available on site and in good condition?
26.07 Are all containers properly labelled and warnings signs posted at the storage area?
26.08 Are emergency showers and eye wash stations available and in good condition (if required)?
26.09 Are storage containers properly bonded before transferring contents between containers?
27. Waste Management NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
27.01 Does the contractor have a Waste Management Plan that has been approved by all relevant Aramco organizations?
27.02 Are the contractors using an approved waste disposal company to transport and dispose of site waste?
27.03 Are waste manifest records available, detailing the waste that has been removed from site?
27.04 Have all personnel that handle hazardous waste received hazard communication (HAZCOM) training?
28. Radiation and NDT NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
Do the contractors have a copy of GI 150.003 and SAEP 1141 on site? Have the NDT radiation safety procedures been renewed and approved within the last
six months from Inspection Department's NDT Unit?
28.02 Has the use and storage of ionizing radiation sources been approved by the Saudi Aramco Radiation Protection Committee? Is the permit displayed?

28.03 Is there a fence and is it gated? Are there berms along the fence? Are the locks in place?
28.04 Are radioactive material warning signs posted on all sides of the fences and on the top of the pit?
28.05 Is there radioactive material warning signs on all vehicles carrying radioactive materials?
28.06 Are warning lights in place prior to beginning NDT work activities?

Are the Radiation protection officers licensed by the National Radiation Protection Authority? Is there a Saudi Aramco Industrial Radiography Radiation
protection permit obtained from Environmental Protection Department's Radiation Protection unit for eac

28.08 Is there a Saudi Aramco Inspection Department NDT approved Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)?
29. Marine Requirements NA NC C Hazard Sub Contractor Location Observer Due Date
29.01 the lifesaving equipment and distress signal inspected and in good working condition?
29.02 Is the rescue boat stowed in a state of readiness for launching (5 minutes or less)?
29.03 Is the boarding equipment free from damage and well maintained?
29.04 Is the Helideck clearly marked and free of debris?
29.05 Is all navigation equipment (GPS, Gyro Compass, navtex, radar, etc.) in workable condition visible day and night?
29.06 Is the anchor and applicable equipment in good working order with inspections?

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

29.07 Are mooring ropes free of visible signs of damage (

29.08 Does the fire pump have current inspection and testing documentation?
29.09 Is the life boat/raft clearly marked with all applicable details (capacity, etc.)?
29.1 Does the life boat/raft have survival kits and equipment that is checked and valid?
29.11 Is the Dive Area free from tripping and housekeeping hazards?
29.12 Is the man basket certified and inspected regularly?
29.13 Does the contractor utilize weather forecast services and/or communication with Port Control for adverse weather conditions?
29.14 Does the contractor have all the required communications devices (VHF Radio, PA System, Emergency Telephone, etc.)?

# Saudi Aramco: Company General Use Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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