Mohr Salt

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Mohr's Salt
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Alma Meter



Mohr salt have been discovered and first time prepared by a renound German chemist Karl
Friedrich Mohr.


Mohr salt or amonium ferrous sulphate is the inorganic compound mostly used as laboratory

General features

1) Chemical Formula

(NH4) 2Fe(SO4).2H2O as hexahydrate and (NH4)2Fe(SO4) as anhydrous.

2) Solubility

It is soluble in water and forms a solution.Its solubility is measured as 269g/L.

3) Geometry

As many other salts do it also forms the aquo comolex when dissolved in water and the
octahedral geometry is observed for this salt complex.

4) Colour

In solid state it shows a bluish green coloration.

5)Molar mass

The molecular weight of mohr's salt is calculated as 392.21g/ mol.

6) Double salt
Mohr's salt is called the double salt as it contains two cations.

7) Constituent cations

Mohr's salt contain ferrous as well as the amonium ions and the sulphate anion.

8) Stability

This salt is very much stable so it can be stored easily and can be easily handled.

9)Solid structure

It exists as a deliquescent crystalline solid.

10) Melting Point

Its melting point ranges from 100 to 110 degree calcious or 212 to 230 farenhiet or 373 to 383


Mohr's salt is slightly acidic due to the presence of ammonium ion.

12) Density

Its density is 1.86 g/cm3.

13)Boiling Point

Its boiling is not feasible.

Mohr's salt is prepared by dissolving an equal amount of mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate
and ammonium sulphate in water that contain sulphuric acid. This result in the solution of
crystallization,therefore the solution form light green crystals.

The equation is given

FeSO4.7H2O+(NH4)+2SO4=FeSO4.(NH4) 2SO4.6H2O


Intake of Mohr's salt causes irritation in the nose and throat. Intake of the chemical causes
nuisance of the mouth and stomach.Toxic ammonia and oxides of nitrogen can exist in places
of fire.

Applications of ferrous ammonium sulphate

The salt is basically used in analytical chemistry, which is most preferentially as a source of
ferrous ions which has a long shelf life and is resistant to oxidation. The stability increases
slightly to solutions reflection the effect of pH on the ferrous duet.This oxidation take place
more easily at high pH. The ammonium ions make the solution of Mohr's salt somewhat acidic,
which drags this oxidation process. Sulfuric acid is usually seplemented to solutions to decrease
oxidation to feeric ion. Ferrous ammonium sulphate is employed in common labs for
performing a qualitative chemical analysis which is employed to identify the unknown
concentration of the solution. Ferrous ions of Mohr's salt go through the hydrolysis in aqueous
solution.For prevention of the hydrolysis concentration,H2SO4 requires to be suplemented to
the Mohr's salt crystals when manufacturing its standard solution.

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