Module I Educ 8

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Republic of the Philippines


Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
City Government of Bago
Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag, Bago City, Negros Occidental 6101
Tel: [034] 4611-363 | Fax: [034] 4610-546 | E-mail: [email protected]

Assessment in Learning I
BSED Filipino 3 C, BPED 3 A, B, C
Module I

Module 1: Shift of Educational Focus from Content to Learning Outcomes

Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, the student must have:

1.Distinguished among institutional outcomes, program outcomes, course outcomes

and learning instructional outcome.
2.Formulated learning outcomes based on given educational objectives.
3.Distinguished learning outcomes in the 3 domains of learning based on the given
4.Formulated learning outcomes in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain in
the different levels.
5. Created a lesson plan using the 4As approach in teaching.
A. Introduction
Outcome-based education focuses classroom instruction on the skills and competencies that the students must
demonstrate after a class activity or lesson. This module will lead you to explore the change of your educational
perspective from content knowledge to outcome- based education. You will experience authentic learning based on real life
experiences relevant to your dream of becoming an effective and efficient teacher. You will acquire significant skills of
distinguishing and formulating learning outcomes base on the three categories of learning classified into different levels.

B. Activities

Activity 1. “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”

Using the Data Retrieval Chart write your own ideas about the Institutional, program, course and learning
outcomes yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Areas of Concern Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Institutional Outcomes
( what the graduates are able to do
beyond graduation)
Program Outcomes
(what the graduates are able to do
after completing a degree)
Course Outcomes
(what students should be able to
demonstrate at the end of a subject)
Learning Outcomes
(what students should be able to do
after a lesson or instruction)

Activity 2. Background knowledge

The following are educational objectives in the Subject Math and Filipino. For every educational
objective formulate two learning outcomes.

Educational Objectives Learning Outcomes

Ex. Demonstrates understanding of 2 dimensional 1. The pupils can identify the four basic shapes
and 3 dimensional figures. in 2- dimensional (flat/plane) and 3-
dimensional (solid) objects.
2. The pupils can describe the four basic
shapes in 2- dimensional (flat/plane) and 3-
dimensional (solid ) objects
1.Apply multiplication and division of whole 1.
numbers including money in mathematical
problems and real life situations
2.Demonstrates understanding of improper 1.
fractions and mixed numbers 2.
1.Nagagamit nang wasto ang pangngalan sa 1.
pagbibigay ng pangalan ng tao, lugar, hayop,
pangyayari at mga bagay.
2.Naisalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto ayon 1.
sa pananaw ng isa sa mga tauhan.


Using the indicated topic or subject matter. Write the learning outcomes for each of the 3 domains arranged
from the simplest to the most complex level or category.

1. Cognitive Domain (Topic) – Understanding the New Normal in Education Situation

a. Remembering
b. Understanding
c. Applying
d. Analyzing
e. Evaluating
f. Creating
2. Psychomotor Domain (Topic)---- Gulayan sa Tahanan
a. Observing
b. Imitating
c. Practicing
d. Adapting
3. Affective Domain (Topic) ------ Developing and Nurturing the “Maka-Diyos “core value
a. Receiving
b. Responding
c. Valuing
d. Organizing
e. Internalizing

Activity 4. Focus Listing

List 5 activities categorize as cognitive domain, 5 activities for psychomotor domain and 5 activities

identified as affective domain.

B. Analysis
Answer the following questions

1. How do you distinguish Institutional outcomes from program outcomes and course outcomes from
learning outcomes?
2. Compare our education yesterday and today. How do you visualize our education in the future?
3. Illustrate our school vision, mission creatively through drawing, poem or song.
C. Abstraction
Outcome based education places the students at the center of all educational process, encourages faculty
responsibility for teaching and provides data to guide the teachers in making valid and continuing improvement in
instruction and assessment activities. There are four kinds of outcomes namely institutional, program, course or subject
and learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are specific, measurable, attainable, result- oriented and time bounded. It can
be categorized as cognitive, psychomotor and affective.

D. Application

Prepare a lesson plan in any topic using the learning outcomes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domain. The lesson must be presented using the four A s approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction and

E. Evaluation

My Reflections/My Insights

1. After answering the module I felt……

2. After answering the activities I realized that……

3. Things I learned from the module.

Rubric for lesson plan

10- Outstanding 8- Very Satisfactory 6- Satisfactory 4- Moderately 2- Needs Improvement

Instructional Instructional Instructional Instructional Instructional Objectives Instructional Objectives are
Objectives Objectives are Objectives are stated Objectives are stated are stated but are not not stated.
specific, correct and clearly but are not easy to easy to understand and
clearly stated. understand. not specific..
Instructional All instructional Most instructional Some instructional Instructional strategies No Instructional strategies
Strategies strategies are strategies are strategies are are inappropriate used
appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for
learning outcome. learning outcome. learning outcome.
Evaluation Five Test items are One test item is not Two test items are Three to four test items All test items are not
align / congruent to congruent to the not congruent to the are is not congruent to congruent to the objective.
the objective. objective. objective. the objective.
Reflection Paper Rubric

10- Outstanding 8- Very Satisfactory 6- Satisfactory 4- Moderately Satisfactory 2- Needs Improvement

Quality of Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly Information has little to do Information has nothing to
information relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main with the main topic. do with the main topic.
topic. It includes 2 topic. It includes 1 topic. No example
examples. example. given
Reflective Explains the Explains the Attempts to Explain unclear learning Does not address the
thinking student’s own learning process demonstrate process students thinking and
thinking and learning thinking about the learning process
process learning process
Making Articulate multiple Articulate one Attempts to Attempts to articulate Does not articulate
connections connections connections articulate connections between connections to learning
between learning between learning connections learning and experience
and experience and experience between learning
and experience

Prepared by: Approved:


Teacher Department Head

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