Grave Knight
Grave Knight
Grave Knight
Assign these scores to your stats: 16(+2), 15(+1), 13(+1), 12(+0), 9 (+0), 8(-1)
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Advanced Moves
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or
the level 2-5 moves.
□ Undead Squires
Your lord has granted you another servitor. Choose a different skill □ Undead Escort
for this Hireling, which is not limited to the original three. Requires: Undead Squires
Your lord has granted you another servitor. Choose a different skill
□ On a Pale Horse
for this Hireling, which is not limited to the original three.
When you summon undead steeds for you and your companions
and you ride them like devils through the wild, treat it as rolling □ Mournblade
10+ on the trailblazer roll to Undertake a Perilous Journey. Replaces: Stormbringer
Whenever you gain a Soul, you regain your CHA in HP. In addition,
□ Black Blade
you can regain more than you maximum HP in this way, though no
You gain the Signature Weapon move from the Fighter. In
more than twice your CHA.
addition, you can choose this enhancement: Soul Container: Your
maximum Soul total increases by one. □ Knight of the Thorn
Replaces: Knight of the Skull
□ Stormbringer
Choose a number of Wizard or Cleric spells equal to your twice
Whenever you gain a Soul, you regain your CHA in HP.
your CHA. You can cast these by spending one Soul.
□ Knight of the Skull □ Grim Reaper
Choose a number of Wizard or Cleric spells equal to your CHA.
Replaces: Reaper
You can cast these by spending a number of Souls equal to the
You can spend 1 Soul to deal +1d8 damage Forward.
spell’s level.
□ Reaper □ Field of Bones
When you attempt to summon up an army of undead soldiers,
You can spend 1 Soul to deal +1d6 damage Forward.
roll+CHA. On a hit, you summon undead who will fight for you for
□ Soul Siphon one battle. On a 10+, both. On a 7–9, choose 1.
When you steal life energy from a creature, roll+CHA. On a hit, • The army is as large as you could hope for
you gain 1 Soul. On a 10+, the creature takes damage equal to • The army is well-equipped
your class damage. □ Agent of the Black Gate
□ Death Dealer When someone takes their Last Breath in your presence, on a 7-9,
Choose a move from either the Fighter, Paladin, or Necromancer you may offer them a deal in addition to Death's. If they accept
your deal, they are returned to life and bound by the terms of
class lists. You count as one level lower for these moves.
your agreement, just as you are. How Death feels about this is up
to the GM.
□ Avatar of Death
Requires: Death Dealer
Choose a move from either the Fighter, Paladin, or Necromancer
class lists. You count as one level lower for these moves.