Tsapekos Et Al. 2021.upcycling The Anaerobic Digestion Streams in A Bioeconomy Approach. Revie
Tsapekos Et Al. 2021.upcycling The Anaerobic Digestion Streams in A Bioeconomy Approach. Revie
Tsapekos Et Al. 2021.upcycling The Anaerobic Digestion Streams in A Bioeconomy Approach. Revie
Keywords: Gaseous and liquid anaerobic digestion (AD) streams, currently are at best used for electricity and heat pro
Residual resources upcycling duction or simply spreading at the fields, respectively. However, electricity and heat are economically produced
Circular economy from other renewables and advanced fertilizers are needed to avoid leaching and boost nutrients capture. Hence,
AD seeks new opportunities to support circular bioeconomy. The overall objective of this review is to present
Added value molecules
state-of-the-art resource recovery routes for upcycling the AD streams to reduce carbon footprint and formulate
alternative products to increase sustainability. Technical barriers and integrated systems to upcycle AD streams
through biological means are presented. New technologies and methods to capture CH4, CO2 and nutrients from
the digested residual resources are presented, as a) methanotrophs cultivation to be used as feed ingredients; b)
CO2 conversion and micro-nutrients capturing from microalgae to be valorized for a wide range of applications
(e.g. biofuels, food and feed, fertilizers, bioactive compounds); c) CO2 transformation to biodegradable plastics
precursors (e.g. Polybutylene succinate, Polyhydroxyalkanoate); d) digestate valorization for biochar production
to support efficient agricultural usage. Moreover, the environmental factors and life cycle assessment perspec
tives of the novel biorefinery routes are revised highlighting the need for regionalized models or assessments that
can reveal the most sustainable routes based on local conditions and requirements. Despite AD poses some
positive characteristics related to environmental benefit and emissions reduction, the present work reveals that
the novel routes can further enhance sustainability metrics supporting circular bioeconomy.
* Corresponding author. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P. Tsapekos), [email protected] (I. Angelidaki).
Received 16 March 2021; Received in revised form 20 July 2021; Accepted 27 August 2021
Available online 6 September 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
(SDG 7) while also contributes to more targets (SDG 6, 9, 13, 15). needed carbon for biomass assimilation alleviating also the de
Nevertheless, the uncertainty triggered by forthcoming reduced pendencies on fossil resources (i.e. natural gas). On the other hand,
governmental subsidies has lately forced the biogas plants to seek nitrogen-rich digestates can provide the most essential nutrient for mi
alternative products in order to be economically sustainable and accel crobial protein production [7]. In addition, digestates can supply the
erate the green transition. Due to the fact that electricity and heat are needed phosphorus to substitute phosphate salts and release from the
more economically produced from other renewable energy sources (e.g. pressure of mining rocks phosphates. Through such valorization route,
wind, and sun) compared to AD and that more efficient fertilizers are residual resources upcycling can significantly contribute towards the
needed to avoid leaching and nutrients capture from the plant, the replacement of traditional meal proteins which have high environ
proper utilization of gas and liquid AD streams is recently re-evaluated. mental costs related to their production [8]. In parallel, land, water, and
Concerning sustainable development and having SDGs as a bench natural resources could be alleviated from intense exploitation to pro
mark, it is also an urgent need to ensure the existence of an adequate duce feed for aqua- and agri-culture. For example, more than 300 m2 of
amount of proteins to avoid starving of the increasing population (SDG land are needed to supply the agriculture with 1 ton potato protein and
2). Different types of microorganisms (fungi, algae, yeast, bacteria) can the production of 300–400 kg high-quality fishmeal needs 1 ton of fish to
be used as a source of single cell protein (SCP), with bacteria posing be grown. In contrast, the production of microbial protein from residual
unique characteristics as low mass doubling time and high protein streams (i.e. biogas and digestate) does not rely on the dependence of the
content [5]. Among them, methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) could limited natural resources. However, there is lack of literature on the
accumulate high amounts of protein and thus, appear as an attractive production of microbial protein from AD streams as the majority of re
solution to help on the forthcoming global protein scarcity. Further views are focused on conventional C and N sources (Table 1).
more, feeding biogas to methanotrophs to produce feedstuff is consid Cultivating microalgae using AD streams could potentially capture
ered a promising alternative [6], as CH4 from biogas can provide the the CO2 contained in biogas and the micro- and macro-nutrients in
Table 1
Summary or literature findings and advances of present article.
Utilization of 1st generation resources (i.e. Utilization of 2nd generation resources (i.e. Conventional and thermal applications Alternative applications of Reference
natural gas, high grade chemicals) biogas, residual nutrients) of digestate digestate
✓ × × × × × × × [21]
✓ × × × × × × × [22]
× ✓ × × × × × × [23]
× ✓ × × × × × × [24]
× ✓ × × × × × × [25]
× × ✓ × × × × × [26]
× × ✓ × × × × × [27]
× × ✓ × × ✓ × × [28]
× × × × × × ✓ × [29]
× × × × × × ✓ × [30]
× × × × × × ✓ × [31]
× × × × × × ✓ × [32]
× × × × × × ✓ × [33]
× × × ✓ ✓ ✓ × ✓ This
√: included.
×: not included.
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
digestate converting them into valuable biomass. Considering the car competing products. Accordingly, to investigate how sustainable a novel
bon fixation during the cultivation and the possibilities for various ap route is, the production process of the specific product including all the
plications, the valorization of microalgae grown on AD streams can required up- and downstream processes along with the environmental
markedly contribute to multiple SDGs including SDG 2, 6, 7, and 13. The performance of the competing products must be taken into account to
versatile microalgal metabolism provides a group of high value bio reach a realistic conclusion [20]. Biorefinery approach can potentially
chemicals such as phycobiliproteins, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty make synergies among various bioprocessing routes to achieve the
acids, pigments, and other antioxidants [9]. Despite the availability of highest environmental and economic benefits, decrease the amount of
such compounds can significantly increase product’s economic value, waste streams, and increase the number of final marketable products.
the impact of AD streams on microalgae cultivation is not deeply dis Under combined integrated systems, technical barriers to holistically
cussed in the literature (Table 1). upcycle AD streams can be overcome and sustainability goals can be
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in biogas can also be used in microbial pro attained (SDG 8, 9).
cesses for the production of bio-based polymers as a strategy to replace Efficient resource recovery routes are needed to reduce carbon
the production of petroleum-based plastics contributing to SDG 12. In footprint, formulate alternative products, and upcycle the gaseous and
particular, polybutylene succinate (PBS) and polyhydroxyalkanoate liquid AD streams. There is a large number of potential routes from
(PHA) which can be used in bio-based plastics formulations with high biogas streams. However, the present work is focusing beyond the state-
biodegradability can be produced using CO2 as feedstock and be used in of-the-art (Table 1) on topics as: a) biogas and digestate valorization for
biobased plastics formulations with high biodegradability. PBS can be single cell protein (SCP) production; b) CO2 and micro-nutrients
produced by transesterification, direct polymerization, and condensa capturing from microalgae to be valorized for a wide range of applica
tion polymerization reactions between succinic acid (SA) and 1,4-buta tions (e.g. biofuels, food and feed, fertilizers, and source of bioactive
nediol (BDO), which in turn can be synthesized either by chemical compounds); c) biodegradable plastics precursors (i.e. PBS and PHA)
processes or fermentation routes. The fermentative process for SA pro production from CO2; d) digestate valorization for efficient agricultural
duction makes use of renewable resources and CO2, consumes less en usage; e) environmental factors and LCA perspectives of the novel
ergy, and has a better performance in terms of GHG emissions compared routes; f) biorefinery approaches focused on the circular economy.
to chemical processes [10]. The bio-based process for BDO production
involves the use of glucose to produce SA followed by a chemical 2. Microbial protein via biogas and digestate upcycling
reduction to yield butanediol. Glucose can be obtained from organic
wastes and/or residual streams from biorefinery facilities rather than MOB are a subset of methylotrophs that uptake CH4 as a sole carbon
using dedicated feedstocks such as corn or sugarcane for its production. and energy source to produce a vast platform of products including
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) can be produced directly by bacterial among others PHB, glycogen, methanol, formaldehyde, organic acids,
fermentation, and depending on the strain PHAs can be synthesized via sucrose, ectoine, lipids, enzymes, pharmaceutical and antimicrobial
heterotrophic, autotrophic, or photoautotrophic conditions or combi proteins [34]. Among alternatives, the production of microbial protein
nations of them. A clear benefit of using biogas during the production of triggers the interest for commercial applications as MOB can store
these bio-based polymers is that methane is also obtained, which can approximately 70% protein in their biomass [22,39]. The proteinaceous
further improve the economy and sustainability metrics of the process. bacterial mass can be a suitable feed supplement in monogastric ani
Production of succinic acid (SA) from different organic carbon sources mals’ diet (e.g. pigs, chicken, mink, salmon) according to amino acid
via fermentation has been thoroughly reviewed in several studies profile which is comparable to fishmeal and soybean meal, digestibility
[11–14]. On the contrary, processes and strategies for the production of and also, livestock health and performance [40]. MOB are classified as
SA to PBS and PHA from CO2 and/or a gas mixture containing CO2 is not Group I (γ-proteobacteria mainly using the RuMP cycle), II (α-proteo
addressed in the literature (Table 1). bacteria mainly using the Serine cycle), and III (Verrucomicrobia using
Inevitably, AD leads to huge amounts of digestate which should be the CBB cycle) [41]. Nevertheless, Deltaproteobacteria are also pre
treated properly to avoid causing environmental pollution due to the dicted to aerobically utilize CH4 via the CBB cycle [42]. Methane mon
high content of nutrients [15]. Digestates have long been traditionally ooxygenase (MMO) enzymes, either particulate (pMMO) or soluble
applied to agricultural farms as soil amendments to substitute chemical (sMMO), are responsible to catalyze the first step of MOB metabolism
fertilizers, because nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other essential which is the oxidation of CH4 to CH3OH (Fig. 1). Between the two
trace elements are available in the digestate and can be uptaken by MMOs, sMMO has more diverse applicability [43] while pMMO has a
plants [16]. Apart from the problems such as requiring high storage higher affinity for CH4 [44].
capacity, transportation of such bulky materials, and application costs
[17], concerns over the oversupply of digestate or its application in
improper time [18] as well as high mobility of the nutrients, which re
sults in low utilization of the nutrients, have raised considerable debates
[19]. For these reasons, direct application of digestate on farmlands as a
soil amendment might not be the most effective way to use the contained
nutrients, and therefore, increased attention is expected to be given to
the alternatives for digestate use. Among alternatives, digestate could be
upcycled into nursery substrate for plant seedlings cultivation, feed for
earthworm engineering, or dissimilar biochar products (e.g. for soil
fertilization, soil remediation, compost amendment, nutrients recovery)
contributing to several SDGs (i.e. 2, 3, 6, 13, 15).
As presented above, several novel bioprocessing routes can be
established for the valorization of AD effluents into a vast number of
value-added products. The sustainability of such bioprocessing routes
depends on the environmental costs of the final products and the created
revenue compared to the conventional counterparts; especially those
from petrochemical routes. More specifically, environmental perfor
mance is a function of the environmental loads created in the foreground
and background systems as well as the environmental impacts of the Fig. 1. Methanotrophic CH4 assimilation.
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
2.1. Nutritional needs of methanotrophs CH4 is not the sole compound in the gaseous stream. For example, CO2 is
the second biggest fraction (i.e. 25-50%) in raw biogas. Despite CO2 can
Copper and iron are the most critical micro-nutrients metals for the reduce growth due to the formation of carbonates, a few MOB of Group I
mediation of MMO expression. Especially, ‘copper switch’ mainly reg (e.g. Methylococcus) and II (e.g. Methyloferula) can uptake CO2 [42]. CH4
ulates the biosynthesis of pMMO and sMMO in MOB which can express in biogas can be still used as carbon source to build MOB biomass, while
both MMO-forms [45]. Specifically, sMMO biosynthesis is predominant CO2 is captured and methanol is enzymatically produced [21]. Thus,
at low Cu to biomass concentrations while the pMMO activity is mainly MOB are perfect candidates for sequestration of C1 compounds and
detected at ratios higher than 5 μmol Cu/gbiomass [41,46]. On the con conversion into feed. Moreover, biogas contains H2S which can reach up
trary, an excess of iron could stimulate the expression of sMMO [47]. to 20,000 ppmv based on feedstock. H2S is toxic and corrosive and has to
Nevertheless, the provision of the correct amount of trace elements is be carefully taken into consideration [55]. Specifically, a Methylophilus
crucial to achieving a high rate of CH4 to CH3OH conversion and sub and Methylonomas rich MOB culture was inhibited by 38% due to the
sequently, efficient overall metabolism. The growth of mixed MOB existence of approximately 1000 ppm H2S in raw biogas [6] (Table 2).
culture can be markedly eliminated at Cu scarcity and vice versa, Similarly, Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b seems to be incapable of
inhibited at Cu excess using digested municipal biowaste for nutrients utilizing biogas due to H2S toxicity [56]. On the other hand, the product
provision [48]. In the cited study, the digestate was highly diluted to yield of a Methylocaldum isolate grown on biogas to form methanol was
reach the desired N levels leading to Cu deficiency. As alternative, the increased due to the supplementation of methanol dehydrogenase
adaptation of the community to higher N levels would have been a so (MDH) inhibitors and formate as an electron donor [57]. Similarly, the
lution to reduce the need for high dilution (decreasing the water foot product yield of M. sporium on raw biogas containing 0.13% H2S was
print) and also, decrease the risk of micro-nutrients scarcity. increased by approximately 40%, via the addition of H2 as electron
Regarding macro-nutrients, upcycling nitrogen into protein is gain donor and covalent immobilization of the cells on chitosan [53]. A
ing increased attention because it can favour sustainable development recent study examined the effect of S on the cultivation of Methylocapsa
within the framework of residual resources recovery [49]. Nitrogen is acidiphila and shown that crude protein was significantly reduced while
essential to synthesize amino acids, the building blocks for protein the content of other molecules (e.g. extracellular polysaccharides) was
synthesis. While methanotrophy is possible with different nitrogen increased at biomass forming agglomerates [58]. Mitigation actions to
forms (i.e. nitrate, NO−3 or ammonium, NH+ 4 ), NH4 which is the domi
+ overcome low product yields could be the gradual acclimatization to
nant N-form in a digested organic waste can be stimulant for CH4 toxicants [59], application of biogas upgrading to remove CO2 [60],
oxidation compared to NO−3 [44,50]. On the other hand, the usage of addition of extra electron donors, or inoculation with tolerant to in
NH+ 4 can lead to inhibition or growth cease due to either competition
hibitors MOB (i.e. Methylocaldum for H2S, members that assimilate CO2
with CH4 as the active sites of pMMO and ammonia monooxygenase via the CBB cycle) [61,62].
(AMO) are similar or accumulation of produced toxicants as hydroxyl While the industrial application of methanotrophic single-cell pro
amine and nitrite [51]. According to Hu and Lu [52], NO−3 stimulated tein production was not achieved yet, a few SMEs are using CH4 to grow
type I and II MOB while NH+ MOB. For example, UNIBIO is supplied with CH4 from the Danish gas
4 promoted the presence of type I. On the
contrary, the affinity for CH4 of type I MOB was found to be higher at 80 grid to grow a M. capsulatus dominant culture, UniProtein®. Neverthe
than 4 mM NH+ less, in Denmark, clean biogas free of H2S is also injected into the gas
4 and type I could be enriched at NH4 rich environment
grid and mixed with natural gas. Hence, UNIBIO’s culture can be oc
[44]. Different N sources and their impact on MOB growth from litera
casionally grown on stream containing biogas and, in this framework,
ture are summarized in Table 2. Overall, the impact of NH+ 4 varies
UNIBIO is continuously involved in projects exploiting biogas as a sole
among MOB with regards to optimum and inhibitory thresholds and is
CH4 source to fully develop the concept and improve the environmental
always advised to be defined for each pure or mixed culture at certain
footprint [63,64]. On this topic, the complete replacement of natural gas
conditions (i.e. temperature, pressure, and N, O2, and CH4 levels) [41].
with biogas could reduce by 70% of the lifecycle emissions associated
with the production of FeedKind® by Calysta [65]. Focusing on targeted
2.2. Biogas as a carbon source markets, Uniprotein® targets all animal and fish species, while Calysta
provides three products (i.e. FeedKind® aqua, terra, and pet) based on
Despite biogas has been previously used to grow MOB (e.g. Methyl the nutritional need of species. Nevertheless, both SMEs can supply the
osinus sporium, Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum, Methylococcus capsulatus market with a high proteinaceous product (⁓70% crude protein) to be
Methylosinus trichosporium) [53,54], the researchers’ attention was used as animal feeds [22,65]. Before market implementation, biomass
mainly given to the production of other molecules (e.g. methanol, lactic nutritional value as protein ingredient should be explored at targeted
acid) and not protein quality. Hence, the accurate effect of biogas on the animal species to reveal potentially adverse impacts that are originated
quality of produced microbial protein is not deeply defined. Neverthe from residual resources utilization. For instance, examination of
less, the composition of raw biogas can highly affect MOB growth since
Table 2
Cultivation of MOB for microbial protein production using liquid and gaseous AD streams.
Community C source N source Biomass concentration, g Protein content, % Reactor Reference
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
different inclusion levels and feed formulations should take place on Another possibility to address the dangerous CH4–O2 challenge is to
performance trials. To define product’s suitability, the animals should establish co-culture, where the O2 produced by microalgal photosyn
be evaluated in terms of production performance, health, body weight thesis is consumed by fungal respiration [77,78]. Another approach was
gain, feed intake, feed efficiency and other relevant parameters. On this to co-cultivate microalgae with MOB in the same pot, having microalgae
topic, it was previously found that methane protein has no adverse consume CO2 while the produced O2 was instantly taken up from the
impact on the growth of pig and trout and on the contrary, the quality of MOB producing two sources of proteinaceous biomass, namely micro
pork was enhanced [66]. Similar studies should be conducted in other algal and MOB biomass, and at the same time avoiding explosive mix
animal species (e.g. poultry) before performing feed formulations. tures of gas [79]. However, these concepts have only been demonstrated
Furthermore, the final product should always meet the highest safety at lab scale and therefore validation at a larger scale is needed.
standards and be free of pathogens, heavy metals and contaminants An example of decoupling the CO2 capture from microalgae culti
before provided in livestock. Hence, full compliance of the product with vation, which significantly shortens the contact time between biogas
the existing regulatory governance framework at national and interna and O2-producing cultures (Fig. 2). The microalgae biogas upgrading
tional level should be met for all parts of the value chain. system has been extensively investigated at lab scale, with a few pilot-
Despite the usage of biogas and recovered nutrients from residual scale demonstrations (Table 3). In such a system, an external absorp
resources that can improve the economic viability of the process, few tion column can be used to capture biogas-CO2 into the liquid phase,
challenges need to be overcome in order to improve yields and pro whereas the microalgae in the cultivation unit use the CO2-rich liquid for
duction rates and roar the protein production from MOB [39,40]. For biomass accumulation. Bahr et al. [80] have demonstrated a
example, UNIBIO targets to increase their current productivity (i.e. 3-4 proof-of-concept study using a packed bed column as the absorption
kg/m3/hr) by 50% via optimization algorithms, BioOptimizer, and column and a pilot high rate algal pond as the cultivation unit. The
pressure/pressureless system at the patented U-loop technology [67]. system removed 100% H2S, 90% CO2 from the biogas with less than
Also, the high pKa of CH4 (~50) settles it extremely resistant to 0.2% O2 remained in upgraded biomethane. Following the proof of
dissociation and mass transfer limitations make it difficult to provide as concept, several studies are dedicated to optimizing the operational
a substrate for the submersed bacteria. Bubble-free membrane reactors, strategies by adjusting parameters such as biogas flow rate, retention
gas lift reactors to form suspension and granulations, or the addition of time, and operation temperature [76,81,82]. Recently, a control system
paraffin oil as a water-immiscible solvent could also be explored as was developed to maintain biomethanation quality by adjusting the
means to enhance cell growth and cell density [39,68,69]. recycling liquid flowrate in the absorption column [83]. This automatic
Another challenge is that bacterial cells usually have a high nucleic control system managed to achieve high-quality biomethane (negligible
acid content (⁓16%) that reduces the commercial basis to only animal H2S, CO2 ≤ 2.5%, O2 ≤ 1%) biogas flowrate from 60 to 150 mL min− 1.
feed for livestock with short life spans [70]. To expand MOB to the food The control system was also proved to be robust and could restore
market, enzymatic treatment via ribonucleases, thermal treatment at biomethane quality in less than 2 h after the system shut down [84].
60–90 ◦ C, alkaline hydrolysis and chemical extraction have been already Besides, optimizing the operation of the absorption column, the appli
applied [22]. cation of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) gas-liquid membrane and biogas
Moreover, downstream optimization is also needed to achieve a scrubbing at high pressure also proved to have a positive effect on
financially viable alternative process. Despite the energy-intensive spray removing N2 and O2 from microalgae-upgraded biomethane [85].
driers are typically used to produce the final dry MOB powder, forward In addition to efficient CO2 capture, a well-performed cultivation
osmosis technology was lately examined to partially dewater MOB [71]. unit is essential to further valorize the CO2 in biogas. Microalgae culti
Among draw solutions, wastewater brine was also tested as a cheap vation can be influenced by many parameters including temperature,
solution in the circular economy framework. However, low water fluxes pH, nutrients availability, light, etc. To ensure an efficient CO2 capture,
were achieved indicating that only brines with high salt content can be the recirculated liquid in adsorption columns typically has a pH value
used. On the contrary, deep eutectic solvents are shown as a green, higher than 9. In the case, significant challenges are posed to the
sustainable, efficient, and recyclable energy resource that can be used sequential microalgae cultivation unit, as it is required to grow under
for concentrating proteins [72]. Moreover, the final market product high pH and inorganic carbon concentration. Currently, most of the
should be optimized towards increased fat and protein digestibility and research addressing these challenges has been focused on improving the
absorption. Ultra-heat treatment process can be also explored to secure microalgae cultivation by finding functional microalgae strains. Gran
optimal homogenization and retain protein quality and functionality. ada-Moreno et al. [86] identified a special alkali-tolerant microalgae
consortium in a microalgae biogas upgrading system composed mainly
3. Microalgae cultivation with biogas and digestate of Picochlorum sp. and Scenedesmus sp. Nevertheless, Bose et al. [87]
concluded that Anabaena cylindrica, Chlorella sorokiniana, Scenedesmus
3.1. Capturing carbon dioxide from biogas obliquus, Spirulina platensis, and Synechococcus sp. fit best for biogas
upgrading considering the ability for mixotrophic growth, high pH
Microalgae can grow autotrophically in bubble column reactor using tolerance, external carbonic anhydrase activity, high CO2 tolerance, and
CO2 in biogas as a carbon source. Recent research suggested that the CO2 ease of harvesting. However, the overall operational parameters could
removal efficiency could theoretically reach to 100% by adjusting also be holistically considered for the absorption column and the
crucial parameters such as pH and liquid/gas ratio of a bubble column microalgae cultivation unit. The media retention time in absorption
reactor [74]. However, the O2 produced during photosynthesis would column should be efficient for CO2 fixation and results into a proper CO2
potentially lead to safety issues due to the explosive gas mixture (O2 and concentration for microalgae cultivation.
CH4). Studies have shown that injecting biogas into microalgae culti
vation vessels results in 10%–24% O2 concentration in CH4 [75]. Thus, 3.2. Digestate as a cultivation medium
the biggest technical challenge of using biogas-CO2 for microalgae
cultivation minimize O2 concentration, by continuously removing it Although microalgae can sometimes survive in sediment or soil,
from the gas to avoid reaching explosive CH4–O2 mixtures [76]. Several microalgae grow the best in aquatic environments such as freshwater
approaches have been proposed to capture/remove O2 from the gas. One and marine systems. Thus, liquid digestate from wet AD (total solids
approach to achieve this is to firstly upgrade biogas to biomethane, content in digester below 15%) is suitable for microalgae cultivation. AD
while the captured CO2 is separately provided for microalgal cultivation. effluent typically contains sufficient macro- and micro-nutrients that can
In this way, CH4 is not injected to a reactor filled with microalgae and support autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotrophic growth of micro
thereby contact of CH4 with the O2 generated by microalgae is avoided. algae. Depending on the operational conditions of the AD process, the
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
Table 3
Pilot-scale demonstration of microalgal biogas upgrading system.
Absorption CO2 Nutrients Reactor Reactor type Microalgae species Biomass Reference
column removal size yields
45 L 91% Agriculture 12 m3 Tubular Chlorella vulgaris, Stigeoclonium tenue, Nitzschia n.a [88]
wastewater photobioreactor closterium, and Navicula amphora
150 L 99% Domestic 9.6 m3 High rate algal pond Algal-bacterial n.a [84]
0.35 L 89–94% Media 25 L High rate algal pond Natural algal community 11 mg/L [86]
30 L 89–93% Media 50 L Open- Chlorella sorokiniana 0.6 g/L [89]
digestate may also contain a high amount of indigestible particles, active microalgae cultivation also significantly alleviates ammonia inhibition
bacteria, dark colour substance, and unpleasant odours, which will to microalgae growth [95].
hinder its application as microalgae cultivation media.
3.3. Integrated carbon dioxide and nutrients recovery
3.2.1. Digestate treatment
In pursuit of optimal growth of microalgae, three main factors need
While biogas upgrading could be also achieved applying novel and
to be adjusted, namely: 1) removing the indigestible particles and dark
efficient chemical methods using for example deep eutectic solvents
colour which will hinder the light penetration during microalgae culti
with high economic potential compared to ionic liquid and amine [96],
vation; 2) controlling the indigenous bacteria which potentially will
the biological CO2 capturing via microalgae cultivation provides an
compete with microalgae for nutrients; 3) adjust ratio of C, N, P for
alternative technology due to the advantage of simultaneous nutrients
microalgae growth. For factors 1) and 2), centrifugation and/or auto
recovery. Many studies are dedicated to developing an integrated system
clavation are extensively used for lab investigations. However, upscale
combining both CO2 and nutrients capture [97–99]. An LCA study
such pretreatment to the commercial-scale is economically challenging.
showed that an artificial lighting system for microalgae cultivation
On the other hand, dilution, settlement, and membrane filtration are
contributes to over 90% of energy demand and the biomass recovery
found more promising for large-scale applications [90]. Especially,
step (harvesting and drying processes) exhibited the highest environ
membrane filtration gained extensive attention in recent years because
mental impacts [100]. Nevertheless, the study might have under
it can remove the particles and microorganisms (e.g. protozoa, bacteria)
estimated the digestate pretreatment steps, which could significantly
in a one-step process [91].
contribute to environmental impacts.
Currently, microalgae can be cultivated in both closed photo
3.2.2. Alleviation of ammonia inhibition
bioreactors (PBR) and open pond systems. The former requires high
Digestate is typically rich in ammonia-N, which can serve as a ni
construction and operational costs for significantly higher biomass
trogen source for microalgae growth. However, high free ammonia
quality and yield compared to the latter. The closed PBR are suitable for
concentration can also inhibit the growth of microalgae damaging
the production of value-added chemicals; whereas the biomass pro
important protein complex used for photosynthesis [92] and interfering
duced from the open pond is normally used for the production of bio
with microalgal intercellular pH regulation [93]. Thus, acclimatizing
fuels or biofertilizers. Up to now, the lab and pilot investigation showed
microalgae to high ammonia concentration is important for maintaining
that the AD-streams microalgae cultivation system could achieve
high biomass productivity. Besides diluting the digestate, screening of
biomass yields comparable to standard cultivation media [75,95,101].
ammonia tolerant microalgal strain is an effective strategy to establish
However, the AD-streams-based microalgae cultivation systems also
an efficient microalgae consortium using the liquid effluent of AD as a
face similar upscaling challenges as any other microalgae system, such
cultivation medium. Chuka-Ogwude [94] recently reported that Oocystis
as sufficient light penetration and the difficulties in harvest and down
sp. was capable of proliferation in up to 600 mg L− 1 NH3–N concen
stream process [102]. Thus, further implementation depends on the
tration in digestate. In addition, combining the nitrification process with
development of more cost-effective microalgae cultivation and
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
H[O(CH2 )4 OOC(CH2 )2 CO]n O(CH2 )4 OH + H[O(CH2 )4 OOC(CH2 )2 CO]m OH⇌H[O(CH2 )4 OOC(CH2 )2 CO]n+m OH + HO(CH2 )4 OH (3)
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
Table 4
Main Overview of the process for succinic acid production using alternative CO2 sources.
Microorganisms Organic substrate CO2 source Operation mode Succinic Succinic Succinic acid Final CH4 Reference
and process acid titer acid yield productivity g/ content (% v/v)
conditions (g/L) (g/gsugars) L⋅h
Actinobacillus Organic wastes Raw biogas NeoSuccess project is ongoing and is expected a production capacity ranging from 10,000 to https://neo
succinogenes 130Z 100,000 Nm3/year of biomethane and 35 to 350 t/year of bioSA success-pro
Basfia Organic fraction of Raw biogas Batch, lab-scale, 3.8 0.25 Not reported 4.7% (v/v) [119]
succiniciproducens household kitchen waste 37 ◦ C, pH = 6.75, increase respect
hydrolysate (15 g/L of 140 kPa to CH4 content
glucose and 2 g/L of in raw biogas
Actinobacillus Glucose (30 g/L) Synthetic Batch, lab-scale, 13.53 0.63 0.56 95.4 [118]
succinogenes 130Z biogas (40% 37 ◦ C, pH = 6.75,
CO2/60% 140 kPa, gas-liquid
CH4) ratio: 5:1
polymerization and polycondensation are two common strategies in the (SCL-PHAs) with less than five carbons, medium-chain-length PHAs
lipase-catalyzed synthesis of polymers. Sugihara et al. [127] reported (MCL-PHAs) which consist of 6–14 carbons in the side-chain (Fig. 3b),
the direct polycondensation of BDO with DMS using immobilize lipase and long-chain-length PHAs (LCL-PHAs) with more than 14 carbons in
CA (40 wt.-%) from Candida antarctica in toluene as reaction solvent at the side chain [27,131].
100 ◦ C for 24 h. The weight-average molecular weight (Mw ) and mo PHAs can be synthesized via microbial fermentation, enzymatic, and
lecular weight distribution, (Mw /Mn ) obtained by this method were 45, chemical processes, respectively. PHA production via fermentation has
000 and 3.7 respectively. The same authors also reported the two-step been reported to save 44, 36, and 22% in GHG emissions with respect to
synthesis of PBS via cyclic oligomerization of diol BDO and the ester its fossil counterparts PP, LD-PE, and HD-PE, respectively [132]. By
DMS with the subsequent ring-opening polymerization of the cyclic fermentation, these polymers can be synthesized by numerous bacteria
oligomer. The resulting PBS presented an Mw of 130,000 which is of the genera such as Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Necator,
significantly higher compared to the one produced by the direct poly Rhodobacter, Ralstonia, and Cupriavidus as intracellular carbon and en
condensation method (45,000) and by the conventional chemical cata ergy reserve [133]. At present, the main carbon source for commercial
lyst. Azim et al. [126] investigated the effect of temperature at 60, 70, PHAs production is still food-based glucose and vegetable oils [26],
80, and 90 ◦ C on the Candida antarctica lipase B catalyzed PBS synthesis which conflicts with the food chain supply. Due to the large impact of
from DMS and BDO in diphenyl ether as the reaction solvent. Poly the carbon feedstock on the PHAs production cost; research efforts have
merization reaction at 80 ◦ C resulted in the PBS precipitation at 5–10 h, been devoted to exploring the use of low-cost feedstocks such as in
which limited the growth of polymeric chains. Increasing temperature dustrial wastes mainly from food production and processing plants, and
from 80 to 95 ◦ C resulted in a monophasic reaction mixture but also an agricultural residues [134,135]. Another possibility is to use CO2-rich
increase in the PBS weight-average molecular weight to Mw = 38,000 gaseous streams as an alternative low-cost feedstock, which implies a
clear benefit in the reduction of GHG emissions. Sources of CO2 include
(Mw /Mn = 1.39). One drawback of the lipase-catalyzed method is that
biogas plants, biomass gasification plants, bioethanol production facil
the PBS obtained presents a lower molecular weight when compared to
ities and breweries, and any biological and chemical process that
the one synthesized by the chemical methods and thus future research
emits/produces CO2.
should focus on the improvement of the molecular weight [122].
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
Table 5
Overview of selected studies for PHA’s production from CO2 rich streams.
Microorganism Process configuration Culture condition PHA PHA Cell biomass PHA Productivity Reference
composition content concentration concentration g/L⋅h
% DCW gDCW/L g/L
Cupriavidus necator DSM 545 for the autotrophic production of PHB from with an amine scrubber to recover and enrich the CO2 from biogas. The
CO2 in a two-stage cultivation system. In the first stage, cells were grown gas stream sampled at the biogas plant was indeed an enriched CO2
heterotrophically using two different substrates, glucose, and waste stream coming from the amine scrubber treatment applied on the biogas
glycerol, respectively. In the second phase, PHB synthesis was triggered to separate CH4 from CO2. This allowed obtaining a stream with a 97.8%
by nitrogen and oxygen limitation under autotrophic conditions using a (v/v) of CO2 which is preferred to avoid dilution of the CO2 concen
gas mixture of H2, O2, and CO2 at an overpressure of 40 mbar. Auto tration in the final gas mixture required during fermentation. The main
trophic PHB production on glucose-grown cells was triggered after 20 h outcome of the study was that the use of real off-gaseous streams in PHB
of heterotrophic cell growth at 5 g/L of RCC attaining the maximal PHB production did not affect the bacterial performance achieving high PHB
content, concentration, and productivity (Table 5). Delaying nutrient content of up to 73% DCW and productivities of up to 0.227 g/L⋅h.
limitation (after c.a. 30 h of heterotrophic growth) at 15 g/L of RCC, Despite the authors pointed out that the results of the study showed a
reduced the fermentation performance and when shifting to PHB pro trade-off between productivity and PHB concentration and content, a
duction phase at 40 g/L of RCC, PHB accumulation did not occur. thorough techno-economic assessment must be performed to determine
Similar trends were observed for the autotrophic PHB production on the optimal process conditions.
waste glycerol-grown cells at 5 and 15 g/L of RCC reaching the maximal Al Rowaihi et al. [139] investigated a two-stage biological
PHB content, concentration, and productivity at the former RCC gas-to-liquid process to convert CO2 into PHB. In the first stage, acetic
(Table 5). PHB accumulation at high cell density (35 g/L RCC) was not acid was produced by Acetobacterium woodii from a gas mixture of CO2:
observed even after 92 h of autotrophic cultivation, however after H2 (15:85 v/v) under elevated pressure (≥2.0 bar) to increase the H2
dilution of the cell mass concentration to 9 g/L PHB accumulation solubility in the culture broth. Although with this approach the problem
started to take place. In this regard, the authors asserted that the key of gas explosion is avoided, gas-liquid mass transfer of H2 is the main
enzymes machinery for the autotrophic metabolism were formed during limitation. During this phase, a concentration of 3.2 g/L of acetic acid
the heterotrophic phase but the accumulation of PHB was restricted by was obtained. In the second phase, acetic acid was converted to PHB (3
mass transfer limitation of O2. Thus, to be competitive with the current g/L acetate into 0.5 g/L PHB) by Ralstonia eutropha H16 obtaining a PHB
heterotrophic cultivation system, the O2 mass transfer ought to be content of 33.3% (percentage ratio of PHB concentration to cell con
optimized to enhance the PHB productivity. centration) after 217 h.
. Garcia-Gonzalez et al. [138] investigated the same system but using Another possibility to produce PHA is through photoautotrophic
CO2-rich off gaseous streams. In the first stage, cells were grown het bacterial systems using cyanobacteria. Some cyanobacteria species have
erotrophically on glucose followed by autotrophic PHB accumulation exhibited considerable potential for PHA accumulation, as they are
using industrial CO2-rich off-gas streams from a biogas plant equipped capable of using sunlight and CO2 as energy and carbon sources,
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respectively. This is a clear advantage over the chemoheterotrophic supplier and/or nursery substrate for plant seedlings cultivation. Ronga
bacterial systems, which makes use of an organic carbon source (e.g. et al. [147] comparatively studied the use of liquid digestate, solid
glucose, fructose) representing 30–40% of the total production cost digestate, and standard nutrient solution to cultivate seedlings of leaf
[26]. lettuce. Results suggested that both methods can be alternatively
Troschl et al. [141] reported the operation of a 200 L pilot tubular employed as a sustainable growing medium.
glass PBR for PHB production by Synechocystis salina CCALA192 using The digestate remaining after AD can be valorized into nutrient-
the flue gases from a coal power plant containing 11–13% (v/v) CO2. enriched soil which can be widely employed in nurseries. Tradition
The flue gas stream was washed to remove residual NOx and SOx and to ally, residues obtained from AD are directly applied on the farmlands as
increase the CO2 content. Different cultivation conditions such as a soil amendment which besides the provision of nutrients has the
nutrient solution, cultivation time, illumination, acetate addition, were intention to improve soil physicochemical properties. In some cases,
examined with the cyanobacterial CCALA192 strain. Overall, final digestate in a mixture with agricultural residues is composted, to pre
biomass concentration and PHB accumulation in the range of 0.9–2.1 pare a stable biofertilizer as nursery substrate with enough nutrients for
g/L and 4.8–9.0% DCW were reported, respectively. Digestate from a seedlings cultivation. For example, a mixture of digestate, pig manure,
biogas reactor was also tested as an alternative source of nutrients and spent mushroom substrate (at volume ratios of 1:1:1) was com
attaining a final biomass concentration and PHB accumulation of 1.6 g/L posted to be used as a growth medium for tomato and pepper seedlings
and 5.5% DCW, respectively. [148] . The produced compost showed a high quality as a good alter
Carpine et al. [142] investigated the photoautotrophic accumulation native to peat allowing 100% replacement; while 20%–50% replace
of PHB by Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 from CO2 under light/dark cycles ment resulted in tomato and pepper seedlings with higher
(16 h light/8 h dark at 150 μE/m2 s) and nitrate concentration reduced morphological growth and lower Fusarium concentrations. Moreover,
to half of the optimal cell growth concentration in a 0.8 L inclined Meng et al. [149] assessed the physicochemical properties and maturity
bubble column PBR. A gas stream − 2.0% (v/v) CO2 in air at 4 vol/ of the produced compost during 118 days of co-composting digestate
vol/min − was sparged at the bottoms of the PBR’s. Under these condi and spent mushroom substrate. Total organic carbon, available phos
tions, the PCC6803 strain was able to accumulate PHB up to 8.0% DCW. phorus, and ammonium decreased along with the composting process
PHB content, titers, and productivities reported for cultures per during the thermophilic period (>50 ◦ C) lasted for 52 days; while the
formed under photoautotrophic conditions using solely CO2 as carbon content of total potassium, total phosphorus, and nitrate increased. In
source are lower than that reported for cultures under heterotrophic- contrast to the control (peat: perlite mixture at a volumetric ratio of 5:1
autotrophic conditions (Table 5). In this respect, genetically engi with and without fertilizer), the treatments with compost addition
neered strains of cyanobacteria could be a promising door to enhance showed better tomato seedling growth.
PHB accumulation and productivities under photoautotrophic condi Although composting can eliminate most of the pathogenic bacteria
tions. Wang et al. [140] reported a titer of 533.4 mg/L 3HB after and weed seeds, alleviate heavy metals and drug chemicals toxicity, the
photoautotrophic cultivation of the engineered cyanobacterium Syn process suffers some drawbacks including high moisture and difficulty in
echocystis sp. PCC6803 with average productivity of 25.4 mg/L⋅d. The separation which limit the efficiency of aerobic composting [150,151].
engineered cyanobacterium Synechocystis was able to produce up to It is worth mentioning that digestate can be also a valuable culti
1.84 g/L 3HB after photosynthetic cultivation with peak productivity of vation medium for hydroponic systems in which soil-less growing me
263 mg/L⋅d [143]. It is clear that spite of these efforts, titers, and pro dium supplemented with nutrient solution are used to cultivate various
ductivities are still very low and further improvements are necessary to plants [152,153]. What should be considered herein is the microbio
attain economic feasibility. logical changes in the plants cultivated with digestate. Ronga et al.
One common bottleneck to the biochemical routes described before [147] showed a microbiological change in baby leaf lettuce caused by
is the gas-liquid mass transfer limitation since the biocatalyst is active in digestate application as cultivation medium. However, the authors
the aqueous phase and at least one of the reactants is in the gas phase. claimed that the washing operations were found as an effective method
Moreover, the PHA autotrophic production process with O2 as a terminal to make the baby leaf lettuce ready-to-eat, pointing out the possible use
electron acceptor faces the risk of explosion of H2/O2 mixture. The of the digestate for the hydroponic cultivation of this vegetable. Instead
problem associated with the gas-liquid mass transfer limitation can be of direct use of digestate for hydroponic cultivation humic-like sub
solved by increasing the pressure in the fermentation to increase the stances can be extracted from the digestate for further use in plants
solubility of the gas reactants in the aqueous phase. This was already cultivation [154]. The intrinsic lack of standards for the quality of
demonstrated by Gunnarsson et al. (2014) for succinic acid production humic-like substances from digestate is one of the major problems of this
(1.013–1.4 bar) and in other studies at a range of 5–10 bar [144]. In the sector for a wider agriculture adoption. Furthermore, the lack of
case of PHA production, Yu et al. [145] demonstrated that PHA pro consensus on application doses for agricultural use has hindered its
duction could be significantly enhanced by increasing the pressure in the widespread use [155].
bioreactor resulting in a higher growth rate, cell density, and gas uptake
rate. (Table 5). Alternatively, the mass transfer rate can be increased by 5.2. Feed for earthworm engineering
decreasing the size of bubbles, increasing the gas hold-up time, or the
addition of chemicals to the fermentation media. On the other hand, a Digestate is often processed as feed for organisms such as earth
potential solution to the problem associated with the H2/O2 mixture in worms due to its high content of amino acids and vitamins and the
the PHA production could be the application of other terminal electron slightly alkaline pH. Koblenz et al. [156] compared the growth of
acceptors (e.g. NO3− ) rather than O2 [146]. This could potentially earthworms by feeding digestate as well as organic and chemical fer
permit the direct use of biogas in the autotrophic cultivation process tilizers (i.e., cattle and pig slurry, chemical fertilizers) under short and
obtaining in this way not only PHA but also upgraded methane. long-term experiments. They noticed that applying digestate and slurry
induced a positive impact on earthworm density and the produced
5. Digestate application in agricultural framework biomass. In a 4-month short-term experiment, the highest earthworm
density was observed where cattle and pig slurry had been used. In
5.1. Nursery substrate and growth media for seedlings contrast, the quality and quantity of the earthworm biomass grown with
chemical fertilization or without any additives as control were signifi
Digestate contains considerable amounts of various macro- and cantly lower. Under a 3-year experiment, higher earthworm biomass
micro-nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements, as was attained when they were fed with slurry and digestate compared
well as organic matters, and therefore, it can be regarded as a nutrient with those grown on chemical fertilizer. The result indicated that the
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
feeding of slurry and digestate benefit earthworm population increase. enhancing soil fertilization and reducing pollution. They also suggested
Thus, this approach can be further used for the management and recy that biochar from digestate can be an economically and environmentally
cling of the digestate. production route in the agricultural sector due to its positive impact on
Vermicomposting is another eco-friendly technology that converts a crop growth, yield, soil nutrient status, and enzyme activity [168,169].
vast range of waste materials into stable organic products through One of the obstacles for promoting biochar for field application is its
breeding earthworms with organic wastes. Sun et al. [157] showed that high market price. The recommended application rate for biochar varies
vermicomposting is also an effective way to remove heavy metals such depending on the biochar characteristics from 5 to more than 100 ton/
as Cd by earthworms (Eisenia fetida) during digestate vermicomposting ha. Having considered biochar prices ranging from 500 to 1000 €/t, it
and suggested the optimum addition of earthworm hydrolysates for the cannot be a promising agricultural input in many developing countries
production of Trichoderma guizhouense spores. Under optimum condi since farmers cannot afford to use it [163]. Therefore, attempts need to
tions, the hydrolysis rate of earthworms was ~97% and the removal be made herein to decrease the final price of digestate biochar providing
efficiency of Cd was up to 93%. Furthermore, the addition of 20% of a higher market demand for such a valuable product.
earthworm hydrolysate promoted the largest production of Trichoderma
sporulation (~3 × 108 CFU/g straw), implying the ability of earthworm 5.3.2. Soil remediation
hydrolysates to promote the growth of Trichoderma guizhouense. More Biochar from digestate has great potential to be used in multiple
importantly, applying digestate to raise earthworms is conducive to applications. Stefaniuk et al. [170] analysed the content of heavy metals
reduce the feed cost and increase the economic benefits because of and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biochar produced from
organic waste disposal and valuable fertilizer production [158]. digestate pyrolysis finding that despite the higher pH, surface area, and
Although feeding earthworms or vermicomposting with digestate may carbon content, the biochar showed low levels of heavy metals (Cr, Cu,
create less economic benefit compared with other strategies discussed, it Pb, and Mn) and PAHs. Huang et al. [171] evaluated the potential of
has been shown as an promising treatment method under a biorefinery digestate for preparing biochar at a broad temperature range of
platform based on the creation of a chain including putrescible waste, in 300–900 ◦ C. Results demonstrated that the porous solid residue-based
vertebrates and biofuel/proteins [159]. biochar might be used as a soil amendment due to the mesoporosity
and highly abundant active adsorption sites, developed pore structure,
5.3. Valorization into biochar active minerals, and functional groups. Tao et al. [172] studied the
production of biochars using digested corn straw silage at pyrolysis
To promote digestate recycling, separation and pelletization are temperature in the range of 300–700 ◦ C for adsorptive stabilization of
often applied. The former process results in separated fractions of the Cd2+. Higher temperature resulted in a significant increase of surface
liquid and solid stream. On the other hand, the pelletization produces a area from 4.24 to 56.58 m2/g and increased densities of
solid energy carrier with high density for further agricultural, energy, oxygen-containing functional group and mineral components such as
and environmental use. Among potential production routes, biochar CaCO3 and KCl content. Moreover, increased Cd2+ adsorptive stabili
production has gained much interest since it is a carbon-rich solid ma zation was observed and it was concluded that at temperatures above
terial with unique chemical, physical and biological properties such as 600 ◦ C effective Cd adsorptive stabilization can be achieved. Besides
aromatized carbon matrix, large specific surface area, high pore volume, Cd2+, the immobilization and bioavailability elimination of other cat
enriched surface functional groups, and high mineral content [160]. It ions (Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, and Hg2+, etc.) could also occur through phys
can be used for various agricultural purposes, such as a compost addi ical adsorption, cation exchange, surface complexation, precipitation,
tive, soil remediation, and as adsorbent for nutrients recovery. and electrostatic interactions [173,174]. While reduction and
complexation can be useful for metal oxyanion compounds (CrO42− ,
5.3.1. Biochar for soil fertilization AsO43− and AsO32− , etc.) [175] and adsorption and degradation for
Despite high degradation efficiencies succeeded in AD process, the organic concomitants in soil [176].
effluent typically contains recalcitrant organic materials (e.g. cellulose
and lignin) as well as considerable amounts of nutrients. These com 5.3.3. Compost amendment
ponents can enrich digestate fertility in farmlands [161,162]. However, In addition to the above-mentioned utilization methods, digestate
toxic and harmful chemicals or drugs, pathogens, weed seeds, antibiotic can be also used as a raw material in composting. Due to the high
resistance genes -that can potentially contaminate the food chain-might operating temperature, aerobic composting is a safe and effective way to
be found in digestate [15]. Hence, in these cases, alternative methods of treat organic residues including digestate [177]. For example, Meng
digestate recycling will benefit for biochar safe use in farmland. A food et al. [178] explored the feasibility of a full-scale composting process to
waste digestate biochar, as an example, can contain up to 61% volatile dispose of digestate and evaluate compost quality. Digestate reached the
solids, 45% C, and 6% N [163]. thermophilic stage (>50 ◦ C) for 20 days. Ammonium and total organic
Pyrolysis for biochar production has been proposed to convert the matter contents decreased along with the composting process, while the
remaining organic components into stable aromatized carbon, retaining contents of total potassium, phosphorus, and nitrite increased accord
most of the nutrients in the biochar matrix and eliminate toxic and ingly. The final compost product showed acceptable phytotoxicity and
harmful chemicals, pathogenic bacteria, and weed seeds [164]. As a new maturity. During the composting process, Anaerolineaceae and Limno
type of carbon-based fertilizer, biochar can improve soil physical and chordaceae were the main bacteria involved in the composting process,
chemical properties, increase soil buffer acid and alkali ability, and and Chaetomium was the major fungi representative.
fertilizer performance [165]. In contrast to the traditional processing method which leads to the
Inyang et al. [166] determined the physicochemical properties of the additions of chemical pesticides, hormones, and potential ammonia
digested bagasse biochar and undigested bagasse biochar and noticed oxidation-inhibiting substances; the biological conversion of digestate
that the AD-derived product had higher pH, surface area, cation, and into a stable compost fertilizer is a promising alternative method [166,
anion exchange capacity, hydrophobicity, and increased negative sur 178]. Besides previous research has demonstrated that biochar can be
face charge. All these properties are generally desirable for soil also used as an additive in composting improvement [179], it is also
amelioration and fertilization use. Later, Ma et al. [167] investigated the proved that co-composting of biochar with organic waste can lead to
characterization and potential use of biochar produced from anaerobi high value-added organic fertilizer. While only a few studies are
cally digested dairy manure under different processing temperatures reporting the usage of biochar from digestate in composting process,
(300, 600, and 1000 ◦ C). The researchers demonstrated that the pyrol co-composting of biochar derived from biogas slurry with organic waste
ysis process could transform the biomass waste into high-value biochar such as crop residue, animal manure, and sewage sludge has great
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
potential on organic waste management and recycling. It has however to pyrolysis temperatures. The higher the pyrolysis temperatures, higher
be remarked that composting is requiring high dry matter of biomass for aromaticity, specific surface area, and pore volume, as well as decreased
permitting temperature increase. Therefore, digestates that have usually biochar polarity, was observed, which ultimately promoted the
low dry matter contents cannot be composted untreated. The digestate adsorption capacities for NH+ 4 . Similarly, Pan et al. [184] reported that
can be concentrated by centrifugation or screw pressure to remove the the maximum ammonium adsorption capacities of biochars from
extensive water content. Moreover, the digestate cannot be composted digested pig manure and straw reached 37–49 mg/g and 21–29 mg/g in
alone and additions of other dry biomass fractions that have a high artificial and real wastewaters, respectively. All these results indicated
content of organic matter ready to be oxidized for increasing the tem that the ash component (minerals contain Mg, Ca, Fe, and Al, etc.) in the
perature and stabilize the material, have to be mixed. biochar played an important role in ammonium and/or phosphate
adsorption through mechanisms including physical adsorption, surface
5.3.4. Nutrients recovery complexation, precipitation, and electrostatic interactions [175,181,
Although many studies have already concluded that biochar can be 183]. The biochar produced from digestate not only can act as an
used for soil amelioration, the needed amount to provide the necessary alternative waste management approach but also increases the utiliza
nutrients to the soil would be relatively large due to low-nutrient con tion potential of biochar in agriculture.
tent compared with chemical fertilizer [180]. Biochar can have a highly
porous structure with large specific surface area, high pore volume, 6. Life cycle assessment perspectives of the novel routes
enriched surface functional groups, and acceptable adsorption perfor
mance [175]; and thus, researchers previously exploited it as an The valorization of biomethane and digestate into proteinaceous
adsorbent for nutrients recovery from wastewater as a means to improve microbial biomass, so-called single-cell protein or microbial protein, has
the elemental composition of biochar [173,181]. For example, aroused much interest recently because such products can substitute
Alghashm et al. [182] evaluated biochars for phosphorus recovery and commercial proteinaceous feed such as soybean meal with intrinsic
soil amendment applications. Experimental results suggested that the considerable environmental footprints [185,186]. The use of methano
amount of adsorbed phosphorus is increasing along with temperature trophs, as an example, for upcycling digestate and biogas/biomethane
increase for biochar derived from digestate. Specifically, the amount of into feed grade biomass has recently been broadly investigated and
phosphate adsorbed onto the biochar at 900 ◦ C was larger compared to promoted by many researchers [187,188]; It is because the produced
biochars derived at lower temperatures. The growth of cabbage was biomass has a high protein content and amino acid profile comparable
significantly improved in pot experiments due to improved water with commercial animal feed sources [6]. However, the sustainability of
retention capacity of the soil and simultaneously nutrients solubilization such integrated systems (Fig. 4) has not been widely investigated.
in the soil. To examine the potential of biochar on phosphate adsorption Digestate contains nitrogen, mostly in form of ammonium, which can be
recovery, Yao et al. [183] studied biochar samples prepared from assimilated by methane or hydrogen oxidizing bacteria and transformed
digested sugar beet tailings at 600 ◦ C through slow pyrolysis revealing a into protein. Methanotrophs in form of mixed culture can reportedly be
large amount of colloidal and nano-sized MgO particles on biochar directly cultivated in digestate following centrifugation, filtration, and
surface. The digested sugar beet tailing biochar showed the highest pasteurization (70 ◦ C for 1 h) steps to remove particles and deactivate all
phosphate adsorptive removal ability with more than 70% removal ef the potential pathogens [187], however, the direct cultivation can un
ficiency. The product could be directly applied to agricultural fields as a dermine the safety of the final product as animal feed. The other pos
slow-release phosphate fertilizer to improve soil fertility and sequester sibility is to recover nitrogen from digestate using electrochemical
soil carbon. reactors [189,190] and then, cultivate the microbial biomass into
In addition to adsorbing phosphate, digestate derived biochar has nutrient-supplemented media [49,191]. Such pretreatments would in
also a good adsorption effect on nitrogen contained compounds. For crease the energy demand of the process and hence, raise the environ
instance, Zheng et al. [19] investigated the ammonia adsorption of mental footprints caused at the background system for heat and
biochar prepared from distillers’ grains digestate with different electricity production. The results of an LCA study exhibited that the
Fig. 4. The associated system boundary describing the life cycle assessment of single-cell protein production from AD effluents.
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
cultivation of methanotrophs in the centrifuged filtered digestate (i.e., parameter and different species would have different yield, productiv
anaerobically digested organic fraction of municipal solid waste) as ni ity, and compositions under various dosages of CO2 and biomethane
trogen source as well as using biogas and biologically upgraded biogas [203]. Moreover, sulfide is a toxic element for microalgae, hence the
as carbon source would be an environmentally friendly alternative to concentration of H2S in biogas is a determinant factor during simulta
soybean meal as a common livestock feed [192]. Results showed that neous upgrading and algal biomass production [98]. However, the
under a biorefinery approach that integrates biogas plant and single-cell impact of such parameters on the overall environmental performance of
protein production facility, the use of biologically upgraded biogas for microalgae production facilities has not been scrutinized yet.
microbial protein production led to better environmental impacts in four The cultivated algae/microalgae using biogas effluents can be
damage categories namely, Climate change, Human health, Ecosystem further recycled back into the biogas plants for energy production via
quality, and Resources. Such biorefinery approach led to an avoided anaerobic digestion. Such recycling can be implemented with/without
impacts of − 58 to − 147 kg CO2,eq per ton of treated biowaste which is biomass pretreatment which can lead to different energy/exergy bal
much promising compared to a commercial product growing on natural ance within the system. Such pretreatment, on the one hand can increase
gas with a reportedly 2.229 kg CO2,eq per kg protein [193]. The pro the energy recovery, but on the other hand, enhance the energy demand
spective studies in this context should assess and compare the environ of the system. Having applied exergy analysis, Xiao et al. [204]
mental impacts of direct cultivation strategies and various nitrogen compared three different routes for biogas production from microalgae:
recovery methods. Furthermore, different nitrogen rich residual streams without pretreatment, with hydrothermal pretreatment, and with
should be taken into account to find the most environmental friendly solar-driven hydrothermal pretreatment. Their results approved that the
nitrogen rich substrate for valorizing biogas/biomethane into protein exergy efficiency of the system would be higher with solar-driven hy
aceous feed. drothermal pretreatment (40.8%) and hydrothermal pretreatment
Sustainability assessment without considering economic aspect of (35.9%). Furthermore, they showed that the maximum exergy loss could
the system under consideration is meaningless. The economic aspect of be caused by biogas residue, ranging from 35 to 60%, approving that
microbial protein production has not widely studied yet. Verbeeck et al. energy and exergy flow analysis should be given more attention in the
[194] assessed the economic performance of up-cycling recovered re sustainability assessment such integrated systems [205].
sources from anaerobic digestion through microbial protein production. The integration of surplus electricity from renewable resources such
They used a practical case digester which co-digested pig manure (70%) as wind turbines to biogas facilities for either biological biogas
and other organic waste (30%). Their results demonstrated that pro upgrading [192] or biogas-based methanol production [206] could
ducing microbial protein using both methanotrophs and hydrogen bring about significant impacts on the sustainability of overall bio
oxidizing bacterial would appear economically and technically feasible refinery. Although such integration for biological biogas upgrading has
within the current range of market prices existing for high-quality pro shown better environmental performance compared to other upgrading
tein. Although Verbeeck et al. [194] claimed microbial protein pro technologies [207], unresolved questions have remained in the field
duction is economically feasible, there is a big scientific gap in this which need further investigations (Fig. 5). The safety and high cost of
context which needs further attention. Furthermore, it is highly sug hydrogen storage is a serious challenge which undermine the economic
gested other aspects of sustainability such as exergetic performance and feasibility of power-to-gas technologies. A capital expenditure of 33–44
exergoenvironmetal performance to be considered as prospective work €/m3 hydrogen storage capacity is estimated for hydrogen storage fa
[195,196]. cilities depending on the storage pressure i.e., 50–200 bar [208]. The
The production of microalgae is among the most popular bio surplus electricity has an intermittent nature and is not always acces
processing routes for the upcycling of AD effluents because, on the one sible through the year which undermines the sustainability of the whole
hand, the CO2 content of biogas can be used as C-source needed for process. Some electrolyzers cannot efficiently work under variable
biomass growth, and on the other hand, the nutrient content of digestate loads, thus intermittent surplus electricity would increase the overall
can be recycled/removed when used as cultivation media [18]. Such a process costs and decrease the efficiency of the system. Therefore, under
concept has risen great interest for simultaneous nutrient removal and the current level of knowledge and technology, a complete transition
biogas upgrading [197]. The valorization of CO2 can be performed from commercial biogas upgrading technologies to biological biogas
either as simultaneous upgrading and microalgae cultivation within upgrading still suffers uncertainty and needs more detailed analysis
photobioreactors [198] or in separate units after removing the CO2 from before commercialization.
biogas and its injection to raceway ponds as a carbon source for Biomethane is a multifunctional energy carrier that can be used to
microalgae growth [199]. Most of the LCA studies investigating the supply heat and/or power via combustion in biogas engines, can be
environmental performance of microalgae cultivation, unanimously employed as transportation fuel, or can be stored in the natural gas grid,
reached the conclusion that the cultivation of algal biomass and its where it can be transported for use in other locations than it is produced.
further dewatering and processing are energy extensive and regarded as The conversion of biogas into other forms of energy carriers such
the hotspot in terms of environmental footprints (Table 6). According to Fischer-Tropsch diesel could be regarded as another valorization
the results of the previous LCA studies, pumping systems, compressors, pathway for exploiting biogas because it would increase the energy
paddlewheels, centrifuges, and dryers are among the most density of the final product and facilitate its distribution (Table 7).
energy-demanding equipment in algal cultivation units [18,200]. The Fischer-Tropsch is a number of chemical reactions takes place at tem
use of artificial light for biomass growth [198] and the high heating peratures of 150–300 ◦ C and both low and high pressure to convert a
demand needed to regulate the temperature of cultivation media in mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid hydrocarbons at
winter [201] can also notably increase both electrical and thermal en the presence of catalysts. Steam reforming breaks down the biogas
ergy demand within the plants. Depending on the source of energy, e.g., molecules into syngas which is the primary feedstock for Fischer-
coal-fired power plant, natural gas-fired power plant, the magnitude of Tropsch diesel production from AD effluent [209,210]. Having ana
environmental impacts reportedly varied among LCA studies. Hence, lysed through exergy analysis, dry reforming and power generation have
increasing the energy use efficiency and the use of renewable electricity, identified as the most inefficient subsystems of biogas dry reforming. An
i.e., solar and wind electricity, to supply plants’ energy demand have overall exergy efficiency of 54.7% has been reported for biogas
been introduced as practical solutions to decrease the environmental reforming with reformer and turbines as the main source of irrevers
footprints of microalgae cultivation [202]. Having an optimized culti ibility [211]. In another study led by Minutillo et al., hydrogen sepa
vation system with the maximum biomass yield can to some extent ration and compression accounted for 16–18% of exergy losses within
improve the environmental performance under different impact and biogas reforming systems [212]. Only a few studies have investigated
damage categories [18]. CO2 and CH4 tolerance is a species-specific the liquefaction of biogas/biomethane from LCA points of view [209,
P. Tsapekos et al.
Table 6
A summary of LCA results of algal biomass production under different scenarios and scopes.
Species Scale Cultivation CO2 source Nutrient Hotspots Future improvements LCIA FU Downstream Selected Impact (Unit/ Ref.
method use FU)
Phaeodactylum ISI PhB Synthetic – Cultivation and freeze- Algal productivity, ILCD handbook 1 kg dried – GWP = 257; WRD = [198]
tricornutum vs biogas drying electricity source, midpoint biomass 175; FAETP = 27;
nutrients culture medium, impact FETP = 2.36E-03 kg P
and cleaning solutions category eq; HTnc = 1.54E-06
Chlorella vulgaris IP ORP; TPhB; Synthetic – High energy demand Biomass cultivation on IMPACT 2002+ 1- 1 kg biomass Food and feed 0.5 to 9.8 mPt [217]
HCF; ORP during cultivation and hydrolyzed food V2.11 (85–90% of (Weighted result)
dewatering moisture
2- Whole dried
3- 1 kg bulk
Chlorella 1067 SSU ORP Synthetic Pig manure Digestate storage, Sealed storage system, IMPACT 2002+ 1 tonne of pig AD of HH = 3.77E-05; EQ = [18]
AD digestate transportation fast-continuous V2.11 manure microalgae 1.74 E + 01; CC = 3.55
downstream, lowered E + 01; RU = − 1.61 E
distance + 03
Chlorella vulgaris VS ORP Flue gas Chemicals – Change in the algae Selected 1 kg biodiesel Biodiesel GWP = 0.26–0.42 [218]
CO2 composition midpoints production
Chlorella vulgaris VS ORP Coal-fired Chemicals Biomass cultivation, Elevated lipid content for CML method 1 MJ biofuel Biofuel GWP = − 61 to − 173 [219]
flue gases harvest, and energy higher energy recovery products
Chlorella vulgaris VS ORP Not AD digestate Feed production, on-farm Energy saving ReCiPe version 1000 kg live – Relatively comparison [202]
specified emissions paddlewheel motor 1.13 weight pig
Nannochloropsis PS ORP; TPhB Synthetic Synthetic Energy consumption for Optimized temperature CML 1 kg dried – EQ = ~500 Pt; HH = [201]
media temperature regulation, regulation systems biomass ~150 Pt
Production of
Fig. 5. The unresolved problems in sustainability of power-to-gas technologies and the future perspective.
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
production. Apart from the technological improvements, future works in used as a future-oriented agenda to achieve a cleaner and more
this field need to consider how to bring it into a circular concept, competitive Europe [223]. In this plan, recycling food, water, and nu
decrease the production and environmental costs, and increase synergy trients are highlighted that are of utmost importance to adopt circular
with other upstream and downstream technologies [206,216]. approaches. Hence, waste management holds a central role particularly
SI= Semi-industrial – IP = industail pilot scale – SSU = simulated in how to inject the wasted materials/resources back into the market as
scaled up – VS = virtual system – PS = pilot scale – PhB = photo new raw materials closing the loops and ensuring circularity.
bioreactor – ORP = Open raceway pond – TPhB = photobioreactor – Among the many waste disposal technologies, AD is the widely used
HCF = heterotrophic closed fermenters – WRD = Water resource method in tackling organic waste for many years due to its process
depletion – GWP = Global Warming Potentia (kg CO2 eq.) l – FAETP = simplicity and robustness, as well as the wide waste acceptance range.
Freshwater Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential – FETP = Freshwater Eutro The two direct output streams from AD are 1) biogas consisting of
phication Potential (kg P eq) – HTnc = Human toxicity, non-cancer ef mainly methane and carbon dioxide, and 2) nutrient-rich digestate
fects (CTUh) – HH = Human health (DALY) – EQ = Ecosystem quality containing non-degraded recalcitrant lignocellulosic waste and cells.
(PDF/m2.yr) – CC = Climate change (kg CO2 eq.) – RU = Resource use From a circular economy perspective, the two streams, even though
(MJ primary). originated from waste, are not the end life of the inherent nutrients/
value of the waste. How to efficiently utilize the two streams draws the
7. Biorefinery approach to achieve circular economy of the attention of researchers, policy-makers, and relevant stakeholders.
different anaerobic digestion streams Biorefinery, as a process integrating bio-based materials/chemicals and
biofuels production from different biomass [224], provides potential
7.1. From linear to circular economy ideas to circulate the AD streams, while minimizing environmental
damage and maximize the resources efficiency at the same time.
In the past centuries, human society has been lived with a linear life
pattern of resource utilization, i.e. “take-make-use-dispose” or “extract-
produce-use-dump”, which is not sustainable since it is created based on 7.2. Conventional circular economy mode of anaerobic digestion streams
the assumption of infinite resources and energy [221]. At the same time,
it creates a massive number of wastes and brings about extreme envi The biogas from AD has a high heating value while the digestate is
ronmental issues. Hence, a circular economy concept has been proposed rich in nutrients, such as N, P, K. Thus, the current most common
to adopt a “closing the loop” approach to achieve a sustainable devel practice for a biogas plant, as shown in Fig. 6, is the direct use of the
opment model through good process design to promote circular econ output streams [38,207,225] to generate heat and electricity via a CHP
omy processes, foster sustainable consumption, and increase the lifespan unit, and to apply the digestate as biofertilizer at agricultural lands;
of resources [222]. Recently, in March 2020, the European Union (EU) following regional or national legislation (e.g. Nitrates Directive
also announced A new Circular Economy Action Plan, which will be 91/676/EEC). This is a relatively mature route to recover energy and
nutrients fitting into the circular economy concept because it can further
Fig. 6. The comparison of a) the conventional circular economy mode and b) the proposed novel circular economy mode of different AD streams.
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
recover renewable energy and extend the lifetime of the nutrients. fed into the AD system, where a closed loop is formed to meet the cir
Vaneeckhaute et al. [226] evaluated the conventional process from a cular economy requirement.
sustainability (environmental, economic, and social) view taking Another novel circular economy concept of AD streams is the inte
Southern Sweden as an example, and highlighted the negative envi gration of AD with algae cultivation, which is driven by the lower cost of
ronmental impacts, the positive net present economic value, and the recycling CO2 and nutrients. The different micro/macro nutrients in the
acceptable attitude of the stakeholders. Specifically, the authors digestate can meet part of the algae cultivation medium requirement.
demonstrated that by treating 12,689 tons of mixed organic residues Different types of algae have been reported to be cultivated successfully
annually to produce heat, electricity, and biofertilizer, the biogas plants after an adjustment/treatment of the digestate [238,239]. Importantly,
can achieve around 1000 tons of GHG emission reduction and avoid the CO2 present in the raw biogas (around 30–40%) can be utilized by
6*106 MJ in fossil resources depletion. Moreover, the economic internal the algae without the necessity of external CO2 supply, which further
rate of return after 20 years of the biogas plant application is estimated enhances carbon utilization and promotes the whole loop closure. The
as 23.6%. The fertilizer quality assurance is identified as a key issue from full-scale case study of the AD and microalgal integration system was
social acceptance perspective. also reported in Sweden with a 9.4% annual biomethane increase
To diversify the utilization of biogas, reduce the environmental compared to AD standalone [240]. After the cultivation of the algae, it
burdens, and maximize profitability, other than the direct combustion in can be either fed back into the AD system as feedstock [241] or injected
the CHP unit, different technologies have also been explored. For into the algae biorefinery platform after further extraction and purifi
example, direct usage of biogas for cooking is widely reported in Asian cation for high-value-added chemicals production [242].
countries, such as China, India, Malaysia, etc. [227,228]. Besides, To further capture and utilize the high CO2 content in the raw biogas,
upgrading the biogas into biomethane (>96% CH4 concentration) and biosuccinic acid production has also been proposed as a novel technol
followed by either injecting the biomethane into the natural gas grid or ogy to achieve biogas upgrading and CO2 utilization at the same time,
compressing it as transportation fuel, are often practiced in Europe [229, where methane content can be increased to above 95% with a bio
230]. Regarding the digestate, technologies have also been proposed to succinic acid production rate of 0.56 g/L/h [118,119]. Recently, a LCA
ensure a more secure and economical biofertilizer application. For study also demonstrated that biosuccinic acid production integrated
example, liquid-solid separation followed by composting or struvite with CO2 capture from raw biogas brings about environmental benefits
precipitation to form solidified fertilizer resulted in better environ to mitigate climate change [192]. The succinic acid is an important
mental performance by less nutrients leaching and emissions [231,232]. building block for many other products, such as bioplastic, pharma
Except for the full-scale centralized big biogas plants, there are also a lot ceuticals, cosmetics, and inks, etc [38]. Beyond succinic acid produc
of small-scale household digesters (6–10 m3) in Asian countries, tion, biogas has also been tested to directly produce bioplastic material
particularly in China’s rural areas where there are more than 40 million [243], namely PHA. Due to the current high cost of the raw materials
biogas digesters. Chen et al. [233] studied the so-called Six in One biogas (mainly carbon substrates) to synthensize PHA, biogas provided a
system (SIOBS) consisting of the main digester, cropping, pig breeding, relatively cheap carbon source for PHA production at about 8.6–8.8 €/kg
fruit cultivation, vegetable growing, and agricultural processing, tar PHA in a medium-size biogas plant, and can further optimize the process
geting to use the biogas for cooking, lighting, and hot water, while to use to lower the price to 4.2–4.6 €/kg PHA [244], which offered a novel and
the digestate as fertilizer, feed additive, and seed soaking. The life cycle high value-add downstream choice.
results demonstrate a significant contribution to GHG emission (i.e. To valorize the digestate stream, particularly the solid part after
reduction of 0.3 kg CO2-eq/MJ energy output) and fossil fuel saving (i.e. liquid/solid separation or drying, thermal-chemical processes [234]
output/input energy efficiency of 173%) [233]. have been discussed intensively, namely hydrothermal carbonization
Even though the abovementioned traditional and classic practice (HTC), pyrolysis, and gasification. The driven initiative is that the
contributes to a certain extent in a circular economy, the demand for recovered heat from the biogas CHP unit can cover the energy needed
large agricultural land due to the continuous production of a large for the drying process. The main output from the thermal-chemical
quantity of digestate is still a challenge for land-limited counties. Thus, process is syngas, bio-oil, and biochar. The yield of the three products
an oversupply of digestate and/or the necessity of long transportation can vary significantly, depending on the different downstream purposes,
distance of digestate has been observed [234]. At the same time, it is also by adjusting the reaction condition, such as temperature, pressure,
reported that bio-based materials/chemicals actually can result in much carrier gases, etc [245]. The produced bio-oil and/or syngas can
higher economic returns compared to biofuels (biogas in this case) [235, improve the overall energy output performance of the integrated system
236]. There are still opportunities/spaces to improve/enhance the by up to 60% [37,246,247], while the syngas can be further used for
conventional circular economy model. Hence, more and more advanced other liquid biofuel production, such as biodiesel via Fischer–Tropsch
technologies with higher value-added products have been proposed in process and methanol. The produced biochar can be used as a soil
recent years, targeting to boost the circularity of the AD output flows. amendment and bio-adsorbent to remove toxicant compounds [248,
249], and at the same time serve as carbon sequestration to mitigate
7.3. Newly proposed circular economy mode of anaerobic digestion GHG emissions. Moreover, studies also demonstrated that the biochar
streams produced from the solid digestate mixed with the liquid digestate can
further improve the growth of the plants, such as wheat and maize,
As mentioned above microbial protein, plays an important role in compared to either sole soil or liquid digestate alone [250].
addressing the protein scarcity concern. Therefore, instead of directly
burning methane in the biogas, the renewable methane can be used by 7.4. Challenges and future perspective to achieve a novel circular
methanotrophs, such as Methylococcus capsulatus and Methylocapsa economy
acidiphila, to produce SCP [58,187]. Both upgraded biogas (biomethane)
and raw biogas have been proved to be suitable for SCP production. For a long time, human relies on fossil fuel as the main energy source
Moreover, the advantage of using the upgraded biogas is that CO2 can be and uses derivatives from petroleum for daily life. However, it brings
coupled with H2 to form CH4 during biological upgrading technology server problems such as climate change, air/water pollution, fossil fuel
[60] further increasing the carbon circularity. Another advantage of depletion, etc. Hence, biorefinery based biowaste, aiming to circular
integrating AD with SCP production is that the nutrients in the digestate, current resources and mitigate carbon emission, should play a central
particularly the N sources, can be utilized efficiently as an inexpensive role moving forward. First of all, the novel biorefinery approach aims to
medium by the microorganisms to synthesize SCP [237]. In the end, the compete with the current petroleum refinery, thus developing cost-
produced SCP can be used as animal feed while the animal waste can be effective biotechnologies is of utmost importance, other than just
P. Tsapekos et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151 (2021) 111635
propose the biorefinery concept. For example, the biomethane from AD pH due to digestate valorization and alleviate from high dissolved
is incompetent compared to natural gas in terms of cost when injecting CO2 concentration
the biomethane into natural gas pipe without governmental policy • Photoautotrophic cultivation systems for PHA production are still far
support [251], thereafter reducing the cost of the biogas upgrading and away to attain economic feasibility since titers and productivities are
associated infrastructure by optimizing the technology is important. very low
Moreover compared to the petroleum based plastics, such as Poly • O2 gas-liquid mass transfer rate must be enhanced for the autotro
propylene, Polyvinyl chloride, Polyethyleneterephtalate, etc., which has phic systems to compete with the current PHA heterotrophic pro
a production price lower than €1/kg [252], the biogas based bioplastic, duction system
namely PHA, seems not competitive due to its much higher cost of • The processing cost for digestates, lack of supportive regulations and
4.2–4.6 €/kg [244]. Secondly, even though the lab test has demonstrated incentives, and high market prices should be considered to lead in a
the feasibility of using biogas as SCP carbon source, large-scale indus widespread use
trial production based on biogas has never been reported. Additionally,
the concept of biosuccinic acid production from biogas was lately All above-discussed technologies can have significant environmental
proved but the process efficiency still needs to be improved via opti and economic implications directly affecting the establishment of cir
mization or integration with other technologies to make this pathway cular economy. Specifically, their environmental benefits deriving from
competitive [119]. Hence, more R&D activities and pilot-scale testing the increased carbon capture and decreased GHG emissions and the
are needed to make these novel biorefinery pathways more efficient and economic benefits deriving from the introduction into the market of new
economically feasible. Thirdly, most of the studies only focused on the and green industrial applications are great advantages. The promising
conventional circular economy concept when analysing the economic research-based results can positively influence the implementation of
feasibility, such as biogas production cost and selling price [253], and green policies supporting the circular bioeconomy. Subsequently, the
cost comparison of different waste treatment technologies (i.e. AD, applied models have the potential to alleviate high dependencies on
incineration, landfill, etc.) [254], but the technical-economic analysis fossil reserves and overcome regional limitations that undermine the
focusing on novel circular economy concept, based on biorefinery is sustainability aspects.
seldom reported, particularly from the whole life cycle process [49].
Holistic assessment from both environmental and economic perspective, Credit author statement
to identify the most suitable biorefinery pathways is urgently needed in
the near future. Finally, the circular economy model cannot be achieved Panagiotis Tsapekos: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition,
only from scientific communities, policy-makers and industry stake Visualization; Writing – original draft, Benyamin Khoshnevisan:
holders are encouraged to take part of the responsibility to invest and Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Methodology; Writing – review &
join the technologies development. For example, Hussain et al. [255] editing, Merlin Alvarado-Morales: Conceptualization, Funding acqui
demonstrated the important role of small and medium enterprises sition, Formal analysis, Methodology; Writing – review & editing, Xinyu
(SMEs) in speeding up the process efficiency towards zero waste under Zhu: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Methodology; Writing – re
the circular economy of AD. Besides, and the whole society shall try to view & editing, Junting Pan: Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
change the current “take-make-use-dispose” life mode and keep the Methodology; Writing – review & editing, Hailin Tian: Conceptualiza
circular economy in mind and start from contributing waste segregation tion, Formal analysis, Methodology; Writing – review & editing, Irini
for easier downstream circular technologies as well. Angelidaki: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Supervision,
Writing – review & editing.
8. Conclusions and future directions
Declaration of competing interest
AD process is a proven technology for converting all types of organic
matter to methane and carbon dioxide. Despite biogas has been tradi
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
tionally used for heat and electricity production and digestate as fertil
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
izer, AD streams can better support on the establishment of circular
the work reported in this paper.
• Upcycling gas and liquid streams of AD for the cultivation of pro
teinaceous biomass can be a competitive alternative to the conven
Authors appreciate financial support from the MUDP (Miljøstyr
tional agricultural-based feed sources
elsen) under the FUBAF project (MST- 117–00508), the EU Horizon
• Bringing digestate into agricultural framework has been proven as a
2020 research and innovation programme under the NeoSuccess project
promising approach for upcycling AD effluents
(950921), the EUDP under the eFuel project (64018-0559) and the
• Polymers formation as PBS through succinic acid production or
Danish Innovation Foundation under InWAP project.
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