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The teenage years are difficult for both parents and teens alike. As teenage, you
are still trying to figure out who you are and how you want to display yourself to
the world. United States most would agree that bathing on a daily basis, brushing
one’s teeth, and other general bathroom habits have become part of the cultural
norm. It has often been an assumption in today’s culture that if one does not take
the time to groom themselves appropriately, there is something wrong with them.
Many times, those who do not keep up with these grooming habits are assumed
to have a mental disease or defect, be poorly cared for, or have a low opinion of
themselves (Polaris, 2017). There is a general expectation of beauty, in the United
States, which creates a product driven group of women that may not feel as
valuable if they do 2 not have the time to make themselves up. There is also the
suggestion that cosmetics is just an accessory, perhaps it does not truly have any
effect on the way a woman views herself. With a society that is often driven by
multi-million-dollar ad campaigns promoting beauty at every corner, this study is
important in helping understand whether or not a woman truly values herself the
same when she is wearing makeup compared to when she is not (Moriarty, 2014).
Among female students in Emiliano Tria Tirona Memorial National High School -
Integrated Senior High School (ETTMNHS-ISHS), it has been an observation that
most of the senior high students often use makeup whenever they go to school,
hang out with their friends, or socialize with their peers. In line with this, the
researchers have decided to conduct a study to know if wearing makeup has an
effect on the confidence level of the students (Arquiza et al., 2019).


The purpose of this study is to determine of the qualitative using of cosmetics

products. The specific objectives include:

1. To determine the pros and cons of makeup;

2. To determine the cause and effect;
3. To know how is important for those students who wearing makeup; and
4. How is budget friendly of the materials for makeup.


The purpose of this study was to determine whether wearing makeup directly
affects a woman’s personal image as perceived by her.

To answer this problem, the following questions were established:

1. Does wearing makeup make women feel more confident?

2. Does not wearing makeup make women feel self conscious?

3. Does a woman view herself as less desirable if she is not wearing makeup?


Makeups covers facial flaws and enhance one’s self-confidence and interpersonal
relations. Not only does it serve as clothing for the face, makeup has become a
medium that connects human emotion. This study conducted research on female
students to analyze makeup with the intention of appearance enhancement. In
other words, the purpose of the research is to elucidate how psychological traits
may affect makeup involvement and satisfaction (Lee & Oh, 2018). Young girls
tend to experience rapid physical changes in between fifth and sixth year in
elementary school and this stage of growth is very important for psychological
development such as self-esteem. Individuals’ self-esteem plays a huge role in
actions, motivations, achievements, and social relationships. The continuation of
low self-esteem in appearance during this period may cause negative effects until
adolescence and adulthood. Makeups create positive changes in appearances and
the enhance self-esteem. Once a woman aware that she is being evaluated in her
appearances, a significant effort may be seen in order to receive positive
feedback. As the average age of makeup individuals has gone down, the size of
market for teenage makeup product has grown to 300 billion won (Edaily, 2017).


The researcher focusses on the study of advantages and disadvantages of wearing

make up in school. This study helps the students to boosts their confidence to
interact the other students, teachers, etc. The researcher also gathered
information thru online survey on their co-students.



The purpose of this study is to know about students why they’re wearing makeup
at school and if it has affected on women perfection or it will be gaining their
confidence to socialize more with other people in public places.

Women wearing makeup are perceived by others as more attractive, competent,
dominant, and more socially prestigious. Individuals differ in how much and how
frequently they use makeup. Some studies show that women with lower self-
esteem use more makeup, probably to hide imperfections. However, women with
higher self-esteem can also use makeup to attract attention. Appearance
orientation positively predicted frequency of makeup usage, time spent applying
makeup, and money spent on makeup, whereas appearance evaluation inversely
predicted money spent on makeup per month. Social self-esteem and general self-
esteem also positively predicted money spent on makeup, but in different
directions. The results suggest that the significance given to appearance and social
interactions are importantly associated with makeup usage in women (Mafra et
al., 2022).


Some people believe that make up can Lin 5 build-up confidence of teenagers,
also, influenced by the mass media, teenagers think that makeup can increase the
enjoyment of life. However, there are many bad impacts of makeup. Teenagers
shouldn’t wear makeup because it not only makes them pay wrong attention to
their outer beauty, but also damage their skin. Furthermore, when they think that
it’s fun to look a little different for a time, they neglect the controversial issue of
animal testing. One of the reasons that teenagers change the classroom into
powder-rooms is that makeup can build up their confidence. Makeup can not only
enhance their natural beauty, but also can cover something up. For example, if a
girl has pretty eyes, she may use eyeliner to make them stand out more; also, if a
girl has dark circles under her eyes, well-applied makeup could hide them right
away. Most of adults think that the first thing a person usually notices is face, not
to mention the teenagers that care much about feelings of peers. Research was
done by Nancy Etcoff, an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School and
a research psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, who studied the
impact of makeup on both viewers and users. She found that for the viewers, they
asked people to rate photographs of women with and without makeup, “Women
wearing makeup looked more attractive, likeable, competent and trustworthy to
the viewers than those without it” (Etcoff) (Lin, 2015).



This chapter presents the method utilized in this study together with the
procedures employed including the preparation, distribution, and data collection.


The population of this study was Amparo High School students from section M, N,
A, L, K half of their class were female students. The study population consisted of
only female in high school. Being that only female students were used for this
study when the surveys were handed out, they were given based on the
approximation of female students in the class.


The survey method of research was used in this study. To define the interview
type of research, the survey method is usually taken to be the most socialization
of all methods, the ‘method of choice’. The survey method is a means of trying to
overcome this problem. This survey is a study of cause and effect.


The study will focus on the effects to students who is wearing makeup and for
who doesn’t wear makeup. Cosmetics is one of the helpful to gain girls confidence
due to its magical effects when you used it, and this study will try to survey some
user of cosmetics.

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