W3 Concrete and IBS Construction

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Building Construction 2
Concrete Tests
Due to it's importance in structural engineering, concrete is often required to bear and support
heavy loads. Therefore it needs to be tested before you use it to make sure it's of sufficient
strength and durability

1 2 3
Slump Test Cube Test Vebe Test
Concrete Tests : Slump Test
Slump test is to test the workability of the concrete. This test can be used as a control test and gives an indication
of the concrete uniformity from batch to batch. Repeated batches of the same mix, brought to the same slump, will
have the same water content and water cement ratio, weights of aggregate, cement and admixtures are uniform
and aggregate grading is within acceptable limits.

The slump test is used to ensure uniformity for different batches

1 of similar concrete under field conditions and to ascertain the
effects of plastisizers on their introduction.

This test is very useful on site as a check on the day-to-day or

2 hour- to-hour variation in the materials being fed into the mixer.
An increase in slump may mean, for instance, that the moisture
content of aggregate has unexpectedly increases.

3 Other cause would be a change in the grading of the aggregate,

such as a deficiency of sand.

Too high or too low a slump gives immediate warning and

4 enables the mixer operator to remedy the situation.

This application of slump test as well as its simplicity, is

5 responsible for its widespread use.
Concrete Tests : Slump Test
Slump test is to test the workability of the concrete. This test can be used as a control test and gives an indication
of the concrete uniformity from batch to batch. Repeated batches of the same mix, brought to the same slump, will
have the same water content and water cement ratio, weights of aggregate, cement and admixtures are uniform
and aggregate grading is within acceptable limits.

Equipment for Slump Test

1 Base Plate
4 As Base support for slump

2 Trowel to mix concrete

To scoop and mix the concrete

3 Steel Tamping Rod

1 This rod has a Dia of 16mm and bullet end at
one side. The height of tamping rod should be
0.6m long. Use to tamp the concrete mix

2 4 Slump Cone
Use as the mold
5 Ruler
To measure the slump height
Thoroughly clean the inner surface of Frustum cone and
Slump Test Procedure 1 it should be free from moisture content and adherence
of any old set concrete.

2 3 4 2
Now place the Mould (Cone) on the metallic steel plate
or on any smooth surface.

Fill the cone with concrete in four layers each with an

3 approximate height of 1/4th of the mould.

5 6 7 Each layer is tamped 25 times by tamping rod taking care

4 to distribute the strokes evenly over the cross section

Now after filling the 4th layer, the concrete is struck off
5 with the trowel.

In order to reduce the influence on slump of the variation in

the surface friction, the inside of the mould and its base The mould is removed from the concrete immediately in a
should be moistened at the beginning of every test, and 6 vertical direction by raising it slowly and carefully
prior to lifting of the mould the area immediately around the
base of the cone should be cleaned from concrete which This allows the concrete to subside. This subsidence is
may have dropped accidentally. 7 called a SLUMP
What is Workability?

Workability is one of the physical parameters of concrete

which affects the strength and durability as well as the cost
of labor and appearance of the finished product.

Concrete is said to be workable when it is easily placed and

compacted homogeneously i.e without bleeding or
Segregation. Unworkable concrete needs more work or
effort to be compacted in place, also honeycombs &/or
pockets may also be visible in finished concrete.

Definition of Workability

The ease with which the concrete ingredients can be mixed,

transported, placed, compacted, and finished with minimum
homogeneity loss. The property of the fresh concrete which
is indicated by the amount of useful internal work required to
fully compact the concrete without bleeding or segregation
in the finished product.
Slump Test Results

The slumped concrete takes various shapes, and according to the profile of slumped concrete,
the slump is termed as;

1.Collapse Slump

2.Shear Slump

3.True Slump
Slump Test Results

Collapse Slump

In a collapse slump the concrete collapses completely. The collapse slump shows that the mix is too wet and
produces low quality concrete..
Slump Test Results

Shear Slump

In a shear slump the top portion of the concrete shears off and slips sideways. OR If one-half of the cone slides
down an inclined plane, the slump is said to be a shear slump. The shear slump indicates that the result is
incomplete, and concrete needs to be retested for valid results.

The shear slump happens due to inadequate mix. Inadequate mix means a mixture which has less cement.
Shear slump show lack of cohesiveness in the concrete mix.

If a shear or collapse slump is achieved, a fresh sample should be taken and the test is repeated.
If the shear slump persists, as may the case with harsh mixes, this is an indication of lack of cohesion of the
Slump Test Results

True Slump

In a true slump the concrete simply subsides, keeping more or less to shape.

Quality concrete is concrete which experiences true slump. True slump happens because of its cohesiveness and
rich mixes. Rich mix is a mixture that has more cement content.

Slump Test Results

In case of a dry sample, slump will

be in the range of 25-50 mm that is
1-2 inches. But in case of a wet
concrete, the slump may vary from
150-175 mm or say 6-7 inches.
Concrete Tests : Cube Test
Compressive strength of concrete depends on many factors such as water-cement ratio, cement
strength, quality of concrete material, quality control during the production of concrete, etc.
Test for compressive strength is carried out either on a cube or cylinder. Various standard codes
recommend a concrete cylinder or concrete cube as the standard specimen for the test.

Compressive Strength Definition

Compressive strength is the ability of material or

structure to carry the loads on its surface without any
crack or deflection. A material under compression tends
to reduce the size, while in tension, size elongates.

Compressive Strength Formula

Compressive strength formula for any material is the

load applied at the point of failure to the cross-section
area of the face on which load was applied.
Equipments for Cube Test

1 Concrete Cube Mould
Concrete cube mould of size 150mm or

It is used for aggregate size of not greater than

40mm and 25mm.

Made from steel or cast iron with smooth inner

surface. Every mould must have steel plate to
support and to prevent leakage

Steel Rod
2 Compacting steel rod with 16mm diameter and
600mm long.

2 Compression Test Machine

3 To test the concrete cube
Mould and base plate must be clean and applied with oil
Cube Test Procedure 1 to prevent concrete from sticking to the side of the cube.
Base plate is attached to the mould by using bolt and nut.

2 Fill the cube with concrete in three layers.

Every layer must be compacted for 25 times. This process

3 is carried out systematically and compaction is done
uniformly to all surfaces of the concrete. Compaction can
also be conducted using machine.

The surface of concrete must be smoothen so it will has the

4 same level with the upper side of the mould

Cubes which are made at construction site must be covered

5 with plastic cover for a period of 24 hours before the moulds
can be dismantled.

After remoulded, the concrete cubes are submerged in water

6 for curing.

Compression strength test must be carried out for concrete at

7 age 7, 14, and 28 days by using compression test machine.
Cube Test Result

These specimens are tested by compression

testing machine after seven days curing or 28
days curing. Load should be applied gradually at
the rate of 140 kg/cm2 per minute till the
Specimens fails. Load at the failure divided by
area of specimen gives the compressive strength
of concrete.

The best results shown uniform failures.

Concrete Tests : Vebe Test
Vebe Test is for concrete mixes of compatibility and workability. This method is a mechanized
variation of the slump test and includes a determination of the workability of concrete. It is based
on the principle of subjecting the concrete to vibration after removal of the slump cone

1 Vebe Consistometer
Machine use to test the concrete mix

2 Tamping Rod
Use to tamp the concrete mix

3 To record the time required to change the
concrete from a conical shape to cylindrical

4 Trowel
To scoop and mix the concrete
Vebe Test Procedure

Concrete is placed in the frustum, in the cylinder, which is

1 placed on the vibrating table.
1 2
2 The cone is then removed

3 4 3 The clear plastic disk is then placed on top of the concrete

and the vibrating table is turned on.

The concrete will consolidate from the vibration.


The time taken measured for the whole of the transparent

5 plastic disk to lie in contact with the concrete is measured.
This is called the Vebe time
Vebe Test Result

The Vebe test mimics how the concrete will act as it is being compacted on site and is therefore a useful way to
see how the concrete will behave during compaction.

Also, being a dynamic test, it’s useful for measuring the workability of fresh concrete samples which are too stiff
to be measured by a regular slump test.

The time required for the shape of concrete to change from slump cone shape to cylindrical shape in seconds is
known as Vebe Degree
Providing adequate moisture, Providing the proper conditions
temperature, and time to allow the to allow the concrete to achieve
concrete to achieve the desired a moisture condition
properties for its intended use appropriate for its intended

Maintain relative humidity in the The moisture condition of a

concrete slab is important for
concrete of greater than 80 percent
and for a time typically ranging from
CONCRETE CONCRETE the application of moisture
three to 14 days depending on the CURING DRYING sensitive floor finishes such as
vinyl composition tile, linoleum,
specific application.
wood flooring, and non-
breathable coating like epoxy.

When these recommendations are

properly specified and performed in After 7 days, the concrete will
the field, the final properties of the have gained around three
concrete mixture will be achieved. quarters of its compressive
Technically, curing is the process of maintaining the moisture
inside casted concrete. Moisture ensures the desirable strength
Concrete Curing Method and durability of the concrete.

Generally, the concrete attains a major portion of its strength in

about 21 days.

Therefore, sufficient quantity of water is needed for curing to

obtain the design strength of concrete.

Thus 21 days considered to be enough for wet curing. It is

advisable to start the curing when the concrete is set initially.

Curing of concrete can begin when the surface of freshly laid

concrete is hard enough for a person to work over.

While walking on freshly laid concrete, a person should not

damage the surface. Sometimes the surface moisture can be
maintained by splashing or spraying water without pressure.

It is advisable to start curing operations as soon as possible

after concrete gets initial set. Usually, initial setting starts within
3 – 7 hours after casting.

Sufficient amount of water should be available for curing of


The water to be used for curing should be clean and free from
oils, acids, alkali’s, salts, organic materials or other substances.
Use potable water for curing.
Concrete Frame Construction
A concrete frame is a common form of structure, comprising a network of columns and
connecting beams that forms the structural 'skeleton' of a building. This grid of beams and
columns is typically constructed on a concrete foundation and is used to support
the building's floors, roof, walls, cladding and so on.

This type of building construction consists of a

frame or skeleton of concrete.

Horizontal members of this frame are

called beams, and vertical members are
called columns.

Humans walk on flat planes of concrete

called slabs.

The column is the most important, as it is the

primary load-carrying element of the building .

If a beam or slab in a building damaged, this will

affect only one floor, but damage to a column
could bring down the entire building.
Load Distribution

Dead Loads: the downwards force on the building coming

from the weight of the building itself, including the structural
elements, walls, facades

Live Loads: the downwards force on the building coming

from the expected weight of the occupants and their
possessions, including furniture, books, and so on.

•Dynamic Loads: these occur commonly in bridges and

similar infrastructure, and are the loads created by traffic,
including braking and accelerating loads.

•Wind Loads: This is a very important design factor,

especially for tall buildings, or buildings with large surface
area. Buildings are designed not to resist the everyday
wind conditions, but extreme conditions that may occur
once every 100 years or so. These are called design
windspeeds, and are specified in building codes
The foundation serves the purpose of completely distributing the load from the structure over a large
base area and then to the soil underneath. This load transferred to the soil should be within the
allowable bearing capacity of the soil.
A reinforced concrete column is a series of vertical steel beams that have been strengthened using
poured concrete. These columns do an exceptional job of transferring heavy loads down the length of a
structure into the slab, which in turn transfers it into the surrounding soil
Reinforced concrete beams are structural elements that designed to carry transverse external loads. The loads
cause bending moment, shear forces and in some cases torsion across their length.
A slab is a structural element, made of concrete, that is used to create flat horizontal surfaces such as floors,
roof decks and ceilings. A slab is generally several inches thick and supported by beams,columns, walls, or
the ground
Concreting Technique
Precast & cast-in-situ concrete are the product produced by casting concrete in a mould or formwork cured to get
the strength of RCC elements..
Precast concrete is poured and
molded over rebar or wire and
In-Situ Concrete is poured, molded then cured offsite. This involves
and cured on site pouring concrete into pre-made
molds and then cured under
ideal conditions within the
manufacturing plant itself.

For a small structure, in-situ

Once hardened and ready for
concrete may be cheaper. In-Situ Precast use, those preformed concrete
Concrete Concrete products are shipped to the job
site where they are assembled
into the desired structure.

For those building requires

complicated construction system, Requires more joints for
site cast concrete is usually the complicated construction
preferred option. system, which is not suitable

Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete

Precast concrete is cast into a specific shape at a Cast-in-situ concrete is cast into forms on the building
location other than building site like factories. The site. It offers unlimited possibilities to the designer for
concrete is placed into a form, typically wood or steel, any shape formation with a limitless selection of surface
and is cured. These components are then transported textures
to the construction site for erection into place. Precast
concrete can be plant-cast or site-cast.

Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete

In the precast concrete, elements are manufactured in In the cast-in-situ concrete, column, slab etc. elements
a controlled casting environment and hence it is easier are casted on site in the open environment and hence it
to control mix, placement and curing. is difficult to control mix, placement and curing.

Elements can be cast in advance and held until the Elements cannot be casted in advance.
hour you need them, thereby saves time.
Weather condition can delay the casting work.
Weather condition has no effect on casting work.

Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete

Precast concrete is cheaper form of construction if In situ concrete is cheaper form of construction for small
large structures are to be constructed. structures.

Maintenance cost of precast concrete structure is Maintenance cost of cast-in-situ concrete structure is
higher. less compared to the precast concrete structure.


Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete

Quality can be controlled and maintained easily. Quality control and maintenance is difficult.

Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete

Precast concrete is cheaper form of construction if In situ concrete is cheaper form of construction for small
large structures are to be constructed. structures.

Maintenance cost of precast concrete structure is Maintenance cost of cast-in-situ concrete structure is
higher. less compared to the precast concrete structure.


Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete

Quality can be controlled and maintained easily. Quality control and maintenance is difficult.
Time of Construction
Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete
Total construction time is less as compared to cast-in- Total construction time is more as compared to precast.
Speed is less as elements are casted at site.
Speedy construction is possible.

Technical Points
Precast Concrete In-Situ Concrete

Large number of joints in structural system. Less number of joints present in structural system.

In precast concrete construction, details at the joint More resistant to earthquake and wind forces.
become very critical and needs careful attention.
Elements cannot be casted in advance.
The elements have to be designed for handling stress
or loads during handling, which may or may not Elements are not to be designed for any such loads or
increase steel. stress.

Elements of varying lengths and shape can be There is constraint in length and shape of element.
In situ concrete offers a monolithic architectural
Precast concrete does not offer a monolithic character.
architectural character.
Precast Concrete Installation

Consultation and Planning

This stage is done to determine and map out
the best methods to use during the actual
precast concrete installation, along with
obtaining any necessary city permits required
to complete the project.
2 Design Development
These include options such as color, finish,
shape, height and width as well as
architectural details that can be built into the
concrete components themselves. Depending
on the type of structure being created,
3 Precision Manufacturing
This is done in a completely controlled
environment in order to create the strongest
and most consistent results.

Factory manufactured precast concrete is also

not subject to the effects of changing weather,
which can cause dramatic delays in project
timelines and negatively impact the ultimate
quality of any concrete that is poured on site.
Transport To Site
When the precast concrete manufacturing
process is complete, the components must then
be transported to the construction site where
they will be erected and combined to create the
finished structure.

The superior design and strength of precast

concrete elements makes transporting the
components a fast and simple task.
5 Precast Concrete Installation

The final phase of precast concrete installation

involves erecting the components of the project
and assembling them into the finish structure.
Erecting precast components typically requires
footings to be installed before the precast walls,
columns, beams and other components are
mounted. Concrete components are then put
in place and reinforced with rebar anchors,
which makes it a fast and easy process that
requires minimal equipment and labor.
Precast Concrete Detailing
Dowel/Anchor Bolt Connections

In a dowel connection, the strength of

dowels in tension or shear depends
on dowel diameter, embedded length
and the bond developed. Good
practice is to provide sufficient
embedment to develop the full dowel
In-Situ Concrete : Roles of Formwork

The Importance Of Formwork In Construction

The formwork ensures the structural safety of the project by providing custom solutions against all
superimposed loads which produces extremely safe and sustainable structures.

Good formwork also greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to construct a project by minimising floor to
floor construction cycle time.

The quality of the surface finishing of the concrete structure is solely attributed to the quality of the formwork
used during construction. The use of Engineered Formwork System eliminates the need of plastering for any
roller compacted concrete (RCC) surface. Defective concrete finishing is very expensive to repair so it’s
crucial that high quality formwork is always used.
In-Situ Concrete : Types of Formwork
Formwork is an ancillary construction, where temporary or permanent moulds are used into which
fresh concrete is poured that subsequently hardens. Forms or shutters are the terms used for
made up sections that touch the concrete while it is hardening

Traditional Timber Formwork

The formwork is built on site out of timber and

It is easy to produce but time-consuming for

larger structures, and the plywood facing has
a relatively short lifespan.

It is still used extensively where the labor

costs are lower than the costs for procuring
reusable formwork.

It is also the most flexible type of formwork, so

even where other systems are in use,
complicated sections may use i
2 Engineered Formwork System

This formwork is built out of prefabricated

modules with a metal frame (usually steel
or aluminium)

The two major advantages of formwork

systems, compared to traditional timber
formwork, are speed of construction (modular
systems pin, clip, or screw together quickly)
and lower life-cycle costs (barring major force,
the frame is almost indestructible

Steel or aluminium the form can achieve up to

two thousand uses depending on care and the

Metal formwork systems are better protected

against rot and fire than traditional timber
In-Situ Concrete : Formwork
Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) comprises hydration products of cement, or cement plus
sand, and the glass fibers. Glass fibers are used are used as reinforcement for concrete.
Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Preparation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC)

Glass fibers of 10mm to 50mm in length and a few microns in diameter can be added up to 5% by weight
and premixed with cement and water in a pan or a paddle mixer. Small quantities of lubricating admixtures,
such as polyethylene oxide or methyl cellulose may be added into the mix. The resulting mix may be
sprayed or cast into the moulds.
Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete

the GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) consists of a mortar made of concrete, sand, alkali-resistant glass
fiber and water. Plasticity is one of the main qualities of the material, enabling molding of facade panels precisely
following the architectonic design permitting the production of slenderer thus, lighter pieces. For example, this is the
material used in the coverage of the Heydar Aliyev Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects.
Building Construction 2
Types of IBS System




Types of IBS System
The precast concrete elements are concrete products that are
manufactured and cured in a plant environment and then transported
PRECAST to a job site for installation. This IBS consists of precast concrete
CONCRETE columns, beams, slabs, walls, 3D components (i.e. balconies,
SYSTEM staircase, toilets, lift chambers, refuse chambers), lightweight precast
concrete and permanent concrete formworks.
Types of IBS System
The steel formwork is prefabricated in the factory and then installed on
site. This IBS is made up of tunnel forms, beams and columns
STEEL mouldings forms, and permanent steel formwork. This system is the
FRAMEWORK least prefabricated amount in IBS, as it normally involves site casting.
SYSTEM Therefore, it is subject to structural quality control, high-quality finishes
and fast construction with less site labor and material requirement.
Types of IBS System
The IBS is commonly used with precast concrete slabs, steel
columns/beams and steel framing systems and is used extensively in
STEEL the fast-track construction of skyscrapers. Apart from that, it is
FRAMING extensively used for light steel trusses consisting of cost-effective
SYSTEM profiles cold formed channels and steel portal frame systems as
alternatives to the heavier traditional hot-rolled sections
Types of IBS System
Timber framing system included timber building frames and timber roof
trusses. Although the latter is more common, timber building frame
TIMBER systems also offer interesting designs from simple dwelling units to
FRAMING buildings such as chalets for resorts
Types of IBS System
The elements of block work system consist of interlocking concrete
masonry units (CMU) and lightweight concrete blocks. This system is
BLOCKWORK widely used for non-structural wall as an alternative to conventional
SYSTEM brick and plaster
Types of IBS System
This IBS combine multiple category of IBS, such as prefab with
precast, blockworks with prefab, precast with brickwork to achieve
INNOVATIVE better design, cost saving, energy efficiency and building friendliness
SYSTEM to specific requirements by owners are very common nowadays in
Malaysia too. Some of the new materials introduced in IBS include
gypsum, wood wool, polymer, fiberglass and aluminum-based IBS
Examples of Building using IBS System

Sydney Opera House, Australia

The Sydney Opera House is a perfect

example of how precast concrete can be used
for its strength as well as its versatility. At the
highest point, the structure is more than 200
feet above sea level. The roofs were
constructed using nearly 2,200 precast
concrete panels. These “shells” are supported
by reinforced concrete “ribs.”
Examples of Building using IBS System

Villa Saitan (Kyoto, Japan)

Looking more like an art gallery than a

housing complex, the precast walls
surrounding the apartments lend an air of
nature in the hustle and bustle of the city. The
precast pieces were put together to mimic a
tree, its leaves, roots, and bulb. There are 11
units in the complex, but the facade creates
the illusion of a single residence.

The precast pieces needed to be expertly

created and placed together. The high-quality
expertise shown by the architects and the
casters really shine through on a project like
this. It’s another example of concrete being
used for both strength and beauty.
Examples of Building using IBS System

The Jubilee Church, Rome

The architectural precast panels used to

create this church are doing double duty. Not
only are they the cornerstone of this
structure’s design, but they also clean the air.
These precast concrete fins contain titanium
dioxide. Not only does this inclusion keep the
church looking pristinely white, it also absorbs
ultraviolet light from the sun that breaks down
pollutants that come in contact with the
church’s surface. The UV light decomposes
organic materials naturally. Additionally, large
white surfaces help diminish the detrimental
effects of urban heat islands by reflecting the
sun’s heat.
Examples of Building using IBS System

Diego Portales University, Chile

Exposed concrete slab walls add to the

natural feel of these hulking structures so to
complement its natural surroundings. The
seemingly sporadic placement of windows and
balconies are actually expertly positioned to
work with the view and travel of air for
maximum cross-ventilation. The Diego
Portales University is an incredible sight to
see that flawlessly incorporates the modern
wonders of what concrete can do.
Examples of Building using IBS System

The Pierre, USA

As a stunning example of how precast

concrete embraces nature, The Pierre is a
private residence that was built atop a natural
stone deposit on the owner’s property in
Washington State. Parts of the stone were cut
away to make way for the home, but nothing
went to waste! The cut-away stone was
crushed and used in making the cement.
IBS : Case Study
Load-bearing wall ( Precast RC panel) 2.
This is a low cost apartment in Shah Alam, Selangor, developed by SP Non-load Bearing Wall 3. Precast
Setia. It was completed in 2014. It is 6 blocks in total. 3 blocks are 10 Reinforced Concrete Staircase 4. Precast
storeys high and the other 3 blocks are 11 storeys high. It has a total of RC Column 5. Precast Beams 6. Precast
948 units. Slab ( Floor slabs are cast in situ ) 7.
Precast Lift Core walls 8. Precast Air-con
Edges 9.


1. Prefabricated Steel Roof Trusses

Construction Procedure
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