Analysis of Epoxy Coated & Glass Fiber Bamboo & Steel ReinforcedConcrete Beams

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Analysis of Epoxy Coated & Glass Fiber Bamboo &

Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams
Anjali V. Gangurde,
Nematbi M. Rodde,
Ashwini G. Rathod,
Mayur S. Sawardekar
B.E Civil Department of Civil Engineering
UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Kondhwa(BK), Pune-48 India

Dinesh W. Gawatre
Jaya P. Patil
Faculty of, Department of Civil Engineering, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Kondhwa(BK), Pune-48 India

Abstract:- Fires have become a worldwide concern, weight, bamboo has been used as a structural material since
causing significant damage to multi-story reinforced ancient times.
concrete frame structures. Indian codal rules mandate
the use of rectangular or circular ties in reinforced Bamboo reinforcement has the potential to be a low-
concrete beams based on their geometry. However, fire cost solution for housing in developing countries. However,
weakens load-bearing materials such as beams, which is the properties of bamboo as a reinforcement material require
a significant cause of structural damage. Construction careful assessment to ensure its effectiveness and durability.
fires in India claim the lives of 2000-3000 people each Bamboo culms are cylindrical with solid transversal
year. This study aims to assess the performance of diaphragms at nodes, and their strength is parallel to the
modified Bamboo reinforcement before examining beam fibers but weak perpendicular to them. The cross-sections of
performance. Bamboo reinforcement is treated with bamboo shells also vary, presenting challenges for builders,
epoxy and fiber mat to increase its strength, but it swells, engineers, and scholars seeking to replace steel with bamboo
leaving a space between concrete and reinforcement. The reinforcement in concrete structures.
study involves reinforcing bamboo with steel- reinforced
concrete beams, estimating their moment of resistance, To address these challenges, a review of the literature
and designing resistance-moment beams. Under and comparing steel and bamboo reinforcement in concrete
over- reinforced beams will be created to study their structures was conducted. Epoxy-coated bamboo is found to
behavior, and epoxy-coated bamboo reinforced beam be a promising reinforcement material that strengthens the
combinations will be tested against their MR values. The bond between bamboo and concrete, increases bamboo’s
study explores the failure patterns of these beams, acid tolerance, and improves its durability. It is also an
including reinforcement quantity, shear reinforcement, affordable solution that can be used to prevent water-
and bamboo-induced beam ductility. The need for fire bamboo contact, keeping bamboo dry and prolonging its
prevention, repairs, and retrofitting of structures is lifespan.
crucial, as most structures permanently damaged by
fires impact infrastructure economics. Therefore, the In summary, bamboo reinforcement has the potential
goal is to improve building resistance, particularly beam to be a game- changer in the construction industry. With the
resistance, so structures can be used after a fire. use of epoxy-coated bamboo, builders and engineers can
Decreasing tie spacing increases section moment explore sustainable and cost- effective solutions for
capacity at ambient temperatures, improving reinforced concrete structures.
confinement. However, knot spacing below 100 mm has
little benefit during a fire.  Definition of Resistance
“The property of a building element, component or
Keywords:- Casting, Diamond Ring & Ties, Rebound assembly that prevents or retards the passage of excessive
Hammer & Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test, NDT, heat, hot gases or flames under conditions of use”
Compression Test, Resistance, Mix Design.
 Resistance Period:
I. INTRODUCTION The toughness of reinforced concrete (RC) framed
beams is often overestimated due to the failure to account
Construction industries are under increasing pressure for the loss in confinement behavior. In this study, eight pre-
to adopt green technologies due to resource depletion and stressed concrete beams were tested for resistance under
environmental concerns. Bamboo, an eco-friendly and various spalling scenarios, reinforcement details, and load
sustainable material, is emerging as a promising alternative eccentricities.
to traditional construction materials. With a flexural and
tensile strength that outperforms steel by 20 times and low

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
RC is a widely used building material around the In the event of a fire, it is crucial to reinforce the walls
world, but its structure can rapidly break down under fire of a building to limit the spread of flames and maintain the
exposure. Early studies focused on the "incombustibility" structural integrity of the overall structure. Failure to do so
and "low thermal diffusivity" of concrete to explain its can lead to catastrophic consequences, as weakened walls
resistance to fire. However, RC beams typically carry axial and beams can quickly buckle and collapse under the weight
forces and force-induced moments, and fire alters their of the building. Therefore, ensuring adequate fire resistance
physical and mechanical properties, causing time- and reinforcement measures are in place is critical to
dependent creep strain and temperature-induced transient protecting the safety and well- being of building occupants.
strain. Even at static axial loads, fire can deform the RC
beam, resulting in a loss of stiffness and fire resistance over  Materials Cement
time. The reinforced concrete beams were constructed using
Type I Portland cement, which is a widely used general-
The resistance of RC beams is influenced by various purpose cement for building reinforced concrete structures.
factors, including material, mechanical, structural, loading, This type of cement is known for its strength, durability, and
and constructional parameters. Spalling, in particular, can versatility, making it an excellent choice for a variety of
significantly limit the resistance of RC beams and is a construction applications, including the construction of
critical factor to consider. reinforced concrete beams. Its high compressive strength
and low shrinkage properties make it ideal for use in
 Aggregates applications that require strong and stable concrete
The strength of concrete depends significantly on the structures, such as bridges, buildings, and highways.
type of aggregate used. Beams made with carbonate
aggregate have been found to have ten times the resistance  Aggregates
of those made with siliceous aggregate due to the absence of The Beams were constructed using concrete made
tiny reactions. Additionally, carbonate aggregate has a from carbonate aggregates. Carbonate aggregate concrete is
higher specific heat over 600°C compared to siliceous created by using a coarse aggregate that is primarily
aggregate, and crystalline materials have higher thermal composed of calcium carbonate or a combination of calcium
conductivity than amorphous materials. and magnesium carbonate. This type of concrete is known
for its excellent strength and durability, which make it ideal
Cover spalling, a phenomenon where the outer layer of for use in the construction of reinforced concrete structures
the concrete cover separates and falls off, is more common such as beams. The fine aggregate used in the construction
in high- strength concrete (HSC) beams due to their higher of these beams was natural sand, which is a common
free moisture content, the use of lightweight aggregate, and material used in the production of concrete. The
lower concrete permeability. In contrast, siliceous aggregate combination of carbonate aggregate and natural sand
has been found to produce more spalling in HSC beams, provided an excellent balance of strength, durability, and
particularly in cases where the fissures are wider. Thus, the workability, making it an ideal choice for the construction of
type of aggregate used in concrete can significantly impact these reinforced concrete beams.
the strength and durability of the resulting structure
 Reinforcement
The use of ASTM A615-80 deformed bars for the
main longitudinal bars, spirals, and ties in the reinforced
concrete beams ensured that the reinforcement had sufficient
yield strength. The circular beams had symmetrically
inserted bars covering the spiral reinforcement, while the
square beam had four longitudinal reinforcing bars covering
the ties. The main reinforcing bars were welded to steel end

Concrete is a ubiquitous building material in modern

cities, earning them the moniker "Concrete Jungle."
However, recent incidents, including accidents, arson, and
terrorism, have brought attention to concrete's performance
in fire. Fires can have devastating consequences, destroying
Fig1 Beam of Compression and Tension Face lives, homes, and livelihoods. As cities continue to rely on
concrete for high-rise structures, it is essential to study its
Concrete structures are widely recognized for their fire-resistance qualities. Building fires are typically caused
strength and durability, and there have been relatively few by human error, and once they start, they can quickly
reported cases of severe structural failure resulting from the spread via radiation, convection, or conduction, generating
collapse of individual walls, beams, or columns. However, temperatures of 600° to 1200°C. These high temperatures
as building designs increasingly rely on lower safety can damage the structural integrity and load-bearing
margins and higher strength concrete, this trend may change. capacity of concrete, making its resistance to fire a crucial
factor in building safety.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete lost strength quickly due to the alkaline environment
The use of glass fibers has a long history, but it wasn't destroying the glass. However, in the 1970s, Owens-
until the development of more precise machine tooling that Corning and Nippon Electric Glass (NEG) developed alkali-
mass production became practical. Edward Drummond resistant (AR) glass fibers, leading to a surge in applications.
Libbey showcased a dress made of glass threads with the
diameter and texture of silk fibers at the World's Columbian Glass fiber is created by extruding thin strands of
Exposition in 1893, which looked like it was made of silk. silica-based glass or other formulations into many fibers
Glass fibers can also be found naturally occurring, such as in with small diameters that are suitable for textile processing.
Pele's hair. The process of drawing glass into fine fibers by heating it
has been known for centuries and was practiced in Egypt
In the early 1930s, Games Slayter of Owens-Illinois and Venice. Until the recent use of glass fibers for textile
came up with the idea of using glass wool as a thermal applications, all glass fibers were produced as staple fibers.
building insulation material, which is now referred to as
"fiberglass" and sold under the brand name Fiberglas. Glass II. LITERATURE REVIEW
fiber is specially manufactured with a bonding agent to trap
many small air cells, resulting in the low-density "glass  Cement’s Resistance, Sikar, IJETSR, Aqeel Shams SGI,
wool" family of products. It is commonly used in products March 2016
such as insulation blankets and pipe insulation. The essay by Sikar (2016) discusses the interaction
between fire and reinforced concrete. It explains the concept
Glass fiber has comparable mechanical properties to of "Fire Rating" and how it is determined. The essay also
other types of fibers, such as polymers and carbon fiber. explores the physical and chemical changes that occur in
Glass fiber reinforced composites are utilized in the marine reinforced concrete when exposed to high temperatures and
sector and plumbing industry because of their high specific offers recommendations for improving its fire resistance.
strength and stiffness, improved damage tolerance for impact Additionally, the essay provides an explanation of the
loading, and superior resistance to the environment. requirements outlined in IS 456:2000 for ensuring a specific
Although glass fiber is less rigid than carbon fiber, it is level of fire resistance in concrete.
significantly less brittle and cheaper.
 Lightweight aggregate concrete beams' axial
compressive performance when restrained by
transverse steel reinforcement Yu Zhang, Tao Wu, Hui
Wei, and Xi Liu, 23 February 2018
This paper presents an experimental investigation of
lightweight aggregate concrete and transverse steel
reinforcement beam behavior. The study evaluates twelve
reinforced specimens subjected to axial compressive stress
with varying transverse steel quantity and tie configuration.

 Using the Finite Element Method, evaluate the effects of

fire on reinforced concrete beams, American Journal of
Engineering, 2019, SajjadSayyarRoudsari and Taher
M. Abu-Lebdeh.
This study used Finite Element (FE) ABAQUS
software to analyze and experimentally validate the behavior
Fig 2 Glass Fiber
of four different Reinforced Concrete (RC) Beams. The
specimens were subjected to compressive force and fire load
Fiberglass is a material commonly associated with
for 10, 15, and 20 minutes at a temperature of up to 600
insulation, boats, and cars such as the Corvette. However, it
degrees Celsius. Load-displacement diagrams were created,
also has a role to play in the world of concrete. Technically,
and the results showed a correlation between the
fiberglass is composed of fine glass fibers. The material
experimental and FE analysis. The study found that load
used in boats or other products, though referred to as
capacity decreased as the duration of the fire load increased.
fiberglass, is actually glass fiber reinforced plastic
consisting of glass fibers in a polymer matrix. By replacing
 An Easy Way to Calculate the Resistance of Reinforced
the polymer with Portland cement and sand, glass fiber
Concrete Beams, 2019 ISSN Ataman Haksever
reinforced concrete (GFRC), also known as glass fiber
In this paper, a practical method is presented for
reinforced cement (GRC) in the UK, is produced.
calculating the resistance time of reinforced concrete beams
under uniaxial stress in fire conditions. The method does not
The challenge with using glass fibers as reinforcement
require the use of sophisticated computer tools and has been
for concrete is that glass breaks down in an alkaline
validated through experimental studies on the fire behavior
environment, and there are few environments more alkaline
of short reinforced concrete beams.
than concrete. Alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) can cause
concrete damage when reactive silica is present in the
aggregate. Glass is primarily silica. GFRC from the 1940s

IJISRT23JUN192 272

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Alexandria Engineering Journal, January 2019,  A systematic review of reinforced concrete beam
AneeshaBalaji, MuhamedLuquman K, Praveen resistance Applications of Fire Engineering, September
Nagarajan, and T.M. Madhavan Pillai 2019, S.H. Buch and U.K. Sharma
In this paper, the axial strength of reinforced beams In this review paper, different analytical techniques
exposed to fire is studied using the streamlined method and experimental findings are used to examine the
described in Eurocode 2, specifically the 500 C isotherm equivalent resistance of RC beams. The experimental results
method. The thermal analysis is performed using ANSYS, a are correlated to determine any deviation from the general
finite element program, and the impact of different results. The paper concludes with a discussion of the causes
parameters on short Beams exposed to fire is measured of variations in experimental results and the need for
through a series of numerical studies. changes in theoretical methods. The paper offers insights
into the understanding of RC beams' resistance behavior.
 More effective confinement of reinforced concrete
Beams, Hany A. Dahish and Ahmed M. El-Kholy, June  Without Fire Protection, Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular
2019, Ain Shams Engineering Journal Beam Fire Safety Engineering Fire Science and
In this paper, a confinement configuration is proposed Technology, 2019; Kenichi Ikeda1 and Yoshifumi
for short RC Beams that includes a single layer of expanded Ohmiya
metal mesh (EMM) in addition to conventional tie This report presents a modeling approach for member
reinforcement. The proposed transverse reinforcement is and frame, thermal analysis during fire, and on-site planning
investigated using 16 RC Beam specimens with different and execution for 47 buildings based on fire tests and prior
volumetric ratios of ties. Another paper describes the use of research. The report also validates the flexural element
a multi-objective genetic algorithm based on NSGA-II to resistance provisions of the Indian standard code.
optimize the ecological function, power output, and thermal
efficiency of an irreversible regenerative Brayton heat  Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technology, Mar.–Apr. 2018,
engine model using decision-making techniques. AneeshaBalaji*, Praveen Nagarajan, and Madhavan
 Rajesh Kumar, S.C. Kaushik, Raj Kumar, and Ranjana The paper discusses the 500°C isotherm method, a
Hans in their article published in the Ain Shams streamlined approach for determining fire rating for flexural
Engineering Journal on June 9, 2019. elements. A parametric study is conducted to tailor the
In this paper, numerical methods are used to calculate procedure for Indian
the load- bearing capacity of reinforced concrete walls. The
walls are composed of various segments of different heights Conditions, and the fire ratings suggested in IS
and thicknesses, and their behavior is predicted using 456:2000 are compared with the strength requirements using
constitutive relationships and mechanical properties, as well the 500°C isotherm method. Thermal criteria obtained from
as a temperature profile calculation. a finite element model's heat transfer analysis are also used
to compare them.
 High Performance Concrete Beam Resistance
Evaluation Model, Kodur, V.K.R., Wang, T.C., Cheng,  ActaPolytechnica, 1/2019, by A. Espinós, A. Hospitaler,
F.P., and Sultan, M.A. National Research Council, and M.L. Romero
2017 In this study, it is noted that predicting the behavior of
The paper presents a computer program for calculating CFT beams during a fire is challenging due to the
the resistance of high performance concrete (HPC) beams. nonlinearity and inelasticity of the material properties. The
The program uses a three-step process that includes thermal demand for numerical models is high as analytical methods
and structural analysis to calculate beam resistance. cannot accurately forecast their behavior. Thus, a three-
dimensional numerical model is proposed in this study to
 Predicting the behavior of high-strength concrete investigate the actual fire behavior of CFT beams, which is
beams, NRCC-43379, Feb. 2020; Kodur, V.K.R.; Wang, expected to provide more promising outcomes.
T.C.; Cheng, F.P
This paper validates a computer program's numerical III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
model for calculating the Resistance of high-performance
concrete (HPC) Beams by comparing the results of full-  Aim
scale Resistance tests. The study presents result and "To investigate a Diamond Tie Configuration in Order
information from resistance tests performed on HPC beams to Enhance the Capacity for Strength of the Exiting Beam"
and describes the three steps involved in the thermal and
structural analysis for calculating beam resistance using the  Objectives
program. The numerical model is capable of predicting HPC To study the improvement of Resistance of reinforced
beam resistance for various important parameters such as Beam byrectangular and diamond tie;
load, section dimensions, concrete strength, aggregate type,
fiber reinforcement, and beam length.

IJISRT23JUN192 273

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 To study the effect of different tie systems with varying  Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
spacing and cover on the behavior of reinforced concrete
(RC) beams subjected to fire.  The ultrasonic pulse velocity method could be used to
 To enhance the strength and durability of bamboo establish:
reinforcement beams by using epoxy and glass fiber  The homogeneity of the Ferrocrete,
 To develop a suitable methodology for the fabrication  The presence of cracks, voids and other imperfections,
of bamboo reinforced concrete beams, taking into  Changes in the structure of the Ferrocrete which may
account the use of epoxy and fiber mat-wrapping. occur with time,
 To explore and design different combinations of epoxy  The quality of the Ferrocrete in relation to standard
coated bamboo reinforcement beams for improved requirements,
performance.  The quality of one element of Ferrocrete in relation
 To analyze and evaluate the various configurations of to another and the values of the Ferrocrete.
epoxy coated bamboo reinforcement beams through
experimental and analytical methods.  Rebound Hammer
 To compare the behavior of RC beams reinforced with The rebound hammer method could be used for:
rectangular and diamond ties under fire conditions.
 To investigate the effect of different concrete cover on  Assessing the likely compressive strength of Ferrocrete
the behavior of RC beams subjected to fire. with the help of suitable correlations between rebound
index and compressive strength.
 Problem Statement  Assessing the uniformity of Ferrocrete,
The fire resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams  Assessing the quality of the Ferrocrete in relation to
is a critical concern in ensuring the safety of structures. In standard requirements
the event of a fire, the performance of RC beams is
significantly affected by various factors, such as the type of  The Methodology with Respect the Set Objectives are
tie system used, the spacing of the ties, and the coating given below:
applied to the reinforcement. Therefore, there is a need to
investigate the behavior of RC beams subjected to fire and  The objective of this research is to enhance the
compare the performance of different tie systems, spacing, performance of Bamboo reinforcement beams through
and coatings. Additionally, the compressive strength of the use of epoxy and fiber mat-wrapping. Prior to
various concrete covers used in RC beams needs to be analyzing the performance of the beam, the modified
evaluated to determine their effectiveness in enhancing the Bamboo reinforcement material will be examined to
fire resistance of the beams. This study aims to address these identify effective approaches for improving its strength.
issues by analyzing and comparing the behavior of RC This will involve the strengthening of Bamboo by
beams exposed to fire with different tie systems, spacing, wrapping it with epoxy and fiber mat. Additionally, the
and coatings, as well as different concrete covers, to swelling of bamboo that creates gaps between the
provide valuable insights into improving the fire resistance concrete and bamboo reinforcement, which is a
of RC structures. disadvantage of using bamboo reinforcement, will be
addressed and improved.
 Research Work  The aim of this research is to develop an appropriate
methodology for the fabrication of Bamboo Reinforced
● Preliminary Investigation concrete beams. Using the modified reinforcement
Preliminary investigation- In first phase Physical material and appropriate steel reinforcement, various
properties of ingredient of concrete. In second phase approaches to centering and systematic methodology
Concrete mix design carried out for grade M20. for scaffolding will be developed. Further processes of
lapping and joining will be evolved to ensure effective
 Test of Concrete for Compressive Test fabrication.
 The objective of this research is to design different
● Test specimen of size 230x230x750 is prepared for test. combinations of Epoxy coated Bamboo reinforced
● Longitudinal Reinforcement 6#12 & Transverse Beams. The baseline steel reinforced concrete beam
Reinforcement of 8@100mm, 8@150mm, 8@200mm. design will be used as a reference, and bamboo
● Cover for concrete is 25mm, 35mm, 45mm. reinforced beams will be designed based on the strength
● Total 18 Beams are casted. of the modified bamboo reinforcement. The moment of
● 7, 14, 28, 56, 90 days curing with gunny bags or resistance of the bamboo reinforced beam will be
curing pond. estimated, and beams with various moment of
● After 28 days of casting Fire test will be conducted resistance will be designed. Additionally, the beams
on Beam on one face of Beam or all face of Beam. with under reinforcement and over reinforcement will
● Study the spalling area. be designed to study the behavior of under reinforced
● Study crack pattern. and over reinforced beams.
● Finding buckling load of Beam.
● NDT Test are carried of checking the strength of Beam
● Rebound hammer & Ultrasonic Pulse velocity test

IJISRT23JUN192 274

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The aim of this research is to analyze the various  Casting of Specimen
configurations of Epoxy coated bamboo reinforced
Beams. A range of epoxy coated bamboo reinforced
beams will be experimentally tested to compare their
performance with reference to their moment of
resistance value. The failure patterns of these beams will
also be studied, and other aspects such as the influence
of reinforcement amount, the influence of shear
reinforcement, and the ductility of the beam due to the
ductility of bamboo will be analyzed.


 M20 Mix Design is 10262:2019:

 Step-1 Calculate Target Mean Strength of Concrete

 Step-2 Selection of Water-Cement Ratio
 Step-3 Estimation of Air Content
 Step-4 Selections of Water Content and Admixture
 Step-5 Estimation of Cement Content Fig 3 Casting of Specimen
 Step-6 Estimation of Coarse Aggregate Proportion
 Step-7 Mix Calculation for 1 m³ V. CONCLUSION

 Mix Proportion by Volume  An UPV result with direct, semi-direct, and indirect
methods indicates that readings are below 3.5 km/sec.
 Cement = 318 kg/m³ Water = 197.15 Liter/m³  Indirect velocity will give the less pulse velocity than
 Fine aggregate = 802.36 kg/m³ direct method generally by 1km/sec.
 Coarse aggregate 20 mm = 1162.16 x 60 %= 697.29  Reinforcement replacement and repair
kg/m³  Epoxy grouting and micro concrete
 Coarse aggregate 10 mm = 1162.16 x 40 %= 464.86  Injection grouting for concrete
kg/m³ Water-cement ratio = 0.62  Diamond tie will improve Resistance significantly
with increase in buckling strength
 Weight of Materials for 1 Bag (50 kg) Bag of Cement  Spalling Area on the specimen of diamond tie will be
 We know that volume of 50 kg bag of cement is  Higher Concrete Cover will provide more protection
0.035 m³. so if we divide the weight of cement by the from Fire.
volume of 1 bag of cement we will get a number of
bags of cement required for making 1 cubic meter of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
 Cement = 318 kg / 0.035 = 11.13 Nos. of Bags While working on this paper to its final formation, I
 Now divide all other quantities by 11.13 to get would like to thank who contributes in this research. It is
materials quantity for 50 kg or 1 bag of cement a pleasure to convey my gratitude to all of them. I am
 Fine Aggregate (Sand) = 802.36 / 11.13 = 72.08 kg indebted to my guide Mr. Dinesh W. Gawatre, Mrs.
Coarse Aggregate (20 mm) = 697.29 / 11.13 = 62.64 kg Jaya P. Patil and Head of the Department
 Fine Aggregate (10 mm) = 464.86 / 11.13 = 41.76 kg Prof.R.B.Bajare who have motivate me to doing his
research. It is quite difficult to express my gratitude in
 Water = 197.15 / 11.13 = 17.71 liter.
few words. Last but not the least; I am thankful to all my
Professors and non-teaching staff members in the
department whose help provided to be an advantage in
completing the project. Also, I would like to
Acknowledge the moral support of my parents and
friends. I am thanks again to all peoples who helped me
me during this paper work.

IJISRT23JUN192 275

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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