Pee Exp-5

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F. Y. B.

Tech (CSBS)
Semester: II Subject: Principles of Electronics
Name: Ayush Singh Class: CSBS
Roll No: PA21 Batch: 2
PRN : 1032221038

Experiment No: 05

Name of the Experiment: To verify transfer and drain Characteristics of n channel

Marks Teacher’s Signature with date
Performed on: 29/03/2023

Submitted on: 03/05/2023

Aim: To study the transfer and drain characteristics of N channel MOSFET. Determine
threshold voltage of MOSFET

Prerequisite: The data sheet specifications of the BS108, BS170, 2N4351, IRF540,
NTZD3152P MOSFETs. Construction and working of N channel enhancement mode

Objective: To find following MOSFET parameters

1. Trans- conductance ( gm)
2. Drain resistance (rD)
3. Amplification Factor (µ)
4. Threshold voltage

Components and equipment required:

MOSFET (0-30V), Regulated Power Supply, Digital Multimeter, BS170.

Figure 1 shows the MOSFET structure. The MOSFET is a four-terminal device, whose
substrate, or body terminal must be always held at one of the extreme voltage in the circuit,
either the most positive for the PMOS or the most negative for the NMOS. One unique
property of the MOSFET is that the gate draws no measurable current. It is also called
Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor.

Figure 1: The N Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Structure

 In MOSFET “Metal Oxide” Gate electrode is electrically insulated from the main
semiconductor n-channel or p-channel by a very thin layer of insulating material
usually silicon dioxide, commonly known as glass.
 The ultra-thin insulated metal gate electrode forms one plate of a capacitor. The
isolation of the controlling gate makes the input resistance of the MOSFET
extremely high in the Mega-ohms (MΩ).
 As the Gate (G) terminal is isolated from the main current carrying channel, no
current flows into the gate terminal and the MOSFET acts like a voltage controlled
resistor where the current flowing through the main channel between the Drain (D)
and Source(S) is proportional to the input voltage. Hence the MOSFET is a
Voltage-controlled current source. The drain and source terminals can be
interchanged. Figure 2 shows the construction and symbol of N channel and P
channel enhancement MOSFET. The drain current is due to one type of carrier and
hence it is a unipolar device.
 Additional terminal called the Substrate is not normally used. It connects to the
main semi-conductive channel through a diode junction to the body or metal tab of
the MOSFET. Usually in discrete type MOSFETs, this substrate lead is connected
internally to the source terminal.
 The channel line shown dotted or broken in Figure 2 indicates that it is an
“Enhancement” (normally-OFF) type MOSFET as zero drain current flows with
zero gate potential. The direction of the arrow indicates whether the conductive
channel is a P-type or an N-type semiconductor device.
Figure 2: Enhancement MOSFET construction and Symbol

• The transfer and output characteristics describe the behaviour of common – source

Transfer Characteristics
• The plot between gate-source voltage VGS and drain current ID at constant drain-
source voltage VDS represents transfer characteristics
• From the characteristics, Trans-conductance can be calculated gm = ∆ID / ∆VGS

Output Characteristics
• The plot between drain current ID and drain-source voltage VDS at constant gate-
source voltage represents output or drain characteristics
• From the output characteristics, Drain Resistance rD = ∆VDS / ∆ID Ω can be
• Graph of ideal Drain and transfer characteristics of MOSFET is shown in Figure
Figure 3: Ideal N Channel MOSFET Drain and Transfer Characteristics
Figure 4 gives circuit diagram to plot MOSET characteristics in the lab. What is effect of
input voltage on output current can be observed from transfer characteristics while there is
less effect of output voltage on output current can be observed from drain characteristics.
Also before threshold voltage very small current flows called as subthreshold conduction
can aso be observed.

Figure 4: Circuit Diagram to plot MOSFET Characteristics

To plot Transfer Characteristics
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 4 on the bread board.
2. Keeping the drain-source voltage (VDS = constant), vary the gate-source voltage
and note down the corresponding drain current ID.
3. Repeat the above step for different values of VDS.
4. Plot the graph: ID against VGS for different constant values of VDS.
5. From the plot, find the trans -conductance gm of the device.
6. Plot the graph of √ID versus VGS to find sub-threshold conduction current.

To plot Output Characteristics

1. Keeping the gate-source voltage constant (VGS = constant), vary the drain-source
voltage (VDS) and note down the corresponding drain (ID) current.
2. Repeat the above step for different values of VGS above VGS (th).
3. Plot the graph: ID against VDS for different values of VGS.
4. From the plot, find the drain resistance (rD).

Observation Table:
Table 2: Transfer Characteristics
VDS = 1 V VDS = 2 V

Sr. VGS (V) ID (mA)

VGS (V) ID (mA)

1 1V 0.02 mA 1V 0.15 mA
2 1.2 V 0.08 mA 1.2 V 0.23 mA
3 1.3 V 0.11 mA 1.3 V 0.27 mA
4 1.5 V 0.19 mA 1.5 V 0.35 mA
5 1.6 V 0.23 mA 1.6 V 0.39 mA
6 1.8 V 0.31 mA 1.8 V 0.47 mA
7 1.9 V 0.35 mA 1.9 V 0.50 mA
8 2V 0.38 mA 2V 0.54 mA
9 2.1 V 0.42 mA 2.1 V 0.58 mA
10 2.2 V 0.46 mA 2.2 V 0.62 mA

From transfer characteristic find out
1. Threshold voltage Vth: Gate to source voltage at which, drain current starts
2. Trans-conductance gm: Ratio of small change in drain current (Δ ID) to the
corresponding change in gate to source voltage (ΔVGS) for a constant VDS.
a. gm = Δ ID / ΔVGS |at constant VDS……….(2.1)
3. Observe Sub-Threshold Current from the graph.

Table 3: Parameters obtained from transfer Characteristics

Trans- Trans-
Threshold voltage Vth Threshold
MOSFET conductance gm conductance
from transfer voltage Vth
Number from transfer gm from
characteristic from data sheet
characteristic data sheet

0.5V 0.5V 0.035mS 0.035mS


Table 4: Output / Drain Characteristics

VGS = 2 V VGS = 2.1 V VGS= 2.2 V

Sr.No. VDS (V) ID (mA) VDS (V) ID (mA) VDS (V) ID (mA)

1 0.1 V 0.0 mA 0.1 V 0.0 mA 0.1 V 0.0 mA

2 0.2 V 0.0 mA 0.2 V 0.0 mA 0.2 V 0.0 mA
3 0.3 V 0.0 mA 0.3 V 0.0 mA 0.3 V 0.0 mA
4 0.5 V 0.0 mA 0.5 V 0.0 mA 0.5 V 0.0 mA
5 1V 0.14 mA 1V 0.12 mA 1V 0.09 mA
6 1.5 V 0.50 mA 1.5 V 0.47 mA 1.5 V 0.41 mA
7 1.6 V 0.59 mA 1.6 V 0.56 mA 1.6 V 0.50 mA
8 1.8 V 0.80 mA 1.8 V 0.76 mA 1.8 V 0.69 mA
9 2V 1.04 mA 2V 0.99 mA 2V 0.91 mA
10 2.2 v 1.30 mA 2.2 v 1.23 mA 2.2 v 1.15 mA

From drain or output characteristics

Find output drain resistance/Finite output Resistance: It is given by the relation of small
change in drain to source voltage (Δ VDS) to the corresponding change in Drain Current (Δ
ID) for a constant VGS.
rd or ro = ΔVDS / Δ ID |at a constant VGS……….(2.2)
Amplification factor (µ) = gm * rd………..(2.3)
Table 5 Parameters obtained from drain or output Characteristics

Drain Resistance from Drain Resistance from

output Characteristics Data sheet
2.562 ohm 2.562 ohm
BS 170

We can conclude that the behaviour of a MOSFET can be characterized by its
transfer and output characteristics. The transfer characteristics show the
relationship between the gate-source voltage (VGS) and the drain current (ID)
for a given drain-source voltage (VDS), while the output characteristics show
the relationship between VDS and ID for a given VGS.

Post Lab Questions:

1. Describe the basic operation of a MOSFET. Define enhancement mode and
depletion mode.
2. Describe what is meant by threshold voltage in case of MOSFET.
3. Give any two applications of MOSFET.

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