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CALCULUS [274 marks]

The function f is defined by f(x) = ex sin x, where x ∈ R.

1a. Find the Maclaurin series for f(x) up to and including the x3 term. [4 marks]

1b. Hence, find an approximate value for ∫ 1 ex2 sin(x2 )d x. [4 marks]

The function g is defined by g(x) = ex cos x, where x ∈ R.

1c. Show that g(x) satisfies the equation g '' (x) = 2(g'(x) − g(x)). [4 marks]

1d. Hence, deduce that g ( 4 ) (x)= 2(g '''(x)−g ''(x)). [1 mark]

1e. Using the result from part (c), find the Maclaurin series for g(x) up to [5 marks]
and including the x4 term.

1f. lim ex cos x−1−x [3 marks]
Hence, or otherwise, determine the value of x→0 .

The continuous random variable X has probability density function

, 0≤x≤1
f(x)={ √ 4−3x2
0, otherwise.

2a. Find the value of k. [4 marks]

2b. Find E(X). [4 marks]

= sec
3. By using the substitution u = sec x or otherwise, find an expression for [6 marks]

0 secn x tan x d x in terms of n, where n is a non-zero real number.

( )= √ 2 −1 1≤ ≤2
Consider the function f(x)= √x2 − 1, where 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.

4a. Sketch the curve y = f(x), clearly indicating the coordinates of the [2 marks]

4b. Show that the inverse function of f is given by f −1 (x)= √x2 + 1. [3 marks]

4c. State the domain and range of f −1 . [2 marks]

= ( ) 2
The curve y = f(x) is rotated 2π about the y-axis to form a solid of revolution
that is used to model a water container.

4d. Show that the volume, V m3 , of water in the container when it is filled to [3 marks]
a height of h metres is given by V = π( 13 h 3 + h).

4e. Hence, determine the maximum volume of the container. [2 marks]

At t = 0, the container is empty. Water is then added to the container at a
constant rate of 0. 4 m3 s−1 .

4f. Find the time it takes to fill the container to its maximum volume. [2 marks]
4g. Find the rate of change of the height of the water when the container is [6 marks]
filled to half its maximum volume.

Consider the differential equation x2 d = y 2 − 2x2 for x > 0 and y > 2x. It is
given that y = 3 when x = 1.

5a. Use Euler’s method, with a step length of 0. 1, to find an approximate [4 marks]
value of y when x = 1. 5.

5b. Use the substitution y = vx to show that x dd vx = v2 − v − 2. [3 marks]

8 + 4
5c. By solving the differential equation, show that y 8x+ x4 [10 marks]
= 4−x3

= 1. 5
5d. Find the actual value of y when x = 1. 5. [1 mark]

5e. Using the graph of y 8x+ x4 [1 mark]

= 4−x3
, suggest a reason why the approximation
given by Euler’s method in part (a) is not a good estimate to the actual value of y
at x = 1. 5.

The population, P , of a particular species of marsupial on a small remote island

can be modelled by the logistic differential equation
dP = kP (1 − P
dt N
where t is the time measured in years and k, N are positive constants.
The constant N represents the maximum population of this species of marsupial
that the island can sustain indefinitely.

6a. In the context of the population model, interpret the meaning of d P . [1 mark]

6b. Show that d2 P = k2 P (1 − P
)(1 − 2NP ). [4 marks]
dt2 N

6c. Hence show that the population of marsupials will increase at its [5 marks]
maximum rate when P = N 2 . Justify your answer.
6d. Hence determine the maximum value of d P in terms of k and N . [2 marks]
Let P0 be the initial population of marsupials.

6e. By solving the logistic differential equation, show that its solution can be [7 marks]
expressed in the form

kt = ln P
( N − P0
N −P

10 3
6f. After 10 years, the population of marsupials is 3P0 . It is known that [2 marks]
N = 4P0 .
Find the value of k for this population model.

7. 2 ( y−4 ) 2 [5 marks]
The following diagram shows the curve x36 + 16
= 1, where
h ≤ y ≤ 4.

The curve from point Q to point B is rotated 360° about the y-axis to form the
interior surface of a bowl. The rectangle OPQR, of height h cm , is rotated 360°
about the y-axis to form a solid base.
The bowl is assumed to have negligible thickness.
Given that the interior volume of the bowl is to be 285 cm 3 , determine the height
of the base.
lim arctan ( cos x ) −k
Consider x→0
, where k ∈ R.

8a. Show that a finite limit only exists for k = π4 . [2 marks]

8b. Using l’Hôpital’s rule, show algebraically that the value of the limit is − 1 [6 marks]
This question asks you to explore properties of a family of curves of the
type y 2 = x3 + ax + b for various values of a and b , where a, b ∈ N.

On the same set of axes, sketch the following curves for −2 ≤ x ≤ 2 and
−2 ≤ y ≤ 2, clearly indicating any points of intersection with the coordinate axes.

9a. y 2 = x3 , x ≥ 0 [2 marks]

2 3
9b. y 2 = x3 + 1, x ≥ −1 [2 marks]

9c. Write down the coordinates of the two points of inflexion on the curve [1 mark]
y 2 = x3 + 1.

9d. By considering each curve from part (a), identify two key features that [1 mark]
would distinguish one curve from the other.

2 3 √ Z+
Now, consider curves of the form y 2 = x3 + b, for x ≥ −√
b , where b ∈ Z+ .

9e. By varying the value of b, suggest two key features common to these [2 marks]

Next, consider the curve y 2 = x3 + x, x ≥ 0.

9f. Show that d y = ± 23x +1 , for x > 0. [3 marks]
dx √x 3+ x

2 3
9g. Hence deduce that the curve y 2 = x3 + x has no local minimum or [1 mark]
maximum points.

The curve y 2 = x3 + x has two points of inflexion. Due to the symmetry of the
curve these points have the same x-coordinate.

9h. Find the value of this x-coordinate, giving your answer in the form [7 marks]
, where p, q, r ∈ Z.

P( , )
P(x, y) is defined to be a rational point on a curve if x and y are rational
The tangent to the curve y 2 = x3 + ax + b at a rational point P intersects the
curve at another rational point Q .
Let C be the curve y 2 = x3 + 2, for x ≥ −√2
. The rational point P(−1, − 1)
lies on C.

9i. Find the equation of the tangent to C at P. [2 marks]

9j. Hence, find the coordinates of the rational point Q where this [2 marks]
tangent intersects C, expressing each coordinate as a fraction.

S(−1 , 1) [QS]
9k. The point S(−1 , 1) also lies on C. The line [QS] intersects C at a [5 marks]
further point. Determine the coordinates of this point.
10a. Prove by mathematical induction that [7 marks]
dn (x2 ex )=[x2
d xn
+ 2nx + n(n − 1)]ex for n ∈ Z+ .

10b. Hence or otherwise, determine the Maclaurin series of f(x)= x2 ex in [3 marks]
ascending powers of x, up to and including the term in x4 .

10c. lim 3
[4 marks]
Hence or otherwise, determine the value of x→0[ ].
( x2ex−x2 )

d 2
11. Solve the differential equation d y = ln2x − 2y
, x > 0, given that y = 4 [7 marks]
dx x2 x
at x = 2 .

Give your answer in the form y = f(x).

Consider the expression − √1 − x where a ∈ Q, a ≠ 0.
The binomial expansion of this expression, in ascending powers of x, as far as the
term in x2 is 4bx + bx2 , where b ∈ Q .

12a. Find the value of a and the value of b . [6 marks]

12b. State the restriction which must be placed on x for this expansion to be [1 mark]

= − ln( ) > 0, >0

Consider the curve C given by y = x − xy ln(xy) where x > 0, y > 0.

13a. dy [3 marks]
Show that d
+(x dd yx + y)(1 + ln(xy))= 1.

13b. Hence find the equation of the tangent to C at the point where x = 1. [5 marks]
In this question you will be exploring the strategies required to solve a
system of linear differential equations.
Consider the system of linear differential equations of the form:
dx dy
= x − y and dt
= ax + y,
where x, y, t ∈ R+ and a is a parameter.
First consider the case where a = 0.

14a. By solving the differential equation d y = y, show that y = Aet where A[3 marks]
is a constant.

14b. Show that d x − x = −Aet . [1 mark]

14c. Solve the differential equation in part (a)(ii) to find x as a function of t. [4 marks]

Now consider the case where a = −1.

d2 y
14d. dy
By differentiating d
= −x + y with respect to t, show that d t2
= 2 dd yt .[3 marks]

14e. By substituting Y dy [3 marks]
= dt
, show that Y = Be2t where B is a constant.

14f. Hence find y as a function of t. [2 marks]

14g. Hence show that x = − B2 e2t + C, where C is a constant. [3 marks]

Now consider the case where a = −4.

14h. d2 y [3 marks]
Show that
d t2
− 2 dd yt − 3y = 0.
From previous cases, we might conjecture that a solution to this differential
equation is y = F eλt , λ ∈ R and F is a constant.

14i. d2 y [4 marks]
Find the two values for λ that satisfy
d t2
− 2 dd yt − 3y = 0.

14j. Let the two values found in part (c)(ii) be λ1 and λ2 . [4 marks]
Verify that y = F eλ1t + Geλ2t is a solution to the differential equation in (c)
(i),where G is a constant.

( )= √1 + > −1
Let f(x)= √1 + x for x > −1.

15a. Show that f 1 [3 marks]

''(x)= − 3
4√ ( 1+x )
15b. Use mathematical induction to prove that [9 marks]
1 n−1 ( 2n−3 ) ! 2 −n
f ( n ) (x)= (− 4
) ( n−2 ) !
(1 + x) for n ∈ Z, n ≥ 2.

( )= emx , ∈Q
15c. Let g(x)= emx , m ∈ Q. [8 marks]
Consider the function h defined by h(x)= f(x)×g(x) for x > −1.
It is given that the x2 term in the Maclaurin series for h(x) has a coefficient of 74 .

Find the possible values of m .

16. lim [5 marks]
Use l’Hôpital’s rule to find x→0( arctan2
x ).

The acceleration, a ms −2 , of a particle moving in a horizontal line at time t
seconds, t ≥ 0, is given by a = −(1 + v) where v ms −1 is the particle’s velocity
and v > −1.
At t = 0, the particle is at a fixed origin O and has initial velocity v0 ms−1 .

17a. By solving an appropriate differential equation, show that the particle’s [6 marks]
velocity at time t is given by v(t) = (1 + v0 )e−t − 1.

Initially at O , the particle moves in the positive direction until it reaches its
maximum displacement from O . The particle then returns to O .
Let s metres represent the particle’s displacement from O and smax its maximum
displacement from O .

17b. Show that the time T taken for the particle to reach smax satisfies the [2 marks]
equation eT = 1 + v0 .
17c. By solving an appropriate differential equation and using the result from[5 marks]
part (b) (i), find an expression for smax in terms of v0 .

( − )
Let v(T − k) represent the particle’s velocity k seconds before it reaches smax ,
v(T − k) =(1 + v0 )e−(T −k) − 1.

17d. By using the result to part (b) (i), show that v(T − k)= ek − 1. [2 marks]

Similarly, let v(T + k) represent the particle’s velocity k seconds after it reaches
smax .

17e. Deduce a similar expression for v(T + k) in terms of k. [2 marks]

( − )+ ( + )≥ 0
17f. Hence, show that v(T − k)+v(T + k)≥ 0. [3 marks]

, ∈R
The lines l1 and l2 have the following vector equations where λ, μ ∈ R.
⎛ 3 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞
l1 : r1 =⎜ 2 ⎟+λ⎜ −2 ⎟
⎝ −1 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠

⎛2⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
l2 : r2 =⎜ 0 ⎟+μ⎜ −1 ⎟
⎝4⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎠

18. By using the substitution u = sin x cos x [7 marks]

sin x, find ∫ d x.
sin2 x−sin x−2

The function f has a derivative given by f'(x)= x ( k−x )
, x ∈ R, x ≠ o, x ≠ k
where k is a positive constant.

19a. The expression forf'(x) can be written in the form a + b

, where [3 marks]
x k−x
a, b ∈ R. Find a and b in terms of k.

19b. Hence, find an expression for f(x). [3 marks]

Consider P , the population of a colony of ants, which has an initial value of 1200.
The rate of change of the population can be modelled by the differential equation
dP P ( k−P )
= 5k
, where t is the time measured in days, t ≥ 0, and k is the upper
bound for the population.

19c. By solving the differential equation, show that P 1200k [8 marks]

= t .

( k−1200 ) e 5 +1200
At t = 10 the population of the colony has doubled in size from its initial value.

19d. Find the value of k, giving your answer correct to four significant [3 marks]

19e. Find the value of t when the rate of change of the population is at its [3 marks]
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