European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
School Students
Marlon F. Adlit * , Jenelyn Dalit , David Letun Puzon VIII , John Regienald G. Almirañez ,
Kasandra Elaisa B. Castres , Shein Marie D. Beronia , Micaela D. Aurelio ,
Jhayz Anne A. Aguilar , Nezel A. Goloran
San Pedro Relocation Center National High School Landayan Annex,
SDO-City of San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines
Keywords: Mobile Phones, Learning Aid, Senior High School, Symbol System Theory.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The license permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, on the condition that users give exact credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if they made any changes.
students. There is an improvement in the online and in other ways. Toquero and
performance and involvement of learners Talindong (2020) opined that the use of digital
(Yousaf et al., 2021). technology ensures a secure environment and
mobile devices, according to Lim and Arcilla
Mohammadi et al (2020), on the other hand,
(2021), it enhances students' understanding of a
found that mobile use is ineffective for learning.
variety of ideas.
More difficulties and obstacles are associated
with mobile learning. Alghazi and other (2021) However, significant digital imbalances still exist
stated that a student must meet several among Manila's public schools, according to Jin
prerequisites to use a mobile phone. Schools and Junio-Sabio (2018). The results show that
better meet students' demands for sharing, mobile devices have the potential to be used in
communicating, and learning. already operating public senior high schools and
that regulations and curricula need to be revised
The behavioral intention was the most
to match the mobile era. According to Bombaes
significant predictor of actual mobile phone
(2018), perceived usefulness influences students'
usage. Age, gender, and experience had no
intentions for m-learning favorably. Lim and
moderating influence (Nikolopoulou et al.,
Moneva (2018) stated that the use of mobile
2020). There were differences in how the
devices as a learning aid was ineffective due to
students felt about their grades though there
the possibility of cheating, it serves as a
were no statistically significant differences in
"hindrance" to learning.
how they perceived gender and age (Mortazavi
et al., 2020). Boys and girls can benefit equally Hence, the purpose of this study is to assess how
from educational technologies. Women tend to senior high school students at SPRCNHS-
be less confident about their digital skills, even Landayan Annex use mobile phones as learning
though this does not indicate a difference in real tools for School Year 2022-2023. The
competence (Allier-Gagneur & Moss Coflan, assessment is based on the dimensions such as
2020). enhancing connectivity, strengthening cognitive
abilities, developing digital literacy, convenience,
According to Mauricio (2017), mobile phones
and content. Each of these dimensions is
have a beneficial effect on studying both for
assessed based on the efficiency of mobile
students and teachers. Fabito (2017) concluded
phones as a learning aid depending on their
that whether people use their mobile devices to
gender. Moreover, the study aims to further
access a learning management system is still not
validate hypotheses.
a reliable predictor of their behavioral intent. Jin
et al (2018) described the effects of smartphone This study assessed the effectiveness of mobile
use on students' learning processes and further phones as a learning aid among senior high
guidance and training on how to integrate school students of the SPRCNHS-Landayan
mobile devices into academic activity should be Annex. Specifically, this study answers the
acknowledged. Multidimensionality and following questions:
gratifications approach to explore the 1. What gender-specific characteristics best
applications must be included (Saeed & Hassan, define the demographic profile of the students?
2. How do the respondent-students assess
The study by Peralta et al. (2019), revealed that the effectiveness of mobile devices as tools for
the Mobile Learning Application (MLA) is a learning in the following areas:
practical piece of technology that enables
teachers to provide lessons and other helpful 2.1. improving digital literacy,
resources online. High school students enrolled 2.2. convenience,
in government-run schools in the Philippines
have a poor adoption of this technology. 2.3. improving cognitive abilities,
According to Asio and other (2021), having a 2.4. connectivity and
mobile phone allows students to take classes
Mobile phones as
In this study, the principal instrument used in
learning aid in the gathering the necessary data and information is
following dimensions: Overall the survey questionnaire. The first part of the
a. content effectiveness
of mobile questionnaire is about the track and strand as
b. connectivity phones as
Gender well as gender. The second part is about the
c. convenience learning aid
among senior effectiveness of mobile phones as a learning aid
d. improving cognitive
high school in the dimensions such as content, connectivity,
e. improving digital convenience, improving cognitive abilities, and
literacy improving digital literacy. The survey used the 5-
point Likert scale, where statements are
Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the described in Table 1. Considerations to use the
Study focuses on the Constructs of Symbol Likert scale was based on the different principles
System Theory and strategies provided by Preedy (2010).
More recent research has expanded the The instrument has undergone the process of
framework to include cognitive processing aids, development, validation, and implementation.
supports for intellectual performance, and mind- Language teachers assisted in the development
enriching devices. Humans work in stage, while specialized and applied subject
collaboration with computers, but when these teachers validated the instrument. A revision is
The data collected in determining the abilities dimension as reported by the 120
effectiveness of mobile phones among senior respondents are revealed in Table 5.
high school students in terms of cognitive
The data collected in determining the mean for male respondents is 3.49 or “Agree”
effectiveness of mobile phones among senior and 3.81 or “Agree” for female respondents. The
high school students in terms of convenience results confirmed the studies such as that of
dimension as reported by the 120 respondents Onyema et al (2019) who explored mobile
are revealed in Table 6. Male and female phones to increase learning and said to be "vital
respondents have the highest score in statement for collaboration and creativity." Harris and
3 “They help develop me in becoming confident Cooper (2019) said that mobile phones are a
in communicating with others” with a mean of valuable tool to conduct learning effectively and
3.57 and 3.95 or “Agree”, respectively. The total efficiently.
Table 7. Student-Respondents' Assessment of Effectiveness of Mobile Phones in terms of
Digital Literacy
Content Male Description Female Description
1. I communicate and share information 3.33 Neutral 3.74 Agree
with fellow leaners / acquaintances.
2. Mobile phone help me connect with 3.40 Neutral 3.71 Agree
3. They help develop myself in becoming 3.22 Neutral 4.10 Agree
confident in communicating with others.
TOTAL 3.32 Neutral 3.85 Agree
The data collected in determining the help me connect with people” with a mean of
effectiveness of mobile phones among senior 3.40 or a description of “Neutral” while the
high school students in terms of digital literacy female respondents have the highest score in
dimension as reported by the 120 respondents statement 1 “1. I communicate and share
are revealed in Table 7. Male respondents have information with my fellow
the highest score in statement 2 “mobile phones learners/acquaintances” with a mean of 3.74 or
Table 9 shows the independent-samples t-test null hypothesis is accepted. The result affirmed
for connectivity. As gleaned from the table, there that mobile phones are rapid communication
is no significant difference in the scores for devices for social connectedness (Swamy, 2020).
males (M=3.04, SD=0.581) and females Connectivity impacted communication and
(M=3.29, SD=1.025); t (4)=-.372, p = 0.728. information-gathering behaviors (De Masi &
These results suggest that since the probability Wac, 2022). Students preferred mobile phones
value of .728 which is more than alpha 0.05, the as a medium for connectivity (Ahmad, 2020).
Table 9. Independent Samples (Male and Female) for Connectivity
Gender Mean Standard t-Value Sig. Value Interpretation Decision to
Deviation Ho
Male 3.04 .58103 -.372 .728 Not Significant Accept
Female 3.29 1.02500
α = 0.05 Level of Significance
Table 10. Independent Samples (Male and Female) for Cognitive Abilities
Gender Mean Standard t-Value Sig. Value Interpretation Decision to
Deviation Ho
Male 3.13 .46801 -.226 .832 Not Significant Accept
Female 3.22 .50639
α = 0.05 Level of Significance
Table 10 shows the independent-sample t-test These results suggest that since the probability
for cognitive abilities. As gleaned from the table, value of .0.832 which is more than alpha 0.05,
there is no significant difference in the scores for the null hypothesis is accepted. The result agreed
males (M=3.13, SD=0.468) and females with the following, for instance, cognitive ability,
(M=3.22, SD=0.506); t (4)=-0.226, p = 0.832. as defined by Shi and Qu (2021), is the capacity
Table 12 shows the independent-samples t-test consistent with the study of Wijaya et al (2021)
for digital literacy. As gleaned from the table, who asserted that the advancement of mobile
there is a significant difference in the scores for learning media can improve students' learning
males (M=3.32, SD=0.091) and females results in digital literacy. Digital literacy helps
(M=3.85, SD=0.217); t (4)=-3.927, p = 0.017. with using contemporary technologies and is
These results suggest that since the probability better equipped to contribute to the
value of 0.017 which is less than alpha 0.05, the development of the country (Reddy et al., 2020).
null hypothesis is rejected. The results are
Table 12. Independent Samples (Male and Female) for Digital Literacy
Gender Mean Standard t-Value Sig. Value Interpretation Decision to
Deviation Ho
Male 3.32 .09074 -3.927 .017 Significant Reject
Female 3.85 .21703
α = 0.05 Level of Significance
Table 13 shows the assessment of student- scored high in digital literacy with 3.85 and
respondents on the effectiveness of mobile description of “Agree”. Overall males scored
phones across dimensions and it is revealed that 3.32 or “Neutral” while females scored 3.85 or
for males it is the content dimension with a score “Agree”.
of 3.60 and description of “Agree” while females
Table 13. Assessment of Student-Respondent Effectiveness of Mobile Phones Across
Content Male Description Female Description
Content 3.60 Agree 3.79 Agree
Connectivity 3.04 Neutral 3.29 Neutral
Cognitive Abilities 3.13 Neutral 3.22 Neutral
Convenience 3.49 Agree 3.80 Agree
Digital Literacy 3.32 Neutral 3.85 Agree
Table 14 shows the independent-samples t-test and acknowledged that mobile phones are
of the overall assessment of the effectiveness of powerful and adaptable tools for increasing
mobile phones as learning aid across dimensions intelligence.
such as content, connectivity, cognitive abilities, On the other hand, result yield that there is a
convenience, and digital literacy. As presented in significant difference in the dimensions such as
the table, there is no significant difference in the convenience and digital literacy. Hence, both
scores for males (M=3.32, SD=0. 235) and genders agreed that mobile phones make
females (M=3.59, SD=0. .308); t (8) =-1.582, p knowledge accessible with ease and speed,
= 0.152. These results suggest that since the convenient access is a benefit, and Web 2.0
probability value of 0.152 which is more than increased communication, research, and
alpha 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted. information. Likewise, it improves students'
According to Hassan and Yousaf (2021), mobile learning results in digital literacy and may help
phones have a significant influence on students' them become more knowledgeable.
learning. Fabito (2017) determined the most The results for the overall assessment of the
important predictor of actual mobile phone effectiveness of mobile phones as learning aid
usage was the behavioral intention. Experience, across dimensions reveal that there is no
age, and gender exhibited no moderating effects significant difference in the scores for males and
(Nikolopoulou et al., 2020). females. This means that both genders agreed
that it influences learning, behavioral intention is
a fundamental predictor and gender has no
Conclusion moderating effect.
The study assessed the effectiveness of mobile
devices as learning tools based on gender as Recommendations
demonstrated in the dimensions such as content, It is recommended by the researchers to conduct
recoding or connectivity, mental elaboration or both qualitative and quantitative research on the
convenience, processing or improving cognitive capability infrastructures, technologies, and
abilities, and mental processes for re-coding and manpower on institutionalizing a learning
elaboration or improving digital literacy using resource and teaching and learning applications
Gavriel Salomon’s symbol system theory. at the national, regional, division, and school
Results yield that there is no significant levels. Assess the effectiveness, efficacy, and
difference in the scores for males and females in efficiency of virtual capabilities both for teachers
the dimensions such as content, connectivity, and students across levels further focusing on
and cognitive abilities. Hence, both genders limitations to address gaps in institutionalizing
agreed that smartphones are in the student's online education portals or educational
learning activities, and it paved the path for a applications for Filipino learners.
new pedagogical strategy. Further, mobile
phones greatly increased social connectedness, Acknowledgment
communication, and information-gathering
behaviors are impacted by as a medium of The authors wish to extend their sincerest
connectivity. Lastly, learning becomes efficient appreciation to the school leaders, advisers, and