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European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences

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Relationship and Difference of Levels Between Schadenfreude,

Social Media Addiction and Social Comparison

Among Adults and Adolescents
Hafsa Riaz* , Hafsa Khanam , Faiza Arshad , Asra Asif , Yusra Khan ,
Tahir Saeed Jagirani
Institute of Professional Psychology, Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan

Article Information
Suggested Citation: This study aims to explore the relationship and difference in levels
Riaz, H., Khanam, H., Arshad, F., of Social Media Addiction, Social Comparison and Schadenfreude
Asif, A., Khan, Yu. and Jagirani, among adults and adolescents. The study followed a quantitative,
T.S. (2023). Relationship and correlational survey design. The research was conducted with a
Difference of Levels between sample size of 500 participants (Males n= 252 & Females n=248)
Schadenfreude, Social Media aged between 13 to 25 years (M= 17.54, SD= 3.32). A purposive
Addiction and Social Comparison
convenient sampling technique was used. Findings from statistical
among Adults and Adolescents.
analysis revealed that social media addiction and Social Comparison
European Journal of Theoretical and
have positive moderate correlation. This study also found that there
Applied Sciences, 1(2), 149-160.
is no significant difference between adolescents and adults in Social
DOI: 10.59324/ejtas.2023.1(2).15
Media Addiction and Social Comparison, but the difference is
* Corresponding author:
Hafsa Riaz
manifested in Schadenfreude between adolescents and adults. This
study highlighted the importance of identity exploration, virtue
[email protected] education, empathy as well as raising awareness regarding behavioral
addiction that can reduce the later on negative consequences.

Keywords: schadenfreude, social media addiction, social comparison, adolescents, adults.

Introduction researchers classify Schadenfreude as a positive

emotion. However, Schadenfreude is a very
Background of the Study complex state than that (Solomon & Stone,
Schadenfreude can be defined as happiness or 2002). Concerning the statement of this emotion
satisfaction that derived from other’s misfortune the laughter associated with Schadenfreude is as
(Heider, 1958), which is a socially unacceptable intense or deep as a joyful laughter (Hofmann et
and undesirable emotion (McNamee, 2003; al., 2017). Prior researches have shown that
McNamee, 2007). However, the Schadenfroh Schadenfreude has a moderate relationship with
person is not the one who causes harm which misanthropic beliefs, revenge attitude and
distinguishes it from Sadism. Schadenfreude is a sadism (Asim et al., 2020). Sometimes
dark, secret, implied and malicious form of Schadenfreude can be a response of unfairness
pleasure (Leach et al., 2015). People expressing (Dvash et al., 2014) evoked in a competitive
the feelings of Schadenfreude are examined as environment (Cikara et al., 2012) a study showed
less empathetic with no moral values by the that Schadenfreude is more evident in work
society (Jung & Karasawa, 2016). Some place (Dasborough et al., 2017). A

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The license permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, on the condition that users give exact credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if they made any changes.
neurophysiologic study, found that when a (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) are the one
person experience Schadenfreude his body who encounter Schadenfreude more strongly
releases a hormone called Oxytocin i.e. Love (Ouwerkerk & Johnson, 2016). Social media
hormone (Takahashi et al., 2009). A recent study Addiction involves mood modification which
explained neural activities through a functional includes using social media as coping strategy or
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique; to feel a sense of escape (Griffiths, 2013).
there is a significant correlation between However, individuals with dark traits are more
pleasure and harmful behavior proneness involved in social media addiction (Kircaburun
towards others (Cikara et al., 2011), envy is the & Griffiths, 2018) high level of dark traits are
predictive factor of Schadenfreude, which has associated with high level of Schadenfreude.
the higher intensity towards same sex (Van Dijk (Samantha James et al., 2014). Also, excessive
et al., 2006). In a distinction made by researcher’s use of social media is interconnected with dark
men experience Schadenfreude more strongly motives like high need of popularity, narcissism
and frequently than any other gender, regardless and Schadenfreude (Ouwerkerk et al., 2016).
of a sense of deservingness and envy. As A research conducted by students of University
Schadenfreude is a commonly experienced
of Pennsylvania (Wei and Liu, 2020) found that
emotion which is connected with frequent social social media have an effect on pro-social and
interaction (Li et al., 2019) and modern antisocial behavior like Schadenfreude perceived
technology (Kim & Kim, 2018). The aim of deservingness and empathy. A study revealed
current study was to explore the relationship and that individuals who are psychologically distant
difference of levels on social media addiction, are able to derive more pleasure from other’s
social comparison and schadenfreude among misfortune (Comb, 2009), A recent study, that
adults and adolescents. conducted through a lexicometric automatic
Social media addiction can be defined as an analysis, based on the incident of Notre fire, in
impulsive and unmanageable urge to use social which they collected the data of Italian
media or seen online on social media platform; comments. Resulted in complex emotions like
it is characterized as a behavioral addiction. Schadenfreude that can directly extracted from
(Hilliard, 2021). Social media has increased to social media which means people can also
75% since 2005, and young adults are among the experience schadenfreude towards social
earliest social media users and still have the incidents (Cecconi, 2020).
highest ratio among social media users. In As humans, we all possess a natural characteristic
today’s time social media usage plays an of comparing ourselves with others, which
important part in the lives of emerging adults. serves us with a sense of affiliation (Schachter,
Adults use social media approximately 6 hours 1959), Self-evaluation (Festinger, 1954) self-
per day. Although, main purpose of social media regulation, emotional well-being (Taylor &
is to gather information, for social interaction, Brown, 1988; Tesser & Campbell, 1982) decision
entertainment and to pass time (Whiting et al., making (Camerer & lovallo, 1999) and for
2013). Social media give liberty and inspiration (Lockwood & Kunda, 1997).
encouragement to people to express their Researches have mentioned two types of social
feelings, moods and emotions. Social media comparison, which include upward social
platforms like Facebook is most used social comparison, it occurs when we compare
networking site in the world (Beyens et al., 2016; ourselves with someone who is superior and
Steers, 2016) But it has a negative impact on our have positive attributes. While the other type is
psychological wellbeing (Tromholt, 2016). Also, downward social comparison in which people
according to Cognitive Behavioral model of compare their selves with someone who is
internet use, people with maladaptive tendencies inferior and who have negative characteristics
are more vulnerable towards becoming a social (Wills, 1981; Wood, 1989). Sometimes
media addict (Davis, 2001). A recent study comparison can be beneficial too, if we take
revealed that people who use social media inspiration from the targeted comparison


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(Lockwood & Kunda, 1997), but many felt pleasure when won alone and other lost than
researchers found out that there is more negative the both won situation. (Steinbeis et al., 2013).
impact of social comparison which includes
We can say that people have innate tendencies of
negative effect of poor self-evaluation and social comparison and Schadenfreude, in today’s
inadequate feelings (Marsh & Parker, 1984; era social media addiction somehow are
Morse & Gergen, 1970; Pyszcynski et al., 1985). affecting or increasing these tendencies. In this
Among these, upward social comparison has the study we explored the relationship between
most impact on individual’s own cognition and social media addiction and social comparison
behavior (Rancourt et al., 2015) and it can be along with difference of levels of Schadenfreude,
difficult to avoid on social media (Treem & social media addiction and social comparison
Leonardi, 2013; Walther, 1997). In some cases, among adults and adolescent.
Social comparison can act as a coping Strategy
and also for mood regulation (Wood et al., The main research objectives are:
1966). According to the findings of prior
researches, social media gives vast opportunities  to find out the relationship between
for social comparison (Appel et al., 2016), social media addiction and social comparison;
because it is predicted that people have more  to find out the difference on levels of
online friends than social friends (Dunbar,
Social media addiction, Social Comparison and
1993). Social media gives more opportunities for
social comparison (Pew Research Center, 2014). Schadenfreude among adolescents and adults.
The main motive is to obtain gratification
(Smock et al., 2011). Also, the like feature of Literature Review
Facebook has an underline motive; sometimes it
is used for manipulation, and to influence others According to the Envy theory of Schadenfreude,
(Leary & Kowalski, 1990; Piwinger & Ebert, people possess higher envy towards high status
2001). Against this people tend to give like to individuals than the average status individuals
more of friend picture than a stranger (Egebark (Brigham et al., 1997; Feather, 1989; Smith et al.,
& Ekstrom, 2011; Eranti & Lonkila, 2015). 1996; van Dijk et al., 2006). The envy and
However social media addiction and social Schadenfreude both derive from social
comparison have some element of comparison, (Smith et al., 1996) the idea of
Schadenfreude too, a recent study investigate Schadenfreude and envy are related to each
that people who use social media excessively other is not new. Evidences also support the role
have the tendency of making social comparisons of envy in experience of Schadenfreude, (Smith
to others who are inferior to maintain their et al., 1996; Takahashi et al., 2009). In the light
positive self-image, also they experience of deservingness theory, it is based on the idea
Schadenfreude more strongly (Ouwerkerk & of bad is for bad and good is for good (Cook,
Johnson, 2016). According to a study downward 1979). People are addicted towards social media
social comparison has the ability to activate the because of intolerance and inconsistency
pleasure of pride and Schadenfreude (Tesser, (Cooper, 2007). The people who use social
1991; Smith et al., 1996). On the other side some media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) are the
researches claimed that people showcase more one who encounter Schadenfreude more
Schadenfreude towards upward comparison strongly (Ouwerkerk & Johnson, 2016). Also,
target than downward comparison target (Jessica excessive use of social media is interconnected
et al., 2011). Social comparison and with dark motives like high need of popularity,
Schadenfreude are not only present in adults but narcissism and Schadenfreude as well
in children too. A developmental research (Ouwerkerk et al., 2016).
examined Schadenfreude and social comparison Furthermore, in the light of social learning
among 7-13-year-old based on reward theory, people learn more from social
punishment task which found out those children interactions. These interactions also lead to


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comparisons. A theory given by Albert bandura social media and social comparison.
which highlights that learning is a part of social Nevertheless, past research has shown that
environment and our learning is gained through variables collectively. Moreover, our findings
our observation form our environment. Self- would provide a novel contribution to the
evaluation and Schadenfreude are interlinked, as literature on social comparison promoting
when people compare themselves with others, Schadenfreude. It will also help to study the
they feel threatened or inferior (Van Dijk & long-lasting effects of Schadenfreude. Study will
Wesseling, 2011; Van Dijk et al., 2015). be beneficial for the self-enhancement, virtue
education, self-awareness and to know the
According to Cognitive Dissonance Theory,
importance of empathy for others.
people feel psychological distress when they
when they act against their will (Festinger, 1954).
In context with social media addiction, people
are addict of social media because of intolerance Methodology
and inconsistency (Cooper, 2007). However, Research Design
people can control their social media addiction
The current study aims to explore the
by giving limited attention to the urge
(cognitions). A recent study revealed that people quantitative Correlational design. It is
who use social media (Facebook, Instagram and explanatory and applied in nature.
Twitter) are the one who encounter Participants
Schadenfreude more strongly (Ouwerkerk &
Johnson, 2016). Also, excessive use of social The participants used in our research are
media is interconnected with dark motives like adolescents and emerging adult’s population.
high need of popularity, narcissism and Sample size consists of 500 participants from
Schadenfreude as well (Ouwerkerk et al., 2016). school and university premises. The sampling
Rationale and Significance technique used in our research is purposive
The purpose of using these variables is that there convenient sampling. 13-25 is the age range of
is limited research work available which explain participants, 252 males and 248 females are
these three variables collectively. The previous included.
researches on Schadenfreude are mostly linked
with Dark Triad, and self-esteem and envy, Inclusion Criteria
jealousy and Psychopathy. Schadenfreude in In current study the population will be school
adolescents is yet to be investigated this and university students. Participants must be in
population is ignored by researchers mostly so an age range of 13-25
this study will provide cultural relevance to
Pakistani researches Quantitative survey-based Equally both males and females have chances to
researches are less and experiment based is more participate in research.
(Greenier, 2018; Womick, 2018; Smith et al., The participants must have social media
2009). This study fills the literature gap by
discussing all the three variables’ collectively in
any methodology. Also, it gives an insight that Participants should have an understanding in
Schadenfreude might go towards dark triad if it English language in order to conduct the
is not controlled. Schadenfreude is mostly research authentically.
present in educational setting which needs to be
controlled otherwise it will lead towards Exclusion criteria
organizational politics. The present research Participants who use only Facebook will not be
used a multidimensional and psychometrically included.
validated Schadenfreude scale. Importantly this
research highlight Schadenfreude related to Participants who use only Instagram will not be


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included. Active Social Media Accounts
Facebook 68 13.6
Participants below the age of 13 and above 25 Instagram 206 41.2
should not be included. Snapchat 22 4.4
A participant who do not have an Tiktok 9 1.8
understanding of English language is excluded Others 195 39
from the study. Time Spend on Social Media
The population studied does not involve the Less than 2 hours 118 23.6
2 Hours 121 24.2
individuals with diagnosed psychological
4 hours 145 29.0
6 Hours and 116 23.2
Addiction to Social Media
Table 1. Frequency and Percentages Yes 301 60.2
of Demographic Variable Analyzed No 199 39.8
by Descriptive Statistics (N=500)
Descriptive F-Values %
Table 1 shows the demographic variable such
as age, gender, number of siblings, birth order,
Male 252 50.4 type of family, socio economic status, real life
Female 248 49.6 friends, social media friends, active social media
Age accounts, number of hours spent on social
13 to 17 Years 256 51.2
media and do people feel attracted towards
18 to 21 Years 172 34.4
social media.
22 to 25 Years 72 14.4
Birth Order Measures
1st born 174 34.8
Following measures were used in the study.
Middle Born 152 30.4
Last Born 135 27 Informed Consent
Only Child 12 2.4
The first subsection based on the informed
Others 27 5.4
Type of Family
consent form in which the text including brief
Nuclear 307 61.4 instruction of their voluntarily basis
Joint 150 30 participation and a space for their consent given
Extended 43 8.6 to them and also the researcher ask them that
Socio economic status there is no such risk in the whole procedure
Lower class 14 2.8 Participants are allowed to withdraw at any time
Middle class 421 84.2
or refuse to answer any question without any
Upper class 65 13
Social Media Friends penalty. If they decide not to participate, they
0 19 3.8 must be informed that it does not affect any
1-50 438 87.6 relationships they have with the researcher and
51-100 25 5 environment in which it’s administered.
101 and above 18 3.6 Participants are ensured about their
Real life Friends confidentiality of information; their identity will
0 75 15 remain anonymous during the report and
1-50 208 41.6 results of study and also, they will not receive
51-100 56 11.2
101 and above 161 32.2


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any kind of compensation for taking part in this (α=.88). Items from first dimension (1- 6) are
study. justly right-skewed, suggesting that respondents
hesitate while making comparisons of their
Demographic Information Form
abilities and items from second dimension (6-
While the second subsection of the study the 11) are moderately skewed which shows that
demographic form which includes Name, Age, respondents have slight tendency to compare
Gender, Number of siblings, Birth order, family themselves with others on the basis of
type, Relationship status, Education, Current behavior, opinions, and experiences.
status, socio- economic status, and some
general research study questions like how many 12 Item Schadenfreude Scale
friends they have in real life and on social Schadenfreude 12 item scale showed a good
media, and hours spend on social media, over all reliability of (α = .79, M= 3.65, SD=
addictions towards social media, and whether 1.17). However, the subscales of 12 item
any diagnosed psychological disorder is present schadenfreude scales were positively corelated,
or not. If any history of conviction, then they benign (α = .77, SD= 1.65) malicious (α = .73,
will be excluded them from study. SD= 1.14). There were 6 reversed scoring items
present to control and reduce response bias.
Social Media Addiction Scale-Student form Procedure
(SMAS-SF) Firstly, participants were given Informed
A 29 items response sheet comprises of 5-point consent then demographic form. The
Likert scale which consist of responses that is participants who attempted both surveys of
vary between strongly disagree to strongly agree social media addiction and social comparison
along with 4 sub subdivisions that include were next handed out the schadenfreude scale.
virtual tolerance (1-5), virtual communication There was five minutes break in between all
(6-14), virtual problem (15-23), virtual these three forms. Corresponding emails of
information (24-29). The internal consistency researchers were also given in demographics so
and reliability of the scales was calculated by they can contact them and get debriefed
peer-to peer- correlation, Spearman-brown regarding the results or if any query they have.
formula, Guttmann split-half reliability The participants were fully informed about the
coefficient, and Cronbach Alpha reliability nature of study. They were given the right to
formulas. Analyses revealed that measures have withdraw from the study at any point. And they
excellent internal consistency (α =.93). were given the choice to submit responses
Cronbach alpha values vary between .81 and .86 anonymously to protect them from any social
which shows reliably results of dimension and risk. It was also assured that the results of the
sub-dimensions. participants were not disclosed to anyone
except the researchers of the study. The
Social Comparison Scale
confidentiality will not be breached under any
It consists of 11 items, the statement given in circumstances. It was made sure that there was
the scale are about how people indulge in self- no physical or mental harm induced during the
comparison with others and they have to study. Each ethical consideration was taken into
respond on Five-point scale ranging from A, account. At the end participants were thanked
strongly disagree, to E, strongly agree. scale has for their time and were presented with an
a good internal consistency Cronbach Alpha


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opportunity to provide their feedback. All these calculated by using correlation (Pearson r) and
analyses are carried out via SPSS 21. Independent Sample T test. Reliability analysis
for three scales has been calculated that were
used in study.
Table 2 represents Mean, Standard Deviation,
Descriptive Analysis Skewness value, Kurtosis value, and
The data analysis was carried out using SPSS. Cronbach’s alpha for the research measures.
This chapter includes statistically calculated The values of skewness and kurtosis shows that
information of demographics of participants. the data is normally distributed, and the
Descriptive statistics of variables have been Cronbach’s alpha fall under acceptable
calculated. Additionally, the relationship reliability range.
between different variables of study has been

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics and Reliability Test of Study Cariables (N= 500)
Varia Ite N α M SD S SES K Min Max
bles’ ms
VT 5 500 0.633 14.42 4.45 .091 .109 -.384 5 25
VC 9 500 0.660 24.67 6.00 .010 .109 .115 9 44
VP 9 500 0.746 22.99 6.54 .316 .109 .003 9 42
VI 6 500 0.655 18.21 4.56 .408 .109 -.124 6 30
AB 6 500 0.638 17.32 4.61 -.037 .109 -.223 5 30
OP 5 500 0.546 16.96 3.55 -.510 .109 .226 6 25
BE 6 500 0.483 17.40 4.70 .078 .109 .486 6 30
MA 6 500 0.605 15.60 5.19 .221 .109 .253 6 30
SMA 29 500 0.857 80.32 16.80 -.057 .109 .519 33 133
SC 11 500 0.655 34.28 6.50 -.013 .109 .015 16 55
SF 12 500 0.668 33.00 8.28 .345 .109 1.603 12 60
Note. VT= Virtual Tolerance, VC= Virtual Communication, VP= Virtual Problem, VI= Virtual Information, AB= Ability,
OP= Opinion, BE= Benign, MA= Malicious, SMA= Social Media Addiction, SC= Social Comparison, SF= Schadenfreude

Social media addiction and social comparison Comparison comparing the mean difference
have positive moderate correlation and the between adolescents and adults, it is found that
relationship between Social media addiction and adolescents have more Social Comparison than
social comparison is significant. adults (M= 34.36). Furthermore, while
comparing the mean difference of
H1 Accepted p<0.05, i.e., 0.0001.
Schadenfreude between adults and adolescents,
Table 4 presents group statistics, there is a it is found that adolescents experience more
comparison of mean difference of Social Media Schadenfreude than adults (M= 34).
Addiction between adolescent and adults. Adults
Table 5 represents Levene’s Test for Equality of
have more Social Media Addiction than
Variances, which shows that only in
Adolescents (M= 81.50). Additionally, in Social


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Schadenfreude there is a significant difference SMA SC
between adolescent and adults t (498) =3.407, SMA Pearson Correlation 1 .388**
p<0.05, i.e., 0.001. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 500
SC Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 500

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Note. SMA= Social Media Addiction, SC= Social
Table 3. Correlational Analysis Between Comparison.
Main Scales of the Study
Table 4. Independent Sample T-test Between Two Groups of the Study
SM A adoles cent 264 79.2652 16.85585 1.03741
Adults 236 81.5042 16.69922 1.08703
SC adoles cent 264 34.3636 6.52724 .40172
Adults 236 34.1992 6.48719 .42228
SF Adoles cent 264 34.1894 8.65488 .53267
Adults 236 31.6864 7.66112 .49870
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Table 5. Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

95% CI
F Sig. T df p LL UL
SMA Eq. Va. assumed .062 .804 -1.489 498 .137 -5.192 .714
Eq. Va. not assumed -1.490 492.76 .137 -5.191 .713
SC Eq. Va. assumed .208 .649 .282 498 .778 -.981 1.310
Eq. Va. not assumed .282 492.44 .778 -.980 1.309
SF Eq. Va. assumed .166 .684 3.407 498 .001 1.059 3.946
Eq. Va. not assumed 3.430 497.95 .001 1.069 3.936
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Discussion affect their everyday life. However, comparison

in terms of everything leads to vulnerability at
Addiction of social media is not just limited to
present time or in future yet the study referenced
the addiction it is far ahead of this idea in short
social media entertainment could give
it is pandemic of the current era which almost
tremendous open doors to social comparison it
sink everything in it without the discrimination
happens due to its users' inclinations to contrast
of gender, age, social class, their education and
themselves and others on aspects that are
other important areas of the living beings. As the
applicable to self-esteem (Appel & Gnabis, 2020)
focus population of the current study is
So, for the whole picture portrayed above
adolescents and adults so in context of this
current study is framed.
numerous studies suggests that it effects every
aspect of life of the adolescents and adults, Whereas the results of the current study provide
research indicates that social media significantly precedent evidences for a relationship between


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social media addiction and social comparison in The second hypothesis indicated that there will
adults and adolescents as there is also a be a difference on levels of Social media
justification present for it from previous addiction, Social Comparison and
researches. Social media addiction produces Schadenfreude among adolescents and adults.
pleasure and escape from pain and stress (Kesici Previously, a study investigated that people who
& Baloğlu, 2018) are between the ages 18-22 are more vulnerable
towards social media addiction then people aged
Study conducted by Kim et al. (2021) reveals that
23-38. This can be linked to the current study,
tendency of social comparison causes social
where the results indicated that in adults aged
media addiction. Additionally, this addiction not
between 18-25 experience more social media
just limited to the internal factors or internal
addiction than adolescents 13-17 (Gonzalez-
underlying factors but there is a social or friend
Gadea et al., 2018)
circle leads to its addiction whereas the
numerous studies supports the idea that people But the outcome of the current research reveals
have more friend’s connection from social media that adolescents have more social comparison
rather than in real life (Quinn, 2017). However, tendencies with low social media addiction than
there is still a conspiracy and a debate exist in adults. Also, in social comparison there is no
between the idea that different or couple of significant difference between adults and
outlets of social media forms more addiction to adolescents. Furthermore, prior researches
the individuals for this idea research was explained that Social Comparison always leads
conducted and the conclusive remarks highlights towards Schadenfreude (Smith & Kim, 2007). As
that Facebook and Instagram are the only source the idea is supported by the present study
of Social Media Addiction (Kuss & Griffiths, The results of the current study indicate that in
2017). This particular idea also supported by the social media addiction there is no significant
outcome of the demographics of the current difference between adults and adolescents.
study among the data 206 are those individuals
However, previous researches indicated that
who uses Instagram most then the other outlets social media addiction is increasing in high
of social media and also spends their more time school student’s day by day (Adem, 2021).
there. Social media not just causes addiction itself Moreover, the results indicates that in social
but also it leads to the social comparison and it comparison there is no significant difference
comes first (Royal Society for Public Health, between adults and adolescents. But according to
2017). People declines more towards social the previous research young children tends to do
comparison on social media than in self social comparison to maintain their self- esteem
(Contributor, 2020), there is always a significant (Chafel, 2006). Furthermore, in Schadenfreude
relationship between social media addiction and there is a significant difference between adults
social comparison as the current study and adolescents, as adolescents experience more
hypothesized. Yet people have more time and
Schadenfreude. The previous research stated that
opportunity to compare on social media. The adolescents between ages 12-15 experience
more they spend time on social media platforms, Schadenfreude more (Peplak et al., 2020).
the more vulnerable they become towards social
comparison (Jiang & Ngien, 2020). People Moreover, the findings also highlighted the
experience more Schadenfreude towards high demographic factor of being the first-born child
achievers and perceived them as a deserving experiences more Social Media Addiction, Social
candidate for misfortune (Feather, 1989). Comparison and Schadenfreude. Another


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contributing factor can be nuclear family that Recommendations and Limitations
people tend to be more isolated in real life and There were few limitations found while
socially connected in such type of family conducting the study. The length of
(Tsuneo, 1967). Also, people with middle class questionnaire was a hindrance, as most people
background have more time and access to social refused to conduct the survey after looking at it
media, hence, they are more towards Social due to length issue, the wordings used in social
Comparison. Few samples from research were media addiction scale and Schadenfreude scale
discarded because it met the exclusion criteria was difficult to comprehend especially for
(presence of psychological disorders like adolescents, so researchers were continuously
depression, epilepsy, bipolar and anxiety). present to guide them. In Schadenfreude scale
“Do Not” statement seemed confusing for both
adolescents and adults. The Likert scale ranged
Conclusion from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree,
Conclusive remarks of current study reveal that became difficult for people to comprehend for
Social media addiction and Social Comparison instance A which referred as Strongly Disagree
have positive moderate correlation which was miscomprehended as Strongly Agree and so
indicate that relation is significant among them. on. A huge amount of sample was discarded due
Furthermore, in Social Media Addiction and to Psychological disorders present which were in
social comparison there is no significant our exclusion criteria. The adolescent filled their
difference between adolescent and adults. respective forms in a rush so probability of
Additionally, However, in Schadenfreude there is genuine responses of that age range might have
a significant difference between adolescent and affected the results. However, this study can be
adults. replicated in cross-culturally as the sample can be
Implications taken from all over Pakistan and worldwide to
see the emerging trend.
Our research signifies the relevance of
Schadenfreude in emerging adolescents and
adults, and their sense of social media addiction References
and social comparison. Our intervention targets
Abbasi, M.D. (2019). Neuroticism and facebook
the students who have social media addiction, addiction: How social media can affect mood?
low self-esteem issues and tendencies of social The American Journal of Family Therapy, 47(4), 199-
comparison. Once identified, the target 215.
population is taken into consideration so https://doi.org/10.1080/01926187.2019.16242
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