European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
Article Information
Suggested Citation: This study aims to explore the relationship and difference in levels
Riaz, H., Khanam, H., Arshad, F., of Social Media Addiction, Social Comparison and Schadenfreude
Asif, A., Khan, Yu. and Jagirani, among adults and adolescents. The study followed a quantitative,
T.S. (2023). Relationship and correlational survey design. The research was conducted with a
Difference of Levels between sample size of 500 participants (Males n= 252 & Females n=248)
Schadenfreude, Social Media aged between 13 to 25 years (M= 17.54, SD= 3.32). A purposive
Addiction and Social Comparison
convenient sampling technique was used. Findings from statistical
among Adults and Adolescents.
analysis revealed that social media addiction and Social Comparison
European Journal of Theoretical and
have positive moderate correlation. This study also found that there
Applied Sciences, 1(2), 149-160.
is no significant difference between adolescents and adults in Social
DOI: 10.59324/ejtas.2023.1(2).15
Media Addiction and Social Comparison, but the difference is
* Corresponding author:
Hafsa Riaz
manifested in Schadenfreude between adolescents and adults. This
study highlighted the importance of identity exploration, virtue
[email protected] education, empathy as well as raising awareness regarding behavioral
addiction that can reduce the later on negative consequences.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The license permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, on the condition that users give exact credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if they made any changes.
neurophysiologic study, found that when a (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) are the one
person experience Schadenfreude his body who encounter Schadenfreude more strongly
releases a hormone called Oxytocin i.e. Love (Ouwerkerk & Johnson, 2016). Social media
hormone (Takahashi et al., 2009). A recent study Addiction involves mood modification which
explained neural activities through a functional includes using social media as coping strategy or
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique; to feel a sense of escape (Griffiths, 2013).
there is a significant correlation between However, individuals with dark traits are more
pleasure and harmful behavior proneness involved in social media addiction (Kircaburun
towards others (Cikara et al., 2011), envy is the & Griffiths, 2018) high level of dark traits are
predictive factor of Schadenfreude, which has associated with high level of Schadenfreude.
the higher intensity towards same sex (Van Dijk (Samantha James et al., 2014). Also, excessive
et al., 2006). In a distinction made by researcher’s use of social media is interconnected with dark
men experience Schadenfreude more strongly motives like high need of popularity, narcissism
and frequently than any other gender, regardless and Schadenfreude (Ouwerkerk et al., 2016).
of a sense of deservingness and envy. As A research conducted by students of University
Schadenfreude is a commonly experienced
of Pennsylvania (Wei and Liu, 2020) found that
emotion which is connected with frequent social social media have an effect on pro-social and
interaction (Li et al., 2019) and modern antisocial behavior like Schadenfreude perceived
technology (Kim & Kim, 2018). The aim of deservingness and empathy. A study revealed
current study was to explore the relationship and that individuals who are psychologically distant
difference of levels on social media addiction, are able to derive more pleasure from other’s
social comparison and schadenfreude among misfortune (Comb, 2009), A recent study, that
adults and adolescents. conducted through a lexicometric automatic
Social media addiction can be defined as an analysis, based on the incident of Notre fire, in
impulsive and unmanageable urge to use social which they collected the data of Italian
media or seen online on social media platform; comments. Resulted in complex emotions like
it is characterized as a behavioral addiction. Schadenfreude that can directly extracted from
(Hilliard, 2021). Social media has increased to social media which means people can also
75% since 2005, and young adults are among the experience schadenfreude towards social
earliest social media users and still have the incidents (Cecconi, 2020).
highest ratio among social media users. In As humans, we all possess a natural characteristic
today’s time social media usage plays an of comparing ourselves with others, which
important part in the lives of emerging adults. serves us with a sense of affiliation (Schachter,
Adults use social media approximately 6 hours 1959), Self-evaluation (Festinger, 1954) self-
per day. Although, main purpose of social media regulation, emotional well-being (Taylor &
is to gather information, for social interaction, Brown, 1988; Tesser & Campbell, 1982) decision
entertainment and to pass time (Whiting et al., making (Camerer & lovallo, 1999) and for
2013). Social media give liberty and inspiration (Lockwood & Kunda, 1997).
encouragement to people to express their Researches have mentioned two types of social
feelings, moods and emotions. Social media comparison, which include upward social
platforms like Facebook is most used social comparison, it occurs when we compare
networking site in the world (Beyens et al., 2016; ourselves with someone who is superior and
Steers, 2016) But it has a negative impact on our have positive attributes. While the other type is
psychological wellbeing (Tromholt, 2016). Also, downward social comparison in which people
according to Cognitive Behavioral model of compare their selves with someone who is
internet use, people with maladaptive tendencies inferior and who have negative characteristics
are more vulnerable towards becoming a social (Wills, 1981; Wood, 1989). Sometimes
media addict (Davis, 2001). A recent study comparison can be beneficial too, if we take
revealed that people who use social media inspiration from the targeted comparison
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics and Reliability Test of Study Cariables (N= 500)
Varia Ite N α M SD S SES K Min Max
bles’ ms
VT 5 500 0.633 14.42 4.45 .091 .109 -.384 5 25
VC 9 500 0.660 24.67 6.00 .010 .109 .115 9 44
VP 9 500 0.746 22.99 6.54 .316 .109 .003 9 42
VI 6 500 0.655 18.21 4.56 .408 .109 -.124 6 30
AB 6 500 0.638 17.32 4.61 -.037 .109 -.223 5 30
OP 5 500 0.546 16.96 3.55 -.510 .109 .226 6 25
BE 6 500 0.483 17.40 4.70 .078 .109 .486 6 30
MA 6 500 0.605 15.60 5.19 .221 .109 .253 6 30
SMA 29 500 0.857 80.32 16.80 -.057 .109 .519 33 133
SC 11 500 0.655 34.28 6.50 -.013 .109 .015 16 55
SF 12 500 0.668 33.00 8.28 .345 .109 1.603 12 60
Note. VT= Virtual Tolerance, VC= Virtual Communication, VP= Virtual Problem, VI= Virtual Information, AB= Ability,
OP= Opinion, BE= Benign, MA= Malicious, SMA= Social Media Addiction, SC= Social Comparison, SF= Schadenfreude
Social media addiction and social comparison Comparison comparing the mean difference
have positive moderate correlation and the between adolescents and adults, it is found that
relationship between Social media addiction and adolescents have more Social Comparison than
social comparison is significant. adults (M= 34.36). Furthermore, while
comparing the mean difference of
H1 Accepted p<0.05, i.e., 0.0001.
Schadenfreude between adults and adolescents,
Table 4 presents group statistics, there is a it is found that adolescents experience more
comparison of mean difference of Social Media Schadenfreude than adults (M= 34).
Addiction between adolescent and adults. Adults
Table 5 represents Levene’s Test for Equality of
have more Social Media Addiction than
Variances, which shows that only in
Adolescents (M= 81.50). Additionally, in Social