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Perception of Female Undergraduates on Drug Abuse

in Kano State, Nigeria: Implications for Counselling

Ahmad Salisu Abdullahi*
Department of Sociology, Federal University Dutse, Dutse, Nigeria
Hafsat Salisu Abdullahi
Department of Psychology and Education, Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil, Nigeria

Article Information
Suggested Citation: The abuse of drugs by female undergraduate students is becoming
Abdullahi, A.S. & Abdullahi, H.S. alarming, posing serious repercussions for society in general. This
(2023). Perception of Female study examined the perception of female undergraduates on drug
Undergraduates on Drug Abuse in abuse by female university students as perceived by female
Kano State, Nigeria. European undergraduate students in Kano State. The study used a sample size
Journal of Theoretical and Applied of 306 female undergraduate students (selected using proportionate
Sciences, 1(2), 245-257. sampling technique) from Faculty of Education in BUK1, KUST2
DOI: 10.59324/ejtas.2023.1(2).21
and YUMSUK3. A validated instrument, DAI4 was used to collect
* Corresponding author:
relevant data. The reliability of DAI was established using the test-
Ahmad Salisu Abdullahi
retest method. PPMC was used to compute the correlation
e-mail: [email protected]
coefficient of the instrument and reliability index of 0.79 was
obtained. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer research
questions, while t-test for independent sample and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the
three null hypotheses of the study. The findings of the study indicated that Benylin is the most commonly
abused drug among female university students in Kano State, there is a difference in the perception of
female undergraduates on drug abuse prevalence among female university students in Kano State based
on university, in favour of BUK with the highest mean score of 8.04. Based on the findings, it is
recommended among others that: the sales of benylin and other commonly abused drug within university
campuses should be controlled by university authorities.

Keywords: drug, drug abuse, female undergraduates.

Introduction Fundamentally, drugs are either substances that,

when consumed in considerable quantity,
Drug abuse can be traced to the emergence of intoxicate and affect someone’s physical and
modern pharmaceuticals, which paved the way mental balance, reasoning, sense of judgement,
for the availability of modern substances to and behaviour; or substances that are used in the
awaken, sedate, and excite. Historically, people prevention or treatment of diseases, illnesses,
have used herbs, leaves, and plants to cure ailments, and sicknesses.
illness, gain extra energy, or relieve work stress.
Drugs properly administered have been a Drug is any substance other than food that
societal blessing. What begins as a measure of affects the structure and functioning of a living
relaxation often evolves in time into a problem organism due to its chemical nature (Siro, 2014).
of dependence and abuse (Muraguri, 2004). It is mainly used to sedate, excite, arouse, induce

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The license permits unrestricted
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and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if they made any changes.
sleep, slim or cure (Abdullahi, 2003). The the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
development of modern pharmaceuticals (NDLEA) indicated that there is a high rate of
appears to be like a double-edged sword. While youths abusing drugs across the country. Based
drugs rightly and legally administered make it on this report, there is every tendency that
easier and perhaps faster to cure illness, drugs students in tertiary institutions as well as
wrongly and illegally administered negatively universities (the majority of whom are youths)
affect the wellbeing and normal functioning of are affected by the menace. Recently, the illegal
an organism. Today, the abuse of drugs has use of drugs among university students has been
become a universal phenomenon that cuts recognised as a global public health challenge (Yi
across social strata. Both developed and et al.,2017).
developing societies are facing an increasing There is alarming evidence of the prevalence of
challenge of drug abuse, especially because drug abuse among students (Oliha, 2014). Social
youth, who are supposedly, seen as leaders of vices like drug abuse are very common on the
tomorrow and agents of change, are at the campuses of Nigerian universities (Ibu & Eni,
vanguard of its perpetration. The usage and 2018). Okoro & Lahai (2021) revealed that a
abuse of drugs is very common among
considerable proportion of undergraduates in
adolescents, and it can result in serious Nigeria use drugs. Many undergraduate students
repercussions (Nalini et al., 2016). in Nigeria are becoming drug dependent, which
Garba (2003) defined drug abuse as the non- is a major consequence of drug abuse. Nigeria’s
medical use of drugs that can alter mood and educational institutions are dominated by drugs
perception and have the ability to make the user such as morphine, heroine, tobacco, cough
continue to want to use the drug in spite of the syrup, tramadol, Valium 5, and Chinese capsules
health, social, and physical impairments the drug that youthful students commonly abuse
causes. Drug abuse can also be the improper use (Ibrahim et al., 2019). Atwoli, Mungla, Ndungu,
of drugs or alcohol to the degree that the Kinoti & Ogot (2011) found a prevalence of
consequences are defined as detrimental to the substance use among college and university
user or to society (Igbo, 2007). Haladu (2003) students in a low income country, with the most
explained the term drug abuse as the excessive commonly used substances being alcohol and
and persistent self-administration of a drug cigarettes.
without regard to medically or culturally The abuse of drugs and many, other socially
accepted patterns. For Priyanka & Ankita (2016), problematic behaviours are seen as male-
drug abuse is an illness that can be characterised dominated behaviours. However, the rate at
as the destructive use of substances that causes which female youths are engaging in drug abuse
many health-related and socio behavioural is becoming more alarming. Asagba, Agberotimi
challenges. It is also the use of drugs when they & Olaseni (2021) argued that there is evidence
are not medically necessary, when they are used suggesting a rise in the level of female
against legal prohibition, or when there is involvement in substance or drug use. The
excessive use of drugs without conformity to current trend of substance abuse among women
medical directives. Drug abuse can also be an is troubling and has become an issue of major
illness when it becomes addictive. national concern (Adenugba & Okeshola, 2018).
Drug abuse has become a global phenomenon. Reports by the National Drug Law Enforcement
Accordingly, the menace of drug abuse is not Agency (NDLEA) have revealed an increasing
new to Nigerian society. Nigeria is witnessing an involvement of women in drug abuse. Among
upsurge of drug-related problems as the country the increasing percentage of female youths
recently graduated or transitioned from the engaging in drug abuse, a lot of these female
status of a drug-consuming nation to that of a youths are undergraduate students or have
drug-producing one. There has been widespread started abusing drugs as undergraduate students.
drug abuse among youths, as reported by most The prevalence of drug abuse among female
of the media in Nigeria. Similarly, reports from undergraduates is becoming a serious negative

246 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

development that is affecting their personal undergraduates of Bayero University Kano,
development. It is seriously becoming an issue Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano, and Kano
to which everyone’s attention is being drawn, as University of Science and Technology Wudil
long as that person is conscious of what brought from the department of education. According to
about improved societal welfare and peaceful the statistical report obtained from the Centre
coexistence among the teeming population. It is for Information Technology (CIT), the total
a behaviour disorder that is destroying the number of female undergraduates in Bayero
ethical standards of many societies. University Kano is one thousand two hundred
and forty-two (1242), and according to the
The use of drugs among college and university
departmental record of students for the
students remains an important area of research
2017/2018 session, the total number of female
due to the implications of early drug dependence
undergraduates in Yusuf Maitama Sule
on the future of youth (Atwoli et al., 2011).
University is six hundred and seventy-one (671),
Accordingly, most of these young students are
while Kano University of Science and
not fully aware of the magnitude of the problem
Technology female undergraduates are three
or its long-term consequences, and even if they
hundred and ninety-three (393), making the total
are, they find it extremely difficult to terminate
number of female students two thousand three
their unhealthy relationship with drugs. This
hundred and six (2306).
signifies that these young students are facing a
serious problem that needs societal intervention. Accordingly, the sample size of the study is 306
Hence, most universities in Nigeria establish female undergraduates from Bayero University
guidance and counselling centres or units, and Kano, Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano, and
the counsellors are ready to assist students Kano University of Science and Technology
having problems. Most students dealing with Wudil. Out of the above sample, 164 female
drugs, however, do not seek the help of the undergraduates at Bayero University, 89 female
university counsellors because they may not undergraduates at Yusuf Maitama Sule
want people to know that they are abusing drugs, University Kano, and 53 female undergraduates
especially female drug abusers. In light of the at Kano University of Science and Technology
above, the objectives of the study are to: find out Wudil were selected to form the sample size. The
the perception of female undergraduates on the sample size was drawn from the total population
most commonly abused drug among female using Researcher Advisors (2006). A
university students in Kano State; understand proportionate sampling technique was used in
the perception of female undergraduates on the selecting the sample for the study. Proportionate
prevalence of drug abuse among female sampling is a sampling method used when the
university students in Kano State. population is composed of several subgroups
that are vastly different in number. The number
of participants from each subgroup is
Methodology determined by their number relative to the entire
population. The total number of female
Research Design, Population and Sample
undergraduates was two thousand three hundred
The study used a survey design to find out the and six (2306), and a simple random sampling
perceptions of female undergraduates about technique was used to select three hundred and
drug abuse among female university students in six (306) respondents. The table below provides
Kano State. The target population of this study a clearer view of the population and sample size
comprised all the level 200 and 300 (female of the study.
Table 1. Study Population and Sample Size
S/N University Programme Level Population Sample Size
1. BUK B. A Ed 200 315 42
300 320 42
B. Sc Ed 200 297 39

247 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

300 310 41
2. KUST B. Sc Ed 200 244 33
300 149 20
3. YUMSUK B. A Ed 200 173 23
300 129 17
B. Sc Ed 200 242 32
300 127 17
Total 2306 306
Source: Fieldwork, 2020.

Data Collection Instrument The reliability of the instrument was obtained

from pilot testing of the instrument using test
The instrument used in collecting data in this retest method. Test retest type of reliability is
study is researcher-developed questionnaire determined by administering the same test twice
titled Drug Abuse Inventory (DAI). The to the same candidates under approximately the
instrument consists of three sections A, B and C. same conditions. The score obtained on the two
Section “A” is concerned with personal data of occasions are then correlated to establish the
the respondents such as university, year of study degree to which two sets of scores correspond.
etc, section “B” consist of eleven (11) items A test that yields similar scores on two
related to drugs commonly abused by female administrations where no significant event has
university students and section “C” consists of taken place is highly reliable. Pearson Product
four (4) items, prevalence of Drug Abuse among Moment Correlation Co- efficient was used in
Female University Students. The instrument is computing the correlation co-efficient of the
based on four (4) likert scale. instrument and a reliability index of 0.79 was
Scoring of the Inventory obtained.
The Inventory was scored on (4) point Likert Data Collection and Analysis
scale to find out the perception of female The collection of data was done through
undergraduates on drugs of abuse and drug personal administration and assistance from the
abuse. The response categories of the Inventory research assistants who were trained on how to
was weighted by assigned numerical value as: administer the instrument. The instrument was
Strongly Agree= 4, Agree = 3, Disagree =2 and administered to level 2 and 3 students of
Strongly Disagree =1 while most of them= 3, Department of Education in the sampled
many of them =2, some of them= 1 and none schools and only female students participated in
of them= 0. The sum of weight of all the items the research. Accordingly, Statistical Package for
choose by the subject represents the individual’s Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used in the
total score. analysis of the collected numerical data. The
Validity and Reliability of DAI statistical tool that was used to analyze and
interpret the data is descriptive. Descriptive
Validation of the instrument was obtained with
statistical technique (mean and standard
the assistance of the Supervisor and other
deviation) was used to answer research
experts in the Department of Education Bayero
questions. T-test for independent sample and
University and Yusuf Maitama Sule University
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to test
Kano. The useful suggestions such as
differences in all the hypotheses at 0.05 level of
modification of some items and grammatical
errors were effected in drafting the final
instrument with a view to eliminate ambiguities
and irrelevant items to ensure a well-structured Results
Below shows the summary of distribution of the
respondents and answers to research questions

248 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

based on the data collected from the instruments (48.8%), YUMSUK has 40 B.A. ED students
of data collection employed in the process of (44.9%) and 49 B.SC ED students (55.1%),
data collection. while, KUST has 53 B.SC ED students (100%).
Hence, there are 124 B.A. ED students (40.5%)
Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents
and 182 B.SC ED students (59.5%).
based on university, level and programme. The
Accordingly, the distribution of respondents
distribution of respondents based on university
based on level shows that there are 169 level 200
shows that BUK has 164 respondents
students (55.2%) and 137 level 300 students
representing 53.6%, YUMSUK has 89
respondents representing 29.1% and KUST has
53 respondents representing 17.3%. The Research Question One: What is the
distribution of respondents based on perception of female undergraduates on most
programme shows that BUK has 84 B.A. ED commonly abused drug among female university
students (51.2%) and 80 B.SC ED students students in Kano State?

Table 2. Distribution of Respondents Based on University, Level of Study and Programme

University Programme Level frequency Percentage
1 BUK B.A ED 200 42 13.7 100%
300 42 13.7
B. SC ED 200 39 12.7
300 41 13.3
2 YUMSUK B.A ED 200 23 7.52
300 17 5.56
B.SC ED 200 32 10.6
300 17 5.56
3 KUST B. SC 200 33 10.8
300 20 6.53
Total 306 100
Source: Fieldwork, 2020.

Table 3: Most Common Drug Abused by Female Undergraduate Students

Group Mean S. D. Rank
Codeine 3.52 0.618 2
Marijuana 2.80 1.010 6
Rohypnol 3.37 0.787 3
Tramadol 2.94 1.024 5
Benylin 3.57 0.604 1
Tobacco 3.35 0.710 4
Heroine 2.80 1.022 6
Cocaine 1.85 0.846 10
Alcohol 2.04 0.905 9
Gadagi 2.64 1.071 7
Solution 2.56 0.947 8
Source: Fieldwork, 2020

Table 3 above shows that benylin has the highest marijuana both with a mean score of 2.80, gadagi
mean score of 3.57, closely followed by codeine with a mean score of 2.64, solution with a mean
with a mean score of 3.52, rohypnol with a mean score of 2.56, alcohol with a mean score of 2.04
score of 3.37, tobacco with a mean score of 3.35, and finally cocaine with a mean score of 1.85.
tramadol with a mean score of 2.94, heroin and Therefore, Benelyn is the most commonly

249 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

abused drug by female university students in State. It shows that out of 164 female
Kano State with the highest mean score of undergraduates from BUK, 146 (89%) perceived
(3.57). that female undergraduates abuse drugs. Out of
89 female undergraduates from YUMSUK, 54
Research Question Two: What is the
(60.7%) perceived that female undergraduates
perception of female undergraduates on the
abuse drugs and out of 53 female undergraduates
prevalence of drug abuse among female
from KUST, 28 (52.8%) perceived that Female
university students in Kano State.
Undergraduates abuse drugs. Therefore, out of
Table 4 above shows the prevalence of Drug the total number of 306 female Undergraduates
Abuse among Female University Students as in Kano State 228 (74.5%) perceived that Female
perceived by female undergraduates in Kano Undergraduates in Kano State abuse drugs.
Table 4. Prevalence of Drug Abuse among Female University Students
S/N University Programme Level N Prevalence
1 BUK B.A ED 200 42 38(90.5%)
300 42 36(85.7%)

B. SC ED 200 39 35(89.7%)
300 41 37(90.2%)

Total 164 146 =89%

2 YUMSUK B.A ED 200 23 15(65.2%)
300 17 10(58.8%)

B.SC ED 200 32 19(59.3%)

300 17 10(58.8%)

Total 89 54 =60.7%
3 KUST B. SC ED 200 33 18(54.5%)
300 20 10(50%)

Total 53 28 =52.8%
Total 306 228=74.5%
Source: Fieldwork, 2020

Table 5. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on Prevalence of Drug Abuse Among Female

University Students Based on Universities
Source Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 83.093 2 41.546 19.842 0.00
Within Groups 634.437 303 2.094
Total 717.529 305
Source: Fieldwork, 2020

Hypotheses Testing HO1: There is no significant difference in the

perception of female undergraduates on the
Analysis of variance and t-test for independent
prevalence of drug abuse among female
sample was used for the analysis of the three
university students in Kano State based on
hypotheses using statistical program for social
sciences (SPSS) computer analysis.

250 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

Table 5 above shows Analysis of Variance of difference in the perception of female
difference in the prevalence of drug abuse undergraduates on the prevalence of drug abuse
among female university students based on among female university students in Kano state
universities. The result shows the p-value of 0.00 is rejected. This means that there is significant
tested at 0.05 with a 305 degree of freedom. The difference in the perception of female
p-value (0.00) is less than 0.05 level of undergraduates on the prevalence of drug abuse
significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis among female university students in Kano State.
which states that there is no significant

Table 6. Post Hoc Test Analysis (Scheffe Test)

(I) Institutions (J) Institution Mean difference Std. Error Sig.
of learning (I-J)
BUK KUST 1.439 .229 .000
YUMSUK .301 .191 .288

KUST BUK -1.439 .229 .000

YUMSUK -1.138 .251 .000

YUMSUK BUK -.301 .191 .288

KUST 1.138 .251 .000
Source: Fieldwork, 2020 (*The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level)

Table 7 t-test for Independent Sample Between Prevalence of Drug Abuse and
Programme of Study
Programme N Mean Df Sd t-value P-value
B.A ED 124 7.94 304 1.820 2.175 0.30
B.SC ED 182 7.55 1.285
Source: Fieldwork, 2020

Table 6 above present the post-hoc analysis university students in Kano State based on
(scheffe test) to show the direction of the programme.
difference in the perception of female Table 7 above shows the test result of difference
undergraduates on drug abuse prevalence based in prevalence of drug abuse among female
on university. The table shows that there is university students based on program. The result
significant difference between BUK and KUST shows the calculate t-value of 2.175 and p-
(P-value=0.000) and KUST and YUMSUK (p- 00value of 0.30 tested at 0.05 with a 304 degree
value=0.000) respectively, while the table of freedom. The p-value (0.30) is greater than the
present that there is no significant difference in 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the null
the perception of female undergraduates on the hypothesis which states that there is no
prevalence of drug abuse among female significant difference in the perception of female
university students between BUK and undergraduates on the prevalence of drug abuse
YUMSUK (p-value=0.288). among female university students in Kano State
HO2: There is no significant difference in the based on programme is retained. This means
perception of female undergraduates on the that there is no significant difference in the
prevalence of drug abuse among female perception of female undergraduates on the
prevalence of drug abuse among female

251 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

university students in Kano State based on of freedom. The p-value (0.31) is greater than the
programme. 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the null
hypothesis which states that there is no
HO3: There is no significant difference in the
significant difference in the perception of female
perception of female undergraduates on the
undergraduates on the prevalence of drug abuse
prevalence of drug abuse among female
among female university students is retained.
university students in Kano State based on level.
This means that, there is no significant
Table 8 above shows the test result of difference difference in the perception of female
in prevalence of drug abuse among female undergraduates on the prevalence of drug abuse
university students based on level of study. The among female university students in Kano State
result shows the calculated t-value of 2.165 and based on level.
p-value of 0.31tested at 0.05 with a 305 degree

Table 8. t-test for Independent Sample of Prevalence of Drug Abuse Based on Level of Study
Level of Study N Mean Sd Df t-cal P-Value

Level 200 169 7.88 1.677 304 2.165 0.31

Level 300 137 7.50 1.312
Source: Fieldwork, 2020

Discussion (2006) who conducted a survey with 807 out of

1000 respondents (80.7% response rate) on the
This study was set up mainly to investigate the perception of drug abuse among undergraduate
perceptions of female undergraduates about students residing off-campus at Lagos State
drug abuse among female university students in University. The study found that marijuana
Kano State. In this study, drugs commonly (45.7%) was the most commonly abused drug
abused as well as the prevalence of drug abuse in seen by most students. The study findings are
Kano State public universities were investigated also in disagreement with the findings of
using the Drug Abuse Inventory (DAI). The first Adelekan, Abiodun, Obayan & Ogunremi
research question reveals that Benylin (with a (1998) who investigated the prevalence and
mean score of 3.57) is perceived as the most pattern of substance use among undergraduate
commonly abused drug among female university students at the University of Ilorin with 636
students in Kano State. The finding also reveals analysed questionnaires (out of which 41% were
that cocaine (with a mean score of 1.85) is the females). Contrary to this study's findings,
least commonly abused drug among female Adelekan et al. (1998) provided the most
university students in Kano State. The finding of commonly abused substances, which included
Adeyemo, Ohaeri, Pat & Ogodo (2016) is not in salicylate analgesics.
conformity with the most commonly abused
drug but is in conformity with the least abused This finding also contradicts the argument of
drug. The study sought to determine the Sharp & Rosen (2007) who maintained that
prevalence of drug abuse among students at the females are more likely to participate in the use
University of Benin. The study employs a of recreational stimulants. Benylin is, however, a
descriptive survey design using a sample size of sedative that tranquillizes the central nervous
800 students (44.6% female representation). The system and induces a feeling of relaxation.
study found that alcohol and coffee were the However, a study conducted by Hali (2017) in
most commonly abused drugs, while cocaine Kano Metropolis found that the substance
was the least. The finding is also not in mainly abused by women was cough syrup or
agreement with the findings of Oshikoya & Alli roche, while cocaine and steroids were the least
abused. The study was conducted in Kano

252 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

Metropolis, where two of the three sampled level of significance) proved that there is a
universities are located. The finding of Hali difference in the prevalence of drug abuse
(2017) is in agreement with this study's finding between the three sampled universities. This
because Benelyn is also a cough syrup. may be because, BUK is a federal institution, and
Accordingly, Hali (2017) also found alcohol to the students may be more aware of the issue of
be the least abused drug. The need to relieve drug abuse. This finding is in agreement with the
stress or pressure emanating from role conflict finding of Onoja (2010) who compared the
may be the reason why benylin is the most prevalence of drug abuse among students of
commonly abused drug by female undergraduate private secondary schools and public secondary
students. The drug will at least for a while allow schools in Jos. A total of 250 self-administered
users to forget about disappointments, probably questionnaires were distributed in each school
because the reality of life has affected them more using proportionate allocation by stratification.
severely than expected and they have no other Onoja (2010) found that drug abuse was more
alternative to dealing with it (Matejovicova et al., prevalent in private schools than in government
2015). Sedatives, among other drugs, are even schools.
relatively more accessible (Omotoso et al., 2021).
The second hypothesis maintains that there is no
The second research question shows that the significant difference in the perception of female
extent of drug abuse prevalence among female undergraduates about the prevalence of drug
university students as perceived by female abuse among female university students in Kano
undergraduates in Kano State is high at 74.5%. State based on the programme. This finding also
It shows that out of 164 female undergraduates highlights that female students studying B.A. ED
from BUK, 146 (89%) perceived that female have the highest mean score of 7.94, compared
undergraduates abuse drugs; out of 89 female to female students studying B.SC ED with a 7.55
students from YUMSUK 59 (66.2%) perceived mean score. The findings from the analysis of
that female undergraduates abuse drugs; and out hypotheses with a p-value of 0.30 (tested at the
of 53 female undergraduates from KUT, 28 0.05 level of significance) proved that there is no
(52.8%) perceived that female undergraduates significant difference in the prevalence of drug
abuse drugs. The study findings also corroborate abuse between the programmes of study (B.A.
the findings of Babalola, Akinlanmi & Ogunwale ED and B.SC ED). This finding is in
(2014) who examined the prevalence, pattern, disconcordance with the findings of Bogowicz,
and factors associated with psychoactive Ferguson, Gilvarry, Kamali, Kaner & Newbury-
substance use among medical students at Olabisi Birch (2018) who examined the use of alcohol
Onabanjo University with a sample of 246 and drugs among medical and law students at a
medical students (47.2% female representation) UK university using an anonymous cross-
between September and October 2011. Babalola sectional questionnaire survey of first, second
et al. (2014) found the lifetime prevalence of and final year medical and law students at a single
drug abuse among medical students in Olabisi UK university. With 1242 of 1577 respondents
Onabanjo at 65%. (78.8%), Bogowicz et al. (2018) found a
difference in the prevalence of drug abuse
The first hypothesis provides that there is a
(alcohol use disorders) between medical
significant difference in the perception of female
students and law students.
undergraduates about the prevalence of drug
abuse among female university students based The third hypothesis purports that there is no
on the university. This finding also indicates that significant difference in the perception of female
BUK has the highest prevalence of drug abuse undergraduates about drug abuse prevalence
among female university students with a mean based on level. This finding also purports that
score of 8.04, followed by YUMSUK with a level 200 female students have a mean score of
mean score of 7.74 and finally KUST with 6.60 7.88 and level 300 female students have a mean
mean score. The findings from the analysis of score of 7.50. The findings from the analysis of
hypothesis with a p-value of 0.00 (tested at a 0.05 hypotheses with a p-value of 0.31 (tested at a

253 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

0.05 level of significance) proved that there is no these findings. Solutions to drug abuse by
difference in the prevalence of drug abuse undergraduates can rally around such data to
between levels 200 and 300. This finding is in understand how the strengths and potentials of
conformity with the finding of Rebecca, Keith & affected students can best be exploited.
Michelle (2015) studied correlates of over-the-
counter drug use with students in health,
physical activity, and leisure classes at one large Conclusion
public university using 339 respondents (more
Even with formal and informal strategies used
than half of whom are female respondents
by both the sampled institutions, family
[59.2]). The study found no significant difference
members, and the community at large, the
based on grade (level of study).
problem of drug abuse continues to persist
Conversely, this study's findings are in among female students. However, not much
disagreement with the findings of Bewick, attention is given to counselling strategies.
Moulhern & Stiles (2008). Bewick et al. (2008) Female students can be immensely assisted by
describe the drinking patterns of UK full-time counsellors to overcome and manage their
undergraduate students as they progress through problems. In other words, the majority, if not all,
their degree course. Data was collected for 3 of these female students with drug problems can
years from 58995 undergraduate students who be treated with counselling interventions. Since
began their studies either in 2000 or 2001. benylin is the most commonly abused drug by
Longitudinal data (i.e., years 1-3) were available female university students, the university
for 225 students. The remaining 5670 students management should take the appropriate
all responded to at least one of the three surveys measures to ensure that benylin is not easily
(year 1, n = 2843; year 2, n = 2219; year 3, n = accessible within the university campus by
1805). The study found that students' alcohol preventing its sale. The university should also
consumption declined over their undergraduate ensure that students found with benylin are
studies. This means that the prevalence of punished accordingly (except strictly under a
alcohol consumption is not the same across all doctor’s prescription). Based on the scope and
levels of study. Thus, Bewick et al. (2008) limitations of the study, it is recommended that
discovered a difference in the prevalence of similar studies be carried out using distinct or
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indicated a relationship between the prevalence education. Therefore, it is recommended that
of drug abuse among university students and the similar study should be conducted to cover
year of study. This finding also contradicts the students from other faculties of the university.
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Appendix 1
BUK represents Bayero University Kano
KUST represents Kano University of Science and Technology
YUMSUK represents Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano
DAI represents Drug Abuse Inventory

257 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 2

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