Smart Material

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Smart material
Smart materials, also called intelligent or responsive materials,[1] are designed materials that
have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external
stimuli, such as stress, moisture, electric or magnetic fields, light, temperature, pH, or chemical
compounds. Smart materials are the basis of many applications, including sensors and actuators,
or artificial muscles, particularly as electroactive polymers (EAPs).[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Terms used to describe smart materials include shape memory material (SMM) and shape
memory technology (SMT).[8]

There are a number of types of smart material, of which are already common. Some examples are
as following:

Piezoelectric materials are materials that produce a voltage when stress is applied. Since this
effect also applies in a reverse manner, a voltage across the sample will produce stress within
sample. Suitably designed structures made from these materials can, therefore, be made that
bend, expand or contract when a voltage is applied.
Shape-memory alloys and shape-memory polymers are materials in which large deformation
can be induced and recovered through temperature changes or stress changes
(pseudoelasticity). The shape memory effect results due to respectively martensitic phase
change and induced elasticity at higher temperatures.
Photovoltaic materials or optoelectronics convert light to electrical current.
Electroactive polymers (EAPs) change their volume by voltage or electric fields.
Magnetostrictive materials exhibit a change in shape under the influence of magnetic field and
also exhibit a change in their magnetization under the influence of mechanical stress.
Magnetic shape memory alloys are materials that change their shape in response to a
significant change in the magnetic field.
Smart inorganic polymers showing tunable and responsive properties.
pH-sensitive polymers are materials that change in volume when the pH of the surrounding
medium changes.
Temperature-responsive polymers are materials which undergo changes upon temperature.
Halochromic materials are commonly used materials that change their color as a result of
changing acidity. One suggested application is for paints that can change color to indicate
corrosion in the metal underneath them.
Chromogenic systems change color in response to electrical, optical or thermal changes.
These include electrochromic materials, which change their colour or opacity on the application
of a voltage (e.g., liquid crystal displays), thermochromic materials change in colour depending
on their temperature, and photochromic materials, which change colour in response to light—
for example, light-sensitive sunglasses that darken when exposed to bright sunlight.
Ferrofluids are magnetic fluids (affected by magnets and magnetic fields).
Photomechanical materials change shape under exposure to light.
Polycaprolactone (polymorph) can be molded by immersion in hot water.
Self-healing materials have the intrinsic ability to repair damage due to normal usage, thus
expanding the material's lifetime.
Dielectric elastomers (DEs) are smart material systems which produce large strains (up to
500%) under the influence of an external electric field. 1/3
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Magnetocaloric materials are compounds that undergo a reversible change in temperature

upon exposure to a changing magnetic field.
Smart self-healing coatings heal without human intervention.[9][10]
Thermoelectric materials are used to build devices that convert temperature differences into
electricity and vice versa.
Chemoresponsive materials change size or volume under the influence of external chemical or
biological compound.[11]

Smart materials have properties that react to changes in their environment. This means that one of
their properties can be changed by an external condition, such as temperature, light, pressure,
electricity, voltage, pH, or chemical compounds. This change is reversible and can be repeated
many times. There is a wide range of different smart materials. Each offer different properties that
can be changed. Some materials are very good and cover a huge range of the scales.

See also
Smart polymer
Programmable matter
Artificial muscles
Thermally induced shape-memory effect (polymers)

1. Bengisu, Murat; Ferrara, Marinella (2018). Materials that move : smart materials, intelligent
design. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 9783319768885.
2. Shahinpoor, Mohsen; Schneider, Hans-Jorg, eds. (2007). Intelligent materials. RSC Publishing.
ISBN 978-0-85404-335-4.
3. Schwartz, Mel, ed. (2002). Encyclopedia of smart materials. John Wiley and Sons.
ISBN 9780471177807.
4. Nakanishi, Takashi (2011). Supramolecular soft matter : applications in materials and organic
electronics. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470559741.
5. Gaudenzi, Paolo (2009). Smart structures : physical behaviour, mathematical modelling and
applications. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-05982-1.
6. Janocha, Hartmut (2007). Adaptronics and smart structures : basics, materials, design, and
applications (2nd, revised ed.). Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-71967-0.
7. Schwartz, Mel (2009). Smart materials. CRC Press. ISBN 9781420043723.
8. Mohd Jani, Jaronie; Leary, Martin; Subic, Aleksandar; Gibson, Mark A. (April 2014). "A review
of shape memory alloy research, applications and opportunities". Materials & Design. 56:
1078–1113. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2013.11.084 (
9. Tatiya, Pyus D.; Hedaoo, Rahul K; Mahulikar, Pramod P.; Gite, Vikas V. (16 January 2013).
"Novel Polyurea Microcapsules Using Dendritic Functional Monomer: Synthesis,
Characterization, and Its Use in Self-healing and Anticorrosive Polyurethane Coatings".
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 52 (4): 1562–1570. doi:10.1021/ie301813a (http
10. Chaudhari, Ashok B.; Tatiya, Pyus D.; Hedaoo, Rahul K.; Kulkarni, Ravindra D.; Gite, Vikas V.
(16 July 2013). "Polyurethane Prepared from Neem Oil Polyesteramides for Self-Healing
Anticorrosive Coatings". Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 52 (30): 10189–10197.
doi:10.1021/ie401237s ( 2/3
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11. Chemoresponsive Materials /Stimulation by Chemical and Biological Signals, Schneider, H.-J.;
Ed:, (2015)The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge

External links
Smart Materials Book Series (
6), Royal Society of Chemistry

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