Introduction To Smart Materials

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Al-Khawarizmi College of Engineering

Mechatronics Department

Smart Materials, an Introduction
---- MCT516 ----
MSc. Course – Smart Materials and Applications
First Semester
2018 - 2019
Lecturer: Dr. Furat Ibrahim Hussein Al-Najjar

҉ Smart materials are reactive designed materials that have one or more properties
that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as:
electric, or
magnetic fields.

҉ Some smart materials have the ability to change shape or size simply by adding an
external stimulate such as a little bit of heat, or to change from a liquid to a solid
almost constantly when near a magnet.

҉ The associated changeable physical properties could be shape, stiffness, viscosity,

damping etc.

҉ The behavior of smart materials is reversible and consequently enables these materials
to fulfill the actuation and sensing in one components.

҉ The term ”smart materials” sometimes also called intelligent materials, responsive
materials or active materials describes a group of material systems with unique
properties having advanced properties compare to common materials.

҉ According to US Army Research Office, smart materials defined as:

“A system or material which has built in or intrinsic sensors, actuators, and control
mechanism whereby it is capable of sensing a stimulus, responding to it in predetermined
manner and extent for appropriate time and reverting to its original state as soon as the
stimulus is removed”.

҉ Smartness in general may be achieved and programmed by: material composition,

special processing, modifying micro structure, and/or introduction of defects so as to
adapt to the various levels of stimuli in a controlled fashion.
Smart Materials Types

҉ Smart materials are characterized by the existence of coupling between two or more
physical domains (mechanical, electrical, thermal, chemical, optical), in such a way that
modifications of the state variables related to a given domain lead to changes of the state
variables related to another domain.

Material Input Output

Piezoelectric Deformation Potential Difference
Electrostrictive Deformation
Magnetostrictive Deformation
Thermoelectric Temperature Potential Difference
Shape Memory
Temperature Deformation
Alloys (SMA’s)
Photochromic Radiation Color Change
Thermochromics Temperature Color Change The most important effects associated
to the coupling between each pair
Classes and Categories
҉ The components of the smart materials revolution have been finding their way out of the
labs and into industrial applications for the past decade. As yet, they fall into several classes
and categories:
- Piezoelectric materials
- Shape memory alloys
- Magnetic shape memory alloys
- Magnetorheological
- Fiber Optics
- PH sensitive polymers (Halochromic materials)
- Thermochromic materials
- Electrochromic
- Smart Grease.
Smart Materials vs. Smart Structures

҉ The term “smart structure” (smart device or smart system) is a structure that made of smart
materials. It incorporates actuators and sensors that are integrated into the structure and have
structural functionality, as well as integrated with a control logic, signal conditioning and
power amplification electronics.

Smart material can be considered

as an energy converter.

҉ Actuating, sensing and signal

processing elements are incorporated into
a structure for the purpose of influencing
its states or characteristics, be they
mechanical, thermal, optical, chemical,
electrical or magnetic.
Smart Structures

҉ For example,
- a mechanically intelligent structure is capable of altering both mechanical states, namely. its
position or velocity, or its mechanical characteristic, in terms of its stiffness or damping.

- An optically intelligent structure could change colour to match its background. The truly
intelligent structural system learns and adapts its behaviour in response to the external
stimulation, which is provided by the environment in which it operates.

҉ However, there is a wide variety of less sophisticated smart materials and structures,
which exploit the basic sub-disciplines, which define three classes of smart materials. These
include materials with only sensing capabilities, those with only actuation capabilities, and
those with both sensing and actuation capabilities, at a primitive level that is relative to
notions of intelligence.
Smart Structures
The current generation of smart structures incorporate one or more of the following features:
- Sensors, which are either embedded within structural materials or else bonded to the surface
of that material. The sensing function can be performed by a smart material, which, for
example, measures the intensity of the stimulus that is associated with a stress, strain, and
electrical, thermal, radioactive, or chemical phenomenon.
- Actuators, which are embedded within a structural material or else Smart Structure
bonded to the surface of the material. These actuators are typically
excited by an external stimulus such as electricity in order to either
changes their geometrical configuration or else change their
stiffness and energy dissipation properties in a controlled manner.
- Control capabilities, which permit the behaviour of the
material to respond to an external stimulus, according to a
prescribed functional relationship or control algorithm.
These capabilities typically involve one or more
microprocessors and data transmission links, which are
based on the utilisation of an automatic control theory.
Why Smart Sensors and Actuators

҉ Real-time response (very fast working).

҉ Exploits the functional properties (means a material both works as a mechanical load
carrying system as well as it does functional work, so it makes the system very compact).
҉ Better embeddedability with the composites (with the advent of composites, smart material
applications increased).
҉ Minimum effects on structural properties (some of the smart materials are quite good in
terms of their structural properties, reduction in weight, less power consumption and better
Smart Materials for Sensing and Actuating
Traditional vs. Smart Actuators

- Discrete displacements,
- Very high accuracy,
- Very low response time.
Smart Actuators
Classification Based on Fundamental Properties

҉ Materials may exhibit the characteristic either of reversibility or of bidirectionality.

Materials with bi-directional property change or energy exchange behaviors can often
allow further exploitation of their transient change rather than only of the input and output
energies and/or properties.
The energy absorption characteristics of phase-changing materials can be used either to
stabilize an environment or to release energy to the environment depending on in which
direction the phase change is taking place.
The bi-directional nature of shape memory alloys can be exploited to produce multiple or
switchable outputs, allowing the material to replace components comprised of many parts.
Classification Based on Fundamental Properties

҉ Smart materials change an input energy into another form to produce an output energy
in accordance with the First Law of Thermodynamics.
҉ Although the energy conversion efficiency for smart materials such as photovoltaics
and thermoelectrics is typically much less than for more conventional technologies, the
potential utility of the energy is much greater. For example, the direct relationship between
input energy and output energy renders many of the energy-exchanging smart materials,
including piezoelectric, pyroelectrics, and photovoltaics and excellent environmental
Classification Based on Fundamental Properties

҉ Smart materials undergo a change in a property or properties (chemical, thermal,

mechanical, electrical, optical, etc.,) in response to the changes in the conditions of the
environment of the material.
҉ The conditions of the environment may be ambient or produced through a direct
energy input. Included in this class are all color-changing materials, such as
thermochromics, electrochromics, and photochromics in which the molecular spectral
absroptivity of visible electromagnetic radiation is modified through an environmental
change (solar radiation, surface temperature) or a direct energy input to the material
(current, voltage).
Classification Based on Fundamental Properties

҉ Regardless of the class of smart materials, one of the most fundamental characteristics
that differentiate them from traditional materials is the discrete size and direct action of
the material.
҉ A component or element composed of a smart material can be much smaller than a
similar construction using more traditional materials and will also require less
infrastructural support. The smaller size coupled with the directness of the property
change and energy exchange renders these materials to be particularly effective as sensors.
They are less likely to interfere with environment that they are measuring and are less
likely to require calibration adjustment.
Fundamental Characteristics
҉ The most exclusive properties
of smart materials and
technologies including molecule,
matter, composition, or system
are the following:
1. Immediacy: it means that their response is immediate (synchronous with the stimulus effect).

2. Transiency: it means that they can respond to transient conditions.

3. Self-actuation: it means that intelligence is inside these materials not outside of them.
(i.e. they don't need a computer program and complex controller and actuator systems).

4. Selectivity: it means that their response is distinctive and predictable.

5. Directness: it means that the given response and the incurred stimulation are in the same
Smart Materials Groups

Smart materials can be divided into two groups that is characterized by the type of
response that these materials generate upon application of a stimulus.
Group 1 Group 2
Materials respond with a change in shape Materials that respond with a change in a key
and/or in the length: material property, for example, electrical
The input is always transformed into conductivity or viscosity.
strain, which can be used to introduce
motion or dynamics into a system. While they are equally important from a
These materials are the most widely used scientific point of view, they are less
group for the design of smart structures, frequently integrated into mechanical
where active materials are integrated into structures, but are rather used to design
a mechanical host structure complex modules, for example, clutches,
Devices based on materials that respond fasteners, valves or various switches.
with a change in length are often referred Frequently, these materials are used as
to as actuators or solid state actuators, sensors.
Advantages and Disadvantages

- High energy density. - very expensive.

- Excellent adaptivity. - not easily available in market.
- Exhibit cellular function. - very sensible so they need
- Show self sensing, actuation and control. proper care while storage it.
- Highly embeddable materials.
- needs proper skill to recognize
- Some smart materials are self repaired materials as the it among other materials.
materials can repaired itself if damaged occurs.
- Have better durability and reliability.
- Reduces the production cost.
- Smart materials get smarter with ability to better control of
shape & size.
- Smart materials reduces the weight of component used in the
mechanical & electrical industries.
- The Structural Health Monitoring of smart materials can
easily and perfectly done.
Piezoelectric Materials

҉ When subjected to an electric charge or a variation in voltage, piezoelectric material will

undergo some mechanical change, and vice versa.
҉ These events are called the direct and converse effects.
҉ a voltage across the sample will produce stress within the sample.
҉ Suitably designed structures made from these materials can therefore be made that bend,
expand or contract when a voltage is applied.

A material that generates electricity when pressed. This electricity can be recognised
by a circuit, which then responds by lighting up or sending a signal to someone else.
Shape Memory Materials (SMM)

Shape memory alloys (SMAs) and shape memory polymers are thermoresponsive
materials, when subjected to a thermal field, this material will undergo phase
transformations which will produce shape changes.
Smart Springs

҉ Made from an alloy of nickel/titanium

҉ At room temperature the spring is fully extended


҉ By heating up or applying a small electric current the

spring will return to its original position.
҉ Possible applications
Emergency shutter in case of fire
Bin lids
Magnetostrictive Materials

҉ When subjected to a magnetic field, material will undergo an induced mechanical

strain and vice versa. Consequently, it can be used as sensors and/or actuators.
Electro-rheostatic (ER) and Magneto-rheostatic (MR) materials

҉ Fluids can experience a dramatic change in their viscosity. These fluids can change
from a thick fluid (similar to motor oil) to nearly a solid substance within the span of a
millisecond when exposed to a magnetic or electric field; The effect can be completely
reversed just as quickly when field removed.

MR fluids experience a viscosity change when exposed to magnetic field, while

ER fluids experience similar changes in an electric field.
Optical Fibres

҉ Fibres it uses intensity, phase, frequency or polarization of modulation to measure

strain, temperature, electrical/magnetic fields, pressure and other measurable quantities.
Active and Passive Smart Materials

1) Active Smart Materials:- Possess the capability of modifying their geometric and
material properties under the application of electric, thermal or magnetic fields, thereby
acquiring an inherent capacity to transduce energy 
Examples : Piezo-electric materials, Magneto-stictive materials, SMAs, ER fluids 
Can be used as force transducers and actuator

2) Passive Smart Materials:- Lack the inherent capability to transduce energy

Example : Fibre optic cable 
Can act as sensors not as actuators or transducers
Thermochromic Inks

Inks that change color with temperature


҉ A material that becomes flexible when heated and turns back into plastic when
҉ It is very useful when wanting to make a quick shape of an idea. It can also be
painted when cooled.
Photochromic Material

҉ Materials that change colour when exposed to light

҉ Possible Applications:
energy-efficient windows that switch from transparent to opaque
spontaneously upon exposure to increasing levels of sunlight
Phosphorescent Sheet

҉ It is a sheet that absorbs light energy and re-emits it as white light up to eight hours.
Used extensively for emergency lighting in the event of a power cut.

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