Equity and Equality in Globalized World

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Equity and Equality in Globalized World







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Place: Jaipur, Rajasthan Prof. Dr. SWATI MEHTA

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the project work in Law and Justice in a Globalized World and giving us all support and
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Date: 16TH JAN, 2023 Roll no. 13
Branch: Criminal and Security Laws
LL.M. Student,
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Law University, Jaipur.


I, HEMANT SINGH hereby declare that this project titled “Equity and Equality in Globalized
World” is based on the original research work carried out by me under the guidance and
supervision of Dr. SWATI MEHTA for the fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of
L.L.M. Master of Laws in post graduate stream of Law and has been complied with the Anti-
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in this or in any other University.


Date: 16TH JAN., 2023 Roll no. 13
Branch: Criminal and Security Laws
LL.M. Student,
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Law University, Jaipur




1.1 Concept of Equity and Equality…………………………………………………………........7

1.2 Concept of Globalized World...…………………………………………………………........7
1.3 Objective of the Study……………………………………………………………………......7
1.4 Research Problem……………………………………………………………………….........8
1.5 Research Methodology………………………………………………………………….........8
1.6 Research Question………………………………………………………………………........8



2.1 What is Globalization…………………………………………………………………….......9

2.2 Features of Globalization…………………………………………………………………......9

2.3 History of Globalization……………………………………………………………………..10

2.4 Four Phases in the History of Globalization………………………………………………....12


EQUITY AND EQUALITY IN GLOBALIZAED WORLD..............................................14-18

3.1 Definition of Equity………………………………………………………….........................14

3.2 Definition of Equality……………………………………………..........................................14

3.3 Key Differences between Equity and Equality........................................................................14

3.4 Equity and Equality in Globalized World................................................................................15

3.5 Globalization promotes Gender Equality.................................................................................16






1.1 Concept of Equity and Equality

Equity refers to the provision of varying levels of support based on specific needs to achieve
greater fairness of treatment and outcomes. The National Academy of Public
Administration defines equity as “The fair, just and equitable management of all institutions
serving the public directly or by contract; the fair, just and equitable distribution of public
services and implementation of public policy; and the commitment to promote fairness,
justice, and equity in the formation of public policy.” In essence, equity can be defined as a
means of achieving equality.1
The dictionary defines equality as the state of being equal in rights, status, and opportunity.
In the context of social policy, equality is the right of different groups of people—such as
men and women or Blacks and Whites to enjoy the benefits of similar social status and
receive the same treatment without the fear of discrimination.2
1.2 Concept of Globalized World
In simple words Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human
beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet.
One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions between
different regions and populations around the globe.
According to WHO, globalization can be defined as “the increased interconnectedness and
interdependence of peoples and countries. It is generally understood to include two inter-
related elements: the opening of international borders to increasingly fast flows of goods,
services, finance, people and ideas; and the changes in institutions and policies at national
and international levels that facilitate or promote such flows.”
1.3 Objective of the Study

Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference? Available at:
Equity vs Equality: What’s the Difference? (globalcitizen.org)
Supra Note 1

There are several objectives of this research and some of the objectives are mentioned here,
such as:
i. To provide the definition, features and phases of Globalization in the world.
ii. To provide meaning and differences of Equity and Equality.
iii. To provide the role of Equity and Equality in Globalized World.
1.4 Research Problem
What role do Equity and Equality play in the Globalized World?
The 21st century has experienced globalization, which is the increase in the integration of
nations. This integration has occurred in various aspects, including trade, culture, and
politics. The globalization phenomenon has had various effects on all nations. It has led to
significant changes in the economic, social, and cultural levels. By promoting the free
movement of people, money, and ideas, globalization has resulted in social changes.
1.5 Research Methodology
This work has been prepared through the doctrinal research methodology which involves the
collection of data from secondary sources. In this paper How Equity and Equality work in
Globalized World is discussed extensively and dealt with the significance and characteristics
of Globalization and Equity and Equality in the world. This paper has been reviewed from
the readings, quotes and observation from the different authors, journal and articles.
1.6 Research Questions
1. What is Globalization and what are its features?
2. How Globalization came into existence?
3. What are the definitions of Equity and Equality?
4. How Equity and Equality work in Globalized World?


2.1 What is Globalization?

Globalization is the process by which the free-market economy is ensured all over the world. In
this process, foreign companies are doing trade throughout the world. That’s why you can get all
the foreign products at a minimal price from your doorstep. 

It is also a mechanism of mutual interaction and interconnection that initiates coordination and
interaction between governments, institutions and peoples of different nations. The driving force
of this approach is international trade and investment, and its main supporting force is
information technology.

Environment, culture, political system, economic development and progress, and human and
social progress; It has a clear effect on everything. Although research on globalization has
literally begun, this matter must be quite ancient.

Although globalization is broadly used since 1970 but globalization as a concept we can find
from ancient times, people have been shown to participate in international trade. Although there
was no general policy then. The history of globalization begins from thousands of years ago, in
the Middle Ages, the Silk Road was used to trade China with Europe through Central Asia.3

2.2 Features of Globalization

2.2.1 Integration of Economies
The integration of economies throughout the world is necessary for interaction and
integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
 It is a process in which agreements are done among the countries within a particular
geographic region for reducing tariff barriers to ensure a free flow of goods and services.

2.2.2 Liberalization
To ensure integration of economies among the countries it is necessary to implement the
process of liberalization in their own countries.

Avijit Biswas, What is Globalization and History of Globalization, September 13, 2020, available at:
What Is Globalization And History Of Globalization [4 Phases] (schoolofpoliticalscience.com)

Like integration of economies, liberalization also is a process by which a country reform
their economic policies for open their market to all. It ensures freedom of the
entrepreneurs for the establishment of any kind of legal trades or industries in their own
countries or abroad.
2.2.3 Privatization
After liberalization, it’s time for privatization. Without liberalization there is no existence
of privatization. Privatization refers to the transfer of ownership of any property,
corporation or business or services from government to the privately owned sectors.
Globalization would not be possible without LPG. Here L refers to Liberalization, P for
Privatization and lastly G for Globalization. It can be said that liberalization and
Privatization are the precondition of globalization.
2.2.4 Free Trade
It refers to free flow trade among the countries without tariff barriers. Free trade can be
possible when some countries within a same geographic region sign an agreement for the
free trade among their countries. 
2.2.5 Interconnectedness
It provides us a framework to explore the world through interaction with different people,
animals, nature by using several technological tools without any kind of barriers.4
2.3 History of Globalization
Globalization is not a new phenomenon. Today’s globalization has developed through the
different phases which are started from ancient time. Human being always moved from one
place to other place with the purpose of trade. They exchanged goods, skill and ideas with
other people from the history.
2.3.1 Silk Road
China used the Silk Road for their trade to Europe through Central Asia. Around
1st Century BC, Silk Road was first introduced to the Roman Empire.
Throughout history Eurasia is one of the important paths for communication and trade
which links from China. This route or path is called today as Silk Road. Through this
road, people share their knowledge, ideas, culture, and beliefs. 

Supra Note 3

Trader along with this road not only attached to trade but also intellectual and cultural
exchange. Silk was a more expensive and luxurious product that was traded between east
and west through this road. Besides silk, there were many products that were traded such
as textiles, spices, grain, vegetables, and fruits, etc.
2.3.2 Spice Trade
Trade of spice was happened from the 7th to 15th centuries by the Islamic merchants in the
Middle East. Islamic merchants traded spice from the Middle East to East Asia. The main
purpose of that trade was to spread the Islamic religion. As a result of this initiative, you
can see a country like Indonesia where the most population is a Muslim majority.
The dominating product of Islamic trade was spice. Spice was traded mainly through sea
and they were very much focusing on international trade in medieval age.
2.3.3 Age of Exploration
From the 15th to the 18th Century was the era of exploration. During this time the
exploration of the Europeans connected the East and the West. Columbus’s discovery of
America is believed to have begun the journey of modern globalization.
At this time, three things were mainly focused on. These are called as 3C which are as
i. Christianity
Christianity represents western civilization. Based on this notion, Western society
sought to spread their religion throughout the world and had many successes.
ii. Civilization
Christianity was one of the means of reaching Western civilization all over the
world. As we look at the countries of Africa and Asia, we can see that there are
many areas where Christianity is particularly prevalent. Although their Ethnic
Identity is different.
iii. Commerce
Now the question is why did they impose their religion or culture on others?
The answer is trade. If you consider Western civilization to be superior, their
practical products will attract you. Almost every civilized society is now

Supra Note 3

accustomed to wearing western clothing and others. Their real purpose was to
ensure that western trade was forever.
2.4 Four Phases in the History of Globalization6
2.4.1 First Phase in the History of Globalization
The first phase of globalization began primarily from the 19th century onwards and
continued until the beginning of the First World War, which means 1914.
As a result of the industrial revolution, Great Britain influenced the world through their
trade. Inventions such as steam engines, industrial weaving machines, and more
accelerated trade worldwide. The global trade began in the true sense from this period.
Prior to this phase, the growth rate of world trade on average 3% per year. However,
since the Industrial Revolution, global trade increased by 6% and subsequently increased
by 14%.
During this time, trade in these countries, besides England, France, Portugal, USA, had
increased greatly. But England was all around. That is to say, England took huge
advantage in this phase of globalization.
Then came the First World War (1914) and all the countries close their borders again.
Global trade was fall down again.
Great Depression
Since the First World War, there has been a gradual shift in each country, and world trade
has become limited. The result was a recession which was also called as Great
The recession began in the 1929 and ended at the end of the decade of 1930. It is a long-
lasting and widespread recession of the twentieth century.
In the 20th century, the Great Depression was used as an example of the collapse of the
global economy.
The recession began in the United States after the stock market collapsed on September
4, 1929.
Later on, October 29, 1929, the news spread to the global stock market, known as Black

Avijit Biswas, What is Globalization and History of Globalization, September 13, 2020, available at:
What Is Globalization And History Of Globalization [4 Phases] (schoolofpoliticalscience.com)

Global GDP declined by about 15% between 1929 and 1932. In some economies was
recovered in the middle of the 1930s, the effects of the Great Depression on the economy
of many countries continued until the beginning of World War II. Then after World War
II, world trade almost stopped. However, this is not the end of globalization.
2.4.2 Second and Third Phase in the History of Globalization
After World War II, another new chapter in globalization was launched under the
leadership of USA and World trade has increased again. This time, Iron Curtain divided
the whole world into two parts – the USA led on one end and USSR led on the other. But
in 1989, the iron curtain was broken and globalization gaining a rapid boost.
The EU’s Free Trade and USA’s rapid increasing of trade at the beginning of the 1950
helped strengthen the global economy. On the other hand, USSR increase their global
trade in similar to USA but using centralized planning rather than free trade. This time,
the world economy returns to its old rhythm. Export once again increases to 14% of
global GDP which was achieved in the 1914.
Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, free trade has been rampant throughout the
world. The World Trade Organization is created to promote free trade around the world.
2.4.3 Fourth Phase in the History of Globalization
The world we are living in now is actually the fourth phase of globalization. The two
powers that govern the current world now are the USA and the other is China.
Now the Internet is the main driving force of globalization. Now we talk more about
digital economy such as E-commerce, digital-services, 3D printing and so on.
However, negative globalization is also expanding, such as the adverse effects of climate
change on earth, cross-border cyber-attacks, terrorism, etc.7

Supra Note 6

3.1 Definition of Equity
The term equity refers to the system of justice and fairness, where there is an even-handed
treatment of all the people. Under this system, the individual needs and requirements are taken
into account and treated accordingly.
Equity demands fairness in every situation, i.e., whether it is the distribution of benefits or
burdens. Therefore, people are treated fairly but differently as their circumstances are given
weight. It seeks to provide all the individuals an equal opportunity, to let them attain their
maximum potential. In this way, equity ensures that all the individuals are provided the resources
they need to have access to the same opportunities, as the general population.8
3.2 Definition of Equality
Equality is when everyone is treated in the same way, without giving any effect to their need and
requirements. In finer terms, it is a state of getting the same quantity or value or status. It is a
situation where each and every individual is granted same rights and responsibilities, irrespective
of their individual differences.
Equality is the lifeline of the democratic society; that aims to prevent discrimination and
provides an equal opportunity to all. It can be racial equality, equality between rich and poor,
men and women, etc. The central idea of equality is that all the individuals get equal treatment in
the society and are not discriminated on the basis of race, sex, caste, creed, nationality, disability,
age, religion and so forth.
3.3 Key Differences between Equity and Equality
The differences between equity and equality can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

1. Justness and fairness in the manner of treating individuals are called equity. Equality is
what we call, the state where everyone is at the same level.
2. Equity is a process while equality is the outcome, i.e., equity is the necessary condition to
be fulfilled to achieve latter.
3. While equity represents impartiality, i.e. the distribution is made in such a way to even
opportunities for all the people. Conversely equality indicates uniformity, where
everything is evenly distributed among people.
Surbhi S, Difference between Equity and Equality, October 28, 2017, available at:
Difference Between Equity and Equality (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences

4. In equity, the differences are recognized and efforts are made to counteract the manner in
which individual opportunities are not equal. On the contrary, equality recognizes
sameness and so it aims at treating everyone as equal.
5. In equity, all the people can have access to what they need. The equality, in contrast, all
the people get the same thing, i.e., rights, resources and opportunities.9

3.4 Equity and equality in Globalized World

3.4.1 Why is it important to know the difference between Equity and Equality?
While they have two entirely different meanings, equity and equality work hand-in-hand and
cannot be achieved without the other. Understanding the difference between the two brings us one
step closer to achieving equality as the final outcome.
This means that in order for the world to reach a place where everything is fair, just, and equal, we
need to prioritize equity and distribute resources based on who needs them most. In other words, to
reach equality as an outcome, we have to tackle the causes of inequity within major issues.
Take vaccine nationalism as an example, where richer countries are hoarding more than enough
COVID-19 vaccines to inoculate their populations, despite poorer countries not having vaccines to
begin with. 
The fact that some countries will have more vaccines than others is an example of inequality in
health care. The inequity lies in the fact that richer countries have the resources to acquire
vaccines, whereas poorer countries do not. 
Reaching a place where all countries have enough vaccines would be achieving equality. In order
to get there, richer countries have to share their resources with those in need and this act would be
achieving equity. 
Without equity, inequality will persist and those who are most vulnerable will remain or become
even more vulnerable; in contrast to those who are already most fortunate becoming even more so. 
Another example of where we can use equity to achieve overall equality is in the argument of
"Black Lives Matter" vs "All Lives Matter".
While all lives have always mattered, Black lives have consistently been considered less important
than others for centuries, resulting in Black people facing persistent struggles in their everyday
lives because of this massive inequality. 

Supra Note 8

In order for us to reach an outcome where all lives can truly matter equally, Black lives need to be
protected and supported in an equitable manner. 

3.4.2 What issues do equality and equity affect most in the Globalizing World?
There are evident inequalities globally in race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, education,
economic status, and so much more. The lack of equity is at the core of so many global issues and
understanding this is important to achieving overall equality as an outcome. 
We shouldn’t be aiming to treat people or distribute resources equally; we should aim to do so
equitably in order to reach equality. For example, we cannot close the gender pay gap without
tackling the inequity that is caused by men being considered more valuable than women in society.
Similarly, we cannot defeat racial inequalities without approaching the inequity that considers
people of color as lesser than white people.
3.4.3 How do Equity and Equality relate to ending Global Poverty?
Ending poverty for all means striving for justice and fairness, and this can only be done if we
demand equity. Poverty is caused by deep inequalities, and is deepened by situations where the
rich become richer, and the poor become poorer. 
By distributing resources such as food, water, wealth, and more, as well as treating people
equitably, we can bring poverty to an end and create a world that is truly equal. 
3.5 Globalization promotes Gender Equity
Globalization has increased the economic activities available for women in most nations. Seo-
Young (2014) observes that a defining characteristic of globalization has been the massive
exchanges of economic activities. This economic integration has fostered gender equality by
promoting women employment in countries where women are not well represented in the labor

Seguino10 (2006) with other professors, asset that globalization has provided many opportunities
for women to participate in paid labor activities and that this phenomenon has propelled women
into labor markets in economies of varying structures. This assertion is confirmed by Seo-Young

Stephanie Seguino is a feminist professor of economics at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont,
United States.

(2014), who observes that the trade openness brought about by globalization positively affects
women’s economic rights.11

Societies that did not encourage their women to engage in paid labor have been forced to
reconsider this as globalization has led to greater demand for labor. In the UAE, globalization
has increased employment opportunities for women by generating jobs in export processing and
administration (Metcalfe, 2008). Gender equity has, therefore, been enhanced by increasing
women’s presence in the employment sector.

Gender inequality has been reduced as nations ratify treaties that require them to avoid
discrimination based on gender. One of the characteristics of globalization has been the increase
in the number of international treaties made by nations. While most of the agreements focus on
economics and politics, a number of socially oriented treaties have been made.

One of the social treaties is CEDAW (Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination
Against Women), which requires a nation to demonstrate commitment to promoting women’s
legal equity, eliminate discrimination, and promote women’s development and empowerment
(Hawkesworth, 2006).

When a nation that traditionally practices gender inequality signs such a convention, it is obliged
to take steps to promote equality. Seo-Young (2014) reveals that national commitments to
CEDAW are an important driving force of diffusing gender equality worldwide. The UAE has
signed the CEDAW, which means that it is working towards promoting gender equality.

Globalization has changed the gender expectations that were traditionally held by members of
society. Each community has some traditionally established gender roles that its members
follow. Without exposure to outside ideas, individuals are likely to conform to their expectations.
However, globalization has resulted in an exchange of ideas between different cultures (Black
and Brainerd, 2009).

The traditional gender roles have been challenged by external ideas where the roles might be
significantly different. This has led to a situation where individuals are influenced to adopt non-
"Gender equity and globalization: macroeconomic policy for developing countries". Journal of International
Development. 18 (8): 1081–1104

traditional gender roles. Gunter and Hoeven (2009) note that, in most cases, gender roles are
borrowed from Western countries where gender equality is emphasized. By promoting the
adoption of these western perspectives, globalization contributes to the achievement of gender

Societies that relied on certain gender inequality theories to perpetuate inequality have been
made to reconsider their stance by globalization. Many nations follow the functionalist theory,
which advances that gender inequalities exist to increase the efficiency of labor provision. This
theory justifies suggests that society is complex, and it can only work efficiently if certain
members are responsible for certain jobs, and others provide other labor acts (Hawkesworth,

Globalization has revealed to all nations that this is not true. Through this phenomenon, people
from nations such as the UAE have been exposed to other cultures where the division of labor is
not based on gender. By observing that such societies function efficiently, individuals are made
to question the functionalist perspective. Inequality has, therefore, been reduced since it is no
longer seen as a way to increase the efficient delivery of labor in society.12


Supra Note 11


Globalization is a powerful force for social change in the world. This paper set out to show that
globalization has had a positive effect on gender equality. It began by showing that gender
inequality mostly disadvantages women in society. The paper revealed how globalization
promotes gender equity by increasing employment opportunities for women.

The phenomenon also increases the adoption of treaties that favor gender equity by countries all
over the world. In addition to this, globalization promotes the movement of ideas, and this causes
people to challenge traditionally imposed gender roles. Nations should, therefore, endeavor to
promote globalization since it is helping the society move towards the ideal of complete gender

What action can we all take to achieve equity?

Educate yourself on what major inequalities there are in the world and how they affect your
community. Knowing where the issues lie is important to understanding how to tackle them. You
can do this by reading the news, researching social issues, and speaking to activists and community
leaders in different spaces. 
Demanding equity is also at the core of Global Citizen’s Recovery Plan for the World campaign
and mission to end poverty for all, you can join us and demand equity across multiple issues
by taking action here. 


Secondary Sources

 Websites

1. Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference? Available at:

Equity vs Equality: What’s the Difference? (globalcitizen.org)
2. Avijit Biswas, What is Globalization and History of Globalization, September 13,
2020, available at:
What Is Globalization And History Of Globalization [4 Phases]
3. Surbhi S, Difference between Equity and Equality, October 28, 2017, available at:
Difference Between Equity and Equality (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences
 Journals
1. Seguino, Stephanie; Grown, Caren (November 2006), "Gender equity and
globalization: macroeconomic policy for developing countries". Journal of
International Development. 18 (8): 1081–1104


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