EN IM Axiocam 208 Color-202 Mono V05

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Instruction Manual

ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono

Microscope Camera
ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono

Original Manual

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH

Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
07745 Jena
[email protected]

Carl Zeiss Suzhou Co., Ltd.

Modern Industrial Square 3-B, No.333 XingPu Road SIP
215126 Suzhou

Document Name: ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono Instruction Manual
Order Number: 426570-7011-001
Revision: 5
Language: en-US
Effective from: 11/2021

© 2021 Without the prior written consent of ZEISS, this document or any part of it must neither be translated nor
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - including electronic or mechanic methods, by photocopy-
ing, recording or by any information or filing system. The right to make backup-copies for archiving purposes shall
remain unaffected thereby. Any violations may be prosecuted as copyright infringements.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this document does not imply that
such names are exempt from the relevant intellectual property laws and regulations and therefore free for general
use. This shall also apply if this is not specifically referred to. Software programs shall entirely remain the property
of ZEISS. No program or subsequent upgrade thereof may be disclosed to any third party, copied or reproduced in
any other form without the prior written consent of ZEISS, even if these copies or reproductions are destined for
internal use at the customer's only, the only exception being one single back-up copy for archiving purposes.
Content​ ZEISS

1 General Information ...................................................................... 5

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 5

1.2 Text Conventions and Link Types................................................................ 5
1.3 Explanation warning messages and additional information......................... 6

2 Safety ............................................................................................ 7

2.1 Intended use .............................................................................................. 7

2.2 Prevention of hazards................................................................................. 7
2.3 Limitation of liability ................................................................................... 8
2.4 Warranty.................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Warning labels ........................................................................................... 8
2.5.1 Position of the warning labels..................................................... 9
2.5.2 Meaning of the warning labels ................................................... 9

3 Technical Data and Conformity ..................................................... 10

3.1 Axiocam 208 color ..................................................................................... 10

3.1.1 Specifications ............................................................................. 10
3.1.2 Spectral Sensitivity ...................................................................... 12
3.2 Axiocam 202 mono.................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Specifications ............................................................................. 12
3.2.2 Spectral Sensitivity ...................................................................... 14
3.3 Applicable Standards and Regulations ........................................................ 15
3.3.1 Symbols on the camera .............................................................. 15

4 Shipment ....................................................................................... 16

4.1 Axiocam 208 color ..................................................................................... 16

4.2 Axiocam 202 mono.................................................................................... 16

5 Connecting the Camera ................................................................. 17

5.1 Camera layout and accessories ................................................................... 17

5.1.1 Camera connections ................................................................... 17
5.1.2 Camera controls ......................................................................... 17
5.1.3 Accessories................................................................................. 18
5.2 Mounting the camera to the microscope.................................................... 20
5.3 Connecting the camera to the power supply .............................................. 21
5.3.1 Powering the camera via microscope.......................................... 21
5.3.2 Powering the camera via mains supply ....................................... 21
5.4 Connecting the camera to a display (without PC)........................................ 22

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 3
Content​ ZEISS

5.5 Connecting the camera to a network ......................................................... 22

5.5.1 Connecting camera via Ethernet ................................................. 23
5.5.2 Connecting camera via Wi-Fi adapter ......................................... 23
5.6 Connecting the camera to a certified PC..................................................... 24
5.7 Function indicator signals ........................................................................... 25

6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu ...................................................... 26

6.1 Opening the OSD menu ............................................................................. 26

6.1.1 Opening menu via camera's operator panel................................ 26
6.1.2 Opening menu via microscope stand buttons ............................. 26
6.1.3 Opening menu via network browser........................................... 26
6.2 Home menu ............................................................................................... 27
6.3 Settings menu ............................................................................................ 30
6.3.1 Image Settings menu.................................................................. 31
6.3.2 Microscope System menu ........................................................... 32
6.3.3 Operating System menu ............................................................. 34

7 Installing Software and Drivers ..................................................... 39

7.1 Installing software on PC............................................................................ 39

7.2 Installing software on iPad ......................................................................... 39
7.3 Installing TWAIN plugin on PC.................................................................... 39
7.4 Installing TWACKER DEMO Application ...................................................... 39

8 Acquiring Images and Videos ........................................................ 41

8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 41

8.2 Basic procedure using operator panel......................................................... 41
8.3 Basic procedure using OSD menu ............................................................... 41
8.4 Image acquisition with Labscope................................................................ 41

9 Care and Maintenance................................................................... 43

9.1 Optical system............................................................................................ 43

9.2 Cleaning the infrared filter or protective glass............................................. 43
9.3 Updating the firmware ............................................................................... 43

10 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 45

10.1 ZEN software.............................................................................................. 45

10.2 Camera ...................................................................................................... 46
10.3 Labscope.................................................................................................... 47

11 Disposal and Recycling .................................................................. 48

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 4
1 General Information | 1.1 Introduction ZEISS

1 General Information
1.1 Introduction

Welcome to the Axiocam 208 color / Axiocam 202 mono user guide.
These cameras are multi-functional digital CMOS cameras for use in light microscopy applications.
To make it easier for you to set up the camera, please follow the instructions in these chapters
step by step.

Chapter Content
About this guide Introduction and overview of this manual.

Safety Important information on the safe handling of the camera.

Read this chapter before unpacking and operating the

Technical data Here you will find your camera's technical data.

Shipment The contents of delivery and optional attachments will be

described here.

Connecting the camera In this chapter, you will find detailed instructions on con-
necting and using the camera.

OSD menu This chapter lists the functions of the On Screen Display
(OSD) menu.

Installing software and drivers Here you will learn how to install the software and camera

Acquiring images This chapter provides the basics of image acquisition.

Troubleshooting In this chapter, we have listed some solutions to various

problems. If you are still unable to solve your problem, con-
tact ZEISS support.

Maintenance This chapter describes some measures for the maintenance

and care of your camera. In case of greater damage, always
contact ZEISS support.

Disposal and Recycling Important instructions for disposal and recycling.

1.2 Text Conventions and Link Types

The following text conventions and link types are used:

Text convention Meaning

Click Start. The names of controls and important infor-
mation are shown in bold letters.
Press the STANDBY button.
Press [Enter] on the keyboard.

Press <Ctrl+Alt+Del> Press several keys on the keyboard simultane-


Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 5
1 General Information | 1.3 Explanation warning messages and additional information ZEISS

Text convention Meaning

Select Tools > Goto Control Panel > Air- Follow a path in the software.

Text input Text to be entered by the user

Programming and Macros Anything typed in literally during program-

ming, including, for example, macro codes,
keywords, data types, method names, vari-
ables, class names, and interface names.

Tab. 1: Text convention

Link type Meaning

See: Text Conventions and Link Types [} 5]. Link to further information for this topic.

https://www.zeiss.com/corporate/int/ Link to a website on the internet.


Tab. 2: Link types

1.3 Explanation warning messages and additional information

The safety notes in this document follow a system of risk levels, defined in the following manner:

Risk of personal injury
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor
or moderate personal injury.

Risk of property damage
NOTICE indicates a property damage message. In addition, NOTICE is used for data loss or cor-
rupt data.

Indicates useful additional information. It helps you to make your daily work easier, but it is op-
tional. There is no risk for personal injury or property damage involved.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 6
2 Safety | 2.1 Intended use ZEISS

2 Safety
2.1 Intended use

The Axiocam 208 color and the Axiocam 202 mono are high definition cameras for color and
monochromatic imaging, respectively. They are suitable for use as accessories for educational and
routine microscopy in laboratory environments and for use by trained laboratory personnel. The
cameras have been designed to be used in the field of light microscopy for general observation,
routine work, and simple applications in which a sufficient amount of light is available.
These cameras should only be used for training and research. The images / videos from these
cameras must not be used for the direct generation of diagnostic results.

2.2 Prevention of hazards

Axiocam 208 color and Axiocam 202 mono have been manufactured and tested by ZEISS accord-
ing to the regulations specified in CE and has left the manufacturer’s premises in perfect working
order. The cameras are intended to be used in a basic electromagnetic environment while the
noise emission conforms to CISPR 11 Class B level. The EMC performance might be impaired while
integrated into a system. In order to ensure that this condition is maintained and to avoid any
risks when operating the system, the user must comply with any notes and warnings contained in
this manual. The manufacturer shall be exempt from statutory liability for accidents should the op-
erator fail to observe the safety regulations.

Personal Injury
To avoid personal injury, read and adhere to the safety notes below.
4 To avoid the risk of fire or explosion, do not use the camera near inflammable liquids or
4 Setup, expansions, re-adjustments, alterations, and repairs must be carried out only by
persons who have been authorized by ZEISS.
4 Do not allow any cables, particularly power cords, to trail across the floor, where they can
be snagged by people walking past.
4 Protect the cables from excessive heat (e.g. halogen lamps, microscope fluorescence illu-
4 To avoid injuries due to potentially high surface temperatures, do not touch the camera's
surface for a prolonged time.
4 Do not position the equipment in a way that makes it difficult to operate or disconnect the

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 7
2 Safety | 2.3 Limitation of liability ZEISS

To avoid equipment damage, data loss, or corrupted data, read and adhere to the safety notes
4 Protect the camera against mechanical impact. External damage may affect the operation
of inner components.
4 Keep chemicals and fluids away from the camera.
4 Make sure there is sufficient ventilation of the camera head. Avoid direct exposure to sun-
light and locations near heat sources (radiators, stoves). Overheating can cause noisy im-
4 Use the camera in a clean and dry location.
4 Attach all connectors firmly and securely.
4 Use only the accessories supplied by ZEISS, when applicable.
4 Use only normal microscope cleaning material to clean the camera housing.
4 Contact your local ZEISS service organization if a repair is necessary. Do not disassemble
the camera by yourself, otherwise the warranty will be lost.
4 Save all your data, such as images, measurement data, archives, reports, forms and docu-
ments, at regular intervals on an external storage medium. Otherwise it cannot be avoided
that access to this data may be lost as a result of operational errors or hardware defects.
ZEISS accepts no liability for consequential damage resulting from insufficient data protec-

2.3 Limitation of liability

No warranty shall be assumed by ZEISS during the warranty period if the equipment is operated
without observing the safety regulations. In any such case, ZEISS shall be exempt from statutory li-
ability for accidents resulting from such operation.

2.4 Warranty

ZEISS shall be exempt from any warranty obligations should the user fail to observe the safety reg-
ulations. ZEISS only guarantees the safety, reliability, and performance of the system if the safety
notes are closely observed.

2.5 Warning labels

All points that may pose special risks are additionally marked by warning labels (pictograms) on
the camera. These warning labels indicate possible dangers. They are part of this instruction man-
ual. They are to be kept in a clean and legible state. Warning labels that are damaged or no
longer clearly legible must be replaced immediately. Always observe all warning labels on the

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 8
2 Safety | 2.5 Warning labels ZEISS

2.5.1 Position of the warning labels

Fig. 1: Warning labels on the camera

2.5.2 Meaning of the warning labels

The meaning of each warning label is explained below.

No. Symbol Description

1 Follow the notes in the instruction manual
and the supplied documents. For more infor-
mation, see Prevention of hazards [} 7].

Tab. 3: List of attached Warning Labels

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 9
3 Technical Data and Conformity | 3.1 Axiocam 208 color ZEISS

3 Technical Data and Conformity

3.1 Axiocam 208 color

3.1.1 Specifications

Features Values
Sensor type CMOS sensor with rolling shutter

Sensor Size Diagonal 8.1 mm (1/2.1")

Effective Sensor Pixel Count 8.3 Megapixels: 3840 (H) x 2160 (V)

Pixel size 1.85 μm

Spectral Sensitivity Approx. 400 nm – 700 nm, IR filter RGB

Bayer color mask

Selectable Resolution 3840 x 2160 (Ultra HD, 4K)

1920 x 1080 (Full HD, 1080p)

Gain (Signal Amplification) 1x – 22x adjustable

Digitization 3 x 8 bit / pixel

Exposure Time Range (Integration time) 0.06 ms - 1 s

Image enhancement functions Active denoising, active sharpening, auto

white balance, HDR

Automatic features Automatic exposure and gain regulation at

Ultra HD resolution (4K), fast live image un-
der low light conditions

Status-LED for camera Color coded operation status

Interfaces HDMI for monitor

USB 3.0 Type-C for USB hub, flash drive, Wi-
Fi adapter or PC connection
Ethernet (RJ45) for LAN connection
Micro-D for power and communication with
dedicated stands

Wi-Fi compatibility Via USB Wi-Fi adapter and router

Optical Interface C-mount

Camera control buttons for stand-alone 1x Image capture

1x OSD (On Screen Display menu)
1x Camera factory reset

Stand-alone operation:
§ Image storage format § tiff or jpg
§ Video stream format § mp4
§ Live frame rate via HDMI § 30 fps @ Ultra HD (4K)

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 10
3 Technical Data and Conformity | 3.1 Axiocam 208 color ZEISS

Features Values
Maximum live frame rate at configuration: @ 4K (3840 x 2160)
§ HDMI § 30fps
§ Ethernet § -
§ USB 3.0 § 15 fps

Maximum live frame rate at configuration: @ 1080p (1920 x 1080)

§ HDMI § 30 fps
§ Ethernet § 30 fps
§ USB 3.0 § 27 fps

Max. file size per image .tiff up to: 24 MB (not content dependent)
.jpg up to: approx. 0.5 MB – 3.3 MB (content

Size/ Weight Approx. 135 x 97 x 54mm / 590 g

Housing Blue painted aluminum and cooling fins on

the top plate

Registration CE, RoHS, CSA

Power supply via Micro-D interface

Power consumption Max. 9 W (24 V DC, 0.375 A)

Environmental conditions for storage and op- +10°C to +40°C, max. 75% relative air hu-
eration midity at 35°C, no condensation, free air cir-
culation required, CAT II, pollution degree 2,
altitude <2000m, indoor use

Environmental conditions for transport in -40 °C to +70 °C, max. 75 % relative air hu-
packaging midity at 35 °C

IP code IP20

Operating systems:
§ for ZEN § Windows 10 x64 Prof./Ultimate and higher
§ for Labscope § Windows 10 x64 Prof./Ultimate and iOS
v12 and higher

Supported Application Software ZEN blue v3.0 and higher (includes ZEN lite/
ZEN core v2.7 and higher (includes ZEN
Labscope v2.9 (win) v2.8.3 (iOS) and higher

TWAIN plugin Software interface to control camera by 3rd

party application software

Order number 426570-9001-000


Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 11
3 Technical Data and Conformity | 3.2 Axiocam 202 mono ZEISS

Computer hardware, operating system, and software may decrease the frame rates. All specifi-
cations are subject to change without notice.

3.1.2 Spectral Sensitivity

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

Wavelenght (nm)

Fig. 2: Spectral Sensitivity of Axiocam 208 color (incl. IR Filter)

3.2 Axiocam 202 mono

3.2.1 Specifications

Features Values
Sensor Type CMOS sensor with global shutter

Sensor Size Diagonal 13 mm (1/1.23")

Effective Sensor Pixel Count 2.1 Megapixels: 1920 (H) x 1080 (V)

Pixel size 5.86 μm

Spectral Sensitivity Approx. 350 nm – 850 nm, protection glass


Selectable Resolution 1920 x 1080 (Full HD, 1080p)

Gain (Signal Amplification) 1x – 16x adjustable

Digitization 12 or 8 bit / pixel

Cooling Passive cooling

Exposure Time Range (Integration time) 0.3 ms - 2 s

Image enhancement functions Active denoising, active sharpening

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 12
3 Technical Data and Conformity | 3.2 Axiocam 202 mono ZEISS

Features Values
Automatic features Automatic exposure and gain regulation at
Full HD resolution (1080p), fast live image
under low light conditions

Status-LED for camera color coded operation status

Interfaces HDMI for monitor

USB 3.0 Type-C for USB hub, flash drive, Wi-
Fi adapter or PC connection
Ethernet (RJ45) for LAN connection
Micro-D for power and communication with
dedicated stands

Wi-Fi compatibility Via USB Wi-Fi adapter and router

Optical Interface C-mount

Camera control buttons for stand-alone 1x Image capture

1x OSD (On Screen Display menu)
1x Camera factory reset

Stand-alone operation:
§ Image storage format § tiff or jpg
§ Video stream format § mp4
§ Live frame rate via HDMI § 30 fps @ Full HD (1080p)

Maximum live frame rate at configuration: @ 1080p (1920 x 1080)

§ HDMI § 30 fps
§ Ethernet § 30 fps
§ USB 3.0 § 27 fps

Max. file size per image 12bit .tiff: 4 MB (one channel, not content
8bit .tiff: 2 MB (one channel, not content de-
8 bit .jpg: approx. 0.1 MB – 1.3 MB (content

Size/Weight Approx. 135 x 97 x 54mm / 590 g

Housing Blue painted aluminum and cooling fins on

the top plate

Registration CE, RoHS, CSA

Power supply via Micro-D interface

Power consumption Max. 9 W (24 V DC, 0.375 A)

Environmental conditions for storage and op- +10°C to +40°C, max. 75% relative air hu-
eration midity at 35°C, no condensation, free air cir-
culation required, CAT II, pollution degree 2,
altitude <2000m, indoor use

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 13
3 Technical Data and Conformity | 3.2 Axiocam 202 mono ZEISS

Features Values
Environmental conditions for transport in -40 °C to +70 °C, max. 75 % relative air hu-
packaging midity at 35 °C

IP code IP20

Operating systems:
§ for ZEN § Windows 10 x64 Prof./Ultimate and higher
§ for Labscope § Windows 10 x64 Prof./Ultimate and iOS
v12 and higher

Supported Application Software ZEN blue v3.0 and higher (includes ZEN lite/
ZEN core v2.7 and higher (includes ZEN
Labscope v2.9 (win) v2.8.3 (iOS) and higher

TWAIN plugin Software interface to control camera by 3rd

party application software

Order number 426570-9011-000

Computer hardware, operating system, and software may decrease the frame rates. All specifi-
cations are subject to change without notice.

3.2.2 Spectral Sensitivity

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 3: Relative Spectral Sensitivity of Axiocam 202 mono

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 14
3 Technical Data and Conformity | 3.3 Applicable Standards and Regulations ZEISS

3.3 Applicable Standards and Regulations

Observe the generally applicable local and national safety and accident prevention regulations, as
well as the applicable laws and regulations in your country. The camera and its accessories have
been designed, manufactured and tested to comply with the guidelines and specifications as
named in the following. The accordance to the relevant specification is indicated by a respective
symbol on the unit.

3.3.1 Symbols on the camera

Symbol Description
Conforms to:
§ EU Directive 2014/35/EU (LVD)
§ 2014/30/EU (EMC)
§ 2015/863/EU (RoHS)

Complies with EU Directive 2012/19/EU


CSA certificate mark, conforms to:

§ CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-12
§ UL Std. No. 61010-1 (3rd edition)

Tab. 4: List of attached labels concerning standards and regulations

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 15
4 Shipment | 4.1 Axiocam 208 color ZEISS

4 Shipment
4.1 Axiocam 208 color

§ 1x Axiocam 208 color

§ 1x Power & signal cable, camera to microscope stand (compatible with Aixolab 5 and Axio-
scope 5/7/Vario)
§ 1x Power adapter with country-specific plug
§ 1x USB 3.0 cable, Type-C to Type-A
§ 1x USB 3.0 flash drive, Type-C and Type-A
§ 1x USB hub, Type-C

Accessories for Stand-Alone and for Usage with Labscope

Order Number Accessory

000000-0626-248 High-Speed-HDMI-Cable, Premium, Resolu-
tion 4K, 2m

000000-0626-246 Optical USB-Scroll Mouse

000000-0626-245 Keyboard, USB, Language DE

000000-0626-267 Keyboard, USB, Language US

426570-9110-000 Wi-Fi dongle package containing Wi-Fi Don-

gle and USB adaptor Type-C to Type-A

4.2 Axiocam 202 mono

§ 1x Axiocam 202 mono

§ 1x Power & signal cable, camera to microscope stand (compatible with Aixolab 5 and Axio-
scope 5/7/Vario)
§ 1x Power adapter with country-specific plug
§ 1x USB 3.0 cable, Type-C to Type-A
§ 1x USB 3.0 flash drive, Type-C and Type-A
§ 1x USB hub, Type-C

Accessories for Stand-Alone and for Usage with Labscope

Order Number Accessory

000000-0626-248 High-Speed-HDMI-Cable, Premium, Resolu-
tion 4K, 2m

000000-0626-246 Optical USB-Scroll Mouse

000000-0626-245 Keyboard, USB, Language DE

000000-0626-267 Keyboard, USB, Language US

426570-9110-000 Wi-Fi dongle package containing Wi-Fi Don-

gle and USB adaptor Type-C to Type-A

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 16
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.1 Camera layout and accessories ZEISS

5 Connecting the Camera

5.1 Camera layout and accessories

5.1.1 Camera connections

1 2 3 4
Fig. 4: Camera connector panel

No. Name Function

1 Micro-D port Power supply and communication

2 USB 3.0 Type-C Camera control and image data transfer

3 Ethernet port (RJ45) Communication and image data transfer

4 HDMI port Image data transfer to a certified monitor, TV or pro-


5.1.2 Camera controls

2 3 4
Fig. 5: Camera operator panel

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 17
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.1 Camera layout and accessories ZEISS

No. Name Function

1 LED function indicator Please see section Function indicator signals [} 25]
for detail.

2 Camera factory reset Press to reset all parameters to default.


3 Image / video capture Press shortly for capturing an image.

Press for five seconds to start recording a video. Press
again shortly to stop the video recording.

4 OSD menu button Press to open the OSD menu. Press again to close the
OSD menu.

See also
2 Acquiring Images and Videos [} 41]

5.1.3 Accessories

The following items are required for power supply and use of the ports:

Name Figure Remarks

Power & signal cable, cam- Connection between camera and
era to microscope stand compatible microscopes (e.g.: Axio-
scope 5/7 or Axiolab 5, power is sup-
plied via microscope)

Power adapter with coun- Power supply from external power

try-specific plug socket if the camera is used with mi-
croscopes other than Axioscope 5/7
or Axiolab 5.

USB 3.0 cable, Type-C to Connection between camera and PC


USB flash drive, Type C and Connection to camera (Type-C) or to

Type A USB hub (Type-A) for immediate im-
age and video storage

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 18
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.1 Camera layout and accessories ZEISS

Name Figure Remarks

USB hub, Type-C Connection between camera and
multiple USB Type-A devices, such as
keyboard, mouse and flash drive

Ethernet cable Connection between camera and net-

(not supplied in package) work or WLAN router

HDMI cable Connection between camera and

(not supplied in package, monitor, TV, or projector
please order seperately:
Order No.

Mouse For control and navigation in the OSD

(not supplied in package, menu
please order seperately:
Order No.

Keyboard For typing in the OSD menu

(not supplied in package,
please order seperately:
Order No.
000000-0626-267 for US
Order No.
000000-0626-245 for DE

Wi-Fi Adapter package Wi-Fi Adapter package consisting of

(not supplied in package, Wi-Fi adapter and USB adapter Type-
please order separately: C to Type-A for wireless transmission
of camera images to PC or iPad with
Order No.

Monitor TFT 32" 4K For display of camera image and op-

(not supplied in package, erating the OSD menu
please order seperately:
Order No.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 19
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.2 Mounting the camera to the microscope ZEISS

5.2 Mounting the camera to the microscope

To mount the camera to your microscope’s camera port, use a C-mount camera adapter. The
adapter is not included in the scope of delivery. You will find some suitable examples for adapters
in the list below:

Camera Port Adapter Order number

Axiocam 208 60N Camera Adapter 60N-C 2/3" 0.5x 426112-0000-000

Axiocam 202 60N Camera Adapter 60N-C 2/3" 0.63x 426113-0000-000


Loss of warranty
The Axiocam 208 color is delivered with an integrated IR filter (infrared cut filter). The Axiocam
202 mono is delivered with a protective glass to shield the camera against dust and to reduce
optical interferences.
4 Do not remove the filter or the protective glass. Otherwise the warranty will be lost.

Fig. 6: Mounting the camera to the microscope

1 Camera
2 C-mount camera adapter
3 Ring nut
4 60N port at microscope stand

1. Remove the dust cap from the camera's C-mount port.

2. Mount the C-mount camera adapter to the camera.
3. Attach the camera with the adapter to the microscope's 60N port.
4. Orient the camera to the stand and fix its position by tightening the ring nut.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 20
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.3 Connecting the camera to the power supply ZEISS

5.3 Connecting the camera to the power supply

When connected to Axioscope 5/7 or Axiolab 5, the Axiocam 208 color or the Axiocam 202
mono are powered by the microscope. Otherwise the cameras have to be connected to the sup-
ply mains via the plug-in power supply.

5.3.1 Powering the camera via microscope

Risk of damage to the microscope or the camera
4 Always switch off the microscope before you disconnect the power cable from the cam-

Prerequisite ü The camera is mounted to Axioscope 5/7 or Axiolab 5.

1. Insert the Micro-D plug of the power cable into

the Micro-D port of the camera.

2. Insert the power cable's opposite connector

into the corresponding socket on your micro-

Refer to the instruction manual of your microscope for further information.

5.3.2 Powering the camera via mains supply

Prerequisite ü The power supply has been adapted with the appropriate country-specific adapter.
ü The camera is not already powered via a compatible microscope.

1. Insert the Micro-D plug of the plug-in power

supply into the Micro-D port of the camera.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 21
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.4 Connecting the camera to a display (without PC) ZEISS

2. Insert the power plug of the plug-in power sup-

ply into a power outlet.

3. Turn on the camera via cable switch.

5.4 Connecting the camera to a display (without PC)

The camera can be connected to a certified monitor, TV, or projector for visualization of the live
image data and for operating the OSD menu functions. Certain HDMI functions (e.g. audio, com-
mands from monitor to camera) are not supported.

If you connect the Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono to a monitor, these are the minimal monitor

§ HDMI 1.4 or HDMI 2.0 input port

§ 1920 x 1080 or higher resolution
§ 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio
§ Progressive scanning
§ HDMI cable with less than 3 m length (shorter cable enables better signal integrity)
Note that the maximum resolution of the Axiocam 202 mono is Full HD (1920 x 1080), while
the Axiocam 208 color supports resolutions up to Ultra HD (4K).

1. Insert the HDMI cable into the HDMI port of

the camera.

2. Insert the HDMI cable's opposite connector into the corresponding socket on your display
3. Set the display device’s aspect ratio to 16:9 or Aspect.
For further camera settings using the OSD a mouse is required (e.g. Optical USB-Scroll Mouse, Or-
der No. 000000-0626-246) . An additional keyboard is optional (Keyboard, USB, Design "Business
Slim", Language English US, Order No. 000000-0626-267 or Keyboard, USB, Design "Business
Slim", Language German, Order No. 000000-0626-245).

5.5 Connecting the camera to a network

If you want to connect the camera to a network, you can choose between several options, of
which all require network access and the ZEISS imaging software Labscope (available as windows
or iOS version). The camera identifies itself automatically to the network (DHCP) and is automati-
cally recognized by Labscope, provided the device is on the same network.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 22
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.5 Connecting the camera to a network ZEISS

Display errors
In the event of an overloaded or slow WLAN, the live image of the camera may be delayed or
incorrectly displayed on the iPad.
4 If possible, use a high-performance 802.11n WLAN.
4 Provide a sufficient contingent of free bandwith for communication.

For an overview of all ZEISS Microscopy apps and further information on individual apps, visit

5.5.1 Connecting camera via Ethernet

Prerequisite ü The camera is powered via mains supply or microscope.

1. Insert the Ethernet cable into the camera’s Eth-

ernet port.

2. Insert the Ethernet cable's opposite connector into the corresponding socket on your
WLAN router.

5.5.2 Connecting camera via Wi-Fi adapter

Prerequisite ü The camera is powered via mains supply or microscope.

ü An USB Wi-Fi adapter is available.
ü An USB hub is connected to the camera.
ü An USB mouse is connected to the USB hub to operate the OSD.
ü The camera is connected to a display via HDMI.

1. Insert the USB Wi-Fi adapter into the camera's

USB Type-C port or into the USB hub.

2. Open On Screen Display menu (see chapter Opening the OSD menu [} 26]).
3. Select Settings icon in Home Menu (Home menu [} 27]) to open the Settings menu.
4. Select Operating System Settings (Settings menu [} 30]) to open the Operating System
5. Select Wi-Fi Settings.
The Choose WLAN mode menu shows up. It offers two ways to connect the camera to a Wi-Fi
device (e.g. iPad or Laptop). Using the camera as access point

Follow the subsequent instructions to directly connect your camera to the Wi-Fi device:

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 23
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.6 Connecting the camera to a certified PC ZEISS

1. Select As an access point from the Choose

WLAN mode menu.

2. Click the Next button.

à The subsequent screen appears.
3. Type in the network name (or keep default name) and password ZEISS1846 into the re-
spective input fields.
4. Click the Save button.
à The camera can be found by other devices as access point: Other devices can connect to
the camera using the specified network name and password. Connecting to existing WLAN

Follow the subsequent instructions to connect your camera to an existing WLAN:

1. Select Connect to existing WLAN from the

Choose WLAN mode menu.

2. Click the Next button.

à The subsequent screen appears.
3. Select the network name from the respective selection field.
4. Type in the password into the respective input field.
5. Click the Save button.
à The camera is connected to the WLAN.
à If the Wi-Fi device is connected to the same router, the camera appears in Labscope.

If the WLAN list is empty or does not contain the one you want to connect to, wait for a few
seconds and click again to refresh.

Not all special characters are supported when typing in a password.
allowed: A~Z a~z 0~9 @ # % * .
not allowed: ! 。 , ; ? / 、 \ & () ‘’ ` - …… ¥

5.6 Connecting the camera to a certified PC

The USB port can also be used for data transfer to the PC.

Prerequisite ü The camera is powered via mains supply or microscope.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 24
5 Connecting the Camera | 5.7 Function indicator signals ZEISS

1. Insert the USB 3.0 cable's Type-C connector

into the corresponding socket on the camera.

2. Insert the USB 3.0 cable's Type-A connector into the corresponding socket on the PC.

5.7 Function indicator signals

For the definitions of the LED color signals, refer to the list below:

Signal Description
Pink Camera starting

Blue Power supplied and camera ready

Blue flash Snapping/recording in process, and saving data to USB flash drive

Red flash Firmware updating/factory resetting

Pink flash No USB flash drive or the drive is full

Off No power supplied

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 25
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.1 Opening the OSD menu ZEISS

6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu

Certain functions of the OSD menu are only available with compatible microscope stands i.e.
Axioscope 5/7 or Axiolab 5. For more information, please refer to the relevant microscope’s

6.1 Opening the OSD menu

When your camera is powered on and connected to a display device via HDMI, you can open or
close the OSD menu by pressing the Menu button on the camera.
To operate the OSD, plug the USB hub (included in the package) into the camera’s USB port. Then
you can connect your mouse/keyboard (not included in the package) and the USB flash drive (in-
cluded in the package) via the hub.

A USB flash drive used should be of FAT32 format and have enough free space for storing the

6.1.1 Opening menu via camera's operator panel

Prerequisite ü The camera is connected to your display device via HDMI cable.

1. To open the OSD menu, press the Menu but-

ton on the camera's operator panel.

The OSD menu opens on your display device.

6.1.2 Opening menu via microscope stand buttons

Prerequisite ü The camera is connected to your display device via HDMI cable.
ü The camera is mounted on a Axioscope 7 stand.
1. To open the OSD menu, press the microscope stand's Snap button and Stage control
button simultaneously.
The OSD menu opens on your display device.

For more information, please refer to the Axioscope 5/7/Vario operating manual.

6.1.3 Opening menu via network browser

Prerequisite ü The camera is connected to the same network as your display device (i.e. iPad or PC).

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 26
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.2 Home menu ZEISS

1. On the display device, open the network browser.

2. Insert the camera's IP address into the browser window's address line and press Enter.
The OSD menu opens on your display device.

6.2 Home menu

The Home menu gives you basic imaging controls to capture your images with minimum amount
of effort.
The controls for selected options are highlighted blue.

1 8

2 9

4 10

6 11

7 12



Fig. 7: Home menu

No. Name Description

1 Home icon Opens the Home menu.

2 Snap button Snaps a single image.

3 Record button Starts a video recording. A time counter is displayed.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 27
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.2 Home menu ZEISS

No. Name Description

When pushing the button the following controls ex-

§ The recording can be stopped by clicking the red

square symbol above the time display.

4 Auto Exposure button Ensures consistent brightness of the image by continu-

ously calculating the correct exposure time based on
the current light intensity.

5 Target Intensity controls In Auto Exposure mode, the light intensity can be fine-
tuned using the slider or the input field.

6 Auto White Balance Ensures a consistent color temperature of the image by

button (for Axiocam 208 continuously calculating the white balance.
Please note:
A proper functioning of the Auto White Balance mode
requires enough empty area in the field of view.

7 White button (for Axio- If active, in the Auto White Balance mode the color
cam 208 color) temperature is calculated based on the assumption
that the light source is white.

8 Settings icon Opens the Settings menu.

9 Multi-Snap button (for Performs a multi-channel acquisition.

Axioscope 5/7 and Axio-
Please note:
lab 5)
The Multi-Snap function requires that the camera is
connected to a compatible microscope stand (correct
light source and appropriate multi-band filter set). See
the corresponding microscope user manual for details.

10 Manual Exposure but- Enables you to manually re-adjust the exposure time,
ton e.g. when the Auto Exposure mode doesn't deliver ap-
propriate results.
When pushing the button, the following controls ex-

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 28
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.2 Home menu ZEISS

No. Name Description

§ The exposure time can be fine-tuned using the up-
per slider or input field. For exposure time range, re-
fer to Axiocam 208 color [} 10] and Axiocam 202
mono [} 12].
§ The gain value can be set using the lower slider or
input field.

11 Manual White Balance Enables you to manually re-adjust the color tempera-
button (for Axiocam 208 ture, e.g. when the Auto White Balance mode doesn't
color) deliver appropriate results.
When pushing the button, the following controls ex-

§ The color temperature can be set warmer (more red)

or colder (more blue) using the slider.
§ The white balance can be calculated once by clicking
the Push button.

12 Eyepieces button (for If active, in the Auto White Balance mode the color
Axiocam 208 color) temperature of the image is matched to the light
source's color temperature. The colors in the camera
image, thus, resemble the colors seen through the eye-

13 Multi-Snap Setup ex- Enables you to adjust the settings for the Multi-Snap
pander (for Axioscope 5/7 function.
and Axiolab 5)
When pushing the button, the following controls ex-

§ The fluorescence channels to be captured can be se-

lected and unselected by clicking the corresponding
buttons (UV, B, G, and R).
§ The expander can be closed by clicking the Hide

14 Thumbnail area Shows a thumbnail of the last image taken, the first
frame of the last video captured, or the merged image
of the last multi-channel acquisition with overlaid
§ The thumbnail can be closed by clicking the Close

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 29
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS

No. Name Description

§ The thumbnail can be maximized to the full display
by clicking the Expand symbol.

Tab. 5: Home menu, control elements

6.3 Settings menu

The Settings menu gives you more options for image settings, the opportunity to configure your
microscope, as well as to define some basic operating system settings.

1 5

Fig. 8: Settings menu

No. Name Description

1 Image Settings Opens the Image Settings menu.

2 Operating System Set- Opens the Operating System menu.


3 System lnformation Shows the status of the entire camera/microscope sys-

button tem.

4 Back button Opens the previous menu.

5 Microscope System Set- Opens the Microscope System menu.


Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 30
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS

6.3.1 Image Settings menu

The Image Settings menu gives you more advanced controls to optimize your image. It also
gives you some options to show different image information and how snapped images are
The controls for selected options are highlighted blue.

2 8
3 9

Fig. 9: Image Settings menu

No. Name Description

Gamma controls Enable you to adjust the gamma value.
§ The gamma value can be fine-tuned using the slider
or the input field.
§ The gamma value can be reset to default by clicking
the Reset button.

Please note:
For Axiocam 208 color the default gamma value is
For Axiocam 202 mono the default gamma value is

Optimize Pixel Correc- Corrects dead and hot pixels in the image.
tion button

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 31
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS

No. Name Description

Optimize Denoise but- Reduces noise.

Image Orientation con- Sets the image orientation.

§ 0°: original image orientation
§ Mirror vertical: image mirrored in vertical direction
§ Mirror horizontal: image mirrored in horizontal di-
§ 180°: image rotated by 180°

Show Scale Bar button Shows a scale bar on the live display.
Please note:
The scale bar will also appear in the captured image.

Show Image after Snap If activated, the image is shown on the full display for 5
button seconds after being captured. The full display image
can be closed or minimized to a thumbnail, if required.

Smart Snap Mode but- Activates the triggering of a multi-channel acquisition

ton (for Axioscope 5/7 by pushing the snap button on the camera or micro-
and Axiolab 5) scope stand.
Please note:
The Multi-Snap function requires that the camera is
connected to a compatible microscope stand (correct
light source and appropriate multi-band filter set). See
the corresponding microscope user manual for details.

Optimize HDR button Converts several images with different exposure times
(for Axiocam 208 color) into a high contrast image or High Dynamic Range
(HDR) image in order to show large differences in
brightness (e.g. reflective samples) in detail.

Optimize Sharpen but- Sharpens details.


6.3.2 Microscope System menu

The Microscope System Settings menu provides access to some microscope configurations to
be adjusted for easier imaging. For example, the microscope information can be updated if a new
part is installed. If required, a configuration wizard guides through the entire configuration setup.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 32
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS


Fig. 10: Microscope System Settings menu

No. Name Description

1 Reflector / FL Modules Opens a drop-down list to define the item installed at
button (for Axiolab 5, Ax- the reflector turret's current position.
ioscope 5/7 )

2 Objectives button (for Opens a drop-down list to define the item installed at
Axiolab 5, Axioscope 5/7) the objective turret's current position.

3 Shading Correction but- Opens a menu to define the shading correction for
ton each combination of reflector, objective and light
source, see Applying Shading Correction [} 33].

4 Configuration Wizard Opens a wizard to support you in setting up all micro-

button (for Axiolab 5, Ax- scope configurations listed above.
ioscope 5/7)

5 Camera Adapter button Opens a menu to define the camera adapter being cur-
(for Axiolab 5, Axioscope rently used.
Please note:
For recommended adapters, see Mounting the camera
to the microscope [} 20]. Applying Shading Correction

Follow the subsequent instructions to define the shading correction for a combination of reflec-
tor, objective and light source:

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 33
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS

Fig. 11: Shading correction menu

1. Move in the reflector module and the objective to be configured.

2. Turn on the light source to be configured.
à The current position of the reflector turret is indicated by 1 .
à The current position of the objective turret and the light source (RL: reflected light, TL:
transmitted light) are indicated by 2 .
3. Click the highlighted button to enter the shading correction menu for the current combina-
4. Follow the instructions on the display to perform the shading correction configurations.

Shading correction may take a few seconds to take effect.

6.3.3 Operating System menu

The Operating System menu gives you options such as setting the language, defining the file-
name format or updating the system firmware.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 34
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS


Fig. 12: Operating System menu

No. Name Description

1 Language button Opens a menu to set English, Chinese or German as
operating system language.

2 Date & Time button Opens a menu to set date and time.

3 File Options button Opens a menu to set the filename format and the file
type for captured images, see File Options menu
[} 35].

4 HDMI Resolution button Opens a menu to set the desired HDMI resolution for
(for Axiocam 208 color) live view.
Please note:
§ Switching from 1080p to 4K must be confirmed by
pressing the Confirm button.
§ The camera restarts automatically for the new reso-
lution to take effect.
§ If the connected monitor does not support 4K it au-
tomatically switches back to 1080p after 20 sec-

5 Wi-Fi Settings button Opens a workflow to set up a wireless connection, see

(for USB Wi-Fi adapter) Connecting the camera to a network [} 22].

6 Bright Pixel Correction Opens a workflow to perform Bright Pixel Correction,

button see Bright Pixel Correction menu [} 36].

7 Firmware Update but- Starts a firmware update when the update file is avail-
ton able via the USB interface, see Updating the firmware
[} 43]. File Options menu

The File Options menu allows you to predefine a template for file naming.
The controls for selected options are highlighted blue.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 35
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS

Fig. 13: File Options menu

No. Name Description

1 Filename format example Shows the template of the filenames based on the cur-
rently selected components.

2 Filename format compo- Allows you to adjust the filename template.

§ Static text components (e.g. for sample names etc.)
can be added by typing text into the Custom fields.
Empty fields will be removed from the template.
§ The date and time format can be set.
§ A counter number is appended to each filename by

3 Set Filename after each Activates a prompt after each image capturing to man-
Snap button ually set the filename.

4 File type selection Allows you to set the file type (JPEG or TIFF) for cap-
tured images. For Axiocam 202 mono, you can addi-
tionally choose to save a TIFF image as 8-bit or 12-bit. Bright Pixel Correction menu

The Bright Pixel Correction menu allows you to apply the Bright Pixel Correction procedure.
This procedure corrects newly developed bright (or hot) pixels due to long exposure times, high
gain settings or cosmic events.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 36
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS

Fig. 14: Bright Pixel Correction menu

No. Name Description

1 Correct button Initiates Bright Pixel Correction.

2 Reset button Restores the factory default Bright Pixel Correction con-

Applying Bright Pixel Correction

Prerequisite ü The C-mount port is closed so that no light will reach the image sensor during the procedure.
You can close the C-mount port by either closing the light path of the microscope stand or
detaching the camera from the stand and protect sensor from light by screwing the protective
cap onto the camera's c-mount thread.
1. Tap the Correct button.
à Do not operate the camera during the procedure.
à If light reaches the sensor, the procedure fails.
Either cover the camera properly or reset the Bright Pixel configuration before restarting
the procedure.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 37
6 On Screen Display (OSD) Menu | 6.3 Settings menu ZEISS

The Bright Pixel Correction procedure is applied.

The camera reboots after a successful procedure.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 38
7 Installing Software and Drivers | 7.1 Installing software on PC ZEISS

7 Installing Software and Drivers

7.1 Installing software on PC

To acquire images with the camera(s) on a PC, you must install ZEISS software (e.g. ZEN or Lab-
scope ). You will find the installation files on the USB flash drive delivered. The camera drivers are
also installed during the software installation. The latest version of ZEISS software products can be
downloaded from our web page: https://portal.zeiss.com/download-center/softwares/mic

Prerequisite ü The camera is connected to the PC.

1. Install the software according to the installation guide delivered with the software.
2. To install the camera drivers, confirm the corresponding prompts that are displayed during
the software installation process.
3. When the installation is finished, restart your PC.
4. In the device manager of your PC, verify that the installation was successful.

For information on how to acquire images with the specific software, please refer to the re-
spective software manual.

7.2 Installing software on iPad

1. From your iPad, go to the App Store and search for “Labscope” by ZEISS.
2. Follow the instructions on your iPad to install the app.

7.3 Installing TWAIN plugin on PC

The TWAIN plugin for Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono is a standardized software interface to call
up and control basic camera functions via a TWAIN-compatible non-ZEISS app.

1. Go to https://portal.zeiss.com/download-center/softwares/mic.
2. Select TWAIN from the list.
3. Click on the Download Button.
à The installation file is downloaded.
4. Open your Downloads folder and unzip the TWAIN installation file.
5. Double-click the TWAIN installation file (.exe).
6. Follow the instructions of the wizard.
For more information see the Quick Guide ZEISS TWAIN for Axiocam 202/208. You can find
the PDF document in the TWAIN download folder.

7.4 Installing TWACKER DEMO Application

To demonstrate the image acquisition with the TWAIN plugin you can use the TWACKER appli-
cation. TWACKER is not mandatory for operating the TWAIN plugin. If your laboratory software
supports the TWAIN standard, you don't need to install TWACKER.

1. Go to https://portal.zeiss.com/download-center/softwares/mic.
2. Select TWAIN from the list.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 39
7 Installing Software and Drivers | 7.4 Installing TWACKER DEMO Application ZEISS

3. Click on the Download Button.

à The installation file is downloaded.
4. Open your Downloads folder and unzip the TWAIN installation file.
5. Double-click the TWACK_32.msi installation file.
6. Follow the instructions of the wizard.
For more information see the Quick Guide ZEISS TWAIN for Axiocam 202/208. You can find
the PDF document in the TWAIN download folder.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 40
8 Acquiring Images and Videos | 8.1 Introduction ZEISS

8 Acquiring Images and Videos

8.1 Introduction

The Axiocam 208 color and the Axiocam 202 mono are high definition cameras for color and
monochromatic imaging, respectively. They are suitable for use as accessories for educational and
routine microscopy in laboratory environments and for use by trained laboratory personnel. The
cameras have been designed to be used in the field of light microscopy for general observation,
routine work, and simple applications in which a sufficient amount of light is available.

8.2 Basic procedure using operator panel

Prerequisite ü An USB flash drive has been inserted into the camera's USB port or into the USB hub con-
nected to the camera.
1. Position your specimen on the microscope and adjust the microscope to see a focused im-
age through the eyepieces.
2. Set the microscope light path to divert the image to the camera (e.g. adjust the micro-
scope's tube slider to 50% camera and 50% eyepieces).
3. To take a single image, briefly press the Capture button on the camera.
à The image is saved to the USB flash drive in either JPEG or TIFF format.

4. To start video recording, press the Capture button on the camera for about 5 seconds.
5. To finish video recording briefly press the Capture button on the camera once again.
à The video is saved to the USB flash drive in MP4 format.

8.3 Basic procedure using OSD menu

Prerequisite ü The USB flash drive and mouse/keyboard have been inserted into the USB hub connected to
the camera.
ü The camera is connected to a monitor via HDMI.
ü The OSD menu has opend by pressing the menu button on the camera
1. Position your specimen on the microscope and adjust the microscope to see a focused im-
age on the monitor.
2. To take a single image, click on the Snap button in the OSD menu.
à The image is saved to the USB flash drive in either JPEG or TIFF format.
3. To start video recording, click on the Record button in the OSD menu.
4. To finish video recording click on the Stop button in the OSD menu.
à The video is saved to the USB flash drive in MP4 format.

8.4 Image acquisition with Labscope

Upon first starting Labscope, each screen starts with an overlaying information screen explaining
the functions. Refer to the displayed information for using the software. Disable or re-enable the
information screens in the software`s Settings menu on your PC monitor iPad.


Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 41
8 Acquiring Images and Videos | 8.4 Image acquisition with Labscope ZEISS

For support in using Labscope, visit our support forum under https://forums.zeiss.com/mi-
croscopy/community/viewforum.php?f=34. Please check the Labscope threads for problem-
solving notes.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 42
9 Care and Maintenance | 9.1 Optical system ZEISS

9 Care and Maintenance

To ensure the optimum performance of the device, preventive maintenance work should be per-
formed at regular intervals.

Time interval Component Activity

As required Infrared filter or protective Cleaning [} 43]

As required Firmware Update [} 43]

Tab. 6: Maintenance plan

9.1 Optical system

The internal optical components of the camera should always be protected. If no lens, or camera
adapter with optics, is screwed into the camera's C-Mount thread, the camera's sensor and pro-
tective glass must be protected by screwing the protective cap onto the camera's C-Mount

9.2 Cleaning the infrared filter or protective glass

Sensitive optical parts
An inadequate handling of optical components may damage the components or decrease the
device's imaging quality. The unauthorized handling of device components leads to the loss of
4 Do not remove the filter or the protective glass.
4 Do not clean the sensor directly.
4 Do not use tap water to clean the IR filter.

Tool / part Quantity

Soft brush 1

Cotton 1

Cleaning fluid for optics 1

Tab. 7: Tools and parts

1. Use a soft brush or cotton to wipe away dry dust from the front side of the infrared filter or
the protective glass.
2. Use cotton and cleaning fluid for optics to wipe away more serious contamination from the
infrared filter.

9.3 Updating the firmware

Follow the subsequent instructions to update the camera's firmware:

1. Download the latest firmware from the webpage http://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/int/


Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 43
9 Care and Maintenance | 9.3 Updating the firmware ZEISS

2. Save the latest firmware update package (".tar" file) to the root folder of the USB flash drive
(contained in the scope of delivery).
3. Insert the flash drive into the connected USB hub.
4. At the OSD menu, navigate to Settings > Operating System.
5. Open the Firmware Update menu and press
the update button.

à Note that the update procedure takes several minutes.

à Do not operate the camera or unplug the USB flash drive during the update procedure.
The firmware is updated.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 44
10 Troubleshooting | 10.1 ZEN software ZEISS

10 Troubleshooting
10.1 ZEN software

Symptom Cause Measure

Camera does not appear in The camera is not properly con- Check and adjust the camera connec-
the menu for selectable nected. tions to PC and power supply, if nec-
cameras. essary.

The software and the drivers are not Make sure you installed the software
properly installed. and the drivers with administrative
rights and according to the instruc-
tions in this manual.

Incompatible accessories (e.g. USB 1. Connect the camera to the PC

adapters, cables etc.) were used, so with the accessories provided
the camera was brought into wrong in the delivery package.
mode and failed to be recognized. 2. Restart the camera.

The PC's USB driver is outdated. Upgrade to the latest driver provided
by the PC manufacturer.

No camera image visible on The camera is not properly con- 1. Make sure, the camera's sta-
the screen. nected. tus LED constantly lights blue.
[} 25]
2. If necessary, check and adjust
the camera connections to PC
and power supply.
3. Restart the camera.

The illumination reaching through to 1. Check the light path settings of

the camera is not sufficient. the microscope.
2. If necessary, check and adjust
the position of the beam split-
ter between the ocular and the
camera port.
3. If necessary, check and adjust
the setting of the aperture di-
aphragm of the microscope, if
4. Execute an automatic exposure

Inappropriate display settings are Check and adjust the display device's
used. settings for live imaging, if necessary.

The color of the displayed The color matching is inappropriate. Set the color temperature.
image taken by Axiocam
Check the monitor's color tempera-
208 color does not corre-
ture setting. If necessary, reduce the
spond to the image seen
color temperature to the lowest value
through the eyepieces.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 45
10 Troubleshooting | 10.2 Camera ZEISS

Symptom Cause Measure

The color of the displayed Unsuitable overlay colors are used to Select alternative overlay colors.
image taken by Axiocam represent fluorescence dyes.
202 mono does not corre-
spond to the image seen
through the eyepieces.

10.2 Camera

Symptom Cause Measure

The LED indicator is off. The camera is not powered on prop- In case of Axioscope 5/7 and Axiolab
erly. 5, make sure the microscope is pow-
ered on and the camera is connected
to microscope via Micro-D power ca-
Alternatively, make sure the camera is
powered by the plug-in power supply.

The LED indicator flashes The camera is updating firmware or NOTICE! Do not switch off the
red. being reset. power supply.

The image / video cannot be USB flash drive is not in correct for- Format the USB flash drive to FAT32
saved to the USB flash drive. mat. format on a PC.

USB flash drive has not enough free Make sure there is enough free mem-
memory. ory on the flash drive.

USB flash drive cannot be recognized. Restart the camera.

The firmware update does USB flash drive is not in correct for- Format the USB flash drive to FAT32
not function. mat. format on a PC.

USB flash drive does not enough free Make sure there are at least 200 MB
memory. of free memory on the USB flash

USB flash drive cannot be recognized. Restart the camera.

The firmware cannot be found. Make sure the latest firmware is

stored to the root folder of the USB
flash drive.

The firmware is not uploaded prop- Restart the firmware update process
erly. and exactly follow the instructions in
the firmware update menu.

The camera date and time is Date and time are not set correctly. 1. At the OSD menu, navigate to
not correct. Settings > Operating Sys-
2. Tap the Date & Time button.
3. Set the camera date and time.

The buffer battery is empty. Please contact your local ZEISS service
organization to change the battery.
The expected battery lifetime is ap-
prox. 4-5 years.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 46
10 Troubleshooting | 10.3 Labscope ZEISS

Symptom Cause Measure

The image has severe noise. The amplification (gain) is set too Manually reduce the gain value.

The exposure time is set too low. Manually adjust the exposure time.

The light intensity is set too low. Increase the light intensity. Activate
denoise function in Image setting

The image is too dark or too Automatic exposure time has not Activate the automatic exposure set-
bright. been activated. tings or manually adjust the exposure
settings to the current light situation.

The camera settings are not The camera has been powered off to For the settings to be automatically
saved after a camera early after changing the settings. stored, wait at least 5 seconds after
restart. changing the settings before you
power off the camera.

Monitor connected via The camera is not delivering a signal, Ensure that the camera has been
HDMI does not display an or signal is not compatible with the switched on for at least 30 seconds
image. monitor. and the LED indicator is blue. Check
the plug connections on the camera
and monitor.

For Axiocam 208 color, The monitor does not support 4K. Use a monitor supporting 4K resolu-
when switching to 4K, the tion (e.g. Monitor TFT 32" HP Z32,
monitor becomes black and Order No. 410350-3201-000), listed
then reverts to 1080p. on ZEISS micro-shop website.

The image appears distorted The monitor's image aspect ratio is Set the monitor's aspect ratio to 16:9.
on full screen monitor. not set to 16:9.

The image is blurred on the The focus plane of the camera is dif- 1. Focus the sample through the
screen, but the sample is in ferent from that of the eyepieces. eyepieces.
focus through the eye- 2. Calibrate the camera adaptor
pieces. until image is in focus on the

Buttons do not react when The buttons are temporarily locked, Control the camera via PC software or
being pressed. as the camera is being accessed exclu- ZEISS app, or close the PC software or
sively from the PC or network. ZEISS app.

The Camera otherwise be- The camera may have been brought Press the Camera factory reset but-
haves abnormally. into a non-intended state. ton on the camera.

10.3 Labscope

For support in using Labscope, visit our support forum under https://forums.zeiss.com/mi-
croscopy/community/viewforum.php?f=34. Please check the Labscope threads for problem-
solving notes.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 47
11 Disposal and Recycling​ ZEISS

11 Disposal and Recycling

This product has been developed, tested and manufactured in accordance with the applicable en-
vironmental provisions and directives of the European Union:

§ The product and its accessories comply with EU directives 2015/863/EU (RoHS) and 2012/19/
EU (WEEE), insofar as these apply to this product.
§ ZEISS has implemented a take-back and recycling process that ensures that proper recycling is
carried out in accordance with the aforementioned EU directives.
§ Please contact your ZEISS sales/service organization for details relating to disposal and recy-
§ This product must not be disposed of with domestic waste or using municipal waste disposal
services. In the event of resale, the seller must inform the buyer of the need to dispose of the
product appropriately.

Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 | 426570-7011-001 48
Instruction Manual ZEISS Axiocam 208 color / 202 mono | en-US | Rev.5 |
Modifications reserved.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH phone: +49 3641 64 3161

Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10 fax: +49 3641 64 3439
07745 Jena [email protected]
Germany www.zeiss.com/microscopy

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