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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2010) 000–000
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272

International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology


Information technology in supply chain management: a case


Ming-Lang Tsenga, Kuo-Jui Wub and Thi Thoa Nguyena

Graduate School of Business and Managementc, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Department of Buisness,MBA, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

No. 300, Sec. 1, Wanshou Rd., Guishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 33306,


This study attempts to prove the impact of information technology (IT) in supply chain
management (SCM). The criteria include the applications of IT to get the high firm
performance comprising marketing performance, financial performance, and customer
satisfaction. The fuzzy DEMATEL method is applied to show out the interrelationships
among all of criteria. The result finds that advanced IT is the cause criteria leading to
marketing performance and customer satisfaction. The implications give some considered
elements to the Vietnam textile industry when apply IT. The limitations and directions for
future research are included in the final section.
PublishedbybyElsevier Ltd.
Elsevier Selection
Ltd. and/or
Selection peer-review
and/or peer-reviewunder responsibility
under of the
responsibility of Asia
Pacific Business
Asia Pacific Innovation
Business and Technology
Innovation Management
and Technology SocietySociety (APBITM).”
Keyword: green supply chain management, fuzzy set theory, Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory

1. Introduction

The textile industry in Vietnam is considered the most essential industry in export. The
government is planning to improve competitive capability so that contribute more to
national’s GDP. In reality, most of the textile enterprises are equipped with computers in
public administration, business operations, using the Internet to access information and
relationships with clients. There are no enterprises are equipped with software for partner
relationship management, resources management and advanced production system. It has
adverse effects on achieving the competitive priority of apparel products on environment

1877-0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology
Management Society

258 Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272

dynamics. Slowly response to market changes, high production costs make the garment
industry gradually lost competitiveness. The solution to this difficult problem is information
technology (Vietnamese Economic Forum, 2011).
In the business environment, information technology (IT) plays an important role for
firms’ performance. It provides information flow which makes the supply chain more robust
and resilient without undermining its efficiency. In previous years, most companies are
increasingly applying IT systems in practice in supply chain management (SCM) to improve
their performance in global competitive markets (Bayraktar et al., 2009). Recent progresses
in both information and technology and scientific management have enabled many industries
practices of acquiring, sharing, and using information (Fu et al., 2010). There has been an
increasing literature that either quantifies the value of information in SCM (Cachon and
Fisher, 2000; Donohue, 2000; Lee et al., 2000; Moinzadeh, 2002) or studies the incentives of
information sharing (Corbett and de Groote, 2000; Cachon and Lariviere, 2001; Ha, 2001;
Özer and Wei, 2006). IT integration supports a better supply chain integration and flexibility
(Eric et al, 2010). So, this study attempts to show out the kinds of firm performance be
affected by IT in SCM.
In literatures, the collaborative investment in IT among supply chain stakeholders has
become a strategic thrust to achieve more transparent and supply chains (Corsten and Kumar,
2005; Zhou, 2009). With the increasing use of an integrated information systems and
enabling technologies, it has become possible now to create seamless supply chains linking
suppliers to customers in order to eliminate poor performance of the suppliers, unpredictable
customer demands, and uncertain business environment (Bayraktar et al., 2009).
Nevertheless, the investment required among supply chain stakeholders to adopt new IT
often does not occur as a desired, even though such collaborative efforts can create unique
value that a single firm cannot attain independently (Dutta et al 2007).
There are plenty of researches about the role of SCM in companies, but the investment
of IT in SCM and to what extend it providing benefit in textile company in Vietnam seem to
be empty. The objective of current study is to analysis the degree to which IT in SCM will
improve firm’s value. Aforementioned, the garment companies are facing challenges in
global markets. The finding will gives some implications in management as well in practice.
The remainder of the study, literature review will be presented in the section two,
methodology applying DEMATEL to come up with result in section three and four, some
implications in the section five and concluding remark in the final section.

2. Green supply chain management

This section comprises finding criteria which gives sharp evidences for current
discussion. Proposed method shows out the wise way to apply DEMATEL to solve the
interrelationship among all criteria.

Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272 259

2.1 Information technology in supply chain management

More recent evidence has demonstrated that companies obtain large benefits from IT
application. Uncovered significant productivity gains from flow of information (Barua and
Lee 1997). Other studied have argued persuasively that enough evidence has been gathered
on the positive effects of IT that the productivity paradox can be labeled a myth of the past
(Mukhopadhyay et al., 1997). There seems to be a truth that information system investment
does pay off now, determining how it does remains a mystery. Previous studies noted that IT
value research had ignored the synergistic effects of IT with other organizational factors such
as business strategies, mass customization, and supply chain management. Information
software does not operate in a vacuum; it works very closely with other firm assets
(Andersen et al., 2001). However, (Brooks and Davenport, 2004; Lou et al., 2004) argued
that technologies are characterized by high levels of uncertainty due to its vital
characteristics of: autonomy (Jennings and Wooldridge, 1995), social ability (Moyaux and
Chaib-draa, 2006), reactivity (Parunak, 1999), and pre-activeness (Moyaux and Chaib-draa,
2006). It was assumed that the diffusion of IT into the activities of the SC amplified its
value-creating potential. IT has potential to manage the flow and to impact many of the
dimensions of the SC such as cost, quality, delivery, flexibility, and ultimately the profits of
the firm (Brandyberry at el., 1999).
Sanders et al. (2002) presented the direct relationship between technology use in SCM
was reported that organizations use IT more than the norm in their industry, achieve more
operational benefits; such as reduced cost and cycle time. However, the effective between IT
use and supplier network performance is moderated by industry clock-speed (Guimaraes et
al., 2002). Narasimhan and Kim (2001) supported certain types of IT systems are more
relevant for SCM that help firms improve production and process control, price management,
customer service, customer management, inventory, and warehouse management. Material
requirements planning (MRP) (C1) is production planning used to coordinate order
fulfillment by synchronizing material and resources availability to customer demand (Koh,
2004). Effective use of the system could result in better resource planning and reduce
inventory level, through releasing purchase and/or work orders only when they are needed.
Technologies in enterprise resource planning (ERP) (C2) have been designed to address the
fragmentation of information across an enterprise’s business, to integrate with intra- and
inter- enterprise information (Sharif et al., 2005). Nevertheless, it is debated that the efficacy
of conventional ERP systems to provide real time synchronization among supply chain
partners which is necessary for effective SCM is limited (Karwowski et al., 2007). Advanced
planning system (APS) (C3) predicts potential future effects on the plan as a result of
historical uncertainty pattern and potential future uncertainty. With effectively use, this IS
practice will result in better forecasting and improved resource planning leading to better
operational efficiency (Lockhamy III and McCormack, 2004).
Chae et al., (2005) proved that the existing relationships between the channel partners
were moderated by the ability of IT to influence inter-organizational collaboration. The
information sharing capability positively influences firm performance with higher levels of
both connectivity and willingness to share information (Fawcett et al., 2008). Therefore, the

260 Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272

implementing IT for promoting connectivity among SC partners requires a commitment to

exchange information to realize better performance. A well integrated IT system can
provides a clear picture of supply chain status, inventory status (of the manufacturers or its
suppliers), and even the service capability of its logistic providers. IT allows suppliers to be
able to access the inventory information of their customers and prepare for stock delivery on
time (Ngai et al., 2010). However, it is argued that the uncertain impact of IT on different
aspects of SCM and disappointing outcomes of IT investment posing a serious challenge to
the vital role of IT in a company’s performance is possible (Ye and Farley, 2006; Kim et al.,
2006). With the support of IT, organization can keep to tract of market needs and to relocate
resources in a responsive manner (Ngai et al., 2010). So, the supplier relationship
management system (SRM) (C4) and customer relationship management systems (CRM)
(C5) are integrated in this study (Bayraktar et al., 2009).
The IT in SC can impact firm performance in several ways. First, an integrated system
helps to achieve benefits through allowing a firm to respond better to customer problem and
requests (Rogers et al., 1993). Second, information flows facilitated by the IT can potentially
increase the sales volume by reaching customers directly and promptly whenever a new
product is introduced, and by tapping into markets that were inaccessible on account of
distribution or other infrastructure constraints (Wu, Mahajan, and Balasubramanian, 2003).
The impact of IT on supply chain is a measure of the influence of IT applications across
many activities, the interactions of organizations and some with external entities such as
customers and suppliers (Byrd et al., 2003). The present study conducts three firm
performances including marketing performance (C6), financial performance (C7) and
customer satisfaction (C8). Marketing performance includes sales growth, market share,
product development, and market development. Financial performance includes profitability,
ROI, and cash flow from operations (Wu et al., 2006; Tseng 2011a;b). Customer satisfaction
mentions fulfill various customer demand (Kim, 2009).
Nevertheless, these IS practices for managing firm’s operations are not enough (Koh et
al 2006). Due to its system rigidity and incapability to deal with uncertainty (Koh and Saad,
2002), other systems of technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID), mobile
and wireless technologies, would help to achieve the success order, part and product
traceability and operational efficiency (Koh and Gunasekaran, 2006; Sevkli et al., 2007). The
applications of technologies such as RFID, global positioning system (GPS), wireless and
mobile (C9) have been included in manufacturing (Lu et al., 2006), services (Wu et al.,
2005), logistics and distributions (Giaglis et al., 2004), healthcare (Tzeng et al., 2008) and
retailing (Prater et al., 2005). These technologies are normally used along with IS systems to
allow ubiquitous flow of information in supply chain (Ngai et al., 2008). Hence, these
technologies can be considered as a category of the IS practice. Electronic data interchange
(EDI) (C10) allows suppliers to ascertain when to replenish the parts/products, thus reducing
inventory level and improving forecasting (Bayraktar et al., 2009).
IT can contribute a very important role in SCM. Many of research have examined the
relationship between SCM and IT range from surveys, to case studies, and simulations
(Chatfield et al, 2000; Guimaraes et al, 2002; Ranganathan et al, 2004). The previous
research model have conducted the directly links between IT use in the supply chain and

Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272 261

performance gains, while others have modeled the presence of mediators and moderators as
qualifies of the relationship between two constructs (Chae et al, 2005; Premkumar et al, 2005;
Rai et al, 2006; Tseng et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2011; Lin et al., 2011). This study considers
IT investment in supply chain as causes and higher firm performance as effects via applying

Table 1. The proposed criteria

Goal Criteria Source

Material requirements planning (MRP) (C1) Koh, 2004
supply chain management
Information technology in

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) (C2) Sharif et al., 2005

Advanced planning system (APS) (C3) Lockhamy III and
McCormack, 2004
Supplier relationship management (SRM) (C4) Bayraktar et al., 2009
Customer relationship management (CRM) (C5)
Marketing performance (C6) Wu et al., 2006
Financial performance (C7)
Customer satisfaction (C8) Kim, 2009
RFID, GPS, wireless and mobile (C9) Lu et al., 2006
Electronic data interchange (EDI) (C10) Bayraktar et al., 2009

2.2 Proposed method

The DEMATEL method has been successfully applied in many fields (Hori and
Shimizu 1999; Sankar and Prabhu 2001; Seyed-Hosseini et al. 2006; Liou and Tzeng 2007;
Lin and Wu 2008). So far, there is no application of DEMATEL in IT in SCM. Recently,
there are many studies in fuzzy DEMATEL applications in different fields. Wu (2008)
studied on the KM strategy selection with considering a large number of complex factors as
multiple evaluation criteria. The study proposes an effective solution based on a combined
ANP and DEMATEL approach to help companies that need to evaluate and select KM
strategies. Wu and Lee (2007) arises an issue on how to enrich global managers’
competencies by way of segmenting a set of competencies into some portions in order to
facilitate competency development with a stepwise mode. To solve this issue involving the
vagueness of human judgments, they proposed an effective method combining fuzzy logic
and DEMATEL to segment required competencies for better promoting the competency
development of global managers. The studies of Tzeng et al. (2007) in e-learning were
evaluated in numerous and intertwined facets and criteria; a multi-criteria decision-making
model is suitable for e-learning evaluation. Using this e-learning effectiveness evaluation
model, the evaluators find the aspects needing improvement, so that e-learning program
effectiveness could increase. Empirical experimental results show the proposed model is
capable of producing effective evaluation of e-learning program with adequate criteria that
fit with respondent’s perception patterns, especially when the evaluation criteria are
numerous and intertwined. Using grey-fuzzy DEMATEL approach was applied in service

262 Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272

expectation (Tseng 2009). Fuzzy DEMATEL was developed to select suppliers in SCM
(Chang et al, 2011). Since the fuzzy DEMATEL has been successfully evaluated in many
fields, the IT in SCM needs to develop a full understanding of cause and effect relationships.
The preliminary literature reviewed illustrates the criteria of IT in SCM lack the study on the
relationships concerns and uncertainty for developing cause and effect relationship described
in linguistic information. The following section presents the combined research method
triangular numbers and defuzzification applied in this study and the fuzzy DEMATEL

3. Methodology

This section justified using linguistic information in complex evaluation systems. A

complex evaluation environment can be divided into subsystems to more easily judge
differences and measurement scores. The proposed hybrid method is used to construct a
visual map for further strategic decision.

3.1. Fuzzy set theory

Some important definition and notation of fuzzy set theory from Chen (1996) and
Cheng and Lin (2002) were reviewed. The fuzzy aggregation method always needs to
contain a defuzzification method because the results of human judgments with fuzzy
linguistic variables are fuzzy numbers. The term defuzzification refers to the selection of a
specific crisp element based on the output fuzzy set, which converts fuzzy numbers into crisp
score. This study applies the converting fuzzy data into crisp scores (Opricovic and Tzeng,
2004), the main procedure of determining the left and right scores by fuzzy minimum and
maximum; the total score is determined as a weighted average according to the membership

Table 2. Linguistic scales for the importance weight of criteria

Five-points Linguistic variable Triangular fuzzy numbers (TFN)

1 No influence (0, 0.1, 0.3)
2 Very low (0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
3 Low influence (0.3, 0.5, 0.7)
4 High influence (0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
5 Very high (0.7, 0.9, 1.0)
Ming-Lang Tseng, Kuo-Jui Wu and Thi Thoa Nguyen / Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–

Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272 263

3.2 The DEMATEL method

The DEMATEL method is especially practical and useful for visualizing the structure
of complicated causal relationships with matrices or digraphs (Fontela & Gabus, 1976). The
matrices or digraphs portray a contextual relation between the elements of the system, in
which a numeral represents the strength of influence. Hence, the DEMATEL method can
convert the relationship between the causes and effects of criteria into an intelligible
structural model of the system. The essentials of the DEMATEL method suppose that a
system contains a set of criteria C ={C1,C2, ... , Cn}, and the particular pairwise relations are
determined for modeling with respect to a mathematical relation.

3.3 The application procedures of fuzzy DEMATEL

To further explore the fuzzy DEMATEL research method in uncertainty, the analysis
procedures are explained as follows:
Step 1: Identifying decision goal- gathering the relevant information to evaluate the
advantages and disadvantages and monitoring the results to ensure the goals are achieved.
This is necessary to form two expert committees for group knowledge to achieve the goals.
Step 2: Developing evaluation criteria and survey instrument- this is important to establish a
set of criteria for evaluation. However, the criteria have the nature of complicated
relationships within the cluster of criteria. To gain a structural model dividing evaluation
criteria into the cause and effect groups, the fuzzy DEMATEL is appropriate to be applied in
this study. Acquiring the responded instrument- to ensure the relationships among the
evaluation criteria, it is necessary to consult two groups of experts to confirm reliable
information of the criteria influences and directions
Step 3: Interpret the linguistic information into fuzzy linguistic scale- using linguistic
information to convert fuzzy assessments applying in Eqs. (5)-(9) are defuzziffied and
aggregated as a crisp value

Table 3. The prominence and relation axis for cause and effect group
264 Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272

Criteria D(Sum) R(Sum) (D+R) (D-R)

C10 9.63 5.73 9.63 3.90
C7 9.45 5.08 9.45 4.37
C9 9.21 5.55 9.21 3.66
C3 9.17 9.54 9.17 (0.37)
C4 9.09 8.80 9.09 0.29
C6 9.00 9.26 9.00 (0.26)
C2 8.64 7.63 8.64 1.01
C5 8.03 9.72 8.03 (1.69)
C8 7.86 10.60 7.86 (2.74)
C1 6.63 9.26 6.63 (2.63)
Step 4: Analyze the criteria into causal and effect diagram- the crisp value is composed of
the initial direct relation matrix. The normalized direct relation matrix can be obtained direct
relation matrix can be obtained through Eq. 10. Using Eqs. (11)- (15), a causal and effect
diagram can be constructed.

4. Results

This study applies the fuzzy DEMATEL to GSCM performance in order to build up a
cause and effect model for automobile manufacturing enterprises. This research conducts
four proposed steps as follows:
Step 1: Determining decision objectives and assembling the relevant information for
developing 15 GSCM performance criteria to study the interrelationships of criteria in
Step 2: This study sets up above 15 criteria for evaluation that are presented in Figure 1
through interview and extensive literature reviews.
Step 3: Clarifying the linguistic information into fuzzy linguistic scale as shown in Table 1.
This study collected data to evaluate criteria which affect automobile manufacturing industry
and applied the Eqs. (5) - (9) and convert the fuzzy numbers into crisp value.
Step 4: The crisp value of criteria from the fuzzy assessment is composed of the initial direct
relation matrix. Once the normalized direct relation matrix is obtained and the total relation
matrix is acquired by using formula. Then, the prominence axis (D+R) is created by adding
D to R which involves in the importance of criterion and the relation axis (D-R) is created by
subtracting D from R (Table 2). Hence, the causal and effect diagram can be obtained by
mapping the data values of the (D+R, D-R) which will supply valuable insights for resolving
problem those manufacturers are facing. The causal and effect diagram is shown in Figure 1.

Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272 265

Figure 1. Cause and effects diagram

As shown in the causal diagram (Fig. 1), the evaluation criteria visually divided into the
cause IT criteria group (C2, C4, C7, C9, and C10) can be invested, while the effect criteria
group includes C1, C3, C5, C6, and C8. From the causal diagram, values cues are obtained
for making profound decisions. These two cause and effect groups may be further used to
respectively serve as causal criteria and effective criteria clusters in IT in SCM model.
The finding from the relationship between IT in CSM and firm performance via
computing DEMATEL is presented. The degree to which the criteria play the role in entire
firm performance will be discussion. The result provides a profound evident that IT is
requirement for high firm performance. However, it cannot to say that these criteria of IT in
SCM are the standard, since the criteria depend on the firm size, firm capabilities, and the
existing organizational cultures.
The result proves that there is a positive and strong relationship between IT use and
high firm performance. It was assumed that RFID, GPS and wireless technology (C9)
provides enormous economic benefits to both business and consumers (Kelly and Erickson,
2005). Hence, GPS tags on products enable accurate counting and locating of the subjects in
real-time, so customers can chase products which increasing customer trust. The information
flow is more valuable to assess the inventory level and lead to reduce cost and time which is
an important part of effective production. Thus, the C9 and Electronic Data Interchange (C10)
are the most considered causes due to expert group strongly support that these criteria will
help company get the marketing improvement via customer trust and lead to competitive
advantage. Many researches showed that an integral element of managing partnerships
throughout the length of the supply and demand chains is to aim streamline of process and
Ming-Lang Tseng, Kuo-Jui Wu and Thi Thoa Nguyen/ Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–

266 Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272

deliver higher value to final consumers by minimizing cost and time wastage (Chow et al,
2006). The empirical analysis also finds the equivalent results that supplier relationship
management (C4) contributes a vital part on product development.
The result is in accordance with previous finding that ERP (C2) is still the domination
software for managing a company’s processes (Burka et al., 2005). This is since the system
concerned is the key solution for produce information in real time for forecasting accurate
market demand. However, in real situation, integrating ERP depend upon on many elements
which are considering such as human resource, financial statement, and other systems. Some
experts assert that control the relationship with partner will bring benefits, but other ideas
support managing information flow in production is the more important factor. This can
explain the ERP is considered more important than SRM.
In the real status financial firm performance (C7) is expected as the positive effects
from IT investment. Nevertheless, it becomes the most important cause which can be
explained by two aspects. First, there are complicated criteria in real situation, and the
objective in each company is not completely the same. Second, high firm performance is not
only depending on internal resources but also external cause like natural and social condition.
Although many studies confirmed that IT impact on supply chain lead to better overall
enterprise performance, at least, as measured by ROI, ROE, and market share. In this result,
some considered important cause criteria become effect group (C1, C3, and C5). This is
because IT is the initial required solution when successful performance is requested. To
some extent, this study shows out how immediate IT impact variable may affect each other
and contribute to an overall performance.

5. Managerial implications & Concluding remarks

The advanced technology will help textile manufacturing improve more efficient in
their production processes. The Vietnam garment industry needs to increase investment to
approach modern manufacturing facilities as well as improve production in order to
maximize their inherent advantages to market proximity. The ERP software plays the role in
information sharing across department. For instance, the sale team gives suggestion to the
operation team on the new fashion trend to approach customers taste in the next season.
MRP system identifies planning from beginning to end of garment products (spinning to
weaving, dyeing, finishing and garments) which help to reduce time, production cost, and
delivery to customer in timely.
SRM shares a high extent of involvement with supply chain partners helps the company
outperform rivals by offering effective and efficient flows of services to customers. The
RFID system allows to access more precise inventory information to manage raw material
tightly which will prevent excess supplies and materials not needed due to garment firms
have many kinds of raw material. The EDI provides a vital tool to adopt the technology
collaboration between textile firm, raw material suppliers and retailer in developed the
countries. The software will give the key to making the right decision for organizations
because high production cost, slowly delivery, and slowly approach to customer changes are
main causes for lose competitive advantages of garment the industry.

Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272 267

To successfully adapt the new technology, the managers must pay attention on what
kind of technology systems need to be invested and how to aggregate these on their
production status. The element which company must take into account when applying IT is
human resource due to the technique skills of labor force is just in infancy level. The trades-
off between IT cost and the productive utilization depending on firm size is also a concerned
element. In addition, the software is not difficult to duplicate by competitors. However, it is
not competitive advantage if the industry applies the old technology in compare with rivals
in China or India.
This study proposes precious criteria for high firm performance which is the IT impact
on SCM. These criteria determine material requirement, better respond to customer, faster
react to market changes, improved utilization of facilities and labor, and reduced inventory
level. The complicated relationships among all functional departments and these with
customers are managed by the information system. The RFID, GPS, mobile, wireless
technology, and Electronic data interchange are also evaluated as contributory criteria for
organization. The measurements for firm improvement are evaluated by customer
satisfaction which is to get closest various consumer demands, high financial statement
including ROI, profitability, and cash flow and marketing performance via market share.
To find out the interrelationships among all criteria the DEMATEL method is applied.
It is a mathematical computation to convert the relations between cause and effect of criteria
into a visual structure model, and to handle the inner dependences within a set of criteria.
The database for the method is expert ideas, because most of evaluators cannot give exact
numerical value to represent opinions, the opinions are evaluated by linguistic assessments
rather than numerical values (Wang and Chuu 2004). The empirical experimental result will
shows out cause and effect criteria group which gives the guideline for decision-making for
The result shows that cause criteria group includes C2, C4, C9, and C10. Effect criteria
group comprises C6 and C8. It is no doubt that IT in SCM has result in high firm
performances, but these relationships are affected by internal and external elements. It can
explain some expected causes criteria become effect criteria. Therefore, manager should
consider what and how to apply information system to get productivity. The result asserts
that to some extent effective performances are determined by the flow of information in
processes. Thus, the textile industry needs approach to “cloud technology”−computational
resources is a severe requirement.
Some limitations and directions for future researches are presented here. This study
conduct with small number of expert, so future research should observe more and the expert
group who be interviewed from various fields not just in economics. ERP software has high
cost and implementation risks. The future research should concern what kind of ERP suitable
for textile firm. The list of technology in SCM is limited. Further, more information systems
should be added. Developing a framework IT in SCM is affected by human resource or
organizational culture. Future research should evaluate the IT investment and compare the
performance in small, medium, and large firm size.

268 Ming-Lang Tseng et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 25 (2011) 257 – 272


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