DHA Exam

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DHA Exam 16/06/2022

1. What is the distance between 2 implants

a) 1mm
b) 2mm
c) 3mm *
d) 4mm
2. Patient with lesion without symptom except occasionally biting it

a) Papilloma
b) Fibroma *
3. Bite wing with superposed roots, what is the reason
a) Wrong vertical angle
b) Wrong horizontal angle *
c) Wrong film placement
4. 4 year old child comes for consutation first time, what will influence the
a) Home environment prior to the consultation*
b) Neighbours
c) Older siblings experience with dentist
d) How the treatment is conducted
5. Which base is least irritating to pulp and periodont
a) Zinc policarboxilate*
b) GIC
6. Pain in 36 2 days after restauration and patient says it is high. Sensitivity to
touch, what is ttt
a) RCT
b) Relieve high occlusal point*
c) Remove restauration
7. Ttt for acute pericoronaritis
a) Antibiotic and incision
b) Rinse and antiseptic*
c) Occlusal relieve
8. Not present in pericoronaritis:
a) Peptostreptococcus
b) Fusobacterium
c) Bacteroides
d) Haemophilus*
9. Pericoronaritis is:
a) Supporating inflammation* (supporating means pus abscess)*
b) Related to erupted 3rd molar in lower arch (I think it`s a trick question
because it says erupted and not partially erupted)
10. Amalgam free gama 2 has how much copper
a) 2%
b) 4%
c) 6%
d) 13%*
11. Clamp for partially erupted molar
a) 14A*
b) 154A
12. . There is a wide gap between the delivery and demand in dental care.
a) Emergency and dental treatment
b) Public education of self-dental care *
c) Resources of dental treatment
d) Distributions of resources
13. Why is caries reduced in developed countries?
a) Water fluoride added artificially*
b) Fluoridated toothpaste
c) Dental health educational programs
d) Individualized oral care
14. Pt lost posterior lower teeth and needs RPD. What will Aker`s clasp likely do
to tooth 34?
a) Caries *
b) Tooth mobility
c) Gingival recession
d) Periodontal pocket
15. Parakeratinized epithelium
a) Not found in gingiva
b) Found in alveolar mucosa
c) Has trapped cells in keratin layer*
d) Keratocytes granules present
16. Bacteria which causes endocarditis:
a) A. a.
b) Staphylococcus aureus*
c) Streptococcus something
17. Patient came to you with multiple vesicles on the attached gingiva in the area
of upper anteriors after having extensive dental treatment two days before. He
has pain and swollenness in the mucosa
a) Recurrent aphtous ulcers
b) Recurrent herpes simplex*
c) Contact dermatitis
d) Allergy
18. Patient with mitral valve needs extraction
a) Check INR
b) Give prophylactic antibiotics*
c) Give factor IX
d) Proceed with treatment
19. Where can you find cells secreting alkaline phosphatase
a) Stratum corneo
b) Stratum intermedium *
20. Picture of missing lower D with band and loop. Pt needs extraction of the
other D, what will you place to hold space?
a) Nance appliance
b) Lingual arch
c) Band and loop*
21. You send alginate impression for pouring and technician notices there is blood
in the impression. How should he proceed?
a) Pour boiling water
b) Glutaraldehyde *
c) Some compound with alcohol
22. What about flash sterilization
a) instuments should be used immediately *
b) sterilized instument in disinfected drawer to be use after 12 hours
c) wrap sterilized instument in towel to use after 24 hours

23. Implant patient has moderate pain postoperatively, even with the medication
you initially prescribed. How do you manage?
a) Ibuprofen 400
b) Acetaminophen 625 mg + 30 mg oxiodeine*
c) Morphine
d) Another option that I don`t remember
24. Patient wants anterior resin restauration after bleaching. When do you place it?
a) Same day
b) Next day
c) 1 week later*
d) Choose another restauration material
25. Badly decayed tooth with no spontaneous pain. When you test, there is no
response to cold, severe pain to heat, no pain to percussion and response to
electric test at 80s. What you do next:
a) RCT*
b) Pulp caping
c) Extraction
d) Restoration
26. Pt comes back one week after class III restoration in tooth #12 complaining
that it changed colour but was perfect when he left the office, what to do?
a) Apply bonding agent
b) Reassure that it will go back to normal spontaneously
c) Remove top part of resin and reapply *

27. How long should you polymerize small class 3 if the unit is very close to the
a) 5 seconds
b) 10 seconds
c) 15 seconds
d) 20 seconds*
28. What is ceramic primer
a) Resin
b) Silane*
c) Try in paste
29. Material used for Preventive resin restoration
a) Normal resin
b) Flowable resin*
c) Sealant
d) GIC
30. Pt with several proximal anterior caries which are not active and show dark
and hard on probing. She wants aesthetic restoration:
b) Composite resin*
c) Observe caries progression
31. #48 impacted and asymptomatic, xray shows it is in the inferior alveolar nerve
canal. What do you do?
a) Remove with extensive flap
b) Remove the crown through section
c) Extensive osteotomy
d) Leave and observe*
32. Abscess in the sublingual space, showing brownish yellow colour and elevated
tongue, related to lower premolar which is badly decayed. How do you make
incision for drainage?
a) Extra orally parallel to lower border of the mandible.
b) Intraorally parallel to wharton's duct.*
c) Intraorally between close to the ridge
33. Divergent Anterior face is
a) Skeletal class III*
b) Can`t remember the other alternatives
34. When making complete dentures for class I patient, VDO is how many mm
less than VDR
a) 1mm
b) 3mm*
c) 4mm
d) 6mm
35. 80 kg pt needs extraction before radiotherapy for treatment of throat
carcinoma. He will be sedated IV, how many mg of lidocaine with 2%
epinephrine can he receive?
a) 345
b) 450
c) 560* (I`m not sure if maybe there is a catch in the fact that the patient will
receive IV sedative)
36. Disease shows 350 new cases per year per 1000 people. The disease
progresses for 7 years. What is the prevalence after 7 years.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 350
d) 2450*
37. Pt. came with fracture because of blow in the right side of his face. He has
ecchymosis around the orbit in the right side only and subconjunctival
bleeding. Bruising in the maxillary buccal vestibule with limited mouth open
what is your diagnosis?
a) le fort 1
b) le fort 2
c) le fort 3
d) zygomatic fracture*
38. Gunshot to mandible ramus what kind of graft:
a) Costochondral*
b) Anterior iliac
c) Posterior iliac
39. Graft with high density of osteocompetent cells:
a) Autograft *
b) xenograft
c) Non-vascular corticocancellous
d) Vascular corticocancellous
40. What is Seibert classification of edentulous ridge with apicocoronal
a) I
b) II*
c) III
d) IV
41. Patient with deep pocket, you perform root planning and a piece of the
instrument breaks, how do you retrieve?
a) Schwartz periotriever*
b) Allis
c) Prophy jet
42. What are the numbers, in mm, for the used files
a) 20, 25, 32
b) 21, 25, 31*

43. Pt comes for complete upper and lower dentures. What xray you perform to
start the treatment?
a) Occlusal
b) Panoramic *
c) Bitewings
d) Complete mouth scan periapicals
44. Pt comes for PRD with missing 15, 16, 27, 26, 25. What clasp you put on # 17
a) Aker*
b) Compound
c) Ring
d) multiple
45. Few remaining teeth (didn’t say how many or which ones), crowns intact and
reversible periodontitis, how do you proceed?
a) Teeth borne overdenture
b) Regular overdenture
c) Implant partial fixed denture*
d) tissue borne complete denture

46. How to manage sensitivity?

a) Apply anti inflammatory in the dentin tubes
b) Mechanically remove cementum cells that cause sensitivity
c) Seal exposed dentin tubes with obliterating material *
47. Base of dental caries seen in periapical film is towards
A) enamel
C) Cementum
48. What is the diagnosis for the caries seen in the proximal of first molar:

a) Occlusal caries
b) Root caries*
c) Incipient caries

49. System B is:

a) Cold GP Condensation
b) Warm GP. Condensation
c) Chemical plasticized obturation
d) Gutta percha injection system *

50. Tug back of gutta percha is due to:

a) Tensile strength
b) Condensation
c) Retention in apical 1/3rd *
d) Elasticity
51. which luting cement should be mixed very slowly to get preferred consistency
a) GiC
b) Zn phosphate *
c) Zn polycarboxylate
d) Resin cement
52. 26 year old patient c/o' SHIFTING TEETH' present with enlargement of
mandible. Also give history his father had a lesion and surgically removed
from jaw some years earlier

a) Keratocystic odontogenic tumor*

b) Ameloblastoma
c) Dentigerous cyst.
d) Radicular cyst
53. 8 year old boy trauma to upper incisors. X ray shows partially formed roots.
No mobility, no fracture and only swollen lip and numbness in the gums. Your
a) Hard splint
b) Pulpotomy
c) Pulp caping
d) Anti inflammatory and Observe *
54. What is the diagnosis?

a) Dens evaginatus
b) Dens invaginatus*
c) dilaceration
55. Water irrigation device
a) plaque removal
b) prevention of plaque
c) dilution of bacterial toxin*
d) prevents pseudo pocket

56. What is this?

a) Implant mask*
b) Gingival mask
c) Silicon mask
57. Positive rake angle:
a) K file *
b) Protaper
c) K reamer
58. Discoid cleoid instrument used in :
a) polishing amalgam before carving.
b) Carving occlusal surface*
c) Burnishing
d) removing amalgam excess detaching

59. Which cusp is sharpest and highest in lower 6?

a) Mesiobuccal
b) Distobuccal
c) Distal
d) Distolingual *
60. Graft for gum recession in upper 3
a) full flap with full graft
b) full flap with split graft
c) connective tissue graft with full flap
d) Connective Tissue graft with split flap*
61. Pt came for treatment in upper first molar and PSA block didn’t work
a) Block anterior superior alveolar nerve
b) Buccal infiltration*
c) Palatine block
d) Repeat psa block

62. Functional appliance

a) Bionator*
b) Nance appliance

63. When is the time to stop thumb sucking?

a) As early as possible
b) Primary dentition
c) Early mixed dentition *
d) Late mixed dentition
64. What is best strategy to stop thumb sucking?
a) Peer pressure
b) Stop before upper anterior permanent erupt*
c) Stop before lower permanent erupt
65. orthodontic functional appliance is contraindicated in which class II patient:
a) maxillary incisor proclined
b) maxillary incisor retruded
c) mandibular incisor proclined*
d) mandibular incisor retruded
66. Resistance of crown cementation depends, in descending order:
a) parallelism, height, free movement, type of cement
b) height, parallelism, free movement, type of cement*
c) free movement, height, parallelism, type of cement
d) parallelism, free movement, height, type of cement

67. Pt has missing 4 upper incisors and came for FPD. Which teeth should be
abutment, given both canines are healthy and in good position
a) Left and right canines
b) Left, right canines and left premolar
c) Left, right canines and right premolar
d) Left and right canines and premolars*
68. Pain during diazepan injection:
a) Lower the needle gauge
b) Choose higher calliper vein
c) presence of methyl paraben
d) presence of propylene glycol *
69. Periapical xray can show?
a) Tooth health
b) Microorganisms
c) Pulp calcifications*
d) Pulp necrosis
70. Hard palate bones
a) Sphenoid and palatine process of maxillary
b) Palatine and palatine process of maxillary*
c) Temporal and palatine process of maxillary
d) Ethmoid and palatine process of maxillary
71. How do you treat teenager with bruxism?
a) Sedatives
b) Adjust occlusion*
c) Capping of all teeth
72. Tooth which needs sectioned core and post
a) Molar*
b) Premolar
c) Canine
d) Lateral incisor
73. Main cause of endo failure
a) Over irrigation
b) Improper obturation*
c) Fracture of instrument
74. Why upper premolar has high occurrence of fracture and perforation when
preparing for core and post?
a) Mesiodistal root concavity*
b) Furcation too cervical
c) Canal too wide
75. Which anatomical structure confuses when superimposing in lower premolars
a) Mental foramen*
b) Incisal foramen
c) Mandibular foramen
76. Index for caries
a) DMF*
b) Other letter combinations that were not right
77. Best treatment for recurrent herpes simplex?
a) Valacyclovir 2 % oral*
b) Valacyclovir 4% cream
c) Patient reassurance
78. What kind of sterilization is autoclave?
a) Dry heat
b) Steam heat under pressure*
c) Vapors under pressure
d) Chemical sterilization
79. What is added to modified alginate to make it set faster?
a) sodium alginate*
b) calcium alginate
c) sodium sulphate
d) calcium sulphate

80. Super difficult question about how to calculate the framework of FPD, I had
never seen this question before in any files or edental (alternatives were
something like this…)
a) square of the distance*
b) cube of distance
c) Square of the height
d) Cube of the height
81. Sharpening of curette, you put its cutting edge to stone at which angle:
a) 70-80
b) 45-90
c) 60-70
d) 100- 110*
82. Which canal is easier to do endo retreatment?
a) Weeping canal
b) Overfilled
c) Underfilled
d) Silver pins*
83. Small girl during treatment started to cough, wheezing sound, become
cyanotic. What is happening?
a) Anaphylactic shock
b) Asthmatic shock*
c) Syncope
d) Hypervolemic shock
84. Which tooth has higher incidence of periodontal abscess?
a) Incisors
b) Canines
c) Premolars
d) Molars*
85. Accessory canal frequently found in lower molars
a) Apical third
b) Middle third
c) Cervical third
d) Furcation area*
86. Duration of local anesthesic depends on:
a) Amount infiltrated
b) Nerve and drug bonding*
c) Drug removal
d) Nerve and drug bonding, drug removal
87. What means endo tip 20?
a) 2 mm
b) 0.02 mm
c) 0.2 mm*
d) 20 mm
88. You are extracting lower primary molar and the roots fracture. What is the
a) Observe and leave
b) Carefully remove after observing*
c) Suture
89. For extraction of impacted upper 8, what is the best way to avoid tearing of the
a) U shaped flap
b) Open large enough flap*
c) Use force
90. What determines where gingival margin finishes?
a) Actual length of clinical crown *
b) opposing teeth
c) alignment of the neighboring teeth
d) type of planned restoration
91. Most important about sugar consumption:
a) Frequency*
b) Type of sugar
c) Duration

92. C shaped canals are seen in

a) Maxillary first molars
b) Maxillary second molars
c) Mandibular first molars
d) Mandibular second molars*
93. Why 50 year old patient has less sensitivity to treatment than young patient?
a) Dentin tubes have more organic material inside
b) Mainly sclerotic dentin*
c) Can`t remember the other alternatives
94. Removing caries only with hand instrument is called
a) alternative restorative treatment*
b) pit and fissure sealant
c) composite restoration
d) preventive restoration
95. Anesthesic test is used for
a) Finding which quadrant
b) Finding specific tooth*
c) Finding which side until midline
d) Finding which jaw

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