Peranian Artikel Behavioral Factors Affecting The Adoption of Sustainable Farming Practices

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European Review of Agricultural Economics Vol 46 (3) (2019) pp.

Advance Access Publication 28 May 2019

Behavioural factors affecting the adoption

of sustainable farming practices: a policy-
oriented review

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François J. Dessart*, Jesús Barreiro-Hurlé and René van Bavel
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Seville, Spain
Received April 2018; editorial decision February 2019; final version accepted March

Review coordinated by Sophie Thoyer and Raphaële Preget

This paper reviews the findings from the last 20 years on the behavioural factors that
influence farmers’ decisions to adopt environmentally sustainable practices. It also
proposes policy options to increase adoption, based on these behavioural factors and
embedded in the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Behavioural factors are grouped
into three clusters, from more distal to more proximal: (i) dispositional factors; (ii)
social factors and (iii) cognitive factors. Overall, the review demonstrates that consid-
ering behavioural factors enriches economic analyses of farmer decision-making, and
can lead to more realistic and effective agri-environmental policies.

Keywords: environment, sustainability, conservation, farming, agriculture,

behavioural sciences, nudge, psychology

JEL classification: D91 Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and
Cognitive Factors on Decision Making, Q15 Agriculture and Environment, Q17
Agricultural Policy

1. Introduction
1.1. Context and objectives
Over the last decades, researchers have increasingly studied the factors that
influence farmers’ adoption of environmentally sustainable practices. Within
this literature, there is a burgeoning stream investigating the role of behav-
ioural factors. Previous academic attempts to take stock of the factors influen-
cing farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices (Kabii and Horwitz, 2006;
Pannell et al., 2006; Knowler and Bradshaw, 2007; Prokopy et al., 2008;
Baumgart-Getz, Prokopy and Floress, 2012) did not specifically focus on the
role of behavioural factors, often resulting in an incomplete overview and
limited theoretical understanding of how and why these factors affect

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]

© Oxford University Press and Foundation for the European Review of Agricultural Economics 2019.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
418 F. J. Dessart et al.

decision-making (Prokopy et al., 2008). These reviews are fragmented across

disciplines (Pannell et al., 2006) and, with the exception of Baumgart-Getz,
Prokopy and Floress (2012), date back to more than a decade ago. There
have been some efforts in policy circles to make an inventory of behavioural
factors influencing farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices (Dwyer et al.,

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2007; OECD, 2012), but their disciplinary scope was restricted to behav-
ioural economics and communication sciences.
In this research context, the primary purpose of this paper is to provide a
structured, integrative and updated overview of the literature on the behav-
ioural factors that influence the adoption of environmentally sustainable farm-
ing practices. We also aim at developing a simple and integrative taxonomy
of behavioural factors, and to highlight the mechanisms and biases that
explain how and why behavioural factors affect farmer decision-making.
The paper’s second objective is to propose, based on the identified behav-
ioural factors, potential policy options for encouraging farmers to adopt more
environmentally sustainable practices. The literature reviews mentioned earl-
ier, on the factors influencing farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices, only
incidentally proposed implications for agri-environmental policies. However,
policy reports at both national (Defra, 2008) and international (OECD, 2012;
The World Bank, 2015) levels, as well as the recent inclusion of behavioural
evidence in the background documents of the European Union’s Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform and in the related impact assessment
(European Commission, 2017c, 2018a), have acknowledged the relevance of
understanding behavioural factors for agricultural policy. There is, however,
still room for policy-makers to fully realise the potential of behavioural insights
for agricultural policy. Testament to this is the fact that just one of the hun-
dreds of behaviourally informed policy interventions recently reviewed by
international organisations in two reports1 (Lourenço et al., 2016; OECD,
2017) explicitly targets farmers. The pioneering UK Behavioural Insights
Team’s four annual reports (The Behavioural Insights Team, 2011, 2015,
2016, 2017), which also showcase hundreds of applications of behavioural
sciences to policy, include only one explicit mention of agriculture.
The current debate regarding the post-2020 CAP reform may present an
opportunity to further consider behavioural factors when designing agri-
environmental policies. One of the priorities of the CAP’s next reform is
‘bolstering environmental care and climate action and contributing to the
achievement of EU environmental and climate objectives’ (European
Commission, 2017b), for which higher, results-based ambitions are set
(European Commission, 2017b, 2018b, 2018c). To achieve better results in
delivering environmental and public goods, the CAP likely needs to be based
not only on regulations and financial incentives (as it is now), but also on

1 The 2015 World Development Report (World Bank Group, 2015) does make dozens of refer-
ences to the application of behavioural insights to agricultural policy, but all of the reported
cases concern developing countries and very few cases relate to actual policy-led interventions
(as opposed to researcher-led field trials).
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 419

incentives leveraging the non-financial, behavioural factors that have a bear-

ing on farmers’ uptake of more sustainable practices. Furthermore, the
European Commission’s proposal (European Commission, 2018c) to create
voluntary eco-schemes, together with the existing agri-environment and cli-
mate measures, indicates a budgetary shift to more voluntary approaches to

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incentivise more sustainable practices. Because a behavioural perspective is
particularly warranted when motivating voluntary adoption (judging by the
burgeoning literature on this topic), this potential increase of budget towards
voluntary schemes further justifies the consideration of behavioural factors.

1.2. Approach and structure

This review focuses on farmers’ decisions to adopt (more) environmentally
sustainable practices. We understand environmentally sustainable practices
(from now on, simply referred to as ‘sustainable practices’) as farming prac-
tices whose main expected benefit – relative to conventional practices – is
the provision of positive externalities on biodiversity, water, soil, landscapes
and climate change. Conservation tillage, crop rotation, reduction of fertili-
sers, pesticides and fungicides, rotational grazing and landscape preservation
are examples of such sustainable practices.2 Precision farming and genetic
alterations, on the other hand, fall outside the scope of this paper because
yield optimisation is usually farmers’ main expected benefit from adopting
these practices (OECD, 2016; Balafoutis et al., 2017).
The main remit of this review is the voluntary adoption of sustainable
practices, regardless of whether it is government-supported or not. This paper
generally does not consider farmers’ decisions to comply with mandatory
environmental regulations (e.g. the CAP’s standards of Good Agricultural
and Environmental Conditions) because the behavioural factors leading to
complying or cheating (Hart and Latacz-Lohmann, 2005) are likely to be dif-
ferent from those leading to voluntary adoption. We focus our review on
individual decisions, thereby excluding coordinated efforts between farmers
to protect the environment, which are associated with distinct behavioural
factors (e.g. see Banerjee et al., 2017).
We use the term ‘behavioural factors’ synonymously with psychological fac-
tors,3 i.e. the cognitive, emotional, personal and social processes or stimuli
underlying human behaviour (American Psychological Association, 2018c).
Because they do not pertain to the decision-maker’s psychology, factors such as
farm size, farmer age or level of education are not considered behavioural and
2 When reviewing studies that link behavioural factors to the adoption of sustainable practices,
we report them as they were labelled by the authors. In some cases, studies focus on broad
combinations of multiple practices (e.g. ‘climate change mitigation practices’, ‘conservation
measures’), while others are much more precise (e.g. ‘organic farming practices’, ‘restoring
3 The term ‘behaviour’ refers, strictly speaking, to action (American Psychological Association,
2018a). For instance, smoking is a documented behavioural factor causing lung cancer.
However, in this review, we adopt a broader meaning of the term ‘behavioural,’ following how
it is commonly understood in the behavioural economics literature.
420 F. J. Dessart et al.

are not covered in this review. The paper does not build on a specific theoretical
framework – such as the theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991) or prospect
theory (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979) – to map behavioural factors influencing
farmer decision-making, as the lack of a unified theory means that we would
inevitably restrict the range of factors considered (Schlüter et al., 2017).

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We restrict our review to factors that have been found, over the past two
decades, to be statistically significant in predicting the level of adoption of
sustainable farming practices. We review findings from economics, psych-
ology and sociology. We also limit our review to studies conducted with
farmers or landowners (i.e. not students) to ensure policy relevance, and to
studies in relatively developed countries4 because behavioural factors and
policy objectives in developing nations may be considerably different
(Borges et al., 2018). Comparing the effect sizes of these behavioural factors
is beyond the scope of this paper. We also do not intend to provide an
exhaustive list of papers exploring the behavioural factors influencing farm-
ers’ decisions to adopt more sustainable practices. Whereas the review of
behavioural factors covers studies conducted in any developed country, our
policy recommendations are made in the specific context of the CAP.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we outline the
main characteristics of farmer decision-making and our taxonomy of behav-
ioural factors. Sections 3–5 present, respectively, the dispositional, social and
cognitive factors that influence farmers’ decisions to adopt sustainable prac-
tices, along with the corresponding policy options for addressing them.
Section 6 discusses the contributions of this paper, farmer rationality, general
policy implications, research gaps and the role of experimental research,
before concluding in Section 7.

2. Farmer decision-making and behavioural factors

2.1. Farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices
Farmers’ decisions to adopt more sustainable practices, such as organic farm-
ing, restoring hedgerows or growing cover crops, have their peculiarities.
Originally, behavioural insights, particularly nudges5 were applied to consu-
mers and citizens, such as their choice of a meal in a canteen, how much
energy they consume at home, or whether they ask for a receipt at the restaur-
ant (Thaler and Sunstein, 2008). Relative to these decision-making processes,
farmers’ decisions to adopt more sustainable practices are primarily business
ones, occur less frequently, often have long-term personal and economic con-
sequences, may involve large investments and long-term commitment (e.g.
participating in voluntary land conservation programmes) and largely involve
the provision of public goods.

4 EU member states and non-EU countries in the top quartile of the Human Development Index.
5 Nudges are defined as ‘liberty-preserving approaches that steer people in particular directions’
(Sunstein, 2014).
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 421

Importantly, compared with the above-mentioned examples of consumer or

citizen decision-making, farmers’ decisions to adopt more sustainable practices
can also be expected to be more controlled and better thought-out (i.e. closer to
‘System 2’ thinking: Kahneman, 2003). This does not mean, however, that
these decisions are free from heuristics and biases nor that the outcome will be

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rational. Although the assumption of rationality provides a broadly approximate,
often statistically valid account of producer choices, it precludes a more
nuanced understanding of actual (not hypothesised) behaviour (Troussard and
van Bavel, 2018), which would be particularly inappropriate when studying the
interactions between farmers and their environment (Feola and Binder, 2010).
These fundamental differences between the original targets of a behav-
ioural approach and farmers mean that not all behaviourally informed inter-
ventions used on consumers and citizens will be either relevant or effective
in the context of farmers’ decisions to adopt more sustainable practices.

2.2. Classifying behavioural factors

We organise behavioural factors conceptually based on their ‘distance’ from the
decision-making in question, a hierarchy frequently used in the health (Alamian
and Paradis, 2012; World Health Organization, 2014) and environmental psych-
ology (Raymond, Brown and Robinson, 2011) literatures. Behavioural factors are
considered distal when they are higher-order, general ‘macro’ principles, relatively
remote from specific decision-making situations. They have general effects and are
thus thought to be related to multiple behaviours (Flay, Snyder and Petraitis,
2009). For instance, farmer personality and risk tolerance affect not only whether
they adopt a particular sustainable practice, but also whether they vaccinate their
livestock (Sok et al., 2018). At the other end of the spectrum, factors are proximal
when they consist in lower-order, ‘micro’ variables directly or almost directly
related to the focus of the decision-making (Flay, Snyder and Petraitis, 2009).
They are, thus, decision-specific and vary case by case. For instance, farmers’ per-
ceptions of the benefits and costs associated with a specific agricultural practice
are immediately related to the decision-making in question: some practices may be
seen as entailing high benefits and low costs, while others may be perceived as
less profitable. Importantly, the malleability of behavioural factors – and thus the
ease through which they can be altered through policy interventions – increases
with their proximity to decision-making (Alamian and Paradis, 2012).
On this distal–proximal spectrum, we distinguish three types of behav-
ioural factors that have a bearing on decision-making: dispositional, social
and cognitive. Dispositional factors6 are the most distal: they are relatively
stable, internal variables related to a given individual, such as personality,
motivations, values, beliefs, general preferences and objectives (Malle,
2011). They affect many decisions. Social factors relate to farmers’
6 In the psychological literature, dispositional factors emerge from attribution theory and are gen-
erally set in contrast to situational factors (Malle, 2011). This review, however, does not strictly
adhere to this dichotomy, and rather incorporates situational factors in the two other clusters
(i.e. social and cognitive).
422 F. J. Dessart et al.

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Fig. 1. An integrated framework of behavioural factors affecting farmers’ adoption of
environmentally sustainable practices. Mechanisms and biases in italics. Within each clus-
ter, behavioural factors are not necessarily situated at the same distance (proximal-distal)
to the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices.

interactions with other individuals (e.g. other farmers or advisors) and include
social norms and signalling motives. Social factors may be proximal or distal;
for instance, injunctive norms (i.e. what farmers perceive others expect from
them) may push farmers to adopt a particular practice or more sustainable
practices in general. Cognitive factors are proximal and relate to learning and
reasoning; they include farmers’ perceptions of the relative benefits, costs
and risks associated with a particular sustainable practice or whether they
feel that they are skilled enough to adopt this practice.
Categorising behavioural factors into these three types and along this spec-
trum may be somewhat arbitrary, and the boundaries between them could be
blurred. However, the purpose is to not to offer the final word on behavioural
factors, but rather to facilitate thinking about them in an ordered and systematic
way. Figure 1 illustrates where these three behavioural factors are positioned in
relation to decision-making and the mechanisms and biases that explain how
and why these behavioural factors affect the adoption of sustainable practices.

3. Dispositional factors
Dispositional factors relate to an individual’s general propensity to behave in
a certain way (Malle, 2011). Table 1 presents the studies that found a
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Table 1. Literature on the role of dispositional factors on the adoption of sustainable farming practices

Sustainable practice (direction Operationalisation of

Behavioural factor Authors of the effect in brackets) Farming activity dependent variable Country

Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices

Extraversion Austin, Deary and Active conservation measures (+) Livestock and arable Self-reported adoption UK
Willock (2001) crops (various)
Openness Willock et al. (1999) Various environmentally oriented Livestock and arable Self-reported adoption UK
practices (+) crops (various)
Austin, Deary and Active conservation measures (+) Livestock and arable Self-reported adoption UK
Willock (2001) crops (various)
Crase and Maybery Recommended practices in remnant Unspecified Self-reported adoption Australia
(2004) bush and revegetation
management (+)
Austin, Deary and Active conservation measures (+) Livestock and arable Self-reported adoption UK
Conscientiousness Willock (2001) crops (various)
Resistance to
change Sheeder and Lynne Conservation tillage (+) Unspecified Self-reported adoption USA
Hermann, Mußhoff Investment in organic barn (+) Livestock (hog) Self-reported Germany
and Agethen (2016) intention to adopt*
Risk tolerance
Gardebroek (2006) Organic farming practices (+) Arable crops (various) Actual adoption The
Serra, Zilberman and Organic farming practices (+) Arable crops (various) Actual adoption Spain
Gil (2008)

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Table 1. (continued)

Sustainable practice (direction Operationalisation of

F. J. Dessart et al.
Behavioural factor Authors of the effect in brackets) Farming activity dependent variable Country

Kallas, Serra and Gil Organic farming practices (+) Permanent crops Self-reported adoption Spain
(2010) (grapes)
Läpple and Van Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Actual adoption Ireland
Rensburg (2011)
Giovanopoulou, Nastis Nitrate pollution reducing schemes Unspecified Actual adoption Greece
and Papanagiotou (+)
Mzoughi (2011) Organic farming practices (+) Arable (vegetables) Self-reported adoption France
and permanent
(fruits) crops
Läpple and Kelley Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Actual adoption Ireland
Hermann, Mußhoff Investment in organic farming (+) Livestock (hog) Self-reported intention Germany
and Agethen (2016) to adopt*
Flaten and colleagues Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (dairy) Actual adoption Norway
Moral concern Raymond, Brown and Planting of native vegetation (+) Livestock (various) Self-reported adoption Australia
Robinson (2011)
Sheeder and Lynne Conservation tillage (+) Unspecified Self-reported adoption USA
Mzoughi (2011) Organic farming practices (+) Arable (vegetables) Self-reported adoption France
and permanent
(fruits) crops
Unspecified Actual adoption Sweden
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Johansson, Rahm and Forest preservation and wetland
Gyllin (2013) restoration (+)
Environmental Michel-Guillou and Organic farming, watershed Arable crops (various) Self-reported adoption France
concern Moser (2006) operations, integrated farming (+)
Toma and Mathijs Organic farming practices (+) Unspecified Self-reported intention Romania

Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices

(2007) to adopt
Best (2010) Organic farming practices (+) Unspecified Actual adoption Germany
Läpple and Van Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Actual adoption Ireland
Rensburg (2011)
Yeboah, Lupi and Filter strips for watershed protection Unspecified Self-reported intention USA
Kaplowitz (2015) (+) to adopt
Läpple and Kelley Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Actual adoption Ireland
Floress et al. (2017) Practices improving water quality Arable crops (various) Self-reported intention USA
(+) to adopt
Palm-Forster, Swinton Best management practices (+) Arable crops (various) Self-reported USA
and Shupp (2017) intention to
Farming objectives
Conservation and Greiner, Patterson and Best grazing management practices Livestock (various) Self-reported adoption Australia
lifestyle Miller (2009) (+)
objectives Kallas, Serra and Gil Organic farming practices (+) Permanent crops Self-reported time Spain
(2010) (grapes) waited before
Giovanopoulou, Nastis Participation in nitrate reduction Unspecified Actual adoption Greece
and Papanagiotou programme (+)

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Table 1. (continued)

Sustainable practice (direction Operationalisation of

F. J. Dessart et al.
Behavioural factor Authors of the effect in brackets) Farming activity dependent variable Country

Greiner (2015) Participation in biodiversity Livestock (various) Self-reported intention Australia

conservation contract (+) to adopt**
Economic Crase and Maybery Sustainable practices in remnant Unspecified Self-reported intention Australia
objectives (2004) bush and revegetation to adopt
management (-)
Läpple and Van Organic farming practices (-) Livestock (various) Actual (early) adoption Ireland
Rensburg (2011)
Mzoughi (2011) Organic farming practices (-) Arable (vegetables) Self-reported adoption France
and permanent
(fruits) crops
Läpple and Kelley Organic farming practices (-) Livestock (various) Actual adoption Ireland
*Lab experiment; **discrete choice experiment; ***field experiment.
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 427

significant relationship between dispositional factors and farmers’ adoption

of more sustainable practices. Because they are relatively stable and do not
relate exclusively to a specific decision, dispositional factors are relatively

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3.1. Personality
Personality traits are individual differences in patterns of thinking, feeling
and behaving (American Psychological Association, 2018b). Since personal-
ity traits consist in habitual patterns of behaviour, they are very distal from
specific decision-making tasks. Five clusters of personality traits – coined the
‘Big Five’ – are usually considered: extraversion, openness to new experi-
ences, agreeableness, neuroticism and conscientiousness (Costa and McCrae,
1992). Of these, extraversion (i.e. the state of primarily obtaining gratification
from outside oneself through enthusiasm, gregariousness and assertiveness),
openness (i.e. the motivation to seek new experiences through curiosity, pref-
erence for variety and creativity) and conscientiousness (i.e. the desire to do
a task well and to take obligations towards others seriously) are significantly
correlated with farmers’ uptake of sustainable practices (Austin, Deary and
Willock, 2001; Crase and Maybery, 2004). Personality also influences other
behaviour by farmers, such as vaccinating livestock (Sok et al., 2018) and
engaging in practices enhancing animal welfare (Austin et al., 2005).

3.2. Resistance to change

Resistance to change has been suggested as a reason that farmers may not adopt
more sustainable practices (Burton, Kuczera and Schwarz, 2008). Resistance to
change and personality are linked: individuals scoring low on openness to new
experiences may be particularly reluctant to change in general (George and
Zhou, 2001). The status quo bias, whereby people systematically prefer to keep
their current practices because they perceive any change as a loss (Samuelson
and Zeckhauser, 1988), is also intrinsically linked to resistance to change. A
recent meta-analysis on the role of the status quo bias in agri-environmental pol-
icy showed that a high percentage of farmers systematically reject change
(Barreiro-Hurle et al., 2018). Because inertia is strong among farmers (Burton,
Kuczera and Schwarz, 2008; Rodriguez et al., 2009), it is probably one of the
major reasons that more sustainable practices are not adopted. Resistance to
change has been found to deter conventional hog farmers from investing in an
organic barn (Hermann, Mußhoff and Agethen, 2016) and conventional tillage
users from adopting conservation tillage (Sheeder and Lynne, 2011).

3.3. Risk tolerance

Risk tolerance is a key concept in (behavioural) economics. It is not surpris-
ing, therefore, that the influence of risk tolerance on farmers’ behaviour has
428 F. J. Dessart et al.

been extensively studied. Risk tolerance7 is a relatively stable disposition, closely

related to the openness and extraversion personality traits mentioned previously
(Frey et al., 2017). As a distal factor, it has been found to influence farmer behav-
iour across a wide range of areas, such as the signing of crop insurance contracts
(Hellerstein, Higgins and Horowitz, 2013) and the adoption of crop diversification

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(Hellerstein, Higgins and Horowitz, 2013), particular marketing strategies
(Pennings and Garcia, 2001) and crop innovations (Ghadim, Pannell and Burton,
2005). Against the backdrop of increased income volatility, high levels of debt,
low margins and extreme climate events (European Commission, 2017d), it is not
surprising that European farmers are usually considered risk averse (Pennings and
Garcia, 2001), leaving them little room for adopting new practices.
Risk-tolerant predispositions are positively correlated with the (early)
adoption of organic farming practices (Gardebroek, 2006; Serra, Zilberman
and Gil, 2008; Kallas, Serra and Gil, 2010; Läpple and Van Rensburg, 2011;
Mzoughi, 2011). Some authors suggest that the relationship between risk tol-
erance and the adoption of sustainable farming practices is not direct
(Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings and Hofenk, 2016). Accordingly, risk tolerance
moderates the negative link between the perceived financial risks of sustain-
able practices (see below) and their adoption: the impact of perceived finan-
cial risk on adoption is greater for risk-averse farmers than for risk-seekers.
Risk tolerance is at least partly influenced by culture: contrary to lay beliefs,
people living in collectivist cultures tend to be less risk-averse than those living
in individualist societies (Weber and Hsee, 1998; Hsee and Weber, 1999).
Although cross-cultural data on farmers’ risk tolerance are scant, evidence
from studies among the general population shows that risk aversion is much
stronger in some EU countries than in others (Rieger, Wang and Hens, 2014).

3.4. Moral concern and environmental concern

Moral concern refers to a person’s conscience, ethical principles and concern
for others’ welfare (Cushman, 2015). Compared with conventional farmers,
organic farmers are significantly more concerned about doing ‘the right thing’
(Mzoughi, 2011), a proxy for moral concern. Farmers who show relatively
high concern for others and score highly on empathy–sympathy are more
likely to adopt conservation tillage (Sheeder and Lynne, 2011), to participate
in voluntary forest preservation or wetland restoration (Johansson, Rahm and
Gyllin, 2013). Moral concern affects other farmers’ behaviours, such as
adopting practices enhancing animal welfare (Kielland et al., 2010).
Environmental concern relates to the affect associated with environmental
problems (Schultz et al., 2005). Compared to other dispositional factors,
environmental concern is more proximal to the decision to adopt sustainable
practices. Environmental concern influences both pro-environmental behav-
iour in the general population (e.g. Bamberg, 2003) and farmers’ adoption of
7 While we use the term risk tolerance, the literature also refers to this as risk attitudes, risk aver-
sion or risk preference.
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 429

sustainable practices (Toma and Mathijs, 2007; Best, 2010; Läpple and Van
Rensburg, 2011). For instance, farmers who adopt sustainable practices are
more likely than conventional farmers to be worried about water quality
(Michel-Guillou and Moser, 2006). Being a member of an environmental
organisation, a proxy for environmental concern, leads farmers to accept

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some of the costs associated with conservation practices, which can mean
that they bid below their costs when taking part in conservation auctions
(Palm-Forster, Swinton and Shupp, 2017). Feeling emotionally connected to
nature is also correlated with conservation behaviour, such as the adoption of
native vegetation protection measures (Gosling and Williams, 2010).
Environmental concern is driven by the ascription of personal responsibility
for environmental damage that, for water pollution, may be low compared
with industry and households (Michel-Guillou and Moser, 2006). Farmers
may also not feel personally responsible to change their current practices if
they consider they are already doing enough to protect the environment.
Moral and environmental concerns influence farmers’ adoption of sustain-
able practices, as people in general seek coherence between behaviour and con-
cern to avoid dissonance (Festinger, 1962). Similarly, people seek to reduce
the unpleasant emotions associated with environmental and moral concerns
(e.g. guilt) and to experience instead positive emotions of self-satisfaction in
what is called the ‘warm-glow’ process (Andreoni, 1990). Avoiding guilty feel-
ings is one reason farmers adopt organic practices (Mzoughi, 2011), and
organic farmers are usually happier than conventional farmers (Mzoughi,
2014). One potential drawback of the warm-glow process is that it can lead to
moral licensing (Blanken, Ven and Zeelenberg, 2015), i.e. feeling that one has
the right to act in a less environmentally friendly way (or even to be environ-
mentally unfriendly) in other domains. Moral licensing is linked to the well-
known rebound effect in energy economics (Berkhout, Muskens and
Velthuijsen, 2000), which is an unexpected increase in energy consumption
following an increase in fuel efficiency. Some qualitative evidence shows that
participating in agri-environmental schemes may lead to some moral licensing
(Burton, Kuczera and Schwarz, 2008), and theoretical work shows that the
rebound effect may hold true for water irrigation (Berbel and Mateos, 2014).

3.5. Farming objectives

Farming objectives are the goals that farmers pursue through their activity.8
Farming objectives go beyond economic ones, and may include lifestyle
8 Compared with farming objectives, personal values are much more distal from the decision to
adopt sustainable farming practices. Personal values consist of representations of abstract
goals that motivate action in one’s life (Roccas et al., 2002) and transcend specific decision-
making tasks. They convey what is important for a person in his or her life (Bardi and Schwartz,
2003), such as tradition, family and self-expression. Although farmers’ personal values have
been studied (e.g. Emery, 2015), there is little research about how they relate to the adoption of
sustainable practices. Generally speaking, farming objectives are better predictors of decision-
making than values (Bandura, 1986). Notably, some of the literature cited later in this study
uses ‘values’ to refer to lower-order farming objectives.
430 F. J. Dessart et al.

(Maybery, Crase and Gullifer, 2005). This dichotomy has also been referred
to as an opposition between entrepreneurship and peasantry/conservation
(Miira, Vesala and Vesala, 2012). Raymond, Brown and Robinson (2011)
reviewed evidence suggesting that the importance farmers give to conserva-
tion objectives has grown only marginally since the early 2000s. Importantly,

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farmers often have conflicting objectives: most of them embrace both conser-
vation and economic objectives but to varying degrees (Gosling and
Williams, 2010). Regarding sustainable practices, a common core running
through several decades of research is that essentially farmers will adopt such
practices if they expect these to help them achieve their objectives (Pannell
et al., 2006). The literature on farmers’ behaviour is rather consistent in
showing that adopting sustainable practices is negatively correlated with eco-
nomic objectives, and positively correlated with lifestyle and conservation
objectives (Greiner, Patterson and Miller, 2009; Kallas, Serra and Gil, 2010;
Mzoughi, 2011; Greiner, 2015). This finding may be surprising, considering
that some sustainable practices are more profitable than conventional ones
(see the section on perceived costs and benefits).
Most research on this topic focuses on the influence farming objectives
have on the adoption of unsubsidised sustainable practices. Yet participating
in economically incentivised public schemes may well be in line with eco-
nomic farming objectives (for qualitative evidence, see Mills et al., 2018). A
survey carried out in five EU Member States showed that most farmers who
participate in paid agri-environmental schemes are motivated by economic
gains (Pavlis et al., 2016).
As environmental concern, farming objectives are relatively more proximal
to the decision to adopt more sustainable practices than other dispositional
factors. They also influence decision-making through the avoidance of dis-
sonance between goals and actions (Festinger, 1962; Bardi and Schwartz,

3.6. Policy options addressing dispositional factors

Short-term and long-term policy strategies may be designed to address the
dispositional factors influencing farmers’ adoption of more sustainable prac-
tices. Regarding short-term approaches to addressing dispositional factors,
one policy recommendation is to segment or target policies according to
farmer heterogeneity, i.e. their personality, degree of resistance to change,
risk tolerance, level of moral and environmental concern and farming objec-
tives. For instance, it has been suggested that economic incentives should be
targeted to farmers who place high value on profit as a farming objective,
because farmers with intrinsic motivations to protect the environment may in
some cases react negatively to payments (Greiner and Gregg, 2011; Grolleau,
Mzoughi and Thoyer, 2015). This (disputable) ‘crowding-out effect’ may be
especially relevant when conservation payments are modest (Andrews et al.,
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 431

While segmenting agricultural policies based on dispositional behavioural

factors is theoretically interesting, actually implementing this idea is difficult.
One issue is that policy-makers cannot directly observe these dispositional
factors. Another major barrier is that agricultural policies need to treat all
farmers equally. Two potential solutions that could be implemented within

Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022

the CAP framework are worth pursuing and, to a certain extent, are already
being applied.
The first is to design a mix of policies based on voluntary and mandatory
adoption of sustainable practices. Voluntary schemes de facto target farmers
who are relatively open to new experiences, prone to change, risk-seeking
and concerned about morality and the environment, as these dispositional fac-
tors characterise farmers who willingly adopt sustainable practices. On the
other hand, mandatory schemes can be a solution for other groups of more
reluctant farmers. In this sense, introducing the greening layer as part of CAP
direct payments in 2013 (European Commission, 2016) could be seen as a
tool based on the power of defaults to increase the adoption of sustainable
practices. However, the high proportion of farms exempt from greening
requirements9 has limited the impact of these on the adoption of sustainable
practices. The enhanced conditionality put forward in the Communication on
the post-2020 CAP is an opportunity to further use the power of defaults to
overcome behavioural barriers to adopting sustainable agricultural practices.
These issues are particularly relevant in the light of the post-2020 CAP, since
Member States will have to design appropriate mixes of voluntary and man-
datory agri-environmental policies to achieve common EU objectives
(European Commission, 2018c).
The second solution is based on the idea that farmers can be indirectly seg-
mented according to more observable variables such as age, sex and country
or region, which have been found to be correlated with some dispositional
factors. For instance, the literature is rather consistent in showing that young
people have a higher degree of environmental concern (Diamantopoulos
et al., 2003) and of risk tolerance (Halek and Eisenhauer, 2001), suggesting
that it may be more cost-effective to target support for voluntary adoption to
younger farmers than to older farmers. To a certain extent, with its specific
economic support for young farmers (e.g. policies related to generational
renewal), the CAP already segments its direct payments and rural develop-
ment programmes based on farmers’ age, suggesting that it does not breach
the rule of law. Perhaps, then, segmenting the environmental components of
the CAP, based on sociodemographic variables, is also possible. Designing
country- or region-specific environmental policies also takes into account the
heterogeneity of farmers. Culture plays a role in shaping the different disposi-
tional factors influencing farmer decision-making. Although there is a lack of

9 Louhichi and colleagues (2018) report that 45 per cent of the farms are exempted and an add-
itional 25 per cent already comply with the greening measures, meaning that only 30 per cent
of farms need to change their land allocation to comply with greening. According to the
European Court of Auditors (2017), greening led to changes in farming practices on around only
5 per cent of all EU farmland.
432 F. J. Dessart et al.

cross-cultural evidence regarding the prevalence of each of the identified dis-

positional factors among farmers, studies among the general population
show, for instance, that environmental concern and risk tolerance vary con-
siderably across EU countries (Rieger, Wang and Hens, 2014; European
Commission, 2017e). Adapting environmental policies based on these aggre-

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gate dispositional factors can be a way to make these policies more efficient:
while voluntary schemes may work best in Member States where farmers
show a generally higher level of environmental concern and risk tolerance,
mandatory schemes may be more appropriate in Member States where farm-
ers show overall high levels of resistance to change. Within the CAP, the
expected greater subsidiarity left to Member States to design CAP strategic
plans seems in line with this philosophy (European Commission, 2018c).
Another short-term policy recommendation to address dispositional factors
involves targeting farmers when they are least resistant to change. Proposing
a change at the same time as a major life event (such as becoming a parent,
moving home or retiring) has been found effective in prompting people to
decrease their resistance to change (Schäfer, Jaeger-Erben and Bamberg,
2012). Life events often mean disrupting the environment in which decisions
are normally made (Darnton et al., 2011), making people more receptive to
new information and more prone to change their behaviour (Verplanken and
Roy, 2016). Policies designed to encourage farmers to adopt more sustainable
practices – especially those that require a major change, such as converting
to organic farming – should be aware of the opportunities afforded by such
life events and capitalise on them where possible. If it is not possible to take
advantage of major life events, incentivising farmers to make instead small,
but incremental changes towards sustainable practices can be an effective
option to address resistance to change and risk aversion (Öhlmér, Olson and
Brehmer, 1998).
In the long term, policies may attempt to alter the most malleable disposi-
tional factors so as to increase farmers’ general willingness to adopt more
sustainable practices. By definition, dispositional factors are relatively stable
and hard to change. Personality and moral concern are probably the most
stable behavioural factors, partly because they may have a genetic component
(Pedersen and Reynolds, 2002; Kuhnen and Chiao, 2009). Risk tolerance
may be less stable: the CAP, through its direct payments decoupled from pro-
duction, has increased European farmers’ risk tolerance (Koundouri et al.,
2009). Policies reducing the volatility of farmers’ income may thus indirectly
encourage more risk-taking in the form of adopting more sustainable prac-
tices. Environmental concern and farming objectives may also be more mal-
leable. Social marketing programmes, including agricultural education and
training through advisory services (Cullen et al., 2018) and media campaigns,
can, in the long term, raise farmers’ environmental concerns and increase the
importance they give to conservation as a farming objective. Government-run
campaigns are already used to induce farmer behavioural change, for instance
to promote more appropriate use of antibiotics (Ministère de l’Agriculture et
de l’Alimentation, 2018). However, rather than traditional, isolated top-down
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 433

media campaigns, raising environmental concerns requires building long-

term, integrated and diversified social marketing programmes involving all
stakeholders (Dessart and van Bavel, 2017), therefore fully including farmers
in the process (Westerink et al., 2017). For instance, this bottom-up approach
has proved effective in reducing the adverse health effects of pesticide expos-

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ure among agricultural workers (Flocks et al., 2001).

4. Social factors
Interpersonal relationships influence farmers’ decisions to adopt more sus-
tainable practices. Social factors include social norms and signalling motives.
Social norms, in their broad sense, represent collective representations of
acceptable behaviour as well as individual perceptions of the adoption of a
particular conduct by others (Lapinski and Rimal, 2005). Table 2 summarises
selected studies that found a significant relationship between social factors
and the adoption of sustainable farming practices.
Social factors can be relatively distal (e.g. perceived societal pressure to adopt
more sustainable practices in general) or more proximal (e.g. a spouse disap-
proving of a particular labour-intensive, sustainable practice). Traditionally, the
social factors of farmer decision-making have been studied by sociologists and
social psychologists (Michel-Guillou and Moser, 2006), but now there is also a
burgeoning economics literature investigating them.

4.1. Descriptive norms

Cialdini et al. (1990) distinguished norms that concern what other people
actually do (i.e. descriptive norms) and norms that describe what people
ought to do (i.e. injunctive norms). Regarding the former, farmers’ decisions
to adopt sustainable practices seem to be influenced by their neighbours’
behaviour. Spatial data (Schmidtner et al., 2012; Läpple and Kelley, 2015)
suggest that farmers in proximity to each other exhibit similar patterns of
organic farming adoption. Having little previous experience of neighbouring
farmers with agri-environmental measures is correlated with farmers not
adopting these schemes (Vanslembrouck, Van Huylenbroeck and Verbeke,
2002; Defrancesco et al., 2008; Läpple and Van Rensburg, 2011). Being
aware that conservation tillage is used by other farmers in one’s district posi-
tively influences adoption (Llewellyn and Burton, 2008). The descriptive
norm has been found to influence other decisions, such as whether to vaccin-
ate livestock (Sok et al., 2016).
A number of reasons may be behind the emergence of such clusters of
neighbouring ‘converted’ farmers. First, a particular natural advantage
(Läpple and Kelley, 2015) may create some favourable local conditions for
the adoption of sustainable practices such as organic farming. Second, a
neighbouring farmer who has adopted sustainable practices may lead to the
sharing of information about the real costs, benefits and risks of conversion.
Information sharing, and more generally social learning and social capital,
Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022
Table 2. Literature on the role of social factors on the adoption of sustainable farming practices

F. J. Dessart et al.
Sustainable practice (direction of dependent
Behavioural factor Authors of the effect in brackets) Farming activity variable Country

Descriptive norm
Vanslembrouck, Van Extensification of field margins Unspecified Self-reported Belgium
Huylenbroeck and (+) intention to adopt
Verbeke (2002)
D’Emden, Llewellyn and Conservation tillage (+) Arable crop (various) Self-reported Australia
Burton (2008) adoption
Defrancesco et al. (2008) Participation in agri- Livestock and arable Self-reported Italy
environmental-scheme (+) crops (various) intention to adopt
Kuhfuss et al. (2016b) Permanence in agri- Permanent crops Self-reported France
environmental scheme (+) (grapes) intention to
Injunctive norm Beedell and Rehman (1999) Sustainable hedge management Unspecified Actual adoption UK
Defrancesco et al. (2008) Participation in agri- Livestock and arable Self-reported Italy
environmental-scheme (+) crops (various) intention to adopt
Kallas, Serra and Gil (2010) Organic farming practices (+) Permanent crops Self-reported Spain
(grapes) adoption
Wauters et al. (2010) Soil conservation practices (+) Arable crops (various) Self-reported Belgium
intention to adopt
Läpple and Kelley (2013) Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Self-reported Ireland
intention to adopt
van Dijk et al. (2016) Agri-environmental Livestock (dairy) Self-reported The Netherlands
management practices (+) intention to adopt
Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022
Signalling motives Willock et al. (1999) Various environmentally Livestock and arable Self-reported UK
oriented behaviours (+) crops (various) adoption
Michel-Guillou and Moser Organic farming, watershed Arable crops (various) Self-reported France
(2006) operations, integrated adoption
farming (+)
Mzoughi (2011) Integrated protection and Arable (vegetables) and Self-reported France

Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices

organic farming practices (+) permanent (fruits) adoption
van Dijk et al. (2016) Agri-environmental Livestock (dairy) Self-reported The Netherlands
management practices (+) intention to adopt
Kuhfuss et al. (2016b) Permanence in agri- Permanent crops Self-reported France
environmental scheme (+) (grapes) intention to
*Lab experiment; **discrete choice experiment; ***field experiment.

436 F. J. Dessart et al.

are considered critical to the adoption of agricultural innovations within local

farming systems (Marra, Pannell and Ghadim, 2003) and the adoption of
agri-environmental schemes in particular (Barreiro-Hurlé, Espinosa-Goded
and Dupraz, 2010). Third, if the level of participation of neighbouring farm-
ers reaches a significant threshold, non-adopters may see this as a cue that

Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022

adoption is the descriptive norm, i.e. the behaviour that most other farmers
adopt. As illustrated by Asch (1956), individuals have a strong tendency,
especially when they are in the minority, to conform to the majority by
adopting their behaviour. This susceptibility to the descriptive norm is cultur-
ally grounded: in collectivist cultures, conforming to the social norm is more
approved of and more common than in individualistic cultures (Bond and
Smith, 1996). Besides conformism, the fact that other farmers adopt sustain-
able practices may motivate farmers to participate because most individuals
are ‘conditional co-operators’, i.e. they contribute to public goods only if
others also do so (Fischbacher, Gächter and Fehr, 2001). People in general
are interested in comparing themselves with similar others because they need
social comparison (Festinger, 1954), and this also holds true for contributions
to public goods (Kurzban and DeScioli, 2008). Farmers’ interest in compar-
ing their financial information with that of fellow farmers as part of their par-
ticipation in mutual funds shows that social comparison also applies to

4.2. Injunctive norm

When deciding whether to adopt a more sustainable practice, farmers are also
influenced by what they think others expect from them, i.e. injunctive norms,
also known as ‘subjective norm’ in the Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen,
1991). Injunctive norms affect behaviour because individuals need social
approval (Talcott, 1951). Farmers who participate in agri-environmental
schemes are more likely than those who do not to consider other farmers’
and society’s opinion as important (Defrancesco et al., 2008). Producers of
organic meat say that they follow the opinion or advice of relatives, advisors
and the press to a greater extent than do producers of conventional meat
(Läpple and Kelley, 2013). Farmers who engage in sustainable hedge man-
agement feel greater social pressure than those who are not part of this type
of collaborative project (Beedell and Rehman, 1999). Those who adopt soil
conservation practices are more likely than non-adopters to consider that
important social referents think they should apply these practices (Wauters
et al., 2010).
Certainly, (local) citizens and the media put normative pressure on farmers
to adopt more sustainable practices, as shown in the latest Eurobarometer on
agriculture (European Commission, 2018d). Retailers, and more generally the
downstream value chain, may also exert pressure on farmers to adopt more
sustainable practices, especially for relatively un-processed food and practices
that have received wide media coverage (e.g. pesticides in fruit and
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 437

vegetables, antibiotics in meat production – Epices and Blezat Consulting,

2018). However, advisors from agricultural input companies may influence
farmers in a different direction. Spouses, relatives and co-workers may also
have negative attitudes towards sustainable practices if the latter require more
labour on their part (Gardebroek, 2006). Culture also plays a role in the rela-

Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022

tive importance of social referents. For instance, in pre-2004 EU Member
States veterinarians have more influence on young farmers than in new
Member States (European Commission, 2015).

4.3. Signalling motives

Consumers are known to choose environmentally friendly products because
they seek higher status (Griskevicius, Tybur and Van den Bergh, 2010). For
farmers, too, improving local public image and status may motivate them to
adopt more sustainable practices (Willock et al., 1999) such as organic farm-
ing, watershed operations and integrated farming (Michel-Guillou and Moser,
2006). Farmers who participate in agri-environmental schemes, and those
who have adopted organic farming, are more likely than those who do not to
value their public image as a farmer (Defrancesco et al., 2008; Mzoughi,
2011). Indeed, adopting sustainable practices has a social identity component,
in that it ‘says something’ about farmers (van Dijk et al., 2016). Engaging in
sustainable practices may work as a ‘costly’, and therefore reliable, signal of
pro-sociality, which has been found to yield status benefits (Zahavi and
Zahavi, 1999).
An issue with social signalling, however, is that some sustainable farming
practices are invisible to the general public and therefore receive little social
praise (Baland and Platteau, 2000). For instance, managing pastures to pre-
vent forest fires is relatively visible (Kuhfuss et al., 2016b), but practices
such as carbon sequestration on soils and reducing CO2 emissions are less
so. In addition, citizens who lack the relevant knowledge may erroneously
consider some sustainable practices (e.g. spraying pesticides many times in
small quantities rather than a few times in large quantities) as unsustainable
or simply fail to understand their environmental benefits (e.g. cover crops).
Whereas the need for public recognition from society may drive the adop-
tion of sustainable practices, the dynamic could be different within farming
communities; intensive, productive agriculture is often still considered a sym-
bol of ‘good farming’ and competition between farmers is often based on
yield rather than on environmental performance (Burton, Kuczera and
Schwarz, 2008; Sutherland and Darnhofer, 2012). The desire to produce a
visibly tidy landscape, for instance, is at odds with conservation objectives
(Schmitzberger et al., 2005). Sustainable farming practices may instead be
seen as signals of ‘alternative’ (Gardebroek, 2006) and old-style farming
(Läpple and Kelley, 2013). Farmers are less willing to enrol in agri-
environmental schemes when these do not allow them to maintain agricul-
tural activity (Espinosa-Goded, Barreiro-Hurlé and Ruto, 2010), probably
438 F. J. Dessart et al.

because they need to demonstrate their socially expected skills (Burton,

Kuczera and Schwarz, 2008).

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4.4. Policy options addressing social factors
Several policy recommendations can be made to address the social factors
influencing farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices. Regarding descriptive
norms, the strategy to follow essentially depends on the level of adoption of
sustainable practices within a given area. If the level is high, one valuable
policy option would be to communicate to farmers that the majority of neigh-
bouring farmers have adopted sustainable practices. A similar approach has
been proven effective in motivating consumers to conserve energy (Allcott,
2011). In the context of the CAP, this approach is particularly relevant for
voluntary schemes. Recently, Kuhfuss et al. (2016b) conducted an experi-
ment on French farmers’ willingness to maintain sustainable practices linked
to agri-environmental schemes once their contract ended. Informing partici-
pants that 80 per cent of other farmers were intending to maintain the sustain-
able practices even without renewing their contract more than doubled the
odds that participants would also maintain the practices. Also Gillich and col-
leagues (2019) found that farmers would grow perennial crops for bioenergy
purposes against a lower compensation premium if their neighbours also
grew them. However, another experiment conducted in the USA showed that
providing information on the popularity of a voluntary programme had no
effect on new or renewed sign-ups (Higgins et al., 2017).
Conversely, if the adoption level is low, communicating this descriptive
norm can backfire. In a famous experiment, Cialdini et al. (1990) showed
that people are more likely to litter when most other people litter, than when
most other people do not litter. Applied to our case, this policy ‘mistake’
implies that, if the majority of farmers in a given area continue to use con-
ventional practices, providing them with information on this descriptive norm
is likely to deter, rather than encourage them, to convert to more sustainable
practices. For instance, farmers who are informed that they consume less
water than the majority of others then tend to increase their water consump-
tion (Le Coent et al., this issue). In areas where the adoption of sustainable
practices is particularly low, economic incentives may be more appropriate,
precisely to change this self-feeding low descriptive norm.
One documented way of raising farmers’ expectations that adoption is
the descriptive norm is using collective bonuses for enrolling in agri-
environmental schemes (Kuhfuss et al., 2016a). This monetary bonus paid in
addition to the agri-environmental scheme premium if a certain adoption
threshold is reached increases farmers’ expectations about others’ participa-
tion. As a result, farmers are willing to enrol for a lower subsidy amount,
thus leading to greater budget efficacy. However, evidence shows that farm-
ers do not value collective participation in agri-environmental schemes
(Rocamora-Montiel, Glenk and Colombo, 2014; Villanueva et al., 2015),
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 439

probably because of the resulting lack of perceived control – see the section
on cognitive factors below.
Harnessing the power of injunctive norms is also a policy option. Instead
of targeting farmers, agri-environmental policies may attempt to persuade
their social referents. Here, it is important to identify the most influential sta-

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keholders in order to prioritise working with them to influence farmer
decision-making. At a more societal level, policies aimed at educating consu-
mers and citizens about agriculture in general, and about the value of sustain-
able farming practices, may increase the injunctive norm towards more
sustainable practices.
In terms of social signalling, expressing social recognition to farmers for
their contribution to protecting the environment may be effective. Farmers
who are publicly acknowledged as contributing to environmental protection
by participating in agri-environmental schemes are more likely to maintain
the practices adopted once their contract ends (Kuhfuss et al., 2016b).
Receiving regional stakeholders’ appreciation for their agri-environmental
work is thought to lead farmers to more long-term pro-environmental com-
mitment (de Krom, 2017). Certification programmes, such as the EU organic
label, can give farmers who adopt sustainable practices an opportunity to
send a signal of their environmental stewardship to their local community
and consumers alike – provided that these programmes are well understood
and seen as credible (Stuart, Benveniste and Harris, 2014). An issue here is
that many other sustainable practices (e.g. conversion to grassland or wet-
land, cover crops) have no such certification scheme.
Another option is to give farmers better opportunities to compare their
environmental efforts with those of others, a strategy that was found effective
for reducing water consumption among citizens (Ferraro, Miranda and Price,
2011) and curbing antibiotics prescriptions by general practitioners (Hallsworth
et al., 2016). Social comparison can be achieved either by fostering informal
communication and, more generally, social capital between farmers (e.g.
through cooperatives), or by making environmental performance information
more publicly available through formal channels. For farmers who are heavy
consumers of water, letting them compare their individual consumption with
the average consumption of neighbouring farmers is effective in reducing their
subsequent water consumption (Le Coent et al., this issue).

5. Cognitive factors
The adoption of sustainable practices is influenced by how farmers learn,
understand and perceive these practices, particularly the associated difficul-
ties, costs, benefits and risks. These cognitive factors are very specific and,
hence, proximal to the decision-making process in question: whereas one
type of sustainable practice may be considered risky, costly and difficult to
implement, another may be seen as entailing little risk, cost or difficulty.
Table 3 presents an overview of studies that found a significant relationship
between cognitive factors and the adoptions of sustainable farming practices.
Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022
Table 3. Literature on the role of cognitive factors on the adoption of sustainable farming practices

F. J. Dessart et al.
Sustainable practice (direction Operationalisation of
Behavioural factor Authors of the effect in brackets) Farming activity dependent variable Country

Knowledge about D’Emden, Llewellyn and Conservation tillage (+) Arable crops Self-reported adoption Australia
sustainable Burton (2008) (various)
practices Kallas, Serra and Gil (2010) Organic farming practices (+) Permanent crops Self-reported adoption Spain
(schemes) (grapes)
Läpple and Van Rensburg Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Actual adoption Ireland
Pavlis et al. (2016) Participation in agri- Permanent and Self-reported intention Five EU
environmental scheme (+) arable crops to adopt countries
Perceived control Michel-Guillou and Moser Organic farming, watershed Arable crops Self-reported adoption
(2006) operations, integrated farming (various)
Defrancesco et al. (2008) Participation in agri- Livestock and Self-reported intention Italy
environmental scheme (+) arable crops to adopt
Läpple and Kelley (2013) Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Self-reported intention Ireland
to adopt
Morgan et al. (2015) Low-emission practices (+) Self-reported adoption Australia
van Dijk et al. (2016) Agri-environmental Livestock (dairy) Self-reported intention The Netherlands
management (+) to adopt
Kuhfuss et al. (2016b) Permanence in agri- Permanent crops Self-reported intention France
environmental scheme (+) (grapes) to adopt**
Perceived benefits Beedell and Rehman (1999) Sustainable hedge management Unspecified Actual adoption UK
Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022
Perceived Vanslembrouck, Van Participation in voluntary Unspecified Self-reported intention Belgium
environmental Huylenbroeck and extensification of field to adopt
benefits Verbeke (2002) margins (+)
Michel-Guillou and Moser Organic farming, watershed Arable crops Self-reported adoption France
(2006) operations, integrated farming (various)

Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices

Ma et al. (2012) Participation environmental Arable crops (corn, Self-reported intention USA
services programmes (+) soybean) to adopt
Schulz, Breustedt and Not opting out of CAP greening Arable crops Self-reported intention Germany
Latacz-Lohmann (2014) requirements (+) (various) to adopt**
Yeboah, Lupi and Kaplowitz Filter strips for watershed Unspecified Self-reported intention USA
(2015) protection (+) to adopt
Villanueva et al. (2017) Willingness to accept ecological Permanent crops Self-reported intention Spain
focus area (+) (olives) to adopt**
Perceived financial D’Emden, Llewellyn and Conservation tillage (+) Arable crops Actual adoption Australia
benefits Burton (2008) (various)
Kallas, Serra and Gil (2010) Organic farming practices (+) Permanent crops Self-reported adoption Spain
Best (2010) Organic farming practices (+) Unspecified Actual adoption Germany
Läpple and Kelley (2013) Organic farming practices (+) Livestock (various) Self-reported intention Ireland
to adopt
Morgan et al. (2015) Low-emission practices (+) Unspecified Self-reported adoption Australia
Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings Building of sustainable Livestock (hog) Actual adoption The Netherlands
and Hofenk (2016) husbandry (+)


Downloaded from by Gadjah Mada University user on 26 May 2022
Table 3. (continued)

Sustainable practice (direction Operationalisation of

F. J. Dessart et al.
Behavioural factor Authors of the effect in brackets) Farming activity dependent variable Country

Perceived risks Kurkalova, Kling and Zhao Conservation tillage (−) Arable crops Actual adoption USA
Perceived financial (2006) (various)
risks Pavlis et al. (2016) Participation in agri- Permanent and Self-reported intention Five EU
environmental scheme (−) arable crops to adopt countries
Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings Building of sustainable Livestock (hog) Actual adoption The Netherlands
and Hofenk (2016) husbandry (−)
Perceived Toma and Mathijs (2007) Organic farming practices (+) Unspecified Self-reported intention Romania
environmental to adopt
risks Arbuckle, Morton and Hobbs Climate change mitigation Arable crops (corn, Self-reported intention USA
(2013) practices (+) soybean) to support
*Lab experiment; **discrete choice experiment; ***field experiment.
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 443

5.1. Knowledge
If farmers are to adopt more sustainable practices, an obvious prerequisite is
that they are aware that such practices exist. Generally speaking, having
access to relevant and reliable information is crucial if farmers are to adopt

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agronomic innovations (Llewellyn, 2007). Regarding sustainable practices,
having easy access to information from local agricultural authorities moti-
vates farmers to adopt organic farming (Kallas, Serra and Gil, 2010) and
attending cropping extension activities is strongly associated with the adop-
tion of conservation tillage (D’Emden, Llewellyn and Burton, 2008). Those
who adopt organic farming use more information and have significantly bet-
ter attitudes towards information gathering than non-adopters (Läpple and
Van Rensburg, 2011). Acquiring information and knowledge about sustain-
able practices is a highly dynamic and social process (see the Section 4 on
social factors).
In addition to information about sustainable practices, having information
about policy-supported voluntary schemes is another prerequisite for farmers’
participation. In a study carried out in five EU countries, farmers most often
said that lack of knowledge about scheme opportunities was the reason they
did not participate in voluntary agri-environmental schemes (Pavlis et al.,
2016). Indeed, in some areas farmers have little awareness of these schemes
(Barreiro-Hurlé, 2016, Dessart, 2019), and lack of awareness can play a sig-
nificant role in determining whether or not farmers decide to participate
(Higgins et al., 2017).

5.2. Perceived control

Another relevant issue is perceived behavioural control (also known as per-
ceived self-efficacy), which relates to farmers’ perceptions that they possess
the relevant skills and sufficient time to undertake an action. The more a
farmer perceives he/she can easily implement the practices associated with a
given agri-environmental scheme, the more likely he/she will participate
(Defrancesco et al., 2008). Farmers who believe they lack the skills or time
to produce organic meat are particularly reluctant to convert (Läpple and
Kelley, 2013), and technical difficulties experienced while implementing
agri-environmental practices make it less likely that farmers will repeat their
participation in schemes (Kuhfuss et al., 2016b). Perceived difficulties are
also correlated with the non-adoption of soil conservation practices, espe-
cially reduced tillage (Wauters et al., 2010); this factor particularly curtails
the adoption of practices that imply a big change (Barreiro-Hurlé, Espinosa-
Goded and Dupraz, 2010).

5.3. Perceived costs and benefits

Relative to conventional practices, adopting more sustainable practices may
entail both costs to and benefits for farmers. Conservation tillage, for
444 F. J. Dessart et al.

instance, involves purchasing specialised planting equipment, but also saves

time, labour and mechanised machinery and leads to a long-term increase in
soil fertility, which overall results in a positive net financial impact (Knowler
and Bradshaw, 2007). Cover crops have also been identified as profitable for
farmers (Marcillo and Miguez, 2017). Organic farming, on the other hand,

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reduces the costs of inputs but increases labour costs (Uematsu and Mishra,
2012). If farmers participate in subsidised schemes, then the premium
received constitutes another benefit of adopting conservation agriculture.
Alongside financial costs and benefits, sustainable practices are expected to
bring environmental benefits.
A behavioural approach to costs and benefits will consider farmers’ sub-
jective perceptions of these parameters. Farmers’ expectations of financial
benefits (e.g. labour savings, higher productivity and higher returns, tax bene-
fits) are positively related to their investment in government-subsidised infra-
structures that benefit the environment (Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings and
Hofenk, 2016). Farmers’ perceptions of the benefits associated with conser-
vation tillage (e.g. the ability to sow crops earlier on less rainfall) and low-
emission agricultural practices also positively influence adoption (D’Emden,
Llewellyn and Burton, 2008; Morgan et al., 2015). Farmers who value the
access to economic support and lower input costs associated with organic
farming (Kallas, Serra and Gil, 2010) and those who expect higher prices for
their products (Läpple and Kelley, 2013) are more likely to adopt organic
farming (earlier). As for perceived environmental benefits, farmers who
believe that the practices mandatory under the CAP’s greening requirements
yield no ecological benefits are more likely to opt out of this scheme than
those who believe in its benefits (Schulz, Breustedt and Latacz-Lohmann,
2014). Belief in the environmental benefits of filter strips, sustainable hedge
management and payment-for-environmental-services programmes is also
correlated with adoption (Beedell and Rehman, 1999; Ma et al., 2012;
Yeboah, Lupi and Kaplowitz, 2015).
Perceptions of costs and benefits may deviate from objective measures
(Michel-Guillou and Moser, 2006), because a number of biases distort them.
Time discounting, also known as the present bias, suggests that immediate ben-
efits and costs have a disproportionate weight in decisions than equivalent bene-
fits and costs in the future (Doyle, 2012). The relevance of this bias to farmer
decision-making is acknowledged in general settings (Bocquého, Jacquet and
Reynaud, 2014), and it may be particularly powerful in the context of sustain-
able farming practices, because adopting these practices often entails an imme-
diate cost (e.g. investment in machinery, reduced yield in the short term),
whereas the benefits (e.g. higher soil fertility, climate change mitigation) tend to
occur in further in the future. In a US study, early adopters of sustainable farm-
ing practices were found to discount future compensations to a lower extent
than late adopters (Duquette, Higgins and Horowitz, 2012).
The ‘tragedy of the commons’ (Hardin, 1968) may explain a certain distor-
tion in the relative importance given to personal financial costs and public
environmental costs: the costs of sustainable practices are borne by individual
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 445

farmers, whereas the benefits are diluted among other farmers and society in
general. This phenomenon may account for the importance farmers place on
personal benefits, relative to environmental benefits, when deciding whether
to adopt conservation tillage (D’Emden, Llewellyn and Burton, 2008).

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5.4. Perceived risks
Research shows that some sustainable practices are somewhat financially
riskier than conventional practices. Organic production, for instance, experi-
ences a greater fluctuation in demand and supply than conventional produc-
tion (Serra, Zilberman and Gil, 2008), and prohibits the use of fertiliser or
pesticides, increasing the risk of crop failure (Gardebroek, 2006). The vari-
ability of the soil’s reaction to sustainable practices and the uncertain efficacy
of sustainable practices are seen as major barriers (Rodriguez et al., 2009).
The net payoff under conservation tillage is often more uncertain than under
conventional tillage (Kurkalova, Kling and Zhao, 2006).
Here again, a behavioural approach will focus on risks as they are perceived
by farmers. In general, financial risk perceptions are known to influence a num-
ber of farmers’ decisions, such as whether to adopt new technologies (Marra,
Pannell and Ghadim, 2003), crop innovations (Ghadim, Pannell and Burton,
2005) and crop insurance (Bocquého, Jacquet and Reynaud, 2014). Farmers’
perceptions of the financial risks associated with conservation agricultural prac-
tices are correlated with their likelihood of adoption (Kurkalova, Kling and
Zhao, 2006; Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings and Hofenk, 2016). In view of the high
financial risks farmers generally face in their activity (European Commission,
2017b), the perceived financial risks of more sustainable practices may be one
of the most important impediments to their adoption.
Farmers’ perceptions of environmental and health risks may also influence
their adoption of sustainable practices. For instance, organic farmers are con-
siderably more likely than conventional farmers to have a perception of high
risks of poor water quality to human health, livestock health and crop quality
(Toma and Mathijs, 2007). Farmers who evaluate the risks of climate change
to agriculture as high are also more likely to support mitigation practices
(Arbuckle, Morton and Hobbs, 2013).
According to prospect theory (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979), farmers’
risk perceptions may be distorted because they rely on subjective probabil-
ities (Hardaker and Lien, 2010). In particular, farmers tend to overestimate
the likelihood of low-probability extreme events, such as hail, to which they
may be extremely sensitive (Bocquého, Jacquet and Reynaud, 2014). The
availability heuristics suggest that farmers will tend to think that a risk is
more serious when they can easily recall a relevant incident (Tversky and
Kahneman, 1974). In contrast, environmental risks are usually relatively
uncertain, strongly delayed and occur far away, making it less likely that
environmental incidents will be recalled and hence more likely that these
risks will be discounted (Gattig and Hendrickx, 2007).
446 F. J. Dessart et al.

Loss aversion also comes into play where the risks of losses loom larger
than the chances of equally valuable gains (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984).
In practice, this means that farmers’ decisions will be more affected by the
risks of yield losses induced by adopting an agri-environmental contract than
by possible increases in revenue due to the reduced costs of chemical inputs

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and higher market value of their products (Bocquého, Jacquet and Reynaud,
2014; Colen et al., 2016). Loss aversion varies across cultures: for instance,
in the general population, Asians are more sensitive to the magnitude of
potential losses than the Dutch and the Americans (Bontempo, Bottom and
Weber, 2006).
Another concept relevant to the perception of risks is the option value of
waiting to engage in sustainable farming practices, also called the ‘real
options approach’ (ROA) (Marra, Pannell and Ghadim, 2003; Ihli, Maart-
Noelck and Musshoff, 2014). In the face of sunk costs (e.g. money spent on
a spraying machine) and uncertainty about the future benefits of new, sustain-
able practices, a farmer may value the option to postpone an investment deci-
sion and retain a certain amount of flexibility to adjust to changing
circumstances (Greiner, Patterson and Miller, 2009; Ihli, Maart-Noelck and
Musshoff, 2014). ROA has been applied to investment decisions generally
(see Dixit and Pindyck, 1994) and to farmers’ investment and disinvestment
behaviours in particular. For example, a study of dairy farmers’ investment in
new waste management technology (Purvis et al., 1995) showed that ROA
requires a higher potential income stream for an investment to take place
than that if the net present value is considered, as suggested by the theory.

5.5. Policy options addressing cognitive factors

Several policy options can address the cognitive factors influencing farmers’
adoption of sustainable practices. Regarding the issue of knowledge, one pol-
icy recommendation is to raise farmers’ awareness of these practices. In the
context of the CAP, this can be channelled through the extension or advisory
services. To avoid knowledge asymmetry regarding the existence of compen-
sated voluntary schemes, competent national or regional administrations must
ensure that all farmers are provided on time and, at the same time, with the
relevant knowledge to enable them to apply. Providing relevant information
to farmers already participating in voluntary schemes would also seem valu-
able; experimental evidence in the USA shows that sending reminder letters
to farms with expiring contracts is effective in encouraging them to re-offer
land under the Conservation Reserve Programme (Higgins et al., 2017).
There are two possible avenues for addressing farmers’ perceptions that
they lack control or that it is difficult to implement sustainable practices. One
is to equip farmers with the necessary skills. The agricultural European
Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) and the Farm Advisory System (FAS)
are relevant CAP policy tools for this. The other is to avoid complex agri-
environmental schemes (Defrancesco et al., 2008).
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 447

To decrease the perceived risks of adoption, an appropriate design of sub-

sidy schemes is crucial. Schemes based on management guidance are prefer-
able over those based on outcomes, as the latter entails a high and
uncontrollable perceived risk of non-compliance (Latacz-Lohmann, Schilizzi
and Breustedt, 2011). Making fixed – rather than irregular – payments can

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increase the adoption rates of nature conservation programmes (Engel et al.,
2015), as some farmers tend to view payments as a tool for reducing the per-
ceived risks inherent to the transition to more sustainable practices
(Hermann, Sauthoff and Mußhoff, 2017). Increasing participation rates can
be achieved through more flexible schemes through: letting farmers choose
which land they want to enrol in environmental schemes (Ruto and Garrod,
2009; Espinosa-Goded, Barreiro-Hurlé and Ruto, 2010); allowing flexibility
in the management of pesticide-free buffer zones and fertiliser use and giving
the option to quit a contract from year to year (Christensen et al., 2011);
allowing flexible management when growing cover crops (Villanueva et al.,
2017) and protecting ground-nesting birds in permanent grassland (Breustedt,
Schulz and Latacz-Lohmann, 2013); and proposing negotiable and shorter
contracts (Greiner, 2015). Designing flexible, management-based voluntary
schemes is going to be a challenge in view of the CAP’s new focus on per-
formance. Offering insurance (i.e. protection against yield loss from adopting
sustainable practices) and promoting mutual funds (Janowicz-Lomott and
Łyskawa, 2014) have been suggested as policy tools to decrease perceived
risks, but experimental evidence suggests that this is inefficient if farmers are
not confident that they will be paid indemnities (Palm-Forster, Swinton and
Shupp, 2017). Another strategy is to reduce the perceived financial risks of
adoption by promoting cost-free trialling of sustainable practices, so that
farmers can test and learn practices before adopting them (Pannell et al.,
2006). The issue of loss aversion can be addressed by combining pro-
grammes incentivising sustainable farming practices with risk management
tools, such as in the case of integrated pest management in Italy (Codato and
Furlan, 2017) or by providing payments unrelated to the area enrolled
(Espinosa-Goded, Barreiro-Hurlé and Ruto, 2010).
Regarding the financial costs and benefits of adoption, farmers will per-
ceive these as higher if consumers are made better aware of the environmen-
tal benefits of these farming practices and are thus willing to pay a price
premium. While some (limited) consumer awareness of organic farming has
been achieved, thanks to the common label at EU level (Padel, Zander and
Zanoli, 2015), less stringent but similarly sustainable practices are largely
unknown to consumers (Lefebvre, Langrell and Gomez-y-Paloma, 2015).
The issues of perceived costs and benefits can also be tackled through policy
design. A first general consideration when designing government-subsidised
environmental schemes is how farmers actually perceive these parameters. If
the CAP continues to limit agri-environmental scheme payments to compen-
sate only forgone profit or additional costs without taking into account farm-
ers’ actual perceptions, the payments may be too small to foster enrolment.
In other geographical settings, aligning payments with farmers’ perceptions
448 F. J. Dessart et al.

has been achieved using auctions as an enrolment mechanism (Hellerstein,

2017), while in Europe it has been applied only in pilot exercises (Ulber
et al., 2011; Iho et al., 2014). Farmers’ perceptions of the costs and benefits
of sustainable practices can also be ‘de-biased’ through education and infor-
mation (Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings and Hofenk, 2016). To address farmers’

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tendency to give more importance to immediate costs than to long-term bene-
fits (i.e. their present bias), payments to incentivise the adoption of sustain-
able farming practices should be made in the initial phases of adoption
(Duquette, Higgins and Horowitz, 2012; Grolleau, Mzoughi and Thoyer,
2015; Colen et al., 2016), which is also when farmers face high fixed costs.
Finally, focusing agri-environmental schemes on practices for which environ-
mental benefits are real and tangible to farmers is likely to strongly increase
Appropriately framing costs and benefits can also help. Framing the bene-
fits of participating in agri-environmental schemes in terms of environmental
conservation (e.g. protection of biodiversity and ground water) yields higher
participation rates than framing these as compensation for environmental
damage (Broch and Vedel, 2012; Le Coent, Préget and Thoyer, 2017).
Conversely, framing the payments made to farmers for participating in agri-
environmental schemes as a compensation for incurred opportunity costs
(instead of a payment for environmental benefits) may backfire, since this
type of framing highlights the costs rather than the benefits (e.g. higher mar-
ket value) of sustainable farming practices (Grolleau, Mzoughi and Thoyer,
2015). Even simply changing the name of a payment may have an impact on
whether farmers adopt sustainable practices (Hermann, Sauthoff and
Mußhoff, 2017). Importantly, framing may have different effects on adopters
and non-adopters (Andrews et al., 2013). Framing techniques may also lever-
age loss aversion (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984). For example, if the impact
on farm income is kept constant, punishing farmers for using fertilisers is
more effective than rewarding them for reducing fertiliser use (Moser and
Mußhoff, 2016). A similarly stronger effect of punishment (vs. reward) has
been shown to incentivise the cultivation of flowering cover crops (Holst,
Musshoff and Doerschner, 2014).

6. Discussion
6.1. Contributions
This paper complements and builds on previous attempts to map the behav-
ioural factors influencing farmers’ decisions to adopt more sustainable prac-
tices. The previous reviews carried out have had an academic focus (Kabii
and Horwitz, 2006; Knowler and Bradshaw, 2007; Prokopy et al., 2008;
Baumgart-Getz, Prokopy and Floress, 2012) and a policy perspective (Dwyer
et al., 2007; OECD, 2012). This review adds to the former in three ways.
First, we addressed the fragmentation of this literature (Pannell et al., 2006)
by covering recent and emerging behavioural economic, psychological and,
to a lesser extent, sociological research on the topic. This allowed us to
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 449

integrate several behavioural factors that were previously not considered in

these reviews. Second, in our analysis we systematically included the biases
(e.g. present bias, loss aversion) and other mechanisms (e.g. dissonance
avoidance, conformism) that explain how and why behavioural factors affect
farmer decision-making. Behavioural approaches in policy have indeed been

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criticised for not sufficiently accounting for this ‘black box’ of behaviours
(Marchiori, Adriaanse and De Ridder, 2017). Third, we provided an inte-
grated, structured taxonomy of behavioural factors, along a distal–proximal
spectrum, that facilitates their understanding and provides a basis for the
short- and long-term policy recommendations.
Regarding our contribution with respect to the above-mentioned policy
reports, whereas the focus of Dwyer et al. (2007) was the design of communi-
cation programmes to influence farmers’ behaviour, our primary objective was
to understand the drivers of farmer decision-making. Compared with the
OECD’s report (2012), our review covers a wider disciplinary scope (i.e. going
beyond behavioural economics), investigates the role of dispositional factors,
deepens the analysis of social factors (e.g. injunctive norms and signalling
motives) and offers a different, structured taxonomy of behavioural factors.
The exploration of policy options addressing each cluster of behavioural
factors, and embedded in the specific yet highly important context of the
CAP, also distinguishes this review from previous academic and policy
papers investigating this topic.

6.2. Rationality and universality of farmer decision-making

The behavioural factors identified in this review suggest that farmers’ decisions
to adopt more sustainable practices are not entirely rational from a neoclassical
economic perspective. For instance, a purely homo agricola economicus would
not be affected by moral concerns leading to the altruistic provision of environ-
mental public goods, by resistance to change, by the behaviours of fellow farm-
ers or by the way the costs and benefits of adoption are framed. A purely
rational farmer would also be perfectly informed about sustainable practices and
would not be biased in his or her perceptions of risks, costs and benefits.
With so many ways in which farmers can deviate from being rational actors,
and considering the abundance of psychological theories underlying the influ-
ence of behavioural factors, economists may be reluctant to adopt a behavioural
approach. This is a fair point; indeed, the fact that the assumption of rationality
has survived in economics for so long proves how useful a simple, if somewhat
unrefined, explanation of human behaviour can be. But including behavioural
factors in economic and policy analysis does not simply mean introducing more
refined variables into economic models. Considering behavioural factors allows
moving from a deductive approach to a more inductive one (Lunn, 2013);
instead of suggesting what farmer behaviour ought to be on the basis of a num-
ber of axioms and assumptions, a behavioural approach sets out to observe it
empirically with a more open-minded perspective.
450 F. J. Dessart et al.

When considering the role of the identified behavioural factors, one should
avoid a deterministic stance. This paper identified behavioural factors signifi-
cantly influencing farmers’ decisions to adopt specific sustainable practices in
specific cultural contexts. In other words, the external validity of these behav-
ioural factors, beyond the cultural settings in which they were examined, is

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not always established. We may thus not conclude whether these behavioural
factors apply universally (OECD, 2012). Depending on the context, behav-
ioural factors may indeed be significant or not (Knowler and Bradshaw,
2007; Prokopy et al., 2008). As highlighted various times in this review, cul-
tural factors play a role: culture affects not only the relative importance of
behavioural factors (e.g. environmental concern, risk tolerance), but also the
mechanisms and biases that underlie the impact of these factors on decision-
making (e.g. conformism to descriptive norms, loss aversion).

6.3. Policy implications

Understanding the behavioural factors influencing farmer decision-making
seems warranted to enable more realistic and effective agri-environmental
policies. Policies relying solely on economic incentives and based on
assumptions of farmer rationality may be insufficient to reduce agriculture’s
negative environmental externalities. The CAP – which so far has been based
mainly on these traditional policy tools – has indeed had a mixed record of
achieving environmental objectives10 (Eurostat, 2018). Assumptions of farm-
ers’ rationality may also lead to unrealistic ex-ante evaluations. For instance,
in the current impact assessment (European Commission, 2018a), the enrol-
ment rate of (voluntary) eco-schemes, which was incorporated in the agro-
economic models, was calculated based on pure economic drivers, which led
to an assumption that their adoption would be widespread.11 This paper
shows that many aspects other than economic are at play, suggesting that
adoption rates may not be as high as expected.
Incorporating a behavioural approach in EU agri-environmental policies is,
in practice, increasingly advocated and feasible. In the past, ex-ante and ex-
post evaluations of CAP reforms (e.g. European Commission, 2003, 2011)
were mainly based on agro-economic models at different scales (partial and
global equilibrium approaches, market and agro-economic approaches). The
range of tools for designing and evaluating EU (agricultural) policies is
broadening and now includes behavioural tools: the European Commission’s
10 Looking at the set of 28 agri-environmental indicators that track the integration of environmen-
tal concerns into the CAP (Eurostat, 2018), positive trends can be identified, such as the
decrease of greenhouse gas emissions (a 20 per cent reduction in 2015 compared with 1990) or
the increase of permanent grassland and meadows (a 5 per cent increase from 2005 to 2013).
On the other hand, the same data show that the consumption of pesticides increased by 2 per
cent between 2011 and 2015 and that the population of common farmland birds decreased by
over 30 per cent between 1990 and 2014.
11 When voluntary schemes are assumed (option 3), ‘the uptake of the voluntary eco-scheme is
simulated at EU level at 98 per cent, varying from less than 90 per cent in Portugal to 100 per
cent in Member States with large areas of permanent grassland’.
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 451

‘Better Regulation Toolbox’ (2017a) proposes the use of behaviourally

informed instruments to define the policy problem (tool 14), identify policy
options (tool 17) and identify and screen impacts (tool 19).
For each of the three clusters of behavioural factors, we provided insights
on agri-environmental policy options that could take them into account. Very

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often, a behaviourally informed policy option will address multiple behav-
ioural factors, meaning that there is not necessarily a one-to-one relationship.
Policy problems seldom have one (behavioural) cause, let alone one solution.
Behavioural factors may also interact with each other. This means that,
instead of using an isolated nudge to tackle one behavioural factor, a holistic
approach tackling multiple behavioural factors is needed (Dessart and van
Bavel, 2017).
Faced with so many behavioural factors and policy options, policy-makers
may, with good reason, wonder where to start. Policy options aiming at
encouraging the adoption of more sustainable practices will vary greatly in
terms of the likelihood, scope and duration of their effect, according to
whether they address distal or proximal factors. Interventions addressing
proximal factors may have a powerful effect on the adoption of specific sus-
tainable practices, especially for those farmers that are already considering a
conversion (Ma et al., 2012). These interventions are, compared with those
targeting more distal factors, relatively easy to implement and may thus con-
stitute a good starting point. For instance, reducing input use may be encour-
aged by designing agri-environmental schemes that take into account
cognitive factors, for instance by properly and timely equipping farmers with
knowledge about the existence of these schemes, by making them more sali-
ent and flexible and the payments more in line with perceived costs, or even
by making enrolment to these schemes the default option. Educating farmers
about the real financial and environmental benefits of reduced input use
through publications and advisory services may also increase adoption of this
specific practice. However, these interventions are unlikely to raise farmers’
willingness to adopt more sustainable practices in general. Agri-
environmental schemes, although well designed with these behavioural fac-
tors in mind, may also not have long-term effects on farmer adoption if they
are discontinued (for a review, see Kuhfuss et al., 2016b). Inducing longer-
term and more generalisable behavioural change entails addressing more dis-
tal factors, such as farmers’ environmental concern, the importance they
place on conservation as a farming objective and their need for social recog-
nition for the efforts toward the environment. Raising consumers’ environ-
mental concern, awareness of agricultural practices and their willingness to
buy more environmentally friendly food will address even more distal, soci-
etal, ‘macro’ factors that are critical to encouraging farmers to adopt more
sustainable practices. Although policy interventions tackling these distal fac-
tors may take more time and have more uncertain outcomes, they are likely
to produce more durable behavioural change.
Applying a behavioural approach to motivate farmers to adopt sustainable
practices may raise ethical concerns. Are farmers being manipulated? First
452 F. J. Dessart et al.

and foremost, it is important to acknowledge there is no neutral choice archi-

tecture: the way options are presented to farmers will always influence their
decisions. The choice that policy-makers face is to either let other forces dic-
tate how the choice architecture is shaped, or take a more active role. Three
criteria (Sunstein, 2015, 2016) can be used to assess on a case-by-case basis

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whether behaviourally informed policies raise ethical concern: do these inter-
ventions promote or undermine welfare, autonomy and dignity? First, addres-
sing the behavioural factors that affect farmers’ decisions to adopt more
sustainable practices generally increases welfare, as this adoption provides
environmental benefits for society as well as health and (often) financial ben-
efits for farmers. Second, regarding autonomy, adopting a behavioural
approach to encourage voluntary adoption of sustainable practices does not
rob farmers of their free will (i.e. they can refuse to adopt). Behaviourally
informed agri-environmental policies can also promote autonomy by equip-
ping farmers with the right information (e.g. about the real costs and benefits
of sustainable practices), framed in the right way, to allow them to reach bet-
ter decisions by themselves. The policy options we have presented also do
not leverage nudges based on system 1 (i.e. unconscious manipulation),
which are the most questionable ones from an ethical perspective (Reisch
and Sunstein, 2016). Rather, most of these suggested behavioural interven-
tions appeal to reflection or deliberation. Finally, there is no reason why
embedding behavioural insights into agri-environmental policies should com-
promise farmers’ dignity, provided these interventions treat farmers with
respect, avoiding infantilisation and stigmatisation. Considering farmers as a
key component of the solution to environmental problems is indeed vital
(Beretti, Figuières and Grolleau, 2013).

6.4. Proposals for a research agenda

Three overarching directions for research into the behavioural factors affect-
ing farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices can be proposed. First, a com-
prehensive behavioural approach to farmer decision-making, investigating
proximal as well as distal factors, requires more cross-disciplinary work.
Whereas proximal factors (e.g. perceived costs and benefits) are the trad-
itional territory of (behavioural) economists, more distal factors (e.g. environ-
mental concern, signalling motives) were originally studied by sociologists
and psychologists. Integrating all of these factors and understanding the
‘black box’ of decision-making calls for further cross-fertilisation between
these disciplines.
A second general research gap concerns early phases of farmer decision-
making. Öhlmér, Olson and Brehmer (1998) identify four phases of farmer
decision-making: (i) problem detection (i.e. becoming aware of a problem or
an opportunity, such as environmental issues or consumers’ willingness to
buy organic products), (ii) problem definition (i.e. specifying the problem
and identifying alternative actions, such as adopting the more sustainable
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 453

practice or pursuing conventional practices), (iii) analysis and choice (i.e.

comparing the pros and cons of each alternative and choosing one) and (iv)
implementation. It seems that most current research focuses on the phase of
analysis and choice, but one needs to understand how farmers do or do not
come, in the first place, to consider the possibility of changing practices, as

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this ‘willingness-to-consider’ phase is crucial (Ma et al., 2012).
Third, it is important to go beyond individual behaviour and tackle group
decision-making at farm level. Farms are usually family businesses, and deci-
sions are rarely made by a single farmer. In contrast, most research cited in
this paper tends to consider farmers as individual decision-makers (with the
exception of papers examining the influence of injunctive norms). Given the
relevance of age to the decision to adopt more sustainable practices (Yeboah,
Lupi and Kaplowitz, 2015), the intergenerational aspect of group decision-
making at farm level (Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings and Hofenk, 2016) seems
particularly relevant.
We now turn to detail specific research gaps related to each of the three
identified clusters of behavioural factors. Regarding the influence of disposi-
tional factors, further research is needed to test whether the crowding-out effect
applies to payments for environmental services made to farmers who are intrin-
sically motivated to protect the environment. Given the current low level of
EU farmers’ income relative to other economic sectors, the existence of this
crowding-out effect is debatable and needs more research. Additionally, more
research would be welcome to assess whether moral licensing and the rebound
effect occur when farmers adopt sustainable practices. The effectiveness of the
sociodemographic and geographic segmentation advocated to address disposi-
tional factors should also be further investigated.
Regarding social factors, the potential role of anti-conformism (Brewer,
1991) and independent identity (Emery, 2015) in farmers’ decisions not to
adopt sustainable practices deserves investigation, as does the effect of social
comparison tools on adoption. Furthermore, Le Coent, Preget and Thoyer
(2017) provide initial evidence for the relative weight of different stake-
holders’ opinions on farmer decision-making, but more research on the role
of different sources of injunctive norms is needed. The provision of feedback
on descriptive norms as a tool to motivate the adoption of sustainable prac-
tices deserves more research, especially its potential side effects.
Concerning cognitive factors, the areas that may deserve further attention are
farmers’ perceptions of the environmental and health-related costs of conven-
tional practices, their beliefs about the market value of sustainable products (con-
sidering that farmers’ clients are mostly intermediaries in the value chain rather
than final consumers) and potential time discounting of the environmental bene-
fits of sustainable practices (Weitzman, 1994) beyond financial benefits (Fisher
and Krutilla, 1975). More research is also needed to understand which risks (e.g.
financial, environmental, health-related) farmers consider when making their
decisions and how these risk perceptions may be misaligned with reality.
From a CAP perspective, we identify three priority research opportunities.
The first is to assess the optimal mix of mandatory and voluntary agri-
454 F. J. Dessart et al.

environmental measures. The latest European Commission’s CAP

Communication (2017b) states that ‘the new delivery model will allow
Member States to devise a mixture of mandatory and voluntary measures in
Pillar I and Pillar II’, including via new ‘eco-schemes’ (European
Commission, 2018c). Most behavioural research focuses on farmers’ volun-

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tary adoption of sustainable practices, but it is unclear how behavioural fac-
tors affect farmers’ decisions when they are faced with both mandatory and
voluntary (i.e. opt-in) schemes.
Second, the new CAP proposals regarding environmental, climate and
other management commitments (European Commission, 2018c) pave the
way for Member States to include collective voluntary schemes and results-
based payments. Understanding how behavioural factors (e.g. perceived con-
trol) might hamper or promote the success of such schemes is a clear research
priority. The impact of risk aversion, perceived costs and perceived control
will be key to understanding how farmers will respond to this new delivery
The third priority research gap concerns the cross-cultural robustness of
the behavioural factors identified in the literature. Virtually all of the research
reviewed in this paper was conducted in specific national or regional con-
texts. Assessing the external validity of behavioural factors across countries
is warranted because, despite the expected shift towards greater subsidiarity,
many EU agricultural policies are still centrally designed. This requires con-
current cross-national behavioural research using identical methodologies, or
at least that researchers report the methods they use more completely (e.g.
items used in scales for measuring behavioural factors) to allow these to be
replicated and when similar allow deriving meaningful conclusions.

6.5. The role of experimental research

The growing interest in using experiments to evaluate the impact of agricul-
tural policies (Colen et al., 2016; Higgins et al., 2017) goes hand in hand
with the increased relevance of understanding the behavioural factors influen-
cing farmer decision-making. Experiments carried out to inform agricultural
policies indeed most often include a behavioural component, as the outcome
variable generally consists in decisions made by farmers.
Experimental research is called for, both to fill the policy-oriented research
gaps identified above, and to address some shortcomings of existing research
on the behavioural factors influencing farmer decision-making. In terms of
the former, experiments are best placed to evaluate ex-ante farmers’ choices
when they are faced with voluntary versus mandatory schemes and with results-
based or collective schemes. Experiments are also the best option to assess the
effectiveness of the policy options suggested throughout this paper.
We also believe that experiments can help address three shortcomings of
the existing research. First, most of the evidence reported in this paper is cor-
relational (see the column ‘Operationalisation’ in each table), leading us to
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 455

question the validity and direction of the effects. For instance, the perceived
environmental benefits associated with sustainable practices are correlated
with the adoption of organic farming practices (e.g. Beedell and Rehman,
1999). However, it may very well be that the adoption triggers a perception
of higher environmental benefits rather than the other way around.

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Experiments are uniquely placed to establish a causal link between behav-
ioural factors and decision-making. Second, experiments can contribute to
addressing some of the issues related to self-declared measures, which are
largely used in the reported research. Social desirability bias may come into
play when directly asking farmers about their motivations and the causes of
their decisions, such as how influenced they are by significant others
(Greiner, 2015; Yeboah, Lupi and Kaplowitz, 2015) or the extent to which
signalling motives are important to them when adopting sustainable practices
(Pavlis et al., 2016; Trujillo-Barrera, Pennings and Hofenk, 2016). Farmers,
like any individuals, may also be unaware of some of the reasons for their
decisions (Nisbett and Wilson, 1977). Moreover, a strategic bias might also
be present, whereby farmers voluntarily alter the importance of some factors,
such as the amount of compensation for agri-environmental schemes.
Experiments, in contrast, allow most of these biases to be avoided (Colen
et al., 2016). In that respect, randomised controlled trials, and more generally
extra-laboratory experiments (Charness, Gneezy and Kuhn, 2013), are espe-
cially warranted, as the fact that farmers are not aware of participating in an
experiment precludes the introduction of many of the above-mentioned
biases. Moreover, between-subject experimental designs are needed to ensure
that participants are not aware of the experimentally manipulated variables,
thereby reducing strategic bias. We also think that field experiments involv-
ing farmers (as opposed to students), thanks to their high contextualisation
and high ecological validity, are more likely to be taken into consideration
by policy-makers. Experimental research may be particularly relevant for
cognitive and social factors; dispositional factors, given that they are very
stable, may not be easily experimentally manipulated and may thus benefit
less from the added value of experiments.
Experiments can help us to better understand behavioural factors, but the
opposite is also true: understanding behavioural factors can contribute to
better-informed experiments in agricultural economics. A thorough theory-
driven understanding of the behavioural factors, mechanisms and biases
influencing farmer decision-making is sometimes lacking in these experi-
ments. Therefore, there is a need to further incorporate behavioural insights
and theories into experimental designs and into the interpretation of their

7. Conclusions
The main goal of this paper was to provide a structured, integrative overview
of the behavioural factors that influence farmers’ adoption of environmentally
sustainable practices. Our second objective was to propose initial directions
456 F. J. Dessart et al.

for policy options addressing these behavioural factors within the context of
the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). We have orga-
nised the behavioural factors and the policy recommendations addressing
them conceptually around three clusters: dispositional, social and cognitive.
These clusters were placed on a distal–proximal spectrum depending on their

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proximity to the decision to adopt specific sustainable practices.
Dispositional factors refer to farmers’ internal propensity to behave in cer-
tain ways. Our review shows that extraversion, openness to new experiences,
risk seeking, moral and environmental concern, as well as lifestyle farming
objectives are associated with higher adoption of sustainable practices.
Conversely, being resistant to change and moved by economic objectives
makes farmers reluctant to convert. From a policy perspective, this hetero-
geneity of farmers on these dispositional factors can be addressed by indir-
ectly segmenting them according to sociodemographic and geographic
characteristics and by designing appropriate mixes of mandatory and volun-
tary schemes. A more long-term strategy, with more uncertain but potentially
wider effects on farmer adoption, entails increasing farmers’ environmental
concerns and promoting conservation as a farming objective, as well as
boosting consumers’ willingness to pay for environmentally friendly food.
Social factors concern farmers’ interpersonal relationships. Farmers are more
likely to adopt sustainable practices when most neighbouring farmers have
done so, when they follow the opinion of social referents who support adop-
tion, and when they are willing to gain social status. Communicating the
descriptive norm when it indicates a high level of adoption, focusing eco-
nomic support on areas where adoption is low, providing social recognition
of farmers’ efforts and informing them of their relative (poor) environmental
performance are all promising policy options. Cognitive factors relate to
learning and reasoning about specific sustainable practices. Adoption of spe-
cific sustainable practices is higher when farmers have sufficient knowledge
and competences related to these practices, and when they think these prac-
tices bring environmental or financial benefits with limited risks. Policy
options to address these cognitive factors will have narrow and vulnerable,
but easier-to-obtain effects on farmers’ adoption of specific sustainable prac-
tices. They include increasing farmers’ awareness of sustainable practices,
appropriately framing their costs and benefits in order to de-bias their percep-
tion, and increasing the flexibility of agri-environmental schemes.
The application of behavioural insights to policy-making began by focus-
sing on consumers and citizens, using nudge approaches targeting System 1
(i.e. automatic) thinking. Leveraging a behavioural approach to design and
evaluate policies targeting farmers – who tend to make relatively thoughtful,
System 2 decisions when it comes to farming – is, in contrast, still novel.
The policy options put forward in the paper deal mainly with general princi-
ples to be taken into account when promoting the adoption of sustainable
farming practices, as the evidence reviewed here is not specific enough to be
more concrete. To address this issue, we have highlighted research gaps that
need to be filled, mostly by experimental methods.
Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices 457

Taken together, this review suggests that understanding and considering

the role of behavioural factors in farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices
can help enrich the traditional economic analysis of farmer decision-making.
Pre-testing the impact of these behavioural factors on farmer decision-
making can, in turn, lead to more effective agri-environmental policies, a cru-

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cial challenge in view of the enhanced environmental and climate ambitions
for the future Common Agricultural Policy.

The authors would like to thank the three anonymous reviewers of this paper,
who provided extremely useful feedback on earlier versions, as well as the
participants to the coaching workshop gathering the authors of the papers
submitted to the present special issue (Montpellier, June 2018) and partici-
pants to the second workshop of the Research Network on Economic
Experiments for the CAP (Vienna, September 2018) for relevant insights.

The views expressed in this article do not imply an official policy position of
the European Commission.

Icons used for Figure 1 were retrieved from Adobe Stock (authors: Rasha
Daliyev, Skarin, Napeter, Igarts).

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