t6r6YI1STMKq MCNUjzCCQ BF C3 W3 Exploratory Methods
t6r6YI1STMKq MCNUjzCCQ BF C3 W3 Exploratory Methods
t6r6YI1STMKq MCNUjzCCQ BF C3 W3 Exploratory Methods
Exploratory Methods
Judgmental Methods
Two major categories:
Subjective assessment methods (Short to medium term)
1. Scenario Analysis
2. Delphi Method
Exploratory Methods
Experts do not meet but are kept apart from one another so that
their judgment will not be influenced by social pressure or
other aspects of small-group behaviour
Delphi – Relative Merits
Anonymity - reduce the effects of Low level of reliability
the ‘socially dominant individuals
Oversensitivity of results to
Controlled feedback reduces questionnaire ambiguity
redundant or irrelevant noise
Moderator effect
Conformity to a majority
opinion is avoided through Length of time to complete
presentation of statistical Delphi phases
group response of feedback Panel dropouts
Panel Issues – Expert panels
Permits spread of opinion so taken from same people and
uncertainties surrounding panel dropouts
situations can be reflected
Delphi Example
Phase 1.
Experts asked in a letter to name future inventions and scientific
breakthroughs. Responses sent to coordinator. List compiled.
Phase 2.
Experts sent the entire list of items for categorisation based on a
probability distribution of 50-50. Responses sent to coordinator. No
contact between experts.
Phase 3.
Experts receive letters detailing items on which there was a general
consensus. Asked to state reasons for any widely divergent estimates they
had made. Some reassessment invited. Responses sent to moderator.
Phase 4.
To narrow range of estimates further, phase 3 repeated. Results assessed.
A number of the original items on the list grouped together as likely
Selection Of Delphi Panel
In a corporate setting, the experts
in the group generally come from
both within and outside the
company depending on what is
being forecast
Develop a high-medium-low
scoring system and construct a
matrix of impact and occurrence
likelihood for the trend outcomes
2. Table of comparative
How the scenarios differ along
given dimensions, factors and
likelihood of occurrence
Scenario Comparison Table
Seven Steps to Scenarios -
Step #6
Step 6 : Evaluate the Decision
(Strategic Implications)
Link back to the strategic decision(s)
in Step 1