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The ultra-fine powder of Sang-e-Surma (Surma Stone), also known as Kohl, is used for vari-
ous eye ailments either alone or in combination with other herbal or mineral ingredients. The
earliest use of Surma is reported in Egypt about 3100 BC. Data from a number of studies
conducted on Sang-e-Surma using modern analytical techniques have cleared the uncertainty
that Surma stone is mainly composed of lead sulphide. Surma is reported to be used for im-
paired eye-sight, ophthalmia, cataract, itching, redness, irritation, watering of eyes, shedding
of eyelashes and in the initial stage of cataract. The use of lead based Surma is discouraged
owing to reports of lead toxicity though the sun glare protection and antimicrobial effects of
Surma have been established. Reports on lead toxicity by the application of Surma in eyes
are conflicting. Appropriately planned studies are warranted to elaborate the toxic effects of
lead based Surma/kohl in terms of detoxification of Sang-e-Surma, preclinical toxicity and
clinical trial.
Introduction and historical perspec- ment of various eye diseases has been given
tives importance since antiquity. The earliest use of
The ultra-fine powder of Sang-e-Surma (Sur- Surma is reported in Predynastic Egypt about
ma stone), used for various eye ailments ei- 3100 BC. Kohl (Surma) played an important
ther alone or in combination with other herbal cosmetic, medicinal and social role in the lives
or mineral ingredients, is known as Surma or of the Egyptian royalty. It was the indicator of
kohl. The use of Surma for protection and treat- social rank and achievement. Essentiality of
Citation: Mustehasan, Azhar M, Naushin S, Urooj M, Husain GM. Overview of Sang-e-Surma (Antimony Sulphide or Lead Sul-
phide): A Mineral Origin Unani Drug. Trad Integr Med 2022;7(1):124-134.
*Corresponding Author: Mustehasan
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, Janakpuri New Delhi, 110058, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © 2022 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (https://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). Noncommercial uses of the work are permitted, provided the original work is properly cited.
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
Kohl for Egyptians can be assessed by its ap- word stim is similar to the Greek word, stimmi
plication before mummification of dead bod- or stibi, and to the Latin word stibium, which
ies. The first written document regarding use of means antimony. Therefore, some authors have
Kohl was found in Egyptian Ebers Papyrus and misinterpreted these words and reported the Sur-
the material used in preparation of Kohl was ma (Kohl) as antimony, instead of lead sulphide.
malachite and galena. Both of these materials Finally, the controversy regarding the chemical
were discovered in the graves in several con- composition of kohl was resolved when Profes-
ditions. The history of use of kohl then contin- sor V. X. Fischer analysed 30 samples of ancient
ued through “Christian period” (from phase of Egyptian Kohls obtained from Fayum (Egypt)
Egyptian culture to the end of 3rd century AD) and concluded that lead sulphide was the chief
until the uprising of “Islam” AD 641. During constituent of Egyptian Kohls [5-8]. Further, the
this period, soot (carbon black) was also used as material found in Kohl boxes of Plain Cilicia,
a black pigment. The use of Surma (Kohl) be- Turkey was examined chemically. It was con-
fore sleeping is described as “Sunnah” in Islam cluded that the main ingredient of kohl was Ga-
as it was recommended by Prophet Muhammad lena (lead sulphide) and the antimony was not
(Peace be upon Him) for enhanced vision and found in the said sample [9]. In Arabic Surma
hair growth [1-5]. stone is known as Hajar al Kohl. Another Unani
mineral drug namely Sang-e-Basri (zinc car-
Controversy bonate) is also known as Hajar al Kohl because
There has always been a controversy regard- of its stone like appearance and its use in eye
ing the chemical composition of Surma stone. ailments [10]. However, it is realized that both
There are two schools of thought, one says it is antimony sulphide and lead sulphide are still in
Antimony sulphide the other says it is Lead sul- use as Surma (Kohl). In Indian market galena
phide. Initially, the source of Kohl was believed (lead sulphide) is primarily sold as Surma stone.
to be a black stone namely “Ithmed”, composed In present review chemical composition, toxi-
of antimony trisulphide (stibnite ore /Sb2 S3). It cological and pharmacological studies of both
is grey-black lustrous metalloid. This stone was stones have been compiled from the available
used alone as Surma (Kohl) or used in combi- sources.
nation with other ingredients such as camphor,
menthol, almond seeds, wood essence, charcoal Vernacular names
etc. Due to scarcity and high cost, the antimony Arabic: Kohl, Hajar al Kohl, Ithmed (Ismad),
trisulphide was gradually replaced by the lead English: Collyrium, Hindi: Anjan, Surme-ka-
sulphide (Galena ore) owing to its same grey pathar, Kala Surma, Persian: Surma, Sang-e-
black colour and shiny appearance like stibnite Surma, Sanskrit: Srotanjana (antimony sul-
[6]. The others say that in Egyptian rule, gale- phide), Nilanjana (lead sulphide), Sauviranjana
na was known by the name mestem or stim; the (stibnite), Anjan, Varnag; Urdu: Siyah Surma.
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
in-powder forms: Ka-Noori, Kohl Noori (im- from India to know the chemical composition
ported from India), brown kohl, and kohl Samah through X-ray and concluded that both stones
(made locally in Saudi Arabia) for their chemi- were galena (lead sulphide) [36].
cal composition by using electrothermal atomic Al-Ashban et. al., reported that 107 kohl sam-
absorption spectrophotometry. It was observed ples were collected from different parts of Saudi
that Black stone contained 88% lead and 0% an- Arabia, and analysed for the presence of lead,
timony, Ka-Noori 4.1% lead and 0.53% antimo- aluminium and antimony. Lead levels up to
ny, Kohal Noori 3% lead and 1.82% antimony, 53% were detected in some kohl preparations,
Brown powder had traces of lead and 1.13% an- and some samples were found to contain cam-
timony and Samah powder contained 20% lead phor and menthol. The blood analyses of regu-
and 9.97% antimony [33]. lar kohl users revealed a high Pb concentration
Osama et. al., collected 16 samples of Kohl and relatively low haemoglobin levels [37].
Al-Ethmed from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India In another study, 23 kohl samples were ana-
and Yemen to know their chemical composi- lyzed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD)
tion through Atomic Absorption Spectrome- and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) out of
ter (AAS). It was found that most of the kohl which 19 samples were obtained in Abu Dhabi
available in the market contained harmful levels and four in Dubai. None of the samples were
of lead ranging from 12.34-78.32%. Only one produced in the United Arab Emirates. The ma-
sample having reddish black colour matched jor component of 11 samples was found to be
the description quoted in the literature. Further galena (PbS). For the remaining 12 samples, the
this sample contains 0.01% (1 mg Pb/1 g of main component was found to be either amor-
sample) of lead along with 27.79% iron, 0.03% phous carbon, zincite (ZnO), sassolite (H3BO3)
Zinc, and 0.01% antimony. The author conclud- or calcite/aragonite (CaCO3) [38].
ed that it may be Kohl Al-Ethmed that Prophet Daar et. al., conducted X-ray fluorescence anal-
Mohammed (peace be upon Him) recommend- ysis of Pb, Fe and Zn concentrations in 135
ed to use [34]. samples of bottled dry powder form kohl from
Pervaiz Habib Ullah et. al. analysed the kohl nine randomly selected suppliers (15 samples of
stone sample brought from Madina (Saudi Ara- each brand) which revealed that Pb was found
bia) through X-Ray Diffractometer to know its at elevated levels in products claimed as Pb-free
chemical composition. It was found that the [39].
main constituent was Lead (85.51%) followed Filella et. al., analysed 23 samples of Kohl cos-
by Sulphur (11.43%) and antimony (2.06%). metics purchased in Europe by portable X-ray
While Carbon was detected in small quantity fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry and scanning
(0.689%) [35]. electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray
Pasha et. al., analysed two samples of Kohl spectroscopy. Pb was detected in 17 kohls at
stone one procured from Saudi Arabia and other concentrations ranging from a few mg kg−1 to
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
> 400 g kg−1 and Cd was also present as a trace Antimony: Antimony is obtained from mines in
contaminant in 13 products. Authors concluded the form of antimony trisulphide. This is also
lack of quality control in manufacture and an known as Sang-e-Surma. Antimony can enter
illegal trade in Europe [40]. the human body through oral, respiratory and
dermal routes. Long term exposure to antimo-
Quality standards of galena for medic- ny in the air at levels of 9 milligram per cubic
inal use meter (mg/m3) may cause irritation of the eyes,
The Government of India has laid down stan- skin, and lungs. It can also cause pneumoconio-
dards of various mineral drugs to check adul- sis, cardiac problems, stomach pain, diarrhoea,
teration, quality standards for galena (lead sul- vomiting, and stomach ulcers. The association
phide) are as follows [41]: of antimony toxicity with use of Surma is not
Physical properties: It should be in the form of established [42].
lump and heavy cubic crystals, grey in colour, Lead: Lead mostly occurs as lead sulphide.
evenly fractured, brittle, opaque with metallic Lead is a non-essential element to the human
lustre. Specific gravity 7-8 and hardness range body and found in at least 45 human tissues in-
should be 2 to 3. cluding vital organs. Approximately 90% of the
Chemical properties: Galena fuses easily, emits total body load of lead is found in the skeleton.
sulphurous fumes when heated on charcoal Absorption of lead to the human body takes
through a blow pipe. On continued heating it place through three routes i.e., oral, inhalation
yields a globule of metallic lead. Galena should and cutaneous route. Absorption through oral
contain not less than 50% Lead (Pb) when an- route is poor (5-15%). However, absorption of
alysed by AAS. It should contain not less than chloride, oxide and acetate of lead is more than
10% Sulphur by analysing with gravimetric carbonate and sulphate compounds of the lead.
method. Silver (Ag) should not be less than 500 Thus, we may presume that lead sulphide is
ppm when analysed by AAS. Arsenic should least absorbed through the oral route. The indi-
not be more than 2 ppm and Cadmium not more vidual having some nutritional deficiencies like
than 22 ppm. Galena may contain Copper = 70 calcium and Vitamin D deficiency have higher
ppm, Gold = 0.10 ppm and Zinc = 20 ppm with- absorption rate through oral route. Lead present
in ± 20% of the stated limits. as particulate matter during air pollution is like-
Distinction from Antimony sulphide: Cubic ly to be absorbed through the respiratory tract.
cleavage, greater specific gravity and darker co- Large particles of the lead are cleared by cili-
lour of lead sulphide distinguish it from antimo- ated epithelium of the upper respiratory tract.
ny sulphide (Sb2S3) [41]. Whereas, fine particles may reach the lower re-
spiratory tract. Ninety percent of the absorbed
Toxicological profile of antimony and lead is cleared by the macrophages. Absorption
lead in human of lead through skin is insignificant. Eighty to
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
ninety of absorbed lead is excreted through fae- says that application of lead-based kohl may
ces, urine, sweat, milk hair and nails [43]. cause lead poisoning.
Toxicity of lead: The World Health Organiza-
tion (WHO) permissible limit of lead for me- Is the application of lead-based kohl
dicinal products is 10 ppm [41]. WHO has sug- safe?
gested the upper limit for blood lead for adults In 1968, Warley et. al., published a report relat-
is 10 µg/dL and for children it is 5 µg/dL. In ing to lead poisoning from eye cosmetic (Sur-
adults symptoms of lead poisoning may be seen ma) and concluded that lead sulphide was re-
if blood lead level is greater than 40 µg/dL, sponsible for lead poisoning. Later, Srivastava
whereas children with level greater than 45 µg/ and Varadi countered that report by conclud-
dL requires treatment of poisoning. [44] ing that lead sulphide (Kohl) was not respon-
The central and peripheral nervous system, car- sible for poisoning; however, the product was
diovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, colourful lipstick made up of lead carbonate
immune and haematological systems are af- [46,47]. In another study published by Ali et.
fected due to lead toxicity. In children, lead can al., it was reported that blood lead concentra-
cause intellectual disability because the child's tion of the Asian children who applied Surma in
brain is at a developing stage. Elevated blood their eyes was higher than those who were not
lead levels in children may show behaviour applied Surma. The authors concluded that the
problems, low IQ, poor grades at school, diffi- use of Surma may be associated with high blood
culties with hearing, short- and long-term learn- lead concentration. However, another Scientist
ing difficulties and growth delays. Exposure to rejected the hypothesis by questioning about
lead during pregnancy may cause spontaneous the socioeconomic status of the test and control
abortion, reduced fetal growth, premature birth, group, the number of children in the test group
blood pressure elevation, and cognitive defi- were more than twice that in the control group
ciencies in the child [45]. [9]. Another study was conducted by Khalid et
al. on sixty-two human volunteers (23 children
Can Surma application to eyes cause and 39 adults). Their ages ranged between 12 to
lead poisoning? 55 years. The blood lead level recorded at day
The main ingredient of Surma (collyrium) zero was treated as a control. After application
available in markets is primarily galena (lead of Surma once a day (0.5 to 1.0 mg each time
sulphide). The regular use of Surma may cause with an applicator) the blood lead levels were
lead poisoning. In this regard, it is pertinent to measured at day 30, 60 and at day 90. The re-
mention that the scientists have different opin- sults showed no significant difference between
ions. One group of researchers is of the view the control and test [48]. When Kohl (Surma)
that application of lead-based kohl is safe and it is applied on the eye, the lead is not absorbed
does not cause lead poisoning. The other group through the corneal route. However, the pos-
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
sibility of some of the material being washed nature than a practical health hazard [9].
into the naso-lachrymal duct. The main route
for ingestion of lead in children is oral, via the Is the application of lead-based kohl
fingers. Only 0.2% of this applied lead is trans- hazardous?
ferred to the mouth via fingers. The sole appli- Many researchers believe that application of
cation of Surma cannot be the source of lead lead based Surma may cause lead toxicity in
intoxication. The absorption of lead in the body humans particularly in children. In a review au-
is dependent on a variety of factors including thored by Tiffany-Castiglioni et. al. regarding
diet, state of health and solubility of ingested the role of Kohl/Surma in lead toxicity, the au-
lead compounds. Susceptibility to lead toxici- thor summarized 26 studied published between
ty may be influenced by various physiological 1968 to 2012 to support his conclusion that Pb-
and environmental factors (e.g., age, season of based kohl is associated with increased PbB
the year, body temperature, and dehydration, (blood lead) in women and children who used
ultraviolet light), nutritional factors (including kohl. It is worth mentioning some important
calcium, phosphorous, iron, vitamin D, protein, studies associated with increased PbB level in
ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid intake), alcohol, as kohl users. In a study conducted at Saudi Arabia
well as some other heavy metals. In the United in 1996, the author concluded that kohl was the
States, the major risk factors for lead toxicity major contributor to elevated PbB in children.
in children are deficiencies of essential metals, In a case study of an 11-month-old child of the
calcium, iron, and zinc, and housing and socio- US published in 1999, the author mentioned
economic status [9]. The bioavailability of lead that the initial PbB of the child was 43 µg/dL.
sulphide is least in comparison to other lead The child had the history of Surma application
compounds such as lead acetate and lead oxide for 5 months and no other obvious source of Pb
as evident from a study conducted by Dieter et. exposure was identified. The child’s PbB was
al. in animal model [49]. Summarizing all these 23 µg/dL after 8 weeks of Surma discontinua-
data and reports, it can be derived that, lead tion. It was concluded that Surma was the major
from kohl is not absorbed through trans-corne- source of lead toxicity. The 22-year-old Mo-
al route as well as by oral ingestion which is roccan woman presented with abdominal pain,
certainly minimal in adults (women and men). behavioural evidence of encephalopathy, and
The higher blood lead level in individuals after other signs of Pb poisoning. Her initial PbB was
the application of Kohl, may be linked with the 490 µg/dL, and after 6 months of chelation ther-
socio-economic factors and nutritional deficien- apy reduced to 49 µg/dL. It was concluded that
cies and not possibly from the use of Kohl (Sur- the source of Pb exposure was daily application
ma). The author of one review on Surma and of Moroccan kohl on her conjunctivae for many
lead toxicity concluded that, lead toxicity due years. In a case-controlled study conducted in
to application of Surma is more of theoretical Saudi Arabia, PbB was significantly higher in
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
kohl users in comparison to the non-users. The lococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Streptococcus
author of the review concluded that application pyogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [52].
of lead-based Kohl may be the one reason of The antimicrobial potentials of different Kohl
the lead toxicity [50]. In a study conducted by samples collected from the market of Karachi,
Goswami (2013), the researcher collected 34 Pakistan were tested against some clinically
samples of Surma/kajal available in the market. important pathogens, responsible for causing
The samples were analysed for the presence of ocular infections. Seventy-five percent (75%)
lead content and found that the majority of the of the total Kohl samples exhibited good an-
samples contained high levels of lead. Further, timicrobial activity against Proteus mirabilis,
a trial was conducted on 93 children out of them Staphylococcus epidermidis, Candida and Mu-
69 were Surma users and 24 were non users. The cor Species [52].
result showed that blood lead concentrations of
36 children among Surma users was 38 μg/100 Conclusion
mL or above and their hemoglobin levels were Few Unani authors have mentioned that Ithmed/
low. None of them had evidence of lead toxic- Kohl is antimony sulphide in their text. Howev-
ity. Low levels of hemoglobin may be due to er, on the basis of elemental analysis and geo-
high lead concentration in blood. However, the graphical distribution Surma stone, it may be
author could not mention socioeconomic and concluded that Sang-e-Surma is lead sulphide.
nutritional status of the affected children [51]. Due to high content of lead, long-term use of
lead-based Surma is supposed to cause lead tox-
Other reported activities of Surma icity. However, the mechanism of lead absorp-
Surma application on eye protect from sun tion from application of lead based Surma in
glare: In one study the author reported that lead eyes is still unclear. It is still doubtful whether
sulphide thin films had higher absorption and the sang-e-Surma was detoxified or not before
lower transmittance in the UV light band. Thus, its use. Sun glare protection and antimicrobial
it may be concluded that application of lead sul- effects of Surma have been identified by re-
phide (Galena) in the form of Surma in the eyes searchers. Pharmacopoeial standards of Sang-
has a natural protective effect against glare of e-Surma have also been developed. There are
the sun. The photo resistant, humidity and tem- conflicting reports regarding toxicity of lead
perature sensor and solar properties of galena based Surma. It is suggested that planned stud-
(lead sulphide) have also been reported [9]. ies/trials are required to elaborate the toxic ef-
Antimicrobial activity of Kohl: The facial cos- fects of Surma in human like preclinical toxicity
metics available in the market of Nigeria name- and efficacy studies on animal model. Further,
ly “Tiro, Otanjele and Buje” contained up to well designed clinical studies on Kohl are war-
81% of lead. This facial cosmetic showed con- ranted to ascertain the toxicity potential of lead
siderable antibacterial activity against Staphy- via topical application of Kohl formulations and
Unani drug Sang-e-Surma: an overview Mustehasan et al.
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