The Tennessee Vegetable Garden: Garden Planning, Plant Preparation and Planting

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Natalie Bumgarner, Assistant Professor and UT Extension
Residential and Consumer Horticulture Specialist
Department of Plant Sciences

Vegetable production is increasingly

popular for Tennessee residents.
GARDEN PLANNING many gardening computer programs.
This planning will allow visualization of
Growing vegetables at home Garden planning has the potential to the garden and support the efficient
provides financial and nutritional save time, money and space. Garden use of space and time. Additionally,
plans enable growers to allocate space proper planning and record-keeping
benefits through the bounty of
for crops ahead of time, estimate seed in the garden is an asset in cultural
a fresh harvest, and the activity management and disease prevention,
quantities to improve economy, and
enhances personal health and provide a guide when seeding and as proper spacing and crop rotation
well-being. However, a basic transplanting time arrives. It is best in the garden can reduce disease
understanding of soils, site selection to lay out the planting arrangement pressure. For more information, see UT
and crop maintenance is required on graph paper or input it into one of Extension publication W 316.
before backyard growers can take
full advantage of these benefits of
home food production. To meet
these needs, this series of fact
sheets has been prepared by UT
Extension to inform home gardeners
and propel them to success in
residential vegetable production.

Figure 1. Young, healthy

tomato seedlings.

BACKYARD VEGETABLES | THE TENNESSEE VEGETABLE GARDEN - Garden Planning, Plant Preparation and Planting 1
Vegetable crops are generally classified killed by frost and freezing conditions; and have higher quality produce when
as warm season or cool season even cool, non-freezing temperatures grown during cooler spring and fall
according to the temperature ranges may prevent them from growing and seasons. Because of these attributes,
they require or prefer. yielding well. So, paying attention to cool-season crops are planted in the
local frost dates is especially important late winter or early spring to avoid
WARM-SEASON VEGETABLES in selecting planting dates (Table 1). the hottest part of the summer. They
Warm-season vegetables are most can often be seeded again in the late
productive in higher temperature COOL-SEASON VEGETABLES summer to provide another crop during
ranges (late spring, summer) and Cool-season vegetables can withstand the fall season. Please refer to Table 2
are better able to grow and produce temperatures below 32 F (how far for a general listing of cool- and warm-
a quality crop through Tennessee’s below varies by crop and situation) season crops and planting seasons.
summer heat. They are damaged or and are generally more productive

LOCATION Bristol Chattanooga Clarksville Crossville Jackson Knoxville Memphis Mountain Nashville

Last spring May 3 April 17 April 27 May 10 April 19 April 28 April 9 May 26 April 21
First fall Oct. 6 Oct. 21 Oct. 4 Sept. 28 Oct. 9 Oct. 8 Oct. 30 Sept 18 Oct. 10

Table 1. Safe planting dates with only a 10 percent chance of temperatures lower than 32 F after (spring) or before
(fall) that date as determined by 30-year NOAA weather data from local stations.

Early to mid-spring planted, Late-spring to summer planted Summer-planted






vegetables for late spring vegetables for summer and vegetables for fall harvest
and early summer harvest early fall harvest

Beets X Beans, Bush/Pole/Lima X Broccoli X

Broccoli X Muskmelon X X Cabbage X

Cabbage X Sweet Corn X Cauliflower X

Cauliflower X Cucumber X X Collards X

Carrots X Eggplant X X Cucumber X X

Kale, Collards X Okra X Kale X

Kohlrabi X X Peas, field/southern X Kohlrabi X X

Lettuce, leaf/head X X Pepper, sweet/hot X Lettuce, leaf/head X X

Mustard X Pumpkins X X Mustard X

Onions (also sets) X Malabar spinach X Potatoes Seed piece

Peas, English/snap X Squash, summer/winter X X Radish X

Potatoes, Irish Seed piece Sweet Potato (slips) X Spinach X

Radishes X Tomatoes X Squash, summer X X

Spinach X Watermelon X X Tomatoes (determinate) X

Swiss Chard X Turnips X

Turnips X

Table 2. List of vegetables and planting seasons in Tennessee (cool-season crops in bold lettering).

BACKYARD VEGETABLES | THE TENNESSEE VEGETABLE GARDEN - Garden Planning, Plant Preparation and Planting 2
SELECTING are tomatoes (Figure 1), peppers,
eggplants, cabbage, cauliflower,
transplants, select carefully. Choose
plants that are free from all signs of
VARIETIES AND broccoli and Brussels sprouts. insects or disease and are stocky and
PURCHASING SEEDS While roots are somewhat tender in
cucumbers, muskmelons, watermelon
do not have damaged or yellow leaves.
Transplants should be a healthy green
Selecting varieties of crops for home and summer squash, these plants also color to indicate they are not nutrient
gardens should be based on the level of can be successfully transplanted if deficient (Figure 2). Also, choose plants
disease resistance; whether the growth handled carefully. These crops also can that are not too old or stunted. Very
habit of the crop will fit the garden be seeded in biodegradable pots so mature transplants (especially broccoli
space and cropping plan; and the that roots will not need to be disturbed. or cauliflower) may not produce well
taste preference of the gardener. Large seeded crops — such as beans, after transplanting. This is not the
UT Extension trial information on peas and corn — as well as root crops time to shop for bargains because
cultivars that perform well in various — such as radishes, beets and carrots — transplant health often directly impacts
parts of Tennessee will be added to are almost always direct seeded. production.
future publications.
Home vegetable growers can purchase Also, consider the conditions that the
High-quality seed is essential for transplants at a greenhouse or garden transplants are being grown in when
the home gardener so that garden center, but transplants can also be purchased. Sometimes if purchased
space and time will not be wasted on produced at home with proper care directly from a greenhouse, the plants
poor-quality seed or weak seedlings. and attention. This scenario can be may not have been hardened off. This
Purchase seed from a reputable an advantage in providing preferred term refers to slowly subjecting plants
supplier for the current growing or heirloom cultivars for your home to conditions more like what they
season and store it properly to ensure garden. Keep in mind, though, that it will experience in the garden, which
maximum productivity. Seed can be will take several weeks preparation to lowers stress and plant loss when they
collected from previous crops in some have plants ready for transplanting are transplanted. Typically plants are
instances, but be cautious. Many crops into the garden at the appropriate time hardened for one to two weeks prior
are hybrids, which means that the seed (Table 3). Specific practices will be to transplant in the garden. See Table 3
was produced from a cross of two discussed in the next section. for additional information on hardening
specific parents to produce seed with vegetable transplants.
When purchasing vegetable
desirable traits. A plant grown from
seed collected from a hybrid plant
will not have identical attributes to its
parent, and it will often produce low
yields and inferior quality produce.
Only save seed from non-hybrid crops.
Additionally, many diseases can be
seed-borne, so only collect and reuse
seed from healthy plants.

There are two main methods of plant-
ing vegetable crops. The first is directly
seeding into well-prepared soil, and the
second is to purchase or grow plants
for transplanting into garden soil. Most
gardeners use both methods and select
some crops for direct seeding and oth-
ers for transplanting (see Table 2).
Both warm- and cool-season crops are
commonly transplanted. Some of the
most common crops to be transplanted Figure 2. Tomato transplants that show signs of nutrient stress (yellowed leaves) and insect
damage in the greenhouse.

BACKYARD VEGETABLES | THE TENNESSEE VEGETABLE GARDEN - Garden Planning, Plant Preparation and Planting 3
Often germination and seedling
The best location for starting For optimum germination and
production mixes are formulated from
vegetable garden transplants is a young plant growth, temperature is
peat moss, perlite and vermiculite
home greenhouse. A greenhouse can critical. In fact, poor germination is
(super-heated rock and clay materials)
provide the opportunity to control often caused by temperatures below
to provide optimum water holding as
temperature and humidity while or above optimum levels. Table 3
well as aeration in the growing media.
maintaining optimum light. However, describes important temperature
All of these materials can also be
relatively few people have this option. conditions for a range of commonly
purchased in a pre-mixed, sterile media
Transplants can be started indoors transplanted crops. In general, seed
for seed germination (Figure 3).
if proper conditions, especially light germination and seedling production
and temperature, can be maintained. Fertilization requirements depends (after germination) temperatures
Additionally, a cold frame or hotbed upon the media. Many mixes are lower for cool-season crops.
can be an economical and suitable specifically prepared for seedling Temperatures should be relatively
location for starting transplants. transplant production will have consistent during germination, and an
fertilizers included that slowly make electric germination mat can be useful
The most common materials needed to ensure optimum temperatures. Heat
nutrients available for young plant
for transplant production are containers mats can be purchased in a variety
use. Such slow-release fertilizers may
and equipment for temperature of sizes, and the best types are those
be sufficient for the four to six weeks
and light management. Containers, with thermostats to enable precise
transplant production period. If using a
such as seeding flats, and pots are temperature ranges for specific crops.
media without fertilizers included, use
best purchased new or thoroughly
a pre-mixed soluble fertilizer provided
cleaned and sterilized before reuse. After germination, young transplants
with plant watering at half strength
The horticulture industry offers a large will generally respond well to night
once to twice each week. This should
selection of pot sizes in both plastic temperatures that are slightly
be sufficient for many young plants.
and biodegradable materials. cooler than day temperatures.
Monitor leaves for strong green color.
This temperature change will assist in
Yellowing or purpling can suggest
producing shorter, stockier plants ready
nutrient deficiencies or other issues
for successful transplant into
MEDIA AND FERTILIZATION with media pH or temperature
the garden.
(Table 4).
One of the advantages of vegetable
transplants is that they can be
started in a media optimized for seed

Vegetable Approximate growing Germination Growing Temperature Conditions for hardening

time (wks) temperature (F) (F)

Cool Season

Broccoli, cabbage, 5 to 7 70° 60 to 65° 50 to 55° for 10 days

Lettuce 4 to 6 70° 60 to 65° Reduce temperature and

Warm Season

Cucumber and squash 2 to 3 75° 65 to 75° Reduce moisture

Eggplant 6 to 8 75° 70 to 75° Reduce moisture

Pepper 7 to 9 75° 70 to 75° Reduce moisture

Tomato 5 to 7 75° 65 to 75° Reduce moisture

Watermelon and 3 to 5 80-85° 75 to 85° Reduce moisture


Table 3. Germination, growth and transplant hardening conditions required for home vegetable transplants.
(Revised from a similar table in UT Extension publication SP291-A)

BACKYARD VEGETABLES | THE TENNESSEE VEGETABLE GARDEN - Garden Planning, Plant Preparation and Planting 4
Figure 3. Tomato seedlings soon after transplant on a greenhouse bench in new trays
containing a sterile soilless mix that drains well.


elongate and have long distances
Maintaining appropriate moisture in Adequate lighting can be challenging
between leaves, “stretching” may be
the growing media is essential for for home transplant production.
occurring because lights are either
proper plant growth and health. Media Even strong light from a south-facing
too high or need to be on for a longer
should be kept slightly moist, but window in the home is generally
period (Table 4). Use care to purchase
not saturated from seeding through not sufficient to produce healthy
lights from high-quality suppliers that
early growth to avoid “damping off.” transplants. Higher levels of natural
were developed for plant growth to
Damping off is the death of a seed sunlight or supplemental lighting
ensure that optimum wavelengths of
before germination or a young plant are often needed to produce ideal
light are provided. High-quality lights
soon after emergence. It is caused transplants in the home. Fluorescent
should provide years of reliable, safe
by a group of diseases affecting grow lights are common and cost
seeds and young plants that are most effective for small-scale transplant
damaging when media is kept too production. Newer technologies, such
moist. In addition to proper watering, as light emitting diodes (LEDs) can be
a challenging aspect of maintaining good light sources for young plants,
proper moisture conditions for young but the initial purchase price can
transplants is ventilation. Maintaining be higher than other lighting types.
gentle but consistent air movement Fluorescent and LED lights provide
enables media to slowly dry. This slow less heat during operation than high-
drying of media creates a regular need intensity lights, and they can simplify
for watering and helps prevent constant home production because lights can be
saturation and disease development in placed closer to plants. A general rule
young seedlings. A small fan is often of thumb is to place a fluorescent or
helpful in the seedling production area. LED light 4 to 8 inches from plants.

BACKYARD VEGETABLES | THE TENNESSEE VEGETABLE GARDEN - Garden Planning, Plant Preparation and Planting 5

Seed does not emerge. Seed is old or was improperly stored.

Media is too wet or dry.
Temperature is too low or high.
Seed is planted too deeply.

Seedlings look pinched at the soil line and fall over or die (often Over watering.
referred to as damping off, which can be caused by more than one Temperature too high or low.
pathogen). Poor ventilation (air movement).
Media or containers not sterile.
Light intensity is too low.

Tall, straggly seedlings. Light intensity is too low.

Nitrogen fertilization is too high.
Night temperature is too high.
Plants are too closely spaced

Older yellow leaves. Nitrogen fertilization is needed.

Purple leaves. Phosphorus is deficient.

Temperature is too low.

Table 4. Troubleshooting common vegetable transplants production issues. (Revised from a similar table in UT Extension publication SP291-A)

GARDEN PLANTING Seeding rate is important for ensuring

that adequate plants are present to
germination, Figure 4). A general rule
of thumb is to plant seed at a depth
provide yield. The rate is also important that is two to four times their diameter.
SEEDING IN THE GARDEN to prevent overcrowding, which can Table 5 gives information on seeding
Many crops are seeded directly into reduce yield, increase management rate and season for some of the most
well-prepared garden soil. To ensure time and disease risks, and waste common home vegetable crops.
proper germination, it is important seed. Seeding depth is important to
to understand planting times, rates enable seeds to take up enough water
and depth. Planting times correspond to germinate and begin rooting at the TRANSPLANTING IN
to the warm- and cool-season crops proper depth. It is common to seed THE GARDEN
previously discussed. Keep in mind that small seeds shallower than larger
the dates given in Table 5 are estimates Transplanting seedlings successfully
seeds. A seedbed should have soil that
and can often vary from one area of the depends on having quality plants that
is moist, crumbly and fine so that seed
state or season to another. have been hardened off as described
have good contact with soil to quickly
earlier in this document. It also relies
take up water (the first step in seed
on choosing a day and time when
the least stress will be applied to the
young plant. Transplanting on a cloudy
day or during the late afternoon or
evening can reduce daytime heat and
light stress on the young plant. Good
soil preparation and moisture content
will also aid the young plant. Most
seedlings are placed in the garden
soil at or slightly below the soil level
in the current container. It is best
to slightly cover the growing media
with soil to prevent rapid drying and
possible damage to young roots. A
starter fertilizer and consistent water
after transplanting will lower stress and
support early growth.

Figure 4. A young pea plant emerging from

uniformly moist and well-prepared garden soil.

BACKYARD VEGETABLES | THE TENNESSEE VEGETABLE GARDEN - Garden Planning, Plant Preparation and Planting 6
Vegetable Spring planting Fall planting Seeds or plants per Inches between Inches between Planting
100-ft row rows plants* depth (in)
Beans, snap 4/10 to 6/30 7/1 to 8/15 ¼ lb. seed 24 to 36, bush 3 to 4 1 to 1½
36 to 48, pole

Beans, lima 5/1 to 6/30 ½ lb. seed 24 to 36, bush 3 to 4 1 to 1½

36 to 48, pole

Beets 3/1 to 4/15 9/1 to 10/1 ½ oz. seed 14 to 36 2 to 3 ½

Broccoli 3/15 to 4/15 8/1 to 9/1 65-80 plants 24 to 36 15
Cabbage 3/15 to 4/15 8/1 to 9/1 65-80 plants 24 to 36 15
Cauliflower 3/15 to 4/15 7/15 to 8/15 65-80 plants 24 to 36 15
Carrots 3/1 to 5/1 8/1 to 9/1 ¼ oz. seed 14 to 36 2 to 3 ¼
Collards 2/15 to 4/15 7/15 to 9/1 ¼ oz. seed 18 to 36 15 ¼ to ½
Corn 4/15 to 7/1 ¼ lb. seed 36 8 to 12 1 to 2
Cucumber 5/1 to 6/15 7/15 to 8/15 ¼ oz. seed 72 12 ½ to 1
Eggplant 5/1 to 6/15 50 plants 36 24
Kale 2/15 to 4/15 8/1 to 9/15 ¼ oz. seed 18 to 36 12 to 15 ¼ to ½
Lettuce, head 3/1 to 4/15 8/1 to 9/15 ¼ oz. seed 14 to 36 12 to 15 ¼
Lettuce, leaf 3/1 to 4/15 8/1 to 9/15 ½ oz. seed 14 to 36 6 ¼
Muskmelon 5/1 to 6/15 ¼ oz. seed 72 24 ½ to ¾
Mustard 2/15 to 4/15 7/1 to 9/1 ¼ oz. seed 14 to 36 5 to 10 ¼
Okra 5/1 to 6/15 1 oz. seed 36 6 to 12 1
Onion 3/1 to 4/15 200 to 400 sets, storage 14 to 36 3 to 6, storage 1 to 2
400 to 600 sets, bunch 2 to 3, bunch
Peas, English 2/15 to 4/15 ½ to 1 lb. seed 12 to 36 2 to 4 1
and snap
Pepper 5/1 to 6/15 60 plants 36 18 to 24
Potatoes, Irish 3/1 to 4/15 7/1 to 7/31 14 lb. seed 30 to 36 12 3 to 5
Pumpkin 5/1 to 6/30 1 oz. seed 120 to 144 48 1
Radish 3/1 to 4/15 8/1 to 10/1 ½ oz. seed 14 to 36 1 to 2 ¼ to ½
Spinach 2/15 to 4/15 9/1 to 10/1 1 oz. seed 14 to 36 3 to 4 ¼ to ½
Squash, summer 5/1 to 6/30 7/1 to 8/1 1 oz. seed 48 to 60 12 to 24 1
Squash, winter 5/1 to 6/30 1 oz. seed 72 to 96 24 to 36 1
Swiss chard 3/1 to 4/15 9/1 to 10/1 ½ oz. seed 18 to 36 6 to 8 ½
Sweet potato 5/1 to 6/30 100 slips 36 12
Tomatoes 4/15 to 6/30 7/1 to 7/15 50 plants 48 to 60 24 to 36
Turnips (greens, 3/1 to 4/15 7/15 to 9/1 ¼ to ½ oz. seed 18 to 36 2 to 4 ¼ to ½
Watermelon 5/1 to 6/30 ¼ oz. seed 120 to 144 48 1

Table 5. Guide to direct seeding and transplanting common vegetable crops in the home garden in Tennessee.
(Revised from similar tables in UT Publications SP-291O and SP-291P)

* Thinning may be needed after plants emerge to achieve this spacing

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Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and
resource development. University of|Tennessee
Institute of Agriculture, GARDEN
U.S. Department - Gardenand
of Agriculture Planning,
county Plant Preparation and Planting 7
governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

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