Business Plan

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Dimps Business
The mission in our business is to strive an offer to our customer the lowest
possible prices, the best available “handmade satin ribbons flowers” it also different
to the other flower shop because you can be stored and save as your memories. I
also create this business just by trying to make it to give it to my mother and I didn’t
expect to enjoy it so that’s why I had an idea to make a business.
I also want to be a model to the other student that they can start a
business even if they are student, just don’t focus on business and focus on
studying. Also, I create this business to had an allowance because I don’t want to
depend on my parents.
Marketing Objectives
My marketing objectives is to gain a profit at increase it, and also to
advertise it to the people to increase my customer and had a loyal customer. I also
want to had a retailer to increase revenue. I also want to build a brand awareness
and launch new products or services by starting a small business.
Financial Objectives
Most of the business start-ups begin with one main financial objective that
is to survive, so I am always thinking for a long-term purpose. So why do I need a
survival, because a large percentage of new business do not survive much beyond
their launch.
I am always thankful because my business survived this long and it never
run out of cash and profitability for the reason that my business is unique and it click
fast to my consumer.
Market Offering
My business offering a beautiful and unique hand made flower made by
ribbon. Even it is not a real flower you can saved it. My business also offering a
Money bouquet that you can give to your love ones even if you’re in other country
or had a long distant to you loved one.
My business also offering a service that can surprise deliver our
consumer. We are a trusted small business. Even if you want to be a secret admirer
to someone your information is always safe from us and we keep it confidentiality.
Competitive Positioning
My business is to strive to be the best Hand made satin ribbon flowers,
because being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness
and value, so that my customer is contented and happy with my products, I will take
every risk in my business to be the best and to grow my small business.
I. Product or Services
The product of our business is the Hand made satin ribbons flowers that
you can give to your loved ones in special occasion.
II. Unique Selling Proposition
A small business flower shop that sells a unique and hand made flower for
everyone. It is also had a cheap price compare to the real flower. It can be also
stored for over a year. That’s why it is unique to the other flower shop and its
stand out very well.
III. Best Practices
The purpose of this business plan is to had a wider view to my business
and also to had a plan in my future. Always having a plan is important because
sometimes my business had an emergency circumstance.
Things that the organizers and attendees must do right before the seminar
Step 1- Define your purpose and goals
I will write down the goal of my seminar first. Next, I decide how many
people I want to watch my broadcast or come in person. Set a clear business
objective to assist in determining how much to charge participants.
Step 2- Put together a rough budget
Set the ticket pricing keeping my profit objective in mind. Pricing my event
competitively without compromising profit will be made possible by considering
the costs of prior seminars or webinars. If there are any details I'm unsure of, I
can fill in the blanks in the budget with informed guesses based on a quick
search. By taking this extra step, you can make sure to build a reasonable
budget and avoid being surprised by unanticipated costs as the event draws
Step 3- Choose a date and venue
Select two dates: the ideal one and a backup, fallback date. Given the
uncertainties and unforeseen events that can occur while preparing an event,
having a Plan B is essential. Additionally, I want to make sure you conduct
thorough study before choosing a suitable location for your conference. I want a
location with many alternatives for accessibility, lots of room to avoid crowding,
and the proper equipment and amenities close by for any lectures or
In the end, scheduling the seminar around a time when the majority of my
potential attendees will be accessible to attend will help my seminar plan.
Consider the duration of the event as well because that will have an impact on
Step 4- Decide on your event format
Identify whether I should hold my event in person or online. A useful
substitute that is not constrained by travel or event requirements is a webinar. If I
want to target both online and in-person participants, I should think about using a
hybrid format.
Step 5- Research your audience, speakers, locations and vendors.
Defining your audience is critical to meeting their requirements and
desires, which should ultimately influence how the seminar is arranged. Once
you're certain of your grasp of their requirements and interests, you may direct
your study into other elements of your seminar design based on that information.
Step 6- Utilize your website
A conference website can build interest and attract people. Consider
upgrading yours as needed. Determine whether it merits a redesign as an all-
encompassing website or whether it should simply lead users to a registration

Step 7- Finalize venue details.

As your seminar date approaches, dig into the venue specifics. You may
need to collaborate with your caterer on a menu for in-person events, considering
any particular dietary demands of participants. Book the audio equipment
required for in-person speakers or a video setup for livestreaming. Review any
security requirements and create a security plan if necessary.
Step 8- Finalize schedule, scripts, and materials.
To guarantee that your seminar or webinar works successfully, provide a
schedule to your speakers and participants. Speakers should sign off on any
scripts so they can complete preparing their remarks. Prepare pamphlets,
brochures, and other physical things that your seminar attendees may wish to
take home with them.
Backup Plan
What will I do if my plan is not successful as my plan? First, I will
apologize and I have to cancel the webinar.
Unexpected events might occasionally cause this. Cancelling a webinar
might be a straightforward operation depending on your webinar platform or
software. Typically, an automatic email will be issued to all registered users
advising them of the cancellation.
That is the technical aspect, but you still have to consider your
participants, therefore it is critical to give a personalized message as well. Many
will be disappointed that they will be unable to attend. Of course, you will have to
reimburse any registration money that were collected. However, as a gesture of
goodwill, you may provide something of worth. This might be a PDF handout or a
video slideshow of the slides you intend to utilize.
Ice Breaker
We've all been there: the awkward silence at the outset of a virtual or
hybrid meeting. However, when you introduce the simple icebreaker to start
people talking and loosening up, this can be a thing of the past.
Virtual icebreakers are small interactive activities that are used for
lightening the mood, typically at the start of a meeting.
They are great conversation starters – they help energize people, drive
lively discussions and encourage the participants to be more active throughout
the meeting.
If I will use an ice breaker I thinks that the little guessing game, because
everyone enjoys quizzes especially if there are prizes, so a little mental teaser at
the start of my meeting will perk up my co-workers or team production.
It is also an excellent virtual icebreaker for a regular meetings. If I and my
team meet on a regular basis, I may make this tradition by asking one quiz
question at the start of each meeting.
IV. Marketing Objectives and Performance
Again, my marketing objectives is to gain a profit at increase it, and also to
advertise it to the people to increase my customer and had a loyal customer.
I also want to had a retailer to increase revenue. I also want to build a
brandawareness and launch new products or services by starting a small
V. Challenges
In today's economy, running a small business can be difficult. Small
business entrepreneurs like me confront numerous challenges, including limited
credit, high taxes and regulations, and competition from larger corporations.
Failure is the worst thing that can happen to a small business like us. It's
not only about our money; there are numerous additional costs and repercussions
to running our business, such as marketing, advertising, or public relations work
(which may be challenging for some), recruiting personnel that require training, and
so on.
Furthermore, small firms must compete with larger corporations that might
provide lower rates and more established brand recognition. Small enterprises, on
the other hand, form the backbone of the Philippine economy, and many Filipinos
are naturally enterprising. Small business owners can overcome these obstacles
and achieve success with dedication and hard work.
VI. Competitor Analysis.
A competitive analysis is a comparison of competitors’ strategies used to
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different marketing approaches within an
industry. It helps a business determine potential advantages and barriers within a
market around a product or service and generally helps brands monitor how direct
and indirect competitors are executing tactics like marketing, pricing, and
distribution (Kaleigh Moore, 2021)
So, if I will do a competitive analysis I will first list my competitors to know
that I had a similar products and services and they also tend to serve the same
market. This first step will help me how to be unique and how to adjust to the
market place.
Second step is I will write a description of why I think they’re competitor.
The third one is to know their target customer and list all of it like; what is their age
range? where do the they located? And also, I will look at their pricing information,
including how they phrase it. If they use words like discounts, sale, affordable, or
Third step is to itemize their marketing strategy because, though I and my
competitors will conduct our firms independently, marketing is one of the areas
where we will compete. Most small businesses may lack the finances or chances to
implement detailed and extensive marketing campaigns, but my marketing is simply
the message that my customers perceive. The more familiar they are with my
message and find it appealing, the more likely they are to choose you.
Next, determine what distinguishes each competitor. This is their
"competitive advantage," the part of their business that may allow them to
outperform you and the other companies on the list. What do they provide that the
other companies on the list do not? Why would buyers choose them over you or
your competitors?
The last step is to find their strengths and weaknesses. This section
serves as a summary and analysis of all of your previous research. You will
examine all areas of your competitors' operations to decide if they are strengths or
flaws. Under "Strengths" on the worksheet, list their benefits and strengths. Make a
note of how well-equipped you are to deal with these strengths. Can you outperform
them, or would it be better to outperform them elsewhere?

The same can be said for their flaws. Do their flaws give you with an
opportunity? Will they be able to readily overcome these flaws? If this is the case,
how will it affect your company if a competitor changes their shortcomings into
VII. Pre-webinar SWOT analysis
The SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for understanding and
decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organisations.
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.
Information about the origins and inventors of SWOT analysis is below. The SWOT
analysis headings provide a good framework for reviewing strategy, position and
direction of a company or business proposition, or any other idea.
In my business I had a strong strength and that is my flower can be kept
and easily advertised, which was a strong point in my business. I have never
encountered a design where the following rule does not apply: if you stitch it with
natural silk and then duplicate the job in any kind of artificial ribbon, you will obtain
two completely distinct embroideries, with the first one (done in natural silk ribbon)
being far superior.
However, there is only one significant disadvantage: the price of natural
silk ribbon. Yes, it is significantly more expensive than any synthetic ribbon. Still,
I've discovered an oddity: frame and mounting a finished piece of embroidery is
always more expensive than the cost of the materials used. It is also easily
replicable by those who want to start this type of business.
In oppurtunities i've always had a lot of opportunities in this business, for
example, there's a graduation coming up that I can export to the school with my
hand-made satin ribbon flower, and I can also ship in valentines and have a reseller
to help me increase sales and bring my business more attention outside of my
In addition, I sense one threat in my business. It is made easily and may
be readily copied by anyone who wants to start this business. And the threat that
my small business may be taken over by anyone.

Julianne Dimple E. Santos

Pia Nanez

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